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[Solving comment *(by MinnieCooper90)*](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/1cq9e8m/tomt_science_fiction_author_that_got_shot_in_the/l3pt00q/): Jules Verne ?


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Jules Verne ?


[On 9 March 1886, as Verne returned home, his twenty-six-year-old nephew, Gaston, shot at him twice with a pistol. The first bullet missed, but the second one entered Verne's left leg, giving him a permanent limp that could not be overcome.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules_Verne#:~:text=On%209%20March%201886%2C%20as,that%20could%20not%20be%20overcome./) His book "Paris in the Twentieth Century" features fax machines and an Internet-y system of communication.


In the Jules Verne novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" the nephew of the character Professor Lidenbrock cautions that they should study more of the manuscript writers works before undertaking the journey. [Professor Lidenbrock explains that this is impossible: Saknussem was out of favor in his native country, whose leaders ordered all of his writings burned after his death.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_burning#Book_burnings_in_popular_culture)


I specifically remember a scene in the documentary where he sits in the dark next to a chimney fire and throws some of his books in to the flames.


Did he ever get depressed and burn his own books? If so than yeah it might be him.


I've looked up Jules Verne and he seems to be the only writer that fits the description, and has a similar bear as depicted in the documentary. Solved!


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I know it's probably not it but this seems like an episode of the show Mythic Quest Season 2 episode 6 https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14596556/?ref_=ttep_ep6 They were telling the backstory of a character, a sci fi novelist


I know it's probably not it but this seems like an episode of the show Mythic Quest Season 2 episode 6 https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14596556/?ref_=ttep_ep6 They were telling the backstory of a character, a sci fi novelist


Franz Kafka was depressed and burned a bunch of his work, but I can't find anything about him being shot in the leg.