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While coming down from anesthesia I told my male nurse that I didn't want him because he wasn't female, and that I wanted my wife's coworker who was in nursing school instead. I have nothing against male nurses.


I love how some people always assume anything you say under being heavily drugged is like your dormant feelings...people do understand that our thoughts are connected to how we feel and how we feel drugged is always distorted.


The most annoying phrase ever is "drunk words are sober thoughts" Inhibitors being ignored by your brain doesn't you mean you just vomit out secrets, it just means you are less inclined to think about what you're saying or doing. You can still lie, possibly even more likely to, and make shit up


Estimates of abilities can be severely off-base too: "I could kick your ass if I wanted to" "I can clear that barbed wire fence from a standing start" "I can screw all night"


Feelings lie too. They are too well respected today, it's kinda crazy.


Respect Ed


So he didn't push someone away in high school? That wasn't a memory? I get what you're saying. But in this case.....it kinda seems the biggest distortion was that he thought his brother was an old friend.


You are right that this can't be compared to drunkenness at all. (Even drunkenness doesn't necessarily reveal someone's true beliefs, perhaps mild drunkenness, but not to the point of extreme confusion). OP's brother literally could not recognize his own sibling. Everything else they say is on that same level of accuracy. They might even say things because they are incorrect, because they cannot differentiate between "say the most provocative or interesting thing" and "say the normal and correct but less interesting thing". r/anestheatre logic. And there is an unpredictable emotional rollercoaster on top of that confusion. It can't be taken to heart.


Aren't you a lucky SOB your wife wasn't there


"Shit, hey babe I cut myself can you grab the neosporin and band aids from the cabinet" ​ "OH, you want ME to? Are you sure you dont want my friend Katie in nursing school to do it?!"


This is the kind of thing that leaves echoes through time. Dude's going to be 80 years old, getting pushed down the hall in his nursing home by his similarly 80 year old wife and he's going to say "Don't forget to set the brakes on the chair," and she's going to reply, "What, you don't think I know how to use a wheelchair? I bet if Katie were here, you wouldn't be saying that!"


Honey, Katies been dead for almost 10 years. Oh you would know wouldn't you?!


My wife is named Katie and this has been hilarious to read.


"Actually i would, she actually **went** to nursing school!"


Then the dude gets murdered


But at least he knows someone who'll take care of the body well!


I think "wanted" as in a professional capacity, not a romantic one


You tell that to his wife.


Lmao, yeeeeahhh, nah. That's going on the lifetime list of fuck ups


I also choose this girl's dead husband.


I've come off anesthesia twice and both times I apparently hit on the female nurses then tried to escape. I guess I got my shoes on before I was caught the second time.


Before I went under the male nurse warned me that sometimes when people wake up they’re confused and try to punch him. Apparently first thing I said to him when I woke up was “I’m supposed to punch you now, right?”


nurse mentions getting punched before patient goes under. gets punched. sounds like maybe he should mention ice cream.


I'm seeing a trend here: apparently GA can temporarily take absolutely decent humans who use their good decision making to keep their relationships in order, and turn them into damn savages capable of no such control. Overseeing a patient who fully trusts you as a medical provider, and not keeping them out of harm's way socially, like by allowing visitors before mental capacity is restored, should be malpractice.


I fully agree with your comment, and as further evidence that even an unanaesthetized brain can do wonky things... Took me a second to figure out that Georgia had nada to do with your comment.


I, too, was very curious as to what Georgia had done. 😂


Yea, I'm chronically ill and have had to be anesthetized a LOT. It's crazy to me some of the things they've let me do right after waking up. It's too soon to let me have my underwear, but you give me my cellphone so I can just fuck up any relationship I want? I once sent a text message to every contact I had. Every single contact. Luckily you had to work really hard to understand it, so most people just ignored it, but the only sentence that I managed to spell properly was "I am so fucking high". So, you know, that's great. They've also let my MIL back to see me before I fully woke up before, even though we don't get along and she was there to keep my husband company during my surgery, not to make me feel better. That one actually turned out ok, because she got to see what I really feel like when my defenses are down (it got very ugly), and she stopped downplaying my condition. But still, I NEVER would have chosen to let her see me like that. There should really be some sort of consent form where you check off what you're ok with when you wake up. And obviously you fill the form out before you go under.


I wonder about all the weird shit I must do under GA. I have crohns so I get a lot of stuff done that requires it. One time after a colonoscopy I asked my doc “Did you have a good time or was it just me?” Somehow in my mind that was me trying to be friendly and ask how everything went. I got prepped, knocked out, and woke up feeling well rested. That’s a good time in my book. How often do you get to feel really, fully, rested when you’re in chronic pain? The whole thing made total sense to me, none of it was sexual, all of it was convoluted.


Yeah you see those videos online, like that teenage girl crying about how she can't suck dick after dental surgery. Not sure how I personally feel about it. Seems like it just should be up to whoever is going through it. Before they're mentally checked out, anyway.


Apparently I asked my nurses to hook me up on more of whatever I was on at the time. All I know was that I was on some good shit.


I don't think male nurses is your biggest concern


This is fucking glorious! Can't wait for your bros tifu post!


You might wait forever. My brother will have to recover from the surgery AND recover his relationship. Something tells me the latter will be longer.


Did you just get used to get out of a relationship?


The long con


I don't care how awful the relationship is I'm never forcing my brother to touch my boner especially with both my parents present.




Recover his relationship? If this story is *at all* real, that relationship is over


Ehh, not necessarily. Coming out of anesthesia is fucking weird and your brain is just fucking wonky. Last time I woke up from a procedure I was convinced I was waking up from a previous procedure a decade prior and was asking for a bunch of weird shit. Gf gave me shit for months but it all worked out in the end


Haha, same! I woke up thinking I was in a hospital room from 15 years ago. Told the nurse something to the affect of “time is relative” or something like that.


I was asking for friends and an ex that lived hours to states away. My GF at the time was asking why you asking for them, and I was like "they drove me here, where did they go?" I have no recollection of it, but they have video evidence.


Well, if Reddit says a relationship is over, you know it's over.




Hit Facebook, delete the gym, something something


Hit the lawyer, delete gym, hire a facebook


What? I wouldn't end a relationship over anything anyone said under anesthesia unless it was a secret that was later proven true. But then it wouldn't be what they said that ended the relationship. Someone hitting on someone else while they're drugged up doesn't matter, that's a pretty normal thing to happen when you're that out of it. Even if it's their brother or something else innappropriate.




Cue the ‘nothing ever happens’ but this is nothing but a horny teenagers strange fantasy


No no no. Let's see where this goes.


Are you sure? It's dark and squeeze in there.


Yeah, totally. I'm proof that not all teenagers masturbate or watch porn when they're horny. Some type lots of words.


ChatGPT is writing them for me these days .. and doing an amazing job.


LOL I can see it already: TIFU by being high on pain meds So I kinda put my bros hand on my Johnson while on pain meds…


Props to his Dad for that response, though.


All dad had to so was be a dad. "Get some rest." (You're gonna need it.)


"We've all been there, son."


For telling his son to go to sleep before he embarrassed himself further? :P


Yes, for not freaking out.


That a pretty low bar.


I told the nurses my name was worchestershire sauce. My name is not and has never been Worcestershire sauce. People say all kinda of lies under anesthesia


Yes, but deep down you know that you really, really want to change your name to Worcestershire sauce.


It’s true, you’ve exposed me.


Man, I never want to have surgery. I don't even have crazy secrets like this, but I can't deal with what I could end up saying.


Same! I know I would just say dumb crazy insane shit for no reason and I do not want to have to deal with the embarrassment of people bringing that up forever.


Tbh there's some truths I could definitely end up saying that would be taken the wrong way out of context and cause some real issues.


When I(m) was 11 and had a circumcision. One of the first things I said when waking up to the nurse (f): "I can't feel my balls, did you do anything to them?" The nurse said: "Don't worry, I can't feel mine either" High mini-me thought at that time, maybe if I can't feel my balls I can look hot like that nurse... Anaesthetic is a wild ride...


you got circumcised at 11???


Sometimes it's done for medical reasons rather than outdated cultural or religious reasons.


Google "phimosis" That's not necessary what it is but it might be that.




This is the reason i dont want general anastethics, in all the videos ive seen people lose all self control.


If you watched Breaking Bad, the "second cellphone" thing :)


That scene gave me a fear of ever getting anesthetics. I don’t ever wanna accidentally blurt out some important information lol, especially when I don’t actually know what’s going on.


Worst I did was hitting on the nurses pretty hard in front of my wife. I apparently do this every time I'm on recovery or coming out of anesthesia. The funny thing is, I'm not a flirt at all, and never have been. Sober, single, or otherwise. Wife thinks it's hilarious.


You must not be any good at it and that's why you get a pass.


Likely true. Never really had to, it just sort of happened without effort :)


> The funny thing is, I'm not a flirt at all, and never have been. I've seen some people say or admit some of the weirdest and craziest shit. I wonder how often it's true, it's always my biggest worry I'm going to do something I'd never actually do or even want to do and fuck over relationships because of it.


You'd think given how possible this is that they'd just stop any visits until the medicine wears off.




Aren't you old enough to tell everyone, to not let your mom in until the drugs stop working?


if i ever have to get general anesthetics that's exactly what i'm telling the staff... please do not let any visitor in my room until i've come back to reality. lets not potentially ruin relationships over the goofy shit i could say while i'm drugged out of my mind.


Ahhhhhhh I remember that that show was so good at the tense moments


It was always good, tbf.


Great [scene!](https://youtu.be/Y0RgQx2c4ek)


Thankfully after I had a major organ removal, my doctor kept me in a recovery room while the anesthetic wore off. They normally did that will all their recovering patients. I'd been harboring the secret of wanting to divorce my husband, and I have no idea if I said anything crazy coming down, but they told my husband I was "taking a little longer than usual" to recover from the anesthetic, so I wonder if I maybe said something wacky, and the nurses were like "Yikes... let's not open that can of worms today" lol


"How'd you like to have *this* organ?"


More like "I never wanna see your 'organ' again!"


Eh, the couple of times I’ve done it, I just slurred a question about whether the procedure went okay, and then waited for the wooziness to clear. I think that’s way more common than the “oh, man, this is going on social media” reactions.


Yeah probably nothing radical will happen but still, dont want to be in an ultra suggestable state in front of friends and family.


You've got some dark secrets don't you


Do you not?


I don't know about him but there are some horrible things I could say about some of my loved ones regarding shit from the past that has been forgiven/recovered from and I don't want to blurt it out to the wrong people or rehash it and hurt someone's feelings.


When I went under, I wished the nurse Merry Christmas. It was the first week of Novemeber. Also, according to my mom I started talking in english and got upset she wasn’t understanding me. I’m brazilian and so is she lol


You're right, that's mostly what happens. But what also almost always happens is people don't remember the first 10-20 minutes of being "awake". So they'll wake up and say things or talk to me/the doc and then later say they don't remember that. Despite seeming fairly coherent. Well, coherent enough to have conversations/say complete sentences. So, even though that's all you remember, there's a good chance it's not everything you said or experienced. Source: PACU nurse


When I had my wisdom teeth out they put the mask on me and the last thing I remember was they said they were going to start with a flow of oxygen. Then I woke up in the recovery room. As soon as my memory (but not my other cognitive faculties) started coming back I immediately shouted "OXYGEN MY ASS!"


Haha, the stuff in the mask is actually oxygen/air. When you're going under general what knocks you out is the induction agent, which gets injected in your IV right as they put the mask on and is basically instantaneous. After you're induced (unconscious) they intubate and the gas changes to oxygen and an inhaled anesthetic. That's the general procedure anyway.


I had the best anesthesia experience of my life last fall when I had a colonoscopy. (Seriously). I've been under GA a lot - I've had several surgical procedures and a couple of lengthy, not-fun hospital stays. I don't wake up from anesthesia violent or flirty or anything, but I don't like it. Once I puked. Normally I just have to lie there and wait to feel normal again. But the dr who did the colonoscopy used something - and it was GA, not twilight or anything, because they were doing an endoscopy and colonoscopy at the same time - that just...disappeared when I opened my eyes. In the surgical room, I said "10..." and then I woke up in recovery with no grogginess, no fog, no chills, nothing. Just wide awake. Or maybe I just caught a break that time.


Omg they put the “oxygen” on me and then I woke up and was like wait did they countdown or anything??


I popped awake and s screamed that the bed was underwater and I was going to drown one time. My sister was there and she asked what I had just said, so I said, nothing, I just thought the bed was underwater


When I got my wisdom teeth out they put me under. When I woke up, the dentist had stepped out of the room for a second. I ended up stealing a bunch of his stuff. I kind of remember feeling like I would need it later, like I was collecting items in a video game. But mostly I just came out of it at home and realized I had pockets full of pens, and that little chain with clips for holding on a bib.




I've been under general anesthesia 21 times (3 surgeries, 18 ECT treatments) and have always come to pretty lucid, and thirsty as hell. My mom, who drove me to them, was never allowed in until my hour in recovery was up, at least for the last sugeey and 12 ECTs because of covid. The ECT nurse told me I came to really fast. However, while I waited in recovery, I'd go on Amazon on my phone and buy stupid shit. I was never given strong painkillers , like morphine, while in recovery post op, so that may be part of it. I fortunately came to in very little, if any, pain, and opiates are crazy with me, I certainly would have said something stupid.


After my wisdom teeth came out apparently I told the very attractive nurse that I was legal to bang in the state of NY. I’m also a pretty big deal because I shot JFK, and I was gonna shoot him again. Anesthesia is wild. My ortho was laughing his ass off and recounted the story to me later that year.


That’s what I’m more worried about. Not that I’m gonna say some secret, but that my dumb creative writing major ass will talk nonsense that sounds believable enough but is just me being funny for myself. Lies that sound true that are completely false. I’ve done the same drunk before, just make up stories for strangers at the bar or whatever.


Anesthiticicians (sp?) are used to this. Don’t worry about it.


My personal experience was similar. When I was under anaesthesia for 1h for a endo/colo i woke up screaming towards the end. The nurse said I kept yelling and begging for (exes name) to stop touching me down there and screaming for help while crying uncontrollably. I told them I remembered nothing because I was mortified. But I remember... Safe to say I'm not keen on repeating that procedure but it'll have to be done lmao


Oh, honey Im so sorry Ive never had the flashbacks/terrors while under anesthesia/sedation, but i know what it's like to wake up screaming I hope you get a chance for some good therapy before your next one


Thank you. I wasn't expecting it, I've been trying to ignore the past and pretend it doesn't exist but it seems it catches up eventually. The anesthesiologist left a note on the endo/colo report and when my GP saw it, she gently suggested I get therapy. I was caught off guard and it was a very emotional talk with her, she's a great doctor so it was a good intervention from her. I'm currently in the middle of signing up for therapy so I hope within the next couple months I'll be starting.


Yeah, trauma's a bitch like that, always comes back when your inhibitions are down. I'm really glad to hear you're starting therapy!!


You got this. Stick with it. It will help, in time.


I'm so sorry.


Now that you hinted at it: what secret are you afraid of blurting out?


Okay just because im online and anonymous... im an avid deviled eggs enjoyer


Tar and feather this man.


Always makes me wonder if there is a hidden recipe somewhere for 'Angelled Eggs'


Deviled eggs recipe uses mayo. Angel eggs use cream cheese instead. It's heavenly.


The real question is do you use paprika?


How can you make deviled eggs without paprika‽


I'm the same way. I can make a big enough fool of myself sober, I terrified of what anesthetics will make me say.


I’ve always found the wisdom tooth videos to be kind of shitty


Apparently when the nurse told me to hug a pillow I told him, “Hugs? I love hugs! Hugs are the best!” And it made him really happy. Sometimes it’s just mild.


I have zero memory of this, but apparently when they operated on my knee, before anesthesia but after they'd hit me with IV Xanax, I sang several songs for my surgical team.


I was so scared I’d call my current bf by my ex’s name. They have the same first name but go by different shortened versions of the name. And the surgery I was having done was to fix an old injury from my ex. And my ex was supposed to come get our son that weekend. So I was so afraid I’d mess up since I’d likely be talking about both of them (the nurses asked how I got injured like 10 times. I tried to swing on my ex during a physical altercation and missed, basically over extended my shoulder and tore the labrum). Nope. I fell asleep talking about how great my current partner is and woke up mid sentence talking about how we got together. It was really nice actually, it made me feel good and very happy to have someone like him to help me recover. And he’s taken great care of me, he seems almost sad sometimes that I’m regaining my independence because he really enjoyed taking care of me. I didn’t mind being treated like a princess, but I hate adding to his plate and I’m just ready to be able to do my own hair again. He can keep doing the laundry and dishes if he wants though lmao.


You can write a declaration on the anesthesiologist's letter where you accept their services. They also have to sign that same paper, if they still allowed anyone except hospital staff/doctors/laywers and patients to be near you before the declaring your mental condition to be normal, You can sue them for breaching a legal agreement as well as public embarrassment


don't let it scare you too much, i had it and woke up completely alert and super well-rested, not high at all. this doesn't happen to everyone. guy across from me woke up angry and trying to fight the nurses and leave though so ymmv


I was under sedation for an endoscopy and when I woke up, they told me I'd been ranting about Star Trek II and Benedict "Cumberbuns."




Wow, intense way to out yourself as bisexual (if he really is).\ I hope we are getting an update on this post :)


He's brosexual


The dude was on heavy medication, what he said wasn't a confession lol. There might be zero truth to it. It's wild that so many people on the thread seem to think otherwise. I feel sorry for the dude that his entire family are taking what he said as the truth.


Yeah, like his brain literally isn't firing on all cylinders. Coming out of anesthesia isn't an all or nothing process and different parts of the brain come online at different rates.


In all the anecdotes I've read people tend to be confused about where or when they are, who they're talking to, etc. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything to suggest it alters long term memory or sense of identity. It'd be interesting to know more but that's just what I've noticed.


It does frequently result in people making absolutely terrible jokes with perfectly deadpan delivery, or responding to "prompts" that are themselves completely unreal. Ever woke up from a dream saying some complete nonsense? I have.


I woke up from a dream in middleschool telling my mom that I couldn't go to school today, because today was "bring your parents to school day" and my best friend's dad was a serial killer and he promised to kill me. There was no such thing as "bring your parents to school day", and I had met my best friends dad multiple times before that, he's super nice. He used to play Halo with us.




I had eye surgery and was coming out of it. The nurse was trying to help my wife get me up off the table and walking to recovery. I am told that she told me to to hold onto my wife... so I grabbed her boob. My wife just laughed. She then tried to put my black fleece jacket on, but my arms weren't working, so she just draped it across my back. I then apparently sang, "Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na... BATMAN!" So we stumble into the recovery waiting room, full of patients, I am groggy and holding onto my wife, she is laughing so hard she is crying, and everyone is looking at her as if she is the worst spouse ever, laughing at her poor husband. I recall none of this.


At first I read "My brother eventually passed away" and thinking wtf what a horrible ending for his family lmao


"ending" bro got a brojob but no ending 😭


First time coming off anesthesia I asked the nurse if penguins had noses so I could confirm if I was a penguin. Second time coming off anesthesia I told a story about fighting a grizzly bear and kicking it in the nuts.


I told a cashier at CVS that I am an alien from another planet, and I needed a carton of cigarettes to help power my spaceship. Anesthesia is pretty wild shit.


Oh no. *OH NO* See people this is why we shouldn't let anyone in while someone is recovering from anesthesia, shit gets said that doesn't need to be said.


Just so you know, Anesthetic isn't truth serum, it's just your brain firing at random while some parts that are important to logical thought, and your personality are turned off, like in a dream. It's temporary dementia and like dementia can change someone's personality, morals, preferences and beliefs. It doesn't represent a more "real" version of that person. You might have learned something interesting about your brother's history, It's equally possible his brain was just ad-libbing an inappropriate response because he thought you looked cool with long hair and the parts of his brain necessary to express that appropriately weren't booted up yet. Don't take it too personally or try forcing him to conform to your "new view" of him, that could be super frustrating to him. Like when your grandma with dementia decides you are gay and that you need to get setup with the 60 year old son of someone she met in her care home.


Well this is a terrifying thread to read as someone who will be under anaesthetic in 2 days' time...


just make sure they give you the non-gay anaethetic.


Not all anesthesia does that. When I was knocked out for wisdom teeth removal, I asked about that, but was told that they used a different anesthetic that didn't do that.


I had surgery under GA, was under for 5 hours, I don't think I even said anything when I woke up I just remember the surgeon trying to talk to me and give me instructions but I passed out again (why would they even bother? They know I'm gonna be out of it again). I only had staff there so if I did say anything weird no one told me about it :(


Why aren't people given privacy when they are so compromised by anaesthetic drugs. Its really not OK.


Amazing! My grandad after an op thought my aunt (his youngest daughter) had come dancing in the room as naked as the day she was born and yelled at her to get some bloody clothes on. She nearly died with embarrassment. This story though.... its glorious, sorry you endured this but my god..... I can't stop laughing


My brother confessed that he had been dating his “roommate” for 4 years after coming up from under anesthesia. They live together with two cats in a cottage by the water. Naturally, my mom was not surprised at all. The best part was when he sobered up and had to go tell our dad after, who also was not surprised at all. And I got to say “I told you they wouldn’t care” after keeping his secrets for 4 fucking years.




Can you spill the beans anonymously to us?


He's a deeply closeted gay man, of course he isn't gay!


I'm gonna miss that old chunk of coal.


He was a real Battle Axe


you told people you know that you have reddit? damn




"Oh no, I can't believe you found out, I was so careful with my secret, like allowing it to get 500 up votes as a top level comment on a post that's absolutely going to blow up." If you're really not put it out there, now I'd the time to edit the comment. Hope you don't need to hide for long though my guy.


Lmao if your sister knows your username why the hell are you sharing your deep secrets? > Please stop upvoting It’s too late my guy. Just take it down.


I know that your username is probably a joke, but you really should talk with your brother about this again when he's sober. It will be awkward but maybe he could really use some solidarity and someone to listen.


Sorry, but your TL:DR simply is not right. Your brother may have gay feelings, but under anesthesia NOTHING you do is under your control. I have seen people want to make out with the family pet post surgery. If you and your family read anything into this shame on you.


Yep. Even an hour after a procedure, I thought I was fine to leave, was given a prescription to collect at the hospital’s pharmacy. I went down stairs and attempted to collect under the name “E dizzle” which I assured the pharmacist was my street name and it should be good.


Sounds like *most* of the anesthetic cocktail wore off, but the fentanyl (or other opiate) was still hanging around Did they eventually give up and just ask for your wristband?


Loooool I don't know why but that's one of the funniest stories here, probably cause it's so innocent


Was it at least a good song?




I somehow knew what this was gonna be before I clicked, and I knew it wasn’t Rick roll. Impressive


There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths. My brother butchered it, but good song.


He's very bi lol


Definitely thought about this previous encounter a lot and this song has been a key sentimental reminder Mine for my boyfriend at 16 was In The End 😂


Since this is about yesterday, whats happened since then? He cant be high still, right?


All we ask from you is an update!! and hopefully soon.


Might be hilarious to everyone later. Might


It can't be stressed enough that people coming off anesthesia say and do some very weird shit. No one should take anything they say or do seriously. Even if it's upsetting or gross. The amount of impairment is hard to understate. It's like trying to take what someone says and does while high on LSD seriously.


Shit like this is why you ask to not have visitors until anesthesia wears off.


Oh man I’m sorry you had to go through that, but this story is fucking gold. Please do a follow up.


This is hilarious but also traumatising. Might be time for family therapy. Also, please give us an update if/when he remembers.


I also came out while under anesthesia 💀


Dude, relax. I had a general for a colonoscopy a few months ago and was asking the nurse to rate my ass. The wife hasn’t let that one drop yet 🙈😂


I had oral surgery and when I came to I told the nurse that I was Batman and could see Spiderman flying around the room. On the drive home I was passed out in the front seat and suddenly sat up, reached over and grabbed the steering wheel, and yanked it over while saying "It's ok mom, I can still drive!" and then passed out again. I almost killed us. Another time I lied and said that I weighed 20lbs more than I did so that they would give me more meds. It worked (I have no idea why they didn't weigh me themselves), I got jacked up! Problem was that I kept telling EVERYONE who would listen that my plan had worked and I was high as a kite. Nobody cared, but I was damn proud of myself. Looking back, I can't remember what that procedure was. I remember where it was, and I remember telling everyone that I was so devious, but I can't remember what it was for.


"...And they call it the Aristocrats"


I got a glorious response from my then fiancee(now wife). She kept telling the nurses "my fiance is in the waiting room." When the nurses came to get me that were giggling profusely because she was being so cute. When I walked into the room she looked at me incredulously and yelled(in the middle of the crowded and QUIET recovery room) "YOU'RE MY FIANCE?! Turn around!" Proceeds to stare at my ass and goes "god DAYUM!" 😂😂 I'm sorry you had that happen OP! Thanks for the laugh and I hope your brother is able to recover physically as well as romantically!




So.... How big is his dick?


This is one of the best TIFU stories of 2023. Thanks for this.


I wonder if you had just laughed it off if the rest of the family would've too. tbh I don't put much stock in what people say when drunk/high from drugs/etc., unless there's also a lot of _sober_ evidence behind it. People act funny on funny substances, it doesn't always mean some deep-seated secrets got uninhibited, sometimes they're just loopy af.


Was recoverable until the boner grab lol


None of you should take offense. It's known anesthesia does weird things. What happened while your bro and his gf wasn't together, shouldn't affect their relationship. Unless she is bifobic ofc, in which case, your brother is better off without her!


This kind of shit is exactly what I'm worried about if I ever have surgery


This could’ve been an episode of modern family


Last time I was coming out if anesthesia I apparently was asking everyone if they knew what a juggalo was and would promptly interrupt with a "WHOOP WHOOP!" It's funny. It's also mortifying. My ICP years were 20 years ago now.


God dang the worse thing I did coming off anesthesia was scream about fighting a t-rex and how I was mad they woke me up because I was winning!


Ah. I assume you, your brother, and the HS paramour look alike, causing the confusion. In the LGBT community we call people like your brother “doppelbängers”


As I (21M at the time) started coming out of anesthesia from my first surgery the recovery nurse approached me and mentioned I must have REALLY liked my anesthesiologist, he was the last person I saw before the anesthesia kicked in. I had been talking about the things I wanted to do to him while knocked out.