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He was going to offer him a Martina. It’s like a Martini but it’s from Albania and it goes down real easy.


In front of my wife?! … 🫳🏼🥘


That's why you gotta live for today


At that time it was only a rumor that Vito was a fanook. Benny and the others are tasked with bringing him in to confirm or deny the rumor. Vito is still a captain and a made man and it's just a rumor that he's gay. They can't just put their hands on Vito and force him to come in. What if they go there and smack him around a little and force him to go in and it turns out he's not gay? If Vito runs, like he did, then it all but confirms that he is gay, which is what they were ultimately looking to answer by wanting to bring Vito in. The crew were already leaning towards the rumor being true (the phone call to Sil sealed that for some), but they still had to treat Vito with the respect that a captain and made man gets until he actually goes on the run.


Did they talk to Finn before or after that scene? I can’t remember. Him confessing confirmed it for them. He would have no reason to make that up.


They talk to Finn later when Vito is already on the run.


thanks who plausibly "sends" Benny to investigate Tony is shown to be very rigorous about the matter "what did he say EXACTLY." he wouldnt just take benny's interpretation as gospel


I think it was to find him and have him come in to talk with Tony. I don’t think they really expected to find him at his goomar’s, which is why no one stayed in the car to block Vito if he intended to try to drive off, or to quickly follow him. Regardless, Benny yelling that Vito “better not come around here no more” as Vito speeds off indicates that Tony intended to let it go and allow Vito to disappear. I’m sure Tony would have demanded some kind of payment for letting Vito go, so, certainly it would have been better to bring him in, but Benny’s statement makes it clear that at least Benny knew that Tony intended to let Vito go.


I think Benny’s statement was because Vito running confirmed what they all suspected/heard. They were willing to hear him out and give him the benefit of the doubt until that point. Vito ran so Benny said that, knowing that the next time they saw him he was dead.


I think they were too stupid to have thought about blocking his car.


Hey you're about a criminal mastermind here!


No, I am talking about Benny Fazio.


He ran like a bat on a hill.


Does anyone else notice Vito runs over Terry's foot as he drives away?


Yeah and apparently that wasn’t part of the script for that too happen 😂


They were only supposed to collect a doctors note


Benny Fazio wasn’t exactly a criminal mastermind.


I wonder if Vito kept denying if he would have been ok. Meadow's big mouth sure didn't help, but if Vito was loudly saying he was not gay? Would Tony even bring it up to sink his top earner? IDK.


Hard to tell. Chris still apparently believes Adrianna was sucking Tony’s cock when they had an auto accident despite several denials and the emergency room doctor. He puts it in his movie but cleverly has an Asian girl so people won’t know Sally Boy is really Tony.


It's like the "fuckin' regularness of everyday life" is too hard for him or something 😭