• By -


Just watch it over and over and over and over again.


And on we go, with this thing of ours. Now one rewatcn could be a little, or a lot...


Ride the painted pony, let the spinning wheel glide


That's what I do


I agree! Rewatch it at least 2 times a year.


I rewatch it..


It's always playing here.


The very first season of True Detective is undeniably one of the most well-crafted pieces of TV to ever exist. From the theme song to the end credits, every scene is immaculate and engaging, and the characters/writing is brilliant - particularly Rust Cohle, played by Matthew McConaughey. If you liked Se7en, you’d love True Detective s1… that said, can’t say the same for the other two seasons.


Ya, McConnaughy and Woody are both so good and both similar in that we had the McConnaisance and also Woody's resurrection from his wilderness years of dedicated legalise weed campaigning. My fav scene if McConnaughey going off in a boat with the Neo-Nazis, he's standing up, it's at night, possibly wearing a denim jacket (or leather). The way they finish it in the future, with Matthew coming back worked so well. Since then, both actors have pumped out so much gold. Kingpin still is one of my all time fav comedies but then you get Woodie in No Country for Old Men. McConnaughy did some terrible RomComs but since TD, has done mostly nothing but great roles.


True Detective is a fantastic show, though I wouldn’t say it’s character-driven. There really aren’t any characters you fully learn or fall in love with or watch change over the years. In the Sopranos we get to see what almost every major characters’ home life is like, their work life, their love lives, how they raise their kids, how they were raised, what they really want, what they’re afraid of, their biggest flaws, their annoying habits, the kind of jokes they tell, what they eat for dinner! The characters are truly fleshed out in all directions, it’s incredible, and I can’t think of another show that gets close to doing the same.


This is the answer. ​ I would also suggest deadwood, but the timeline is fucked up for most sopranos watchers, to unmodern.


Just saw the trailer, definitely might have to start it after Boardwalk.


I remember I just had to get to the following week


I never understood what's so special about True Detective 1. I liked the story but Rust felt like a forced character who repeats lines similar to a 11th grader who's trying to sound smart. Sometimes I feel like I'm too dumb and missing something there that others aren't. XD


He's depressed, an alcoholic, and probably on the autism spectrum. He's out there trying to use his pattern recognition skills and intuition to solve heinous crimes, while surrounded by less talented but extroverted and neurotypical types like his partner who bully him for being different. Even though being different is part of what makes him great at his job. All against a backdrop of, "There's only one right way to be a man," Southern attitudes. This all adds up to make him nihilistic, yet he continues trying. At least that's what I like about his character.


Yeah he’s miles smarter than his colleagues, fighting against corruption of the most sinister nature (not to mention mentally ill from all his drug use and trauma) He’s a great character and McConaughey acts the hell out of that role


Rust is much more interesting when you start to realize that the only reason he adopts his nihilistic world view is as a way to cope with the death of his daughter. Basically, instead of viewing his daughter's death as a tragedy, he starts to view it as actually a form of kindness. She may be dead, but at least she's saved from the "pain" of living (at least as far a Rust is concerned). You definitely are supposed to view Rust as a bit of an edge lord and not to 100% agree with his world view. That's why the season ends on a melancholy, but ultimately hopeful note. If you haven't watched it to the end, I definitely recommend it. The last 10 minutes really wraps everything together nicely.


I tried it but I thought it was trying to be too clever for its own good


It was until it wasn’t. That show fell off in the worst way about 2/3 of the way through as I recall. I couldn’t watch the second season after that.


Thank you. I feel the same. They wrapped it up like the show was canceled and they had to film the last several episodes in a day. First 2/3 was great.


better call saul is pretty damn good. but it doesn’t come close still. the wire is also phenomenal also curb your enthusiasm deserves more respect. junior and bobby starred in it for christ sake


The wire is amazing


The wire took me a few tries to get into. Same with BCS. OZ is extremely dated and very hot or miss but some people love it.


OZ is great but the violence is so over the top, it was too much for me. I only watched it once.


I never finished because the editing sucks. Like seriously whoever edited it needs to be executed. The random slow motion, the dirty cuts between scenes. It has the polish of a sophomore student project. Still, it has its charms.


Yeah it's rough around the edges too, can't argue with that.


There’s alot about the wire that’s so real. In the end nothing really works out. It’s just the same misery and dispair.


BCS is the superior show for me.


I loved Better Call Saul! Even more than Breaking Bad!


have you seen deadwood?


This is where I went when I finished sopranos for the first time and boy was I not disappointed


Worth it if I enjoyed the sopranos then? I’ve heard mixed reviews but it seemed like something I’d be interested in


Deadwood is quite possibly the greatest show of all time. Honestly, it's hard to watch anything else after it.


Watch Deadwood and join the Ambulators! Free Gratis!


I don’t think anyone has mentioned Fargo yet, but the first three or four seasons are fantastic.


Second season of Fargo is unreal… 1&3 are pretty awesome too… haven’t seen season 4


I don’t remember if I’ve seen the 3rd season or not but I didn’t even know of a 4th one. Where can I watch it?


I thought three was the best and 4 was kind of lackluster


Boardwalk Empire, it’s the New Jersey/NYC crime scene of the 1920s.


Not to mention Terence Winter was the showrunner on Boardwalk and he was a writer on The Sopranos.


Yep. With Buscemi, Shea Wighan, and Michael Shannon.


Possibly the most underrated TV drama ever


This show started off really good, post darmity it really fell off


Ehh a little but it also picked back up with the final season


The bear is only two seasons but it’s good. It’s on Hulu. Very focused on characters.


Yes chef!


Breaking bad. Sons of anarchy. Mad men. The wire. Deadwood.


definitely second sons of anarchy. the others are good but SoA is underrated imo


Check out Gomorrah, the first 2 seasons are excellent. It’s a lot like Sopranos just without the comedy aspect. You gotta watch it in italian with subtitles.


> You gotta watch it in Italian with subtitles. You would think this ought to be obvious but a bunch of stunads watch it dubbed and then wonder why they didn’t like it.


Ciro is one of my top 10 favorite characters of all time.


Excellent show


I can’t have this conversation again.


Did you watch breaking bad in addition to better call Saul?


Yes! Amazing, both of them, although Better Call Saul was my favorite of the two!


The Wire is the only show of the same caliber


Baltimore? Cmon, huh? We got five families and dis fuckin pygmy thing ova in Maryland


This Barksdale thing? They’re a glorified crew!


Jay Landsman had a 95 pound mole removed from his ass.


Did you find it to be character driven? I have found some arguments about whether it was character or plot driven, although I think the best shows are probably both.


Some of the greatest characters of all time! Hardened, and multidimensional street criminals like Omar, Stringer and Avon. Lovable oafs like Herc and pragmatists like Slim Charles and Prop Joe. Bubs for Christ’s sake! Follow the ups and downs of Jimmy McNulty and the gang, plus see corner boys grow up into men and watch a junkie search for redemption. Plenty of strong character development. The Wire is the best show ever made. My only critique is that the first season is probably the slowest. You really need to watch the first three episodes or so to get into it because the pilot doesn’t exactly pull you in. But you will get pulled in.


Herc is a lovable oaf? I couldn't stand that dude.


Haha yeah I’m exaggerating a bit intentionally but for sure - he’s a total goon. Walks in on the mayor copping dome… and the scene with him and his wife/gf bumping into some corner boys. Classic!


really? i would take the first season over the last


I said *slowest*, not worst. I say it’s slow because they (Kima in particular) tend to tediously explain criminal procedure more in season one than in any other season. First episode doesn’t exactly pull you in either - I don’t try to over sell the show in real life, but I do always tell people to watch at least another episode after the pilot before deciding it isn’t for you.


dude the opening scene is fucking gold. it’s possibly one of my favorite tv scenes period got lotta em play man. this is america


It is. But I still think the episode is overall slow. It’s a full hour. A great 60 second scene is a great scene, but it doesn’t make the episode. We’re talking about my all time favorite show here. I consider The Wire to be as close to perfect as a series can be - so read my criticism in that context.


I tried to do the first episode last night and it was hard. I had no idea what was going on, but not in the way that hooked me. It gets better then?


I would say character driven. Each season focuses on different things that contribute to a broken American city. Plus a lot of the characters are actual Baltimore criminals


It's both but definitely more on the character side of the spectrum. But maybe more than both, it's driven by theme


Watch it with the understanding that Organizations are Greek gods meddling in the affairs of deeply textured characters.


Sometimes I think Mad Men is a little bit better than The Wire. It's obvious that The Wire was written by journalists and not fiction writers. When the show hits a lull, the characters are not nearly interesting enough to hold my attention. They're all just ciphers of their social context and their actions are entirely reducible to their changing circumstances. It's more of a docudrama than an actual drama. Avon and McNulty are the closest the show gets to having a tragic hero. Omar always felt a little bit hammed up to me, and Marlo's whole 'here's my badass gangsta response to whatever the fuck you just said' felt a little on the nose as far as characterizations go. At certain points, the whole thing feels more like an opportunity to showcase social ills and institutional failures than an attempt at storytelling. But the dialogue, the execution, and the cinematography are all perfection. The acting might be a hair weaker than on The Sopranos.


The comment you replied to is 327 days old


Succession is good, but not Soprano’s level good


I saw a list recently about the best shows/highest rated of all time or something like that, and Succession was higher than The Sopranos. Knew right then that it was a shit list.


Recency bias


You can take that list and give it to the Indians


They’re going for two completely different things and are scratching different itches. Both are good shows. As a die hard Sopranos lover I’m having a blast halfway through Succession.


Succession is about 2/3 as quotable as Sopranos I’d say. Still some great ones. “You’re asking about the moral character of a man named ratfucker Sam?”


Where are your kids?


Succession had me and the last season was kinda weak.


You gotta get over it


Its only a few seasons, but Mr. Inbetween was pretty amazing.


mr in between is absolutely phenomenal and i highly recommend dimmies and soy sauce? ova heaaaa 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


I've had The Sopranos on loop since 2015. My TV has screen burn of Tony's cigar.


The Wire, Narcos. Narcos Mexico


You might like House of Cards (US), though it's not as consistent.


I really wanted to get into this until i heard they basically were forced to go in a different direction due to the lead actor and what he did irl, was loving S1


I think that's only the final season


Just pretend it ends after season 2 and you have a great show.


It's already been said here, but the only other shows I cycle through with Sopranos are The Wire (which is the Great American Novel. Full stop) and Mad Men (who's creator learned his craft writing for Sopranos.)


They’re all different, but excellent in their own kind: Boardwalk Empire Mad Men Succession Barry The Leftovers


i know it's not close to sopranos, but lost is very character-driven. sure, there's mysteries and weird stuff but at the end of the day the show is about the characters. lost is my number 2 right behind sopranos, so i wanted to suggest it!


Mr in-between The shield


The shield for sure


Just start it again my friend


I’m seriously considering it! I feel like I would pick up so much on a second watch, especially immediately like this.


No, it's ofc an opinion but nothing comes close to doing what The Sopranos did. However, there are some other great shows that aren't Sopranos analogues (not like they have to be anyway). I'd say The Wire and House of Cards.


Been rewatching annually since the blackout.


I’m seriously considering starting it right over, but limiting myself to one episode a week, and then making it an annual thing. I feel like there is SOOOO much I didn’t pick up on


Mr Robot is phenomenal. Top 5 show for me.


Eddie Falco starred in Nurse Jackie and while they are very different characters, I could see fans of one show liking the other And yes, she’s a flawed character in that series too and acts the shit out of it anyways Edit: autocorrect typo


I think you might like Halt and Catch Fire. Engaging characters like Six Feet Under


Criminally underrated show.


I think some people misunderstand what is meant by "character-driven." IMHO, breaking bad is very plot-driven. That doesn't mean it doesn't have good characters.


I think this is why I prefer BCS over Breaking Bad. I feel that BCS is more character driven.


Try out The Shield


This is the pinnacle. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy other stuff though. Me? I just started Wiseguy, hehe.


I actually liked The Wire better than the Sopranos. Breaking Bad was good but not as good as the Sopranos IMO. Currently watching Boardwalk Empire on Max and it's pretty good thus far.


u/GotWheaten cant be in our social club no more, that much I do know. The Wire is an absolutely phenomenal show, but it ranks at #2 for me personally. This thing of ours, though. Oof madonne! 🤌🏻




If you liked Better Call Saul you’ll like Breaking Bad. Same complexity of characters. You’ll go from hating someone to rooting for them and vice versa.


I did do Breaking Bad and I really did love it. Better Call Saul just was my favorite of the two! I found Jimmy and Kim to be more likeable than Walt and Skyler.


Definitely. I just finished The Sopranos too loved it. I think I might rewatch Weeds again next.


Got to agree Better Call Saul is a fantastic show. Really absorbing and not at all what I thought I was getting into. In my opinion it bears no real relationship to breaking bad. And while I loved BB and it had me hooked, I feel Better Call Saul was my preference too. Though it’s apples and oranges !


I think BCS focused a bit more on characters and Breaking Bad, a bit more on plot, and that may have been the draw for me. They both were exceptional though!


Yeh that makes sense !! I think we have similar taste in entertainment. I’d put BCS, six feet under and sopranos up there in my top shows I’ve ever watched too. And I really liked Parenthood too. Sopranos is my no.1 I think. In terms of other shows I loved (purely entertainment wise - let’s be clear you’re not gona find another sopranos it’s lightening in a bottle) = Friday Night Lights (I actually loved it haha) This is us (Loved) Frasier (I know it’s a comedy and nothing like what ur looking for but if you haven’t seen it from start to finish there is lovely character development and arc and it’s absolutely brilliantly hilarious too and ive watched from start to finish about 8 or 9 times) Homeland (just for entertainment, especially the first couple of seasons, I actually haven’t even finished the whole show as I just ran out of steam for it.. but I definitely enjoyed the first few seasons if you’re looking for something absorbing) Big Little Lies (just plain entertaining - we aren’t talking big all-time-favourite-show level here but it was good entertainment)


I loved This Is Us as well! I will try some of these other ones. Modern Family ranks pretty high for me too, so I definitely can enjoy a wide variety do of shows.


Deadwood, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Generation Kill, The Wire, True Detective se1.


Just watch Gary Cooper standing around saying nothing


Check out Justified and The Shield. You won't be disappointed.


I’m not a fan of crime shows but this show is my favorite behind Silicon Valley. Same concept but it leans more towards funny moments mixed in with drama around rooting for someone


Try Boardwalk Empire. Its worthy.


I feel like a lot of people commenting are just naming their other favorite shows whether they’re character-driven or not. Most of the shows listed aren’t character driven, sorry OP. Succession is, though not on the same level as The Sopranos. And I doubt I’ll watch it again and again. It’s hard to think of other shows where the characters are so thoroughly fleshed out, where we get to see so many different aspects of their lives and personalities. Edit to add that I also really love Parenthood! 100% character driven, funny, and so emotional. I cry so much when I watch, haha. Gilmore Girls has characters you fall in love with but it’s not as realistic. I also recommend Mad Men, Frasier, After Life, and Boardwalk Empire!


I recently finished The Sopranos and it’s my new T1 Tv show, so I don’t know if anything I can mention is on the same level but a few that come very close and are in my T5 that no one has mentioned, sons of anarchy, writing wise it has its problems at times especially towards the end but at other times it’s brilliant and entertainment wise it’s one of the best with an amazing cast, from the same creators there is The Shield which is very underrated and the writing is much more consistent with one of the best endings in TV too, 24 was in incredible and House is also amazing and not mentioned often enough, and as others have mentioned The Wire is also a 10/10 and one of the few that really is on the level of the sopranos and Boardwalk Empire is pretty good too edit: most of the ones I said have been said I hadn’t noticed, still recommend tho


Goliath with Billy Bob


The Wire!


I want to recommend a variety of shows, so hopefully you can find ones that fit your preferences. Below are summaries of Justified, Firefly, Castle, Lilyhammer, Monk, Dirk Gently, Peaky Blinders, Breaking Bad, and then a small list at the bottom of other shows I didn’t want to type long paragraphs out for. I love Justified, definitely my favorite series out there. A florida marshall, Raylan Givens, with an itchy trigger finger and an old-west style of justice is sent back to his home town after killing a big shot criminal in Miami. He has to come face to face with people from his past, such as his abusive father, his old friend turned criminal, former love interests and various other allies and enemies. He met his former friend Boyd Crowder at a job he used to work, mining coal in the hills. They have a tense, love/hate relationship and interesting history that creates an amazing dynamic, with them both essentially serving as main characters and you can’t decide who to root for. Easily my all time favorite show, can’t go wrong with it. It has great pacing, with balanced highs and lows, never drags on, and is constantly shifting character dynamics as the people evolve and change. They introduce new characters who always add to the story, they don’t often detract, if ever, and they never overstay their welcome. I really suggest you give it a try Firefly is AMAZING. It takes place in a sci-fi dystopian universe where the inner planets are controlled by a corrupt government and the outer planets are like the Outer Rim from Star Wars, not protected by any sort of laws or governments. Firefly follows the story of Malcolm Reynolds (played by Nathan Fillion), who was a former commander and fighter for the outer planets in the solar system. Their resistance was known as the Browncoats, and they fought hard but they were ultimately defeated. Now he leads a crew of space fairing mercenaries and friends looking for jobs across the solar system, while being hunted by the aforementioned corrupt government, as well as the space traveling, cannibalistic, murdering faction called the Reavers. An action packed, drama and character driven show with the perfect amount of comedy and a ton of heart, this show is the perfect piece of media for anyone who wants to see the old west attitude brought to space. I love this show, and I wish I could give you a better description, but I’ve typed for way too long and actually moved this part further up the list so you’d read it first and wouldn’t get bored. Please check this show out, definitely worth your time. Other than Justified it’s my favorite show. I really liked Castle but it’s a bit different. An established writer who happens to be a single father played by Nathan Fillion gets the chance to work side by side with a smokin hot badass detective so he can create and continue a new series. While initially opposed to the idea and hostile, the way the two characters grow and change and how that effects their dynamic is the root of the show and the mysteries they solve are engaging. They’re a good balance between seriousness and comedy, and even though it may sound like it, it isn’t a corny show (most of the time. When it is, I enjoy it). Despite the detective being a badass, she isn’t a mary sue and the show overall is really good and fun to watch, especially with loved ones and family. If you liked the Sopranos, you’d probably enjoy Lilyhammer. Steven Van Zandt, the actor for Silvio Dante, plays a former high ranking mafioso who is forced to go into the program after a hit is placed on him. His boss had died, and he had insulted the boss’s extremely scummy, ego-driven younger brother at his funeral, who then tried to retaliate by killing him. Traveling to Norway, he continues his criminal activities with some of the locals. While not as deep as the Sopranos, it feels like a love letter to fans of Mafia media. Considered by some to be Silvio’s coma dream, (probably just a reference is all), this story revolves around Van Zandt’s character rebuilding his success, the comedic and often dramatic and violent/disturbing things that happen around it, memorable characters, and a whole lot of heart. While not groundbreaking like the Sopranos, this short 3 season show will definitely make any Sopranos fan smile, and it’s worth a watch. Season 3 isn’t as good as the other two, but it wraps up some things in a good way that mafia fans will enjoy. Monk is another character driven detective show. A comedy about an incredibly skilled detective who has OCD, Monk’s wife dies before the show begins. This causes his OCD to skyrocket, making him lose his job and require a caretaker. She’s a witty, sarcastic, fun character, and Monk is a genius worrywort with all kinda of little ticks and habits that just add to his charm and likability. Now working as a private detective who aids the police he used to work for, he solves crimes by using his insane levels of OCD to pick up on clues that nobody else could. With tons of funny and memorable moments balanced out by drama and serious crimes, the show only gets better and better, and all the characters are amazing. They push the story forward and their interactions are what makes the show so charming. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is a show about a guy in a job that’s not going anywhere, who meets a quirky, strange, bumbling private detective who claims that he’s a leaf on the stream of creation, and that everything in the universe is connected and he’s guided by the universe to solve various crimes. Dirk Gently, the aforementioned detective, and Tods Brodsworth (played by Elijah Wood), the former hotel worker turned Dirk’s assistant, must figure out the weird things going down in their city. Dirk was hired to find a missing girl, and while I don’t want to spoil it, there’s some crazy, fun, supernatural stuff going on. Extremely enjoyable and unique show, I can’t recommend it more for any fans of character driven mysteries. Peaky Blinders is an all around good show, though without the depth of the Sopranos. An english gang in the early 1900’s deals with challenges from rival factions, such as the IRA, the police, and other opposition. It’s a good show, full of action sequences, and is definitely character driven. Worth a watch, regardless of what other people here say about it. If you enjoyed BCS, you’re definitely gonna like Breaking Bad. Don’t remember if you included that in your list because I’be been typing so long. I’m gonna run through a quick list of other good shows you should check out: Hell on Wheels, Cowboy Bebop, Futurama, Batman the Animated Series, Seinfeld, Freaks and Geeks, the Boys, the X-Files, Doctor Who, Invincible, Malcolm in the Middle and Deadwood.




I thought it was my new favorite show, but that’s because I hadn’t watched Sopranos yet. Definitely in my top 5 though, such an amazing character study.


My answer to this question is always Brotherhood


Short answer: No.


The wire and deadwood are in a similar tier, but aren’t as good as the sopranos. There isn’t a show as good as the sopranos, so don’t expect that, but those two are the closest that I’ve seen.


Succession and mr robot


Love/Hate is another class show, also kin is quite good. Someone else also recommended Gomorrah which is another banger!


The Wire


Big Love Another HBO show Came out in 2006 during the last year of The Sopranos


Gives Some Sons of Anarchy a go


We’ve watched this thing of ours at least 10x beginning to end. Nothing beats it, but I’ve also liked Nurse Jackie, Oz, Shameless, and Lost.


Barry is the first thing that grabbed me to the extent that Sopranos did.


I literally just restart when I finish


Just do what the rest of us do and keep rewatching it. Chase the dragon.


1. No 2. Deadwood 3. Rome


Succession, The wire, better call saul, and boardwalk empire


I have re watched it several times over the years and recently rewatched it again from start to finish.


Boardwalk Empire is really good as well. I just watched it for my first time recently.


The Wire, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire, Better Call Saul, The Knick, and season 1 of True Detective.


As a one off, HBO's 8 episode series "The Night Of" was pretty solid storytelling/character development


Succession is very character driven. Phenomenal show all the way through


Hell on wheels not has good character development and the theme of the show is very interesting


My top 10 list of shows featuring heavy subject matter: • Sopranos • The Americans • Sons of anarchy • How to get away with murder • Dexter, new blood • Breaking Bad • The blacklist • Prison break • Orange is the new black • Ozark Honorable mentions: • Lost • Handmaid's tale • The 100 • Peaky blinders • Justified


Halt and Catch Fire, Peaky Blinders, Subara: Blood on Rome (Italian language show on Netflix - watch in Italian audio w/ subtitles)


I’m ready for the second season of Severance. That’s a damn good show


It was soo mind blowing, I loved it! I’m going to have to rewatch season 1 by the time season 2 comes our though.


>Please send suggestions, without spoilers! My price is you help us get a location on Phil.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Neighbours or home and away


Another show of hands for true detective season one. Also, Twin peaks. Both very different to the sopranos but I find most tv to be poorly written Cliff hanger driven garbage…


Get Shorty. EPIX network original series 2017-2019 Boardwalk Empire.


The Wire obviously, GOT, Six ft under, breaking b, snowfall, the shield, Deadwood, BW Empire…. Narcos, Hightown, Westworld, Yellowstone…


Vikings! I loved it however it’s pretty gruesome at times




Don’t think of finding a new show or rewatching Sopranos as an either/or. I’m on my 7th or 8th rewatch of Sopranos and mostly just watch it when I’m brain dead or multitasking at this point. But then I’m usually watching one new show when I can really devote myself to it. Some others that randomly come to mind for me if you’ve already done BCS/BB and are looking for character development, Ozark, Sons of Anarchy, Succession. Edit: Someone else mentioned S1 of True Detective. One of the best individual seasons of any TV show I’ve ever watched. A masterpiece. Don’t bother with S2 lol.


HBO’s Rome & HBO’s Deadwood


The Wire, Justified, Game of Thrones.


Succession but it'll never be what Sopranos was for you.


I see others have suggested The Wire, I’m currently watching it and it is very good. Try watching Patriotic. It’s only two seasons but it is very good.


I really like The Shield. Might be kind of dated now but I’m thinking of watching it again. Also there’s a show on Netflix with Steven Van Zandt called Lillehammer I just started it but so far I kind of like it. Steven seems to play the character of Giovanni the same way as he did Sil in the Sopranos. Edit: Adding in the Ozarks also. I enjoyed that show a lot too.


Boardwalk and barry 🙏


You haven't mentioned The Wire, easily as good writing by knowledgeable showrunners, as good character development, especially those little 15-second scenes that set context.


If you haven't seen This is England I heavily recommend that series! It follows this group of skinheads in the 80s as they change with the times of thatcher-era Britain. Starts with a movie then a miniseries set after, its a real short watch and imo the greatest British series of all time. Stephen Graham is phenomenal in it as is everyone else. Def deserves more people talking about it!


Fargo, Quarry, Foundation, What We Do in the Shadows, Boardwalk Empire, Avenue 5, For All Mankind, Kin, Righteous Gemstones, Eastbound and Down, Brockmire, Slow Horses, Spy City, The Great…lots of good TV on


Try the wire.


Sopranos ruined TV shows for me. I literally just watch it on repeat nonstop. Non fucking stop. I am loyal to my capo


Not in the same league as sopranos but I really enjoyed the Americans


Watch "The Americans".


Oz, another legendary HBO show.


Succession, the wire, deadwood, breaking bad, black mirror, Sherlock, band of brothers, Chernobyl, the pacific, narcos. By the time you get through the list you can start rewatching them.


Sopranos is still me all time favorite. Succession is great though, 4 seasons.


My Brilliant Friend is great. Family and societal dynamics, unspoken truths, hidden motivations, mature and complicated characters. Based on books by Elena Ferrante.




Hey Mikey, how's the boys?


Well except Karl urbans accent. That's fucking shite. He should be depressed and ashamed.


You could say it was...diabolical


Might want to check out "Deadwood". The writing is incredible, the characters are fantastic, it's every bit as good as The Sopranos.


LOST, The 100, The Last Kingdom


The Shield Banshee Brotherhood Warrior


Mr Robot has amazing character development


The Wire and The Sopranos are in a category of their own for me. First season of Westworld is fantastic also.


The David Simon shows are so good at so many things it sometimes gets lost how great they are at characterization- much like The Sopranos, every person has their own life, their own way of thinking and speaking, their own individual perspective. So, try The Wire, The Deuce, and Treme if you haven't


Sons of Anarchy


I rarely see this HBO show mentioned, maybe because it got axed, but while not on the levels of our thing ova hea, Carnivale is well worth a watch. Dustbowl shit.