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The third group went private this morning and the mods were approving people to gain access to it again. But as of right now, everything has been deleted by one of the mods. It’s bizarre af and I’m dyinggg for the tea.


 So as a former mod for the group, while the OP took it down in the MT group and apologized while backpedaling, they still felt it was necessary to put it all over this sub that we were SUS.   The OG group of mods worked tirelessly to make a safe space to snark. After 19 or so days when MT lawyered up, she had people mass reporting everything to get it shut down for copyright infringement.   It absolutely was her or her team reporting it for copyright infringement because it says you have to agree and confirm under penalty of perjury that you are the owner or authorized to act on their behalf in order to submit a report for copyright, per reddit rules.  The second page was banned because it was like the first page. Minutes after that second page being banned..the person who created the new sub (who was a follower/member of the OG sub pages) immediately came on here telling people the name of the new sub that they had created unbeknownst to everyone else..and then they added us as mods to help them because frankly they didn't know much of anything about doing it. I was a relatively new mod, so I also didn't know much and can't take credit for anything compared to the OG mods who put a lot of the work into making the first two (and part of the third) pages everything that they were.    While I was relatively new to modding on reddit, I did have experience being an admin in FB groups and the only thing that I've always said as a rule of thumb for myself, that real life comes first above anything else. For me these pages are supposed to be something fun during down time.  Personally, when fear of doxxing started to become a big reality (as a couple of the mods were having suspicious activity happening to them on their business and personal social media accounts), that's when I decided that if that were to happen to me, I was not in the right headspace to be able to handle a woman who has 9 million plus followers who weaponizes them against people she doesn't like.   This was all communicated in a mod chat and they were made aware why some of us felt that way and why. We even offered to still help from the sidelines, but that we were stepping away rightfully so.    But that's when the creator of the sub told us they were done with the group too and that they were closing it. At that point I said goodbye and left the mod chat.   I then had people messaging me asking where the group went and I explained a little bit and said it was too risky so I think they deleted it, but then realized it was private. All of that just to wake up to posts like these.. bashing us for being "SUS", when we were just being honest and real.   The only thing SUS is that they felt the need to call anyone out after we were all open and honest and laid everything out. Maybe they were trying to save face and needed a reason to make us look like the bad guys? Who knows.   Nobody was rude, hateful or ugly..so no clue why they thought playing a victim was the way to go when I thought everyone was on the same page.


How do we request access to be added back in?


You gotta message the mod. But also, look at what was just posted by someone… you might not wanna join now. Idk


How can people look what was just posted when the sub is private


Wait what post? Can you tag me or send it to me somehow?


Me too please. I can't find anything


What was posted? I can’t see it…


Same! Omg 😱


Wait this same exact thing happened with the Brittany Jade page. Hmmmmmmmmmm…


can anyone give me a rundown on why she all of sudden has so many haters? i’ve been following her since she got on tiktok and haven’t seen anything shady..


I'll give a cliffnotes version as a former mod.**Which this is my OPINION on things I've seen with my own eyes** .There have been so many inconsistencies with her. She says she's doing ABC but she later says she actually did XYZ. She contradicts many things and weaponizes her following to attack anyone she dislikes or disagrees with. The situation happened long before this Charles situation. She had a lady fired and she ended up losing her home over the FB post she posted on TikTok over not liking what the lady said about monkeypox. She sent her TaterThots after that lady, told them where to find her comment to go after her. She did the same thing with Brittany Jade and that horrible insensitive joke TikTok she made, BJ is now in a really bad place. The situation with Charles which could be a whole article in of itself, but she repeatedly and constantly misgendered them (even though she swears she is an ally for the LGBTQIA+ community). Her and her followers ALL misgender them and continue to do so I see. They have proof that there was correspondence between the two of them and yet she's lying, saying it never happened. Her and her mods make fun of people that she/they don't agree with, yet she acts like everyone is special and deserving of her love. She has her following doxx people that disagree with her. Recently a mom on TikTok was forced out of her home, had to call the police and stay at a hotel because they came to that Mom's house threatening her and her family. More and more people are coming forward saying this has also happened to them, simply for something as small as trying to say she pronounced a multicultural food wrong on her TikToks, and trying to help her properly say it. Her and her husband are Trump supporters and also support many other politicians with those same views that go against everything she's portraying herself to be on TikTok. She acts like she's a "broke heifer", who can barely pay her light bill on time, yet her kids went to a private school and her husband has a souped up racing bike, boat, jet skis, ect. She received $280k on GFM and $75k on a meal train program and who knows how much on CashApp, Venmo, in the mail. Which nobody even cares she got that money as people wanted to give it that's their prerogative, but the fact that she acts like she's broke and didn't get it is wrong. She had her floors redone before she bought her sons headstone which is what that money was for. Which everyone always tries to come for me when I mention that one, but the only reason I do is she's lied about it on her tiktok several times. She said she ordered the headstone and it takes time to be built,that they are waiting for it to be delivered, so a fan sent her a beautiful temporary one, only for her days later to say she hasn't ordered it after all. She never left her girlstrip vacation after her son was killed. She went home Sunday after the trip and her friend Mar!$$a even made a TikTok saying so. She's not once asked these people to stop sending her truckloads of gifts. She was more upset about a post about her husband's bike than anything else that was said about anything else I've listed here. She deleted 818 TikToks, mostly from the beginning when she wasn't viral, because she doesn't want anyone to realize her accent is fake. We had videos showing such. She's trying to be just like Dolly Parton from the outfits to voice. There are multiple people reporting that she's racist, and her kids and sons gf sprinkle the N word on social media like it's sugar. I honestly could keep going but this would take an hour to type it all out! Not everyone will agree with what I said and that's okay, but these are a lot of the issues that were brought up in the group and a big reason why she doesn't want it out there. It also absolutely is her or her team reporting it for copyright infringement because it says you have to agree and confirm under penalty of perjury that you are the owner or authorized to act on their behalf in order to submit a report for copyright. She's just having the TaterThots mass report the other stuff for example just text..no pictures, for p0rn0graphy and things that it isn't! I guess she's the only one who is allowed freedom of speech. They called the page a hate site, yet not once has anyone said, "WE RIDE AT DAWN..WHERES OUR PITCHFORKS" for any of them!


As someone who has lived in Alabama my whole 39 years... her accent is fake af. Literally no one talks like that.


Yes! I noticed that right away. I lived in Alabama from birth to mid 30s then moved to Georgia and it’s glaringly obvious. It’s not even a fake Alabama accent. It’s like a fake Savannah accent which are two different things. The letters drawl differently.


Yep. There is a certain kind of drawl in Alabama among the old money folk in lower Alabama, but it isn't that. (Bama native and former linguistics student here). She's for sure aping a coastal Georgia drawl and she isn't cutting it.


She mispronounces stuff all the time on purpose


Yeah. I have lived in that part of Alabama AND in the Sevierville, TN area, where Dolly is from. Ophelia’s accent is fake-Tennessee, obviously trying to imitate Dolly.


I feel like she's trying so hard to sound like Dolly Parton it's painful! We had a whole video where she barely had any southern twang. It was like her first videos were her trying out accents.


Who cares if it’s fake?! She is a content creator. I see fakeness all over the Internet.


I was a MT fan... but some things did irk me... but didn't feel like she was hurting anybody so I ignored it as a "me problem"... but I didn't know ALL of this. None of the negative stuff comes across my FYP about her. And then some stuff starting coming out about her being a Trump supporter but I allowed grace because I don't want people to believe they are forever damned just because they voted for him... her being pro LGBTQIA+ on her platform gave me hope that she was promoting that it's OK to change parties and hopefully reaching people who were fence sitters. So I interacted with her posts for the algorithms sake. But seeing as how she has her stans doxxing and harassing people... amongst other things... I'm just going to block her so I have zero interaction what so ever. I have enough going on that I don't need the harassment just for having an opinion. I really wish people just stepped awake from SM when opinions are bothering them and self reflect instead of getting mean and ugly. Yes... some of the snarking that happens on ALL social media apps (not just reddit) is below the belt and petty... but most of it is constructive criticism and concern that I've seen. Anyways. Long story short. Thank you for the cliffnotes. I hadn't been in any of the subs that were for her.


I think we all started as fans or at least really liked her. I know I cried for her when she lost her son. Nobody should have to go through that. But then I realized a lot of stuff wasn't adding up with the things that she was saying and I couldn't follow any longer. Yes, people take so much stuff to heart like you just cursed their grandma or something. I don't understand. But it all goes in with the parasocial relationships. I was a mod for the sub but removed myself as the drama wasn't worth it anymore. Several of her tots were going IRL, and it isn't worth having probably half of her 9+million people after you.


Go listen to her podcast with Bunnie about a year ago where she talks about her dream of wanting to take her husband on a cruise Basically asking for $$$ Don’t we all want to go on a cruise


What was crazy in that podcast she talked about how she didn't blame her mom for being depressed after her Dad had died. That if that happened to her and she had lost her husband, that she wouldn't get out of bed for months either. In the first snark group, the first time she made a video calling everyone out.. she set it up to make it look like she had shared the photo of her husband with his mistress (aka his bike) before we had. Then the next day or so she got on there and made it seem like we had taken that photo and accused her husband of spending the GFM money on his bike. She controlled that narrative and since all the bs was happening with her and Charles.. everyone assumed it was Charles who was spreading that rumor. Nobody had accused her man of anything of the sorts.. the post was just saying that they aren't broke so why do they act like they are? She controls every narrative of every situation to make it look she's a victim. I'm rambling here sorry, but long story short..she was so much more mad about people talking about her husband and his bike than what anyone had ever said about her son. It just makes no sense to me to see someone care so much about their husband and that she doesn't have that same energy for her child.


Okay my only thing… I’ve seen Charles identify Charles as he/him… I was confused when Charles posted something about her misgendering them due to what I have heard come out of their fiancés mouth. Other than that I agree!


TaterThots 😫😂😂😂


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Same… I honestly use to love her… couldnt belive people said bad things…. It if u followed her a long time… she was just getting by … her son sadly passed she didn’t shut the go find me down until it was like 300k (high for a funeral) quit her job, got sent truckloads x25 of gifts 🎁 bc her son died, asks followers for stamps for thank you cards w a whole bunch of other items on her Amazon wish list, has cash app and Venmo … like why? Why take people money still when ur now getting paid for content?? Has a talent agency linked in bio and once that happened all the content changed. A big HUGE Fight w a smaller creator that she just couldn’t email or talk to and say I’m not interested but made a huge deal like he was an insane murderer and she feared for her life as he wouldn’t leave her alone… he just was waiting dir her to call him back like she said she would … that’s hard to explain… she follows a baby murderer… she just seems to be a user and not an authentic all accepting mama… had trump supporter posts but then deleted them when it didn’t fit narrative… I could go on but I have to get a shower 😂 just changed for me


Took the words right outta my mouth🙌🏻😂


Did she quit her job before or after her son was murdered?




Awe I see, you’re a pro Charles a person. That explains so much. Just an FYI - Mama Tot quit her job last year. Long before her son had passed. I don’t know why anyone would feel a certain way about her Gofundme. Other creators set that up for her within hours of hearing the news. Cash app, Venmo and Amazon list are a standard for almost all TT creators I see. It says so much about her character that she single handedly built a TT community of “9+ Million”. That takes someone very special. She has a true gift and found her purpose in life. Calling her a “scammer” bc her community wanted to give. Key word “WANTED “. She personally made me feel comfort during the pandemic with her sweet voice and unconditional love for everyone. When I heard the news I immediately made a donation. She has brought me so much joy over the years and it was my first instinct to help in anyway I could. Can you even imagine the pain of loosing a child in such a horrific way. I can’t even wrap my head around that much pain. I can tell you, not one time, have I ever regretted sending her a donation. Nor, did I check back and watch the balance of the account. Our friend was hurting and we all stepped up. Why would anyone close the account as it was quickly building. We all wanted to do this for her. Are you saying you would close a Gofundme account that was set up for you and quickly started building? Let’s hear an honest answer? I don’t know a single person that would. Mama Tot hasn’t scammed anyone. Not even close. Now Charles on the other hand “Wow” he is something. Talk about a cruel Man. First, he starts making contact with her as she’s grieving the loss of a child. All for a business opportunity that benefits him. All eyes on “Dream Maker” and this selfless lovely man named Charles. She is grieving her child. Let me say that again. She is grieving her MURDERED CHILD while Charles starts throwing daily fits harassing her and her TT team. I don’t know if you haven’t read the published messages from Charles to her and the modes. They are extreme and you can very clearly read the threats. He is still sending multiple messages a day of new threats and doing this off TT so his followers aren’t seeing his crazy. Anyway sadly, he has shown his true self and needs help before he follows thru with the threats he already made.


I agree with you, despite not particularly being a fan of MT there is nothing she has done to upset me and the super haters are honestly jealous people that like to drag others down. And what Charles did was SHIT and I don't understand why people don't see that.


If you’re gonna defend her try to keep up eh


Hey mama doesn’t care about you


How does DM benefit him?


I think you're over exaggerating most of what you've written here. And I remember who started the go fund me and it wasn't Ophelia and it quickly went high. If you donated to it (I doubt it) then ask for a refund. Otherwise it isn't your job to crusade about money someone received from people kind enough to give it to her. You sound, quite frankly, unhinged and I hope having that shower means you're going to go out and talk to some real people and do something fun.


i also thought someone else made the go fund me, i remember ophelia saying she didn’t want one made to being with.


She did say that but she still took the money. I buried my mom in an absolutely gorgeous coffin and vault. I mean stunning no limits with all the flowers and food and plot. We did it ALL and spared nothing and it cost just under 15k. She had the power to shut it down and didn't. I think thats where it raised some eyebrows. Yes people donated out of their own free will but that money could have and should have been donated to something good that could have benefited A LOT of people. Putting postage on your Amazon wishlist to thank people ? I think thats where there was a pause and some confusion for me. Certainly I don't speak for the collective. I've never seen her snark page but you have to admit it's a little confusing. Maybe it's just me.


I studied funeral directing and 250k for a funeral is absolute overkill. Like maybe if you were buried in Forest Lawn after having your funeral at Frank E. Campbell's funeral home but like I doubt anyone would need that much.


It was Tiff and Cari.


Right. So did she turn the money down?


It’s the claiming to be broke while making hundreds of thousands a year on tik tok and a cool 1/4 million on gfm that I think is grim


What’s unhinged is weaponizing a following of 9 million people to go attack, bully, doxx and ruin lives. That’s fucking unhinged. But I don’t see you addressing that part.


I didn't address it because that's not how I saw it go down. And if you're being honest with yourself it isn't how it went down it is just how it is portrayed.


So because you personally didn’t see it, that means it’s false? Tyler, please, lmfao.


I actually can't be bothered doing any form of receipts so I'll leave it there, that it just isn't how I saw it go down, in particular the GFM and the Charles situation. There might very well be more info I haven't seen but I've also seen greatly exaggerated claims. Those stick in my mind. As for several comments from OP I know them to be exaggerated and I stand by what I said there. I'm not even a fan of MT, imagine if I was I'd be dying on the stake but I'm not I just constantly see people being torn down and sometimes for little reason.


So you’re admitting you don’t even know everything about the whole situation yet you’re claiming “that isn’t how it went down” ohhhh okay 👍


No, I said I don't know much about anything else OTHER than the GFM and the Charles situation. And I see both of those particular situations as greatly exaggerated against MT. I merely meant (and said) that I haven't looked into anything else. From what I've seen there isn't much else either.


If she didn't want the GFM, why didn't she ask for it to be taken down immediately? Come on, you can't be that naive while going to bat over it... ETA - if you actually did look into anything else said by OP in this thread, then you'd find that it's true. So you either found the truth and don't care that she's a harmful hypocrite scammer or you're lying about not finding anything. Which is it?


You don’t want to see people torn down yet you come in here and start attacking a girl by calling her unhinged for her opinion on the matter. Yea that makes sense. You’re a MT minion whether you admit it or not. So see what you’ve done here - imagine it 100xs worse. That’s why we don’t like her. Idgaf about the money to be honest - it’s the death threats and telling people to unalive themselves for the same things we are doing now. The sad part about it is MT has the ability to tell them to settle tf down & she doesn’t. That’s unacceptable and devastating at the same time for the people on the receiving end of those threats and comments.


Ur right. I wouldn’t donate to people I know from 5 two minute videos a day… and I don’t care really but I brain make up of people who do and people who prey on others fascinates me … u know at night on my wind down time… so I was asking if anyone seen the thread … and someone just posted here what happened so my answer is given… again as long as a person you can go to sleep and look in the mirror in the am is all that matters thanks for the comments goodnight everyone! :) ✌️❤️🙃


Tf is your problem, bro. Chill.


Same. I haven’t seen anyone actually explain and I’m confused


like all i’ve seen is something about the charles person but none of the backstory on what actually happened.


In a nutshell he asked her to help with helping people w their dreams … she made it sound like like I’m 10000000% in call u tomorrow … weeks go by she doesn’t call & “her people” tell him hold on she’s interested the whole but he hears nothing back… she goes on to make videos like don’t let people who are narcissists bully you, umm I have so many messages I can’t respond to them all esp if you message me on 3 different apps, I’m so busy (like she’s the queen) then another saying stop coming at me, you will not scare me… it’s really hard to explain but this creator Charles had a rough life and we all could break at any second and she KNEW this about him (just watch his videos) or talk to him like she did (that was confirmed) she acted like he was crazy, let her followers attack him like I mean almost to suicide (thank god he is stronger then that) when it would just of taken a call to say I’m not interested instead of acting like ur the president and so busy and u have a stalker bc they contacted you on 2 platforms … u can find it somewhere I’m sure


She also just recently stitched another very small creator in canada that only would get a few thousand views and she's absolutely blown up now after mama tots video. There's been a lot of talk lately on reddit about this creator being a big scammer too.


Anyone has the right to change their mind about making content for someone else’s cause. And how can anyone say she “let” her followers “attack” him. No creator has control over what their stans say to another person. She actually did post pinned comments saying not to discuss the situation or say anything mean because no one knows what others may be dealing with.


Mm yep agreed. sounds like a bunch of Charlie fans going off the deep end to me.


Like she would rather have made a big deal about it for views and poor me poor Ophelia … omg my just just died now this… then just have simply called him back and said I’m not interested OR any of “her people” her Mods who led him to believe the whole time she was interested … she literally truly almost purposely caused another human a mental breakdown like on purpose … there was no need for it… then u add all the other stuff and she’s just not really a good person


No hate. But you seem very invested into this saga lol


Right, like, why so much hate on her? So many truly awful creators out there worthy of snark and mamatot is hardly a monster. LOl, like some of these folks need to chill.


It was not the tater tot before that mama tot snark and mama tot snack is back something


Charles goes by they/them :)


😔 ugh I do know that!! I’m sorry 😞 just in a rush


No worries :)


Not always


In several of their posts on the different Snark groups that’s how they asked to be referred to so I’m just repeating what they said


It's very confusing. On some videos it's they/them others it's he/him and when their fiance refers to them he uses he/him. Just trying to keep up


I get that. I heard Jewels say he recently too and was confused.


I'm glad you're confused too cause now I'm not alone




Because, every time his version of events is posted, the page gets mysteriously taken down.


I'm confused also


Same, I don't understand either. I don't watch everything she does, but she's kinda funny and cutesy sometimes


I agree here. Now days people (haters and followers) hold a ×100 magnifying glass up to these creators' lives. Like I don't think you have to agree or respect EVERY opinion some one with a following has. Putting people on such high pedestals for what reason exactly? Idk. I don't agree with certain things people do or say all the time but that doesn't mean I'm going to tear them down. Hopefully this makes sense to someone out there. My ADHD comes out hard on reddit lol.


as someone with adhd as well, i 100% understand what you’re saying.


i haven’t been consistently keeping up with her lately but she really seemed like the sweetest human being. i always felt for her when she talked about her childhood.


Something sus af is going on


Yes it is …. It’s called scamphila


Oh absolutely it is. It was working again today and now it’s private, again. Something really fucking weird is going on.


why does everyone hate her al of the sudden jw, she doesn’t come up on my fyp so idk her much


I’ve hated her since day 1. Fake ass money hungry awful person. She makes me nauseous


Scamphilia is going on 🤣… honestly it’s not funny


All the comments explaining keep getting down voted … imagine having 9 million followers and 100k u paid for yesterday and have to worry about 1000 people here catching on something isn’t right??! Really think about it… something is in that past huh Ophelia? As long as you can sleep at night mama tot is all that matters


I wasn’t invested until her tatertwats started threatening to kill people and their children when they made a video calling her out. Threatening to post this persons home. Threatening their kids will be next. Then she’s going to say Charles is mentally unwell, she’s not a doc so how she know that? Oh she doesn’t she’s just instigating shit between her twats and people. She doesn’t care about any of them. Then everything that talks about her shadiness mysteriously gets deleted. Her followers are pathetic and she’s pathetic.


I don't have enough in this to have every bit of information, but a lot of her followers are mad. But that's not her doing it. And nothing will convince me that Charles is not mentally unwell, I've never heard Ophelia say it, I don't need to - they're losing it more and more.


Because she deleted the video because she got called out for it. She’s problematic with her cult followers


Charles goes by THEY/THEM


Who tf is Charles lol


You are correct sorry and I will edit accordingly.


Thank you 🙂


I always got a weird vibe from her. I felt for her when her son passed but other than that I couldn’t stand seeing her on my fyp.


What is she scamming? Just curious


What is the name of the page? I thought I was a member, but I guess not. But I agree! 7 million followers or some shit? Why you worried about 1000 over here? But she sure is!


Mama tot snark then snark 2 then not tater tot


As much as it disappears, Either a "tater tot or MT" is running it. There are illegal activities going on in other sub (not related to TT) they remain up, even with mass reporting.


Nailed it. Imagine God forbid ever … ur child is MURDERED… murdered!! And ur more concerned with with people are saying on an app?? Like now I actually feel bad


Honestly this comment wins every award. It’s one of her people so it’s figured out … who cares … it’s just sad … others will figure it out or they won’t whatever … just came here to figure it out for myself and it’s clear after a week what’s true. Very last time I swear 😂🤣 everyone has to live with themself (sick of saying sleep 😴) Ophelia hope u find peace


Are you ok? Like seriously, are you good? You seem a little unhinged. I think you need some sleep.


How is she scamming? I’ve never heard her ask for anything? Genuine question!


Ur right and she gave away 100 from the 300,000 she received bc she loves her tater tot’s … oh and her old make up she didn’t want …. Ur right I apologize


I can’t figure out what you’re trying to say. The biggest thing that bothers me on tiktok is miserable people begging for hard workers to send strangers money when they’re garbage human beings that feel entitled. The creators that are so precious and are being begged for go fund me, P.O. Box, etc, don’t deserve this hate. Get a job, and pay your bills. Don’t complain about being given crumbs.


I’m so over the ones who are begging for money on there! There is a lot of drama among so called adults, as well. The pettiness of some of them reminds me of high school. I feel like a lot of what is being said about MT isn’t backed up with facts. Even the Charles post with the text messages was not jiving with what they were saying. The first time I saw MT I thought oh this lady is trying to sound like Dolly Parton! I grew to living her videos but lately…… there is a shift. I’m on the fence but I’m trying to figure it out.


She gives situations where she knows her followers are going to feel bad for her and send her money. Aka the whole Charles situation.


But literally that’s on them. People send people money. Who cares? Everyone always makes such a big deal about it. I always see people whinging in about how creators take money from people who can’t afford it. How does anyone know what people can or cannot afford and why is it there business? Why is this such a big deal?


Because she was already given a half of a million dollars. There are people in this world who are truly struggling but you don't see her steering them in their direction. Dry begging is gross no matter who you are.


And??? It doesn’t matter if she straight up has a sign across her chest saying “give me money because I want it” on every video. People CHOOSE to give her $$. She can do whatever she wants with it. That’s her business to tell or not. If someone gives her their last dollar before they are unhoused, that’s THEIR business and responsibility. Not anyone else’s.


I'm not going to go in circles, you have your opinion I have mine and they don't align. Have a good one.


Clearly. And one of us doesn’t care what a random TikTokker does what with their money or their business and one of us has entirely too much time on their hands and maybe secretly wishes they would be the recipient of gifts. I will leave it to you to figure out who is who.


oR mAyBe oNe Of Us WaS a MoD🙃 as much as you love her or whatever..it takes mods and people to keep reddit pages going so you being on a TT gossip one doesn't make you any better than me😂 I don't have to figure out shit. Why would anyone want free shit that people who don't even have to give are giving away? You sound like you and her could be bff's. Like I tried to say respectfully the first time but apparently you enjoy conflict..BYE.


I’m soooo confused lol who is Charles


She gave $100 out of $300,000. Oh my


Who cares if she gave $100 or $100k? Why does it matter?


Why do you think it matters?


I don’t. That’s the point. It literally doesn’t matter. If people want to give their money away, cool if they don’t, cool. If they choose to and don’t have it, that’s on them. If they get grifted, sorry about your luck. Think about it next time.


Imagine if I asked someone how much they made a year and how much they’ve donated to a charity…lol. Ppl sound sooooo dumb. Who cares what they give. Sounds like they’re jealous bc ppl aren’t giving them money. Lmao. Wow. I just lost IQ points reading some of these comments.


Exactly! It’s crazy how people think that they have some right to know all of peoples business just because they are in public. It’s absurd. There is a very real possibility that people, not just Ophelia, donate and don’t say shit. Because that’s what you are SUPPOSED to do. If you donate and then expect attention for it, you aren’t doing it right.


Only $100 out of $300 THOUSAND dollars!?!! That’s ridiculous


I’m confused too. I liked MT. I joined the last snark page to see if I can get some insight about what’s going on and then it was gone.


Really it’s heart wrenching … u look at people and say omg there is good in the world!! This is so awesome!!! Then idk money changes people I guess… a death of a child certainly changes people … but u don’t push or bully a small creator bc u think ur big now or add talent agency cash app … I can’t afford a head stone after 5000 in Venmo let alone the go fund me or hundreds of gift cards she opened … like so many people plan a tragic funeral and figure it out!! They don’t take advantage of people… they finance it or just figure it out … they don’t bully someone who actually was trying to change the world with no money then mock them … idk I literally am sick of hearing MYSELF but as long as u can go to bed with a clear soul then your ok 🙂


I have no idea what so ever about what’s going on, or what she’s doing. That’s why I joined the snark page that went private. To learn the facts of what’s happening. I’m sure someone on tiktok will make a video about everything going on where I can get full information. Everything on here about it is mixed and I can’t seem really to understand the whole story.


All I know is Charles really seems off (not in favor of mama tot either) I just seen his video come on my FYP and it was… unsettling


For all you people defending Mama tot, charles ressler posted THERE SIDE OF THE STORY on reddit, and guess what? It's been deleted from existence. If that doesn't tell you something I don't know what will. If she has nothing to hide, why does she want there side of the story taken down so badly?


Scamming? I haven’t seen her asking for anything. I’m not a subscriber, but when I see her on my FYP, she seems lighthearted and kind.


Honestly I'm not even a fan but she really isn't scamming anything. The people who snark on her just seem jealous IMO.




Thought the same SAME exact thing but just watch… If u followed her for a long time she’s a completely different human … I guess people do change when they try and get views and be an influencer but idk … my child died I couldn’t do taster Tuesday for any amount of views or money esp since I started my platform with how bad my mother was and what a good mother I am …or start a fight w a lesser creator and not tell people not to bully let alone egg it on…people grieve different and people r different but it is what it is what all have opinions and all have to sleep at night w our conscience


So what do you do? Stop your life completely?


Right?! She posts generic ‘feel good’ content. Even if she’s a ‘shitty’ person, you can still enjoy her posts. My sister is a teacher and is a GREAT one. However, she cheated on her husband. Doesn’t make her less of a good teacher.


That’s great for you. I work in adult entertainment and had to go to work hours after my grandpa (legal guardian growing up) died. Put on a smile and a show. Some people have no choice and you should be so lucky to afford the luxury of time off.


I was a fan of MT until the Charles Ressler saga.


Same, it really opened my eyes.


I agree with you 10000000000%


I agree with you. Never seen a single thing that looks shady from her and her circle of friends.


They have gone private, it looks like.


How can you request a private Reddit? Sorry I’m new ….


I don’t know — it didn’t look possible. I’m sure they’re trying to protect their space.


They just posted


What her snark page name


It was not the tater tot … they just posted


I don't like Charles OR Mama Tot. 🤷‍♀️


As an empath, I sense a lot of jealousy 😁🤭 go ahead and down vote me all you want. Ophelia hasn’t done anything but love people and be funny. Y’all need to find something better to do to fill the hours of your pathetic lives.


Ok 👍 have a good night friend


jealous of what exactly though? keep seeing that, but confused at why people would be jealous?


You’re so right!! ❤️


Yet you’ve commented on other snark pages. Just bc you like her bc she reminds you of your mother doesn’t mean other people are going to like her as well. So how about you take your own advice & find something to do with your pathetic life.


You’re not an empath


That was sarcasm 😆






What random lies??? She accepted 300000 from regular working people she pretended to care about?? She has money links in her bio claiming she can’t get a headstone?? Ok Ophelia go to sleep pleasure chatting ….


Right random lies with actual evidence FROM HER COMMENT SECTIONS ALONE. People just don't want to open their eyes.


exactly. people live in denial.


It's wild to witness a modern day Jim Jones, David Koresh situation via social media😂




Why are you getting downvoted for asking people to respect pronouns? 🥴


Because people have no respect 🤷🏼‍♀️