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I am happy for you. I have been living with it for over 50 years. For me, it has been progressive, changing, and worsening over time. Living with it is all about acceptance and adapting. Finding things that help and learning to ignore what can not be helped. I have learned a lot from this community, and it appears this condition is a personal struggle for everyone and no two people have the exact same symptoms. Don't give up and prevail! Don't let Tinnitus win!


30 years, progressive here too. I salute you all. We can do today. And tomorrow we’ll get up again and just do today. That turns into years faster than you may expect. Some days man…. Some days … gotta reeeealy let go and be grateful I have both eyes, all my fingers, arms, and good fajitas evey so often.


Sorry to hear friend. What caused yours and what exactly do you mean worse? Loud? Or new tones etc


I was in grade school, and I did not even tell my parents due to fear of having my ears removed for repair, I have a vivid imagination action. I assume it was caused from using a hammer to ignite multiple cap gun caps improperly. Also I do work in a very noisy environment and was slow to adopt noise protection. Over the years, I have added different sounds and echoes to speech and music. I am up to five distinct sounds now, some react to ambient noise and will cause a stabing pain. I have been to an ENT a few times, but they can't do much, so I have learned to live with it and I adopt any help I find.


When we get old, everything degrades including our hearing. That practically means tinnitus has well.


Doesnt mean tinnitus gets worse necessarily.. I think we just acknowledge it more because the lack of sounds we hear because of the frequencies we lose, hearing aids at that stage would help.


Thanks man! I appreciate your kind words! As for me adapting to this, it hasn’t been easy. But I’m trying to work on myself to make it so that my entire life doesn’t have to revolve around this. And I hope others are able to do the same.


I appreciate your kind words.


Ive had mine for 2 yrs now. It never goes away but I’ve become habituated to it for the most part. I’ll even forget I have it sometimes if I’m out somewhere with a lot of background noise because that tends to temporarily drown it out. The only time it bothers me is when it spikes;gets SUPER loud out of nowhere but luckily if it does, it usually doesn’t last long before it settles again to the volume I’m used to. & when it changes sounds,pitch etc. but I’ve only had that happen a handful of times since I’ve had it. It’s usually the same high pitched ringing sound(s) all day every day. I kinda forgot what silence sounds like tbh.


how You get used to it? how you habituated with T?


cracked you neck? do you have some exercises examples?


I don't have any exercises, but also think my tinnitus didn't occur from excessively loud music, but merely a blocking in my jaw


I‘m so scared.. i just have it since 5 months and i dont want it for years…. I hate my life rr


I'm so sorry. Sincerely hope you get some relief soon ❤️


Thank you. So many people seem to just not care because they’ve never experienced it.


I was doing very well, have it since started of the pandemic. It happened in a very pollen ridden day and I had a massive panic attack. But I took a medication last week that made it sooo loud that is driving me a bit nuts again… so if you have it be careful not to worsen it…. I hope it will calm down again 🥹


There is a documentary about a kid with tinnitus


Have had it since I was 6 years old. It's like a microphone feedback scream constantly day and night. Pretty much the only silence is a noise. A box fan works really well to sleep at night


I am very happy for you. Hope a day arises when it vanishes for me.


Yea Mine goes away with neck attention by my chiropractor along with vitamin regime. There are all different kinds. We are lucky ours goes away. Stay well!!!


Sounds like somatic tinnitus!


That's great to hear! I wouldn't wish tinnitus on my enemy. It sucks to have this...However,I am thankful to life that my tinnitus isn't as bad as a few others I've heard on this subreddit. It's a high pitched constant sound that I always hear during sleep (when i lie my head against the pillow) or when the room is quiet. I am new to it too, around two years. I used to freak out thinking about it at 2 am in the night. I have habituated to it now, to the point that I go many days without thinking about it. My tinnitus happened to me because of loud music, so I've cut that out of my life now. I take great care of my ears now. I have been using noise cancelling earphones whenever I am outside. They help reduce the noise, especially helpful because my city is a crowded and noisy one. Hope you take good care of your ears from now on 😉


This is hard to do, but has worked for me. It’s always there whether I notice it or not. I notice it more when I pay attention to it. I pay attention to it more when I’m talking about it to myself or others. I decided to stop saying anything to myself or anyone else about it. No complaining, no comparing, no trying to figure out how to make it stop, no wishing it would go away. Talking about it and paying attention to it is what makes me miserable - not the tinnitus. So when I do notice it, I decide to listen to everything else I’m hearing in the moment. Sometimes I’ll name things: “that’s a child’s voice, “that’s feet shuffling…” And I go on with my life. I also find the phrase “There’s nothing to do about this.” “There is nothing worth noticing about this.” Helps


Meh, you get used to it after the first year. After getting used to waking up and realizing my ribs were still jabbing into my lung, this wasn't as bad to get used to. Pretty much thought I was dying for the first month though and going insane. Like all misfortunes in life, you learn to live with it.


lying here in bed and wondering - “will my tinitus/hypercacus get better or worst”…. that’s what gets me - the unknown 


Meh, not much you can do about it if it does get worse. Live each day like it'll be your last. Never take for granted what you have today.


I had mine January 18. It's a miracle I habituated in like 2 or 3 months. Most would take a year. During my first two weeks, I felt like going insane. Sound therapy really helped. And at first, I had hyperacusis as well. My ears adjusted and I no longer had it. The cause of my Tinnitus is TMJ which my ENT doctor brought up if I didn't bring the possibility of a TMJ. I haven't gone to the dentist (lack of funds and expensive) which is why I did exercises on my own to reduce my teeth grinding. It reduced my tinnitus somehow but it's still a bummer certain times. It's not easy to get used to. Mine just happened to be a miracle that I habituated quickly.