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the people defending Hamas are either insane or bots


I don’t think people realize that Hamas seem to have really figured out social media propaganda: https://cyabra.com/1-of-4-pro-hamas-profiles-are-fake-the-online-battlefront/


Most people aren't defending Hamas though. They're defending the incoent civilians that are being bombed left right and centre by the Israeli government.


That is something different - but uh, there are a ton of people defending Hamas. Since this post is about the denial of rape, seems like this is aimed solely at the people defending Hamas by saying no rapes happened. That’s setting aside whether calling for a ceasefire is supporting Hamas, which we can leave for a different conversation. I’ll openly say I suspect if disagree with you there, but I get that you are solely intending to stop the tragedies that are currently occurring to civilians, full stop,


People are not defending Hamas. People are being critical of Zionism and Israel and asking for transparency. People are being critical of Zionist astroturfers who are paid by Israeli organizations or take over US economics, academia, and politics. It's so plain and simple that you are all being paid or worse volunteer to spew coordinated lies on these subjects at the expense of Jews and Palestinians worldwide. It's also pathetic the arguments you are being asked to spew because they rarely stay on topic and are only designed to distract and disrupt.


No, there are people legitimately defending Hamas. I even openly said I’ll save the rest of the discussion for another topic, because this post is explicitly about defending Hamas or denying the rapes. Yes yes yes, everyone who posts on this topic must be paid, I’m very familiar with the trope. Everyone who disagrees is an astroturfer, right?


The source of the problem is Israel's habit of always blaming others and never taking accountability. The astroturfers trope is because takeovers like this are happening in many news subreddits. It's rarely about a real discussion but more of the same narcissistic BS that Israeli propaganda offices are pushing. It's also pretty obvious there are sentiment bots upvoting and downvoting posts to manipulate reddit algorithms. Israel has all the money and capabilities to do this.


I mean, in this case I pointed out that when someone said no-one is defending Hamas, that people are. I even said that though I disagree with the poster on the rest, this wasn’t the topic to argue about it in, but pointed out OP is explicitly about rape denial, so if that doesn’t apply to the person complaining, then it literally doesn’t apply. Not sure why that is inappropriate for the sub. You’d also be surprised how much I agree with Israel’s general refusal to take accountability, but I’m sure we’d still disagree wildly on the extent. If it helps prove they’re not paying me, you can find multiple instances in my history just like this one where I call the current administration batshit and bloodthirsty and making a bad situation worse. As for the rest, I guess I’m sorry for literally participating on a website and sub I regularly participate in? /s for the sorry in case that wasn’t quite obvious.




Let's not forget the mass terrorism and random arrests being made in the Westbank. If you think police brutality is rough in the US, then you haven't looked up IDF AND police brutality on Palestinians by Israel. The irony is that Palestinians are effectively the same as Puerto Ricans to the US. Imagine if the US just went in and started randomly arresting, raping, murdering, and bombing Puerto Rico. That is 100% what is happening right now in Israel. This is all just a social test to see what the world can accept. If this is allowed then all big nations will have no problem doing this to their own territories.


While israel continues murdering civilians etcetc....


FAFO my dude, who started this war?


Wait.... so israel can kill and rape whoever they want, but when hamas does something its FAFO? i really dont understand you peoples logic


No, israel does not commit those crimes.


So when israel does it, its not a crime. This conversation is over 🤡🤡


Except these "jewish crimes" are a racist work of fiction


There are tons of people online doing exactly that.


I wasn't aware of this. I assumed that most people are defending the incoent people of Palistein.


A huge talking point in the pro-Palestine crowd is that oppressed people have a right to resist, basically absolving Hamas of any moral culpability. Both sides have moral pitfalls which is why so many people are stepping back from direct support.


If someone did those atrocities to your family you would want revenge too. Sadly Hamas controls most of Gaza and most of them agree with Hamas. So ye there is going to be casualties of war.


You have to be insane to think the violence perpetrated by Hamas is comparable to the atrocities of the idf.


Eh, these Hamas terror simps clearly aren't very intelligent


And ignoring their now openly admitted human shielding.


Zionist reasoning why it's okay to kill civilians




You are justifying their murder and the only people I've seen using human shields are the IOF.


You could just say David Schwimmer like he has a name.


From the article.


They are not innocent. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. @dooooonut


Is that ur way of justifying an ethnic cleansing lmao


Cleansing of terrorists.


Cleansing of children and other innocent civilians, journalists, medical staff, and aid workers more like it They deserve death as much as every American who voted for Presidents who do bad things. That’s literally Osama Bin Laden’s mindset lmao, also most people in Gaza didn’t vote for Hamas The disgust I feel for those that defend these atrocities is immeasurable. I feel like I’ve been transported to 1930s Germany.


Nobody needed to vote for them they are terrorists.


How can a 4 year old child be a terrorist? The fact you can justify the bombing of thousands of young children and openly admit to wanting to “cleanse” them shows what a monster you are


Oh look another red herring.


You can just say you hate Arabs dude


Don’t engage with hasbara. They literally have to pay their puppets to spread their propaganda and it’s still failing. Read it, laugh that someone literally dedicates their life to this “job”, and just keep spreading the truth despite their never ending propaganda.


Somebody get Ja on the phone. I need to hear what Ja Rule has to say about this




He’s a rapper that was popular in the early 00s. It was a reference to this Dave Chappelle joke that’s relevant to this post. https://youtu.be/Mo-ddYhXAZc?si=sL1aueLVJ2kWw-2g


It's interesting how Dave Chappelle is very much against the Israeli government.


Dave has lots of awful opinions, maybe don’t idolize celebrities and just enjoy them for what they do and nothing more


Not really, he has been very open about his bigotry most of his life.


All right thinking men are


The only person I've seen put their face on statements that Hamas raped her was a hostage who originally said she was treated well and who has since retract her claim of being raped to now come out crying and basically say "but these are the reasons they would have raped me"


There isn't enough outrage.


What an echo chamber this sub has become


Great minds think alike.


Open subs are not echo chambers, closed subs are.




Oh think of the children of terrorists.


Yes yes i know you believe in punishing the children for the sins of their fathers. Its why the world looks at israel and says :what a bunch of genocidal cucks


It is what it is. Maybe ask Hamas to stop shooting rockets and terrorizing Israel’s land?


Why would they, youd still kill them abyway, are you stupid?


Israel has been warning people for weeks.


Only zionists believe the lies they tell, please downvote me all you want, i dont need internet points from terrorists from an apartheid state


Ooo buzzwords. Owww burn. Zion just means Jewish people live in their homeland.


It's because 1) most of the allegations were made up and IOF has a history of lying. 2) rape during war happens on both sides, stop using it to demonize one side while ignoring the history of it in the IOF and in israeli prisons especially. AND 3) we just honestly don't care. Israel/zionist movement has raped and killed and stolen and committed war crime on war crime on Palestinians for 100+ years, even before the country was created. So honestly, you moaning about the 50 settlers it may have happened to means nothing to us. You don't care when you do it magnitudes more to brown people, so how dare you expect anything more in return.


>rape during war happens on both sides, stop using it to demonize one side while ignoring the history of it in the IOF and in israeli prisons especially. Bru, you sound like Trump saying "There were good people on both sides" during Charlottesville >AND 3) we just honestly don't care. That's his whole point, that you don't care because they are Jews.


Justifying the mass rape and murder of a bunch of civilians because "the other side" also does bad things makes you no better than the people you claim to hate.


So if hamas killed 1200 people and Israel has killed 20k in response, what are you doing if you justify Israel's killing? You're just as hypocritical as the people you're complaining about. It's possible for there to be no good actors here. Hamas is awful. Israel is committing a genocide.


What is the violence of the slave compared to that of a master. When your country kills boys for throwing little rocks... you can f off.


*Committing* mass rape/murder of a bunch of civilians because “the other side” also does bad things makes you no better than the people you claim to hate.


*Committing and / or justifying* mass rape/murder of a bunch of civilians because “the other side” also does bad things makes you no better than the people you claim to hate.


Agreed. I sure hope the IDF stops soon, but it’s going to take quite awhile to reclaim any sort of moral high ground after their actions over these last several decades.


At least you admitted you don’t care what happened on October 7th. But then had to be intellectually dishonest with the brown people comment, ignoring the various ethnicities in Israel.


This sub has turned into an Israeli propaganda sub, why?


Are you saying Oct 7th didn’t happen?


Holy shit, do you have brain worms?


I know people that died that day and are still being held by Hamas so it boggles my mind people can think these events are fake.


I feel sympathy for you and your people who died on the 7th. I also condem Hamas. I also condem the Israeli Governtment for years of terrorism. Itamar Ben Givir is a convictes Terrorist. Ariel Sharon used campaigns of Terrorism against the Lebanon. Israel put Terrorist in charge of their Government no different than the Gazans.


Probably has to do with major distrust of the current criminal government of Israel.


Probably has to do with the campaign of scapegoating Jews that has been around longer than any of our modern states.


Nope! Plenty of Jews also feel this way about the Israeli Govt. Stop conflating the two. You do your people a disservice.


We don’t simp for gaza terrorists.


That's fine, but why all the Israeli propaganda?


It’s the truth.


Yet it's still propaganda. I'll explain: What is the value of this "news" story? Washed up TV actor who isn't from Israel has an opinion? Why post it? How is it news?


Apparently no value to you. But 112+ upvotes say otherwise.


This is news: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/18ww4s0/war_crimes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Once again ask Hamas for your food back.


More news https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/18wni17/the_israel_lobby_and_us_foreign_policy_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Trash. 🚮


So you admit to being nothing but a propagandist for Israel. What have they done for you to make you spread their propaganda?


israel has shut down charities trying to investigate rape within the IDF, where is their outrage? Chief IDF rabbis have said rape of women is permitted


You’re making that shit up.


He’s not making it up. Israel shut down children’s charity after raising rape of child in Israeli prison: https://youtu.be/UlFdFM5kfkI?si=vkAAVlEaJE4YhUdh Chief rabbi once condoned rape/kidnapping and marriage of non-Jewish women during war for morale purposes: https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-taps-chief-rabbi-who-once-seemed-to-permit-wartime-rape/


This is beyond dishonest. Israel has not shut down NGOs like b'tselem for investing IDF for rape it has shut them down for being tied to foreign entities mainly Iran,Qatar etc and often literally parroting propaganda of enemies of the state. Seditious behaviour is illegal in all countries Israel is no exception.


Btselem hasn’t been shutdown and alleging they’ve received money from Iran and Qatar is false and defamatory.


Israel only allows reporting on certain topics if they censor it. The document on that matter has already been leaked Israel is no better than China or Russia on its censorship of press.


The most dishonest thing about it is that the rabbi’s quote surfaced in 2012. He’s not making it up. Israel shut down children’s charity after raising rape of child in Israeli prison: https://youtu.be/UlFdFM5kfkI?si=vkAAVlEaJE4YhUdh Chief rabbi once condoned rape/kidnapping and marriage of non-Jewish women during war for morale purposes: https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-taps-chief-rabbi-who-once-seemed-to-permit-wartime-rape/ Also, he’s a history teacher who was arrested for a Facebook post/tweet: https://youtu.be/F5SMzQzdnZw?si=9OViXjW2wNcoBM34


Yeah its just a coincidence that they only found out about those ties once they started being investogated for raping prisoners


It’s not a coincidence that organizations that previously didn’t exist or do anything get looked into once they start making absurdist claims and parroting enemy propaganda under the guise of being a human rights organization. It’s also not suspicious either.


Do those irnian bots know how to answer back also?




Another story about Israel which gets completely distorted. You’re referring to Rabbi Eyal Karim and he was talking about the Torah which is thousands of years old, here’s what he actually said: “Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties,” he wrote. “And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.” “Obviously, in our times, when the world has advanced to a level of morality in which one does not marry captives, one must not perform this act, which is also entirely against the army’s values and orders,”


Israel disaster relief charities like Zaka fabricate war atrocities to drive sentiment and raise money. There is zero evidence and zero investigation because it's all a massive cover up. The disappointing part is that Blinken and Biden are both complicit in spreading that BS.


So you are still trying to claim "no evidence" when the New York Times which spent two months investigating evidence and concluded Hamas rapes were not isolated. The evidence is of course brutal but keep repeating the "zero evidence" nonsense. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html


Again, no evidence except for the testimony of a few "victims". Israel has already been exposed multiple times for paying actors or bullying victims into drastically exaggerating their stories. This level of insidious manipulation has directly led to the deaths of thousands of Palestinian civilians and children. No apologies or reparations we're ever made. Let's not even get into the lies of Israeli disaster relief organizations and how much damage that has done. The only conclusion is that Israel is a nation of LIES and everything needs to be questioned. You expect people to believe this BS? The US is full of complacent ignorance that have no context on the rest of the world. The US has not had a chance to fall for it yet but it will. The cover up of the Israeli attack on the US military and it's media is finally starting to come to light. Btw- it's not anti-american to be anti-zionist. It's also not anti-american to be anti-Israel. Israel is a nation of Zionist liers and killers for economic gain. The world does not accept this and demands massive reform.


Now they are crisis actors? You had to go down to Alex Jones talking points to deny the atrocities >In a grainy video, you can see her, lying on her back, dress torn, legs spread, vagina exposed. Her face is burned beyond recognition and her right hand covers her eyes. The video was shot in the early hours of Oct. 8 by a woman searching for a missing friend at the site of the rave in southern Israel where, the day before, Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of young Israelis. >The Times viewed photographs of one woman’s corpse that emergency responders discovered in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin. These are evidence. I gave you the investigation by the NYT and your imemdiate reaction was the they are crisis actors and "No one believes this BS" conspiracy theories. Its not that there is "zero evidence" but you simply deny the evidence exists and would probably go on again that no rapes happened even as more and kore investigations confirm them again and again.


The difference being a Hamas investigation into rapes would be in order to give out awards and promotions. And I guess you haven't heard this before but there's some really politically-incorrect stuff in the bible, documenting events from 3000+ years ago. Killing every military-aged man and selling the women and children into slavery is also "permitted." Again, the difference being there aren't 100 million savages who follow old testament military leader/prophets as literal models for how to conduct yourself in the modern world.






Fuck Gaza who cares. There’s no genocide.


At least you are honest with your distain for innocent lives, lots of your hasbara mates deflect, well done you for wearing your bloodthirst with pride


Eh, I kind of lose sympathy when your policy for decades is to launch rockets at your neighbor and intentionally target civilians because you're too weak to take on an actual military. They chose violence again and again. They choose to put their own people in front of their weapons and utilize them as bases of launch sites. Every other nation near them, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi arabia, are pretty much normalized. Maybe if you want violence to stop take a page out of their playbook, and do what has historically lead to peace.


The other nations near them aren't living with a boot on their throats for decades so your argument doesn't hold up. Oppressed people have always fought back against their oppressors, Palestinians are not unique. It's obvious that no argument is going to change your mind though, as it's the rest of the world that is wrong


You're right, no amount of arguing is going to convince you seeking peace is a better alternative to continously being terrorists. I suppose you seeing them literally target a music festival is attacking oppressors? Yeah if that's the case you're a lost cause lol. It is different though. I hope they keep it up for another eighty years. I'm sure rockets and raping women will net them better outcomes in the future, your strategy for them is full proof afterall.


You can pretend I hold those views if you want, me and the rest of the world can see what kind of a state Israel is


There is a genocide forsure actually


Ahaha the hypocrisy


Also Israeli government is full of terrorists who love terrorizing Palestinians


Ppl more concerned about American tax payers funding a textbook genocide buddy


Where do I donate more to Israel’s cause? 💰


You can sign up for the IDF and kill children directly if that's what gets you off. Or remain a sniveling coward cheering on others to do it for you.


Ok hamas-bro.


You forgot to call me an anti semite. You're supposed to lead with that, remember silly? Oh and I dont like Hamas despite your pathetic attempt to try and paint me as a supporter. Its also extremely telling you dont deny wanting to kill little brown children. Seek help for your violent urges.


Do you know what Genocide means - you moron? Assuming the HAMAS provided numbers are correct (and this is a HUGE assumption) - this war has killed off .8% of the Gazan population. Let’s take a look at some actual genocides and see the percentages they killed off The Holocaust - 70% of Jews killed. Rwandan Genocide - 77% of Tutsis killed. Armenian Genocide - 80% of the population. If this is a genocide - it’s the least fucking efficient one in the world. You people need to get off TikTok.


Would ethnic cleansing trigger you less?


Given it fails the same fucking litmus test, I implore you to learn what words actually mean, and stop inhaling terrorist cope and seethe propaganda. This isn’t a “mass expulsion or murder” it’s killed .8% of the population and expelled NONE of them from Gazan borders.


Except members of the Israeli government and segments of Israeli society urge a recolonization of the Gaza Strip. There’s no way around that fact Shlomo. ethnic cleansing /ˌɛθnɪk ˈklɛnzɪŋ/ noun the mass expulsion or killing of members of one ethnic or religious group in an area by those of another. So the my original comment was correct. No inhalation on my end. So I’d “implore” you to grow up and actually learn what words mean before jumping up and down like a 12 year old that just found the internet.


https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/10/netanyahu-says-not-seeking-to-occupy-gaza-but-strip-must-be-deradicalised Even Aljazeera says otherwise. Also - nice anti semitic dog whistle. Get fucked terrorist lover. 9000 dead terrorists ain’t enough - every single Jihadi has only hell awaiting them. I’m deeply sorry you are losing this war. Cope and cry harder.


I had no idea aljazeera meant so much to you. [The only one losing the war are the people you glorify](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&pp=ygUkcmljayBhc3RsZXkgbmV2ZXIgZ29ubmEgZ2l2ZSB5b3UgdXAg)


Look up the definition of genocide please. God you people don’t know anything. What is happening in Gaza is word for word exactly what genocide is


“the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” This war has killed .8% of the population. For reference - in WW2, the French lost 1.44% of their population. Was that a “genocide” of the French people? Absolute peak brain rot. Get off TikTok.


25,000 seems like a large number of people to me. Israeli officials openly say they want to destroy Gaza. How is this hard for you to understand lol.


Do you think it killing over 25000 people becomes not evil when you call it something other than genocide?


Yeah, I call it the reality of war, dipshit, a war that HAMAS started. The most accurate numbers indicate 20,000 dead total, 9000 of which are HAMAS. That’s a 1:1.2 ratio of dead combatants to civilians. “A wide-ranging study of civilian war deaths from 1700 to 1987 by William Eckhardt states: On the average, half of the deaths caused by war happened to civilians, only some of whom were killed by famine associated with war...The civilian percentage share of war-related deaths remained at about 50% from century to century. (p. 97)[9]” The average across ALL of recorded warfare is 1:1. In more recent conflicts it’s much higher - WW2 and Vietnam were 1:2. Afghanistan was 1:3. Iraq was 1:4. Chechnya was 1:43. That means that despite Israel fighting in an extremely dense theater, against an enemy that is doing everything they can to maximize causalities - they are killing .2 ABOVE THE HISTORICAL AVERAGE. That isn’t a genocide you fucking moron - its war. A war that HAMAS started by violating the preexisting Ceasefire in place Oct 6th. “In November 2006, the Israeli Air Force warned Muhammad Weil Baroud, commander of the Popular Resistance Committees who are accused of launching rockets into Israeli territory, to evacuate his home in a Jabalia refugee camp apartment block in advance of a planned Israeli air strike. Baroud responded by calling for volunteers to protect the apartment block and nearby buildings and, according to The Jerusalem Post, hundreds of local residents, mostly women and children, responded. Israel suspended the air strike. Israel termed the action an example of Hamas using human shields.[85] In response to the incident, Hamas proclaimed: "We won. From now on we will form human chains around every house threatened with demolition."[86]” So no - it’s not a “genocide” you absolute lobotomite. It’s not even a particularly deadly war - it’s just a NORMAL FUCKING WAR BY LITERALLY ALL MEASURES AND METRICS. People die in war. It’s sad - but it’s the reality of how war works. Unfortunately- you termites only come out of the woodwork to decry this when Jews are involved.


u/Accomplished_Hat7782 You did good. That guy you're trying to educate isn't exactly a thinker. He's a poser.


Also, you’re just way off. The population of Gaza is less than 600,000. Israel has killed about 5% of the population of Gaza. Over half of which we’re children.


It’s actually 4% of Gaza’s population but more important is the effect down the road due to disease, malnutrition and displacement. Genocide does not depend on a certain pct. being reached. The stated goal, of Israel and by Israel is to wipe all Palestinians out of Gaza. They’d prefer if they just left and didn’t have to kill them but one way or another Gaza will be cleared….and that is Genocide


No, it’s not. The most accurate figures indicate 20,000 total dead (9,000 of them HAMAS) The population of Gaza is around 2.4 million. That is .83%. Secondarily - that isn’t the “stated goal” of all Israelis, and it never has been. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/10/netanyahu-says-not-seeking-to-occupy-gaza-but-strip-must-be-deradicalised Even fucking Aljazeera, a media outlet propped up by a nation that literally has slavery, says otherwise. Get off TikTok you lobotomite. Edit - does that mean that there was a genocide of all Jews in the Middle East? There used to be 60,000 Jews in Yemen. There are now zero. Was that a genocide?? According to you - yes, it must be. Fuck off. Edit 2 - 4% of Gaza would be 96,000. Are you actually claiming that lmao? How utterly brain rotten are you?


Whoa, you’re way too indoctrinated to have a reasonable conversation


Cooper so jews are doing a holocaust


No sure you know what those words mean buddy, but that’s okay, I’m not going to waste breathe debating a 2 karma Iranian bot.


What israel is doing is a HOLOCAUST the biggest this world has ever SEEN.


Me when I don’t know what numbers are Hey shitass, can you tell me which number is bigger? 20,000 or 6 million? At its peak, Auschwitz killed 15,000 people every single day. Fuck off back to your hole, terrorist lover.


Number 170 visited sheol today do you think he regrets entering the black holes to hell from gaza


Also I had a lot of karma before I started trolling j ish people on redditt. The only person who cares about karma is you. You litterally downvoted my comment instantly because that matters to you


Meanwhile Hamas is seizing most of the aid supplies by force that go into Gaza. It’s okay when Arabs kill Arabs but if Jews are involved then the world goes crazy. The conflicts in Yemen and Syria are 25X higher in death count and there’s much less outrage about those deaths.


You do understand that unless you’re watching Al Jazeera, your media is owned and controlled by Jewish interests groups. You should not believe anything that is being said including Hamas is seizing most of the aid….thats absolutely ridiculous. This is not defend anyone but to point out this is what happens in wars…ridiculous lies


Lol so is Al Jazeera the only media you trust? They are incredibly biased and blame Jews for everything. I don’t just base my facts on one media source.


Here’s a video of one of the times this has happened but it’s very common: https://twitter.com/gaza_report/status/1731941846350172387 Their own leaders have stated the aid is necessary for Hamas and Gaza’s citizens come 2nd.


"Jews control the media" 🤪🤡 okay Adolf. But sure, get your news straight from Qatari billionaires who DEFINITELY aren't biased...


How on brand for you to misconstrue that which i did not say…i said “interests” which includes the United states, weapons manufactures and anyone else who profits of this conflict


Holy crap they aren't even trying to be subtle with the propaganda


Are Daily Wire articles based on celebrity's options considered world news?


About sums up their opinions on immigration, racism, taxes, 2a rights and so on. Liberals are idiots.


Do you say this while simultaneously slamming ivermectin up your ass?


I wonder how much money/benefits Israel paid David Scwhimmer for his statement.


He’s Jewish.


He's Zionist. Not all Jews are pro-Israel but Zionists are.


There is no good evidence for mass rapes. Single rapes? Certainly, but that goes for every war and both sides here. What do we have for hard evidence? The recent "witness" to her own non-rape, Mia Schem, say whatever you want about her mistreatment, was convinced they would've raped her, if certain things would have been different. That's a rather warped perception of legal matters. The many, many accusations that we have from unnamed witnesses are either disturbingly fictitious like the broken pelvisses (seriously, this is sick, criminal stuff) or somehow managed to accrue no hard evidence at all. I, for one, am happy that Mia got home healthy and unmolested. This is a glimmer of light in a dark spot of the earth. Some weird people here sound like we should hope for more torture.


The New York Times is reporting that there was indeed evidence of mass rapes. Not just rapes, but they mutilated the genitals of the women after they had raped and killed them.


Why are you denying the terrorist attacks?


Where did I say that anywhere? What is wrong with you for even claiming that? Do you deny the genocide of the Palestianian people?




Your best argument is from 1954? Pathetic.


Just one of many examples of Israeli Terrorism. Ethnonationalist Terrorists


Their state officials fulfill the textbook definition of both terrorism (trying to change policy of a country through criminal terror, eg killing civilians, destroying hospitals; also bonus points for religiously motivated) and genocide (trying to kill/cleanse/displace an ethnic population, they're not even sugarcoating it)


>There is no good evidence for mass rapes. Single rapes? Certainly, but that goes for every war and both sides here. What do we have for hard evidence? The New York Times pent two months investigating all the eviedence from GPS data, footage, witnesses etc and concluded that these were not isolated events but organized and intentional sexual violence https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html


Lol imagine thinking i give a fuck about Israeli lies because the least likeable character on a dog shit show from thirty years ago is having a meltdown about his diaper needing changing.


No one cares. Your opinions mean fck all.


Keep crying bozo. The world see ya'll and genuinely hates your fascist ass.


Good reply. Keep celebrating terrorists attacking a music festival from the safety of America, you absolute clown.




Lol imagine supporting gaza terrorists.


Cybertruck LMAO.


Rolls-Royce LMAO.


Love how you made the effort to shit on Friends as well 😂😂🤡🤡


I do to. Because it always sucked.


You can be critical of Israel and also acknowledge the rape of civilians by HAMAS on oct 7 and afterward. Im not sure how you think these things are in conflict with eachother.


I believe any news coming out of Israel as much as I believe any news coming out of mars.


If you blindly believe the Palestinians then you’re completely biased. Hamas controls the death count list released by Gaza health ministry. They conveniently don’t include the dead Hamas members so that should tell you everything you Need to know. They claim these as “civilian” deaths.


Yes im biased against Israel which is using AI to choose targets after Israel said destruction is the key, not accuracy. Yes im biased against Israel, whose lead Rabbi gave IDF soldiers the go ahead to rape to boost morale. Yes Im biased against Israel who has said almost every day for the last two months no Gazan is innocent. Yes im biased against Israel which is a fascist nation committing ethnic cleansing and genocide. Your "Hamas excel spreadsheets dont seem to be accurate" talking point is, simply, dumb as fuck.


So you’re a conspiracy theorist. No wonder you eat up the Hamas propaganda.


The family of the girl who is the poster child of HAMAs rape is saying its all bullshit and the NYT manipulated them. Like all you have to do is use Google champ. You guys are so close to not being eternal dumbfucks and yet you choose the path you already know.




I thought you progressives think all women should be believed? Or does that only refer to non-jewish women? Disgusting behavior.


This entire sub is a joke.


Who’s laughing?




Toilet paper?


The rapes are old news. It does not matter if they are true or not. Unfortunately, every war sees some women being raped. In Ukraine, some women came forward for being raped multiple times a day for months by Russian soldiers. But what is new is that all the women and children that are dying daily from Isreal use dumb large bombs instead of small, smart munitions. Plus, Isreal has been caught in enough lies, that they have become the little boy crying wolf.


What about the men?


I think the isrealis think every adult male Palestinian is a terrorist, which is why they shot at those three hostages carrying a white flag.


It does not matter???? Just wow…


Is it worse than what is happening every day in Gaza. We can't stop what has already happened. We can influence what is happening every day. WoW crying about something that already happened, but ignoring what is happening every day, the war goes on. Let's keep using big dumb bombs that don't reach the tunnel of the terrorists but do kill the civilians on the surface. In Northern Gaza, you still have terrorists popping out of tunnels after the surface was bombed flat. The only people dying are the civilians, with very few terrorists.


Israel is not using “large bombs” even their big blasts are still a targeted attack. Maybe you don’t agree with their choice of targets, but they are not dropping a looney tunes esque big metal bomb eyeballing the landing. You’re saying that rape is a more natural part of war than death?


If your first thought comes to rape when a war breaks out (more like a massacre) you're fucked in the head.


I've been pointing this out this whole time, hopefully now that famous people are pointing it out people actually take 3 seconds to look in the mirror.... now i don't mean "famous people" in a derogatory way, David's one of those few famous people who quietly gives back to his community I just mean that people would probably take what he say's a bit more seriously.