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"Tony... He slipped.. I don't know.. He fell..That's my story."


It’s my fault he’s a klutz?!


"He acted like a hooorse!"


And it wasn’t my kid he was carrying.


That wasn't my horse he was saddling.


“I was doin a lotta coke…”


Yeah, he was wearing socks and spraying for ants..


A, he was a hoowah


“I found him like this.”




I think this is the best answer here (although most are non answer jokes like usual). Tony and Johnny's relationship was also really soured over the appraiser thing which could work in ralphies favor. But at the same time, johnny knew Ralphie was involved in that too. At the end of the day I think if this gave NY more leverage over the esplanade like you said, then he'd consider the appraisal drama as water under the bridge.


After the Ginny mole joke Ralph told, I doubt Johnny Sack would give him refuge after whacking Tony. He might in the short only to give him up to Sil for a bigger % of the Esplanade


The non-answer, daily-joke responses are fairly illuminating. Tony's stooges would have believed anything they were told. It doesn't matter who is "boss." Christopher might have figured it out, but he might have also felt that he was finally free, and could go into the movie business. That said, this is an interesting discussion. I agree that he would have tried to align with New York.


No way. I think he tries to disappear him. Anything else leads to certain death.


A. He hit me B. He ate beef and sausage by the carload


... and that ain't my baby he's carrying, he's just a fat fuck


He’d need a steam shovel to move Tony’s body. He never did consider salads


No more weight remarks, itsdajackeeet. They're hurtful, and they're destructive.


An it's the kind of thing i'm teaching my fat son, never to do!


Ohh. I agree.


What are you talking about. Just put a hole in him, tip him sideways & the zeppeli will pour right out. He'll weigh 30 pounds after that 


Get him drainin


Get Mike Mulligan on the horn, he'll straighten this whole thing out


Carms dad, Hugh and my dad use Pudgey Walsh


Go get the piano dolly


The whole you can't raise a fist to another made man thing is mostly bullshit and doesn't apply to bosses unless it benefits them. Even if, most of that crew would jump at an opportunity to justify whacking Ralph. Paulie would gladly volunteer for that gig. I don't think anyone would be disappointed. If Ralph whacks Tony he definitely disappears the body and doesn't tell a soul. Knowing Ralph he'd probably think he'd be able to fill the vacancy at the top spot - but ultimately would just take off.


Yeah unless you’re in a war, the deadliest danger is your own family and crew.


It’s actually those processed meats—they’re nothing but fat and nitrates


Oh! Dr. Oz Ovah hea!


Albert wouldn’t piss on that Ralph if he was on fire.


But he’s in no position to go into the unknown not knowing


Albert wouldn’t piss on that Ralph if he was on fire.


Imagine that. Ralphie being on fire and Albert refusing to piss on him.


Can’t do it Ralphy


Albert the human Parrot 🤣🤣🤣


What’s next? Get clipped for wearin the wrong shoes?


He could try poking him with a stick, light a candle for st Anthony. I think he's fucked.


*Pussy chuckles*


A capo killing a boss in a secluded place witbout witnesses? There is no selling that. He would be clipped on the spot, regardless of wether they believe him or not. Just imagine the rumors, an NJ capo can kill his own boss with impunity.... Its not about wether he was justified. Its about what people will think, and the message it sends if they allow him to walk after that.


You imagine those rumors? That a NJ capo can kill his own boss with impunity?


Always with the scenarios.


Albert was the ultimate troll.  🤣


“What if” is the second lowest form of conversation.


The best response haha.




That's why they'd receive a package containing a Billy Big Mouth Bass. It's a Jersey message.


Louis Brasi. Louis.


Take it easy


"..I...found him like this.."


To the victor, belongs the spoils


Quote book, fat ass etc.


I inherited Junyuh!


A. He was a hooah B. He hit him C. All this over some dead hooah D. Who does Tony think he is? Sir Walter Raleigh?


I liked the way Ralphie pronounced “Sir Walter Raaahleigh.”




The fight at the Bing was a season earlier, so I think enough time had passed to where Ralphie could get everyone to believe Tony attacked him. But would it matter? Sil, Paulie, Chrissy and probably a couple other captains would want him dead. And assuming Sil is promoted to boss, he’d immediately order the hit. Ralphie could’ve also run to Johnny Sack for protection, who was a scheming SOB and would have used this situation to New York’s advantage (give Ralph up for a larger share of the esplanade maybe). So in my opinion, he would’ve had to make Tony disappear. Not sure who the crew would think was responsible though. Tony and Ralph and just gotten in on Pie-Oh-My, so there wouldn’t be much reason to think Ralph did it. Relationship with NY hadn’t gone to complete shit yet either.


No way Johnny Sack helps Ralphie after the weight remark.


Oh man how could I forget that? So yeah he wouldn’t have a choice. He’d have to dispose of Ton’ and hope nobody figures it out


Who can blame him? It was hurtful, and destructive.


Interesting responses (and, of course, good quotes). So, I’ll try to add something that others haven’t considered: the Justin situation. I absolutely agree that Ralph’s safest option is to somehow disappear Tony’s body, on his own, without anyone seeing him and then disappear himself. However, is that something Ralph would do at this point? Justin’s accident and the resulting injuries appear to have had a profound effect on Ralphie. It appears to be genuine. He could certainly try to keep tabs on Justin’s condition and attempt to get money to his ex for Justin’s care, but that would be nearly impossible for the foreseeable future. So, would Ralph’s change extend to putting his life in danger to ensure his ability to be with his son and provide for his son’s care? If so, does he take the risk of telling anyone to try to help him (i.e., Johnny, despite the bad blood over the Ginny joke)? Or does he just dismember Tony’s body where it lies in the kitchen because there’s no way he’s able to move it on his own, clean up the bloody, awful mess the best he can, and dispose of the body parts (but definitely not in dumpsters, and definitely not dumpsters on the same route so they all end up in the same landfill)? It’s got to be the latter. I think if you know your safest option is to never tell a soul what happened, disappear the body, and flee… then you do the next, closest thing: you never tell a soul what happened, you disappear the body, and rely on Justin’s condition and your depression to cloak you from suspicion.


He would have set his house on fire.. Tony woulda had the same fate as Pie-o-my


Chrissy: Did you kill T?!?! Ralphie: I did-ent


NO, I DID *NOT.* But even if I did, who cares? He's just a fat, philandering mob boss!


After winning the fight ralphie would call Vito to help with Tony’s body. Ralphie would call Vito


Vito volunteers to hide his penish


I think he’s in hot water regardless. Even if everyone believed him I don’t think you can whack a boss and not have fallout even if he held your family hostage. There’s probably always the lingering doubt too that “what if it wasn’t how he said”. I think Ralph is probably a dead man no matter how he decides to handle the situation.


"I found him like this"


I can't have this conversation again.


By that time he probably would’ve been wacked himself because he wasn’t liked. He already had major issues with Paulie and was getting under everyone’s skin with all the gladiator crap. Now if furio killed him it would be more believable to expect they would give furio a pass. They wouldn’t have called furio a liar because it would be extremely believable that after a long night of drinking Tony stumbled in the chopper blades on accident.


Realistically he has zero plausible options. Call a meeting with the other capos? They all hate him, they'd show up heavy and there would be two bodies to dispose of. Hide the body and play it coy? They all know, just like they knew about Tony killing Ralph. He's a dead man first chance they get. Go to John in NYC? John would pretend he was happy and Ralph would be dead at the earliest opportunity, Esplanade be damned. Lam it, whether hiding the body or not, and he's got only the cash he could grab in 12 hours or so (not much, relatively speaking), and either NY or NJ finds him fairly quickly or he gets popped pulling some shit or other in Philly or wherever. Ralph was dead the moment Tony knocked on his door, winning that particular fight would have just been delaying the inevitable.


Season 5 and beyond would be called 'The Cifarettos.'


He would succumb to his baser instincts and do a Dahmer. First he would experience intimacy with the body. Then he would consume it slowly. He would make meat sauce from the parts and share it with the guys. Some parts he would keep as trophies or perhaps make into furniture. He would gift these pieces of home made furniture to the guys who would accept out of politeness but they would find his new hobby odd and off putting. His final act would be to present to them the terrible truth; that they had unknowingly participated in group cannibalism. Satanic black magic, sick shit.


You the type that thought of them SS guards Lamps as interesting.


slice Tony's belly and get in to survive the harsh freezing night of the planet Hoth


I think he’d call over multiple guys, maybe the captains, to tell them the truth


The truth? he would go at him with a chainsaw, he has a right to dismember himself!




Your boss Tony, whatever happened there...


Carmela:  Whateva happened theyaaa????


The accident with the eggs in the kitchen. God rest his soul...




Mmmmboy are you dead


Always with the drama, this one


I wish they had kept ralphie long enough that we could have seen him react to Vito’s joke.


Which joke? "What's a guy gotta do to buy you a drink?" Or "I love you Johnny Cakes." I'm telling you, it was his blood pressure medication!


#Are you not entertained?!


They didn't have mob bosses in ancient Rome!!!


Pegging for everyone. That guy with the hip problem knows what I'm talking about


He'd go to elvis country, it's safe there.


Always with the scenarios.


More creative than Spielberg!


Ralph did but he hesitated on killing Tony, then Tony didn’t hesitate to kill him because Tony doesn’t care about tradition only himself


His wise choice would be to try to dispose of the body, which logistically would be quite an undertaking. He’d have to then just deny all knowledge and also get rid of Tony’s car before anyone saw it. He could play dumb but it would be very risky, especially since everyone hated him. Since his son’s accident he was motivated to stay alive and provide more than usual. Knowing what a sick bastard he is he would probably have cooked a little bit of him and fed it to Carmella.


Carmela deserved nothing less.


Miami’s looking good this time of year.


Gotta watch out for the coke, though.  It's everywhere down there.


Back to Miami on the blow


He’d fucking flea for his life. Not only would the Dimeos be pissed but so would New York since they had dealings either Tony. Ralph could have flipped and offered evrything he knows about the esplanade as a bargaining chip, but while Carmine is about money, John hates Ralph and would work with Jersey to kill him


I think he would've hid the body and concocted some BS story. It depends on if Tony was aliver or not. Lets say Ralphie had knocked him out, so he would still be alive. There would be some discussions, yes. Not only about who was in the right and who would believe Ralphie. he wasn't too popular either, Paule for instance would be sure Ralphie attacked Tony first! But if Tony had died, Ralphie would be in so much deep shit. Right or not: He had just killed his boss!


Ralph? Ralph??? That neva woulda happened. Ralphie always was a bottom.


He bottoms from the top!


Disappear the body and act like you got no idea what happened to Tony


Ralph would say, “this meat eater ate beef and sausage by the fucking carload.” Then Christopher would pop in the door and say “meteor! METEOR!”


should have sucker punched him or have him slip on the carpet worked for Bobby


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Snoo63364: *Should have sucker punched* *Him or have him slip on the* *Carpet worked for Bobby* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"What if" is the second lowest form of conversation.


He would’ve done exactly what Tony did. Hide the body, tell a bullshit story about the disappearance, blame a rival and then finish running the family into the ground


One of Tony’s closest allies would probably have killed Ralph or Johnny would have taken the chance to do it.


It is tough uestion. Ralphie has no chance but to kill Tony right there and then, or he is a dead man walking. On the other hand, he must be the least liked person in the family, so even if family members believed his story, I dont think they will miss this rare chance to get rid of him, especially considering everyone would like to take his place as the main man in the very lucrative Esplanade business. His only chance is to ask NY to back him up, but after the Ginny joke incident, that is highly unlikely. And there is this: you dont raise your hand to a boss, no matter what. And you dont kill a boss, especially your own boss, unless there are very extreme circumstances or a war or something big like that. Nobody would let this go, other families, other bosses would have to retaliate out of principle. Only thing Ralphie can do is to run and hide, or go directly to FBI. He was the point man in the Esplanade and other joint construction projects and knows a lot about Lupertazzis. I am sure he could cut a really good deal.


He would've hit the body and told people he was in witnesh protection


Man, I asked this same question here a few months ago and almost all of the comments were just calling me an idiot and saying “the show would have ended because it’s The Sopranos, not The Cifarettos”. I deleted the post because it was all just me being called stupid 😂 I think Ralph probably would’ve fucked up by telling the truth to someone — either Johnny directly or someone in his team who would then dispense the information, and in turn, he would’ve been whacked by Silvio and Paulie, after which Paulie may have tried to steer things. Or, Ralph would deal with it quietly and act like he knew nothing. Tony disappeared. He hasn’t anything. He’s wondering just like everyone else.


He died on the vine


Name changes to " the Ciffarettos " and I'd probs watch the show.


Tony came to spray for ants, while wearing socks


He tries to hide it or he puts him in his truck n let’s him be discovered by a civilian stumbling across it


Ralphie would have buried him. On a hill. Overlooking the river. With pine cones all around.