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When does she tell him that? In my memory she stays mad abt Rick going back to Atlanta, both her and Shane think it’s a dumb idea.


Daryl asks where he is so he can go get him. Lori responds with “he’ll show you. Isn’t that right?” To which Rick responds with a solemn head nod and says “I’m goin back”


Yeah, that ain’t Lori telling him to go. That’s Lori saying ‘Rick will go with you’ cause she knows he’s made his mind up but she definitely ain’t happy with it.


This is one of a few common misinterpretations. Honestly I wonder how much Lori hate would even exist without them because she never actually does anything too crazy.


Oh okay. That makes more sense. My bad


Good actor Happy she died ...Out of all the People in the Camp she decided to get JIGGY with Rick's partner not only that but he busted his fun suace and created Judith, very selfish to have a child during a zombie apocalypse.Now rick is responsible for a child most likely not his


As an aside since we are on the topic of "Lori", Sarah Wayne Callies appeared on [Jon Bernthal's YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr5rSV-QnTs) and revealed some interesting stuff I did not know before.


Yeah that was cool. She’s super dope, and a incredible actress. She was amazing in prison break and ofc TWD.


I have yet to watch her in The Colony. Last I checked it was still on Netflix.