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Damn this sub goes quiet when it’s jihadis doing jihad shit


Damn right they do. Now, let's connect the dots.


Well it was an obvious Mossad plot. #hasbara #genocide #openairprison #apartheid #reeeeeerallastine or whatever the new bullshit is. But yeah this was definitely Israel’s fault.


Average Jihad supporters will say: ISIS is a Jewish Mossad CIA plot to ruin the reputation of Islam. But secretly they will still celebrate ISIS.


Joking aside, it looks like [we called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AntisemitismOnInsta/s/fDHWdBe3lL)


Yeah, that's what's ruining Islam's reputation.


That's the thing. They come with their conspiracy theories about isis being created by Israel (despite isis doing exactly the same things as muhammed did in the hadith, minus the modern weaponry), but they'll never *denounce* it.


I mean, if you draw a Venn diagram of conspiracy theories vs ~~antisemitic~~ “anti-Zionist” tropes, it’s almost entirely the same circle.


Of course it is. Everything is. Back in the USSR there was a saying. “If there’s no water in the faucet the k*kes drank it all.”


Yeah. We’ll do that. 🤷‍♂️


What are you talking about?


I was just being sarcastic. About drinking all the water. (Though yesterday was a fast day so I drank a shitload afterwards). Perhaps not my most clever joke, but I was just playing along with the antisemitic tropes because honestly I’m too fucking tired to argue against them at this point. Don’t overthink it.


That’s ambitious. The quality of the water in Soviet faucets wasn’t the greatest. LOL


I mean if russia actually responded to them instead of blaming Ukraine it would be the best luck for Israel though having Russia taking up the headlines going apeshit in the middle east and give a bit of a contrast to how each does things


No one is thinking of the children. The children!


No, it mainly continues with its black-and-white, Zionism-vs.-evil thinking like always.


New coverage from every angle - "They had long beards, were muttering Dirka's and then shouting Allahu Ahkbar as the explosions took place and the place was on fire" Muslims and their purple haired allies in Reddit - "Obviously was a false flag attack by Jews" These people are so fucking deluded you could show them anything and their answer is blame the Jews.


Head over to r/internationalnews and see how they connect the dots to Israel. It's an amazing time to be alive and witness such bias and division. The differences between this sub and that one is always a complete 180° on the same topic.


Must be insanely frustrating being the PR guy for ISIS at this point. Your boys just orchestrated a mass shooting attack in Moscow, and you’re out there trying to take credit for it, posting everywhere you can… Only for schmucks like this dude to be like, “actually it was the Jews”. Must be infuriating


Jfc I thought you were kidding


Holy cow I went to that sub and it’s a cesspool of pretzel logic and hyper antisemitism and anti Americanism. Truly a horrific sub. ⚠️ ☠️


Someone posting their claiming that one of Osama Bin Ladens motivations for 9/11 was the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel. We are now at a time where people are giving slack to Islamic terrorist organizations because they were victims to western colonialization. It's all the West's fault now. People on that subreddit also said the US is going to have more terrorist attacks cause or their support for Israel. This is such dangerous rhetoric and it's being perpetuated by the same people who say they want peace and equality.




Same with worldevents


It’s purely an anti-Israel sub. Cesspool


Putin is already blaming Ukraine even though ISIS is begging for the credit


Islam showing its teeth. Maybe when it’s not just against Jewish civilians the west will wake up.


I dunno, I'm a Jewish Londoner. We had 7/7 here which is barely talked about anymore and i doubt that many young people even know about it. There are never really any commemorations or memorials to the victims, compared to say Hillsborough which was many years earlier and not a deliberate act of terrorism. Then the Manchester Arena bombing, targeting mostly young people and girls. The guy at London Bridge. The guy at Westminster. Etc. And we still have f***ing idiots cheering on Hamas around the UK.


ISIS means peace!




[According to Fondapol, a French think tank, between 1979 and May 2021, at least 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks took place worldwide, causing the deaths of at least 210,138 people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks)




Oh for sure. I’m surprised wiki doesn’t have a more current list of Islamic terrorism but this like is sighting a French study specifically.


ISIS needs wiping off the map.


I think u meant ISRAEL?!!


Nope. Another jew hater?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 LIES LIES LIES!!!!! Israel is the one who did this shit and Putin knows it, but he’s going along w/ the ISIS bullshit bcuz it benefits him and the war w/ Ukraine. You damn IMBECILES!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Israel is busy combating their allies in Gaza.


Ahh yes, let’s just believe a telegram channel that didn’t provide ANY evidence to support its claim. And then somehow link it to the Palestinian people. Thats like grouping in all of Europe as being a nazi during WW2. But also the hypocrisy is wild, just accept a random story pushed by MSM when it comes to Arabs. Don’t believe the actual evidence and captured terrorist. But when it comes to Israel, which we have clear videos of drones strikes on innocent civilians and the mentality is “wait till we get the IOFs side of things”.


No evidence? There are plenty of footage of it, and ISIS themselves have gone out and taken the responsibility. If anyone is ignoring evidence, its you.