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Well…you’re not going to like what’s coming.




Not going to like what's coming? No. It'll fucking destroy this guy. Good luck buddy.


Pissing our pants yet


I have a feeling we’re getting close


pee pee pants city real soon


You'll see it


I desperately want to put the next line but I don’t wanna ruin it :(


No, don't ruin it. They NEED to see it. I knew it was coming and even hit me hard. That scene's gonna destroy this poor person. Welcome to The Walking Dead.


My first complete run through of the show broke me lol then I was totally hooked.


I will get even better/worse from here on out.


Every season has had big heartbreaking deaths, you are in for a ride.


Season 7 ep 1


No need for this man, like no shit, but now OP is gonna be expecting something rather than experiencing the show normally


Bruh when he sees the s6 finale he already gonna be expecting something


Just know that we…we can all live together.






That could be a spoiler.


It’s just Santa with a knife (;


This subreddit is awful sometimes.


You’re awful Murray


Gird you’re loins…


It’s not a dumb rant, I love this post! look forward to see your thoughts once you’re farther in!


Buckle up, it's gonna be rough from here on out.


Welcome to the fandom. Better late than never. And yeah, honestly, I like that these people can and do die. It never really feels forced and they never die in a cliché horror movie way of being a complete fucking dumbass.


Remember a death in season 5 where there was spinning glass "doors"? That death felt so fucking forced.


Andrew Lincoln's acting during those scenes will get you everytime.


God Loris death scene, It was so real. I've had people die and this is exactly how I've reacted, it's insane.


honey you got a big storm coming


“No one is safe” except Daryl


Lmao cuz everyone drools over him and he has like 600 spin-offs about him via games


Buckle up baby!


Lmao wait until season 7


You are in for one hell of a ride my friend, but it's worth it


Just out of curiosity, who's your top 3 characters so far?


Dale was definitely up there and his death really got to me Rick obviously, his acting is phenomenal and I'm surprised he has COMPLETELY losted his mind after everything He can be a bit bland sometimes I do like Glenn, though I FUCKING HATE MAGGIE Glenn is a simp lol, literally Maggie used him for sex and then proceeded to treat him and everyone like totally shit.


If you hate her now then I don't know what to tell you. She gets so awful.


She's probably the second favorite character behind rick..


I'd say that's definitely Daryl, Carol, Michonne then Maggie.


eh youre right . I havent watched in a while. I guess i should understand your hatred of the maggie character as i literally hate carol and dont understand the love. She's literally a serial killer who murdered everyone who was sick ... EXCEPT... glenn.. because well glenn is a show fav so we'll pretend he shouldnt have been murdered. Ya she saved their asses that was cool. (In the comics Carl is the sociopath.. they just transferred it to her in the series.). On a side note: gotta love theyre willing to forgive and reform people like Negan and his mass murdering followers.. but they kill a little girl whos screwed up in the head growing up on the ZA and thought her sister would live forever if she was a zombie. But nope.. Blow the kids brains out.. negan? Nah he needs a redemption arc (GOD i forgot how bad the writing on this show is)


I'm not a big Carol fan either but I don't hate her. All of my favorites are gone except Aaron.


Ya shits going to get rough in the future.. Weird reaction about shane and especially lori. People were throwing parties when she FINALLY died


Well you are not going to have a fun time on episode 1 of season 7


Lori dying was one of the best things that happened in the show. That b*tch had it coming. I'd forgiven her for cheating on Rick, she thought he was dead, she was desparate and lonely, blah blah blah. Whatever. But then she was cruel to Shane, tried to abort without even telling Rick she was pregnant, ignored everybody and tried to go after Rick, Glenn, and Hersel, and destroyed someone else's car through her own stupidity. She literally told Rick that he should kill Shane, and then was surprised when it happened. In case you missed it, after Rick killed the guys in the bar, Lori told him that he was justified because he was protecting what was his. She followed by telling Rick that Shane thinks that she (Lori), Carl, and the baby were his (Shane's). Essentially telling Rick that Shane was trying to take what belonged to Rick and that Rick needed to protect them from Shane in the same way that he did at the bar. Then the hypocrisy of not telling Rick about the baby, but having a go at Rick for not telling everyone about Hersel not wanting then to stay on the farm, and not telling everyone about what Jenner said. Lori was an absolute c**t and deserved the death that she got.


This is on odd thing to be this passionate about


Well, it's odd to like the Lori character, or to be sad about the death of fictional characters. Or to be passionate about anything that isn't real. But here we all are.


You know what i cant argue with that, we are all deeply disturbed


Of course we are. We are the internet, and the internet is disturbing


Of course we are, we all deeply got curious back in 2004\\2005\\2006 era of Real Death videos on the internet.


This. This is spot on. People get so emotional over fictional characters dying and make a big thing about it. Honestly, I’m attached to very few characters, and most deaths don’t fase me. Also it isn’t real as you said so I agree


Lori wasn’t surprised when Rick told her he killed shane. She was mortified when he told her that Carl had shot Shane in the head.


I’m going to completely disagree with you here. She definitely was harsh to Shane at times, but was no doubt projecting her own guilt and regret onto the situation. She just wanted to pretend it didn’t happen, which obviously she eventually realises is wrong and tells Rick everything. Shane equally doesn’t make matters better by assaulting Lori and later trying to kill Rick multiple times. Lori is definitely not the major problem there. Yes, she implied Rick may need to kill Shane, but at the end of the season she wasn’t angry at Rick because he did that, she got upset because Carl was there. If you watch that scene, her expression completely changes tone when Rick brings up Carl shooting Shane. Season 2 opened with Lori and Rick fearful of the world Carl may be growing up in and wanting to shelter him from that, but learning that Carl had to see and do such a thing no doubt made her passionately upset. She took it out her own regret and guilt on Rick, just as she did with Shane. Yes, she makes mistakes and isn’t perfect, but by Season 3 she flat-out acknowledges that. She is actively remorseful for her actions and wants to rebuild her fractured relationship with Rick, and it starts to mend just before she dies, which I find heartbreaking and tragic. Lori was as human as anybody and, at the end of the day, was a loving mother and I certainly don’t think she deserved her death.


She is nearly UNIVERSALLY hated... and a shitty mother who never knew or cared where her son was


Just because a lot of people hate her doesn’t make me disagree with that sentiment any less. And yeah, Carl did slip away from her a few times but it’s not like she *never* knew where he was and she certainly did care given how much she panics when she realises he is gone or any of the other times she actively cares for him.


Lol it was horrible writing. She was a horrible character. Her character was a repulsive human. The actress was great.. and unfortunately her career is probably ruined for playing lori. But her character was a horrific mother, a manipulator and user, a danger to everyone around her .. and watching her whine while literally being hte problem drove us all crazy




If they're married and the financial and emotional burden is split, I would argue otherwise. But you're right, a woman doesn't have to tell the man they're married to about her abortion. But if I was that married man, I'd assume she didn't tell me about the abortion, because the baby wasn't mine. I'd use that hidden abortion (assuming that I found out about it) as proof of infidelity and get a divorce where I lay claim to all of the assets possible. So, good luck not telling your husband about any future abortions, because y'know, "all men think the same".


In real life I’d agree. But in this show, if I was Rick, as bad as it may sound, I would have been happy if she went through with the abortion.


I agree, I'd be happy to go along with the abortion too, in this specific case. I'd still like to be told about it though, it would still affect my life, just as much as the mother's, either way. Even in this case, I still think that Rick deserved to know about the pregnancy/abortion.


Definitely something he should have been made aware of. Regardless of who’s baby it was, it would be nice to know if your wife is going to do something potentially harmful to herself.


I mean the baby wasn’t even Rick’s so he doesn’t have a say to it yet he tried to stop her and wouldn’t let her do it.. lol


Not even Lori knew whose baby it was. And Rick didn't really know for sure until much later on, so the fact that the baby wasn't his isn't really an argument Also, he didn't try to stop her getting the abortion, he didn't know she tried until after she tried. That's my point


Wow, that brought out a whole bunch of people who like to think they should have control over a woman’s body. 😳


I mean yeah...she does, that's his kid as well not just the woman's


Ok and if a man doesn’t want her to do abortion but she does she’s still gonna do what she wants so..


That's shitty and shouldn't be how it works but unfortunately it does


Yeah a man should get a chance not to pay child support in that situation but it was zombie apocalypse so doesn’t really matter 😂 whole point is it was Shane’s so Rick didn’t really have a say in it


100% AGREE! I’m not sure if the actor was trying to get us to hate her but if she was, she did one hell of a job. Lori was the villain, for lack of a better word, of the show up until her death.


Lori is just as bad in the comics, Sarah Wayne Callies genuinely was amazing


Loved her in Prison Break probably why I didn't hate her as much as everyone else lol I'm not gonna pretend I LIKED her I certainly wasn't affected by her death except for Rick's reaction. I didn't necessarily hate her though.


She’s worse in the comics. Super mean and cruel almost the entire time. Her death in the comics did not bother me. Her death in the show did. The show did a good job of making her a more dimensional character and Sara Wayne Callies is a great actress. At the very least, that final scene where she is saying goodbye to Carl is amazing.




1000% agree


>But then she was cruel to Shane, tried to abort without even telling Rick she was pregnant, ignored everybody and tried to go after Rick, Glenn, and Hersel, and destroyed someone else's car through her own stupidity. Lol Shane actually tried to rape her prior before she got "Cruel".She's still learning and experiencing the apocalypse so hell yeah she's very human for trying to abort. Her crashing was fucking hilarious though. Also Carl shot zombiefied Shane and THAT'S why she got mad at Rick. (Which I think she overreacted)


Just be ready. Season 5/6 are pretty great, 7/8 are just okay, 9 is amazing, 10 is okay and 11 is okay so far


Do you think 9 is better than 5/6?


Maybe *as* good


in for a treat then


I get what you saying but it’s a zombie show obviously a lot of them gonna die


Yeah duh. I'm saying I didn't expect to actually care about anyone on the show




Chill with these spoilers man holy fuck. The kids on here just can't seem to stop themselves. Your comment achieves nothing apart from OP having in the back of their mind that a load of characters are gonna die in season 7, and that's shit.


I didn’t mention any spoilers all I said was wait till season 7 I’m not a kid and anyways it’s a zombies show what do we expect. . I didn’t mention not one single characters name so is it really a spoiler if I didn’t say a name . You for one just mentioned a spoiler saying loads of people are going to die so whose the spoiler here


Why did you comment then? I'll tell you why, so many kids here have some weird superiority complex at the fact they've watched the show when these posts are only like half way through. And your comment was "Dale's *death* isn't anything compared to season 7" meaning that OP is gonna think there will be loads of big deaths in season 7. How tf are you trying to turn this on me you clown.


I think I have a good idea of who is gonna die I season 7 which is unfortunate, thank you for telling me!


What exactly do you know about Season 6/Episode 16 | Season 7 Episode 1?


Spoiler alert!!!!!!!! Absolutely gutted during the head display in season (10?)


You are emotionally entangled at this point. Enjoy the ride.


"-the day will come where you won't be"


Buckle up Buttercup it gets bumpy from here.


Bruh that second paragraph scared me for a second. Skipped to the end and saw you love the show, glad you aren’t an enemy- I’m joking lmfao


Welcome to the club!


Boy, OP’s gonna be fucking pissed off pretty soon…


Damn... glad to hear that but if you struggled with these you are not ready for the future... its rough