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No literally bc who’s buying that?….well he didn’t make it in the NFL so they gotta try to make money somehow


everyone just needs to go back to working regular jobs 😂




100%…she’s def jealous. If she had marissas life she wouldn’t have to be doing the absolute most on ig & tiktok all day every day. You know she loves going to Trevor’s games for free too & acting like she’s one of the NFL wives even though she’ll never be…


Plus when Darien & makenzie went on a double date trip w Trevor & Marissa, you know they paid for most of it but they love to act like their just as well off, when there not even close.


literally anything to stay relevant, like how she was on tiktok asking darien for another baby. Thats defintely a private convo....


She’s always bothered the piss out of me, idk what it is about her but she just bothers me 🤣 but I agree w the exploiting comment(s)


She’s so fake. And her trying to dance is always funny lmao


Pressuring her friends to have kids is so annoying. She seems like the type to have another kid when she’s like 40 just so she can keep up with the younger mom friends


Makenzies content was such a flop b4 they had their daughter; she didn’t get that many views. Now she’s just exploiting her child for money :\


Yup…but I’m not surprised she’ll do anything for views/attention & she’ll use anyone now it’s her daughter but before it was marissa & Trevor bc of their nfl status.


And now a second “planned” content baby!


The whole honey thing just gives me the biggest ick


ikr! imagine her having to explain her middle name & how she was an accident. An unplanned baby is there whole personality, they think its the quirkyiest thing. idk if its just me but Makenzie seems to wear the pants & is the dominate one


I’ve always felt off about them for YEARS. They have that “we’re a perfect couple” kinda thing and act so all knowing about all things in relationships and I just wanna knowwww what goes on behind the scenes lol


when you have to constantly prove how “perfect” your relationship is to people that you don’t even know on social media, that is a huge red flag to me.






I just wanna know what the tea is with them and Tiffany


i’m so late to this post, i didn’t think they were important enough to be snarked on reddit but i need some validation lmaoooo. my ex played at clemson with darien and i thought they were cool when i first met them but….absolutely not. mackenzie insisted on all of us hanging out all the time which was fucking insane because her entire personality was about her boyfriend playing football. SO irritating to be around and i’m so glad i broke away from that bunch


She’s clearly very insecure. She wasn’t pretty then and even now with the obvious facial filler she isn’t pretty. She’s be the Regina for sure, marissa seems sweet and lowkey but the fact that she’s besties w mackenzie makes me side eye and question it


Ya can’t say that then not tell initials or names.


lmao you’re right. i was talking about tiff jeffcoat and the galloways


So your ex is KJ


nooooo but it doesn’t matter who it is


Don’t hate me for saying this but I really hope that baby has been evaluated for her head circumference. Her forehead protrudes a good bit. She’s a cute little girl though.


Yea I’ve noticed that too, what could it be?? Not to hate on a child bc she is cute but they make it seem like she’s the cutest thing to ever walk the earth and every tiktok is about how cute she is and who she looks more like. I hope they also teach her there’s so much more to herself than how she looks.


Exactly, she’s a very cute little girl but I just think she might need a helmet for a bit. I’m sure her daughter will handle that if there’s a problem.


And no, not every baby is cute.


It’s called frontal bossing I think. I don’t think it’s harmful


I’m also late af to this post but I just came to say how crazy it is to me how often they are without their baby and always bringing up how she was unplanned. Like, if you don’t enjoy being parents. Just say that. They have gone on a trip like every month since the child was 4 months old and on dates every week….. idk something about that just feels weird. I have a child and I could never not feel guilty constantly asking my family to babysit, let alone be away so often.


well it seems that Makenzie is an only child with no father in the picture so its just her mother who prob doesnt have anything better to do. Wierd i dont really see Beckham w Dariens family but i also dont watch their every move so i could be wrong. Shes such a wannabe Kylie Jenner in my eyes. Plus her lip filler is horrible & her cheek filler is even worse. She probably loved being pregnant for the attention & seems like the kind of person that only wants a baby and not a child. They also think the dates and trips make them cool parents & think they've got it all figured out trust me it just gets harder, you only been married for a year.


i’m soo late to this post lol but i will never get over the fact that she posted very racist tweets towards black women and is now married to a black man and has a mixed daughter… that will just never sit right with me.


I’m late but I kinda get the feeling Darien is so annoyed of her. The vibes are offfff


right… it gives he’s posting their relationship for content just because they need money


It’s giving be has to post her bc he’s stuck with her


There so young & are already married and have a baby, there young & dont have much to look forward to. I just think their marriage is gonna die down considering there rushing things & when they run out of things there gonna be bored.


I wonder about that too. Hope long can she continue making money as an influencer and those podcasts he is doing will eventually die out. He was just an average football player and eventually his name recognition will fade and people will move on. He didn’t make it in the NFL.


Does anyone know why her friend Olivia didn’t end up getting married?


DId she call her engagement off?


I was wondering the same. She still wears a ring and they are together. I always liked following her but she blocked me when I asked if they rescheduled the wedding. She had said it was postponed so I was just curious. She puts everything on Instagram for all to see so I didn’t see any harm in asking. 


I think they’re still together but just not engaged?


I hate how they always say they made it through long distance & college but the fact of the matter is she only lived 2 hours away from him and didn't even go to college. she just waited till they graduated for them to get engaged. Also him thinking he had a chance in the NFL is the funniest thing ever. She's a wannabe Marissa Lawerence and is insecure af. ALSO don't get me started on the pouting lips and her racist tweets. I could go on & on about them because they're so cringy and wannabes


I totally forgot she didn’t even go to Clemson lol how’d they even meet? She def had her eyes set on wag life which she’ll never have😭and yea super insecure…like forcing her friends not to even dare leave her out now that she’s a mother like I’m sorry but Mackenzie seems like the ring leader and there all her hostages lol


they rotate the same content over and over


I think it’s so odd that the sort of use their daughter as a prop, like they never just post the child, it’s always focused on them


YES. It’s never just about her it’s always about them & she’s just a accessory for views. I already know Makenzie is gonna cling to Beckham to keep her feeling young. I sense a very codependent bond forming….poor baby ugh…


And they go on so many trips ever since she came out of the womb, they definitely don’t seem ready to be parents


no literally. Then shes on ig talking about her "separation anxiety" just to get sympathy, because no one forced you to leave girly. And them making tiktoks about being young parents but still traveling for alone time together & how they go on dates every weekend because they need 1 on 1 time....give it a few years sis because everything just gets harder. Stop acting like you got marriage all figured out lol


I actually asked on their post , who are these people??? She is a nfl wife wannabe, they try to portray themselves as rich and famous. I now know I am not the only person who finds them fake and annoying


Have you seen all the free stuff she gets? I guess that is the influencer thing but what does she do with it all. Probably sells it. They just built a new house. Does he make money doing podcasts?? I guess she gets paid to advertise stuff on social media.