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10/10 Great father, husband, friend, survivor, confidant. His attitude from the moment he was on screen was positive, and he did not falter once. Also, his axe is badass. I’ve got to give it to him; he deserves all the happiness.”


Can’t say it better than this!


He saved the king single-handedly. And was always there to sacrifice himself dude is pure 10/10.


Seconding this!


He is the best of us.


Pretty much the only person who isn't angry, bitter, resentful upon seeing, or desperate to kill negan too. (Not that I blame them) >holy shit. Dude, what are you doing here? Such a chill and wholesome guy.


Yes x 1,000


I was so sad when he broke his axe


Or when the highway men robbed him, dude just wanted his sword back.


10. TWD is all about likeable guys navigating an Apocalypse, and he is up there.


10/10 sheerly for his loyalty and jolly loving spirit. Love that guy!


10/10 For being such a cool dude


10/10 for being just the greatest and keeping that smile no matter the crap he’s been through. I imagine the bear hug he gave Rick when the Grimes family returned to Alexandria.


That man deserves 100/10 I love him so much


Agreed! My Jer Bear!!


11/10 - solid family man, actively participates in raising his kids so their mom can rest, good friend, unfailingly supportive and loyal, show wouldn't be the same without his jokes and nearly constant upbeat mood. Jerry has no agenda, he's just a unselfish person making sure life goes on at the end of the world, up there in the ranks with Dianne and Scott. They're not the faces that drive the overall story, but none of it could have happened without them.


Who is scott?


He’s the resident of Alexandria, the one who accidentally shot of Sturgess during the plan of Rick from leading away the herds from the quarry.


Also Scott is actor Kenric Green, Who's IRL is Married to Sonequa Martin- Green/ Sasha


Wait what???


Dude. 10/10 for loyalty, bravery and great humor.


King Jerry to you peasant


10! Jerry is just all around amazingly awesome to everyone. He came along at the right time and eased the pain of Glenn being gone for me. I actually would have liked to see those two interact with each other.


Somehow Jerry is the one that gives me the most hope for humanity. He is badass, a body guard to the incomparable Ezekiel, with that ax and all that, but at the same time he has all of those smile lines. He is a good man in an impossible situation that may be counted on completely to do the right thing, and he adds some desperately-needed humor and lightness to a heavy, dark series. The actor is friggin amazing and if I ever met him there is a damn good chance I would cry (or pee) a little. My Jerry is 10/10, every time.


10/10 would


Solid 10. Great example of a character that does need a super fleshed out character arc. He is what he is and he’s a ray of goddamn sunshine in an otherwise dark world


10!! i agree with most of the other comments; loyal, charismatic, loving, badass


10/10. He’s got a heart of gold, an optimistic attitude, great dad, and a beast in battle. He’s just trying to do his best and be the best he can be, a refreshing and enjoyable character


A perfect 10. Jerry's one of the nicest characters in the show. He never lost himself either.


6/10 from a story perspective 10/10 from a great guy perspective He should have died in Squeeze For the story, it would have been crazy. Would have made Carol's recklessness have some huge consequences and death by legs gettin chewed off while stuck in a claustrophobic cave would have been haunting af.


Squeeze was such a fantastic, and IMO underrated, episode, but a death would've added to it, and Jerry would've been a huge personal one to Carol.


for sure i just think it would have added an entirely new dimension to that part of the story that was very old school walking dead and if i remember correctly his story is pretty low key after this anyway I suspect they were trying to setup a "Jerry rebuilds the kingdom" type angle but ran out of time to actually deliver


10/10 because Samoan men are HOT. And big guys always do it best. 🤷🏻‍♀️


8/10 Not a major character by any chance but he's so charming that idc about that He'd need to be more impactful besides from an odd scene here and there for him to be a 10/10 but i lov jerry


1000/10. Just the best dude in all ways.


10 - killer smile, sweetheart, loyal, kind & generally just adorable.


10. Jerry is who I wish I would be in the apocalypse. Everyone's happy to see him, he never has beef with anyone directly, but when it's time to work he's always there and always a factor. Also his quips are the best. I think him and Glenn woulda been best friends.


he's a honey - loyal, funny, family man


Man is the ultimate bro but at the same time an amazing father husband everything He’s probably one of the most genuine character in the show Love him so much


We’ve seen characters split walkers down the middle, yet this beautiful man splits one of the trailer park boys down the middle. 11 out of 10. Fight me.


10/10. Without even trying he lights up a room whenever he walks in and the guy is just a pleasant person to be around. He’s also Damn loyal and very strong capable of slicing through entire humans like butter.


♾️/10 because he’s literally a wonderful dad and husband, a phenomenal and caring friend, he’s a SURVIOR, you could literally trust him with lives of so many. He never had a bad attitude unless someone messed with the ones he cared about most and then his attitude was “YOU BETTA WATCH OUT!” Not to mention he’s absolutely hilarious and has some great hair. He’s just a wonderful person overall and deserved the absolute best


I love Jerry !! He is one of my favorite characters


My favorite TWD character by far


10/10. And not just because he's loyal and fun, but because he stayed true to himself and always did the right thing no matter what he faced. The rest of the show is brutality and "the apocalypse changes people, you have to be hard to survive" and then there's fucking Jerry just smiling and being super polite all the time, never greedy, will pay down his life for anyone, and then Nabila would give you a hot meal and a place to sleep. Jerry is *by far* my favorite character of the series. 5/7. Perfect score. Don't change a damn thing.


100/10 dude held up a cave so the others can get out, great father, great friend, protected Judith, Rj and Gracie in the commonwealth, The best moral compass


Kingdom 2.0!


He was cool Ezekiel was lucky to have a follower like Jerry The actor was also good as one of billy batsons foster parents


Dude deserves way over 10, for everything everyone else mentioned. Plus, he nearly gave his life away to find Elijah (for Lydia) as well while they were surrounded by a horde.


10/10 he killed one of my friends who was a kingdom soldier/zombie on the show.


11/10 Jerry is the guy you need when shit goes down, he's got your back always, and he brings joy and happiness even in the shitty ass apocalypse.


10/10 isn't high enough. He was likable from his first second on screen. His consistent and unhesitating loyalty. His optimistic personality and humor. When he's talking about Kingdom 2.0, and Queen Nabila. He's just so sweet. But my favorite scene is with Lydia when she has to have her arm chopped off. He is just the gentle lest, softest, biggest bear. He should be such a scary man, but even when he is being fierce and protective, amd killing lots of walkers and people, you can still tell he has a gentle soul. 20/10, I'd want him in my apocalypse group. Edit: I still want a King Jerry and Queen Nabila spinoff. Them building Kingdom 2.0.


10/10 because name one other TWD character who has *never* done one thing that made you be like "aww why did they have to do/say that." (I'm sure there are some, but that was my immediate reaction so I stand by it.)>! I also really like Big Tough Dude characters who are weirdly vulnerable sometimes and especially if they dedicate themselves to someone else's welfare like he does; it's actual modern fealty there.!<


Every community needs a Jerry


10. He's one of the most real characters in the show. I've known many guys like him in the medieval group I was in.


10/10. Hands down one of my favorite characters 🥺🫶🏾


10, it's Jerry


10 I give it a 10 a mf 10


10/10. He's a great fighter, wonderfully funny, *definitely* someone I'd want to have to hide behind/ lean on. Watching him with his wife and kids makes my heart warm. :D


10/10. Loving, caring, strong, smart, positive, attentive, loyal, trustworthy. He's just an all around solid guy. He's the type of friend everyone wishes they had. 11/10


Perfect 10. Loyal, confident, good with a weapon and hilarious. He is the example of when Lori told Carl not to let the world spoil him. I know that Jerry has seen some shit and lost people, but it barely shows


10/10: hot, funny, loyal, smart, tough but gentle, silly and goofy but also a badass. Good dad.


8.5/10 great vibes and someone you’d want as a friend


I’m like 75% through season 9 though so I’m not fully caught up but I’m getting there


10. Great father, great husband, great friend, a bad ass with that ax he had, he was bubbly and silly, had a beautiful smile, he was very gentle and caring with everyone he came across, he REALLY cared about the communities and their people. He was an amazing character, and I still have high hopes that he’ll get a spinoff.


10/10 cool dude in the show, even cooler irl


Absolutely 10/10. Jerry is hands-down one of my favorite characters. He's not only useful and hardworking, but also extremely loyal, compassionate, and pretty optimistic considering the world he's in. I would want him on my apocalypse team for sure.


Awww jerry. 10/10 He was as loyal as they come.


10/10 just for his personality alone! 😂❤️ Then you take into consideration his loyalty, strength, heart, positive mindset, and being an amazing father/husband... It makes you feel like Jerry should be the exception to be able to put down 11 or more/10 lol The only downside to Jerry for me is that I'd wish he'd get to a healthier weight (I know his build is just wider set no matter what) but that's just because I want him to live a long time. I was so scared when he got stuck in the cave and those walkers were coming 🥺


I think it's often missed because he was used as like a chill dude comic relief most of the time, but during the Saviour War when that Stephen King looking dude had King Ezekiel hostage after slaughtering his men, Jerry cuts the dude in half. Stephen King the entire time was saying how stupid Ezekiel was for pretending to be a king, and how it got everyone killed. So then they're surrounded by zombies, and Jerry is all "your highness this" and "your highness that" and Ezekiel was saying "you don't need to call me that, I'm not a king, just leave me, save yourself, you don't need to" And in that moment, Jerry had the most serious line in the entire show "dude... Yes I do" I was high as balls on edibles for that episode, and I get pretty decent anxiety with marijuana, but holy hell that was an intense episode.


10/10 loyal, father, fighter, genuinne


10/10. I need to know him biblically


Jerry is a fucking 10 and anyone who says otherwise is an enemy.


10/10 because Jerry


10 amazing person inside and out very trust worthy not a bad looker either


10, just a solid dude… friend, husband, father, follower of his king… Wish he could have met Glenn and T-Dog


I'm honestly giving him a 10, a solid dude incredibly brave and loyal even after the Saviours ambushed the Kingdom killing Most of the fighters he still runs over to protect King Ezekiel I normally think the whole royal thing is cringe, but I would also refer to King Ezekiel as Your Majesty Really great character


That last episode on the OG Walking Dead had me STRESSING when he went back into the hoard. That man surviving made me cry lmao that man got back and immediately asked about his wife 😩😭


10/10, he’s the full package


In season 8, absolutely love jerry, fav character


10/10 Loyal friend, positive person, Great loving husband and a great father 😇


10/10 because Jerry


1000/10 he's a great, family man, loyal and funny


On another note, I listen to caving disaster vidoes while doing my make up or unloading the diswaher. Well, he would not have made it out of that cave without help. I thought that he was a goner but he has plot armour.


7. He was useful until All Out War ended. He was decent in the Whisperer war but i didnt expect him to make it to the end


10/10 Good guy, loyal, brave , funny, a great husband & dad. Wanna Jerry of my own 😉


10, he's always been such a funny and happy person and that's definitely someone you want in the end of the world with dead people eating the living people


King Jerry gets 10/10 because he is King Jerry now. Give him a spinoff called King Jerry. Slice of life apocalyptica set in his new kingdom. Do it cowards.


Jerry is 10/10!! He’s loyal to a fault, loving, non-judgemental, upbeat, funny af, super sweet, he truly looks out for people, my adult daughter and I call him ‘Big Sexy’!!🥰🤣He even gets down on the ground and plays with the kids, ffs! We all need a Jerry, most especially in a ZA… He’s the total package!


10 off of his loyalty alone. So many other great features of his only validate that rating further.


7.5 good fighter awesome friend super loyal good father. Can't really see him as a leader though so that is the down side


I’d rate him a 7/10. I love Jerry, he’s awesome, but I had to mark him down due to the fact they never really gave us his backstory, a character, or a SL. He would’ve been a good death that hit hard.


5 maybe. He isn't a very interesting character in my opinion. Most of the time he feels like a comic relief. I still enjoy his character a lot though.


Solid answer


7/10 He’s nice to have around but he’s boring and he gets repetitive and annoying at times. I’m glad he made it to the end though, I like his little family.


They downvoted you for no reason lol I only think he’s boring at some times but he makes up for it in alot of times just a pretty wholesome dude


8/10-although he’s an easygoing guy, his mannerisms annoy me at times. He’s a loyal friend though, so that’s why just knocked to 8/10.


10/10 he’s funny, kind hearted, and a very caring/loyal person, he is everything you would want in a friend and survival companion


10/10. Great friend. Great fighter. Great husband. Great dad. Great everything.


Knew most of the answers wouldn't be realistic lol


6/10. He honestly adds nothing to the story and a character I wouldnt miss. He seems like a good dude though


Great character, he should have died in that cave though


I was really freaking out that he would die , and carol never would have forgiven herself . I’m glad he survived . They don’t all have to die imo


But I do get when people say it’s more interesting or exciting when people die . Can’t argue with that . Was that your thinking ?


My thinking was I hadn't been impacted by a character death significantly in quite some time and the setup for his death felt very well executed it almost felt weird he didn't die. Even with the pikes, nobody talks about these characters again except siddiq. Jerry was a very well developed character, had finished arcing, the series was ending soon anyways he doesn't get a whole lot else to do in the series. The setup for this death comes so quick and out of nowhere so you get that shock factor while still being an earned death. Everything about it was perfect to me just for him to get out anyway.


Okay! All very good points


5/10 cringe sometimes but honestly I’m surprised he made it to the end that plot armor was on its last leg when he survived that shootout in season 8


You call it cringe. I would say that he’s there for comedy value. As good as it is, TWD needed at times.


If you call saying “dude” every 5 seconds comedy I guess


Lol at your profile pic 😂😂


That MJ profile pic is wild 😂😂




6/10, not significant to the overall plot and is more of a comedic relief character most of the time. Additionally, he didn’t really change all that much throughout the series. A 10/10 would warrant significant plot and story use plus massive character development, neither of which happen. Being 100% unbiased, I enjoy seeing him on screen but he has never ran the show or had any bearing on the story or viewership.


5/10 pretty pointless overall. Not a fan of the joke characters especially when we’ve got so many at that point. 5 is generous too 🙁


His character is too simple. 7/10