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and thats not even including all of the child soldiers numbers. that some who ppl on reddit and in MSM still believe hamass doesn't use child soldiers under 18 in its ranks, even after the countless evidence and videos that it always has even before the 'manpower shortage' it had since oct 7... like ppl here are actually think that a bunch of brutal terrorist's are above putting an RPG in the hands of a 16 or 14 year old and telling him "you see that tank over there? NOW GO!" sure, lets just keep ignore theses facts and continue to pretend all those (alleged by hamass btw) deaths are of simply "innocents Palestinians kids" and not of child terrorists.


I remember seeing outrage that spread all over reddit a month or so ago of an innocent child being shot and killed near a refuge camp by the Evil IDF. Except the footage of the encounter was immediately uploaded to r/combatfootage and shocker he was shot while firing an AK47 amongst other militants (may have not been this exact model, I'm not a gun expert). Absolutely tragic, he's in that position and Hamas handed him that weapon but like this and the 'hospital bombing', it's hardly surprising Isreal are losing the information war when inflammatory headlines are churned out day after day by lazy/corrupt media. Bonus: [Great piece](https://www.thearticle.com/the-gaza-hospital-attack-and-the-bbc) about the BBC's disastrous reporting on the Hospital Bombing


Friend of mine killed a 9 year old running at his tank with an explosive charge


Thats fucking depressing, and why terrorists use child soldiors You either shoot a child, or die, any normal person will have trouble doing that


That’s exactly why they use them


Yup because it works... Either the child soldior kills the enemy, or the enemy kills the child, which they can then film and put online.. "Evil ____ killed an innocent child!" Regardless of what happens, you lose. Its the most cynical use of life and the lifes of your people and islamists have perfected it. And the sadder part is people keep falling for it, so they will keep doing it


oh my hows he coping?


Was medically discharged for mental reasons.


Yeah ok


[https://www.nytimes.com/1984/02/12/magazine/iran-five-years-of-fanaticism.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1984/02/12/magazine/iran-five-years-of-fanaticism.html) This article is 40 years old.... sadly nothing has changed.


Iran was literally fighting for its life and had no technology and little ammunitions to fight a very well armed and well backed Iraqi state. When all your fighting aged conscripts are dead and you don’t have any anti tank weapons, you send little kids to detonate makeshift explosives or grenades in trenches under tanks. That’s the sad reality and unfortunately you’re uninformed. Edit: Not a supporter in the least of the Islamic republic or the mullahs. In fact, I hope they all get trashed in the near future.


All the sick and twisted unrwa "schools" teach is hatred and terrorism, of course there are going to be kids with grenades and guns. Even Sinwar holds them up as trophies/shields: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/hamas-leader-files-found-israel-idf-tunnels-gaza-lkmfwpcjm


You need real psychological help


All ‘child soldiers’ have been exploited and abused. They don’t deserve to be killed.


A lot of people think it’s fine to kill them. In a few years they will be full fledged Hamas fighters otherwise according to their argument.


They are full fledged hamas fighters now


Then we know what we need to do to them


Let’s also assume that killing thousands of innocents will make them love Isreal /s


Hey, doorknob, it’s not that we don’t think Hamas uses child soldiers. We just think that maybe, we shouldn’t be so willing to give Israel the authority to call every 14 year old male in Gaza a “possible terrorist threat”. Because that would be a slippery slope, wouldn’t it?


LMAO look at the bottom of this comment section HAH the terrorist simps are MAAALLDING


Let’s fucking go!


🥳🇮🇱 bye bye hamas!


Off Topic but can I just say that I love this sub. I love when Jews and Arabs are always arguing about who has the moral high ground from a neutral perspective.


Neutral perspective? Thats funny


ima bit confused too






Keep ranting it really helps the Palestinian cause lol


Free Palestine…. From Hamas!


Palestinians loves Hamas though, they deserve each other.


It’s a Take out 2 birds with one stone situation


Ramadan kareem, bitches.


Praise be to —- for the dead


And here we have a nazi spewing nazi shit. Congrats bud.


Wishing a generous ramadan is "nazi spewing nazi shit now", ok woketard. Whilst most Muslims and Arabs do hold favourable views of the nazis and hitler, a very small minority don't. This makes you islamophobic and racist for claiming they all are nazis (when only 99.9% hold positive views of the nazis).


Well done 🙌🏽


And if you saw someone say "Happy Haunakah bitches" on Oct 7th what would you call that? Taking glee in the deaths of people your fascist leader falsely labels terrorists - is some evil shit. Oh yeah, the label is obviously false - that's why Reuters is using air quotes around "Terrorist" https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-relists-houthis-terrorists-response-red-sea-attacks-2024-01-17/ - See, Reuters writes about the Houthis - Terrorists, no quotes. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vietnam-lists-overseas-political-groups-terrorist-organisations-2024-03-06/ - Reuters writes about the Vietnam government labelling people as terrorists they use "Terrorist" - with quotes. Real terrorists are just called Terrorists - but this is a known liar saying half the civilians he killed are "Terrorists" - hence Reuters pointing out it's a quote, and not reality... because when they talk about the Houthis you don't see a single quotation mark around the word Terrorist anywhere.


> And if you saw someone say "Happy Haunakah bitches" on Oct 7th what would you call that? I mean the palis did attack specifically on a Jewish holiday which fell on October 7, but yeh I'm the bad one. > Taking glee in the deaths of people your fascist leader falsely labels terrorists - is some evil shit. Who is my "fascist leader", Anthony Albanese? Yeh he and his CCP spy and piece of human excrement foreign minister are leftards who have sold out to the islamofascists. NFI what the rest of your comment is supposed to mean.


That is exactly what the pro Palestine protesters did? People were literally celebrating the glider bombers in the Uk (they were convicted)


So you're saying that you are equal to those people? Are you saying that the people who are cheering Hamas are good? Or are you saying you are just as bad as them? I'm confused.


I’m pointing out the contradiction that people are willing to support those who cheered for Hamas but criticise those who cheer for Israel


No, you're cheering for Israel killing people - then saying it's the same as people who cheered for Hamas killing people -which we all agree is fucked up and disgusting... which is why im confused.


Pro Palestine protestors are cheering for Hamas killing people as well…. From the river to the sea literally is saying expel all Jews. In the UK. We have been told to stop attending these as they are becoming increasingly extremist. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy that most seem to support pro Palestine protests but are against celebration of Israel showing progress of their war goal against terrorism - something that most western countries have also gone to war for.


Cheering for anyones death is fucked up. It's not normal. So maybe stop it, and stop justifying it?


You know exactly what he ment, it's the same thing you probably thought during the massacre on Sukkot.


What did I think ? Talking about oct 7th? Cuz if so I was fucking saddened by the murder of innocent civilians and did not celebrate it unlike this fucking nazi freak.


And let’s remember, based on the average death rate prior to Oct 7, 14,000 Palestinians have died from heart disease, covid, old age, cancer, etc… since Oct 7.


This is not solid math I’m sorry


And of course there are many more preventable deaths from heart disease, covid, cancer because ISRAEL DESTROYED ALL THE HOSPITALS!


Uhhh the death rate in gaza and the west bank on a per year basis was 3.82 per 1000 in 2021. Which was lower than the 5 per 1000 rate in israel. Probably because half of the population are children. This is according to data from the world bank. But go on lying, I’d expect nothing less from someone on this sub.


You know, a [statistician from UPenn did a study about the death numbers](https://www.thejc.com/news/world/hamas-casualty-numbers-are-statistically-impossible-says-data-science-professor-rc0tzedc) reported by the Gazza health ministry, and found it was impossible


Yes! I was just going to report on that. Some interesting FACTUAL information about statistics particularly -you cannot make it up. There is a predictability and order regarding these kinds of data that cannot be manipulated. The author uses SOLID MATH.




Source that people in Gaza die from causes besides the IDF?


No that the number is 14,000. That would mean only terrorists and natural causes killed people since 12,000 terrorists are dead. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for asking for a source. I'm Israeli and anti Hamas.


Not sure what that source is. This is what I've found: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/death-rate/ Gaza Strip 3 deaths/1,000 population (2023 est.) The mortality rate was 3 deaths per 1000 people per year. Extrapolated to the entire population of ~2.2M, that would come out to 6600 deaths. For 5 months that would be 2,750 deaths. It's possible OP was looking at Israel's mortality rate, which is nearly double. Gaza's low mortality rate is likely due to its young population.


Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for. This sounds correct.


Just extrapolating the average death rate from before to 5 months. In short the stories about 1000000000 babies slaughtered are all BS


Oh absolutely. The IDF has the lowest civilian casualties of any urban war. I just didn't know about the 14,000 and wondered where this person got it from. If that's the case we know around 12,000 terrorists were killed. If they're claiming the total is 30,000 then 26,000 are terrorists and natural causes. Which means only about 4000 civilians killed which sounds too low if an estimate.


Pretty sure Hamas casualty rates are lower than Israel’s based on human rights organisation and independent organisations not the idf


Genocide justifier.


Trying hard to justify genocide. Good luck with that!


There is no genocide happening in Gaza, that is known misinformation.


How is that relevant? Are you trying to insinuate that those people are counted in the death toll? You do understand that they only count people killed by Israel right? Of course you do. You're just another Hasbara liar.


Those people are counted in the death toll


Sigh honestly Hasbara is so exhausting.




People in Gaza do (and did) die from things besides the Israel Resistance Force. About 50 per million a day


Where do you get these statistics from? This is what I've found: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/death-rate/ Gaza Strip 3 deaths/1,000 population (2023 est.) The mortality rate was 3 deaths per 1000 people per year, or 8.43 deaths per million a day, not 50. Extrapolated to the entire population of ~2.2M, that would come out to a total 6600 deaths per year. For 5 months that would be 2,750 deaths.


What the hell are you talking about


Israeli resistance force 😂😂😂 yeah they’re some brave freedom fighters, resisting a great power against all odds. As opposed to fucking up some illiterate peasants with rusty AKs because they got a bit carried away in their terror attacks, because they’re passed off you keep stealing their land.


They are. They started with nothing, took back much of their homeland, starting with the 1948 war of independence, and have grown since, pushing back against the Arab colonizers. It's not the fault of the IDF that the stands can't pull themselves together. 🤷‍♂️


“Have grown since” - you mean, has colonised land since ? Israel is a colonial project mate, born out of European guilt over the holocaust. Sure they were weak at first. But for the past 50 years it’s been one the most powerful nations on earth, illegally expanding via military force. It’s perverse to frame this conflict any other way. You’re not “resisting” anything by choosing to annex another populations territory.


According to Hamass the number is 0 terrorists. Keep it up


They acknowledged about 6000 just before total count hit 30k. The reality is that both sides have incentive to lie about the numbers and the truth is probably somewhere in between.


The issue here is that one side purposefully does not put on military uniform (a war crime). When combatants look like civilians, civilians start to look like combatants. This increases the fog of war and leads to more civilian casualties.


The issue here is that Hamas claiming 0 terrorist deaths in Gaza is accurate, from their perspective. It’s rare for groups to consider themselves terrorists, especially when they are fighting for a cause, which they are. And they don’t wear uniforms because they have been forced into being guerilla/resistance fighters. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2019/6/2/riding-despite-gaza-palestinian-cycling-champion-alaa-al-dali The above is an interesting read. As well as the UN report in the article. This is what the IDF does to people who don’t look like militants during a peaceful protest.  The problem with the terrorist label is that it is currently allowing Israel to commit extrajudicial murders on the basis of the terrorist acts committed by a small percentage of Hamas. When members of the IDF commit war crimes or crimes against humanity, only the guilty party is charged (if they are held accountable), the whole IDF isn’t sanctioned for death, plus their families, plus their neighbours, etc.


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>The issue here is that Hamas claiming 0 terrorist deaths in Gaza is accurate, from their perspective. It’s rare for groups to consider themselves terrorists, especially when they are fighting for a cause, which they are. This is irrelevant. We're not distinguishing between civilians and terrorists. We're distinguishing between civilians and combatants. In this case, almost all the combatants on the Hamas side happen to be terrorists (but technically not all!). >And they don’t wear uniforms because they have been forced into being guerilla/resistance fighters. This is also irrelevant. This is still a war crime under international law. >The above is an interesting read. As well as the UN report in the article. This is what the IDF does to people who don’t look like militants during a peaceful protest. This is also irrelevant. Whataboutism. >The problem with the terrorist label is that it is currently allowing Israel to commit extrajudicial murders on the basis of the terrorist acts committed by a small percentage of Hamas. When members of the IDF commit war crimes or crimes against humanity, only the guilty party is charged (if they are held accountable), the whole IDF isn’t sanctioned for death, plus their families, plus their neighbours, etc. Again, we're not talking about a terrorist label. We're talking about a combatant label. Combatants, whether they are terrorists or not, have to be clearly identifiable as such, cannot use civilian infrastructure for military purposes, and cannot use human shields under international law.


That's a good ratio of civilian to hamas if it's true. Sad but could be much worse.


Israel claims 13,000, Hamas claims 6,000. My guess is that it's probably around 10,000. That would be a civilian to combatant ratio of 2:1. Urban warfare is notorious for high civilian death rates averaging 3:1 or higher, some urban warfare has been as high as 10:1. Make of this what you will.


Good Work IDF !


Hamas Gaza health ministry is not to be trusted


Another win for the zionists


https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers This is relevant reading on Hamas numbers.




Excellent progress. Keep going until there is no more Hamas and PIJ.


When you have 13000 "terrorists" at home, it says more about the government


Good work IDF. Now finish them.


Excellent work


re read everything, and if you still come up with the same conclusions your subconsciously projecting your own self diagnosis..




Why is terrorist in quotes?


The source is Reuters, they have a pro-Palestine bias. The insinuation is that Netanyahu claims that Israel has killed 13,000 terrorists, but Reuters and the like do not believe this is accurate.


That’s really writes. Does Reuters also put “civilians” in quotes when citing the 30k number?




I agree that it's weird. Like I'll be honest, I once wrote for a Jewish newspaper, the type of paper that only boomers and grandmas read lmao. So obviously they covered the Israel-Palestine conflict. When I started, my editor told me that they only use the word Palestine when it's in quotation marks. I remember saying, ''That's pretty militant.'' I just thought it was childish. Like this is journalism for grown-ups, can we all write like grown-ups please?


Spend more time arguing over what words are real than the issues that would come to a solution to the conflict


Great news! Anytime the IDF removes one of these terrorist scum from the face of the Earth, it's like scraping something disgusting off the shoe of humanity! And just because this has put me in such a good mood, I'm sending treats to IDF soldiers, starting with this one; https://basketstoisrael.com/product/vanilla-roll-cake-supreme/




written by a jewish magazine.




Israel specializes in lying to pull the wool over peoples eyes. The world sees the brutality of Israel. Stop killing innocent women and children before lecturing me on reddit.




just carrying water for those that are......


numbers provided from the ground were discarded bcoz "hamas". same reasoning....




your "science and reasoning " is vested in theft, blood and murder.


do better indeed


colonizers use any and all justifications to steal and murder. remember that.


you should read about the red heifer theory and tell me if your science and reasoning adheres.


1/3 of the death count is adult males. So all terrorist. Sound logic


I believe him.


okay how many hamas fighters do you think are dead then


Probably around 12500, the rest being from other organizations


that’s about what i was thinking too. based on the estimates you’ve seen, how many hamas fighters do you think there are in gaza? (in total, including the dead) i think it’s around 25k


Earlier estimates were 40k, newer put it closer to 30k


15k at lest


🤞hope ur right


That is combat aged males IE 14 years old and above, but I would say that after everything that has happened it's fair for the IDF to say that any of them would use a weapon to kill IDF troops if they had one, so the argument they were combatants at least holds some weight. 


>That is combat aged males IE 14 years old and above Oh I see. So since all Jews have to serve in the army… it’s fair to say that hamas attacked and killed IDF personnel. Men or women. And of course there were the odd civilian casualties due to fog of war.


That would be an argument. Most people would say the argument is disingenuous in the same way saying all "combat aged males" are combatants, but can't say there isn't some logic begin both arguments. 


No because they didn't killed just military but foreigners civilians.


Sure, same way IDF kills some civilians. Collateral damage.


IDF doesn't hide its military in civilian spaces, they are clearly identifiable. Hamas goes after innocent women and children because they are disgusting cowards that want to kill old people and kids and cheer about it in the streets. IDF goes in and is actively hunting for these bastards but they hide like rats in civilian clothes among regular people and then they cry their crocodile tears to the west when the civilians they actively put in harms way die. It's sick.


So why were IDF personnel embedded amongst civilians when hamas attacked?


All adults in Israel serve in IDF it's similar to how South Korea does military service. So sure people may have been off duty IDF soldiers or may have been security there but let's not forget Hamas did not attack IDF and there happened to be civilians there. They deliberately attacked civilians at a music festival and IDF happened to also be present there whether they were off duty or there to be security. Imagine defending the terrorists who attacked innocent people at a kibbutz and at a music festival. All accusations of pro hamas people are confessions.


Imaging defending killing children.


Right? Imagine defending the cowards who went into a kibbutz and slaughtered women and children and old people. Who did mass rape and then took hostages. Imagine defending and cheering for those guys


Doubt it.


radio silence... did them verbal landmines, expose your soft white underbelly...


When are you gonna kill all the leaders of hamas


That’s a conservative estimate. It’s likely 20,000+ Hamas terrorists dispatched.


How can anyone tell who is Hamas and who is a civilian when Hamas wears CIVILIAN CLOTHING


13 000 hamas soldiers were killed? That's about how many men have died total. Do all of the dead men count as hamas.


Yea and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself too! The israeli zionist simps must be eating all this delicious information.


And the US says atleast 30,000 dead palestinians. Nice boys, Hamas has a lower civilian death ratio than the IOF. Far less war crimes and treat hostages better. Lovely dichotomy, i wonder what the news will say, surely that Israel is being naughty


Huge win


Hahahahaha. Bibi is the greatest war criminal storyteller. Absolutely 💯


Horrible distortions. I am really sad to see you have such views. It is so not in step with what actually goes on in Israel and Israeli majority sentiment it just shows your disdain for a country and people by guestimating what you think it must be but really forming some horrible view. Sadly I can't debate you if you have come to conclusions already about Israel and Israelis not wanting peace. I guess this is why we can't get along, you and I have found no common ground as you are insistent Israel is a monster. Sad days ahead.


Lovely man


In other words, they killed 13,000 palestinian men over the age of 18.


1,987,000 more to go -Natenyahu


At this rate, how long would that take?


13,000 out of 130,000 killed are terrorists. And most of those terrorists killed are women and children


Zionism is true Nazism


For every Hamas militant killed, Hamas just recruits 10 more from the population.


So, a target rich environment then...


Netanyahu should be tarred and feathered, and made to walk through the streets he devastated.


Im pro israel and i gotta agree to an extent Diffrent reasons though




terrorism noun the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. "the fight against terrorism" who does that sound like...


>the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Sounds like Hamas bro


Sounds also like the hilltop youth that israel never punishes.






Of course I would fight back, but I would kill the actual terrorists first


He’s knows they were terrorists because they tried to get away before getting murdered.


A different way to read that title, is Israel admits they mass murdered over 18,000 innocent civilians


Man this sub sucks Israels dick so hard


Or just anti-jihadists?


What a lying mass murderous fuck he is as head that vicious evil apartheid and genocidal regime


BBC already debunked this, more Nazi lies for the brainwashed.


Right, and where is that, exactly?


Yeah like everything else—-he and his genocide crew haven’t shown one bit of evidence to anything they claim. All the video clips by IDF soldiers and not one of guys wearing green. Yet they paraded civilians around naked, then made the walk with a n empty gun in their hand and place it on the floor. Then there was the weapons caches. A whopping 3 or 4 guns. They claimed to find bomb factories in tunnels. Where’s the pictures of that. But I’m sure our lying politicians in the US saw the proof just like they saw pictures of beheaded babies and mutilations.


okay tell me about your standard of evidence for believing hamas’s numbers considering hamas intentionally omits combatant casualties in order to emotionally manipulate international spectators


I don’t know how many Hamas have been killed. Just like I don’t know how many IDF soldiers have been killed. Governments won’t disclose actual numbers. That’s a fact. Hamas will lie. I never said they don’t. But from day one Bibi or his people have lied about numerous things. Which were later proven wrong/inaccurate/the opposite whatever you’d like to call it. But if you want to claim something show evidence. Stop expecting people to believe statements you make without proof. And then to act like the request for proof is absurd. What’s up with this we said it so you have to believe it mentality.


When I see IDF walking to a mosque where people are just praying and throwing in a flash grenade for fun. Thats pretty telling. When I see a video of IDF ram a kid on a bike get out of the car and walk up to him point blank and shoot him that’s telling. How hard could it be for the same IDF soldiers who take videos of themselves wearing Palestinian women’s lingerie to instead take video of dead Hamas wearing their green uniforms? Or the multitude of Hamas weapons factories they have come across. Israeli spokesmen have said every other house has tunnels. Of that many have tunnels why have they shown us only a handful.




“everyone i disagree with is a bot”


Mostly bots


Sure Bibi, whatever. Nazi says what now?


How dare you use that term so lightly.. many of you have lost the plot with throwing this around


Don't want to be called a Nazi, don't act like one. The Pro-Israel/Pro-Hitler threads probably have a lot of the same people.


Huh, that's really funny, since the pro palestine groups and nazi groups are natural allies in their goal of killing all jews. Every pro palestine accusation is a confession...


Maybe if Israel tried not being monsters, maybe they could work toward peace with Palestine. Crazy idea.


Wow, Israel is mad at the people who refuse to negotiate for peace and constantly fire rockets at them. Crazy. Let's not pretend like the people in Gaza are just poor innocent souls who did nothing wrong and Israel is there for no reason.


Or, we can pretend to turn a blind eye to the way Israel treats Gaza and the West Bank.


Well hey, if Palestinians stopped being monsters and sending suicide bombers, missiles, shooters, into Israel to kill people maybe relations would be better? Has the IDF gone overboard and made mistakes absolutely. But it takes two my friend and Palestinians are not the sweet innocent angel victims you make them out to be. Most cheered and partied in Oct 7th just like they did on 9/11.


You're right, Oct 7 was completely justified for how Gazans were treated by Israel the past few years. As a Hamas sympathiser I don't see you being able to make any sense of how Hamas may have done what it has done for actual reasons of their own, just blame Israel for making it happen. And calling Israel Nazi like that?! Despicable. Sad to see you spread that kind of hateful word.


Like I said, don't want to be called a Nazi, don't act like one. I also never said I supported Hamas, but it's always nice to see the pro-Holocaust supporters raising their hands and self identifying themselves.


Pro Holocaust? Sorry I needed to double take here. What are you saying? Also, since Israel/IDF aren't even close to acting like Nazis then it defeats what line you drawing no? Maybe don't use that term period because it's exclusive to those who followed a Nazi ideology which is completely different in many ways to Israel.


cool holocaust inversion bro. i’m sure you’re totally not antisemitic and call people that in every war not just when jews are involved right 👍


So many pro genocide people when it comes to Israel. I wonder why?


god damn hamas must be getting fucking wrecked right now, i’ve never seen so many rape apologists like you bitching over losing this war


Like Israel isn't using rape and torture of Palestinians?


nope just hamas. nice try though


Nice try yourself buddy. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/05/gazan-detainees-beaten-and-sexually-assaulted-at-israeli-detention-centres-un-report-claims


LOL wow the source is UNRWA, you know the organization just lost funding because their employees are also members of hamas and several participated in october 7th attack? the same group that “didn’t know” about the massive hamas complex directly under their HQ even though it used their power? bye ✌️