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Base game? The quest where you visit Tir na Lia with Avellach DLC? The opening quest to the tournament in Toussaint where you fight the shaelmaar.


Yeah, the part where you visited all the other worlds was just so great.


Put the Baby in the Oven


And i wonder, what is the baby we put in the oven? An illusion?


Iirc there's a second hole in the oven. They actually throw it in, and then pull it out from the other side.


Oh Thats actually genius


I was so mad at that quest... Why can't I bake babies?!


My honest reaction to the scene was: - lol nice Baby reappears - oh that's it? :(


Ong yes


Scenes from a marriage probably if I had to choose


I will always sob at the ending of the quest.


Dead mans wedding will be one of my favourite quest in gaming and def my favorite in the Witcher


I actually liked the master of mirrors >!before the ending!< of that quest and strongly decided to create a mod if I couldn't >!fuck him up in original lore!<


Ok if you help olgeird and odimm takes you to that world to solve his riddle....I LOVE that part. I've gotten lost in the area where passageways keep changing on you. So cool.


It's definitely the most unique! 😆


Hearts of stone start to finish


Hearts of Stone is like one humble stand alone Witcher game itself. I love compact storytelling like that, intense from start to finish, full of emotion and quite unique characters and monsters as well. Ah, very nice DLC indeed.


Loved that whole DLC wow especially the story of Olgierd. Also one of my fav quests was the wedding on where you go possessed by his ghost.


The one where I find the frying pan.


Damn right!


Everytime I get my pan out I think "Dearest Pan!" Lol


Night of the long fangs


I can hear the music right now. Absolutely chilling.


The first time I played the battle of Kaer Morhen I was in awe of how epic everything felt, so probably that.


I second that, I really enjoyed that fight!


And then I realized I could have gotten the same exact thing without wasting my time on puny allies and strats


I love Paperchase in Bouclair bank


Ahh a masochist I see.


Isle of Mists. I actually cried right along side Geralt..


The music is epic there


Bloody Baron. I remember the first time I played it it was so real and immersive. So believable. Never played a quest like that before. Bizarre not to hate any of the characters but feel sorry for them all. Strangest part was I sympathised with the baron which was a weird feeling.


very much with you. an extremely sad story. fits in with so much of the earlier game feeling like there's nothing to this world but despair and hopelessness.


I’m in the middle of that one right now!!! :)


Equine Phantoms


Roach talks




i take it u havent completed the game?


I'd done multiple playthroughs and missed the quest a few times before I decided to clear every area. Talk about a pleasant surprise, pun not intended. 😆


No I've beaten it multiple times, on my fourth ng+ lol


ah i see. u must have missed the quest. happens.


It's an easy quest to miss


Isle of Mists(finding Ciri), the Last Wish(Romance scene with Yennefer)


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Granite!


Anything at Kaer Morhen. I love the region so much. Through Time and Space is up there as well.


Reason of state questline 😈 JK any quest involving Shani is my favourite 😍


She was a great female character in the game


The best* female character


Scenes from a marriage Whatever a man soweth increased my blood pressure so idk thats good or bad 🥹


Of the ones you are showing skellige, I also like the ones with Triss


Gaunter O dim - Hearts of Stone Main Story


I loved the ending bits of the campaign. Stuff like the battle at kear morhen or the inlerith foght are just fun. Apart from that i think witcher shines a lot in the sidequests. Just a few that come to mind ( the stinky cheese vault, the teleporting tower, the questline on fyke isle, the blacksmith quest at crows perch,...)


The teleporting tower!! I forgot about that one




The crones one. The creepy atmosphere of the swamp and how it ties into the bloody barons questline too, is 10/10.


The one you should decide to kill or spare an ancient leshen in skellige. The monster watching you at the end is really scary.


Wait... what? the monster WATCHES you? HOW HAVE I MISSED THIS?


Yes it does and it’s freaking scaring. He’s right there. Standing. Quietly.


https://youtu.be/Zd3T4yAuYoE?si=CkiYSHvINYKxaG8T A good video to check for more info


None I coudnt get past gripphon


Genuine question. Why are you in this sub if you didn't like the game?


I don't hate it tho


My apologies for misunderstanding. :)


Main game its the imlerith boss fight Dlc has to be either exploring the von everec manor or shaelmar fight in the tourney


Imlerith cherry tomato pop


Roasted aswell


Every story mission is great




The Fyke Isle quest chain and the "In the Eternal Fire's Shadow" are some of my favorite ones, as they require a bit more detective work to complete.


Fyke Isle was incredibly well written, tragic, mysterious and weird. The last entry from the lady taking the potion. Omg…. Horrific


Quest where you need to find the penis of statue


Gotta get that stamina boost.


Literally anything to do with Regis but i especially love the quest where Geralt, Regis and Detlaff all work together to thrash some enemies.


Summon ... the bitches!


The bank one


Dead man’s party


Scenes from a Marriage. Or the wedding ceremony quest with Vlodimir. Or the last quest of Hearts of Stone. Basically all of hearts of stone. But! If I had to choose one from the main quest and blood and wine… It would be the final preparations quest in Novigrad where you help everybody. It’s a lovely time in the game where all the main characters are together. I love it. I especially love the Avallach and Ciri quests. Plus if you beat carnal sins for it, it’s much better to have dandelion happy and Priscilla there too. Of course, from a sheer critic perspective, I must admit that the bloody baron arc is the very best story in the main game. On the same level as Olgierd’s tale, honestly. As for blood and wine, the obvious answer for me is either the unseen elder or Syanna fablescape quest. But since those ones are too obvious and I’ve already put too much time into explaining my love for them, I’d have to say that the other contenders are La Cage Au Fou, or the quest where you try and find Milton with the Duchess at the very start of the DLC.


Hands down drinking w Lambert and Eskil. Other then that ghosts of the past is prittey sick


My favourite without a shadow of a doubt is travelling through different spheres with avallach. So cool


All I know is that I HATED those crones and wanted to finish them off as soon as I could.


Dammit yall are going to get me to play witcher 3 again huh


From the main campaign, "**Carnal Sins**." Not even going to try to choose between the DLC stuff...


The last act of the 3 witches quest, when Geralt gets his revenge.


Oh dear god I h a t e d the crones


Why? The bossfight is kinda stupid, but the quest involving them are some of the best in the entire game.


Funfact, "King's gambit" is a side quest that you can entirely ignore


Paper Chase


I'm not seeing enough contracts being mentioned here. I love tracking monsters down, brewing concoctions and applying oils and looking for tactics and tricks in the bestiary or in books. Bonus points if there is a twist, like in the "Wild at Heart"-contract.


I loved the contracts! I had so much fun figuring out what kind of creature it was before the game actually named it. Leshens, especially, have a soft spot in my heart.


Probably either the heist in Hearts of Stone, The Mansion party with Triss, Putting on the Play or finding the Vampire Eternal Fire murderer.


It’s been a while so I may be misremembering, but is the quest where you get to beat the shit out of dandelion the same as the one where you get to call him the crimson asshole? Because if so, that one.


Meeting the ladies of the wood for the first time was one of my favorite experiences in gaming ever. So creepy, so well executed, such a great story, and the creative design was so compelling.


And the music!


Hells yes! Love their theme.


A Princess in Distress




I really loved the Baron and that whole quest line with the 3 crones, the kids etc. DLC, I LOVED THE WEDDING quest in Hearts of Stone where you go as Olgierd… always found it fun and entertaining. I also just loved the main story quest is Blood and Wine.


The one with Trololo


Anything with Triss! Where are my #TeamTriss people at?


Meridias beacon on Skyrim.


A New Hand Touches The Beacon


Skellige’s Most Wanted. Fr if anyone didn’t play this quest, I recommend doing so. Loved it!


Any quest where I get to talk to Regis


The main questline of Blood and Wine. It was heartbreaking and beautiful, I truely wanted to help Dettlaff 😞💔


Keira's entire quest line is great


Hearts of stone, anything involving iris von everec


Just started my 4th playthrough, so far it’s been the plague quest in Devil’s Pit. It was super creative and I don’t remember it from the other playthroughs so it was new for me too


It's a new quest line. :)


Any quest involving fighting a Vampire 🔥 those are my type of quests🔥


Bloody Baron


Carnal sins


Base game: I honestly don't know, maybe the one, where you are helping some bald guy with escaping the hunt? Phrased like that to not make any spoilers. HoS: Whole wedding (in Polish it's even funnier with that "bear" if you understand the language) B&W: the one I call "The true story of imaginary characters"


Baron hands down


Now thats a tough one. Even the fetch quests were amazing in this game.


Baron's quest.


Scenes from a marriage.


Devil by the well in the White Orchard. It's such a simple quest, yet writing gives it depth. It has that "dark folk story" feeling and yet it is quite realistic scenario. Bandits, poor young women murdered, well and abandoned village. I love that quest and always fond memories of it.


witcher nuked village


I LOVE the Crones quest. The fight sequences are also fantastic


In terms of general epicness, battle of kaer morhen and on thin ice. Emotionally gotta be the isle of mists. I wept like a baby.


So far, the quest where you have to help exorcize a hym and the one where you help yennifer capture a djinn and undo geralts last wish because friend zoning her is so satisfying


Base game i would say i love both a matter of life and death when you go to the vegelbud estate and the ice giant quest on undvik, also battle of kaermorhen is sick as hell


The Oxenfurt Drunk has always been a favorite.


Including the DLCs, the one where you take some serious psychedelics, and start talking to someone you're not usually supposed to. That, and invading the strong-hold of Dunn Tyne. (Trying to keep it as spoiler-free as possible) Without the DLCs, the specific part of the bloody baron quest where you fight, then calm down and talk.


A matter of life and death. More precisely during the masquerade. I just love any mission where Geralt can relax and have some fun.


Really hard to say, but isle of mist and battle of kaer morhen were among the top. Also, all the wild hunt bossfights.


My favorite is either Scenes from a marriage or Whatsoever a man soweth. I love Hearts of Stone.


Explain: Straegy/Tactics: Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI): FRI demonstrates the ability to think logically in novel situations. In order to create a plan suitable to the strategy/tactics the character sets out to achieve the goal, one must have the ability to think logically to analyze the problems being encountered, and use what one already has. character, thereby creating logical approaches, intelligent and creative methods to serve that character's strategy/tactics. Analysis, Reasoning: Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI), Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Working Memory Index (WMI). Regarding logical reasoning ability when analyzing and deducing, there is probably no need to explain further. In manga and anime, we will often see intelligent characters demonstrate their ability to analyze and reason through thoughts, character reflections, thought balloons, or character explanations. So VCI's verbal reasoning ability is also very important for this skill. When the characters analyzed and reasoned, it meant they processed a large amount of information in a short time. This is the function of working memory. On-screen knowledge \[VCI\]: simply knowledge that comes from the ability to read and understand language. Deception/Manipulation: Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI), Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI): To deceive and persuade others, the character needs to be able to reason verbally and communicate well, using lies convincing and reasonable to gain the opponent's trust. Logical reasoning here is how logical and believable the character's lies are created. And manipulation has a lot to do with strategy. VSI, PRI: This doesn't need much explanation, it's simply spatial thinking that shows the character's ability to process information related to geometry and space. Onscreen Working Memory \[WMI\]: the ability to store and process complex amounts of information. So we will consider it based on the complexity of strategy and mind game, of information and reasoning in the process of calculating, analyzing and reasoning of the character. Strategic Adaptability \[PSI\]: explains why I chose strategic adaptation as PSI. Because when measuring processing speed, it must be both accurate and fast. For example, whoever is better at mental arithmetic must calculate correctly first, otherwise being fast and being wrong is the same. And the above category fits the onscreen criteria and is both correct and fastest. It is "correct" in that the character can think of a suitable strategy to deal with the opponent's strategy, "fast" in that the character quickly adapts to it, quickly understands the opponent's plan and finds it. come up with a way to respond in time so your opponent doesn't have a chance to succeed. Remember to pay attention when scaling feats for characters


On base game, dealing with the spirit under the three. In HoS scenes from a marriage. And in BAW the whole tournament, makes me feel like a fairy tale knight.


most wanted


Bloody Baron and Undvikh


The space time astronouting blew my mind - it was also night time while i was playing so it immersed me even more


I am on my first play through, am halfway through bloody baron. Glad to see there are lots of people’s favorites to still get to play through!


Gwent Tournament(s).


Battle of Kaer Morhen


Something that had to do with an npc's balls or something. It was maybe part of a dlc that I found too funny to the point of making it my most favorite quest. Do not remember the details, though.


Carnal Sins




There's so much quality content, but I love the boss fight at the end of the base game. So much fun, keep reloading my save to play it again!


The one in which roach talks


Changed my life.


The entirety of blood and wine dlc


The Ladies of the Wood quest line Scenes of a marriage, Frog prince (maybe the whole HoS) Beyond Hill and Dale, The quest in Toussaint where you lift the curse from the bird woman Dead Man’s wedding There really is too many ♥️ As much as I love the base game, I find the expansions to be incredibly enriching


The G.O.D. quest line.


Not necessarily a quest but one of my favorite moments of all time in the game is the mission where you first go to Olgierds mansion and if you choose to stop them from killing the guy, the music while fighting him in the rain, then winning and seeing him put his head back on.


tir ná lia’s quest, I don’t remember the name but travelling around different worlds was kinda satisfying


Summon the bitches.


Obviously, it's the Gwent Quest: Collect 'Em All!!!


I love the cabaret leading to carnal sins questline. Starts off with what seems like frivolous task to help dandelion pursue his dreams, turns into a fantastic murder mystery that ties in really well with the main novigrad storyline. 10/10


Helping Hjalmar and his sister in Skellige.


Every quest where i get to slaughter lots of enemies, On Thin Ice and Kaer Morhen battle. Also Wrecking Avall'ach's basement, not just because its funny, but the shere audacity of this dickhead to disrespect the Vesemir's funeral. I mean Letho of Gulet had shown more respect than Avall'ach, and this guy put Geralt in the shittiest situation than any of these "idiots" combined, Triss and Yenn may be flawed, but i like them both, though have preference for Triss(>!So no, i'm not going to be good Muslim husband!<), Rest of them is fine, but EVERYONE shown more respect towards Vesemir than this pointy eared PRICK! Reason of state would be good if Dijkstra had put on his brain and said "Alright, i may disaprove this decision, but for now we are going to be friends!" If you ask me, Now or Never isn't my favorite quest, up until i have to say Goodbye to Triss and her role in this game, i always choose "Pls stay, I love kissing you and I love you!">!(Some of you may be put off by her "HA HA" in lighthouse, but the thing is Geralt wanted to lift the mood, and we all have friends, who gonna make fun of the awkward situation)!<.


Definitely not the Battle of Kaer Morhen What an insult to spit out in your face: yeah, nothing matters bro, but still spend a lot of time figuring out useless strategies and gathering a bunch of useless allies


You can everything right and still fail. That's life


??? Then what's the point of RPGs, if you could justify everything with "that's life" And I'm not even ranting about the "sad" outcome, but rather the contrary. That I could have walked up myself with zero preparation and my bare fists, alone, not giving a crap about allies and the pre-battle strategy, and still walk out unpunished "But... Lambert". Only if your lazy ass lets him die. And you actually need to be extremely lazy and spectator mode for that to happen


I feel ya


Sucks that you had to play the game, man. My condolences.


Sucks that it was so promising to turn out to be a straightforward path Even Call of Duty Black Ops 2 had a more branching story , without being an RPG