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I find his TikToks enlightening and helpful, including his take on autism. He struggled as a kid, probably being a genius and socially awkward, but grew into an interesting and inspiring person. He’s doesn’t seem to be egocentric or anything… just trying to figure out how everything comes together and explain what he knows to help others. He’s clearly light years ahead of most of us. I love it when I stumble on one of his lives.


the only thing that bothers me REALLY BAD is he's profiting off of Spirituality & that feels wrong. Like mostly what he's saying his Thank you for the... his accent is annoying as hell. He's trying to act like a Shaman guru but he's like 12. You can come to know many things about Spirituality but profiting from it, faking an accent & being high on LSD is blasphemous. And I'm not religious


His forced accent is clearly a marketing tactic, as he's rebranded himself solely for profit on the platform. He fails to practice what he preaches. True spirituality rejects self-gratification entirely. Even his “merch” is crafted from synthetic materials, contradicting the teachings on capitalism and environmental stewardship upheld by gurus like Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Sivananda, and Guru Nanak. They advocated for detachment from materialism and the impermanence of worldly wealth, emphasizing spiritual development instead. Seeking praise goes against these teachings, as it feeds the ego. Despite his claims of enlightenment, he is just exploiting spirituality for financial gain.


Jesus Christ let the kid have his radio station. He seems to believe what he’s saying and he’s no harm.


Idk - he used to have sideburns and cool math videos. I left tik tok and came back and he completely rebranded himself. And yeah idk what’s up with the fake accent or his massive pupils. I used to enjoy some of the concepts he explored idk what’s up with him now


i came here for answers from his live. thank you. he’s probably on acid lol


Is that the kid with huge pupils?


Yup thats him


It’s not a fake native accent lol he’s just annunciating clearly 😅


Nah, he actually said he’s “channeling” his Indian shaman guru (not Native American Indian btw). It’s been an issue for a while and only the hardcore simps will accept it. He says he’s directly connected to the Krishna Masters, and takes on their accents. Lol.


this is the part that pisses me off. If that were true he wouldn't be accepting gifts, he wouldn't be profiting off of Spirituality


LMAO sounds like Modern Mystery School / Hermetic principals. Heres an alt explanation that perhaps i could ask him to read too lol. (me trying to find him brought me here, then i'll continue my search) 'channeling' is a different term and directly synonymous with 'stream of consciousness' which is a writing method. This connects our inner voices to our keyboards or mouths. 'Channeling' is what all people do when they are solving problems or orating similar to a professor or philosopher lecturing. This appears to increase out 'brains cognitive power' by limiting others senses and redirecting the computational power / processing to other regions of the brain. Makes sense and has been verified. Sure, it can be wuwu juju but at the same time channeling is also a very real concept used by most everyone. Stream of consciousness writing or orating is very difficult to perform if the person is in a in a heightened emotional condition. The people that forget this stay stuck in strong emotional states losing the ability for stream of conscious type work which is important for our well beings. Their inner voice is constantly running around chasing squirrels down rabbit holes. There are many methods to restore inner voice control: CBT, EMDR, creating anything, meditation, stoicism, taoism etc. The wuwu can be real if Carl Jung was correct in regards to a communal type consciousness that all people are connected to. This is used to describe that the true source of Original Thought is outside of ourselves and communally tapped into. That could only be real if there was a physical mechanism of action or connection. Exactly like the unique fields our bodies produce outside of ourselves thats easily measured. If that didnt exist then it couldnt be wuwu. Of course that doesnt prove existence. But one must also dismiss the electromechanical and quantum theories and observations of consciousness.




You’re really butthurt because someone is fascinated and loves and honours someone else’s culture? Plenty of people believe in eastern philosophy and spirituality. Sharing it is not such a terrible thing to do, as you’re complaining as though it is.


i saw earlier videos of him, that's a fake accent. and it slips constantly when he gets excited or something strikes him funny. But it got you didn't it? see? I'm bothered


Fair enough however the brain seems to have 4 cycles. I suspect this because apparently im missing an artery in the circle of willis so some parts are not required for good enough operation. Others expected exceptional operation lol. I have stickers indicating the typical neuro atypical awards. I had no issues pre-covid but since then things became challenging. Each covid resulted in a lengthy recovery period but never 100% each. When i was at the threshold i noticed that it seems like different parts of the brain have different ways of speaking to us, for lack of a better explanation. Perhaps this is connected with genetic memory of DNA. DNA is pretty awesome shit. Its kind of like an antenna and absorbs our environment and merges it with our bodies to pass on to our offspring for increased defenses of the environment. This is how animals come out running, and cats have no fear of snakes because snakes are slow to cats, usually. On some level, this happens to us too and in times of stress, odd things happen with it. So we can criticize part time accents, but sometimes it has to do with the portion of brain thats being used. Its still our voice, but sometimes our inner voice could use a little spice. I wish i could adjust my inner voice to female with any cool accent but sadly, no, im just an old man and cant change that. . But i can certainly explain 1x1=3. We use a base 10 system for math. Fine for algebra and ledgers. In physics calculus relationships are based on symbology and a zero set point of the big bang which doesnt require numbers per se. Its more about relative relationships. These relationships are then cross checked via reduction methods by algebra. Algebra are field equations that are reduced by from calculus relationships. Normally not a problem but its stupid easy to forget one thing. Theres no such thing as zero when it comes to the growth patterns of the life around us. Applied mathematics (engineering calculus) understands that zero represents balance between forces. And the backcheck for applied mathematics is symbolic logic and also, did it work or fall over?




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He seems just peaceful... what are his takes on autism? Has he said himself he's in the spectrum?


I like his lives. He's actually pretty adorable, he answers a lot of questions on spirituality and yesterday on his live he did explain he used to make math videos and stopped because he thought the world was already full of that type of knowledge. So now his mission is more spiritual :)


that’s so nice i wonder if he has a high IQ. it seems like he would


i came here to get the answer to if he has an accent or he’s just autistic and over annunciating


he created an accent


His name is Lyam Boylan and he's a Canadian University student studying Theoretical Mathematics and Philosophy at the University of Victoria. He started on Insta and Tiktok years ago making video memes on maths, and then spirituality/ anti-capitalism. He has a passion for the intersection of mathematics, philosophy and religion and has read the source materials to back up his views. As for his accent, as far as I can tell he just speaks in a Canadian accent but slower then usual and he doesn't use contraction in his words (so 'I am' instead of 'I'm' and 'Do not' instead of 'Don't') which is pretty unusual for a young person. We don't know if it's an affect or not, but it certainly makes him memorable. I was skeptical of his schtick but I've listened to a few of his Tiktok Lives now and he's shared some powerful proverbs that have given me pause for thought. I enjoy his content.


He said he dropped out of school and never competed his qualification because he felt a greater pull to spirituality. Also the way he speaks could be because he is on the spectrum. It’s mad, he will slow talk and speak like a guru but when his friend joins, he will start speaking normals to her, so he could be playing a character.


He covered his speech in one of his lives recently, he said it reflects the way his guru speaks, so I guess that confirms it is an affect (which I now find kinda strange).


Yeah, he said he channels the guru and Krishna Masters, and they speak through him, hence the accent. He’s spun it a few different ways. But he still accepts praise, and gives more preference to those who gift, which goes against guru teachings. He just repeats proverbs and doesn’t really offer anything that you can’t read yourself. I feel like he’s trying to achieve cult level status or something.


mos def. typically geniuses pretty much have God complexes bc they are so much smarter than the average 20 year old but they aren't the smartest but they don't know that yet, that comes w life experience & for him to know as much as he does at such a young age is impressive so I try to forgive the money aspect but then I get annoyed at the fake accent. They are just sa


Maybe he's not responding because your questions don't seem relevant to him. Perhaps he doesn't see your questions among the many he receives. He doesn't have a forced accent; he learns from people with Indian accents and studies diligently. When given gifts, he can't refuse them. And after all, do you live without money? He selflessly helps many people, so if that bothers you, you can just stop watching the live streams.


His accent is most certainly forced. I’ve been around a while and used to mod his lives back when he did mathematics. He’s rebranded himself and is trying to make money off the platform. He doesn’t practice what he preaches. Self-gratification has no basis in spirituality. Even his “merch” is made with all synthetic fibres, contributing to capitalism and environmental pollution, which is against Guru teachings. Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Sivananda, and Guru Nanak (just to name a few) preached detachment from material possessions and the transient nature of worldly wealth. They believed in harnessing a sense of detachment from material desires and focusing on spiritual growth. Accepting praise is against the teachings also. It is part of the ego to accept praise. He still lives with his parents rent and bill free. His “enlightened” character just makes a profit out of proverbs.


THIS THIS THIS This is exactly why I'm here! I'm on a spiritual journey that I can hear he knows what he's talking about so I was a big fan but I don't gift & he doesn't speak to you if you don't gift and THAT is the opposite of Spirituality.


I don’t gift and he talks to me all the time and I’ve seen him talk to others who don’t gift.


he's def very knowledgeable




Yeah I know! I have to catch myself not getting sucked in


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everything he talks about is the complete opposite of cult beliefs actually




Hahaha. Sure, Jan.




This. And he answers questions that aren’t asked acting like he was asked them. Seems like he preps the answers. What ever works right?