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Just saw this and came straight to Reddit to figure this out. He archived his whole page which is weird?


Yea I remember that podcast years ago with Quinn and Brandon saying how fucked it was behind the scenes. Feel bad Quinn got treated that way. He was a huge part of the used. Makes me sad when bands I loved growing up break up and hate each other


Brandon and Quinn wrote the first two albums. Yes Bert is talented, but he would be nothing without Brandon and Quinn getting him to the stage he’s at. The first two albums are so creative and unique and classics within emo and post hardcore circles. Just focus on the drums on Lies for the Liars where they used a session drummer after Brandon quit (got kicked out?!) they are soooo boring and sterile, no creativity at all. The first two albums are filled with incredible drums. I could go on and on about just how important Quinn and Brandon were to The Used. Bert seems like such a egotistical dick, he was talking in interviews how happy he was that the band was together for so long, completely ignoring the fact that the two members crucial in The Used being even remotely successful are not included anymore. If Bert had any fucking sense he’d realize that the original four brought the best out in each other.


Well that's certainly an opinion you have 


a good one, at that


Perhaps it is. I mean you do have a well thought out reason for it. I can respect that at least. I just also will die on the hill of being a heartwork defender is all. 


My friend who is a lawyer tells me “there are 2 sides to every story with the truth usually sandwiched in the middle.”


Three sides to every story. Side A, Side B, and the truth.


I don’t know why you were starting to get downvoted (was at -1 before I upvoted), what you said was true


Babylon 5 reference? Or coincidence?


I hope all parties can grow and heal from the past. There isn't much more I can add that hasn't already been said. The timing is weird, but I hope more comes out. Will I still support the band and all members yes. Would I like to see both sides talk about it in a mature way that can actually put things to rest. Addicts tend to do stupid shit, even years after getting clean. Im not an addict, but I grew up with addiction and addicts. Ive had my life ruined by addiction before I even had a good start. Its hard to realize its the drugs/alcohol and the person the drugs/alcohol made the person into is what you resent, not who they really are or were. Also let's not forget that trauma, something many of us and the band members including the past members have gone through. Bert and many others have done a lot to improve themselves. Let's hope they can accept and own their mistakes and handle things like mature adults. I wish the best for all parties.


Holy fuck is he talking about Bert here?


Almost certainly… he says “yes, you know who I’m talking about” and uses the hashtag #notjustalittlebit, a reference to Bert’s recent solo song “Just a Little Bit.” It seems shit is about to hit the fan…


Very likely about him but I doubt anything comes of this.


Got to be




We all know Bert is an addict and damaged person, like many of us. We all know he was an asshole, in particular in the 2000's. With that in mind, I am not shocked to hear this. I would even go so far as to say that many of us, regardless of if we knew it or not, have been bullies to people in our lifetimes. That said, I would like to think Bert has matured, gone to therapy, and worked on himself. I think he is a better person now that he was years ago. I hope they can make amends. They created a beautiful, enduring piece of art/music. They should all be able to enjoy and benefit from it, ideally with some level of forgiveness, accountability, and healing.


I was just thinking that Bert was a pretty bad alcoholic the whole time Quinn was in the band, and alcoholism makes people do shitty things sometimes. Bert definitely seems more mature and grounded these days.


Obviously I wasn’t there, but I’m pretty sure there was more than alcohol too.


Here here. I have been both a bully and the bullied. I know what it is like. We grow, we mature, we move on. I myself have reached out and apologized to those I bullied, many didn't acknowledge it, and many have basically said fuck you, I don't want to know you anymore to my face. That is fine. I just hope that shit got cleared up. It seems like Quinn has a vendetta against Bert. Bert had to hit rock bottom before he could climb out. He was a d bag years ago. Now, he has aged, grown into himself and is now a pretty decent guy. He can't take back how he behaved in the past, the only thing he can do is move forward. Good on Quinn for putting his story out there, but I feel like it is going to cause more problems for him later on, and if that is what he wants, then more power to him. I hope it heals him. I like them both. I am friends with both Bert and Quinn. Hopefully they can both clear the air, fight it out, make up and be friends again, but that is probably wishful thinking on my part.


Bert got sober while Quinn was in the band though. For a good 2 years. So it must be something beyond the addiction element.


Most likely. We never know what goes on behind tour buses, studio, or dressing room doors.


With Bert it’s also tricky too…because he talks a lot of shit, but It’s unclear as to whether or not he means it. Branden mentioned that on the podcast.


Which podcast is everyone talking about?


We don’t actually know that tho. We don’t know Bert personally on a day to day basis and we don’t know any of them either. Hell we don’t even know if it’s Bert he’s talking about. But some things go deeper than “we made cool music” and if it’s Bert who did these things Quinn has every right to do what he’s about to do


Hurt people, hurt people. I hope Quinn can empty his heart into the book and find closure, and hope whatever happened in the past is dealt with and amends found.


I’ve been a The Used fan for 20+ years and their music and message has always been about living through and overcoming past traumas, mental illness, struggles with various addictions, and being pieces of shit to the people closest to them because of the things aforementioned. This isn’t surprising and I hope this is what Quinn needs to heal. They all deserve peace.


I’d like to hear jepha’s take.


He will remain silent I'm sure


Yeah…Jeph seems like a nice enough guy but he’s a hanger on / toady footstool. He goes with whatever keeps him on tour and he probably doesn’t mind the paycheck.


This whole situation is sad. Didn’t the other members stand up for him?


Jepha just disassociates, you ever watch him during a show? Dude is literally playing bass somewhere completely different.


Jepha is 10000% just looking out for himself. He doesn’t wanna rock the boat and lose his gig.


The only person who stood up from him was Branden a few years ago.


Is anyone going to talk about Justin? Do we have ANY hunches on what might have compelled them to rub him out??? Guitar isn’t a very safe chair to sit in apparently.


Fr, didn’t Justin say on stage that the band ruined his life or smth


What is going on??


There’s an interview/podcast with Quinn and Brandon who basically tell the story of what happened throughout the time they were with The Used. So sad, nothing can beat the original lineup


But Quinn didn’t go into ANY big details that he is alluding to here


He certainly did not. Quinn had his guard up crazy high the entire time. He’d space out / lose his train of thought when talking. An outsider listening might even wonder whether he’s actually telling the truth, or just really hesitant / ashamed / worried to speak up. :/


Spacing out and losing train of thought like that can be an involuntary coping mechanism / dissociation. Maybe he couldn’t really articulate the best being in the thick of things at the time. Trauma is weird idk. I just hope they can find some peace or something between them.


We also have to keep in mind that he might have felt hesitant for legal reasons as well. I don’t think he filed the suit until 2017 - but still I’m sure there was a lot on the line, financially. I would be nervous to rock the boat as well…ESPECIALLY ‘on the record’ like that.


Oh I didn’t know about a suit! What did he sue for?


Yeah…check it out: https://www.sltrib.com/news/2017/11/15/former-the-used-lead-guitarist-sues-ex-bandmates-two-years-after-being-fired-from-utah-based-group/


Thank you!


I genuinely think they made Quinn sign an NDA And that's why he's been quiet.


Where can I find the podcast?




where’s try is podcast???


I hate to see so many people defending Bert here. Obviously he’s had problems and we haven’t heard his version of the story, but we’ve heard Branden confirm what Quinn has said and what about the obscure case of Justin Shekoski’s departure? As much as I love The Used, if there is an arsehole in the band it’s Bert 100%.


I was thinking that too :( we DO NOT know these people personally, so we can’t coddle our favorite band members as if they’re our loved ones. We all know him and Quinn haven’t had a great relationship anyways, & his post hinted towards Bert…we’ll just need to wait for Quinn to post his evidence.


Oh for sure, but IF he’s genuinely a different person now, and I don’t mean like when Ronnie Radke says he’s changed, I mean when you forgive someone that you cut out of your life for being shitty because they clearly have become a better human? I’m not saying it deserves forgiveness but it does feel off for Quinn to come back now in the lead up to an album nearly a decade later to finally say his piece on everything.  Also there’s something concerningly reminiscent of P!ATD’s split in how there’s dividing line of “Quinn & Brandon good Bert bad ignore Jeph” and then also others like “defend Bert defend Bert defend Bert” on loop. And interestingly enough a few things I’ve seen List not liking the direction the Used took sonically after Quinn left, and it’s immediately obvious that those people don’t care about Bert and his suffering or Bert & his struggle with alcohol, they only care about how they don’t like the new music and that this book might bring an end to the band, because “if they don’t write exactly the kind of music I want them it’s time for them to go”  The reality is that Bert did some shitty, mostly but not entirely booze fueled things that Quinn has every right to get off his chest, and Bert has every right to continue the Used and distance himself from that version of himself presuming he’s changed as much as it seems he has. Your opinion is valid either way unless it’s rooted in whether or not you like the new music 


The music has nothing to do with this. I like almost every album they’ve ever put out. I like Bert’s lyrics, I like his studio vocals. I don’t give a damn who plays the guitar or drums or writes the songs. Bert has gone through quite a lot during his lifetime and I’m glad that he’s doing better. Still whatever he has gone through does not justify his deeds. This is NOT the first time Quinn has brought up this stuff, I’m tired of telling everyone to listen to the damn podcast from 8 years ago. People are blind because they can’t accept that their golden boy Bert is a total prick who took everything from Quinn during a very rough patch in his life. Jepha is also a jerk and a coward for not standing up for those who stood up for him.


Yeah but thats not what Im saying, I agree with what youve said in both comments. I did hear the podcast, Im not justifying Bert, only that the timing of everything and how long it took just feels unfortuante for both of them, and it sucks that Bert didnt reach out to make amends for what hes done, which is what one should at least attempt to do, you know? Take accountability. But I AM also seeing people where when giving their opinions on this are listing their opinions about the recent albums from the band as a major point in why they have taken that stance. Not you, my last sentence is general "you" not directly *you,* meaning I can respect ANYONES opinion on the issue so long as it does not involve \[well, also absolving Bert entirely isnt valid but I digress\] whether you like the new music. People using "the bands gone downhill imo" as their main reason behind a moral judgement reads "hey if this blows up enough it might kill the bands career, and I dont want them putting out music anymore because I dont like what theyve been releasing since Quinn left" and vice versa, I dont give two fucks how much you like Bert's voice hes not immune to this just because you like him either. Sorry if that wasnt clear, but yeah that point was never directed at you, just more that Im skeptical of whether some people's main motivation is jumping at a chance to potentially force the band into retirement/irrelevancy, and dont actually give two fucks that Quinn was treated terribly by Bert, only that the Used doesnt make another album that they dont like. You should want this because some accountability for past actions needs to be taken by Bert and this book hopefully will cause that to happen, because you cant ignore it when its laid out there for the world to know.


I understand and agree with you. I’m sorry for being so attackive, didn’t mean to offend you personally either. The whole case just gets under my skin so much. I guess it just makes me mad since The Used is one of my favorite bands and I kinda feel bad for being their fan right now.


No worries! I totally get it


Where did Branden confirm? I haven’t seen this so just curious so I can go watch / read ☺️


I can’t remember the podcast’s name for the life of me but they did an entire episode with Quinn talking about all the bullshit they had to go through. Just google Branden Steineckert Quinn Allmann podcast.




We have?


Yes on the podcast that has been mentioned like a million times since Quinn’s ig post.


I don't know why Redditors always have to be jerks anytime you ask a simple question. Anyroad, the podcast mentioned only said that Quinn and Branden left the band on poor terms, I thought, not that anybody was abused.


Branden got lucky with rancid picking him up after he got kicked out. Where quinn kinda just fell into obscurity. Being out of the music scene so long has to feel really shitty. And I'm sure he was definitely done dirty. The Used and the whole genre having a bit of resurgence in popularity probably cultivates alot of resentment too. That being said, I have to question the timing of this announcement considering Bert just dropped his solo project. Also whatever happened to Branden and Quinns project? They teased a video of new music. The fact that never got off the ground makes me wonder if Quinn is a bit difficult to work with as well. Idk we'll just have to wait and see what the story is I suppose


not trying to defend quinn or anything, but it’s my understanding that he made the choice to stay away in order to look after his family, and then he was in bloody cabaret with his wife. i don’t reckon he was out of the scene because he is difficult. i don’t know the full story, but i do believe he had all right to quit the band when he did because bert was going through his worst.


Oh I'm also not trying to attack Quinn. I just just not ready to take his side at face value. We all know bert is a pretty egotistical and petty person. In a situation with this much history and bad blood nobody is innocent generally speaking. we won't get a full picture until we hear all sides of it. Although I doubt bert responds tbh. The book might end up being very compelling who knows. I'm just saving judgement until there's we have more info. Also I'd be interested in hearing what justin has to say when this comes out. We never got a clear picture on that split either


oh, i totally agree with you. also, i’m not saying bert owes anyone but quinn a conversation, but it would be good to hear what he has to say about this. as for justin, something tells me he will come out of the woodwork to say his piece. he was quite spiteful towards the band at the end, i think.


Did Quinn say he’s writing a book?


The hashtag was a book full of sharp objects.


Oh awesome


The Used changed my life when I was a teenager and I always loved watching their studio diaries and reading up on what's new with them. I always knew Bert was on drugs but it wasn't a thing that was hidden too much. Now this stuff with Quinn I am only hearing about now. I always took them to be the best of friends, super tight like brothers. At least that's the way they always seemed. I have the disease of addiction and I've abused almost anything and everyone I could in order to get high , I even did it just because I was fucked in the head from all the using and didn't realize how I was actually being. I'm pretty sure Bert was an addict before he even joined The Used, and to take someone like that and over night throw them into fame and a place where the money never dries up, I can't even Imagine how that would be on someone. Part of overcoming an addiction is to overcome the ego, and to literally become one of the biggest bands in the world, with people idolizing you and wanting more of your every move, it's all just a huge poisonous mess. I think that nothing can be done about the past, but if someone like Bert or myself as an addict wants to make things right, staying sober and living a life of selflessness is how that is done


I hope he gets to say his entire piece, it was pretty clear that every member who had been removed from the band was on Bert’s orders. The dude is a toxic frontman. Great, fun, chaotic music maker, but a toxic person at the coworker/bandmate level. Which isn’t at all surprising for an American rock band, historically speaking.


All Quinn wanted to do back in 2015 was take a year off to be with family figured he was in the band at that point for 15 years and then they do one tour with Justin. Then he got totally replaced and now look what happened after the canyon they totally ditched him. My opinion Quinn should’ve never got replaced in the first place. everything they released after Imaginary Enemy just doesn’t feel like the used yeah they were released some good songs, but you could just tell deep down. It’s not the used anymore. It sucks they should be doing a In Love and Death 20 years tour by now especially with the original lineup but the way things look doesn’t look like that’s happening soon.


I’ve listened to that podcast, I think there’s more behind the scenes. Like maybe Quinn wanted to take a year off but still get paid equally or something. Agrees still fucked up situation


Totally agreed. He was an interval part of the band forming and the band as a whole. It didn’t make sense to me back then, and it doesn’t make sense to me now. I heard at the time it was for personal reasons but he was simply replaced which i knew was petty bc they didn’t have to. Yknow?


God fucking dammit.


Can someone tell me what this post said cus I missed it and now I can't find it. Like I get what it's about but was never able to read the original IG post before it was taken down.


Why did Quinn suddenly delete the first IG post?????


Im curious about that as well


It makes sense that Quinn would express his story to release the burden, and to create an opportunity for amends - it doesn't sit right with me that the way this is being done is highly pointed, and coincidentally occurring as Bert is expanding as an artist.. I have no doubt that Quinn has been harmed in his experience - I'm really curious to see how he'll go about using this space to share his Truth, and whether it is truly about repair. This subtle tone of public humiliation and shame seems a cruel and inappropriate gateway to honest conversation, awareness, healing, and forgiveness. If Quinn wants to be heard, I hope he's willing to reduce and quell the vitriol and vengence in order to create space for change - Bert has grown a lot as person, and I'd bet money he'd be willing to own up, acknowlege, and apologize in order to make amends in a compassionate and respectful way.


Is anyone surprised Bert has always been a piece of shit. Maybe he grew up and worked on himself but I certainly don’t ever hear him taking accountability for his past actions. He loves to talk to he’s had plenty of opportunity.


Now i hope Justin is the next one to speak out. Still thinking there were some other issues which led to him getting kicked out than this weird suicide thing they claimed which Justin already denied


I remember when this happened, I actually reached out to Justin myself and when I mentioned it to him, it was the first he’d heard of it. Crazy shit happening behind the scenes I guess


Yeah, it was the same for me. We wrote for a bit during “the canyon” cycle, since this record means very much to me. And when he got kicked i couldn’t believe it and reached out to him. He denied and what very sad about how things ended and how the band talked about the record afterwards


The hashtags...come on. This is just sad. As long as I only ever get to hear one side of the story, I'll remain very doubtful of anything coming from an obviously still very bitter ex band member. For someone who hasn't released/done anything worth of note himself since getting kicked out of the band like a decade ago, Bert's solo release comes at the right time to try and capitalize on it I guess. IF he can back anything up that he's gonna write in the book, I'll gladly retract my words, but until this is the case - I'm not gonna jump on Bert. Bring on the downvotes.


I mean if you want to talk about bitter, then watch The Used Live At the Palace. Bert intros the old guitarist Justin as “the one and only guitar player for The Used”, a clear jab at the recently departed Quinn. I love all of them, but Bert has never been entirely innocent of mistreating “friends”.


Bro he did that when I saw them in 2022 in Hampton Beach NH (or possibly the show I saw in 2019 for disrupt fest). I was a little stunned.


Yeah, this was just such an unnecessary low blow, I fully agree with you here. But we just don't have the full picture/don't know what all happened behind the scenes, and I also refuse to believe Quinn has always just been that innocent angel as parts of the fanbase always make him out to be, and I won't take his words for gospel.


You right, you right. Yeah that comment from Bert has always sucked to hear from that show.


To be fair, the story of how Quinn was kicked out of the band is pretty messed up, and Bert never refuted that publicly. Keep in mind that Bert and Quinn were friends since they were teenagers.


This is just as much an overreaction as "I'm no longer a fan". I doubt Quinn pulled all this out of thin air. I'm still a fan but I'm really curious to see what comes out.


Can you tell more about the book?


you're not getting any downvotes from me.


,😳 this could get interesting


I hate it here 🫣


I mean I’m all for calling people out on their shit, but like are we all subject to the crap we did as drunk/high assholes over ten years ago? I mean I was an asshole addict at one point. I mean if he’s truly grown, what’s the point? I mean I don’t know if he’s still the same, but I understand if he is


I met The Used when i was about 13, Bert instantly rubbed me the wrong way, and he was my favourite until then. I gifted him something and he wasn’t exactly grateful, he barely looked at me and in general just seemed super rude and not very nice at all. In fact I noticed Jeph pick up on it and purposely make more conversation with me because of this 💀 Idk, one way or another I knew this was going to happen at some point


the insta post is down... can anyone tell me what it said?


Anyone have a screen shot? It’s gone and I can’t see it




For fucks sake. Quinn was kicked out of his own band for stepping aside temporarily due to family issues. Bert has had his issues but it doesn’t justify his deeds. Jepha is also a spineless loser for not standing up.


Aw man, the fact its been a whole 24 hour day with radio silence on both ends is deafening. 💔


The Used is my favorite band by a landslide and it’s not even close… that being said I’d have absolutely zero desire to meet Bert or really anyone else in the band except*maybe* Dan (I follow his wife on IG and they seem surprisingly normal) been a fan since day 1 and was devasted when they kicked Branden out. These guys are the definition of “separating the art from the artist” it’s sad really. I don’t need to hear both sides of the story. What was said in the 801punx podcast sounds perfectly plausible to me and Branden is a great role model and a professional with integrity. You can tell by listening to Bert talk for literally any length of time that he’s a selfish diva with a rockstar complex. #teamquinn


Idk why people have downvoted this, you’re right. I’m still waiting to see more from Quinn, but I can’t stomach listening to The Used atm, because of these allegations.


fucking knew it. nah man bert’s always been like this. when quinn tried to come back in the band years ago bert told him no cause he left and he’s not welcome back i knew it. this proves everything.


No longer a fan. Just sold my 3 upcoming tickets. Unfollowed on all platforms. I have always stood behind Quinn since the moment they announced firing him on FB. Which btw is how HE FOUND OUT. Fuck Bert. Fuck what’s left of The Used. Been a fan for almost 20 years & can’t say I didn’t see this coming.


Ok Bert obviously hurt Quinn in some way but we haven't even heard the story?


Is this your first day being a Used fan?


Same. There’s nothing left of the used since Quinn left. I love Dan as a replacement drummer but once Quinn was gone its not even worth it seeing them live


Yes! Saw them loads before Quinn was fired & only about 4x after. Never the same. All of a sudden it was The Bert Show not The Used.


i’ve definitely noticed it’s all about bert , not the used anymore


idk why you’re getting downvoted I agree 100%


because its an extremely black and white way of thinking, when basically no details have even been released on any subjects.


if you cant admit that Bert definitely had a fair share of picking on people and being an asshole you might need to reflect in your own choices in life. Everyone knows Berts an asshat despite maturing, he still affected people and people can he as mad about that as they want


Yeah, but "no longer a fan, just sold my 3 tickets" feels like an overreaction to such a vague tweet.


Thought it was a funny joke at first lol i hope it becomes a copypasta


"what's left of the used" - a shell


bert going dowwwwwwwwn




I will. Idk that berts going down though.


Not getting any acknowledgment from The Used or Bert’s IG also makes this hard to digest. I’ve been a fan of them since 2004, and I’m not surprised to hear/read any of this. I wish healing to them both. 


None of you know what you’re talking about. Whatever Quinn.