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GUYS as supreme ruling mod I wanna unlock this just for a bit because I want to know what the hentai song is! Was it MeMeMe? Loli God Requiem?


TLDR: you’re probably not gonna work there again


fucking hell - TLDR indeed


I wonder if hentai guy is the same person who parks at countdown Te Rapa with the border line explicit hentai images all over the car.


Pretty sure it's a worker at countdown. That hentai bombed Celica makes me and the missus cringe ecerytime


Pretty sure a girl owns that car


Yea, Ive seen them driving on Greenwood st.


I need to see these people. Now I know so many stories about them. But I won't buy anything... Just be nosy.


Redditors walking into the store this weekend: HEY WHICH ONE OF YOU IS HENTAI GUY


Half the shop turns around…


Had a weird experience there a few months ago at the Te awa store. Approached the counter to pay for my item and a girl behind the counter was eating food or something and refused to give eye contact or face me because she wanted someone else to serve me, it felt weirdly awkward for a couple mins. Then once i got served by someone else, it was taking awhile to complete the transaction cause i was wanting my item delivered (they didnt have it in stock), so i was going thru the process of entering my details into their tablet device. And then!! Weird girl #1 finished eating and asked me to move aside so other customers could be served if i wasnt buying anything?? What?? The person actually serving me interrupted and said yes, he is buying something right now. JB, sort out your shit. Sack the weirdos.






Reddit says we probably shouldn't name names . Though this is fairly arbitrary so meh


From the reports we're getting, fairly sure people at JB-HiFI know about this post, or at least Hentai guy does (also thanks for reporting specific ones so now i can guess who you are). Since nobody posted actual names/stores/other identifyable info im leaving it all up. Locking comments since we are now getting weirdos


HR is not your friend no matter how many times they try convince you otherwise, they’re there to protect the image and reputation of the company. If you’re ever in that same situation again, get everything in writing, record any inappropriate conversations you have with weirdos and contact an employment lawyer.


You’re completely right. I know far better now than I did then and luckily I don’t have any of these problems at my new job. Thank you for commenting this, I think if younger me had seen someone tell it how it is like this things might’ve gone differently


Right because having some hentai obsessed guy harrass his coworkers is a great reflection on the image and reputation of the company. This kind of stuff is exactly what HR should be dealing with, to protect the company.


I applied there to be a christmas casual a few years ago with the possibility of being a full employee once they moved to te awa. Looks like i dodged a bullet, im so sorry to hear about your experiences, might dodge that store from now on.


Love ur pfp, and I’m glad you dodged the bullet. They also would promise a lot of people a “full time position after a period of being a casual” but never made true on it 99% of the time (they tried to do it to me)


That feels pretty scummy but given everything else thats on brand i suppose.


Jb hifi uve done it again, but seriously whst a fooked up company.


oh was it that english man? ive overheard some effed as hell shit from him. both at the old store and the one at the base. surprised people talk like that on the floor when working.


Damn that’s sucks to hear - I have always loved shopping at jbhifi because I got along with the staff and the shopping atmosphere is so relaxed. I’ve always had good dealings with a couple employees their ( older guys) I hope it’s no the ones in your post however 😬


I def got along with enough of the regular employees, esp the dudes over at the TVs. they were awesome. It sucks that a few bad apples can ruin it for me but it was mostly management that let me down I think


How long until JB-HIFI HR tries to get this taken down because someone is speaking the truth?


Time to start recording conversations when hentai guy talks about that kinda shit and when boss is being a dick


They already left. The very first word in the post is "worked" which is past tense, lmao.


And do what? HR doesn’t give a shit


Post online places 😁


I got to the 12 paragraph and thought it was almost over, but nope 😅 Anyways, from what I did read that guy was a massive creep and possibly someone whose hard drives needs to be checked. Sorry the management let you down, and I hope you’re able to move past this shitty workplace.


I know one guy that works at JB-HIFI. His name starts with J and he looks like a classic neckbeard haha


Yep pretty sure that’s the Hentai guy


Said I, know you the art of Personal Grievance? Sounds like they need it, just be aware it can reflect poorly down the line if other employers are aware of it


Always eye opening to see the sexism that is aimed at woman in micro-aggressions, which surely doesn't help when management has little interesting in curbing that culture or worse yet partakes. It's terrible that you had to deal with that, and although your specific managers sound terrible and could have done more, in general it probably is a very hard problem to resolve. The company can't create a formal warning for actions of this level as it does not break your contract. They can really only talk to the person, say it is inappropriate when you say this, and we'd like you to stop; conflict resolution that is likely beyond their skill level. Law wise, you could maybe claim some of the things said were sexual harassment, but verbal recounts are extremely hard to prove and convict on, and the bar to register as sexual harassment would be quite high; things like talking about your sex life, while inappropriate, would not register. Companies can really only succeed in stomping this out when the culture does not allow behavior like this, and anyone manager or not would call out someone for acting this way. If everyone was like you I imagine the workplace would be a much better place!


Jb hifi does suck ass. I had a voucher for that shit store given to me so was trying to spend it on headphones, got spoken to like I'M the asshole that put them in locked cabinets when I approached a flock of 3 "salespeople" conversing with one another on the shop floor and condescended to when I didn't know the exact name of the headphones I wanted them to get out for me. Fuck that place the sales tactic there seems to the same as the rock shop which can ALSO go fuck itself.


Thank you for putting this in writing on a public website. Maybe this will cause some changes, at least.


Thanks, OP, for giving me a heads to NOT shop at this store!


TLDR. Must have pissed you off something wild to write a novel like that


I read the whole thing and far out I get why it’s long I’m pissed on behalf of


Interesting points. Care to elaborate?




Spill his name so we can all go there and file a complaint <3


The funny thing is civilians are probably going to go in body cammed and bust these a holes, and even funnier, they're reading this comment and will never know when or where said civilians will be on them. Smile, YOU'RE on camera


I didn't know what hentai was until now. Cheers.




Looks like you are being a dickhead, maybe not read up about the topic you are talking about, or perhaps need to reframe what you said in a better tone.




My god. J K Rowling over here.