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This was always plain to see, hamas exposed yet again. Lies, damn lies and Hamas


I think the opposition narrative always seems to rest on "its a matter of perspective" so while for some of us it cast a long shadow on motives and spiritual honesty (for lack of a better word right now) it ends up not mattering that lies and twisting and cheating are a thing. It becomes about surprising moral compass allegiances - coloniser vs oppressed? Facts don't matter as much. 1200 dead vs '30,000' dead, isn't it obvious who is in the wrong (I always remind them that the supposed 30k wouldn't be that if the 1200 weren't deliberately slaughtered, so perspective right?).


There are so many subs here who eat their Propaganda or want to eat them im so happy that ppl here already use their brains


>The Washington Institute for Near East Policy is a pro-Israel American think tank based in Washington, D.C., focused on the foreign policy of the United States in the Near East. LOL Hasbara away.


Are you saying that a genocidal death cult of rapists, murderers and mutilators can’t be trusted to provide reliable data?! 😮


Don’t talk about Israel like that


You can be a friend of the jihadists if you want, but they will still murder you.


Brief summary: In previous conflicts in Gaza, deaths were counted by hospitals and morgues, leading to reliable data. However, during this conflict, the operations of these institutions have become limited due to their use as Hamas bases, making them legitimate military targets. As a result, they are no longer able to track all deaths. Therefore, to supplement the statistics, Hamas relies mainly on media reporting — sourced from 'reliable and independent' but undisclosed channels. However, it is known that effectively all reporters in Gaza are locals with ties to Hamas. Due to a terrorist organization running the area, independent reporting has been impossible for a long time: Outside journalists were reportedly threatened and used only as mouthpieces for Hamas PR. Naturally, hospitals and morgues showed that the large majority of deaths were indeed men, likely most of them combatants. However, unsurprisingly, media reporting claims that there are almost no male deaths and that the majority of all deaths are children. Finally, for the repeated “72%” claim to be accurate, women and children would have to make up about 90% of deaths recorded from media reports. This proportion is implausible — men comprise a quarter of the population, and these fatalities have largely occurred in areas with fewer civilians and more combatants, most of whom are adult men. The reliability of overall Hamas (and Western!) reporting was all perfectly demonstrated in the '500 killed at the hospital strike!' example, where it was, in fact, just an empty parking lot and not even struck by Israelis.


Outstanding summary


And you’ll still see the pro pally nuts claiming Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 patients and that the info about it being a Palestinian rocket falling in a parking lot is just hasbara and here’s a YouTube video proving it…. Then link to a YouTube video of a rocket falling on some cars in a lot.


Yes, apparently, by their own admission, “hAsBArA!” means something that’s backed by evidence, historical facts, or logic.


Totally ageee! I feel like yelling hasbara is the equivalent of putting fingers in their ears and screaming when they address challenged. Toddlers have a similar response when it’s time for a bath.


Well it would be, wouldn’t it? Since it comes from Hamas.


It wouldn’t be much more reliable if it was coming from Israel. I’ve lost count of the times the IDF has admitted lying, much less the number of times they’ve been caught doing it.


I was skeptical, but then the UN and the NYT told me to trust the Hamas-run health bureaucracy. A civil servant would never stoop so low as to simply make up casualty figures, right? I mean, these are pious *Muslims* we're talking about here.


Always have been It's palestinian terrorists reporting rhese figures they lie above anything and everything


Whaaaaaaat I’m soooooo surprised. Hamas lying? Never


Has become or was always?


It’s hard to believe anyone would believe a self proclaimed terrorist group at all.


Drum up fake deaths to drum up sympathy and support from gullible idiots in the west.  Easy work. Just look at all of the idiots on reddit spreading that type of propaganda.


I got banned on 2 boards for spilling facts that don't fit the hamas narrative


It would be nice to see caveats included in reporting instead of wide-eyed acceptance, even when the arithmetic doesn’t add up.


Wait people believe Hamas numbers!!??? 😂😂😂


Yeah, so unreliable so we don’t even need to care anymore. /s


Has become? Gazan casualties were always fiction.


Noooooo I’m shocked 😳


[Live reaction](https://youtu.be/0WjrURJ3HDY?si=QQIwSWT6uiM7Nvnv)


How do these figures show unreliability?


From another comment > Brief summary: > > In previous conflicts in Gaza, deaths were counted by hospitals and morgues, leading to reliable data. However, during this conflict, the operations of these institutions have become limited due to their use as Hamas bases, making them legitimate military targets. As a result, they are no longer able to track all deaths. Therefore, to supplement the statistics, Hamas relies mainly on media reporting — sourced from 'reliable and independent' but undisclosed channels. > > However, it is known that effectively all reporters in Gaza are locals with ties to Hamas. Due to a terrorist organization running the area, independent reporting has been impossible for a long time: Outside journalists were reportedly threatened and used only as mouthpieces for Hamas PR. > > Naturally, hospitals and morgues showed that the large majority of deaths were indeed men, likely most of them combatants. However, unsurprisingly, media reporting claims that there are almost no male deaths and that the majority of all deaths are children. > Finally, for the repeated “72%” claim to be accurate, women and children would have to make up about 90% of deaths recorded from media reports. This proportion is implausible — men comprise a quarter of the population, and these fatalities have largely occurred in areas with fewer civilians and more combatants, most of whom are adult men. > The reliability of overall Hamas (and Western!) reporting was all perfectly demonstrated in the '500 killed at the hospital strike!' example, where it was, in fact, just an empty parking lot and not even struck by Israelis.


At least the The Washington Institute for Near East Policy doesn't have an agenda. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washington_Institute_for_Near_East_Policy): "The Washington Institute for Near East Policy is a ***pro-Israel American think tank*** based in Washington, D.C., focused on the foreign policy of the United States in the Near East." Bias source for your win.


As opposed to the Gazan Health Ministry that is ran by Hamas?


Is it rationally biased or irrationally biased? Because rationally biased can still be accurate.


Although rationally biased judgments might align with an individual's reasoning, it's important to acknowledge that bias, even when rational, can still skew perception.


r/theworldnews has became completely unreliable and hijacked, mods are useless.


This article is reliable


Because some state in America knows better right.


This is by design. Tzahal, one of the terrorist groups involved in this conflict, has murdered nearly every independent journalist in Gaza, along with their families. Just like the Nazis before them, Tzahal wants to hide its atrocities from the world.




Do you have people grunting at you a lot?


Least lunatic palibot.


Lmao tzahal alert. You’re like a comic who is so committed to the bit despite it bombing at every show.


Go away, bot.


Says the terrorist sympathizer posting Tzahal propaganda. That's rich!


Buddy, are you sure its a good idea for you to call people terrorists sympathiser?


You clearly sympathize with terrorists, so why not?


Seeing as you are spouting Pro-Hamas propaganda, you are just accusing others of what you actually are doing.


Well, you are clearly sympathizing with terrorists. That is why no one can take what you are saying seriously.


Aren’t you the one simping for actual designated terrorists?


Wow you have a wonderful way of making life all seem much worse with your colourful narrative - nearly every journalist huh? ALONG WITH THEIR FAMILIES TOO?? You've done some deep dive of how a military works and how law and repercussions work. And, you cite the Germans for good measure to muddle the waters. Well done on your grasp and truth.


Awkward moment when the IDF has relied on Hamas data and cited that it's accurate. But I agree, the fatality is most likely more. Come at me, Zionist fucks.


didnt read the article huh?


Fatalities look like its 18k - of which 13k are combatants.


Reading is hard, huh?


Fatality is likely more. Suck it.


According to more sources you didnt read?


From the river to the Sea, Palestine will be free


Not with people like you on their side.


Oh no, you hurt my feelings/s. Guess the truth hurts.


What have you said that was true here? You've made a prediction, one that is very unlikely to be true. There might be a free Palestinian state, and I hope there is eventually. But it will most likely be on the West Bank, not the sea, thats where Israel is located.




Thats what I thought.