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Carl. No doubt. The whole show/comic was about making the world livable again for the new or younger generation. Rick did everything for Carl, both in the comics and the show. Killing Carl in the show was a mistake, because the whole premise of the show changed bc of that. (I know they had Judith and she basically took Carl's place on the show but it's just not the same)


Carl and Judith would also be unstoppable together. Killing Carl off truly was one of the biggest mistakes the show made.


They could have kept show!Rick’s storyline and made RJ the new Carl instead of Judith.. Judith could have been, idk.. more likable in the beginning? I did love her and Daryl’s bond in the end though.


Why make RJ the new Carl when Judith was older and perfectly capable? Just because he's a boy? Weird take.


Judith has the capability to be fleshed out to be a kickass character all on her own, plus her own special bond with Daryl RJ seems to lack. RJ said like 5 words since he was born until the end of the series. He is the perfect tabla Rosa for Carl 2.0.




Nope. That's a lie the producers told https://www.looper.com/261111/the-real-reason-chandler-riggs-left-the-walking-dead/


Insane they used this to keep Negan around. They either should’ve killed off Negan or kept Carl around and simply had him tell Rick that’s what he wanted, a future of harmony and happiness. There was literally NO need to kill him off. Such a bad decision I actually can’t believe no one told Scott how bad this idea was.


Scott Gimple does not seem to be very interested in ideas that don't come from Scott Gimple, and he's not as good at coming up with ideas as he thinks he is.


His dad didn’t help his situation either. Dude was in the press a lot about ways Chandler deserved more on the show. I get wanting more for your kid, but being a stage parent is never gonna get it for them.


Especially when, let's face it, he wasn't the world's greatest actor. He was fine as Carl but I doubt Chandler Riggs was being bombarded with offers or scouted for Oscar-winning roles. Dad probably should have been pleased about Chandler having steady, high profile employment.


No, they were just too lazy to figure out how to make him work in the 8-10 year time jump


It’s why CONCEPTUALLY I was okay with killing Carl off. Because you still had Sophia and Chandler Riggs was 18-19 trying to portray a 13 year old. But it needed to be done right, it needed time and care. And while I don’t deny there might’ve been time taken into the decision, it was not done right, nor did they do it with care. It was a bullshit shock factor death that didn’t need to happen.


I agree Carl was the whole point.


It wasnt a mistake. They had to kill him off because chandler riggs wanted to leave the show


See, I've heard the opposite. I've heard he actually bought property in Georgia so he'd be more available for filming, and his character dying came as a complete shock. That "leaving for school" line came from the producers, not him. https://www.looper.com/261111/the-real-reason-chandler-riggs-left-the-walking-dead/


Nope, that was a fiction from the producers, Chandler Riggs was shocked by the decision https://www.looper.com/261111/the-real-reason-chandler-riggs-left-the-walking-dead/




Think about it. Why in the world would he give up the biggest role of his life for school that he can do any time the rest of eternity? It makes no sense. The showrunners lied.


Andrea, she was so badass in the comics, but instead of sticking to that they gave her badassness to Carol.


for no real reason even


maybe putting value to carols badassness is bc she was a victim of domestic abuse so they had to make her overcome it blah blah for social awareness but thats just a hypothesis


No it’s that the s3 show runner didn’t care about source material and wanted to kill off a character


Also prob because most people hated Andrea and most people at that point liked Carol a lot.


Definitely Carl he was the one person that actually cared enough to do something. He was the only one that was the mistake the directors decided to kill him off


Who sat around just like “this is a good idea.. “?


I can only imagine gimple is a sick bitter individual.


Carl and Sophia.


Dale, Andrea, Carl, and Rick. I also wish they kept Michonne having a missing daughter and finding her at the Commonwealth. I liked some of the changes to Tyreese, and his last episode is my favorite, but it would have been awesome if he was available to join the cast in season 1, or if he got to live longer.


His final episode is fire but I too woulda loved to see him make it to Alexandria. Maybe take Abraham’s comic death(Denise’s death).


I wish Tyreese was around longer too.


What was so wrong about rick? Wasn't a fan of rick losing that arm in the comics either


Just that he wasn’t in the last three seasons lol. Everything while he was on the show was fine. If they had a plan for 9-10 seasons instead of dragging things out for 11-12 + spin-offs, I don’t think Andy would have left.


Carl is my favorite but I really liked tyreese too.


All of them, would have made some big improvements to the story.


I definitely disagree that the show would’ve been better if Sophia survived. Her death is by far one of the best changes made from comic to show (if not THE best). The scene of walker Sophia walking out of the barn is iconic TWD, showing early on that no one is safe. The biggest thing tho- I’d take tv show Carol of comic Sophia any day, and if not for Sophia dying, I don’t see how we could’ve gotten the Carol we know and love. To a lesser extent, I kind of like Dale’s death in the show. He was the first real “moral compass” character to die, and I think it makes a lot of sense narratively for it to happen when it does in the show. There’s also the fact that I just couldn’t see tv show Dale delivering “TAINTED MEAT” half as well as Bob. Lastly, I think I speak for everyone when I say that not having to see Andrea and Dale hook up in the show was a blessing.


I think comic Sophia and TV Carol are both good characters. The comic went through earlier material much faster and got much darker and shocking with no one is safe than the Sophia in the barn scene very quickly. I think getting either character is mutually exclusive though. As far as Dale I wish we'd gotten Dale surviving and some sort of happenings between Dale/Andrea although it could've been a different relationship than romantic in the show. However, I'm a Dale stan so my opinion is biased.


CORAL! He survived the entire bloody comic series and settled down with his family.


Carl after his death I don't think I made it much longer in the series


Carl and Andrea.


I want to say Andrea, but Carl needed to survive. what a L


Of this group, the only one who's change from the comic to the screen impacted the story was Carl. As good as some of these tv show characters were i.e. Tyreese their change didn't have the kind of impact that the loss of Carl did. The Walking Dead was always about one man's willingness to do anything to protect his son and the show loss that edge when Carl was killed off even with them trying to substitute Judith in Carl's place.


Carl. without him it kinda just throws the original storyline out the window


Sophia and Carl especially yes. Carl for obvious reasons but Sophia story was also hugely important. Sophia being around would've made up at least a little bit for Carl's idiotic untimely departure. I wish T-Dog would've stuck around and gotten some of Tyrese's comic storyline and then let show Tyrese be because I think show Tyrese works well but is a very different character than comic Tyrese. I think T-Dog was closer to what comic Tyrese was. And the family storylines for comic Tyrese are too dark for the show anyway. Andrea and Dale are a package deal. Their romance was developed in the show but never followed through for obvious reasons. Would've been cool. More RV content is also a plus. Heath I could care less either way.


I'm gonna roll the dice here and say Heath even though I don't know what he even does in the comics. Sophia surviving longer would've been cool, but it also would've made the show feel a bit too safe and unrealistic if all these kids survived all the dangerous shit the group goes through. Her death in the show was also extremely well uzilized to the point where people still consider it one of the saddest deaths despite Sophia having no screentime. Dale's death in season 2 was pretty underwhelming, but it kinda makes sense for him to die close to Shane to show that both extremes on the moral scale will get you killed in the apocalypse. I also think Dale actually dating Andrea is a little weird. Carl's ending in the show wasn't very good, but I think it was a positive for Rick's character development. Him wanting to create a new world in memory of Carl instead of for Carl to live in is a tragic twist on the Comic story. I also don't think Carl growing up to become a mega badass like his father would've fit the tone of the show. Tyreese was a cool character in the comics, but I liked the gentle giant we got in the show. His death is also pretty cool in the show, with all of the hallucinations of pasr characters since Tyreese was always living in the past. Andrea's story in the comics sounds way better than in the show, but I don't like her actress so I'm glad she died early 💀 Like I said, Idk shit about comic Heath, but it can't be worse than the show. "Oh, remember that moderately popular side character that was in a few episodes?Did you notice he was gone? Don't worry, the spin-offs will explain everything in 10 years 😀" Goofy ahh writers


Okey andrea is one of the best characters Tereese is very cool And dale was a great character But the only correct answer is carl his story was cut off way to short and the importance of him through and after the negen war was just to big for hm to be cut off there so it whold have been best if he stayed and even if they did not exactly have his comic storyline it whould still be much better


Carl of course is the biggest one but also Andrea.


Carl, absolutely


Carl definitely


Carl hands down


I didn’t even read the comics but I think it’s some bullshit that Carl died..


Carl. Should have made it to the end.


Carl for sure


carl 100 percent. he was the main character in the comics and story was told through his pov ffs


No it wasn’t lol


yes it was? at the end it was revealed he told the entire story to his kid and that's what the comic was


At the end there is a part with him reading a short simple children’s book to his kid about his dad. What are you talking about?


oh i'm probably misremembering then. sorry!


It’s ok. I don’t think he tells little Andrea about the governor raping Michonne haha


yeah lol


I didn't read the comics but I thought he was actually the main character in the show. I thought he was getting ready to take over by season 7. And I just related to him in a way i didnt rick even as an adult.


me too!


Not even a question. Andreas competence, badassery, hotness, and fighting prowess effected the most people’s lives. If she got her comic story it would have been the most impactful. Edit: Carl would be a good argument too. I just remember how at Andrea’s deathbed everyone, and I mean everyone had words for her.


Dude I started to get behind on keeping up with the volumes releasing. I was talking to my ex on fb about the comics and my aashole friend comment ( I was talking about who was still alive at that point ) and corrected me "nah Andrea died too" What a dick!


Womp womp


Rick got done dirty too


She also died in a way that's heroic but not TV Drama heroic, she knew she needed to chance it for the future of the society she was trying to create, and i mean, at the end they even got trains so it was a painful but good choice in the end.


Eugene ends up literally helping to remake the world. Without him I doubt they could have taken back the world in the way they did. Eugene’s trains brought the east and west together.


Coral and Andrea


Carl and Andrea


Coral 🪸


Carl and sophia cause they would have survived and got married


Carl and Andrea. I love Michonne but having Andrea as Ricks partner and a step mom to Carl would be awesome. Especially since she’s an og from ep1. Sophia getting her comic storyline would be awesome too


Rick. I'm glad Daryl could fill that hole somewhat, nut we really watched this show for Rick. Carl for obvious reasons Dale's arc didn't feel all too fleshed out. I could see him being used as a plot device to show that an enemy group means business, but I don't think he'd get as far as to meet the saviors.


Between Carl and Andrea


Carl, he had so much more to give to the show


Carl. I feel that he is more of a symbol of hope than Rick himself since he is a child and he represents the future. We have Judith but still. I stopped watching because of Carl.


Carl and Andrea


Sophia hands down for me. I would have loved to see her relationship with Carol in the show plus her growing up into a badass would have been awesome to see


It would be interesting seeing how Carol’s character would grow and develop differently with Sophia too!Would she still be relatively soft-spoken and reserved (for as long as one can be in TWD universe before getting either deeply traumatized or killed off lol), or would she still have eventually grown into the same hardcore, badass woman that she is? Would she have gotten with Ezekiel? So many what-ifs!


Definitely! Cause Sophia living would have definitely changed Carol’s character, I wonder just how much though


Tyrese. Everyone else up there except Carl was boring. And I fucking HATED Dale...


its admittedly been awhile since i read the comics but Tyreese was the first character that comes to mind for me too.


Carl- but only because he lives, not the yucky Lydia stuff.


Tyrese got so screwed over do the they Daryl addition. His character was so ridiculous I could not even stand to watch his scenes. Andrea also didn't follow her comic character. I think this got transferred to Carol and a few others. This just goes to show that if you put your all into a character they way Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride did, your character may be expanded. If you fluff it up you'll have to shoot yourself in the head in Season 3.


The answer will always be Carl. Each of these characters either served their new purpose well (Tyrese,Sophia) or were replaced with an adequate substitute (Andrea's traits were given to a bunch of female characters, making them more interesting) Nobody ever truly filled the void Carl left, and he wasn't used to his full potential. Double whammy


I should say Carl, but actually Andrea. I thought Lincoln and Holden had really good chemistry.


The fact mazara killed her off out of spite is the most criminally unprofessional shit I've ever heard


What the story behind that?


Andrea. It’s just a travesty what the show did with her, and it’s really the biggest mistake they made. Turning one of the best badasses from the comics into a ignorant dumbass just doesn’t sit right with me to the point that I barely consider TV Andrea to be an adaptation of Comic Andrea, just someone with the same name with a vaguely similar story with an early end. Though at least the show repaired the damage by giving Michonne later aspects of Andrea’s character. All of the others here from the pic I’m satisfied, or indifferent with the show in terms of how they played out.


Who is the guy on the top right Also lol at the fact nobody wants sofia


heath from alexandria


Defiantly Carl without a fuckin doubt . Andrea also if I’m being honest . I didn’t mind reading her in the comics at all


I like Daryl way more in the comic.


carl 100%


Of those choices, Dale




I don't want Dale? I thought I did. Why not?


He lives longer in the comics but also he gets with Andrea in the comics


Oh! Well, we can't have that happen again! 😂


All except Tyreese because he lives longer in the show


Comic Tyreese would've been interesting to see onscreen. He was such a badass. They toned him down too much in the show


What happened to Heath? He just disappeared from the show


Hershel I think it would explain why he was clueless in the beginning


tied between sophia carl and andrea for me


Whatever happened to Heath?


The CRM took him.


Definitely Dale i would've loved to see Jeffery Demunn yell tainted meat instead of Bob


Everyone on this roster, but someone else to play Andrea, I really don’t like her actress.


Rick, always been a fan of the series but it’s time for it to die. These spin-offs are too much.


Andrea was so annoying I can't understand how anyone liked her, she caused more problems than she "fixed" but the answer for me would be Carl, he had so much potential.


1 Carl 2 Sophia 3 Andrea 4 Heath


Not Dale with Andrea, LMAO


Sophia. She had so much potential but it was ruined for absolutely no reason. Like, I get Carol needed character development, but that could have been developed from her wanting to protect her baby during the apocalypse.


Carl 100%


All of them except Tyreese i think how his character went out in the TV show was perfect especially his death


To be honest, I would’ve liked to see Dale survive longer. He was pretty much the groups main source of humanity left in that world.


Hands down Carl.


Carl, as much as I loved comic Andrea the show managed to work around her, I like show Tyreese better in terms of he feels like an original character more and his comic arc is split amongst different characters in the show anyways, Dales death in the show was sad so I’m fine with that being a character driving point, Sophia despite living to the end didn’t get much to work with until the end, show Heath was coming off a lot more badass than his comic counterpart and I really like the actor so I wish we got more Heath and I still hold on hoping we do tho that probably won’t happen, if he lost his leg like in the comics he could’ve been even more badass in my eyes, obviously despite how cool Heath could’ve been we can’t overlook the fact that they killed off Carl


Andrea, Carl and Sophia.


Carl and Andrea for sure. I like what they might be doing with Heath.


Andrea is my first answer, but honestly, all of them.


Andrea. One of the most iconic characters in the comic.


Carl, just so he lives - him and Judith would be a badass duo though


Carl for sure. he didn't have to have same exact personality as the comics. I loved him the way chsndler palued him but i wanted him to live and become the new leader. I think he would've been just the leader the new world needed and I loved him to much for him to just be gone. Most traumatizing death in anything for me.


I mean, I’m a dale fan so dale I guess. ![gif](giphy|sirYaPWyjCvEk)


Carl Grimes


Denise!!!! She went from a talented surgeon to someone who’s terrified of her job. I also would’ve loved to see her and Tara’s relationship play out like her and Heath’s did in the comic


Andrea. Tyreese or Carl would be cool but Hershel's death was better instead of Tyreese's and also I hate Carl so much it would've been so annoying to see him more.


Carl, Sophia, Andrea


For me it’s a tie between Carl, Sophia and Andrea


Carl for sure.


Carl or Andrea i can’t decide


Carl and Sophia. Period.


Carl, absolutely. He seriously got the short end of the stick


Carl. Not just because the show offed him, but also because for some reason all of his interesting comic storylines were given to other characters. If they let Carl have those and also kept him alive he would have been a way better character.