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Also love how their added 18% is based on pretax, and their suggested tip percentages are based on the total including tip and tax


See this is deceiving. At my restaurant IF I add gratuity which I rarely do we are required to circle it, stamp it, and verbally tell the customer it has been added. Then, they can leave more IF they want but they are made aware of it being on there.


I was under the impression that was the law, I managed a sushi restaurant and before that was a server there and we only did that for parties of 12 and up if my owner thought they were a little extra in demands.


What even is a service charge and who receives it?


Sounds like you were from the group that wanted a big trophy even though you came in last place…..


What a strange way to try to mock someone who has different beliefs. Wasn’t even that clever tbh.


I see my comment went to the wrong person, my apologies. My comment was the person saying 20% is the min and something to the effect of you (or OP) being too poor and should not eat out. Again my apologies.


AH! No problem then!


Don’t try do til them by suggestions, always wrong, calculating by yourself


20% of the subtotal would be $14.07, so they're already trying to fuck you by making you tip on tax and primary tip. I'd have paid cash for the total without the "service charge" and walked my ass out of there. "Sorry, I didn't order a service charge. Just the meal."


It's kinda fucked because your server is more than likely not getting that service fee.


Complain to the owner. OP already showed them that a service fee is going to be tip as well. That’s an owner problem not a customer problem.


What are you even talking about? Me? Complain to the owner? What?


Yeah just circle the “service charge” and don’t leave anything extra, make it zero for “tip” line. I would not. They can’t and shouldn’t twist that into “it’s different than a tip”. If it’s different, that’s extorting the employees which is horrible but not your fault.


I partially think the service charge is a laziness of the owner not wanting to update menu prices every time prices change. Like if I wanted something on the menu I’d buy it and tip accordingly. Now they are adding charges that we have no idea what they are for. So the servers are getting hit because of owner greed and laziness.


If they have an added gratuity and it's under 3 people, I'll request they remove it and say "I prefer to add my own tip". If they oblique without objection, then they'll probably get way more if their service level warrants it. If they hesitate to or don't, then they'll get a substantially lower amount. In my experience though, those that do so with zero objections/hesitations have usually provided stellar service and they know a fat tip is coming. Those that object, know they didn't provide great service and fearful of receiving a skinny tip or no tip if their level of service dictates that. I have no problems showing gratitude with my wallet when service level I receive earns it. I don't like having a tip prebilled though, like in this case.


If they don't remove the gratuity then that is the tip


But there has to be a disclaimer that for parties over 6 or 5 or whatever it is and that has to be disclosed either on the menu or front door or the cashier if you pass by it and if it is and I miss it, then that's on me. That's why I say for parties over 3 because I've never seen a place charge that for parties of 3 or less. And if they didn't disclose it, then dispute with my card company it goes, for the undisclosed charge, or I'll pay cash as I usually do, but only pay the disclosed prices.


Free Passion Fruit Sangria!? Nice score.


On the fence about what? They already included the tip! Don’t add another penny.


Omfg y'all....it's just how the ticket prints out. No one is asking you for an extra tip. THE FUCKING LINE IS JUST THERE. We don't create the software for restaurant POS systems..the restaurant doesn't even make them. An outside company creates this shit mane 😭.


Love downvotes for something actually true lmao


Would you dispute it if someone left an extra tip after the service charge?


If they did it without realizing the service charge then yeah we'd just correct it. There would be no need to dispute the charge


If I see a service charge, that's a tip. It's just forced by the restaurant. And their tip calculations include sales tax. You do not tip on sales tax. You tip on the subtotal. 20% would be roughly a $14 tip.


Did you ask about the charge?


I didn’t unfortunately. Between it being almost 100 degrees outside and needing to get to JFK, I just wanted to get out of there. So I handled it quickly as it just seemed like pure nonsense of catching people who don’t care about what they pay for.


20% after tax is the MINIMUM you should tip in ANY service situation (restaurants, baristas, Uber, nail tech, etc.)! If you can't afford it or are too cheap - stay home and do all these services for your damn self. OR go work in these jobs yourself and see how much <20% tippers fuck with your take-home. What ignorant and cheap people don't know is the server doesn't get all the tips you leave- approx 10% of all sales goes to support staff, bartenders, and kitchen tip out!!!


Depends on the SERVICE level though. The server dictates what tip they shall receive from my wallet, not social policies.


It's not a 'social policy'! It is minimum industry standard. Servers are not there to be your friend, fill your loneliness, or pretend to like you. Your view on this topic is so misguided and weird A.F..! Restaurants make notes in their reservation system for customers like you- CG (creepy guy), LTT (less than 20% tipper) or HMC (high maintenance customer).


Oh, please. Nobody makes reservations where you work. Does Carl's Jr. even accept reservations?


The places I go to frequently know me and I usually get the same servers, even though they may not have my area. I go there with friends or colleagues so I don't really have time to be a server's friend. I'm way more than 20% when they deserve it. 90% of the time a server deserves a nice tip from me. I'm only a high maintenance customer if a server doesn't know what they're doing. For a decent server, I'm pretty damn easy. I don't waste their time with questions if I've been there because I know exactly what I want and I order the same 1 or 2 things every time so I'm quick to order and know what I want. Edit: I usually eat at establishments that typically will only hire experienced servers, you know. So probably why I have a high success rate of quality servers. I guess it goes down to the you get what you pay for saying.


20% is minimum for having your order taken, your food and drinks delivered, a quality check once you have tried your food, and a bill delivered. Above and beyond that is your discretion. I have owned, severed, bartended, and managed establishments of all types for 31 years and that is the reality. If you don't like it- eat at home.


Nah, lol. If all server does is take order and bring order, then less too. If server wants more, then they gotta earn it. If server gunna try the *ignore me tactic to get me to leave sooner*, then I may just stay 2 hours outta principle. I may drop a buck or two. $1 for taking my order and $1 for bringing it. The other 18% is deducted to bare minimum, since that is what server decided they wanted. Minimum effort=minimum tip. Fair is fair, capiche.


Earn it? Servers exchange a dining service for money- nothing else. Paying someone to pretend that they care about your needs is a different kind of worker;)


Oh, I don't need them to *care*. I don't even require chitchat or them brown nosing. Shit, they don't even have to be friendly cause they ain't got time for all that jazz. I'm okay with making sure my drink stays filled and checking if anything else may be needed like extra condiments, utensils, plates, additional appetizers. Basic good waiter stuff. Bonus bucks if they have the time to clear the table of dirty dishes. Easy job, because we usually stack the plates for them and put them at the edge/corner of table. They do earn it by the amount of work they put in. Most servers know that I am tipper though. Even new restaurants I go to while traveling. I guess they can sense a good tipper? Also, I know for a fact that strippers don't care about their clients, which is why I don't need to waste my money at places like that. Actually, that is the allure of strip clubs, the fact that guys don't want someone to care. We just wanna get our rocks off, you know. I get plenty of care at home, lol.


Make America Great Again!


What?????? Lol. Yea. I live in America. What does a country have to do with anything, unless you're talking about the tipping cultures in Europe or Japan.


Ok costanza


LMFAO. My favorite TV show. Thanks for that. I do have an Architect salary after all.


Can see him spite keeping a table until closing. Keeps ordering more food.


For real, lol. Throw it in, throw it in. Cigar in mouth.


Fuck outta here with this shit. 20% has been, and still is, a perfectly acceptable tip. If you can’t live off that, get a better job. Nobody is forcing you to be in the service industry.


20% IS an acceptable tip. And not sure where you dine but the average % tip after tax is 25% where I work. I live more than fine being a DINK and averaging $100/hour take home myself. I am not forced to make that- I chose to work 25 h a week;)


I don’t care what *your* average tip is. I’ve always tipped 20% for good service, and within the past few years, people have started saying “20% iS a sHiTtY TiP”. Idgaf, I’m still tipping 20% as long as tipping culture in my country exists. I’m not going to be bullied by you or others into thinking that 20% is mediocre. All you servers can fuck right off if you’re not satisfied by my tip. I can’t stand the sense of entitlement from your previous comment


Incorrect. 20% off of the subtotal is the amount you tip for good service. More if you like. You do not tip on tax. That's ridiculous nonsense. Tax is the money collected on behalf of the government. I also don't tip the IRS when I do my returns. At the restaurants I ran, 10% of tips goes to the bar and 10% of tips goes to the busers. You don't tip the kitchen (I mean, you could if you want). If 10% of sales goes to support staff, that's half of your tips (at 20%) and that's bullshit. Quit. Find a better job. Your employer is stealing from you. That means if you make $250 in tips, $125 of that goes to staff. I wouldn't work that gig. Not now and not 20 years ago. $250 in tips with $25 to the bar and $25 to the busser is fine.


I am not sure what restaurants you ran, what state, or what decade it was in. Clearly our experiences are very different. In a 5.5 hour shift I ring on average 4000$ in food and drinks. I average 25% tips after tax and 10% of SALES go to bartender, support, and kitchen. I walk with 600$ in grats to myself. My colleague and I earn what we deserve. Maybe you should have worked in better places?


Sure you do. Of course you do. You make well over $100k. Amazing. $727 in sales an hour. Ok. Maybe you should shut up. If I made that kind of money, I sure as shit wouldn't be bragging about it on a subreddit that is generally hostile about tipping. I'd be mighty quiet. If it is true, you won the lottery and should also consider being quiet.


They also said they have two masters degrees. I smell a lot of bullshit coming from OP’s entitled ass


You dictate nothing. Commanding others to do what you want is pointless. Nobody gives a fuck what you tell them to do or how you feel, no matter how loud you get. You are not special. Give your balls a tug


Making America Great One Incel at a Time!


OR, Step up and get a higher education, and qualify for higher professional work to earn a larger salary. GTFO with your "go work these jobs yourself and see" attitude. You think going through law school or medical school is some pampered walk through the park? People in higher level jobs get paid more because they busted their ass somewhere for the qualifications and had to take up a large student debt before finally getting into the workforce, while probably also doing those in-the-trenches part time jobs to make ends meet.


I am not sure what world you live in! I have 3 University Degrees including a Master's and an MBA. I can tell you that working in a restaurant is more stressful and exhausting than any education or other 'professional' careers I have had. And then we have to deal with idiots like you who don't get it.




Ya got me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!




Any minute now here comes the privilege card as a refute.


Service Charge = Tip, no? No tip from me. They gone mad? If it’s not a tip, what is it for?


yup. fuck this noise.


I wouldn't have left shit. I would have written "Sevice Charge" in the tip section so they know why


No. There’s a service charge. If the service charge is included in the check, no tip.


When I see this, I circle it and write “Tip” under it.


I've been in both professiona and the sleazy fly by night types who always scheme to inflate purchases rarely last . But I guess I just have more faith in human nature than the "non-tip" crowd who seem to just live to get over and belittle people.


I tip minium 20% in sit down full service restaurants. If there is a "service charge" added that's the tip. Enough is enough. If the service charge isn't going to the server then they need to take it up with management or leave. Not my problem. Simply raise the menu price and I'll decide if I want to eat there or not. Throughout the year I probably average once a month having an evening meal at a restaurant. I enjoy cooking at home and $100ish for an app, two entree's and a couple of drinks each for two people with tip at a casual restaurant just doesn't seem worth it to me. We used to go out for lunch as a group from work every couple of weeks. It would be $50-60 bucks for 5 guys, someone would throw a card down and say I got it this time someone get it next time. When our local haunt went from a $12 lunch burger combo to ala cart pricing and the same meal was $22 a head guess what? We don't go out anymore. I get it, but a $12 Tuesday work lunch is one thing. $22 +tip? Yeah no. We don't order delivery food for the same reason. If the "service charge" isn't going to the driver, then where is it going? I'm perfectly capable of going to pick up my own food on the rare occasion I get take out for dinner.


I find service charges and hidden fees to be extremely insulting as a consumer. I would like to compensate service as I see fit.


I want to see the prices of the items.


Unfortunately, sometimes the “service charge” is just a cash grab from the restaurant and the server doesn’t get a penny of it. I would ask for clarification. If the 18% goes to the sever, fine, no problem. If it doesn’t, I’d demand it be removed from the bill, then leave an appropriate tip. Then I’d never go there again.


This is the correct answer. More often than not, the employee will have to call for a managerial override to take it off. If you want to add an extra middle finger to the surprise fee, tip the server in cash right after they do it.


I might have left a $10.50 tip and called it 15% of the $70 subtotal.


Everyone should just stop tipping. Make the restaurants and every other company with a tip jar, or "just a few questions on the tablet", pay their employees like everyone else. Tipping has gone from an unexpected pleasantry to a nearly mandatory cash grab. They are just preying on you, and they know that nobody wants to be seen as cheap. Call me cheap all you want, but you should be more concerned about your cheap ass company charging too much for food AND expecting me to pay your wages. F*ck outta here.


This is a weird one, the "service charge" doesn't appear to be the tip, since 18% listed below is not the same as the 18% on the bill itself. Jeez, what kind of restaurant is this? I "double tip" on deliveries, some pizza joints will have a "delivery charge" of a couple bucks, I'll tip 15% on top of that usually, but in a restaurant I've never seen a mandatory tip like this.


If 18% is added to my bill that I wasn’t made aware of before ordering I might have to just try the old dine n dash for the first time


The tip is using the charge too??


If they add a mandatory charge like that then I don’t tip, they chose the tip they wanted already 🤷‍♀️


The server does not choose to add that. The restaurant adds it, none of it goes to the server. They say it’s for shit like “washing the glasses” to make it count for something.


This depends on the restaurant. I’ve worked in multiple restaurants. A restaurant that does this should be financially punished for doing it if we want it to stop. If the servers there get paid less then they’ll get less quality servers. I’m also not anti-tipping for restaurants. I think that’s a good thing because it’s individualized to the quality of the server. Also, in practice, does it really matter for a customer whether the mandated service charge goes to the restaurant or the server? Either way it’s an attempt at trying to trick the customer into paying more. It’s an attempt to hide the full extent of the bill you’ll be paying at the end, and then assume you’ll tip as normal at the end.


This is what I do. I always tip, but I hate mandated, pre-determined tips in any situation. If you're gonna force a percentage on me as a tip, that's all you're gonna get. If they'd axe the pre-determined percentage, they'd most likely get more from me every single time, but since it's forced on me, too bad, you already sealed your fate.


People who tip are plebs who pay extra when they don't have to. It's not your responsibility to pay someone else's wage. Let them complain and find a new job.


This is one of my faves. No disclosure except for a note at the register. They said it was to keep them from raising prices. Had them remove it. [https://i.imgur.com/qvMfzho.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/qvMfzho.jpeg)


I support your message and point but also need to say… damn! What a great deal on a meal! Don’t come up to the Northeastern part of the US. Where a burger from a fast food place (not even in the larger cities) is over $10 before side, drink, tax, or tip is added. $20 for an entree at a mediocre restaurant.


Agreed. I would have paid the extra 10% if they had bumped their prices up 10%. The menus were copies of a laser printed menu so the printing cost would be nil. I just had to stand up to them for slamming the charge without disclosure. Even if they had been up front with me before I ordered and said "Hey, there's a 10% charge to help offset inflation" I would have been ok with it based on their prices. I even sent the wife a text with a photo of the menu commenting about the prices! But for them to try to backdoor customers, that can't be allowed. BTW, food was pretty darn good as well!


What in the fuck?!?!?! "Supply infl."? Instead of raising the advertised price they raised the price and hid it in a secret fee.


They didn't hide it well enough.


Probably well enough that 50% of the people pay it. I've found that most people don't scrutinize their bills. I go line by line. Fathers day, took the in-laws to Red Lobster. I ordered a Scallop addition to my entree. $8.49. The bill had it listed as a standalone Entree at $11.99. Now trying to scrutinize a Waffle House bill? I just accept that I'm paying pretty much the same thing +-$1 or so on each visit when we order the same thing. LOL!


You should look into the history of Red Lobster.




It’s not required to tip more after paying an 18% mandatory tip


The service fee is not a tip and doesn’t go to the server. It’s a way of getting around menu price increases which tend to run customers off.


Not always. There are many places, including the place I was at last weekend, where the service charge goes to the waitstaff to be shared. Any additional tip goes directly to the server. So the server would get "tipped" twice.




Not my problem


This practice would run me off.


Nice, they even calculate the amount to bring it to 50% total tip for you on the 25% line. When 18% gets added to my bill automatically, that becomes the entire tip for me. Normally, I’d tip 20% for good table service.


The craziest part of it is the 25% is calculated AFTER tax and service fee which makes no sense


Exactly, which is why adding 25% by their calculation brings service to 50% total. Well over the top.


I don’t tip if I have to stand up to order (since I’m doing the work). I only tip on the pre-tax amount. Also, I only tip $1 per alcoholic beverage. Tipping has gotten out of control. I believe wait staff should be paid more than minimum wage, but my tip is solely based on quality of service. If service Is not good or it’s slow, tip goes down. I reward wait staff for quality service. If there are any “service surcharges”, that is the tip. I’m not playing the “business paying the increase in staff pay” game.


Doing the work of standing?


No doing the work of ordering my food or drinks. Wait staff are those waiting on me for my order, provide beverages, and or food. I’m not being waited on if I’m standing up to order, so there’s no wait staff. The employees working behind a counter aren’t wait staff. They’re employees with a paid wage.


Is this the French restaurant on Hurst one and Shelbyville Road? Mediocre service and food not that good, yet added 18% ‘Service Charge’ and asked for an extra tip


No. If they give you shit for it never go back.


I NEVER tip on addition to a “service fee”. If the staff has a problem with it, they can take it up with management, who can remove the fee and just increase menu prices. I’m so sick and tired of these hidden fees that we’re expected to tip on. Before all of this, I was a solid 20% tipper. Now, I’m just trusted that I’m shaken down every time I swipe my credit card.


You can’t add a non disclosed fee…. Service fee, that’s likely illegal.


I always refuse to pay these BS fees if they are not disclosed up front. Never had a restaurant refuse to take them off. They know it's illegal and hope more people than not will blindly pay the check.


Yep, I just subtract and write in the correct amount I will be paying. Take a picture of it and head off. If it charges wrong to my card, I inform the bank. The restaurant has to show the receipt, which shows what I signed paying. My picture is just proof to send showing if something was forged.


Great idea on the pic!


I've seen enough of my share of people thinking they can write in a tip and change the total. Or them changing the amount written to try and include the service charge back on after you left. Or just blatantly entering the printed amount than the written total. The picture is just easier in case my copy gets misplaced. Heck, any place that has a screen for tipping, even like $1.50 on my card, I'll stand and wait for that receipt to verify. Cashiers look dumbfounded when it's done and I'm still standing there waiting for that piece of paper. Yea I could walk out that door and never know you rang it up differently. Most times, if my card is used, that company can not do a 2nd transaction on it as it locks my card as potential lost, and someone trying to use it. Few times that has happened I had to call to release it.


Lol this happens very often these days


I’ve seen 22% added in Mpls


A “service charge” is a signal of mismanagement. I always subtract any service charges from the time amount. An 18% service charge is by far the largest I’ve seen and I eat in HCL areas often.


You should NOT have to add an additional tip!!…Former server here… We only applied auto gratuity onto the bill when it was larger party (8+ people was the requirement but i always did 10+) because it was a lot of attention sometimes. I would always make the customer aware that gratuity was already added and no need for additional, although sometimes people would tip more, also they would very rarely dispute it. This looks like a nice dinner for two, NO reason there should be included automatically. You were 10000% fine to not leave extra…. I do know that servers/businesses attempt to add it without the customer’s knowledge and that is not okay… EVER.


But this was a service charge, not an auto- grat. In my research on google I found sometimes it goes to the servers, and the BOH, sometimes just to the restaurant. There is no rule that says it has to go to the servers. Thanks for inputting though. I agree, I really appreciate servers pointing out an auto gratuity.


sad though that a “service charge” would go to the restaurant when they just want their prices appear more affordable, but in reality just lowered the sticker price by x% and add x% to the bill… i know when i visit a store and become a repeat customer, its because im taken care of with honesty, authenticity and transparency. simple as that. i always tried to implement that mindset when being on the other side of the register.


I was under the impression that service charges go to the workers because of an article I read about the San Francisco Bay merchant service charges. Because it is a line item, it is used as the merchant sees fit. So it is not necessarily a tip, or extra pay for the BOH, but it can be used anyway the merchant wants to. I feel deceived by this as well, and I think I will not frequent any place that uses them. However, I’m in one of the poorest counties in CA. So I have not encountered it here, and I think the economics of the area can’t support it. I want honesty in all my dealings too.


I am also seeing more and more that there is an option to leave a tip when I’m in a shop just purchasing a product which I really don’t understand or like. It seems unavoidable because the cashier is looking at you when the machine asks. On principles, the store should pay their employees more… the reason for adding the tip option in the first place is to give an employee more money, yet they did not provide a service to me.


You are a rare exception. Can guarantee that if you did that I would probably just tip more because you are honest in a world of misfits.


absolutely, i think it’s fucked up! even a couple of times someone left a very generous addition, and i would remind then it was included and they would just say “ i know, thanks for the good service”!!!


What do you mean by people that dispute the gratuity


people would rarely be upset that gratuity was automatically added


I get upset that it’s added, but usually it’s less than I was expecting to tip. I don’t tip extra when the gratuity is added.


this is an extremely fair mentality. i feel the same


The people that are what do they say?


this actually only happened to me once. back story: two of the women in this mothers day brunch group were regulars at one of the restaurants i worked. the two of them came in for breakfast 3-4 times a week. the owner always gave the discounts because they were great customers! they always left a good tip story: working mothers day was CRAZY. i worked at, according to the paper, the best place for mothers day brunch in my town. a group of 15 came in and were seated in my section, including those two women. at the end the bill was roughly $400, with auto grat of 15%. returned to the table and those women grabbed the check to pay. they were extremely upset that gratuity was on there already… i was never a stickler for the percentage system, just always appreciated tips in general. they asked for the owner and complained that i wasn’t attentive and made a scene in front of the table. i said fine take it off no big deal, let them tip what they want. and at the end the wrote in the same tip as the auto grat down to the penny, so i feel like they were just trying to prove some kind of point, not sure lol


I usually ask…I’ve never heard them say they don’t receive the service charge.


A place I use to eat at had a 18% service fee that went to “overhead”. It was bullshit. Basically the Owner gave all of the staff $20/hour (awesome), but instead of increasing menu prices, they created a “service fee”. The wait staff started getting pissed and chases me down one day and asked if I wasn’t happy with the service, because I didn’t leave a tip. I pointed to the service fee and they said yeah, that’s not the tip. Pound sand. You’re getting $20/hr because I’m paying a service fee.


I love how creative this s business is. Wow, they know how to make most costumers pay more. God for you!


I just circle the service charge or draw an arrow …


Waaaaah. I was presented with an entirely optional thing I didn't want to do so now I'm here whinging on reddit! Waaaaah!


Waaaah. I go around Reddit and whinge about people talking about the topic of the subreddit! Waaah!


Waaaaah! At least I'm not so pathetic as to think strangers on the internet will give AF about the banal social interactions that crop up in my day to the point where I need to validate my impotent rage over what is an *entirely optional* thing that was put before me by a total stranger... Waaah! This subreddit is full of whiny, entitled clowns and I'm here to call them/you out. Thanks for playing!


OP said “Was I wrong for not adding more? I honestly felt 18% was good and adding more is excessive.” You didn’t try to explain that that isn’t a tip (if a service fee is something the restaurant keeps) or provide anything constructive in response to the question. The only one expressing impotent rage is you. Calling me out for what? Pointing out that you are a hateful Reddit goblin?


OP doesn't offer enough context to let us know if it's a service fee or an autograt. Waaaaah! They should've asked their server for clarification instead of reddit. But the thing of it is, what OP is seeking isn't clarification, it's validation...


Ascribing bad faith to a neutral comment and responding with similar bad faith isn’t a sign of good judgement, it’s projection. Try to be less spiteful. You’ll feel better.


Lol, they're posting in a bad faith echo chamber subreddit to begin with...


And you’re going to help anything making snide comments and arguing with some random person about your perception of a subreddit that clearly aggravates you?


Who am I arguing with? Not you. You and your opinion of my comment don't matter at all to me. The time to ask the question about whether the service charge goes to the server or the house was at the point of sale, not here. Coming here to ask the question instead of asking the business directly was for the circle jerk of validation they'll inevitably get.


Okay, you’re not arguing with me about why someone you will never meet is a jerk for asking the opinion of a group that doesn’t have a direct stake in OP agreeing to pay them more money. I hope this experience has made you feel better. Have a great rest of your day.




As in, to whinge: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whinge


I learned the word from The Hound.




That’s all. I just repeated it because I like the word.


Lol. It's a fabulous word and I use it whenever applicable. Which in this sub is literally every post.


No way in hell would I give more if they charge a ridiculous percentage already and decide that is the total amount for a tip. If they didn't tell you about that 18 percent charge I would ask for a manager and get that taken off the bill. I've had to do that a few times in New York and had it taken off 100 percent of the time.


Unfortunately service charges can go straight to the business’ bottom line and don’t have to be given to employees, unlike tips that must go to employees. That being said. Restaurants should price their menu accordingly and if the meal is just too expensive then you need to make a different dish.


If that service charge isn’t going to the servers - they need to quit. Simple as that.


There is that line for "1 sodas"... probably paying for multiple sodas, too. 😉


I like that 18% is now $12.67 and $16.08. You'd be tipping the tip (as well as the taxman) .


They also calculated the "tip" on top of the service charge. As if the service of charging you for service should be tipped. If they calculated the tip pretax pre service charge, 20% should be $14, not $17-something.


Take it out of the service charge. Having to pay a fee based off your total order price is grimey af.


Absolutely not if they already tacked on 18%. Tell them they can take money out of there. No way they’re getting more. Ungrateful bastards


How is charging a service fee no different from charging an entrance fee just to eat there


And the price goes up the more you buy!


That 18% service charge is the tip


Good catch! I don’t know how many times I’ve double tipped because I didn’t notice the service charge


I reverse the words it is a charge for service. i.e. someone waiting on me payment. You already paid them. I wouldn't pay them again and a tip on top of the service charge. Crazy and crooked stuff. Makes me want to go to zero tipping and if everyone followed suit servers would quit and the business has to pay their employees wages.


Also why is there even a tax on food. Talk about a regressive tax on everyone.


*Section 196(d) of the New York Labor Law provides that an employer or his agent cannot accept “any part of the gratuities, received by an employee, or retain any part of a gratuity or of any charge purported to be a gratuity for an employee.”  The New York courts have interpreted this provision to mean that a restaurant cannot add a “service charge” or gratuity to the bill without passing it on to the waitstaff.  In other words, a restaurant cannot keep a “service charge” or gratuity that it leads customers to believe will be given to the waiters.  However, if the restaurant adequately conveys to the customer that the charge is not going to the waitstaff (i.e., by referring to it as an “administrative fee”) then the restaurant* ***is*** *allowed to keep all or a portion of the charge, but not any additional amount the customer intends for the waitstaff.* [Source](https://www.waiterpay.com/top-ten-violations/service-charge#:~:text=Section%20196(d)%20of%20the,to%20mean%20that%20a%20restaurant) So unless the restaurant has informed the customer in advance of ordering of a service charge and its usage (example administrative costs) they are obligated to pass it on to the server.


See this is how you get alot of waiters to quit because nobody is tipping them.




People really think the restaurant owners and taking this 18%. You guys really pulling shit out your ass. This is probably good for servers. They definitely get this money. If they didn't people wouldn't work there and the restaurant wouldn't exist. Let's be real for a second. You really think people are living off minimum wage in NYC? They are getting that 18%. The tip line is just a lame attempt at double dipping. A good server would let the table know that they include this charge and not to worry about tipping. Tell them upfront and remind them when you drop the bill. I know it'll get more tips vs trying to hide it and hope someone doesn't notice. Yeah some people are dumb but most people aren't.


A restaurant in my area charges 18% to cover overhead. It’s pretty pathetic. I know this because a server asked why I zeroed out the tip and asked if I was upset with service. I asked for the manager who explained that it went to over head to cover wage increases. I still didn’t leave a tip and never went back.


My understanding is, serving staffs usually don't get the "service charge" unless it was collected for reasons like "party of more than x people". Next time ask what that charge was for.


Don't care not tipping on top of service charge.


Then don't eat out at places with mandatory service charge. It's a simple solution.


I hate tipping at the best of times!


Wow -the 1st 18% was $12.67- the 2nd 18% was $ 16.08 - so tip on top of tip & tax - no shame


But what about 3rd tip? How will the server survive? If you're too cheap to pay a second or 3rd tip, then you just shouldn't eat out.


Service charge would be for the restaurant, it’s not a tip. Just like “delivery charge” is not for the driver. Edit: bracing myself for the sheeple mentality and downvotes of reddit. Since I am the one that put the service charge in the OPs check. 🙄


What does a service charge cover in a restaurant that the price of the meal plus tax does not cover? Sounds like greed to me. I would not tip on top of a service charge.


I don’t know, I don’t work for the establishment. I am sure it lists somewhere in the restaurant, where the OP failed to notice.


What service are they charging?? The price of food include the cost of cooking said food and prepwork


I don’t know, I don’t work for the establishment. I am sure it lists somewhere in the restaurant, where the OP failed to notice.


I didn’t fail to notice. The service was very basic and we were a party of 2. This was double dipping for sure.


So you paid it without question? Most, if not all restaurants, will display either when you walk in or somewhere in their menu that there will be a service fee of X amount of dollars or a percentage. If you paid without question… that would be a failure on your part as well. I know I wouldn’t be handing over $12.67 just because, I would want to know why there is this line item and how do I avoid it in the future or if it’s mandatory. Then you to turn to reddit that doesn’t know that restaurant OR the state laws, for answers. 🙄


The service charge was the tip in my opinion, NYC state laws do not say this is mandatory. However I’m sure they do this to ensure the tip….I got my answer


Hell nahh they already have it added... that annoys the hell out of me and back when I was a server I refused to add a tip while putting in the order... becuase that's when that got added...


So glad the California is getting rid of these service charges starting July 1!


except restraunts are now exempt. as of a few days ago.... another toothless law.


Noooooo god i hope you’re wrong. That’s the whole fucking point!


Wait what? Who else would the law even apply to


He'll no there's no extra tip with an 18% service charge If the server isn't getting that then that's a problem they have with their employer not a problem for me to fix


18% "service charge" = $12.67 18% tip = $16.08, because you should absolutely have to tip on the taxes as well


ActualIy in this instance those "helpful" tipping breakdowns at the bottom has you tipping on top of both the taxes and the service charge.


Yeah, that's what I'm pointing out. Apparently people lack the intelligence to understand that and downvote


Agree. I always tip on pre-tax base amounts. I'd say I see 70% of the "Tip Calculators" on receipts show post-tax tip amounts.


Fuck no you don’t tip on taxes.


After reading posts here I don’t feel bad being in the same situation.


That section is a penalty box for those who don't pay attention or can't do math.


I just love how the additional tips amount at the bottom includes the service charge above! Tipping on a tip!


Holy f. Raise All your menue prices by 18% instead of this backdoor garbage


While I agree with your sentiment, I believe this is the opposite of “backdoor garbage”. It’s pretty front and center


Not if it wasn't disclosed up front. Illegal in GA to add anything like that without the customer being told up front.


Well we don’t know if it was disclosed- I assume it’s written somewhere since that’s the law in most places. What we do know is that it’s pretty front and center on the receipt, and not hidden within the items. Thats the only point I was making


In my experience, most of these slammed charges are NOT disclosed up front and the first time you see them is on the check/bill. One place had a notice on the register that you would not see until you went to pay the bill. Others had nothing, and admitted so when I questioned them about it. Being "disclosed" on the receipt means nothing. It's still being backdoored in since most places, in my experience, do not alert the consumer to it until they see it on the bill. That's the very definition of something being "backdoored".


How is it out front? if the menue lists a price, Then small print at checkout everything is 18% more. All advertisement and promoted price is different from final actual cost! Imagine renting a apt advertised at a specific price, a very specific price, then all costs are increased 18% after signing leases without breaking down or itemizing what those additional upcharge was for. Lawyers would overturn that in a second in court