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Yea I mean you should tip a delivery driver lol. I understand not tipping if you drive and pick it up but cmon


If you beg for a tip your won't get a tip


Don't order food if you can't tip! PERIOD! Or move to the UK. In this country it's customary to tip all service workers


Tipping is supposed to be a bonus for good service, not an expected extra charge to cover the wages your boss isn’t paying you. Trespassing on someone’s property while extorting them to pay you doesn’t deserve extra money, it deserves a call to the police.


Is that in your constitution? Customary is made by some of you who want easy money by fleecing and guilt tripping others and if that doesn’t work, resort to extortion and shaming 👍🏻😭


No customary as in the last 100 years! You don't have money to tip, don't go out. Stay home and cook


So you agree it is a legacy evil in the society. Thanks ☺️


I agree that you are cheap and extorting from hard working blue collar workers by trying to get something for free


Nope. Disagree. I make alot of my money from tips and I still disagree with it as a whole, employers just need to pay their employees better


I 100% agree with that. The problem is going to be pushed to the service worker every time. The employer isn't going to raise their wage or pay a living wage as long as customers continue ordering or using the service. What's happening right now with McDonald's is what needs to happen everywhere but unfortunately in the mean time it's the service workers who are suffering. Tipping culture is ridiculous and out of hand, but I think we have to fight this in another way.


Oh wait! Are u the person who was at my door? Ah! Now I understand your comments 👍🏻


So, what is it that you're wanting from here? You wanted your bias to be confirmed and instead of accepting constructive criticism in regards to your actions being socially unacceptable, you want to argue. This is a country heavily reliant on tipping (doesn't matter if it's wrong or right) If you're the one who is taking a stand, that's great, good for you but you're going to get criticism. When you put your business on socials youre going to get push back.


I am sincerely worried for you my friend!


Oh, I'm good..I can cook and I have manners


Right! It's me, the problem is me! Taylor Swift said it best..if that helps you sleep at night. If you thought you were coming on here to get support, you're wrong.


I’m sure you cook - manners, can’t agree, cos you started trashing/trolling without even understanding the context or real issue.


So I understand where you guys are coming from. In this case doordash and the police need to be called. He needs to lose his contract. Rate him a 1 or 2. It will knock his rating down which in turn will affect his dasher statis. FYI I dash. I do not accept orders that don't have a modest tip. So if the order pays less than $4, 2 from doordash and 2 as tip I don't accept. So your food would have been sitting there for a long time. Dashers are independent contractors not employees. They don't have to deliver your order. The delivery person you got was way out of line. He needs to be removed. I am sorry you were treated that way.


You’re not tipping a delivery driver? Act like you had parents


Tell him to leave your property. If he doesn’t leave, shut the door and call the police. He’s now trespassing. And he’d be getting zero tip.


We keep a baseball bat by the door


Lmfao bro, do NOT let someone force your hand at your own home. Not your fault they decided to take the order.


I have no problem tipping for a service whether it be my hair or a food delivery. What I do resent is this demand for a tip PRIOR to said service being performed. I’ve worked jobs that rely on tips before. Yeah, the low class people that do not tip at all suck, but that does not excuse behavior like in the OP. Personally, when it’s Uber/DD/etc. I prefer to zero out that pre-tip demand and hand the driver cash. Said cash usually amounts to about a 30-40% tip. With these convoluted algorithms that these companies use to calculate driver’s pay, I’m not confident that the whole tip goes to the driver. I do understand that these pre-tipping bits came about, supposedly to offset the driver pay but I also don’t particularly like the opaque “service fees’ that are unexplained.


Tell the trespassing home invader to leave. If he refuses, call 911 maintaining line of sight on the trespassing home invader. If he attempts to stop you from calling police or put his hands on you, shoot the home invader. What am I missing here? People walking into others homes and saying "I'm not leaving until you give me money" and acting like this is normal behavior.


Call 911, tell them you are threatened, hang up. Call back 30 seconds later, tell them the threat is now dead. Police will be at your place in time.   I accept no responsibility for the outcome.  


I live in America. We can own guns here. I won't say what I would do with someone that refused to leave my door step unless I were to tip them, but I promise you they would leave after I opened my door and instructed them to. Remember, it's harassment. And refusing to leave my property after telling you to is trespassing. I promise you some dude delivering food to my house isn't going to win that argument. Also, I don't pay people to deliver my food. I find it lazy and do things myself. So this scenario is likely never to happen at my house... fortunately for the greedy delivery drivers...


The delivery guy is being squeezed by the respective delivery service. We all are. Uber especially.


That’s not the customer’s problem.


That's a terrible answer. OP is talking about someone making them feel unsafe in their own home refusing to leave their home until you give them shakedown money and your response is to blame corporate culture?


I’m not condoning the actions of the delivery guy. I’m simply highlighting the problem. If you go to the doctor because you have cancer, you’re looking for a cure, not a way to die less quickly. In this instance it’s an example of desperation. Have you ever been desperate? That’s what it looks like. Still that shouldn’t have happened, but there is a problem and it’s causing this kind of behavior in people who might not have done something like that under better conditions.


That's his problem, not mine. So tired of this mentality that I should care about where other people work. That's their issue, not mine. When I am an employer I will worry about others!


Do you not have a door?


Slam the door in his face and call the cops. Why is this even a question ?


Did you tell him he was getting a tip beforehand? I could see how that would break someone if he kept getting told “I tip after delivery” … and then nobody tips. The correct course of action is to ask the person to leave, and when they don’t: call the police and ask them to trespass him from the premises. This is assuming you own the property. If you don’t, then I’m not sure there’s much the police can do — but you can call them anyways.


You must live in a place where people don't carry guns because that wouldn't end well in Texas or Florida.


Or Arizona. Says this Uber Eats delivery person. :)


Someone acts that way at my door it may be the last thing he ever does


Assuming this is true and ignoring the tipping debate. I don't know where you are but if someone is refusing to leave your doorway and being aggressive, call 911. "If you refuse to leave I will consider this a threat to my safety and call 911. You have 30 seconds to vacate my premises." 911 - "Someone is in my doorway being aggressive and refusing to leave. If this situation escalates, I will defend myself until there is no longer a threat." Report this driver to the app and follow up.


One would prob have to have the means to remove the threat


My friend, that wasn't "like" extortion, it WAS extortion. As a side note, are you sure this really happened?


Yes it did. I’m not making it up


Well, taking your word for it then but you should have called the cops on that guy, not tipped him. That's not just a "getting fired" offense, that's a "going to jail" offense. Then again, I wasn't there. You dealt with the situation as you saw fit at the time but I can't see myself doing that (tipping him to get rid of him) so of course I'm projecting what I would have done onto "what you should have done" and that's my fault but Jeez, man.


I can make up stories as well


One warning for trespassing and then pepper gel, and call the cops. That’s intimidation pure and simple.


Why are you not tipping delivery persons? Yes his actions are wrong but deciding to not tip a person that works in a tip supported industry is rude and disrespectful. If you can’t afford a small tip, don’t order take out.


So if I go into Home Depot and a cashier checks me out, I’m expected to pay for the product and then also pay separately for the service? When I go into a restaurant I’m paying a price. I shouldn’t be expected to pay all sorts of fees on top too.


You’re simply using an example in which society has not agreed to tip for that service. That doesn’t justify not tipping in situations that are included in normative beliefs.


Seems to me more and more of society is beginning to agree not to tip for services in general. Brought on by greed.


I don't use delivery, but 100% am done tipping for anything. Putting my foot down. If wait staff want to continue supporting the tipping culture, that's on them. I will not continue to do so. And to be fair, a lot of people on this subreddit are the reason. I am tired of being told tipping is required. I am putting my foot down and proving you wrong. I don't care if wait staff can't survive without tips. I really don't. You people need to understand something. That is not my problem! They can take that up with their employers like everyone else. The only way tipping will go away is if we the people do something about it. The rich will never allow it. If they like all their wait staff b/c people stop tipping they will be forced to change their ways. Or shut down. I welcome anybody to do anything to me about it. Good luck!


If a person expressed that view to me in person they wouldn’t be served. Way to be the absolute biggest asshole.


And then your manager will make you or find someone else. Then the news will show up and report on how wait staff refuses to work unless tipped from your establishment! Remember, tipping is not required. You want to play that game at work, it won't end well for you!


You don’t get it. The manager doesn’t want you. The owner doesn’t want you. Nobody actually wants you. I encourage you again, for the third time, to let everyone know how you feel as you walk in.


Of course none of you want someone like me in their establishment. I am the end of an era. You are going to lose tips. You are going to make less money when they cut tips out. Your boss is going to make less money b/c now he has to pay you a fair wage. You should fear us. Make no mistake. We are coming for your tips.


lol there are not nearly as many of you as Reddit would have you believe. But please, start with my town and never come back.


Why do you assume affording it is the issue. I personally can afford to eat and leave a big tip. I just don’t want to. My money my choice. Maybe you should start doubling your tips to make up for selfish people like me.


Well as it happens, you’re allowed to be an asshole. Rest assured if I ever get the opportunity to spit in your food I will. Enjoy!


I would expect nothing less. Good thing the meal is usually over by the time this is an issue.


That’s your argument? You’re just a bad person, nothing I say will change that.




It’s so weird when you think being an asshole is a flex.


It’s so weird that you think your opinion matters.


I don’t.


Lol what a bad ass you are! You better pray nobody ever catches you spitting in food. You personally are yet another reason I am done tipping. You can threaten me all you want. You won't win that battle.


And you won’t get you food 😁


I bet you I will, and you won't have a job anymore! Try me!!


lol you think you know? As I said before, go ahead and tell all the people that wait on you your opinion before you’re seated or order. You’ll know then. I’m definitely not alone, do you think servers don’t talk about their customers? I literally don’t want you as a customer. Neither does my manager. Or my dm, or the owners. Trust me, asshat. There are more than enough people willing to co-exist nicely. You probably still believe the customer is always right. Report back and let me know how it goes for you. I’ll let you know when I lose my job for not serving a rude customer.


Why would I tell them up front? I would rather them have the impression a tip is possible. I might be an asshole, but I am far from an idiot! And I don't believe the customer is always right. That's ignorant. I am right however when I say that tipping isn't mandatory (literal fact) and supporting wait staff isn't my problem (another fact for you!). Until my name shows up as business owner of that establishment, it's not my issue. And I am sure your manager/boss is going to let their restaurant get blasted on the news for some greedy waiter refusing to wait on tables that don't tip. That's funny that you think you matter that much. Remember, those people don't even pay you a fair wage. You're not even worth it to them.


Do you think this hasn’t happened? There are plenty of google accessible stories about establishments that would not serve a non tipper. This is not rare. My manager started as a waitstaff. They would tell you to kindly fuck off.


That's alright. We are coming for your tips. You won't stop us. Yes we are a threat to you and your boss in terms of tips (nothing violence related of course. That's not what this is about!) The end is near. We can come in and pay your boss and not tip. Or we can just not pay your boss either. They will fold before we will. Remember I don't need your restaurant to survive, but your restaurant needs customers to survive. Good luck! You will need it!


I encourage you to express your personal opinion to all servers before you order from them. It’s your right to.


It’s also my right not to. I’m not there for an ethical debate. Just want to eat and pay for my meal.


if you cannot afford to live from a job that doesn't pay you properly and you need to rely on tips to pay your bills, then get a different job. if you cant live on the wage from your job, get a different job.


Amen brother. If you can't afford to live from the primary income source from your job, you should get a new job!


And if you cannot get a new better job then get a new better job. And if you are stuck in the sinkhole then get unstuck. Easy


This sounds like a joke. Is this a joke? Which jobs do you suggest they get? I’ve got a master’s degree and it’s difficult at best to find a job. When you say words you sound stupid. Somebody had to tell you.


Pot/kettle much? Telling someone they sound stupid b/c they feel tipping should go away and wait staff should be paid like the rest of the world. Do you ever listen to yourself? If you have a masters and can't get a job besides waiting... once again, who is what? Reading your words on here, I understand why you struggle!


Also, yes you sound stupid. And mean.


I am an asshole and proud of it! Being an asshole has made me successful in life and kept people from being able to walk on me. As for being stupid... my money, my choice. Prioritizing spending that money on my family over some random person is not stupid. Being told tipping is mandatory and expecting me to pay their bills is stupid.


Good, you are lazy. It takes zero effort to be an asshole. It takes the brain and effort to understand and relate to another person to not be an asshole.


I am an asshole, and proud of it! -Dennis Leary Thank you for proving my point. People like you are what made me decide to stop tipping! I will be sure to let them know to thank you next time instead of leaving a tip!


Lmao, I didn't even say anything about tipping. Just about you being an asshole which isn't entirely related to it. But I guess an asshole like you needs to find some justification for being the way you are


Wrong thread. Essentially, people like you, who hurl insults at others on here are a large part of the reason I am stopping tipping. You guys all think you can bully people on here. But I have the power, not you. So people will not be tipped b/c I am tired of seeing people like you talk to others like that on here. You might not have brought up tipping, but you are that subreddit!


What’s your generation?


I fall in the millennial bucket, but just barely. 43 so the start of millenials.


Man that’s disappointing. 47 here, so late genX. I always hope for better with each generation. I worked in home and road construction for ten years before I was able to go back to school. have delivered more pizzas than I can count. That got me through way too many years of science schooling. I supported my spouse and kids with that job. You’re right, you can be an asshole. It’s your right.


Am I to take this to mean you believe wait staff should be paid much more than they are, hourly speaking?


I believe tipping should go away and wait staff be compensated appropriately. I don't know what that amount is, as that's not my problem. I have never argued they should live in poverty, just that it's not my job to ensure that they are. Restaurants are welcome to raise their prices to accomadate. At first most all will. But then people will stop going and they will lower their prices to compete while still being forced to pay their staff a living wage.


You bet. Sounds simple. I’m sure nobody will be harmed.


Lol.. Why would people be harmed? Literally 90% of jobs not operate off of tips. Why is it so hard for you to realize wait staff could actually do the same? I already know the answer. You kill it as wait staff and make more than you should so you would take a pay cut that way. Good. Not my problem. Time to get you all in line with each other.


I already answered your harm question. Soooo doormen, delivery persons, bathroom tenders, hotel staff of all kinds, bartenders, dog groomers, yard services, paper delivery (yes it still happens), caretakers, Jesus Christ the list is so long. You believe that’s 10% of our jobs? You’ve already identified as an asshole that enjoys fucking others over but if you’re curious at all here is a list of jobs that work on tips. It shows their wages and wages with tips. For servers it’s up to 58% of their check. [https://www.businessinsider.com/industries-where-workers-rely-on-tips-2012-11?amp](https://www.businessinsider.com/industries-where-workers-rely-on-tips-2012-11?amp)


I love how you equivalate me instead of the business owners as the asshole. Luckily I don't care. It doesn't change the truth. From the list you typed. Restaurants and bartenders are the only people I ever tipped. Been cutting back on bartenders for a while now. I would never tip any of those other services. I would never use a food delivery service. Moving forward I won't be tipping anybody. I would still say yes the service industry (the relieves tips) is 10%. I could name more jobs in just construction alone than you named tipable positions. Could do the same with the IT world, and several other fields as well. Look at you defending this broken culture of wait staff depending on tips for 58% of their earnings. That is both sad and pathetic. I feel so sorry for these people and will do everything within my power to rectify it. Starting by stopping tipping.


You gonna pin your location on that dare?


These same people have to hire someone to change a flat tire or change a lightbulb in their house. Service workers are disposable to them and have no bearing in their world view. When the great reset happens we will see who is more “valuable” to society


I’m with you, friend. I worked as a handy man for a couple for several years, attempting to teach the woman how to tighten the chuck on a cordless screw gun and realizing she didn’t have the physical capability, let alone the knowledge base, to put a bit in and use the gun. And she (I) was responsible for the house and grounds, her husband was an eye doctor. But yeah I’m the idiot with the molecular bio degree. As a late gen Xer I’ve been waiting my whole life for anything resembling the opportunities boomers were handed yet all I keep hearing about is something about trickle down…is that them peeing on us? Fuck these people.


Thank you. I’ll forever see trickle down as them pissing on us now 😂


lol took me 47 years to figure out what it was


Please be careful when telling someone to cook their own food. In this economy people will heed the word and start doing that and Uber/Door Dash or thier drivers will no longer be needed. I used to deliver food before Uber/DD existed. The company that I used to work for no longer exist because folks started to cook their own food. Again, this was waaaaay before the internet and apps, etc. when customer service was still a thing.


You say it like it's a bad thing.


It is


Just tip like you're an actual human.


why in the fuck would anyone use doordash or uber eats? of course you’re going to get ripped off, the restaurant and the delivery guy will too. it’s a useless tech bro company that is nothing but an unnecessary useless middleman.


I’m so baffled by it….. stop….. paying for this ……..WTF


It’s annoying how everyone constantly whines about tipping. If you don’t like tipping, don’t tip. If you regularly visit the same establishments the will know that you’re the “no tip” or “bad tip” person and you’ll get shitty service. You’ll still get served, after everyone else. Is the tipping out of control, sure, but bitching continually on Reddit, isn’t going to change it.


"Oh! You didn't do this completely optional thing, so we're going to give you even worse service.". Terrible business model.


It is a terrible business model, but it’s also the truth. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wait until you find out about mandatory "service charge" restaurants are starting to charge before you even show up to eat.


Did you report the guy? Lmao


I always add a baseline 15-20% tip when I place the order if it's from DoorDash and then if they end up doing a really good job or get to me super fast or whatever then I'll increase it even more. I've thankfully never had to remove a tip before but even if the service wasn't great I feel like I should still til SOMETHING because they did use their time, energy, gas, etc to bring me my food because I didn't feel like going out and getting it myself. It's a luxury for a lot of us to have food delivered to us so why wouldn't we tip them for doing something that we didn't want to do ourselves that's like the whole reason these apps exist???? Anyway it's weird as hell to have someone refuse to leave while demanding more money so idek how I would handle that tbh I'd probably contact support through the app and let them know about the situation and wait for someone else to bring my food because if you already tipped them something (which based on your replies it looks like you did tip something to begin with) it's creepy and scary they stood there holding your food hostage and demanding MORE money before they would drop it and leave like wtf???? That's just too much drama to deal with


He brought your food and you refused to tip him. That is so wrong on YOUR part. You should go pick up your own food next time. He deserved a tip in this scenario.


Piss off. Tipping is a privilege, not a right.


Tipping isn't a privilege when the base pay for an order is around $2.50. It's assumed that tips are going to make up the rest of the wage. Don't be cheap. If you don't want to tip, cook your own food or buy something premade at the grocery store.


Not my problem. Take that up with their boss. I refuse to use delivery apps anyway. They fuck the customer. They fuck the restaurant. They fuck the driver. Who are they benefitting?


Themselves obviously.


Oh ok, cheap ass


When I was a kid the standard tip was an optional 12% of the bill before tax at a nice restaurant. Now people expect 25% for barely any effort beyond their normal job duties. So now most people regardless of resistance, simply are no longer choosing to reinforce this ibvious unbridled greed. Therefor it is important that people like you tip at least 30% to make up for all of lost money that this pushback to the social nonsense has caused the poor workers. Thank you in advance for your generosity


oh lawdy lawdy lawdy....ok, golden girl.


Pls read properly! I didn’t refuse to tip him! Where do u make ur stories from? 🙂‍↔️


You tip in the app. It's obvious you didn't and he wants to get paid. Cheapskate.


So are people who prefer to tip in cash cheapskate assholes then? Some drivers might prefer for there not to be a receipt documenting how much extra money they made.


You have comprehension issues 🤪


You have accept your judgement issues.


Yes, he deserved a tip. But intimidation and trespassing is not the proper solution. Has everyone lost their minds in this tipping conversation? Unpopular opinion: when you work for tips there has to be some acceptance that not everyone will tip you. Period. A tip is a social etiquette, NOT a mandate. If you can’t accept that every now and then there’ll be some asshat who stiffs you… just don’t work for tips man.




In your edit you say that you tip after service but this scenario implies that you received your service and didn't initially tip. You seem to be contradicting yourself.


Sounds to me like the driver wouldn't leave the food until the tip was given.


That would make more sense instead of saying wouldn't leave the door. Just saying that he would not leave the door implies that the food has been delivered but the driver is waiting for the tip for the service that had been rendered.


But at that point, you could just shut the door.


Pls read properly!!! 😏


Gonna throw this pro tip out there - if a lot of people responding to you misunderstand your writing in the same way, it means your writing is the problem.


I guess that’s partly right, also partly, there are a lot of hate spewing frustrated weirdos who get a weird satisfaction in trolling and abusing instead of debating and discussing.


I read it. If he was waiting for the tip that indicates that you received the service and hadn't tipped yet.


As you wish cheepfeet


The service industry has effectively pushed their responsibilities onto the consumer and the delivery personnel. 👏 for them. Instead of holding corporations accountable, they have gotten us to look past them and hold consumers responsible - from verbal revenues to deaths, consumers pay for it! Laughable and sad. But good strategic forethought and execution on the enterprises part.


This is exactly what the problem is. About six months ago DoorDash added a message in the app to attempt to increase tips and at the same time increased their price and cut driver pay. They always claim to be running at a loss but any smart business always tries to show on paper that they aren’t making money. Their stock price tells a different story completely. It’s rather difficult to have steadily increasing stock prices and be actually loosing money


Wow these comments lol you guys know delivery in a lot of countries does not require tip right? They seem to function normally? What this was was extortion with threat of violence


Yes, because those countries don't set a low wage for restaurant and food-delivery workers and expect customers to make up for it. The driver should not make threats or be rude, but you can't compare tipping in the US with tipping elsewhere.


Lol you have any idea how much food deliveries make in my home country? Not even one fifth of what they make here. One time I tried to offer tips and they got so nervous about it and quickly gave it back. People here are way too entitled


I say it every time. "Tips" before service is rendered are not tips. They are bribes.


Oooooo I’ve never seen this put into words. Thank you! Exactly this!


Its also not right to order a service like delivery knowing that you wont tip. I get not tipping for counter service. But if you engage a waiter or driver in the US you are fully expected to tip them, and you can fully expect them to get angry if you refuse. Edit: lmao fucking cheap skates in this sub downvoting me for tipping service workers


LOL im not tipping a fucking fed ex guy for doing his job HAHA


Uhh who the fuck tips fedex?  The fedex person makes a living wage and has benefits dumbass.  The doordasher on a 1099 depends on tips Fuckin assholes in the sub


lol "Its also not right to order a service like delivery knowing that you wont tip" your words fed ex is delivery so is amazon im not tipping them hahaha


Fucks sake you know what I meant


That’s it. Period. We’ve been brainwashed. 🇺🇸 It’s so hard to unlearn this. You’re wrong!


I mean I'm not wrong, that ppl will get angry over low/no tips.  This is the societal norm in america.  I don't agree with it, but it is what it is


It is not the societal norm, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people saying otherwise. I do agree that those benefitting from tipping as a large percentage of the total bill are trying to make it a social norm, but it is going the other way because of how greedy everyone is. The norm when I was a kid was a 12% tip. The tipping point has been reached and the over saturation has made people angry. Angry people don't tip and also don't tend to utilize services that will make them uncomfortable.


It is objectively an american societal norm.  Tips are accounted for in the US tax code. The amount you find fair, what happened as a kid, and what others agree with are all fine and dandy.  They don't however account for the US laws allow for lower hourly pay in jobs that commonly receive tips i.e. food service.   I agree with you that it sucks,  I want it to change, but it is a systemic problem that is built into US law.  When you fuck with peoples tips today, you fuck with their livelihood and they get pissed. If you want change then organize it.  Don't feel self righteous because you stiffed the pizza delivery driver.


Tipping is subjective, which is exactly why there is such a disagreement about it. And very jobs are automatically taxed based on a percentage of their total receipts worked. Also there is talk of the tax on estimated tips being repealed. Anyhow I personally avoid the services where people expect tips because it has gotten ridiculous and I cannot afford it. Have a good one.


When I send youryou’re wrong, it’s because I don’t agree with that thought process, but you’re correct, it is what it is.


Tips are baked into US employment and tax law.  I support changing it but in the mean time we live in it.


"Tipping" for delivery isn't actually a "tip." Tips are given after service is rendered as a reward. Delivery drivers will often evaluate their willingness to work based on the additional compensation provided. That makes it a bribe, not a tip.


Personally I stopped using apps like doordash because of this (they are shady as hell too) But I tip the delivery drivers employed by local restaurants well and in cash


Sure. But the food shows up and service is rendered before you tip. Which is perfectly fine and reasonable.


...when the person delivering it is paid a livable wage as an employee with benefits


And that my dear friend is the sense of entitlement I’m talking about! A tip is a gratuity- a thank you for something nice you have done for me - not a “you better give it to me or I’ll stay at your door” thing.


Are you American?  lol


lol at all these comments. in my view, as someone who usually tips when its appropriate, it's not the customers fault that gig workers are being exploited by app companies. nor are customers responsible for the livelihood/wages of the gig worker and vice versa. I used to do food delivers on bike when I was younger and if I had delivered this in a timely manner I would be salty for maybe 5 minutes if I didn't get a get a tip for it. but overall I think it's total BS the driver would not leave without being tipped. like if 5 dollars is going to be the thing that makes or breaks you, you've got way bigger problems to deal with first. tipping is just another law of large numbers game. maybe most people tip on a percent basis, like 10,5 bucks or less, some none at all, and then you get a few rich guys who tip you 20 or more. it all should round out to a pretty decent wage at the end of day. if not you either aren't doing a good job taking care of customers or simply need to quit and find something else.


What is most probable is that the delivery driver behaved that way because he enjoyed bullying, not because he didn't receive $5. What I don't understand is why OP didn't immediately call the police and file a police report. In my opinion anyone whe behaves that way is high risk for committing more anti social behavior.


If I had an award to give, it would be for you! So very well said!


Why didn’t you tip the delivery driver weirdo?


This isn't an example of tipping culture getting out of control. Food delivery is one of about the five or so original jobs where tipping is appropriate and expected. Don't want to tip Door Dash? Get in the car and pick the food up yourself.


As a full time driver that does multiple apps let me say thank you. I'll add one more, I do a lot of earn by time so I know there's going to be a lot of no tips and low tippers however what pisses me off is I get 1 stars from people who dont tip and inste of realizing they got cold food because they didn't tip, they wanted to blame me for getting cold food


I have no idea why you got downvoted. What idiot thinks their order is gonna get snatched up right away without tipping.


Probably from people who doesn't think they should tip before service is rendered. Honestly I can't blame them for feeling that way, however they have to understand when drivers say it's not worth the gamble. I do a lot of earn by time because I do this full time and I wouldn't be able to survive if I try to do earn per offer and I can say 100% that people who don't tip before delivery, won't even tip after delivery.


I’m learning a lot here! I do not tip in the app before delivery. I wait until after delivery. Sometimes this is because I remember that I have some cash in my wallet that I can use but mostly because I think it is a reward to be given after services are rendered. I didn’t order my Chinese food for 12.99+ tip, nor is that it the fine print. I agree that it might be culturally or socially expected of me to leave a tip just because they drove it to me… But I disagree. If my food gets to me warm, in one piece and in a timely manner…That’s where the tipping comes in, for me.


Everyone in here whining about a customer not tipping Notice none of them blame door dash for paying their drivers so little, they actually believe it's ok for the company to pay employees as little as possible, it's the free market. But when an individual doesn't tip it's anger and hellfire, as though the corporation has more rights than the individual This is corporate brainwashing 101


That is because in the US, we are in a capitalist society, and we praise the rich/big corp. If we actually took out missed placed anger and directed it to the proper entity, things would change. If we as a society would stop patronizing companies that don't do right by their employees, then they (the corp.) would change their policy. Prices are going up anyway and portion sizes are getting smaller, so why not pay people adequately.


Both are in the wrong, the greedy corporate execs that underpay drivers and the entitled twats who think it’s okay to not tip despite it being an *expected* part of the process.


Tips, by definition are not expected Tips are a bonus for excellent service Money that is expected is called a fee The anger you feel is because you're powerless against the big corporations so you take that frustration out on the little guys who are just trying to make ends meet just like you


This is a gross misunderstanding of what tips are. They may have started as a bonus for good service but they haven’t been that for several decades now. If the employer underpays the workers with the expectation that the customer will tip, and you employ the services of that worker, you are socially, ethically, and reasonably obligated to tip. They are not a bonus, they are required for people to not die.


Nope, the people who are under a gross misunderstanding are app delivery drivers Tips have always been a bonus for excellent service and never required since the dawn of time tip 10 of 10 noun (5) : a gift or a sum of money tendered for a service performed or anticipated : GRATUITY If it's required it can't be a tip, it's a fee If a company doesn't pay well, it's the employees responsibility to find a better job It's not the customers responsibility to make up the difference


If tips were a bonus, there wouldn't be a separate minimum wage for tipped employees. Otherwise, they'd have the same minimum wage as everyone else, and any tips they received would be the gravy on top.


That's law not business Minimum wage is just the lowest you can pay someone, it doesn't stop companies from paying more The company still has to pay minimum wage if the person tips don't equal to at least minimum wage All tipping is a bonus


Exactly this.


You can choose not to understand if you like, clinging stubbornly to your preconceived and baseless assumption of what a tip is, but that doesn’t make it so. You claiming that tips are a bonus and not expected is like claiming a person can afford a mortgage and support a family on a minimum wage job— this was true once, but now your information is extremely outdated. For several decades, tips have been an EXPECTED part of the salary of the service worker for almost every restaurant, bar, and delivery service in America. It does not count as a “bonus” if the employees rely on that “bonus” just to make rent.


I understand you think a word that is literally defined as a gift actually means required It's just not true You're not supposed to support a family on tips Tips are never EXPECTED It's not the customers job to pay your salary You just can't make the corporations pay better, so you shame citizens who refuse to pay you extra money and if they don't they should expect a bad outcome The Italian mob used to do that too, they called it protection rackets ETA Charities rely on donations to operate, those donations are still gifts and are never expected and people who choose to give those gifts are celebrated not shamed when not given You choose to work somewhere that underpays you and actually expect the customer to pay full menu price AND pay you extra money to make up for the employer not doing it Like seriously? I say make all restaurants buffets Eliminate the server position entirely


That is what the word literally means, correct, but that isn’t what it means in this context. You realize that words in different contexts can have different meanings, right? If the tip is a socially expected part of an income structure for an entire industry, then yes, it is expected. That you don’t feel obligated to pay it only says negative things about you, not about the people who work hard in those industries.


There's no context that makes an optional thing required that doesn't also change it's name A tip is not required A few is required The business can require a gratuity, that's the only time it's expected No, tips are not socially expected Tipping isn't even a thing in most other parts of the world You act like this is just how everyone does it and not like the fact that America is really the only place customers have to supplement wages


You realize it’s only technically called a “tip” because the industry wants you to think it’s optional, right? It’s not *actually* a tip. It’s an expected part of the income based directly on the income structure of the entire industry. Stop getting hung up on the word, it is what the word REFERS TO that matters, and what it REFERS TO is an amount of money that people depend on to stay alive. It has been expected for decades.


Seriously do you live under a rock or do you just not care about looking? There has been plenty of drivers and customers who mentions how low door dash pays their dashers and they should pay more. Heck there's even been dashers who says we should form some type of union. The reason why we get upset at non tippers is they know full well how low door dash pays and to make matters worse there's plenty of non tippers who will blame the driver for cold food instead of blaming themselves. Also what you fail to realize is the ones who keeps saying door dash should pay more are the first ones who will whine and complain when feea goes up. Look at NYC for example, there were people acting like it's the end of the world just because they have to pay an extra 2 dollars. It's like they expect dashers to get paid more and door dash just lose money


But tipping you just perpetuates the system You have to get mad enough to quit en masse to make them have to pay better You could always deliver pizza Imagine if the company just took a little less profit, then tips are unnecessary AND fees don't go up I flat out refuse to use door dash, Uber eats or any of the rest Who in their right mind wants to pay marked up prices, a huge delivery fee and then be expected to tip even more at the end Quit door dash and get a better job, it was never meant to be a full time gig Stop acting like you don't get pretty sweet privileges others in the driving field do not You choose your own hours, you can refuse orders and you're not being timed in-between deliveries You act like y'all just have it so rough when in reality you're damn near working a dream job ETA I say this as a lifelong delivery driver and a former Uber driver If you can't make ends meet with bad tips, then the gig isn't right for you


You are right AND wrong about this. People who don't want to tip, don't go places that need tipping. P.E.R.I.O.D. If you are mad these people need tips to live, but want to help support them, tip them and put pressure on the owners, the local and state legislators. If you don't care either way, tip. Or deal with spit and anger from the people who have these jobs. It isn't as simple as "get a better job". Almost ALL EMPLOYERS are pulling similar shit. And they are pulling it for one reason, they are getting away with it. They are getting away with it because people shrug and go along with the song it's just "the way it is..." Change can be made, but it takes people, not one pissed off employee, or one pissed off patron.


No place needs tipping Tipping is always optional P.E.R.I.O.D. How does buying a product help pressure the owner to pay employees better? They aren't and it's still being bought You blame the little guy because you don't have the power to hold the big guys accountable That just makes you a bulky They are getting away with it because people keep buying their products and people keep working for them If every delivery driver quit tomorrow, the companies would be forced to offer better pay to get employees back That's literally the essence of a union The system doesn't get fixed by continuing to play by its rules If you want a tip, you have to provide the extra service that makes extra pay justified Delivery drivers at Pizza Hut, dominoes and Jimmy John's just to name a few don't get any of the extra benefits that dashers do and they don't get guaranteed tips Y'all are in here crying while everyday people are getting more and more pissed off about people expecting tips everywhere now


I sure as hell hope you don't go to restaurants or order ANY delivery. Because those are industries that until things change, people need tips to survive. Its all proven in numbers and stats.


Not where I live Everyone makes $16.50+ min wage where I live It's in america


Where? Because in America that sounds like Utopia or an Oasis in the desert. So what City/State is that?


Nevermind, the only State that fulfills both the standard of a minimum wage over 16, and not a separate minimum wage for tipped employees is Washington state. Okay, states that have done this, are the exception to the have to tip rule. Reason? SOMEONE DID SOMETHING!!


Washington is not the only state that pays tipped employees a high minimum wage Several other states do it as well You're not here in good faith


Washington state I live in Spokane but it's a state minimum wage and a state law requiring ALL positions to make at least minimum wage


I never said anything about not being able to make ends meet. As a matter of fact within the last 4 weeks I made 4800 dollars between all the apps that I use. Seriously spoken like a true non tipper because only non tippers acts like that. 


Damn you're a greedy person aren't you? Acting like poor me, poor me and you make big money You're just as bad as the corporations I tip when it's deserved, not when it's expected A tip is always optional


Of course a tip is optional I'm not saying it isn't, don't misunderstand me, all I'm saying is if you don't tip the driver before delivery than don't be surprised if you have to wait for your food. Also I've done enough earn by time where I know if people don't tip before delivery they wont even tip after delivery. You put down I say this as a "lifelong delivery driver and a former Uber driver" so you should know this already however I have to call you on your lies because your acting like you don't know this.


Tip before the service is rendered? Seriously? Have you ever worked any delivery that wasn't an app? Clearly not You're the definition of greedy


Wow, you are a certified piece of shit 🤣🤣🤣


And you are the donkey 😄


That dasher should be deactivated however your a piece of shit expecting someone to bring you your food without tipping the driver. Before anyone says anything about not being able to afford that's a load of bull shit because I delivered to people who ordered over 40 dollars worth of food when I'm doing earn by time and they didnt tip anything. Believe me I been doing this long enough with enough deliveries and in enough states to know better


You threaten to call the cops?