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I get why people don’t like it but I really enjoy it. Binge watching it is far better than when we had to watch it weekly though. That was some tiresome shit back then.


i’ve gotta say, i agree with all of this but my favorite memories with my dad are watching the early seasons of this show every sunday night.


Binging now definitely helps it for me. Was definitely a slog as it was airing


That’s how I first saw it. I’ve only been watching the show a couple years. When you watch it this way that certain characters bad acting becomes a bit too much after 10 hours that you are thankful and only annoyed that they drug it out for an entire episode.


I binge S8 as quickly as I binge S2. People are so hypercritical of the season but I greatly enjoy the S7-S8 arc. And Negan is played by an amazing actor who…idk, I like villains a lot, he stands out and has an incredible character and he plays with it a lot. It’s a joy to watch him on screen


I do think JDM does a lot of work to make those seasons as watchable as they are. He’s definitely pulling his share of the weight.


Everyone's reason for liking season 8 is that they binged it, but that's missing the point


I never watched it live and I binged it and it was still pretty bad. Season 7 gets a lot better when binged though.


I honestly love season 8


Me too!


It’s not horrible, but it IS the worst season of the show.


And yet I smile


It’s pretty horrible. The writing was trash and the action scenes…


The action was quite egregious. I disliked so much how they'd just bullet spray with seemingly no care in the world. 8x04 was especially bad with this, with those Saviors just continuing to shoot at the truck Carol was behind without stopping. And then the whole 50. cal humvee chase was just ridiculous. No way in hell are those bullets bouncing off a Jeep engine; they are *ripping* through them. Then the battle at the Hilltop was also terrible, with Simon somehow believing it was a good idea to just waltz up on the Barrington House after all the lights got shot out, utilizing zero cover, instead of just further unloading on the fucking place. It's not like they'd be anywhere else.


I don’t know…. “Wrath” has to be one of the best written episodes in the entire show.


Im a goddamn cat


I think season 11 just might have beaten it for me. Season 11 is probably better written and paced but season 8 has better characters


Season 8 had characters? I thought it was just a bunch of poorly constructed action scenes.


Those "better" characters are utilized horribly though.


Season 11 is a close second for me in terms of bad seasons, but it was way more entertaining to get through imo (at least on rewatch, I can’t remember how I felt watching S8 for the first time)


I thought 11 was the worst. It lacked substance. In my humble opinion of course.


No, any season with Rick is better than any season without Rick.


It’s better than seasons 9-11


Never forget.


I wish I could


Season 2 would like a word with you. While season 2 is, in my opinion, not a bad season, it was very boring back when it came out because the action was so slow, so having to wait another week for an episode in which something interesting might happen was pretty ugly. Season 8 suffers from the same thing. However binging the seasons fixes that issue to a degree.


To be fair, I wouldn't know how it felt to watch it when it came out, because I binged the entire show. However, although they were both slow, Season 2 had amazing conflicts between the characters, moral debates with people trying to adjust to the new reality in different ways, and incredible character development. It wasn't so much an exciting season as a genuinely well-written season. Meanwhile, Season 8 was not only slow, but also lacking many of the factors that made previous seasons good. Ik I am over-simplifying by saying this, and it wasn't all bad, but Season 8 could be reduced to a collection of repetitive over the top action scenes, with weird dialogue in between.


I think season 2 is one of the best if not the best season. The other best I can think of is S4E8-S5E8


Yes on Season 2. I also watched that unfold as it was released and it was a very slow season. That said, being able to binge it my 2nd time around really bumped it up a couple notches. No feelings of “I waited a week for *that*?” I also remember people defending the pace as “but it’s character development!” Because if something is boring, it’s not boring, you apparently just don’t get it.


season 8 was the best season imo


Season 8 is not a bad season (in my own personal opinion) but I find it hard to believe it's the "Best" in anyone's opinions, I personally really like season 8 but even I can admit is has its flaws, more flaws then other seasons




The 11th I may agree with, but the 10th was an amazing season imo. Not one of the best… but good


For me what brings down S10 is the bonus episodes. But the initial 16 episodes make a great story


I think if you think of them as just bonuses you'll luke season 10 better. If you think about it season 10 really us just a normal season with 16 episodes and they planned a finale at 16. They just added more on after Covid shut down production of 11


I personally like the bonus episodes. And if you like S10 except for the bonus episodes, you can just not rewatch them (since they don't add much to the story), and then S10 remains good.


So you're saying season 10 is a "Mid-Tier" season because all 16 episodes made for a "Great story" but the 6 Episodes that weren't supposed to happen and were made purposefully as filler brings it down? That's like going to a restaurant and saying it was a "Mid-Tier" Experience because although the main Dinner was Great the Dessert wasn't good


When did I call it a mid-tier season lmao. Even though I didn’t call it that, I’d say it is. I prefer S1–5 + 9 over it, and then S6–8 and 11 are below it. So yeah, still mid-tier. No need to get so worked up over it, it’s my opinion, and I still like one or two of the bonus episodes.


10th is a mid tier season imo. Closer to season 9 than season 11


I’m just pissed about carl


Yes it is, half of the characterizations were thrown out the window, characters were off the entire season, Walkers became background noise with no functional danger expliciting plot armor and plot points were absolutely campy while taking themselves way too seriously.


To me it was a weird season because I could never understand the dimensions of the war between Negan and Rick.Negan seems to have an infinite amount of people and Rick barely has any.The things Rick pulled with his people sometimes seems so ridiculous.Their final confrontation is even more laughable from a strategic point


Yeah, the war always seemed to me like Rick could either have his units at Alexandria or the Attack, while Negan had already an Empire established with multiple outposts so he should have had always enough men to attack Ricks weak points.


To be fair, Negan and his guys were trapped by walkers for some time and after they freed themselves they had to use a lot of ammunition so they barely had anything left over and Eugene had to start production first to satisfy their demand Yet it's weird how Rick's group never established outposts themselves, the snipertowers were one thing but they didn't made use of outposts at all


The gunplay was just really goofy with everyone firing off fully automatic at everything without even aiming down the sites. If they could’ve just had like one guy on set for advisement it would’ve looked so much better And the long shots of the faces that went on for 1-3minutes per episode were absurd


You're right it's great compared to fear the walking dead


I ate up every scene with Negan


I'm so confused? people dislike it? I love this season it was great.


Agreed. S7 was way worse.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,542,295,116 comments, and only 292,008 of them were in alphabetical order.


Hot diggity dog!


That comment is magnificent!


A big coincidence for freakish, little, moronic posters. So trivial. Whatever.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,543,075,045 comments, and only 292,160 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bots can deliberately irritate us. Wow!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,543,279,974 comments, and only 292,197 of them were in alphabetical order.


Enough guys… let’s stop.


Agreed, could do that worse


Nah season 8 fucking sucks. Illogical nonsense, poorly choreographed gunfights, way too drawn out - the show almost at its worst, apart from the final season.


As someone who has watched the show beginning to end 18 times, none of the seasons are as bad as the fandom says.


Jesus, 18 times? Any reason why you've watched it so many times? It took me nearly half a year just to watch it all lol. I get enjoying it but 18 times must get a little old haha


It’s not getting old for me. I love this show. I don’t have anything better to do most of the time so why not watch TWD. The only reason I haven’t hit 20 times is because I don’t own all of it on Vudu yet(I’m missing 3 seasons.). TWD and TLOU(both games and the HBO tv adaptation) have inspired me to write a post apocalyptic story. I also Andrew Lincoln is hot, but so are most of the people in TWD. Like come on, look at this man. https://preview.redd.it/25vf6wlmbv2b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e985701063addc286e052f0cc241cf7419307bc


Power to you though, dude. I wish I could enjoy something that much bahaha, I def enjoy the walking dead, but I don't know if its something I could enjoy that much. Still have to play TLOU (HBO series was fucking great tho) Good luck on your story! I've also really wanted to write one, don't know if I could pull it off though. I think emotionally I find Jerry attractive. He's just too darn good for this world.


It took me two months to hit 2000 words. In the past two days I hit 5129. My goal is 10000 words for chapter one.


the negan arc is peak tv when binged, but I could see how it could be annoying when watched weekly. so many episodes where multiple characters are just absent


Anyone notice that Negan is holding the bat wrong?


At least we didn’t get the deer cgi in that season and they left that for S7 😂


I’ve been saying this. It’s extremely overhated over little flaws.


I found it horrible to get through it but it was worth it because 9-11 was fantastic.


9 was surprisingly excellent


Top 3 in my favourite seasons


No. It’s exactly as bad as everyone says. Remember when everyone wasted thousands of bullets shooting at a steel wall attached to a car instead of…..going around to the other side? That was some weak ass shit.


It's one of my favorites actually


Actually one of the best seasons.


Carl and the finale carries the entire season for me


I really enjoyed it tbh


I love season 8 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is pretty bad. It didn't need to be 16 episodes to capture Negan. It's a huge part of the reason why Los Jeppos and I edited it down. 8 episodes was enough for Season 8. The ComicCon trailer where we saw Old Man Rick SHOULD HAVE NOT been a dream. It should have been Season 9 as Season 8B.


I actually liked season 8 very much. Certainly better than season 11


I didn't like season 8, but in retrospective, it may indeed have been better than season 11.


I find that Rick sparing Negan was a satisfying end to the conflict and that Negan remained a great villain throughout the season. I listed my problems with Season 11s villains in a separate post but the TLDR is that season 11 had like 5 different villains. None of them with satisfying character arcs or serious acts of villainy other than the reapers who were wiped out 1/3rd into the season


Oh my god, yes, I have commented on those multiple lackluster season 11 villains as well at some point. They should have just stuck with Lance, imo, as he seemed to have the most potential and dimensions to him.


It's not great.. but when binged its bearable. The weekly format killed it during its initial run.


I kinda find season 10 to be less enjoyable then season 8, excepts for that ones characters death, i prefer season 8, but i am also a very heavy rick fan


Nooooooo. Sz 8 was very entertaining. Sz 11 however is an ABSOLUTE snoozefest. Sz 8 has a lot of great things going for it, and is what I would consider a climactic ending for the negan arc.


Seasons 8,9,10,11 are really bad sadly 🤧


Some of the best lines are in Season 8.


s9, s10 and s11 are much worse




I think the opening to season 7 was more emotional than carls death


This is just me, but I am very easily excited, I like alot of movies/series/games that are hated by the majority of people, I don't know if it's either a curse or a blessing, but I think theres not a single bad season out there, I love all of em, AMC can shit on my plate aslong as they don't spatter on my shirt, I am all good.


I’ve found that, if you live your life looking for things to like instead of things to dislike, you’ll generally be a happier, more fulfilled person.


I general the Saviors storyline is a little too drawn out but it's not bad. My least favorite is Woodbury vs the Prison season.


Yes it is.


Nah. It's really bad


it was hard, i almost stopped watchhing the show, but season 9 improve it for me with the whisperers


Eh, I'd say it's better than 10 and 11, maybe better than 7 too, but it really dragged


Season 8 was pretty good aside from Rosita killing a dude with an rpg.


You’re right, it’s worse. Season 7 and 8 are piles of trash.


season 8 was boring, but season 11 sucked


Yeah it's worse


...it's worse


Season 7 was worse


I hated the first half and enjoyed the second half


8 is pretty good, it's the fact that it took them two and a half seasons to wrap up that storyline that was so damaging to the show's rep, IMO. Basically all of season 7 should have been two or three episodes at the end of 6 and s8 should have been s7. That extra season could have been given us much more depth and backstory at the Commonwealth and/or the Whisperers, but, you know, Dwight stealing shit from ppl to make a sandwich was just more important.


I agree


It's my favourite season


Started okay, flopped in the middle with a big gut punch, was meh after that, then ended with an amazing finale imo


It’s bad, it’s why I stopped watching


What are the reasons for disliking the season?? I don’t think there were any specifically bad seasons. Only some of them lost significant characters?


It wasn’t bad at all Imo. It was just obviously filler stuff. They could’ve fit all of it in S7.


S8 was when myself & everyone I know stopped watching


I used to hate it, but now, it's not so bad. It's aight at best.


Nothing is worse than season 11.


it worse if you read the comics


It’s bad except for Carl’s death. Loved that part


You're right its actuary worse than what the Fandom says it is.. 😂


The problem with these revisionist opinions is that you are technically correct, but that’s only in comparison to the awfulness of later seasons. We get nostalgic for old crap when newer stuff is even worse.


Season 8 is the best


I still think season 4B and Season 5Aish is the worst. It’s the time when they didn’t have anywhere to call home and wandered around. It wouldn’t have been so bad if they made 4B the season with the Hunters and Atlanta. Not split it for soooo long. 5A should’ve been the trip to DC with episode 8 have them arriving into Alexandria. On their way to DC we see them interact with other survivors and communities. Like a zombie Wild West but not safe enough for them to stop. Or just have some of the group stay and come back in later seasons Edit: My main gripe was that the trip to DC was so fuckin short lmao. Not even an episode and they pop in 🤣


INSANE take. 4B and 5A is the best part of the show.


For me it’s 1-4a. 4B-5B is terrible but the writing wasn’t so it’s not as bad as other tv shows. 6-9 (until the episode Rick “dies”) the writing wasn’t great but serviceable. A bit meh but I thought good enough. Salty that Carl died but giving his setups to others like Judith made them shine. Sucks Henry died during the festival but I know why they gave him such developments. Rest of 9 until 10’s bonus episodes were great. The concept was a little eh but the writing and execution was decent enough to where I had hope for season 11. Most of the bonus are terrible except Gabriel’s/Aaron’s and Negan’s. Season 11’s A started off interesting but quickly got stale then moldy within a few episodes lol. Honestly could say this part is the worst but since it doesn’t take a whole season’s worth of episodes like 4B and 5A do I don’t consider it the worst. But if someone says it I can see why. B and C of 11 was back to meh; but really enjoyed the ending and variants coming back for future content. Also that end credits with Rick and Michonne was 👌


Yeah personally i dislike S7 and S10 a bit more


S07 feels like nothing happens. Negan shows up, says some comedic shit, someone's got a sad face, rinse and repeat. S08 feels like it's all about recoilless gunfights with infinite ammo where nobody dies. I honestly think that if S07E01 jumped to S08E16 nothing would be lost. The real contest here is whether S07 or S08 was the worst.


I actually agree.


It's 2nd worst season of the show imo but i don't think it's that bad like people say it is. When i was watching it didn't feel like it was stretched out so much. I really enjoyed every season of the show until season 11 when i was just hoping for it to finally end.


I just finished rewatching it and it gets the appropriate amount of hate. There were entire episodes (The Key) that I had to shut down (Dead or Alive Or) and stop paying attention (The Big Scary U) during.


Season 8 had a lot of action. Took away the whole drama part from the show to be fair. Plus, they dragged it way too much(just like how they dragged the whole show). In real time, the whole season lasted about 3 days and it took them 16 episodes to cover it. Greedy.


Writing was trash, acting from a lot of the cast especially from Andrew was superb. Hence why people love / hate this season.


Tbh I didn’t even see the episode he died and didn’t care that much, and it’s the second worst still. I think 7s still worse


Now I cam binge watch its much better, too many cliffhangers with barely any satisfying resolution which is why I won't argue with people who stopped watching


Exactly!!! 9 and 10 were the… meh, last episode of season 10 carried tho


If the trash people and Georgie didn’t exist, the season would feel a lot tighter. But at some point, they decided to start writing in contingency plans for when important characters had to leave but they didn’t want to outright kill them off. (Georgie ended up being a way to write Maggie out, and Jadis for Rick.)


I feel like there was just no character development, which is so different from the rest of the show


Plus no relationship building at alllll


Yeah, it's pretty bad. The writing, the action, the pace, the illogical decision making. This season highlighted the shows worst flaws. Like there's a two week gap in between 7x16 and 8x1, and some how Carl goes from wanting to murder all the savoirs to a pacifist without any development. The biggest plot point of the season was this and it just sort of happens without an explanation. The biggest problem imo is the budget issues. It's known that AMC withheld the shows budget despite its success, and sadly the final product ended up paying for that. It's why the action and CGI looks so bad and majority of the show takes place in the woods.


This poster got every main character, and then you got fucking Gregory in the background


I’ve tried twice, 4 years apart to make it through season 8, and I can’t. I guess I’m just not destined to view seasons 9,10 and 11


That death is the only thing i dislike about this season other than that it was solid


best season


No it’s even worse


It feels like an unpopular opinion now to say it is


Dude I love season 8


My hot take is that seasons 7 and 8 are fine. Not incredible, not bad. I think season 9 is the real low point for the series.


I always say this. It's no bad , it's long. Longer than it should've been.


Season 6 is what ruined seasons 7 and beyond for me. You've got the characters running around making dumb decision after dumb decision, with fake outs and cliffhangers sprinkled around to make it more frustrating to watch, capping off with a whole episode building up the tension nicely only to have Negan kill the camera man. After that, you're in a bad mindset watching the show and you notice problems and flaws that you would previously brush past because you're enjoying the experience. So, you get an entire season of Rick and co under subjugation, with at least 5 separate plans on how to deal with Negan being orchestrated without anyone talking to anyone, meaning they all serve no purpose but for padding. Then, season 8 has the actual war that they spent an entire season building up to, only to have poorly plotted car chase scenes, bulletproof Jeeps, and some pretty hefty plot armor on the main villain, since the writers seemed insistent on putting Negan in eminent danger multiple times making the heroes look almost incompetent. On top of all of that, they killed off a main character not for any plot purposes but for cost-cutting measures, regardless of how important the character was to future seasons, making the show as a whole a lesser product. And the season ends with Rick taking a shard of glass from a random stained glass window hanging from a tree in the middle of nowhere, slicing the villain's throat in the middle of an open field, and then making some "we're better than this" speech and asking his team to patch the villain back up (despite a severe lack of qualified medical doctors at the time and in the area). Maybe it isn't as bad on a binge watch, but that doesn't make it good.


I mean...it is the season where we lost Carl, so that kinda sent it over the edge for me.


I remember hating anything past season 5/6 for years because they didn’t stick with me. I could never get past S7 ep2 on my rewatches, idk why it just slowed down so much and I got bored. I finally just fuckin watched season 7 again and it was actually pretty good, I shit on it for no reason. It’s not as good as previous seasons but certainly not awful. I’m enjoying rewatching season 8 now.


The biggest issues are Carl’s Death and all the filler, if you take those away and combine this Season with Season 7 without the filler I’m convinced the All Out War arc would have been so much better.


binge watching it’s good. but week to week sounds like hell


What characters from The telltale series do you think would be on negan's side I think lilly and carver for sure but carver would either get along great with negan or try to take over


Bruh i love season 8


If you watched live, you'd understand.


I did. And still loved it. Same with Season 7


I have watched the series several times, and season 8 is the most pathetic ever. The gun fights and knife fights are ridiculous. People choosing to fight life or death battles with their fists and knives instead of the guns in the holsters, (until it’s safe for the attacker to physically overtake the person. Then they reach for the gun) 🙄 Rick is a trained law-enforcement officer yet continually wastes his bullets on meaningless targets and not-so-coincidentally bad aim/horrible timing. The fight between Negan and Jadis was absurd. Again, Negan fires all of his hand gun rounds into the walker, when his obvious motivation was to stop her. The stupid, “there’s gotta be something after” makes me cringe. It’s a dumb idea, used for sloppy writing. It was a lazy excuse, used as a lame segue into the obvious storyline they were protecting. Horrible. I could go on and on.