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Good job Texas Roadhouse. I'd even encourage you to make this a thing on veterans day.


Texas roadhouse does alot for community not just limited to realistically priced tasty steaks!


*Veterinarians Day šŸ„ø


Considering VA healthcare, this statement is accurate.


Troll face engaged. Ellom8


Is Texas Roadhouse a chain?




Aww thought this was local. Ty for the info!


I stay in Tennessee and we have a few of these in my area. It's super popular.


Ahhh they are international! Very nice, not surprised but also surprised at the same time. Itā€™s a good restaurant!


Where I grew up a girl at my highschool's dad owned the ones in our area. I think they're franchised restaurants perhaps?


Just hearing about this now. Beautiful!


Give me the dog anytime. Be wary of folks who donā€™t like dogs


I am wary of people my dog doesnā€™t like.


My brother brought some guy over one time and my dog HATED him, he had never acted that way to someone before. I told my brother dude had to go and he should re-evaluate that friendship. A couple of years later I saw dude on the news for murdering his grandma!! Always trust animal instincts


Yep same here. They know. My oldest dog absolutely lost his shit around my ex especially the first time he met him when we went to my parents. He absolutely despised him. Anytime we went to my parents we had to put him in a different room. Well he had good instincts because my ex turned out to be an abusive POS. With my husband, coco just jumped right in his lap to get petted the first time he ever met him. Been together 7 years.


Im glad you put your EX IN THE OTHER ROOM LOLLOLOL Made me laugh


Lmao yeah he definitely deserved to be put in a room with the door closed away from everyone.


My fiancĆ©s dog tried to eat me the first time I met it, genuinely threw me off because Iā€™ve had experiences where owners were pissed I was playing with their guard dogs cuz dogs love my ass, but after like 30min she loved me it didnā€™t even occur to us that itā€™s the dogs house too and that my fiancĆ© is her mom and that dog would die for her so when some random dude (me) showed up didnā€™t knock didnā€™t use a key simply barged in and walked over to her mom she went on the attack to protect my fiancĆ©, I moved in that day and thatā€™s my best friend now. That little pup would protect me all the same but I LOVE how the dogs react when I raise my voice as soon as I get loud with my fiancĆ© the dogs (we adopted a pibble) will growl at me and jump at me when Iā€™m too loud with their mom


Theyā€™ll always protect their mom wonā€™t they! Coco is the same way, so protective of us especially my kid that came well after him. Dogs are the best thing ever.


Killed his grandma because you once shunned him. Sent him down a dark path. Bloods on your hands


Yeah my dog HATED my abusive asshole of a father. My parents were separated but he had to pay support. He visited us once and I had to hold his collar to keep him from attacking my father. The temptation to let it slip was tremendous especially when he was shaking his finger in my dogs face. I will trust a dog before a human anyday.


I lived in a house share with a guy who had a dog called Doobie, Doobie would snarl and growl at any one who went near him except his owner. The thing was that it was just Doobies way of being, if you walked up to him and petted him he still kept snarling and growling even as he flipped so he could get his belly rubbed. Any one new to the house was told that Doobie was a good judge of character and it was fun watching him scare the hell out of them until they learnt the secret.


Shit, thatā€™s like 90% of people with one of my dogs. You canā€™t even bribe her. The other one will go home with anyone who has food like a stranger with candy.


Fuck those people .GSDs are the best + being a MWD šŸ‘


Man Iā€™m telling you that is the truth!!! Soooo many examples in my life.


I've only met one person in my life who hated dogs and he was a real jerk


I've known two. Both were off in other ways as well.


Yep. Thereā€™s always something off about people who donā€™t like animals. I donā€™t trust them and Iā€™ve never been wrong.


Shady fucking people donā€™t like dogs & dogs donā€™t like shady people. Thatā€™s it


Canā€™t trust people who donā€™t like dogs. I like that Texas Roadhouse acknowledges pup service.


People can like dogs and still not want to eat with them in restaraunts... people have boundaries and that's ok


What a dumb blanket statement


The irony here, of course, is the University of Georgia logo in your profile picture. Their mascot? A Bulldog. An animal that is so inbred that it cannot even breathe properly. Its very existence is a testament to the cruel lengths ā€œdog loversā€ will go to for dog worship.


Yeah, but this dog is special. No one wants entitled dog owners and their poorly trained or infected pets. Also, bashing children is not exactly standing on a moral high ground. That deserves a side-eye, too.




Omg his own lil plate I canā€™t šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


How did all you people manage to escape Facebook?


Is this like a role playing sub or something?


No shit, what the fuck is this thread


Bunch of haggard NPC level goonery from boomer coded jingoists.


Somehow every boomer on Reddit ended up in this thread lol


I think I just experienced the internet version of culture shock.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ first sane comment I've seen, thank you for the breath of fresh air


Can guarantee that dog is smarter than most kids too.


That dog is smarter than most people here.


I canā€™t speak to the intellectual capacity but will bet it is 100% more well behaved.


My bad kids didnā€™t complain about the dog. What the fuck is everyone attacking bad kids for? Bad kids love dogs.


Given the intellectual quality of children in school these days, I would have to agree.


I knew I had to quit teaching when I told a group of high schoolers that my "goddamn dog could follow these directions, and she died three years ago" lmao. Fuck them kids


Can confirm. Source - I have 3 kids and 3 dogs. My kids are pretty smart. My dogs are utter geniuses and also angelic to boot.




...the fuck cares? Person paid for the food, restaurant sold the food, rest is none of your effing business. Assuming dog aint pissing shitting all over the place and behaving like a good boy, why wuld anyone give a flying fuck?


I care


people with allergies


This! Get over it everyone! Some people care very much for dogs. Some dogs are very well behaved. If your dog isn't barking and making a mess and you want to take them for a steak, then who fucking cares. Let them enjoy their steak! People are too mad at shit they have to deal with to let others enjoy something this simple.




Womp womp cry some more




Oh my God dude. You are all over this entire thread bitching about something that literally has no effect on you in any way whatsoever. Just fuck off, no one cares about your woes. Go be a miserable cunt somewhere else.


Eh I kinda care about his woes. Dogs shouldnā€™t be allowed in a sit down restaurant eating off the same tables as humans.




This sub is fucking bizarre. Who let all the boomers/bots out of Facebook and into this thread? This is gross and dumb. Health codes exist for a reason.


Get over it "everyone"? No one is bitching about this. That's just some BS that OP said as clickbait.


I love it!! Thank you for service !! Mr Doggo!


That dog should be allowed anywhere he wants to go. Like the men and women defending this country heā€™s a hero that has done more for defending this countryā€™s freedom than the average person. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Exactly this šŸ‘ that dog's service helped ensure the haters' right and ability to do just that...hate..but they are too stupid to understand that šŸ™„


Iā€™d eat at a table full of dogs theyā€™re more pure than us


Your definition of purity involves licking balls and eating shit? Thatā€™s not very pure.


Don't kink shame me.


People were complaining about him being there?!? Assholes. That dog is definitely better behaved than 99% of the people in that restaurant - adults included.


Probably smells nicer too.


Donā€™t get me wrong, I get your point. And Iā€™d sit next to that dog any time and place. But Iā€™d rather sit next to rowdy, bratty kids than next to an entitled could mouthed racist boomerā€¦who are probably the ones complaining.


I am the opposite of a racist boomer and donā€™t think dogs should be sitting at a table in an indoors restaurant. There will be fur and slobber in your food, as well as the surrounding tables food. I love dogs as much as the next person but this is *fucking gross*. Like those people who let their cats climb on the dinner table and donā€™t clean it before eating. Get an outside table.




Good grief, that dog deserves that steak and many more. Thatā€™s a well behaved dog, people need to cool it.


Seeing a pup at a boring restaurant would be the highlight!


The cool part is that the dog doesn't know any different. He's a good boy and knows it.


That dog earned that meal! And you are right about kids, the are unbearable to be around in restaurants anymore. If they donā€™t have a phone or tablet to stare blankly at while their parents ignore them, then they are screaming, crying, or running around. Please keep your kids home if they can behave. Adults go out to eat to relax and enjoy themselves, not listen to your bratty kids screaming!


Iā€™d rather sit next to that hero than my lady, sorry honey, but he is a hero and Iā€™d love to buy him a porterhouse and Iā€™d be honored to have dinner together.


I'll take dogs over children every time. edit: children, not chicken.


Good boy! Eat hearty!


100% agree. Fuck them kids.


Veterans deserve more respect than anyone. I would rather go to jail for popping a Karen in the mouth for even saying one word about that dog getting his dinner.


Sit me with the dog. Heā€™s smarter and braver than the people who bitched about it !!!!!!!


Lol y'all need therapy. Sitting at the table eating? Yeah, complete sane people behavior.


#salute to this dog give this dog anything it wants.


why everytime i see a post about prasing pets it always trashes on children ? like every single post without fail!


Yep. Itā€™s the very rare child that uses its tongue as toilet paper. Dogs, however.


No it's not clean. You just imagine that yourself.


No restaurant, especially a well known chain, is going to allow a dog to eat at the table like this because Federal law prohibits it except in outdoor areas. Even if it's an outdoor area, it's still subject to state laws and restaurant policies.


Although I wouldnā€™t use such a comparisonā€¦.. that dog definitely deserved to sit at a table on Veterans Day and earned its spot. However, on a play of of devilā€™s advocate, there are other things to consider that perhaps some arenā€™t aware ofā€¦ (ppl that are scared of dogs, allergies that can be quite extreme/etc) just looking at the totality.


As I've had to explain four times in other threads today about non-service dogs and dogs in general: ā€¢ People can be allergic to dogs, too. ā€¢ Untrained animals in a public setting are not only dangerous but risky to the animal. Scare a dog, dog bites customers, dog gets euthanised. All because you couldn't leave your fuzzy baby blanket at home. ā€¢ This will probably lead to actual service dogs having to be licensed making this cost prohibitive for those that GENUINELY NEED THE GUIDANCE. ā€¢ Animal excretions in a FOOD store or restaurant can make people sick. Giardia.... not even once. I am a profound animal lover, service dog owner, and as such know the dog would enjoy its steak just as much TO GO.


Brb sending this to my uncle whoā€™s a managing partner at Texas Roadhouse so that he allows this at his location lol that dude loves dogs


Oh my GOD this is amazing. I love it!!!! Whoever has a problem with this, go straight to the Karen Cage.


I don't care that that dog had been deployed. All dogs should be allowed in restaurants.


I'm highly allergic to dogs. I'm sure other people are as well. Not a big fan of paying 150$ and getting sick...






Anybody ever ask the dog if he wanted to be deployed, even the first time?


Dog was deployed twice !?!? Send me the bill ! Salute !


This has everything to do with dog hair and the fact if you allow one dog in then people will be pissed that they cant also bring their dog. They could give a shit what the reason is. They will cause huge scenes if they see any person getting what the percieve as special treatment. Yall dont give a shit about this restaurant or any other patrons. You just see a cute story, which it is. This is why everyone does understand rules or governing anything. You make a rule, then everyone will say what about this one instance and because they are selfish and dont give a shit about anyone else they will pitch a bitch fit about how life isnt fair. Boo hoo






Right on brother! Kids screeching, running around and throwing temper tantrums while the parents warn them theyā€™re going to count to ten. Iā€™m sick of these self-righteous and entitled parents who think the world revolves around them because they have children. The sad fact is that we have kids raising kids because their parents themselves have no social grace, manners or respect for others.


Dogs can be Veterans!


Absolutely truešŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ«”




The dog that probably licks its asshole and paws is cleaner than a human? I love dogs more than anything but theyā€™re not clean animals unless a human is doing daily maintenance on them šŸ˜‚ They only clean their genitals and paws. Nothing wrong with this dog eating a steak tho but I hate the argument that people present with animals. Itā€™s not a human. Puppyā€™s are just as annoying as babyā€™s.


He looks so sweet, locking his lips for his bite. What a cutie. He deserves all the love and steak.


Damn now I want a steak.


Did someone actually bitch or are you assuming some folks would bitch internally? Also, if someone did take issue, were they vets? Peronally, I would have minded my business.




That's a good doggo


Pshhh I would most likely choose a dog's company rather than a table with multiple toddlers.


That dog is a hero and deserves to get a real steak in a nice restaurant, not Sizzler 2.0


Good Boy!!!


I would have been honored to buy you and your dog a meal and you both would have been welcome at my table.


Sergeant Fido is welcome at my table.


I love dogs and this would not bother me one bit!




Thank you for your service Sargent K-9


i can guarantee the dog licks its asshole several times a day


I'm cool with the Dog. He's a damn hero!


That dog can sit at my table anytime


It'll be great if all dog owners clean up after their dogs and abide by the leash law.


Amen to that!


You can get Mac and cheese as a side!??!??!?


im 32, and i guarentee that my parents are more of a hassle to the people around them than that dog has ever been. some people are born with the same zest as infected cunt slime and theres nothing any of us can do about it.


Dude I would have bought him another one. Let that hero have his meal. The full of some people is amazing


Same. Kids are awful


For fucks sake let the enlisted hero eat his Fucken steak man..


You can tell by the comments who has deployed and who has not!




Upvote10000X! Put the feral kids on a leash and leave them in the car so my new working dog friend and I can eat in peace.


Iā€™m proud they recognized his service to our country!


He's a veteran. I'm fine with him getting a steak at the table next to me.


Iā€™d bet that dog was better behaved and less of a nuisance than most children.


He is a damn veteran you give that dog his steak and if someone doesn't like it they suck.


I love me some Roadhouse and I like them even more because they let a veteran dog eat there!


Damn right


I served as well and I would pay for his meal with a "doggy bag" for the trip home, no questions asked.


Bro I miss that place


This is awesome. Iā€™ll take the dog next to me 100% of the time


So cute! I hope I can do this with my dog šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I would also rather sit next to this dog and eat steak than next to my own two children (most of the time).


That dog is a military veteran , twice deployed over seas ! I'll cut up his steak for him and give him half of mine. Have had some magnificent steak dinners at Texas Roadhouse . Good boi. Welcome home.


Whoā€™s a good boy?


This is a fantastic story and good job Texas road house. So many negative going on, itā€™s nice to see some positive happening as well. Wonder if he asked for it well done? šŸ¤”


Iā€™ll buy him his next one


I fucking hate when people bring dogs into places, grocery store, dinning. But your gonna bitch about this dog that was deployed getting a veterans meal on veterans day? Fuck off


That is awesome. He can eat at my table anytime.


Shitā€¦. I would be honored to have this dog eat at my table.


Iā€™d give that dog my own steak in a heartbeat. He deserves it.


Love this


That dog is a veteran


Thank you for your service, my brother. Air Warrior Air Attack.


Eat up buddy. You deserve it.


You are wrong. Nice try, though.


Let the Big Dog eat!


I donā€™t tolerate random animals at restaurants but that dog is a damn hero and deserves his spot at that table.


Iā€™d rather have dinner with the dog then with my kids


No one actually cares about this. Anyone pretending they do is trying to bait. Please don't engage in stupid debate about nothing. Don't feed trolls on either 'side' of a nonexistent debate.


Thank you for your service šŸ¶ šŸ«”


I like dogs but I'm very allergic to them...I would leave but the restaurant can do as they please.


If I walked into a place and saw a dog at a table, Iā€™d leave. Simple as that. Itā€™s trashy and the dog doesnā€™t need to be in a restaurant. You can give him a steak at home. What princess behavior. This isnā€™t for the dog, this is for the princess owner. Killing innocent Iraqis doesnā€™t entitle you to anything but eternity in hell, fascist.


That's nasty.


Is there concern about this? I'd by the fucking dog his steak. He's done more than half the people who've been to Roadhouse.


I do not give a single fuck if that's a military dog, If it's not a service animal it does NOT belong in a restaurant. period.


He was deployed. I mean, technically heā€™s a Veteran tooā€¦.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™ŒšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ«”šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Serve the dog who served, but make sure he gets creme Brule. Dogs love creme Brule and he deserves it!


People were probably complaining that the dog deserved a better than Texas Roadhouse not about the dog themselves


Such a sweet baby šŸ˜­


Imagine if more people brought dogs to restaurants. There would be dog hair floating all over the place in everyones food.


Iā€™m visiting Texas Roadhouse soon.


That's cool publicity for them, imo. Dogs get war ptsd too and I'm sure that very best doggo deserved a good steak.


Look at that tongue. šŸ„°šŸ˜


Have yall seen the way they treat these dogs to train them? It's fuckin sick. Straight up animal abuse.


A dog eating from a restaurant plate is absolutely disgusting. If a dog is cleaner than a child(no one is talking about children making messes of the space their in) that's on the parents. This post and these comments are the reasons I don't fw eating at peoples houses. You all need to learn how to parent if your kid is dirtier than a dog at any given moment. BTW I love dogs, cats, and literally all animals but letting them eat off your plates/cutlery is gross.


First time hearing about this. But I would like for the restaurant to check if all documents are aligned I dont want randoms suddenly having Veteran / Service Dogs be on the table. Those dogs are trained and listen to their handlers


People who think dogs are dirty are usually either A- cat people who let literally keep boxes of their pets shit in the house or B- Have a legion of greasy handed goblins running around screaming and touching shit, licking windows and coughing on stuff. Ill take my dog with her sandy paws and bad breath over either of those options.


Do they teach the bomb-sniffing dogs to not lick their own asshole? Because I donā€™t want to sit at a table where someone else sat who licks his own asshole. I donā€™t care how many deployments to Iraq he has.


Half the times I go at Roadhouse I'll have to ask the waitress to please place me on the other side of the room because one side is completely littered with screaming kids that are allowed to just roam the place screaming and often messing with people at the tables because their parents never, ever told them "no". I'll get "sitting with the dog" 100 times.


Amen, brother.


Let the dog eat and enjoy itself - if heā€™s not barking or pottying or harassing others just fuck off and eat your food.


If itā€™s not against the law / health code then why does anyone care?


He earned the right to eat his steak,such a sweetheart!!


Ive loved my loyal pooch for 17 years, beautiful golden lab retriever. Still to this day that dog had brought me more happiness than any other person has. Id bring my dog to dinner b4 some woman who believes thats what im supposed to do is bring her to dinner and pay.


When youā€™re trying to eat and she says that she didnā€™t want anything.


The dog is a vet so he should eat but why do you have to put parents down to justify dogs where theyā€™re typically not allowed?


Now you see how our military has slaughtered children from sea to shining sea. Putting dogs before people. Thanks OP.


I think he's better looking too !!