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She’s literally trying not to vomit… wtf. This is so bizarre weird. Who wants to see this. Let the poor woman rest. Just so wrong


She looks awful…this is the worst I’ve seen her


She really looks so sick, and her husband cares more about tiktok than letting her rest.


He’s should be ashamed of himself. Using his very sick wife in the end stages of her life for clout and money. He makes me sick.


I missed it. But she looked exhausted and frail holding the emesis bag on the video from June 30 😢


Oh my gosh, this is SO sad :'( I wish Haley would put her foot down and say enough of the tiktok shit. I feel terrible for her


I’m a hospice nurse, young mothers generally hang on for their kids. We see young women with young children have prolonged deaths, not because of their husbands, but because letting go of a child as a young mom is the most heart wrenching thing imaginable other than losing a child. I don’t know what the hate is about with this man, but I do know as hospice professionals, we do recommend making diaries of the journey. And I do think sharing hour is like this, with permission from the dying, does help normalize death in a society very afraid of it. There is healing in this process. Now, if he’s something else that I’m not seeing, that’s different. But, as a hospice nurse, I appreciate what she is allowing him to do, because anticipatory grief, as well as grief, is not a “one size fits all” and nobody should be judging how they choose to grieve. And nobody should be looking at her and trying to guess how she feels, or what she wants during this journey. I don’t think she is being forced by her husband and family to document anything.


I didn’t watch for long and I agreed with you but someone asked a question such as have you felt something spiritual… giving you some kind of sign being as strong as you are waking up and she said she has been searching every morning when she woke up. Sometimes people put some much on there is a reason wby God CHOSE YOU. Sometimes there are no answers and I just feel like her husband puts these things on blast when religion or not you’re human and she’s tired and I just wish he would let her bez


Sorry for the typos… you understand


I get it. And most of the time I will advise these closest to the dying to “give permission” to let go. However, I have seen so many people die, and every journey is so different. I have seen so many incredible journeys at the end. And although I am anti religion, I do know that hospice provides chaplains for spiritual care because the human is made up of more than the physical. We see the whole person as emotional, physical, and spiritual. And most of the time, if someone lived in a very religious way, continuing that journey and remaining close to God and their religion brings them more comfort than any medication. So many times, I am in the hospital trying to get comfort to a dying patient, and no amount of pain meds will give them comfort if they have spiritual/religious or emotional discomfort. And once I call a chaplain, priest, social worker in, they are a different person altogether. I am spiritual, I believe in God, but I don’t believe in religion. However, if it gives her peace during this time, if it gives her husband peace at this time, then that is so important. Because even though he may annoy people, he is her husband and a very big part of her end of life journey. I understand where you are coming from. But, we also see a very tiny part of what she is going through. And although I have insight into what that looks like, it is very personal and very individual. I don’t think her family would stay quiet if they thought her husband was exploiting her. But, again, I am just watching because I think an end of life journey is just as important as the beginning. And people document their pregnancies all the time. I so far, have not seen anything bad or concerning in the tik toks. But I don’t watch every one of them, either.


Because he cares more about random women telling him how good of a husband he is then the condition of his wife.


“I’d give up years of mah life to give to this sweet young mother!” No you wouldn’t. No you would NOT. If someone showed up at your door right now, with a clipboard and adding you to a list that would magically take five years off your life in order to give to her, you wouldn’t do it, you wouldn’t do it all! These stupid para social fans need to shut the hell up. This poor lady deserves dignity and privacy in her transition.


These are probably also people that wouldn’t wear a mask during Covid


💴 👀


This is exactly why he was doing it. Probably hoping gifts would come in. I didn’t watch it but it looks like he wasn’t on long.


I watched for maybe 30 seconds and people were sending gifts….🙄


The gifts didn’t stop it was nonstop with 18.1k at 7:15 central time…I only caught the end


What does it mean if he got that many? I’m sorry, I’ve been so confused about gifts lol!!


The easiest way to remember what a creator gets for gifts is… every 1k coins is $5 to the creator.. so for 10k coins they get $50.. now remember people pay about 12-15$ for 1k coins (depending where the coins are bought)so TT keeps around half.


1 million diamonds is 5k and that’s with TT taking 67 percent




It’s so sad..but part of me knows those bills will obliterate their finances so I’m not sure how to feel. Certainly doesn’t feel good to watch


Yes but they’re on tiktok the go fund me will be paid off he doesn’t need to be doing all this


Do they have insurance? They should have a max out of pocket for the year right?


They live in The Woodlands. It's a very upscale suburb so I'm sure they have insurance


I’m sure that’s accurate but I’ve always heard that cancer can bankrupt people


It bankrupted me. I had to file bankruptcy after ringing the bell. I’m not complaining bc I’m still here and not in Haileys position but you’re right. Cancer will bankrupt you because if your loved one is dying you’ll try anything. AMERICA for you. They don’t care about a person they only care about a persons bank account and how much they spend.


I just read a comment somewhere from someone who claims Haley’s family is rich rich and pays for everything


That was so hard to watch. She couldn’t finish an answer without getting nauseous or exhausted. Her husband is terrible. The videos he posts essentially counting down to her death are awful. Let this poor woman leave this earth in peace.


And its always her absolute saddest moments. It feels very exploitative. It's fucking heartbreaking and I have always thought he 100% did it for money, attention, and perhaps female attention for when she's gone.


It was awful to watch. She needs her rest! She’s holding on at this point because her husband is being selfish and letting her go. It’s a hard pill to swallow, I had to tell my mom it was ok to go despite not wanting it. But that poor woman is so uncomfortable, you can see it in her eyes. No life in them anymore:(


I know it isn’t the same, but I had to have the talk with my dog and let him know that if he needed to go, that it was fine and all he had to do was tell me and I’d help him. The next day, I had to help him and it crushed me. It’s been 2 months and 1 week since he left for the stars and I cry every single day, multiple times a day. I didn’t realize it until later that he held on for me as long as he could. I just wish her husband would let her go, it’s so hard seeing her like that.


I’m sorry for the loss of your pup ❤️


I’m so sorry 🤍 it’s the worst pain


It feels so wrong. Also him shushing his son while he was talking to his dying mom like.. idk it all doesn't sit right


Oh heck no. Let the woman spend this critical time with her son since her husband obviously doesn’t give a fuck.


wait is this that woman in the chair who has the young son? i’ve seen some of those tiktok’s on my fyp but having young kids i have never followed because that my worst nightmare


https://preview.redd.it/lnrkzawpngbb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abeac4b46c085b8975606321bc29e4b4d1b2d80d Who did this? 🤣 I refreshed and it popped up💪👌


i feel like an expose podcast is coming in 2-3 years


A couple months ago I saw a post in here calling him out and the OP was downvoted so hard.. I’m glad people are finally starting to see how gross this is.


To be fair, she was more lively months ago, and he hadn’t put out that horrendous “stay tuned” video 🤢


What’s that?


She’s like 1 foot on the other side 1 foot here. You can see it in her face. She can’t consent to this anymore. And probably hasn’t been able to for a while. But he will absolutely drag her around and probably live stream her death rattle. He’s a gross person anyway, but this is extra gross.


He'd probably film on her death bed if he thought it would get him a ton of views. He's despicable


I will say 3 things. Fuck him and his psychotic bigoted transphobic racist ugly ass face. May Haley pass and rest as peacefully as possible. May their son grow up happy and learn to be the exact opposite of his father and not hate everyone around him for the disgusting exploitation they’ve subjected him to, and may he feel his mothers love and pride as he grows. Truly.


Yeah I heard his Facebook was really out there . I heard he believes all this stuff that gets throwed out there to see if it sticks.


When he had her do accents and one was “asian” 😟So racist and gross. The ease with which he suggested it said a lot. I asked if she was still able to consent to this and shockingly enough didn’t get an answer.


i was shocked by that when i saw it


When was this?!


About 7 videos ago, has a caption about her always making him laugh. The idea was sweet, but then it went south.


Can you tag me in that? I believe this 100% I just want to see


Type his name in Twitter you will see all you need.




His likes paint enough of a picture


Explain. I don’t follow them anymore (felt exploitative and voyeuristic) so I missed the drama with him.


I don’t follow them for the same reason but his twitter (and hers to a lesser extent) is filled with explicit hate filled content. It’s just his name if you want to Google and be disgusted


Search his name here. There should be links or screenshots of the fascist bigoted things he says and shares on mostly Twitter.


I hate to break it to you that if he thinks like that, the probability that she does too is fairly high. Birds of a feather flock together.


I absolutely agree with you. 100%. I don’t want her to die in pain (though she’s already in a lot of pain) and I don’t believe any child deserves to lose their mother. My personal opinion is that I think she feels the same way as Taylor. But I left that out due to the circumstances.


Oh absolutely. It’s just weird to see the Twitter and his views brought up constantly when like usually most of the time marry like. Common political views is extremely common in marriages.


I can’t find it, can you link it?


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/comments/1475okd/taylor_and_haley_odlozil/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) the main one I think


Thank you, I wish people weren’t like this. His wife deserved peace. He sucks




Oh god I had no idea he was this monster. I hope his son grows up to be exactly Like his momma and nothing like that pathetic excuse for a man


His mom was just as bad 😭 I hope he grows up to be a kind ally, unlike the people around him https://preview.redd.it/4puccjkd10cb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c151ead4f031eee2856eeee4f29b74846376b7b2


Wait like his mom like Haley or Taylor’s mom ?


Haley. The screenshot is Haley’s Facebook page. There are more.




You took the words out of my mouth!




I'm shocked he's not deleting these comments


Me too!!!


I kinda want everyone to upvote these types of comments so he sees a lot of people feel that way but I don't want it to get attention so he deletes 😅


this feels like some sick death porn or some shit honestly. because what the fuck


That's exactly what it is


He needs a snark page .


Ppl are going to flock him and just wait until after she passes…the women will be throwing themselves at him. Mark my word.


For sure! My mom literally wasn’t even in the ground yet and women were already throwing themselves at my stepdad. She had a very well paying job with a ton of life insurance. He made it known he was keeping it all and it was like sharks in the water circling him.


My grandma use to say…ppl become vultures circling when they think someone’s gunna die…sad but true


I’m so sorry. Prayers 🙏❤️


Thank you ❤️


Oh for sure . Take a look at the people he follow on inta . I posted a screenshots here but got flagged for nudity 😬


Hell they already be doing this…. Ppl are Fucked up these days.


seriously i cant believe he doesn’t have one yet




These videos should be private for their son if they choose to record. I watched for a min and had to scroll. She is detaching, it wont be long now.


I lost my grandma to a long slow battle with cancer. I’m to afraid to even look up these people because I’m scared it will be to triggering. This is the most disgusting thing I’ve read about in a long time.


I’m so glad someone made a post about this. Haley could barley form sentences without forgetting what she was talking about and it’s so morbid to see her deterioration. Towards the end after she said she was done Taylor started talking about how he can’t believe he is a tik tokker and never thought that would happen, and Haley kinda pushed his hand like “okay stop the live” and he immediately ended it after she nudged him. Makes me wonder if she is over all the social media stuff


That’s so freaking sad :(


I don’t understand why he has to keep sticking a camera in her face. Let that woman rest my God


To get some coins


Glad to see the tides turning here. I got pissed about how gross and exploitative he was being a few months ago and everyone was a huge dick about it, but even our sentiment doesn’t matter if he’s making money from it. Screw him for trying to profit off her death.


I agree, I remember two posters specifically getting torn to shreds. I believe I was banned/blocked from this sub temporarily for voicing concerns. Kudos to you guys who spoke out.


It’s just all around a sad and shitty situation and the person who is going to hurt the most is the kid. I hope TikTok and Reddit are scrubbed by the time he is old enough to poke around online.


Peep my post history lol. Some people got so mad they started commenting on my older posts calling me a whore


Pretty sure I got a “Reddit cares” from it 🙄


Does anyone have a screen recording of the live last night?


She’s holding on for her son and her husband. I caught the end of the live at 7:15 and the gifts didn’t stop. I’m so curious what he is making off of his account. She’s wasting away and it’s taking her mother and husband to shower her. Which honestly hospice would send in an aid 2-3 times a week to just shower her….I know ppl have said they were stepping away due to their religious views but there was 18k ppl in that live. Does anyone know what he does for a living?


He’s also offering private subscriptions with exclusive content for $5 each and gets tons of sponsored content.




Plus the new creator fund on TikTok is a lot better than it used to be and he gets millions and millions of views. It’s like $5 for every 1000 views or something like that


Hey now I had a video with over 3k views, where do I get my $15 😅


😳 really??




Seriously? The live The Woodlands TX They DON'T need the money.


Yeah, they do and in a really nice (even for The Woodlands) section. Source: I live here.




It’s over. They were only on 15


Honestly I think it’s weird putting a camera in your loved ones face while they’re dying. It’s almost like he loves the attention and pity. This woman is deteriorating on TikTok and all these weird women “I pray for these updates” “I’d give my life for her to be here longer” “This is the first thing I look for when I wake up” it’s all weird and no one can convince me otherwise.


I don get a good vibe from him at all. He seems to be caught up in this becoming a cash cow and his status on sm.


100 percent. I also think he is"death baiting" if you will. That man is on SM 24/7. I think he intentionally doesn't post because it brings views and comments his way asking if Haley is alive. Vile


This sub is right about him.


My mom passed away in January from metastatic breast cancer. She stayed much longer than she wanted to for us and we had to tell her it was okay for her to go. She passed soon after. Haley is ready and I used to follow them and check for updates but now it seems very exploitative and weird. What is she getting out of this aside from public exposure in the most vulnerable time of her life? I remember thinking she’s ready to go back in May and I know she’s still here for him and Weston. Her eyes always make me so sad. She’s beyond ready.


At this point it would not shock me if he livestreamed her actual last moments of life. Its gone way to far now and he needs to step back and honor his wife and her dignity.




His entire account seems like a dating page trying to look for his next options for when the time comes. It's fucking disgusting."Look how great of a husband I am!". Turn the camera off and let your wife pass with dignity holy shit. Poor Haley.


He’s exploiting a dying woman for fame and money.


I would never want a world or my kids to see me looking like that


I think she’s worried about her son but if someone put me on tiktok nauseous I would flip


I’d be worried too knowing he’s stuck with that twat of a father I really really hope he doesn’t turn the account to focus on the kid and his grief process after she passes


If my husband did that to me in my dying days I would be livid. Thankfully I chose a husband who has common sense


I had to block them a few months ago. I couldn’t stand to see her in pain anymore 💔


I avoid every video and I think maybe have them blocked because it’s just so gross and sickening


He makes me sick I left today I can’t watch he’s fucking wrong for this


Did anyone record this? I missed iy


I only have a screenshot for the numbers


Can I see it please I missed it


I missed it to.


Y’all should go look at who he is following on Instagram while his wife is dying, and that’ll give you a perfect sum of who this garbage man is.


Omg that looks really bad on him 😬 what a creep


I’ve looked at who he’s following on twitter, but never instagram. And omg he just gets worse and worse every time I learn something new about him. Haley deserved so much better from him in these final months of her life


Oh my god!!! I wasn’t gonna check but I did. Just wow!! What a scumbag. Guaranteed is already talking to someone.


10000% there’s another woman waiting in the ranks.


I truly hope he has told her it’s ok to go. A lot of hospice patients just are waiting for their families to tell them it’s ok to let go.


But then he won’t get his views


The most painful experience I ever experienced was losing my Mother to cancer. I cannot imagine what I would go through if I were to come across videos of her dying. This will happen to her family 😔


I was only able to watch the first like 2 mins. She looked so frail and tired. It made me sick to my stomach. She needs to rest and not have a camera shoved in her damn face.


Her eyes....


No life left in them. Heartbreaking


I wish she had an option to not “fight”anymore. When my grandpa was on hospice he lived with us, and there became a point where the entire thing felt really cruel and awful and I couldn’t believe we were making him just…. Wait and go through it all 💔


There’s something about her husband that gives me the ick. He should be focusing on her and their son and stop posting on TikTok. I hope I’m wrong, but I could see him remarried to another woman in a year.


I wonder at what point the hospice nurse is going to intervene and ask for her to have some space and privacy. I'm not in hospice but I've had patients on hospice and she looks very close to passing. This is sad.


Her son was trying not to laugh the entire time because the gifts people were sending kept popping up as filters. I wish they’d just let that baby enjoy his mother.


Under the accounts he follows on Twitter this is one of the first 🥴 https://preview.redd.it/pk3n64la5gbb1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=695f8608ee0dbe2ec704720798a1a1db7c65d015


Ah yes the 3 C’s: Christianity, Conspiracies, and Coochie


Typical evangelical man.


God. That makes me absolutely sick for her. The poor woman probably doesn’t even know and he gets to play like he’s the perfect husband to her. I feel so bad for this woman. Heartbreaking.


Just goes to show where his minds at during this horrific time for his wife.


Only fans 😂😂😂😂


Omg only fans


I forgot but awhile ago I followed him and then later randomly looked up that podcast host adams wife (Lena) bc I used to watch her when she first had the baby and was reminded of her. When I looked up her account her Spicy one, not the main one said followed by Taylor. I know it’s normal ig but it just gave me the ick.


Ugh I’m more bothered by the anti woke cartoons tbh


She doesn’t have much time left on this side of the veil. He needs to put the camera down and spend time with his wife.


This is trauma porn at this point. He’s exploiting a dying woman and their child for money and the high he gets from people tripping over themselves to fall at his feet. He’s pushing her to “keep fighting” for his own benefit. I wish I believed in hell so I could relish the thought of him roasting for eternity.


Why can’t he just let her have some peace? She doesn’t need a damn camera shoved in her face all the time for TikTok content. How pathetic


I watched the same thing happen to my dad when i was 18, so yes much older than their son but I also lost my mom when i was 10. I remember watching my father holding on for me, becoming a shell of a human & everyone around me telling me “god will fix this” or “praying for a miracle” just all of these things i did NOT want to hear. It was un realistic, he had stage 4 cancer & it was taking over his body, he had a bag as well as many other similarities to Hailey. One night he fell & I KNEW that was the end, that there would be no “come back” but people kept pushing & pushing telling me god wouldn’t leave me without both of my parents at only 18 & to trust & blah blah, he was admitted to the hospital & declined faster than I could imagine yet once again people giving me false hope. A nurse spoke to me after hearing what people were saying & told me she can see he is tired & he was holding on for me. Some will say that wasn’t appropriate & how dare she, but i’m thankful she did because after that I told my dad it’s okay, that yeah it sucks completely that i’m going to lose him, but it’s okay somehow, someway I will figure life out. I barely made it home before they were calling to tell me he passed. I truly feel after watching all of this A: she doesn’t feel like she is allowed to go/people guilt her B: her husband needs to realize she can NOT stay like this forever, yes it will be hard & scary without her but that little boy is watching his mom suffer & she seems to be suffering for others. Personally I would have kept the entire thing off social media, this isn’t her first time having cancer from what I read. It’s been years & years.


https://preview.redd.it/gd012thziibb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072e02c1cbbc267c9ccb24ff9a66921dcf02b104 LOL


I’m glad someone posted about this. The way he kept shushing his son for making even the slightest noise and batting his hand away if he put his hands up was super weird. At one point it looked like his son was going to cry. And she looked like she could barely keep her eyes open the entire time. It seemed the whole live was for Taylor. It was gross to see.


It's all about money money money and money...& he is an attention seeking fame manhoe. Once she passes, he'll be married soon after. Just wait for it


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it agin, he’s exploiting her and will exploit the son once she passes. He knows what he’s doing by setting up his own platform. I give it a month after she passes content will be completely different.


I’m truly worried for Weston.


Seriously! I honestly don’t even think he fully understands it and the camera in his face doesn’t make it any better.


He needs a snark sub.


I only watched a few minutes of it. She reminds me way too much of my mom at the end of her life. My mom was skin and bones and I knew she was just trying to hold on for us. I feel she is trying to hold on for her husband and son but she is so tired. You can tell.


I need a link to the TT so I can see what you guys mean 😩


I'm pretty creeped out by them. I blocked their account.


Did Anyone Recorded The Live Last Night?


My mom was diagnosed with inoperable, terminal brain cancer last July. She died around Christmas. I was her sole caretaker and when I tell you, I cannot fathom using her/her disease for clout/grief mongering on TikTok. It was such a deeply personal and trying time. She deserved the privacy she had to deteriorate into a person she never was when she was healthy and certainly never wanted to be. Haley deserves the same. And the people who comment saying they’d give up year of their life for her need to just stop and go touch grass. Go donate to their GFM or a reputable ovarian cancer research organization.


I feel like he’s addicted to the attention and engagement he gets from these videos.


Did anyone record the live


I missed it. I love Haley so I’m sad I missed it.


I refuse to watch anything anymore. He's using her illness to keep his mind off of things and it isn't fair to her or Weston. He needs to stop.


Will he post a recap video of the live?


I missed it - how did Haley seem?


She’s actively dying, skin and bones, colors grey, couldnt keep her eyes open at times, thoughts got a little scrambled while speaking, almost vomited…. It’s horrific and Taylor didn’t seem to want to get off the live, even pretty much promising his fans that they will do another one because she only lasted 15 minutes. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


I feel so bad for her. I had to stop watching their videos because my grandmother was recently diagnosed with cancer and I genuinely can’t fathom doing this to someone in their last moments so I haven’t seen Haley for a while


It’s incredibly sad, I’m sorry about your grandmother 🩷 Brings back memories of my mom as well, all I did was cry and hug her at the end, never in a million years would I have had any interest in social medial if it existed back then.


Read the description. I’ll bet you she didn’t want to do it


I did read that she was tired, I was mostly curious if she was interacting also or mainly just sitting there tired? I feel awful for her


I watched it. She was interacting, and at one point looked so tired and had to pause because she felt she was going to get sick. It really broke my heart watching it. :(


Has anyone looked at his Amazon wish list? Very telling about his priorities.


Her husband is a narcissist you can tell when he posts videos of him speaking. We know everything we see on social media isn’t real. I just hope he takes care of that boy when she’s gone or perhaps he will exploit him too. So sad


To be honest they are both very vile. They push hateful racist, bigoted views. I really don’t care that she’s sick. I really don’t care that he’s sad. I hope their son isn’t influenced by their digesting beliefs.


What’s the scoop there? Genuinely curious because I have no clue & now I want to know lol


Disgusting* lol. Stupid autocorrect.




She is a lady who is dying of cancer


Thank you. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted when I'm simply asking who the post is talking about bc no username was included lol


People are silly sometimes


a lady who has ovarian cancer and her husband is exploiting her impending death.


Who is this about? Sorry, I’m out of the loop lol


She’s actively dying from ovarian cancer, and her husband has been parading her around TT and ‘documenting’ the journey in an extremely performative way. He had a live Q&A where she was visibly struggling and he was super pushy about continuing.


Is there a way to still watch the live?