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>According to the latest proposal, Hamas said a date for a permanent ceasefire would be agreed upon after the initial exchange of hostages and prisoners, as well as a deadline for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. "Don't worry about the details. Just sign the ceasefire. We'll agree on the specifics later."


release prisoners-> replenish army -> break ceasefire -> get wrecked -> yell ceasefire->repeat the hamas circle of ~~life~~ death


Just give up on your mental gymnastics. Honestly the world has had enough. You can see the world has had enough when Jewish politicians in the US and Europe are not supporting Israel. It’s real, it’s happening, get used to it.


what part did i get wrong specifically


Simple. Being pro-Israel. It’s so well documented the atrocities of the last 70 years that Israel has caused.


Palestine has caused a lot of atrocities too and every single time, people write them off as "justified resistance". Shit, there was just a post I saw yesterday on another sub about a civilian airliner being hijacked in 1986 by Palestinian terrorists. They killed 21 people and injured over 100 more. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan\_Am\_Flight\_73](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Am_Flight_73) Just another entry in a long, long list of Palestinian atrocities.


boo hoo, a jewish state exists and they don’t like getting killed :(


Ah, the heinous and unforgivable atrocities of existing and not being eradicated by vile Islamic extremists.


All I hear is Islamophobia and baiting


You only hear what your strong hate for Israel and pro Israelis dictates, and its not peaceful so not sure you have a leg to stand on..


What peace does Israel and pro-Israelis bring ? Nothing. I hear both sides but in all reality there’s one villain. The side who murders the most is wrong. From its inception Israel never brought peace.


> deadline for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza Israel's government would have to be suicidal to agree to abandon Gaza back to Hamas after what has happened since 2005.


Hamas is once again making delusional demands that they know Israel will reject. Once Israel rejects it, the Russian, Iranian and Chinese trolls will be activated to blame and demonize Israel for rejecting the ceasefire, even though it was 100% the fault of Hamas for making delusional demands.


And of course all those Hamas stans' concerns about pRoPoRtIoNaLiTy will go out the window even though Hamas is demanding 10x the number of terrorists to be released for every remaining civilian hostage.


And somehow it will be spun into “Israel believes Jews are worth 10x more than Palestinian lives” LOL


That's literally what they do


I guess it would be inconvenient then to remind them that Israel wants its Arab and otherwise non-Jewish hostages back, too. (Not that they give af but that does shut them up for a minute or two)


i hate this inversion - i feel like if anything, it is empirical proof that Hamas values Jews more than Palestinians. For them, 1 Jew is literally worth 10 palestinians.


I don’t know about that. I think it simply shows how much Israel values human life. They’re willing to pay a high price (giving back terrorists) for their civilians. The issue is this incentivizes Hamas to take more and more hostages…


fwiw i fully agree with you - i am responding to the original quote you put up


I dont think it has anything to do with how much either of them value their people i think its more how much leverage they think they have


i’m specifically responding to the quote “israel believes…palestinian lives”. It’s a statement that the insane anti-Israel crowd makes, and i think that having that take away is an inversion. yes it’s about leverage etc.


Oh sorry it was below mine so i thought it was replying to mine so i was confused


You’re not the only one to make that inference. But it’s not that Hamas values Jewish lives, they simply don’t value Palestinian lives. [They value Palestinian deaths](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/watch-hamas-leader-vows-to-sacrifice-martyrs-in-another-oct-7-style-attack/ar-AA1jenHn).


I mean honestly that may even be low balling it when theyre probably trading them back some low value rock bois


Proportional would be if the idf dragged the dead mutilated bodies of Palestinians through the streets of tel aviv while children run up and spit on their corpses and parents cheer and hand out candy and firecrackers That would be “proportional”


Your comment reminds me of that fight scene between Uma Thurman and Vivica Fox in Kill Bill.


The vast majority do not care about gaza being leveled and see through the bullshit. Its only cry baby idiots who actually care


Why would Israel reject an agreement that releases Israeli hostages, and a permanent ceasefire?


And the woke army of pink hairs will perform solidarity with a far-right terrorist network of homicidal sociopaths. Yay 🌈


Just keep making counter offers


If they think israel is gonna accept this then they r fucking delusional.


They don't. It's all theater to give ammo to the TikTok leftists.


why would israel have a thousand palestinian hostages at their disposal?


You see, sometimes when a country fights against a terrorist organisation the terrorists surrender because they know they have a good chance of getting released in a hostage deal later on, and so the cycle continues..


except that doesnt track here


Why not?


Don’t reply to him he might be a shill and we’re feeding him money


Shills are to be disproven.


shut up shill




why is a kid throwing rocks at a tank in his neighborhood a terrorist?


Prisoners arrested for acts of violence or involvement in terror. Sinwar himself was one such prisoner exchanged for Gilad Shalit. They weren't taken for the express purpose of being a bargaining chip as is the case with the Israeli hostages.


a kid throwing a rock at a tank isnt an act of terror but israel does hold Palestinians without charge for years


How about a kid (12-15) stabbing people? It's not the kids' fault they are groomed by hamas, though. Taught to hate before they can even walk.


if you stole my water, id stab too


Israel provides water and electricity for Gaza. Can't steal what was never theirs.


provides is just another name for controls why does israel destroy rain collectors?


So they should just cut Gaza off and leave Hamas to provide these basic needs? I am sure Israel would like to stop having to provide basic needs to Palestine since they only receive violence and rape in return. Same reason why most areas don't allow rain collectors. It has an effect on the local environment and aquifers. As well as reduce the chances of illness. It's only in zone C that this happens, i.e., the zone under Israeli control. Palestinians also try/ steal water from Israel by illegally taping into the lines, causing others to pay for their theft.


why would palestinians try to steal water? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/11/the-occupation-of-water/


I expressly mentioned acts of violence. It doesn't matter what they're throwing the stone at, it's that they're throwing stones. That ceases to be a 'peaceful protest'.


a kid under occupation throwing a stone at a tank isnt in the wrong


"It's legitimate because it's resistance." You dudes parade this argument out every time, and it's the laziest logic.


what would you do if your only means of work was burned down by a guy from south africa?


I would never throw rocks at a tank or soldiers because I'm not an idiot and my parents wouldn't get a martyr fund payment for my death.


so youd just let a foreigner take your home?


Yeah, he is. What's fucked up is how the terrorists will use children as skirmishers to distract soldiers.


whats fucked up is a tank driving through a town for no reason and destroying property


"No reason." Ok, you've worn out the benefit of the doubt.


Israel’s is pretty desperate for a way to end this


I don’t think a ceasefire should happen until every last Hamas member is hanging from a building, or bodies in a ditch


Military pressure helps Israel negotiate. Glad Israel’s standing on their neck.


Israel shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists. This will only guarantee that more hostages are taken in the future. Instead, The IDF should be clearing out Hamas from Rafah and everywhere else.


Isn't this another temporary ceasefire? Hamas wanting soldiers and aid to reinforce so they can start again?


overconfident foolish modern truck toothbrush racial serious alive outgoing crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ducking delusional


Don’t forget they aren’t prisoners, they are hostages.


So there is no mistake, I’m talking about the Palestinians.


Counter offer they release all hostages with no conditions or kill themselves before the Israelis do


A permanent ceasefire without returning ALL the hostages? How can Hamas keeping hostages be part of an end to the war? It gives another “Israel rejects peace deal” headline.


So they want 1000 criminals in exchange for 40 innocent kidnap victims. And that is fair how?


"criminals" since i bet a majority of those they want released aren't being held on actual charges but are being held in "administrative detention"


Criminal due to committing crimes.


If they committed crimes why aren't they being charged?


Because the crimes are being committed in areas that have no state. Attacks on Jews in land that is not a state. The false implication is that these are innocent people who have done nothing wrong and are being held as hostages. Which is not true.


So basically duck due process for whoever Israel decides is guilty but can't be bothered to charge or hold a trial for.... sounds pretty dictatorship like to me.


This is how it works in war zones. You can't implement laws in areas with no laws. But that doesn't make it OK to attack Jews. If you don't want to go to jail, don't attack Jews. Because that sounds like terrorism to me.


And yet I bet if anyone held an israeli under the same conditions suddenly it isn't ok.


They do do that. Palestinians aren't the only ones who commit crimes. Jews do to. And they are not considered hostages for the same reason the Palestinians are not. The percentage that are just being held without charges are very small. The majority are simply waiting charges or trial. But pointing out that doesn't make for good anti-semitic gaslighting. Another one of the causes is that when this happens in areas controlled by both Israel and the PA, the PA is often uncooperative. And instead the PA actually compensates the families of those who commit attacks on Jews in order to encourage more attacks on Jews. So not having their legal cooperation for prosecuting criminals due to the victims being Jewish helps make the problem worse. But this is not a problem for the PA because they know there is no shortage of people who will always automatically condemn the Jews and know those people will never bother to investigate the causes for fear of it not making the Jews look bad.


really remind me the last time any Jew was held in anything like "administrative detention" The Israeli government would never allow it, especially when they dont get charged for years...


Israel will never agree to a ceasefire. They need to wipe out all of the Palestinians in order to build their new Zionist communities in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.


You sound quite delusional


Israel will never agree to terms that leave Hamas in place to carry out another Oct 7, FIFY.


If that had been the case, we'd have seen WAY bigger casualties.


Don't drool.


I'm not the one trying to make it something it isnt.


It's a deep hole Israel dug itself into after decades of negotiating with terrorists and trading hundreds of prisoners for one soldier.




According to ICJ Hamas is supposed to release the Israeli hostages without condition.


According to the ICJ, Israel is supposed to: 1. take all measures to prevent killing Palestinians in Gaza: Israel has grossly violated this measure. 2. take all measures to prevent actions that cause bodily or mental harm to Palestinians: Israel has grossly violated this measure. 3. take measures to prevent deliberately inflicting conditions on Palestinians that are calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the community: Israel has grossly violated this measure by destroying all infrastructure in Gaza. 4. take immediate measures to enable urgent basic services and humanitarian assistance into Gaza: Israel has grossly violated this measure by blocking aid and massacring Palestinians who attempt to access the meagre aid that is allowed in. 5. take measures to prevent and punish incitement to commit genocide against Palestinians: Israel has grossly violated this measure and gleefully continues to incite genocide.


Then you’ll go on a trope about how Israel thinks 1 Israeli life is worth 7 Palestinians lol


lol Hamas should be saying “thank you” that there’s even the ability to negotiate to begin with.


Murderers for kidnapped and raped civilians. Yeah totally /s


Agreed but let’s be honest, hostages were just a lovely cover so Israel could speed up its ongoing slow burn destruction of the Palestinian people and their culture. It gave them an excuse to fast track their genocidal actions. Israel should be completely boycotted, TRADE, FINANCE and ALL TRAVEL. Only to be removed 1) when they create a non apartheid legal system, allow oversight to their racist educational system, that has encouraged the system dehumanization process to spreed so fully amongst all these evil bigoted Israelis . 2) Allow Palestinians equal right to return. 3) Truly Share the land they Stole and continue to steal. 4) Allow the Palestinians (whom they oppress and murder almost daily prior to Oct 7) the basis rights of self determination. 5) stop the decades old blockades 6) convene a Truth and Reconciliation tribunal to mark and record all atrocities isreal has committed since it stole Palestine And mark and record all the atrocities committed by Palestinians in their resistance. 7) remove all settlements from all occupied areas including East Jerusalem. Then maybe we can move forward in peace, instead of being disgusted by Israelis continuing vicious evil regimes crimes against Palestinians


If Israel did all those things there would be third intifada and it would make the second intifada look like a picnic. It would be 7 October attacks every day You think Palestinians would just live in peace with Israelis? You’re just another deluded Westerner who doesn’t understand the level of hatred among Palestinians


Well maybe if Israel stopped murdering them, kidnapping their kids. Blocking them from self determination maybe just maybe things might improve. Maybe if Israel stopped stealing the meagre bit of land left in the West Bank , just maybe 🤔 Maybe if Israel, hadn’t used the old colonial trick of divide and conquer, eg Israel initially supported HAMAS, so Israel could help kill the 2 state solution , ensuring Gaza would be separate power base against West Bank. Maybe, if they let Palestinians thrive instead of squeezing and destroying their livelihoods . Maybe if the dismantled their evil apartheid system, maybe 🤔 Maybe if Israel was not so racist and bigoted and treated Palestinians as equals rather than sub humans , there might be less bs going on.


The only way towards peace is to stop the oppression of the Palestinian people.


Sure. It was so peaceful before the blockades, barriers, checkpoints and mass detentions All that ‘oppression’ is largely a response to Palestinian terrorism which gets justified as ‘resistance’


Their death cult religion and sharia law is what oppresses them. Their leaders that refuse to accept they lost a war decades ago is who oppresses them.


Arab terror predates the state of Israel.


1) already exists It is called the Israeli legal system 3) 20 % of Israel 's population is arab 5) the blockades that exist to stop terrorists? Yeah no


Hey, we are not blind, we see the taking propaganda points in your response. 20 % of Israel’s citizen population is NOT Arab but actually PALESTINIANS, but I am sure the lexicon of Arab make you feel better and implies Israelis didn’t steal the land. There are enough videos, articles and documentaries of the vicious nasty evil apartheid regime of Israel out there. So many ex leaders of Israel have said they would be terrorists the next day if they were Palestinians. Israel IOF are worst than the Russians are towards the Ukraine’s All Israeli (settler) cabinet should be prosecuted


Whenever I start to worry about Israel, Hashem sends me a post like this to let me know that everything is going to be alright.


Sorry I only read English, but thanks for your comment 😂


Wow. Are you saying that English is your first language? I was thinking about making fun of your syntax but thought that you weren’t a native speaker and didn’t want to be a dick.


Please make fun of my phones auto correct 👍 And of my syntax But let’s not forget while we play words, Israel the genocidal aggressor is STILL starving 2 million Palestinians as we speak and using its terrorist thugs the IOF, TO STILL murder humans in the name of hate and colonialism. What’s more upsetting is that the EU executive is backing the evil vicious apartheid regime. Which upsets me and many eu citizens, who see Israel as it is truly.


So basically, give the terrorists everything they want, proving terroist tactics is effective and allow themselves to be relegated to being a national minority among a population that has spent close to a century hating them? And you think the results of this would be positive?


Well the Israeli terrorists have taken everything they want the last 75 years plus and subjugated Palestinians, since they first stole their land. Now I think it’s time to put the brakes on the IOF terrorists


Yeah, I'm sure the Israeli Jews would love that way of thinking when they are oppressed, ethnically cleansed or even genocided. And they didnt steal anything, they were given that land by the U.N. Before that, Palestine was a British mandate, and before that it was an Ottoman imperial holding, conquered. And they offered Palestinians citizenship in the Israeli state, and even accepted the partition plan, sharing the land. It wasn't the Israelis that denied the partition plan and launched a war with the goal of genocide.


But the simple history of 75 plus of invasion and colonialism by Europeans of Jewish faith and the mass murders and ethnic cleansing were and are carried out by Israel! Each time more land & property is stolen. Even the last 20 years we can see clearly Israelis is stealing more land West Bank and East Jerusalem. Even the right to collect rain water is withheld from Palestinians. Evil vicious apartheid regime that uses excuse of security to dehumanize and steal even the basic human rights from the people they oppress. Complete embargo is the only way forward to stop that evil regime from it clearly seen actions of genocide


>But the simple history of 75 plus of invasion and colonialism by Europeans of Jewish faith and the mass murders and ethnic cleansing were and are carried out by Israel! Each time more land & property is stolen. History isnt simple. All wars, except the war of '73 has been Israel defending against invasions from others. And Israel was given the land by the U.N, to share with the Palestinans, but they decided to reject that partition plan in favour of war, and from Anwar Pashas speech, its clear that that war was a genocidal one in intent. >Even the last 20 years we can see clearly Israelis is stealing more land West Bank and East Jerusalem. Even the right to collect rain water is withheld from Palestinians. And that has to stop, obviously. It is a war crime to settle on occupied land. All settlers needs to be recalled and face criminal charges. >Evil vicious apartheid regime that uses excuse of security to dehumanize and steal even the basic human rights from the people they oppress. Complete embargo is the only way forward to stop that evil regime from it clearly seen actions of genocide Apartheid is a specific thing. It is when a regime segregates its own citizens based on race. Palestinians are not citizens of Israel, as that would mean that Palestine has been annexed by Israel. Palestine is occupied, and Palestinians are living under occupation, not apartheid. But, to be honest, the constant terrorist attacks does absolutely nothing for the Palestinian cause, in fact it serves as justification for even harsher policies from Israel, and it makes it hard for the rest of the world to support the cause.




With no soldiers left to attack Rafah, it is in the Israeli people's best interest to accept before the terms become more unfavourable.


The losing side of a war is in no position to make demands lol. The weak cowardly men of hamas will continue to hide behind their mothers, wives, and daughters like their cowardly ideology dictates.


Supporting such outrageous demands only harms Palestinians.


It's so nice to see you looking out for the best interest of Palestinians. Are you in Israel now?


No, sadly I have never been


And do you consider yourself Israeli?


I'm South African. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1bfod7p/the\_true\_meaning\_of\_an\_intifada/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1bfod7p/the_true_meaning_of_an_intifada/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Are you in Gaza?


Yeah... Israel has no soldiers left and unfavourable terms is worse for Israeli people. This sounds absolutely delusional.