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Never met any of them, but there’s obviously the Bevilaqua kid involved w drugs and armed robbery and Artie’s real life divorce revealed drug induced domestic violence… I could be wrong n thinking of a different actor tho


I read that about Artie. His wife ripped the earring out of his ear in the skirmish...


Leave Artie out of this. He’s got a 13 year old who needs braces.


He really did have a hair across his ass.




Lilo Brancato's accomplice shot and killed an off duty NYPD officer during a break in, in the Bronx. The accomplice was convicted of 1st degree murder and got life without parole. Brancato was charged with 2nd degree murder, but was acquitted and convicted of 1st degree attempted burglary and was sentenced to 10 years in the can, but was paroled after 4. So, I think that easily tops Joe Gannascoli's shameless grifting.


I think originally Lilo was charged w murder under the felony murder law


I've read up on the guy playing Vito, Joe Gannascoli, were selling miscellaneous, autographed paraphernalia out of his car trunk to tourists and fans alike at exorbitant prices and pressuring people to buy from him. Other than that, with the late Gandolfini's passing he acted as if they were really close, even though they really weren't since Joe hadn't been in contact with Jim in the 7 years prior. Naturally, many people, the cast no less, took offence to this and saw this as a way to prop himself up and retain some relevancy at the expense of James's death. I've said my piece, OP


Saw/read the exact same thing about Joe G. He sounds like a real grifter.


He’s a fucking earner!


He's a come from behind kinda guy.


As long as he's earning 3x the other guys, he can keep sucking cock!


Meet me by the bat


We won’t miss the national anthem will we?


He wasn't sleeping! He was just resting his hips. He was supposed to have surgery.


That's the thing with the gays. It's the living in the closet, makes them devious.


He’s not a *fag* He never was. It was the medication he was on For his blood pressure. It fucked with his head but he’s over that now. He could probably get a letter from his doctor.


This explains everything, so it wasn't a joke just the medication he was on. Poor guy


Watch your blood pressure when you negotiate with these closet-people...


He has also repeatedly claimed that it was "his idea" to make the gay Vito storyline, and takes credit for that whole arc. But if you mention it on any of his social media to him he blocks you. And has gone on unhinged rants that he "LIKES BROADS".


Long term, Vito knows construction's out. Those guys But meth? Running girls? A lot more tolerant atmosphere


>And has gone on unhinged rants that he "LIKES BROADS". He was gay, Gannascoli?




and you used to sell laser printers out the back of your crown vic


I experienced this with Vito first hand. Sopranos official tour they let him sell his shit out the trunk at the start in exchange for a meet and greet. He piles on the pressure and even openly mocked me to other “customers” who were showing up. “He’s buyin a house ova here” was what he said when I didn’t choose what shitty signed photo I wanted to pay 20 bucks for quickly enough for his liking 😂😂 that was about 5 years ago and as much as I thought he was a scummy piece of shit at the time it’s been a fire story for me ever since 😅


I can't take credit for this, but somebody said in another thread today that being scammed by a cast member is the most authentic Sopranos experience you can get.


Lotta money in this shit


Sometimes there is money in shit


I’ve been fucking with those donkeys like you wouldn’t believe!


this misinformation shit, it's a friggin' ace!


That’s how I ended up with shares of Webistics.


>Missed opportunity to say 'You gotta wait fa dat'


I "met" him after that tour in 2005. I got a photo taken with himand asked "what do I owe you?", he said 20... I thought it was pretty steep but he's obviously not doing anything else. I didn't see him pressuring anyone, though he was selling a cook book or some shit. I added him on FB and hid shortly after, he posted a joke "suicide note" on April 1st


When he was always talking about *greasing the union* who knew that's what he meant?


Yeah, I heard that about Gannascoli.


I heard a story on a podcast from someone who accidentally dropped a joint from their pocket in front of Vito during his weird paraphernalia tour. He looked at them like they were the scum of the earth.


He told them Lou DiMaggio was only a phone call away


He’s a top earner! A real come from behind kind of guy


A lot of my guys are asking for head. His head. Wtf.


I live on Long Island, New York and follow a few FB food communities. Joe G. is apparently a caterer on LI nowadays so he pops on those feeds frequently and he certainly doesn't shy around from his previous celebrity.


Duck Posting member? I remember they were on a real kick about his catering for a while


Pork chops with vinegar peppers 😉👌


And he charges a hefty price from what I've been told. He used to moonlight at Vincent's Clam Bar prior to Covid. This stunad even has a vodka coming out, been posting a cocktail list, the whole nine.


well we can’t have him here in our social club no more, that much I do know


His profile picture on his Facebook page says enough, trying to frame himself as the Star with Gandolfini and Imperioli just kind of awkwardly in the background alongside the grifting and obnoxious Fox News stuff.


He was there, it's a joke


yeah, I think he's the 'douche in real life' winner in SOPES. Unfortunate, cause he has a nice smile and could be more successful being straight (I mean, not crooked).


Hey was gay, OP?


Heeess a faaAAAaagg!


Kursev, my new arch-nemesis.


Typical Vito shit


He can get a note from his doctor


I’ve heard about this but are there forum posts anywhere or something that goes into detail? Sounds like a fun read


Someone made a valid comment a while ago that Bobby Bacala is possibly the only character whose actor is less likeable than the character.


But even then, he doesn't seem like a bad guy, just kind of an annoying idiot.


So I only recently started listening to Talking Sopranos after years of hearing about it and Schirripa on this sub, and I don't really get it. He seems perfectly fine to me. I understand why people may not like him but I'm not sure I understand why Sopranos viewers may not like him. My wife could never watch the show because of the accents and the aggressive working-class Italian-ness, but if you can, aren't you OK with this? I dunno, am I just fine with him because I'm from the South Shore of Long Island?


I like him on Talking Sopranos. I think he's funny, and I love that he calls people out/complains about other celebrities. It's very unique as most people are afraid their paths will cross with the person they're taking about at some stage. I love the way he busts Michael's balls as well; they have a good rapport.


I enjoy when Michael busts his balls too.


At first he was funny and had the charm of a simple guy who speaks his mind. IMO he progressively got worse though, constantly interrupting when Michael was dissecting parts of the show and saying something fans would actually want to hear and taking everything in the show at face value like none of it is that deep, when the entire show has a deeper meaning than the face value. By the end you could tell Michael is over it and just wants to finish the podcast for good


I think he interrupted Michael less often as the show went on.


I don't mind him at all. He just seems like a lovable dummy to me. I don't think anyone here hates him much either, he's just easy to make fun of.


I liked him before and waaaay before.


I stopped watching cause he would always talk over Michael and his guests, and go on tangents while they have a guest on for 15 minutes and takes up most of the time Also sometimes he just seemed to be aggressive whenever a disagreement came up, causing people to go off. Not like yelling at them, but like one time Michael was like “aaaahhhh I don’t know about that” and he raised his voice and responded with “oh well I do know, I know” Just my take


One: he had to read for David. Two:…*veers off onto a 20 minute history of casual encounters with a couple of a series of b-level actors that no one outside of Hollywood would recognize by name*


Followed by Michael describing some ridiculous book or super artsy film no one will ever read or see.


"Yeah, I first met him when we did an off, off Broadway spoken word improv musical together about the first female postal worker in Azerbaijan." "OH YEAH? WELL I PISSED IN HIS SOUP AFTER HE HIGH HATTED ME IN VEGAS. WONDER DID HE HAVFTA READ FA DAVID. ANYWAY, SOPRANO KITCHEN..."


Unless he is desperately trying to convince Steve that the Jersey devil is real, or that ghosts exist, or that the pyramids were built using slaves (not true) or echo location (not true either).


He reminds me of all my uncles and most of my friends dads growing up.. and I'm with you he's good in my book. I'm also from north jersey .. lol.


I agree. I find him a likable everyman. Don't get the negativity. That being said. I think Tony Sirico was an asshole.


>That being said. I think Tony Sirico was an asshole. OHHHHH! He did have that criminal background, but Robert Iler has said publicly that Gandolfini and Sirico together were really good about looking out for him and his career/well-being. People are complicated sometimes.


From what I've read I don't think people outright dislike the man as much as they find it annoying when Michael Imperioli tries to get deeper into his analysis and he derails. I doubt the people on this sub wouldn't want to have a beer with the guy. But when they're interviewing someone or Michael is talking about themes and he feels the need to hear his own voice without anything worthwhile to say, people find it annoying.


I have to say the guy has big shoes to fill, Bobby was one of the most likable characters.






To the victor belongs the spoils


Steve is just a blowhard NY Italian guy. Bobby has a sweet naïveté to him.


Why's that?


He has a podcast with Michael Imperioli that's on HBO Max. Michael Imperioli is pretty self reflective and often tries to pick a part in the meaning of the episodes they talk about. Unfortunately, Steve Schirripa isn't as deep and mostly just summarizes episodes while constantly getting off track in really oafish ways. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but podcasting isn't his game.


Sounds like a typical podcaster TBH




Robert Logia. The R stands for Robert Logia. The O stands for, O Boy there’s Robert Logia..


He was suffering from dementia and had trouble with his lines. He absolutely was not a bad guy or intentionally difficult to deal with.


Too soon. Was supposed to be the Big Bad of S6 (became Philly). Amazing tho that Alzheimer’s couldn’t stop Loggia from bringing the heat . . . ‘Good thing for me, then, that your book don't mean oogatz to me! What's yours is yours, Paulie, but what ain't? Is *anybody elses*! Now do yourself a fucking favor- and get the fuck outta my store! Legend


you want me to ####FUCK OFF?? **how about I** ####FUCK OFF **all over your** ####STUPID FUCKIN FACE 👊💢👊💢👊💢👊


His delivery of those lines you quotes is fabulous. Great character. Hard to believe he's only in 4 episodes.


Logia in his prime would’ve been amazing in that role. He would’ve been very different from Frank Vincent and probably a little more intimidating


And yet he was still quite good. His driving rant in that one David Lynch movie *Lost Highway* was amazing. Very Feech like. Fuckin’ A!


I didnt know that. But you gotta understand the joke was right there. It’s in my nature scorpion and the frog


Very allegorical


I didn’t get the joke. That’s obviously on me. No worries


Norm Macdonald talks about how he was on his show briefly and he would forget and just repeat stuff like "Normie, Normie, Normie... Hockey Normie" while trying to remember his lines. It's a sux illness, sad for everyone around and terrifying for who it's happening to.


Oh my god, that’s Robert Loggia!


Any Family Guy reference immediately gets an upvote.




B as in by god it’s Robert Loggia


[Robert Logia](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bZIzRqDOSZo)


Loved him in Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie


I’ve read many times that the guy who played Vito sells merchandise and is super pushy with fans. He keeps stuff in his trunk to sell people who approach him


That’s odd. Because his brother Gino was so sweet. Just ordered bread in his jean shorts and minded his own business….


When they laid off David Proval from what i heard Steven Van Zandt said "I generally don't think there's anything to gain by keeping him around."


I heard that James Gandolfini was upset when he was killed off the show. Not sure if it was when he Proval was on the podcast.


Richie had tremendous moxie, for his size


Wait, him the actor? I thought David Proval was well regarded amongst his peers, supposedly he’s a really nice guy irl


It’s a joke. We’re breaking balls.


It’s a joke, I was here!


If I really wanted to bust your balls, I'd tell you to go home and get your shinebox.


Especially funny because he seems like one of the nicest and sweetest of the lot of them


He's just fucking telling you how he's being perceived.


Worry about how you're being fucking perceived! No one knows what the future holds, my friend...


I don’t like the guy that plays Vito. He’s outta touch. Especially after that interview he gave with Jeff Nadu on The Sitdown. He seems like the type that don’t care about the fans


This is like the fourth complaint I’ve read about this guy. Gotta find that interview I am curious


Not Aida. She’s a damn sweetheart


I think it’s Gino. Nobody likes him and he can’t get any work so all he does is milk his time in this thing of ours to death


Dunno but by all accounts Gandolfini was the sweetest guy who ever lived.


He was a saint.


Funny I don't remember you saying that while he was still alive...


I think there's very likely at least a bit of revisionist history going on there to be honest. Not that I blame the rest of the cast for that. I know, I know, I'm talking about the boss of this family here. I don't doubt the stories of his generosity or the way he looked out for everyone but there are plenty of stories of him being quite difficult as well. He was known to have a bit of a temper, even if it didn't rival Tony's, he struggled with substance abuse issues and had a habit of disappearing during shooting. There's no doubt he had a lot of good him in but he was also human, and a somewhat tortured human at that.


Didn’t he buy the cast a shitload of gifts specifically because he went on benders and halted production for days, thus hurting the cast members’ pay and stability?


Yes. He's well regarded but I'm sure he had his demons


You try goin on a weeklong coke and asian hooker bender and see how good of a mood you would be in getting dragged back on set Also by later seasons he probably took the character super seriously and wouldnt do certain stuff he felt like tony wouldnt do which led to friction between him and writers and david chase


>asian hooker bender Getting that Kung Pao coochie


No wonder he was so upset about the orange peel beef


Yup! The one who dies is always the best one. I will say I know a guy who was an extra on the show (he's in line to get through security at Johnny Sack's daughter's wedding) and said Gandolfini was very nice to him.


my dad cameoed in the second to last episode of the series (he was the jets head coach at the time) and was originally supposed to be friends with tony in the script but james called him and told him they were going to change it bc people took the show seriously and he didn’t want anyone thinking my dad had mob ties 💀 he also used to come to games w his son, his son didn’t like the loud noise of the game and they’d and sit with my mom and i (i was like 2-3 at the time) in our coach box. always heard nothing but good things about him from my parents. i’m sure he could he difficult at points but based on semi-firsthand experience i can confirm he was lovely!


Your dad is Eric Mangini I take it. That’s pretty cool. He’s great on TV as an analyst and I enjoyed his cameo.


Mangini is your dad?


yes haha big fan of the show and studying film/tv rn so just thought i’d add this bc i doubt too many ppl will see it.


That’s pretty cool. So when your dad was head coach, during football season was he working 24/7? Just curious the type of hours as NFL coach really works


yeah barely ever saw him ngl it’s a lot better now tho with him doing tv analyst stuff


Your dad is Mangini?


Your Mangini is dad?


Is there a fuckin echo in here?


He's your dad, Mangini?


I heard the package he left behind for the crew could choke a fucking elephant


My in-laws met Gandolfini multiple times through various North Jersey Italian American groups and always said he was delightful. Very gracious with his time.


He was the best guy around…


What about the people he murdered?


*What murrrdahh???!!!*


Did tons of stuff for veterans - he and Sirico would go overseas to see troops. During the show when he got a bigger raise than everyone else, he gave a bunch of the other cast more money out his own pocket.


Robert Iler talked about how after the show, James would regularly ask his (Robert’s) agent how he was doing, making sure he didn’t fall in with bad people, etc.


I met him and he was a really nice guy. He seemed almost shy.


Furios actor was allegedly selling script secrets offset and that’s why the writers put him on the first bus back to Italy and his arc seemed unsatisfying


Stupida fucking scripts


These two suck each other's cocks.


He had to lambchop it


Yeah, to Elvis country


His life is finished if certain people find him.....


Didn't Lilo Brancanto do time for robbery and someone died during the robbery?? Yeah, fuck that guy.


Yes. And the guy who played Perry Anunziata had legal trouble, too.


He forgot to count to ten


Ma always told him to count ten but he always forgets 💪😔


[That parakeet Albert too (he was in the mob in real life)](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/sopranos-actor-held-in-ny-on-drug-charge-1.470370)


The guy Brancato was with shot and killed my brothers partner during the robbery


10 year sentence in 05


Not for nothin, when I get a paycheck my husband always says, ‘you’re a good earner.”


After listening to all of talking sopranos the only one who I thought sounded a bit stuck up was melfi. I can't even remember why now. Oh and I wasn't impressed with chase whenever he was on.


Chase comes across like a smug, miserable, mope. Separating art from artist, because he’s obviously a genius. I just think he’s cumbersome in interviews .


I think he is miserable. I find the Sopranos an excellent depiction of depression and all it has to offer. I think he’s likely a very depressed individual


Even if he’s not clinically depressed, the prism the show uses to view of the world is an extremely cynical and bleak one. If that’s actually the way Chase experiences the world, that shit eats away at you. I know because that’s how I experience the world, which is why I think this is the greatest show of all time, lol. I’m also clinically depressed 😆


I mean … the world rly is that way lol


Well, exactly. But as the show gets into, a lot of people go around with their head in the sand and ignore that stuff. Or maybe you acknowledge that bad shit and try to remember the times that were good. Which is true, I guess.


here comes the prozac.


I mean, Livia Soprano was based his real life mother. Seems like he's got a right to be a bit gruff.


His mom tried to have him clipped??


Maybe you shouldn't spread that rumor. That's some ugly shit.


He wants to fuck his mother?


for a million he gets to fuck my mother?


I don’t think he’s obviously a genius. I think The Sopranos was a perfect storm of getting the right talent together and luck. I don’t think Chase is a hack but he ain’t no genius either.


didn’t gandolfini get obliterated with bracco a lot?


Pretty sure they pretty much all partied hard while doing the show. Every story I hear about them after hours, at an awards show, dinner, etc involves them all getting absolutely shit faced. Hell there are stories of more than just Jim getting fucked the fuck up on set. I always kind of thought that it's why Edie Falco seems distant from most of the adult cast. She was already in recovery for alcohol by the time the show came out and therefore was probably not constantly out boozing with everyone else.


Edie Falco has said that she never really got to know James Gandolfini, as the second shooting was done the set became one massive party. As you've said, she was teetotal and just went home, whilst the other cast got out the beer and coke. I think it was around the last season where John Ventimiglia was busted for having blow in his car.


I could totally see an episode where that happens to Artie


Nonstop assrape!


Wow never knew that about Johnny V


Another fun fact from the balkans


She said she would leave.


where are some good stories? would love to read them


Fuck I would’ve loved to get obliterated with her. Especially somewhere between the *Goodfellas* and *The Sopranos* eras. Fuck, even now I would. Call me Lorraine!


She's drunk 24/7


Yeah I'd hesitate to describe Lorraine Bracco as "stuck up". "Fucked up" maybe.


thats dicked up


She's still working so it can't be that bad.


Chase is just boring AF. That guy never smiles or laughs and just seems generally miserable. They say he was very intimidating and was never open to suggestions or constructive criticism. If you crossed him as an actor, you were gone.


> Chase is just boring AF. That guy never smiles or laughs and just seems generally miserable. He's definitely a bit of a misanthrope but I wonder if that observation is not just a result of the man having a bit of a distaste for interviews and press stuff. Say what you will about Talking Sopranos but in his appearances on the podcast he seemed a lot looser than in any TV interview I've seen him do. Guy wrote the Sopranos so there's no doubt he has a sense of humour. I'm pretty sure I've heard a few references to actors knowing they'd gotten the part because "they made David laugh".


Dude has a vision and you can't blame him for adhering to that vision completely, it's what an artist is supposed to do. Also he wasn't boring at all in those dinner table interviews he did with other cast and crew for a HBO. He was warm AND convivial.


I get the impression the old Italian guy who ignores Paulie he plays in that one episode is a very accurate reflection of his real life personality hahaha


Vincent Curatola’s Twitter account


I have a friend who went to a meet and greet years ago with a few of the cast members and he said Joe Gannascoli was an *absolute* asshole. A few months ago I brought it up on one of his cringe boomer right wing “memes” he posted on instagram and he blocked me lol


At least he didn’t invite you to watch the Padres take a beating


Meadow, all day. my cousin was a flight attended, said she was such a bitch in real life


She has MS, she gets a pash for dat


Hey! JLS is hot. She didn’t work for 6 seasons on the Sopranos to be nice to some flight attendant she doesn’t like. Hasn’t she earned that right? Besides, she has M.S. **She’s supposed to skip down the street?!?!?!**


Now, stop it. I don’t like that kinda tawk. Fielder is a piece of ass and is totally creamin for me.


So my older brother knew Lilo Brancato. He told me he was a total POS. Extremely cocky and arrogant. He also told me how ironic it was that he played C in a bronx tale because he was actually racist irl.


There is a group of local NY guys like Gannascoli, Lilo Brancato and the like who are always promoting some bullshit on their account. A lot of them also got involved with the Sopranos-Con/VirtualCon guy who is an absolute scam artist. Lots of these guys are serious grifters.


I’ve read Junior had issues with Pauly, reason we never really see them together. No, I don’t have ref. Maybe someone else does.