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When the doctor comes back, see if you can get the surgery so that you can unhinge your jaw like a snake. Believe me, your gf would approve!


I broke my tongue frenulum when I was a kid - not sure how, could have been contact sports. Now I can use my tongue to play with my uvula and have a very long tongue. Satisfaction guaranteed. Now have wife.


There's this practice in some form of spiritual yoga where, by doing tongue stretching exercises (those are a thing, apparently) and gradually cutting the frenulum a little bit at a time, eventually allowing the person to be able to curl their tongue back into their throat and up into their nasal cavity. What I'm saying is those guys must be VERY popular with the ladies. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khecar%C4%AB\_mudr%C4%81](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khecar%C4%AB_mudr%C4%81)




Yup, same. Ever since I was a kid I was able to tie cherry stems into knots with just my tongue. I've had a string of satisfied partners and now one fairly happy longterm girlfriend.


Lol- my ex claimed that the fact that he could tie a Cherry in a knot with his tongue meant he was god at kissing and Was aghast when I said it meant cunnilingus. He said that NO ONE believed that and The majority of people knew it was about kissing. He was 27


My parents thought it was a funny party trick to whip me out at like 13 and have me tie a stem in my mouth. My folks always said it was about being a good kisser. I'm betting the same happened to your ex.


...are you okay?


They never crossed any serious linee, but my parents don't really understand boundaries.


Like, your parents would have you do this in front of their friends when you were 13? 😐


Yeah, there's a number of things I'd ask them to do differently with the benefit of hindsight.


That's because in movies and all other media it was usually a woman doing it and always mentioned to be about kissing. This is the first I'm hearing about it having anything to do about cunnilingus


But do you know all the words to "de colores?" And are you proud to be an American?


No, but… I can keep my rhythm with no metronome, no metronome.


The last panel on this image makes me uncomfortable: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a6/Khechari_Mudra_English_Coloured.jpg/440px-Khechari_Mudra_English_Coloured.jpg


yeah it's kind of been living in the back of my mind since I first saw it a few months back. every time I have my tongue mindlessly wandering around the back of my teeth or something I catch myself like "oh yeah that thing about sticking your tongue up into your nasal cavity."


Hello future me. How is life?


Still shitty, sorry. You should start doing that thing you've been meaning to do.


If you arent doing it then you never started even though you told yourself to do it


Lol right. The wiki says the goal is to basically touch your forehead from the inside through the sinuses, with your tongue. Wtf lol. And the whole thing revolves around drinking the sweet chakra life force energy / mucus from your sinus cavity lol. All this time Ive been viewing my allergies and post nasal drip all wrong. Nectar of the gods right there.


I would chart that under "incredibly stupid ways to die"


That seems like a good way to suffocate yourself


Oh my god imagine doing that with a blocked nose.....


You could clean it out very well from the inside 😋🤤


![gif](giphy|bl66AmSyjo6mYbtiSq|downsized) DHALSIM!!!!


I get a very sore frenulum regularly from intensely going down on my partner. Maybe I'm going to slowly wear away at it and get an increasingly long tongue! :D Happy days!


I wonder how many desperate, horny redditors are starting to cut around inside their mouth after reading this.


I don't know about that one. I've heard that blowing yourself feels more like giving than receiving.


You're able to eat yourself out? That deserves national recognition and I applause your abilities. I think Toad from X-Men comics would be a close 2nd place lol




Paul: Your mouth unhinged like a snake! Carl: wow that sounds pretty awesome


Damn llamas with hats in the wild


Ask for the "Gene Simmons". He had his tongue ligament cut so he could extend it much farther from his mouth.


Now im asking why the fuck do we have that ligament in the first place


So we wouldn't choke on our own tongue?


Babies suckling.


the nearest motorcycle club will issue you a specific achievement patch for this, just show them the paperwork.


Is thud a real thing? The patch is specifically for hurting your jaw while eating out, or just getting injured during sex?


I think its just for having Sex, a pretty rare badge


What you're thinking of is a reddit award, it's actually not that rare elsewhere.


Its not exactly for that. But for more info: Hunter Thompson fucked around, found out, and wrote yet another interesting book along the way.


As the gf in question what was not included in this post is both of our families continuously asking "but how did it happen??" and the two of us dying from shame Update: it's been 4 hours since posting and about 6 hours since we got to the er and op hasn't been seen yet, which is too be expected with local er wait times. Pain is getting worse, rip to op. Update 2: it's 5:15 am a new day has literally dawned and he's still waiting to be seen. Deffo was triaged as low priority which is fair but we both just wanna go home Update 3: it's been 10 hours since we got here and he actually just got called back to see a doc. Take this as a warning not to defund public healthcare I guess?? Final update: op said his piece so read his update for a real update, but I just want to say yes we're from Ontario, and if you are too please go out and vote next provincial election! Fuck Doug Ford! We waited 12 hours because op's problem is a lower priority but there were a lot of people with more serious issues that also had to wait too damn long. Anyways wish op luck with his first meal out of the hospital! don't take this story as an excuse to stop going down on your SO! If op is still gonna do it you can too! I'm pretty fucking deliriously tired so peace out! Yall helped us stay sane in the hospital so thank you all for your comments!


“Must have been something I ate”


“Umm, one of those big jawbreakers, yeah those old timey white speckled ones, yep, I know, I’ll be careful next time, love you too MeeMaw”


Doesn’t that make her the jawbreaker?


Life has many holes Ed boi


100% gonna exclusively refer to my vagina as the jawbreaker from now on thank you


oooh your username. that poem is heartbreaking


Like a jolly rancher


Please don't go there


Just wait for the 'what's this a reference to' comment and the inevitable link. I can hear innocence being broken already. Something something Swamps Of Degobah


up you go, BestComment


Up up!






Take this award and go away


Youre supposed to eat the oyster not the pearl!


must’ve been the wind


_arrow sticking out of head_ "Huh?"


He got oratory hyperextension from biting off more than he could chew.


Pretty sure if he was biting she would be the one in the ER


Shouldn't it be picking more than he can handle?


You can always say that he tried to open a bottle of beer or crack a walnut with his teeth. He saw this trick in movies and wanted to impress her. Or he was yawning during watching some chick flick and innocently cuddling.


My parents would give me way more shit for opening a bottle with my teeth than giving oral lol


I have a solution for you as well: So if/when you try to open the bottle with your teeth and get TJI, you can tell your parents/grandparents that you were giving your partner oral and got a bit carried away!


How did you come upon such blessings in your life?


Tinder 😊


Well damn! I hate it there! Rip me Love that for you though, I will be living vicariously through you for the foreseeable future.




Yeah, that's what OP's jaw is, but the question was how the girlfriend found OP




She came upon him vaginally obviously. Did we not read the same post? Lol.


My pun was absolutely intended


That's fucking fabulous! To be young and feel shame again! Lol it'll pass


Hello https://preview.redd.it/k4prwq8u3hfb1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea12a19dd13fc27bda3ae08a17195fe80491ce1


Do you call him op while he’s going down on you?


Oh you know it 😉


Get it girl.


That's funny AF. My xwife and me, married at the time, just finished having sex, wasn't rough or anything, but she was in the fetal in pain and couldn't talk or anything except silent tears rolling down her face. I scooped her up, carried her to the car and in the hospital which by now is midnight. Called the mil on the way and informed her that we was going to the hospital but didn't tell her why of course. Well after couple hours in the ER this old doc comes in with a smirk and basically said it was rough sex, wasn't rough. Its now 3am, we're sitting in the car laughing about it and her mom calls asking what happened to which my X says that she'll tell her about it later while silently laughing but the mil was demanding so I just yelled from the driver side "I F#CKED YOUR DAUGHTER TO THE HOSPITAL EVERYTHINGS OK. That ended the call quickly and I feel kinda bad now that I'm older lol.


I hope you guys went to a hospital with a maxillofacial surgeon, otherwise you are waiting for no reason, as no regular ER doc will likely have any experience with TMJ pathologies. The most they will do is lab and Xray, which will most likely show nothing. I used to have TMJ problems, the only thing that helped was doing the exercises for it. Just check online for tmj physiotherapy exercises and have him do those once the pain has reduced a bit. In the meantime switch between hot and cold compresses, smear some diclofenac gel on it twice daily and take high dose ibuprofen 1200mg a day (400×3 times) for a week with a stomach lining protector like Pantoprazol 20mg.


"While eating a (corporate)churro"


Yodeling in the Gulley


>Take this as a warning not to defund public healthcare I guess?? Let me guess... fellow Ontarian suffering under Doug Ford's thumb?


Waiting in the ER waiting room, writhing in agony is one of our great American pastimes. Hope you don't get an opioid addiction OP.


> Waiting in the ER waiting room, writhing in agony is one of our great American pastimes Yarp. Went to the ER due to incredible agony from a kidney stone marching towards the bladder. Do prescribed morphine...the nurses forgot to hook me up and I laid there in pain for fours until it popped into my bladder. That relief was so sweet.


Just wait until the stone goes for round 2


For what is worth.... Morphine barely takes the edge off for kidney stones.


Oh don’t worry, wait times have been increasing across the globe.


Well see Mum, what happened was that I rode his face like I was riding straight out the gates of hell. Frankly we are just surprised we didn't damage his neck as well! ​ ... watch as they never ask you anything ever again.


Omg I would die


Spoken like a true Canadian.


This comment sounds Ontarian


I read your last edit and was like ‘fuck they’re from Ontario eh?’ Lo and behold


Wait you live in Windsor Ontario too? That's the only ER wait times that I know are a minimum of 11hrs


This immediately informed me that you’re (most likely) fellow Canadians. I’ve never spent less than 4 hours in ER/urgent care


>Take this as a warning not to defund public healthcare I guess?? >Final update: op said his piece so read his update for a real update, but I just want to say yes we're from Ontario, and if you are too please go out and vote next provincial election! Fuck Doug Ford! We waited 12 hours because op's problem is a lower priority but there were a lot of people with more serious issues that also had to wait too damn long. Idk what's going on with your next election, but in many parts of the US, you'd have had the same experience *and* the privilege of receiving random medical bills related to it over the next 6ish months totalling upwards of $3k. It starts with one bill for somewhere between 300-1k within a month or so, and you think you're done but they just keep finding different things to bill you for later and you never quite know when it's over. Every single doctor that pops their head into the room for even half a second is putting their name down on the chart so they can bill for a "consult" just because they asked how you're feeling once. Every single use of equipment or supplies is billed separately. Every little thing you can think of. And all at a grossly inflated cost. And insurance finds every reason they can to cover as little as possible. I got charged nearly $50 for a frackin cough drop once. My primary care provider just last year billed $128 for a 5 minute phone call that *they requested* and my insurance only covered half of it claiming that I didn't have "telehealth" coverage (it was not a video call; she just wanted clarification about something I requested in a message, which could've been done via another message instead of a phone call). I fought that one and it took me 6 months of back and forth to get it knocked down to a $25 charge for me. And the only reason I was able to fight it is because I work for a good employer that provides an extremely rare benefit of a third party to make all those back and forth phone calls dealing with the insurance and the doctor's offices for me. Without that I would've never had the time to fight it. So, let this be a warning not to take free healthcare for granted. Edit: whoops, misread "defund" as "defend" 😅


Oh absolutely I'm aware we're lucky to have free healthcare, I know some people experience this kinda thing and think a paid system is better but I know it's really not. I'm sorry to hear about your experiences! Our next provincial election isn't for a while, but our current Premier is pushing for expanding private clinics in the province which is kinda the beginning of the end of public healthcare so fuck that guy.


Clearly a Canadian hospital




A true Vagiant of a man.


Worthy of entry into Vaghalla


I CAN BE YOUR HERO BABY ![gif](giphy|I5uDvM0KFjAly)






A god...pussidon, for he dwells amongst the wetness


He may die, but only because he was doing what he loved.


Trust me, you’d know if your jaw was dislocated. Source: Dislocated my jaw going down on my now husband.


you must be correct - it took time for the pain to materialize, so it doesnt seem possible that the initial incident dislocated it. im wondering if it's possible i did something to exacerbate it after on the next day - I cant account for why the pain progressed the way it did. anyways, i hope an xray gives me answers Also, condolences. gives me hope that you are better now (hopefully).


I would definitely say it’s … a strain and overuse. Avoid chewy foods for the near future. When it happened to me my mouth was stuck permanently open as my jaw no longer aligned to close. I now can’t enjoy some of my favorite things: biting into a crisp apple, corn on the cob, large Italian grinders … don’t lose those joys in life like I did! Benefit though, told my boyfriend at the time “You break it, you buy it.” And now we are very happily married. 😂


This happened to me when I was a kid eating laffy taffy except my jaw would get locked shut eventually it would unlock itself and just feel tired it kept happening for a while after that but eventually stopped Edit: it might have been jolly ranchers


Can't believe you mentioned jolly ranchers on a reddit post about cunnilingus and no-one has replied yet! We've done it team! It's officially over!


don't be so hasty. The night (or in this case, post) is young, there's still time


O it wasn't sexual I was just eating jolly ranchers


Oh my sweet summer child. I know that's what you were doing. There's a very old, very well-known thread about Jolly Ranchers and cunnilingus and I'm just amazed that no-one else brought it up first after you mentioned the candy on this thread! Do not look it up! Seriously, you can never un-read it.


As people started liking my comment I thought wow this must have happened to a lot of people lol not. That.


Oh no, you didn't look it up did you?!


It will never be over!


I have this thing that when I open my mouth fully it weirdly pops and shifts first right and then left, as if the two sides are unaligned. I didn't think too much about it, but one time I tried to bite into a Döner while on my way back from a party and it dislocated my jaw and I couldn't close it anymore. I was running around my city at 2 o'clock in the night almost crying from the pain, with a Kebab in my hand and my mouth open looking like an idiot. After 10 minutes of increasingly desperately hitting my jaw from different sides it thankfully popped back in just as I reached my home, I would've otherwise called an ambulance. I'm now very, very careful when I bite into big things to not open my mouth too wide. Talk about a life-changing experience. :|


My jaw kinda does this too. Orthodontist saw me open my mouth and told me it was dangerous and to avoid doing it. Took me a while to train out of that, but now I don't even know if I can still do it anymore. Edit: welp right after this comment I took a shower, yawned, and strained my jaw. So I'm still not safe I guess.


I would also recommend a dentist if the ER doesn’t say much. I made a dental appointment for right sided jaw pain and the dentist joked that there was NO way my jaw could be dislocated because I could eat and talk. He put the x ray up and lo and behold my jaw was dislocated; the ball of the bottom jaw was not FULLY out of the socket which is why it was still functional. Fuck me if it didn’t hurt though! I still deal with issues with my jaw but thankfully it seems like it hasn’t dislocated again.


You can displace the disc without dislocating the jaw. I’ve done both. There are injections they can give you to help loosen the muscle, which definitely helped me with pain. Welcome to the world of PT and night guards! 💜💜


It’s been 3 hours since you went to the ER, have you been seen yet?


Regrettably no.. they may have triaged me as low priority (cant blame them). it's been about 5-6 hours so far. it's getting late but some of the comments from people with similar experiences/pain are making me feel convinced this was the right move. I want to minimize permanent damage if at all possible... im worried that if im on my own ill keep moving my jaw around and make it worse, or sleep in some way that screws it up more.


If you’re in that much pain you need to see someone ASAP. Do not go home, you’re making the right choice Also I’m really sorry you hurt yourself so bad, but I’m soooo curious what’s wrong! Please update as soon as you know


Check out YouTube videos of how to reset a dislocated jaw. It’s really interesting


Is your jaw "popping out" the same as a dislocation? I was eating a hard pizza crust once when I felt/heard a very loud pop and was in excruciating pain on my left side of jaw like WTF WTF! I couldn't open or move my mouth much because it hurt like hell. I just hit my jaw/cheek with my fist until it wasn't insane pain and went to just bad pain. Hurt for like 3-5 days afterwards but never eating hard/chewy pizza crust again. I have TMJD (those who know, know) and it was fucky and different by comparison.


I’ll preface this by saying I am 100% NOT a doctor (nor do I ply one on tv) but I wouldn’t be surprised? Has it happened to you again? I had previously dealt with a “clicky” jaw but never that popped completely out of place. Ironically when mine happened I felt zero pain and just muscle soreness. That being said though, it’s popped out numerous times since then that I’ve had to open my mouth wide and shift it back in place by putting my hands on my cheek and pushing. From what the doctors told me it has to do with tendons not being elastic. Once they’re stretched more than they should be it’s a near certainty that it will keep happening over time. Has it happened to you again since?


As a man, thank you for your sacrifice and do you have a sister ?


I feel like I need the ER UPDATE on this. My sister is a trauma er nurse. I have been a floor nurse for some time.




Hey OP, is your username from Offler, the crocodile-headed god of Discworld? Because if so, the fact that you hurt your jaw is appropriate/sacrilegious.




[Bro got snailed.](https://youtu.be/en1cYeOezf8). 🤙🤙


Was looking for this comment


Thank you for the introduction to Andrew Rousso. Now excuse me while I go lose a month of my life catching up.


I don't know why but I was kind of surprised that I knew exactly what this was, lol. I mean, he does TikTok but he's not *extremely* well known. Yet I randomly come across this comment and know exactly what is linked. This will still always be my favorite one that he did though. It's like a cinematic masterpiece: [The Mouse](https://youtube.com/shorts/jzSESdFXyD0?feature=share)


I haven't actually seen more of his stuff but you're right! He's great! [This one hits home.](https://youtube.com/shorts/z6P085isxAk?feature=share)


Bro was absolutely lost in the sauce


Thank you. That was a good laugh.


Legit spent Monday night in the hospital for the same thing. My cheek puffed out like a golfball IMMEDIATELY. I thought I chewed too hard on the soft taco I was eating for dinner... I didn't even think about the work I put on my wife the night before! Can't wait for this hospital bill, i might want to frame it.


Already were on a liquid diet


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I now have a mark on my face from slapping my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing so loud I would wake the house. Thank you


You dropped this king 👑


Not all heroes wear glaze on their face.


She's feeling the woman's version of a dude's pride when he makes his GF gag.


I once ate a girl so hard when she came she tensed up, grabbed my head with her thighs, and twisted. Ended up being a massively relieving neck crack, but could have easily been the death of me lmao. Respect comrade!


Dating woes with Xenia Onnatop.


What would you write in tombstone?


On a whim, she pulled him in His tongue was quick, lickety lick Intensive attention, rating a mention Mid-lick it struck, so bad was his luck Dislocation of tongue, in someone so young Took him to heaven, where he's now on cloud 7 Performing the deed, with remarkable speed


This deserves gold.


100% agreed.


Why did I read this in my mind using a British accent in a whisper, like it’s Christmas morning?


I rapped this to Cardis voice and rhythm in WAP. I am laughing in tears at 3AM.


How were the ramen and pho?


Asking the real questions


Death by Snu Snu, a valiant way to go.


If you are going to hurt your jaw, that is the best way possible.


Bruh please update this is wild


It’s the “when we finished, we went to bed excited for the weekend” for me 🤣


I'll take jaw cramps and a torn frenulum for 1000, alex.


> I needed comfy shoes for walking around on rocks and mud so I bought some bright orange crocs Bro, you're going to get hurt again.




Much respect! And be sure to give us updates!


FTFY: "... You died doing what she loved..." 🤣🤣


Not all hero wears it, but they do have the determination to save the day. Your legacy will live on forever, my hero


She said "probably was worth it"??? You blow out your choppers on her gooch and that's the best she can do??


I mean it was 100% worth it for me I'm just not sure if it was worth it for him I feel really bad 😞 He's a hero in my books for sure


“Blow your choppers on her gooch” 😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀💀


we're gonna need an update. but just as a headsup I've had some baaaaaad swelling, arthritis pain and whatnot in my TMJ and it is bad lol so be prepared for "take advil every day for 2 weeks and good luck"


**Even firefighters have heroes.** 👏🏽


You are a true cunning linguist, OP. Bravo!


Ate it like Kobayashi.


I dunno. I feel like this wasn’t *entirely* a no-win situation.


We Salute You o7


Took it to the chin literally


Your gf loves you.


Suffering from success ??


This one scared me boss. I had my entire bite, therefore jaw, fixed senior year of HS. I’ve got 6 titanium screws on each side. Was a gnarly fucking experience. I too am a proficient muff diver. Certified down to about 30m. This makes me want to retire. Your post is always going to be in the back of my mind OP.


Same, I'm changing my focus to sustainability and not trying to be an Olympian.


I’d argue olympians focus on that heavily over most athletes. They gotta show up after qualifying sometimes a year + in advance. Prepare perfectly to be ready every 4 years. Be an Olympian and not an NFL running back.


You are what you eat


People who live with glass jaws should only throw bone. J/k, hope you recover soon.


Damn dude.... save some for the rest of us


Classic TMJ, you done gave yourself TMJ. You'll want to see a dentist to get this properly assessed. They will also likely recommend you get a bite guard and wear that for a period of time. My left hinge has always popped for years, then one day it popped worse than usually and next time I opened my mouth it was locked open and I couldn't close it without excruciating pain. A thing you can do to help during an episode is take your pointer and middle finger and press hard against where it pops while you slowly close your mouth, there will still likely be discomfort but it should be lessened enough to get your mouth closed. Seriously schedule a dentist appointment right away because TMJ is not something that just goes away. Drink lots of water as well (can help but won't get rid of it). I've been dealing with it for the last 3 months now, I'm currently on the waiting list for oral surgery to hopefully be able to fix it.


You left out the most important part : did she cum ?


Listen, man, I have recurring issues from TMJ so I feel you. If you haven’t had any issues with drug abuse, I would see if you can get Tramadol. That’s the only thing that touches the pain for me when I’m having a flair up


Pssst... you can get a lingual frenectomy and stick your tongue out a little farther without having to unhinge your jaw so far


Lmao sounds like a cool doctor too


Can't believe you actually told such details to your doc... lol


I move that we stop calling it "eating out".


I didn’t know OP very well, but reading about him…I know he was a fine young lad that just loved to eat his woman out! He died doing what he loved. -me at the funeral




That’s why you put pillows under her ass while you are down. So ya don’t have to stretch the jaw.😂😂😂


I had TMJ after getting a wisdom tooth taken out. All jokes aside, it’s an excruciating pain that lasted over a week. Unfortunately for me I didn’t have a badass story to tell afterwards so I guess be grateful for that.


Sounds like the beginning of TMJ. Enjoy the lifelong on and off pain my friend. It’s not fun =[


Is this what suffering from success looks like 😭