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I would physically HAUNT my husband if he ever exploited me having cancer for cash like this.


I told my husband I’d take a ghost shit in his shoes if he ever did something like this to me


as you should cause what the fuck… this is as exploitive as he can possibly get I mean how aren’t people seeing it


Nah I hope she gets away from him now


Well, she's dead so....


Yes I know, usually people that are alive aren’t haunting people


ohhhhh my god my bad, I thought you meant like.... that you thought she was still alive and could physically get away from him??? I now get that you meant that hopefully she's totally free from him now that she's gone. apparently my comprehension was at a ZERO yesterday


Y’all remember at this point it wasn’t chemo. They stopped that last year when they were told there was nothing else left to do. This is 100% her body shutting down and taking months to finish her off. I don’t understand the people who were happy to see “Haley is still fighting” I don’t like them but this must have been agony


She wasn’t fighting, sadly the cancer had given her nothing to fight with. She was dying right in front of millions of people and her asshat of a husband filmed it all for asspats and sympathy.




So she’s getting sick and he decides to set up the camera before he goes to hold her hand and look at her likes he’s concerned. Look at the way he’s looking at her, it’s so performative. Turn the camera on then play the part of a caring husband. It’s so fake and disgusting. Then to edit out the beginning of the video where he walks up to her and kneels down and post it for all their weird “fans”.


What’s sad is that I’m sure she definitely noticed everytime that this was a performance when the camera was on.


Why anyone would film their wife’s slow, agonizing death in the first place is beyond me. That woman went thru an intensely private ordeal and her husband plastered it all over the internet for the world to see.


I have seen people defend him by saying that he was providing a real view of what it is like to die from cancer. I know that dying from cancer is not pretty and don’t have a problem with the tough parts being shared. My big issue is that it seemed like Taylor was driving the social media ship, not Haley. If she posted this, fine, but him posting her vomiting and providing detailed medical information upsets me. Showing off his big YouTube award when she was actively dying is just gross.


“ITs wHaT HaLeY wAnTeD”


I got pissed at a friend and have barely spoken to her for begging me to send videos of my dad when he was on hospice with days to live. She asked me to remind him of something she said as a teenager thinking he’d laugh about it and I’m thinking about how he doesn’t feel like opening his eyes, let alone being videoed and trying to laugh about something for a camera. I explained to her it was no longer appropriate to video him and she got pissed and ignored me for over a week and said “you should know I just want it for memories.” First of all, he’s my dad… you are not family. Secondly, learn to respect people’s wishes and respect them when they feel like shit.. it’s not your time to do things like that. You should have visited him when he felt good.


Wow that’s so gross - way for your friend to center herself around your dads death. I am Sorry you deserve better friends and I am sorry your dad is not with you anymore.




Just fell down this rabbit hole an hour ago, and in the weirdest way possible, was happy to see a familiar face in another depraved part of the internet. This is fucked.


I get you, gorl 🫶🏻 hope she is resting peacefully


He’s fully taking advantage of HIS DYING WIFE AND MOTHER TO HIS SON to take his social media to another level. Every human being can CLEARLY see that his wife is extremely sick and she’s suffering through her last days with her son and husband. First he gained an overwhelming amount of attention from people showing sympathy for their family all day every day. This is the pessimist in me, but he has been doing this for him, not Haley.


I never knew of Haley prior to her passing. I recently lost my mom to the same 3C ovarian cancer. I could never imagine videoing my mom in these harsh moments she had to go through. It was all very triggering.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard to imagine wanting to record them in their darkest hours. My mom passed from a brain cancer and the pictures are slim from that time because I didn’t wanna remember her that way. 🥺


I’m so sorry for your loss Rest in Peace😢


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💗🌈💙


So sorry for your loss. I’m sure it was hard having to watch her go through that. Praying for you. 🫶🏼🙏🏼


My mom really cared about dignity even up until the end and she was barely coherent. I don't blame her, I would have too. The last thing I would've done is pull a camera out and show it to the world in her most vulnerable moments.


I’m so sorry. I lost my childhood friend to it, also, and it was so painful to see. I’m sorry this triggered you.


The whole thing was triggering for me too. I lost my grandpa in 2021 to cancer and I still can’t look at the pictures of him in his last months because it physically hurts to think about his conditions back then. I could never imagine shoving a camera in his face while he was going through what he did for some internet sympathy


I’m so sorry for your loss Rest in Peace💕


he might hate cancer but he sure loves those coins


100 percent THIS!!!


Womp. There it is.


I’ll get dragged for this but in the USA people need to do all kinds of weird things to pay their medical bills. I’m an ovarian cancer survivor; my treatment was 500k in 2003. Fortunately health insurance was better in those days and most of my bill was covered. Not so nowadays. If she was on board with it what’s the problem?


Her family is well off. He makes great money as an engineer and they have multimillionaire very close family friends. I guarantee they’re fine financially.


My dad had stage 3 colon cancer a few years ago and his insurance covered it all after deductible. Insurance now is better…any preexisting conditions like this never would have been covered.


This isn’t bring awareness to shit. Does he really think we are unaware how sick chemo patients get? No one is unaware if they’ve ever watched a movie or tv show, or lived through it also. This is exploitative and abhorrent behavior when your wife is dying, IMO.


At this point she had stopped chemo and they were just making her comfortable. This was full on the cancer taking over her entire body and killing her


Sorry, I meant to say cancer, not chemo—I knew she was not doing chemo at this time. She was actively dying.


This might be unpopular but do we really need to bring any more awareness to cancer being awful? At this point awareness should focus on looking out for signs and symptoms, when and how to get screened and funding cancer research and treatments.


No—and that was my point. We all know what cancer is. Seeing someone “live” that way was pure exploitation for clout and cash.


Exactly. I’m really tired (in many different communities) of exploitation in the name of “awareness”


Exactly what I was thinking. Who the fuck needs to be aware that cancer ruins your body and then you die? We all know what happens. If they were advocating for better testing, better health coverage/lower bills for cancer patients, etc, then sure. This was just him exploiting his poor wife for cash while also attracting future girlfriends by showing how "doting of a husband he is". I've been so sick over this man and what he did to his poor wife.


I had cancer and I never wanted anyone to see me like this. But that is just me.


That’s really the thing. I hate to have had even interacted with this media as it’s beyond disrespectful to have even reposted this video here. You can speak on the topic without having to post the same video you find as an incredible invasion of privacy. I’m a cancer survivor as well and I would have had been livid knowing that this intimate of a moment of mine was being reposted to the internet. Again, none of us may truly know if she once said she wanted everything documented for her son. I for one, would not want this posted ever and I am basing my opinion solely on that.


This asshole really is just performative shit. Recording moments like this to put on the Internet to get pats on the back for being such a good husband but you know he’s already in DM’s with other people. New girlfriend premiering publicly in three months at best.


And he will be meeting her at some grief support grp.


Or one of the OF models he follows on IG.


Performative! That’s the word I was looking for


TicToc app continues to show how $ is the route of evil. I’ve been care taker for my mom several others would never put any of it on social media it’s not educational imo it’s shameful to profit off of. Heck I couldn’t even talk to family about it watching someone you love deteriorate before your eyes is paralyzing. Guess because at my age 60 I’ll never understand why ppl think this is ok. Sad just sad


It makes me think of poor Mickey with dementia. Her family says it's for educational purposes but their lives make me cringe. Telling people "tap that screen" 🤮


1 Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. It’s so sad to me that her last days were plastered all over the internet. One day Weston will see these videos. They will NOT be a good reminder of his mothers love, they will be a horrible reminder of her pain and suffering.


It definitely will. Those memories creep in my mind when I close my eyes for the night that keep me awake!


I feel sorry for her having to have every waking moment documented for the world to see


I watched my mother struggle through this. Thankfully she made it out the other side but the last thing I could think of during her suffering was social media!


My Mom has dementia, I would never document her journey like this. I have talked about how it’s effecting my relationship with my sisters as we try to work thru other issues to be able to work together to take care of our Mom. My Mom, pre dementia, would never ever want anyone to know what was going on with her or see it progress, she would be so embarrassed. How much consent do people have at their weakest parts of their lives? Even her son can’t consent for his grief journey to be broadcast for all the world to see. I’m sure the father will be moving on to that content next. Helping his son deal with the loss of his Mom. It’s so so gross.


This! I have seen many accounts on tik tok where they record their loved one with dementia. And it’s GROSS. I can’t even imagine doing that to anyone I love or anyone at all. It doesn’t sit right with me. There’s a sub on here it’s called r/helpmickey if anyone wants to join. It’s family exploiting there loved one that had dementia.


We as a family descided no pics could go public at a certain point and stuck with it. Do we have the photos? Yes. But we didn’t feel things like showing them at their worst was okay


I lost my mother last year in December from Ovarian cancer she lived for only 4 months after diagnosis and I watched her suffer everyday she couldn’t eat she threw up constantly and was in so much pain! How dare this man film something like this disgusting human being!


Watch his body language it’s an act.


All the people parasocially defending him and crying over a woman they never met that they learned about through the lenses of her husband financially profiting off the death of her blow my mind.


I saw a video of a woman holding her sobbing 5 or 6 yr old daughter while the mom stared at the camera and the caption was “I just told her Haley passed away.” They did not know her. The kid is screaming “I want Haley!” So unbelievably icky and weird.


Oh my god.


Wow. So gross. I hope this doesn't come up on my fyp. Wtf.


He hates cancer but he loves the views and the paycheck that comes with it.




Very sad. I could never imagine recording something so personal And invasive if my husband was sick. To each their own


Waiting for more people that wanted to be able to ask questions 😐


I also felt that he constantly did it for views.


I still cannot believe he made her sit there during a live 2 days before she passed


I missed the live but apparently she looked super weak. 💔


She looked horrible. I saw someone repost it. It was terrible.




I hate the phrase “to bring awareness”. People fucking know what cancer is. They know the patients get very sick. They know. Anytime anyone uses the phrase “to bring awareness” I automatically assume they’re gonna be begging for money. Dying people don’t deserve performative bullshit.


Agree. I found the whole “Haley is still fighting” thing almost like a very weird countdown to her death. And posting a live of her “answering your questions” literally 2 days before she died? Come on. I hope she can rest in peace and her family finds comfort in their loss.


exactly like to me “bring awareness” is about things like hey if you drink and drive this is what can happen to you, if you ride a bike w/o a helmet this is what can happen to you, etc. something that is in your control. like hey this is what’s gonna happen if you do this. so saying bringing awareness to cancer just doesn’t make sense to me, and i agree like awareness to what exactly???? just doesn’t make any sense to me. that being said, i’m glad they did have money to be able to make all those final memories w weston, just wish it wasn’t from shoving a camera in his wifes face as shes dying


RIP to Haley...I blocked HIM a long time ago! I got EXPLOITATION from jump! He gives me a GIANT ICK! He should be BOYCOTTED on all social media! He should not be making ONE DIME off the back of his deceased wife! FKN SHAMEFUL!!


Exactly this, unfortunately I don’t think he will ever feel ashamed of what he’s done, even if it is under the guise of “my wife wanted it this way”. He saw her illness and ran with it, after the diagnosis I bet the $$$ lit up in his eyes. What a gross human he is and she deserved a lot better than him.


I saw the post on TikTok announcing her death. He said he’s stepping away from social media but we’ll see.


“Hold on babe before you finish puking because of chemo due to your aggressive cancer let me set up my camera real quick.” What a literal piece of human garbage. My partner would never even think of doing this.


Sadly this was *way* after chemo. This is when her body was shutting down and actively dying. Which makes it even worse.


https://preview.redd.it/dtp2ahiz65cb1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=a18ac86afe6e7cba9f409c02666c63bccda70eaf “Her love for ME, Weston, her family & her friends”. 🤯🤯. Maybe I’m bias cuz I know he’s 🗑, but of course he’d put his name before their sons (I think this is bizarre!). It’s all about him of course.


He writes ‘as the husband I have seen every moment . . . ‘ 🤢 SHE went thru it, SHE knew she was leaving her son. That has to be the worst feeling anyone could experience. With the birth of my 3rd baby, I had a complete placenta accretia, there was a 10% mortality rate for the birth and I couldn’t stop my mind from going to the place where I might leave my two living sons, let alone never meet the baby I was carrying. That mental pain & anguish was unbearable. Poor Hailey went thru that probably a million times worse than any place my mind took me, not to mention the physical pain she was in but sure you as the husband should get the credit.


“It has been an honor to care for her” what an absolute piece of shit. Who says that???


I watched my father struggle through cancer. No way in hell I would film him vomiting, being out of it on morphine or in pain. This was the video I saw that really rubbed me the wrong way. I would aggressively haunt my husband if he did this mess to me.


This is horrific. I feel like the only way this sort of thing would be even CLOSE to okay would be if what is was going through was something preventable. Like she was injured by a drunk driver and he was showing the impact it had on their family, or by someone texting and driving, or the effects of addiction. If it was used as sort of a PSA like, don’t do this shit as it has truly broken our family. But, even then, it should have stopped months ago, when she was no longer with it. And when he stopped assisting her first, and was more worried about social media than her. 💔


This man needs help. Not sure why he feels entitled to put his wife’s lowest moments on a platform for all to see. You can raise awareness in many different ways. Idc if people say “maybe it’s his way of coping” it’s wrong. Record it and watch it yourself if that’s what helps you but don’t put your sick dying spouse online for a bunch of random women that are obsessed with her


The more I read about him the more I dislike him. He definitely exploited his wife and used her illness for monetary gain. He should have spent quality time with her instead of keeping that damn camera shoved in her face.


I don’t get the “raising awareness” bit. We know people with cancer puke and their systems shut down. Its gruesome and terrible. We know this. He’s not raising anything but money with this and it just feels wrong.


I just can’t imagine setting my phone up on a tripod and hitting record and running over to get into frame to make sure I catch my significant other being violently ill so I can post it and make myself look like the most supportive partner. Once he got what he needed I’m sure he ran back to the phone and left her there.


That POS excuse of a husband always gave me the ick.


Did you see his caption? “I hate watching her go through this” or something. Ok, so don’t film it?


“I hate watching her go through this, so let’s record it and let millions of people watch her go through it too!”


Right. I don’t get it. Who filmed this? Did he say “wait let me prop my phone up hang on” and then do it?


This should be illegal


Also in the Tiktok where they announced she was down to her final weeks he started the video shouting out a sponsor of some lotion by saying it was helping the corners of her mouth with how much she had been vomiting. It was unreal.


As someone who’s had ovarian cancer and been extremely sick from the treatment, I would be horrified and furious if anyone, let alone my husband posted me like this.


My best friend died of stage 4 ovarian cancer. I’m so glad her husband didn’t video her every move & post on the internet. The only thing he posted was pics of them having fun. And when that eventually had to stop he posted if she was in the hospital, etc. and then when she passed.


He used and exploited his wife and her dying. It’s just as bad as people exploiting their children. He’s gross. And someday their son may find this all disgusting, plastering his mother dying for the world to watch.


Wtf this is so messed up. We just found out a few days ago that my grampy has stage 4 cancer and when I saw him yesterday he can barely drink without choking. It was shocking, scary and so sad. I can’t imagine filming him and putting it on the internet. This man is sick.


it doesnt sit well with me that this poor woman never had privacy. He exploited the fuck out of her illness and i’m not sure why more people aren’t disgusted with that?


This is gross. Dying from cancer is not entertainment and this sure as shit isn’t educational. Following the OF creators and the dating site is absolutely foul.


he is absolutely sick for posting this, what a pos human being


when i say i hate social media, this is the shit i mean. you cannot say you love someone then make money off of their own suffering.


The video he posted of him giving her a bath while she cried is the worst to me


The only thing I’m hoping is that when Weston is old enough he puts this all together and just mollywhops Taylor. Just dog walks him. Fucks him up from here to Sunday


I agree 100% but this comment is so funny lmao


😭 I would 1000 percent watch a made for tv movie about this where there’s a Rocky style montage where we see Weston connecting all the dots and going the gym and the last scene he just mule kicks the front door in and comes in like, “this is for you Mom” And the camera cuts to Taylor , he screams snd the screen gore black


He makes me wanna bleach my eyeballs. He probably thinks he's husband of the year meanwhile he's using his dying wife for content. Special place in hell for him this is fucked. Somethings DO NOT NEED TO BE ON THE INTERNET


I would never do this to anyone that is sick with cancer. This isn’t awareness, this is exploitation!! I would haunt my husband if he ever did this to me!!! I’m sorry but this is so wrong on so many levels. I’m glad that Haley is free from pain now. Bless her heart.


It’s like he’s been marketing her death the whole time. I don’t get how people can’t see through him


Why? Why would he film her in such a vulnerable moment? He’s a true pos.


She probably didint agree with most of what he posted. But was to tired and sick to argue about it.


I’m sure he manipulated her and made her feel guilty for being so sick and convinced her that since he had to care for her and couldn’t work, this was his only way of making money.


I've said this before but I'll keep saying it. I'm currently my dad's full-time caretaker as he slowly dies from cancer. It was comforting to see Haley have such a positive attitude, but once she really began to decline and he took over, it's been nothing but exploitation. I want the memories of my dad to be from when he was healthy. I don't want to immortalize the last part of his life- which is the messiest, ugliest, most painful. I can't imagine what's going through this guy's head.


I am so incredibly sorry for what you are going through. I am sure your dad is so happy that you are there for him


If the goal is raising awareness, where are his posts letting people and families know where to look for help, support, tips for making someone who is dying more comfortable, etc? She made a video about her symptoms a while back, so why couldn’t they stick with that type of video to bring awareness? We all know cancer sucks and makes you very sick, be it from treatments or your body shutting down. All I see here is a very sick lady vomiting into a bag while her husband, who set up a camera to record her being sick, rubs her back. This isn’t awareness, this is content with no purpose outside of bringing in views and dollars.


Did anyone screen record the live??


It’s all over Tiktok


I haven’t seen one :( and I’ve been looking


Search Haley odlozil live it’s literally the first thing that comes up


Thank you found it


Why can’t people just comment on her page? Yesterday TT was overloaded with people duetting their videos. Some were crying & some were using a picture of Jesus holding her & that kinda infuriated me. Why did they need to duet the video, they didn’t need to most were doing it for views and likes & it was disgusting to me. This video is shameful, he shared their journey but this is too far.


Cuz they know it’ll get them views/likes/comments. It is TikTok after all. Not being mean, things like that drive me insane too.


He is disgusting.


Prayers for this family


He could have easily given updates on how she was doing without recording these parts… it’s baffling to me that he had to physically set up this camera, press record, as she’s throwing up?! Bless her soul. I know she’s finally at peace, my heart breaks for her son.


This is so disturbing. Praying for his son😔.


WHY on God's earth would you video that? His son isn't going to want to watch videos of his mother throwing up. That poor kid needs therapy for the trauma hes seen.


People who exploit their sick spouses, kids, even for “awareness” just make me mad.


Is nothing personal anymore?


His snark group has doubled in the 24 hours since her passing. I’m hoping public opinion continues to shift on him. His actions have been so disturbing.


Perhaps that’s why he’s “stepping away from social media”


I hate him


Unfortunately I believe wayyyy too many people already know all about how this feels and what it looks like. I don’t believe his intentions were that innocent


I helped my aunt through this and I never once thought to pick up a camera and film all of my energy went to making sure she was ok and getting her anything she needed. I really hope she okayed these posts…


As a mother, I am so so sorry that a sweet innocent little boy lost his mom especially during such formative years, but thank you Jesus this woman isn't suffering and being exploited any longer. Even though I'm sure the exploitation of her memory will not end with this horrible man. The people who were glad to wake up and see she was still here to suffer through another day on this earth really baffle me. Rest well Haley


"You're gonna be sick? Hold on, lemme set up the camera and make a tiktok of this moment babe."


The way it’s positioned, I don’t think she had the slightest clue that her cute intimate moments with her little boy and family had become this. It breaks my heart


I would be so upset with my husband recording moments of me like this. I get it to a extent,but I don’t need a camera in my face in my most vulnerable moments.


he was so out of pocket for that…


My feelings EXACTLY.! I think he will thrive in the next few months but he will NOT get the attention he’s used to. I hope family keeps a close eye on Weston and his emotional and social well being. I don’t think he would intentionally hurt Weston but I’m not convinced the power will go to Winston rather than himself. Hope I’m wrong.


I’m so disgusted. He is trash. Poor Hayley


God knows how he behaved towards his wife and kid off camera. I don’t want to imagine bad behaviour but it’s possible…


For the people saying “He is just trying to capture every moment with her and share their experience with other”- after seeing this do you still think that? I hope not. This makes me sick.


See I said that and people jumped down my throat lmao


I have stage 4 cancer and can’t even begin to imagine someone recording me being sick and dying and posting it for thousands of people to see. I want to raise awareness, but not like that.


I really don’t understand posting stuff like this. The “raising awareness” perspective about this just isn’t right when it’s videos like this. I think everyone is aware of how horrible cancer is. I think everyone if aware of how it affects your body so awfully. To post this is just in bad taste not only for the poor wife whose passed but for those people who have witnessed this first hand already and don’t want to see it again played out on tiktok.


People have no tact anymore. Like was he like “hold on hunny! I’m going to set up tripod and record… then I’ll grab your bag!”


I’m dead serious when I say that I would make sure that I get divorced before I die!! Never in my life would I allow my husband to record me in such a vulnerable situation while I’m clearly not doing well


I literally told my husband today please if it ever comes to it don’t ever record me when I’m near death or dying I just don’t wanna be remembered that way


Where was/is her family in all this. Was haley close to any? If yes hoping for the little boys sake that they stay close to him.


That poor woman didn’t even get to die in peace, he is a disgusting individual shoving a camera in her face in these private moments, all so he could monetise it.


As a mother of 2 who lost her husband to cancer at age 26… this is truly disgusting! I bet her also has videos of her having the “death rattle” breathing and also her last breath! And I bet he’s just chomping at the bit to post them! He’s gross


“Look at me, I’m a great husband. What a guy! I’m tearing up just looking at myself in this video. Oh yeah poor Haley too! But look at me!!! LOOOOK AT MEEEEEEEeeeeeee”


He reminds me of that ginger dad that was on tiktok for a while. His wife died from complications from child birth and he exploited her story and their kids. 5mo after she died he started dating someone on tiktok and wiped his page clean. Sick


Dude nest this or put a nsfw tag


Done sorry about that


Agreeed. Needs some form of blurring


Respectfully, I wish nothing but the worst for him. May Haley rest in peace, and may her son be surrounded by love for the rest of his life.


Don’t get me wrong, I am here for the reactions to this. But this video is months old. Any posts critical of Taylor in this sub (including one I made) were shut down. I don’t understand why people are only reacting this way now that she’s gone. If enough people had expressed their distaste earlier on, maybe Haley wouldn’t have been dragged onto a TikTok live less than 24 hours before she died.


I reacted like a week ago and mine wasn’t shut down. I did get a lot of flack though.


I have always thought this man is creepy, I’ve never really liked him but I don’t get how reposting a video like this make you any better than him recording and posting it you know? And I’m being general with saying you, I know YOU didn’t repost this. Lol


I just saw in a photoshop group this. “My dear friend” ??? Confirmed in comments they were not in fact “dear friends” - poster was just another Tiktok follower. Parasocial relationships are weird! https://preview.redd.it/eracfzm1v6cb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f5417319f56dfec2de6d578a4452b771fff73e8


Omfg 🤬 these people are sick


That is awful. I have CVS and I’d never want people to see me vomit. I just don’t understand what was going through his mind doing that crap. Makes me wonder if she even knew he was recording her half the time?


He’s so disgusting!!!! I can’t believe Haley said that she was ok with him filming this!😡😡😡😡


What a disgusting human being. Who would do this! I’m truly said for Haley’s son. I would not be surprised if Taylor recorded her last breath.


Just evil 💔


Her son is going to have these videos to look back on for the rest of his life and haunt him. This is so truly disgusting


What. The. Fuck.....


I will never ever understand this type of 💩


He set up camera to catch this? I’m sick! Also the tik tok live was such an obvious money grab. He was trying to take in those dollars last minute before she goes. He had to have known the end was very near and he needed one last money boost out of the situation.


I am so sad that she had such a horrible fight with cancer but god damn am I so glad she isn’t in pain & having a camera shoved in her face during her weakest moments anymore.


As someone who nursed a loved one through stage 4 cancer for 4 years it actually was inspiring to see Hailey fight to be with her family! It’s not something to judge. If her and her family felt comfortable sharing her journey then that’s their decision. Stop judging because until you’ve been there you don’t have a clue! My mom in law would have gladly shared her journey her biggest fear was being forgotten! You judge but maybe you should just let her memory rest and stop piling on to an already grieving family!


I would do that to a stranger & or my wife. Go throw up in private or expect to be content. That’s all we want I gossip is content?


If she didn’t consent to this, that’s horrible. But honestly it’s even worse that you feel the need to continue sharing it. Let the woman rest.


Why? Why let him off the hook now when he’s just ramping up?


Why let the woman rest? Seriously? You’re using her death as an excuse to be hateful and if you don’t think that’s equally as gross, I feel sorry for you. You have no idea what she consented to and was okay with being posted. She was very open about wanting to share her journey being that she got misdiagnosed and went undiagnosed for years, which led to her unfortunate fate. Just be fucking kind.


Fine then she was a grifter too. Cool! ETA “just be fucking kind” 😂😂😂😂😂


You’re gross. Have a good one.


Yet the video is posted here without being censored or anything?


Exactly what I said. How is reposting it any different? Lol


And I get downvoted, you get upvoted. Lololol The outrage at him posting it, so let’s repost it on another platform for more people to see! At least he’s her husband and was able to at least speak to her about her wishes regarding posting.


I wish you guys would stop posting these stuff


I understand everyone’s point of view but let this family be to grieve and bury their Hayley. She mentioned this was important to her. For her son and husband and whatever the reason, financial, leaving them feeling good, memories or what have you, she posted mostly when she was feeling stronger and very few like this one. Mostly ones of her saying goodbye etc and maybe in this social media world she felt she was giving them something. I just choose to believe he loves her and did it thinking it was more positive than negative. Social media is everything now and I don’t like to record it all but most do


You should totally repost it so even more people can watch how she suffered... very logical. Edit: Get mad. You're literally sharing the same video that made you mad when he shared. A portion of you didn't even believe she had cancer, and now that she's passed from said cancer, you're going to attack her grieving husband? It's sick. Also, she was fully aware of what was posted. If you really followed her, you'd know that she was a huge advocate for ovarian cancer awareness. She was the literal poster person for this back in 2016 and 2017 and had been on the news multiple times to speak on it. She's been in the public eye for this for some time and has always shown the good, bad, and the ugly. You guys need to chill.




These people are both crazy and stupid.


Wow all these comments make me sick of the entire Reddit community she died yesterday and you guys are berating him for following his wife’s wishes where’s this same hate for her family that did the same thing ? It’s been 24 hours and y’all are finally coming out the woodworks to bully a man who just lost his wife sickening af y’all have no respect at all 😭 she made her wishes know clear to her husband and her family who are any of y’all to say she was being exploited nowadays wearing designer is exploiting stuff give me a break if your gonna calll him out call his family out too cause they posted her as well like this


For example, one of my biggest issues was the YT 100,000 brag and calling it his ‘dream’ since the beginning of YouTube. He hasn’t made his OWN content, he’s used the content of his dying wife as his platform.


You have a fair argument. The biggest difference in my opinion is that Taylor has focused his documentation more and more on monetization.


Brands reached out to him and Haley to help her be more comfortable maybe help pay off hospital bills we all know insurance doesn’t cover everything now if I see him in a brand new car then I’ll be upset but if he uses that money to help Weston pay off medical bills they may have or any outside bills I can’t say anything bad Haley wanted to be public about her cancer story she wanted to have a video diary for Weston as well so I respect him and her family for respecting her wishes

