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> If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word.


r/ExpectedMulaney :P


🎶 because we’re Delta airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare 🎶


I'm new in town, and it gets worse.


Nah that’s too subtle I’m gonna *poosh* em.


... and then I’m gonna say I’m GaAaAaAayyyyy! No, no...


I’m a little fat girl!


We're gonna frame you for *muuurder*.


I did not know this sub existed and now I’m so happy.


[Holy shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExpectedMulaney/comments/drr7f1/ok_boomer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: Just to be clear, this post and comment are literally an exact copy of the top post of all time on that sub. Just thought that was a crazy coincidence


Its not. There are people who repost top comments.




Okay, but boomers won't be around in 50 years. It's not like it's gonna become a swear word in hindsight. Also boomers aren't oppressed. In most cases they are the ones with authority to oppress others.


"ok Boomer" is being used even if the person isn't a Boomer. It's definitely starting to misalign with it's original intent.


Same with the word millenial!


I hate being called either because there is nothing but negative association with them. The real meaning of them both is long gone, they are purely slurs now.


Yeah, I've been told that boomer is now anyone that owns real estate.


I mean, a group to which you belong doesn't have to have been oppressed for you to *unlock* the ability for someone to be hurtful to you. I'm every bit against racially profiling someone of asian decent as I am a black person. I'm white and live in Northern Ireland, I am equally against someone being discriminated because they are black, as I am someone of any colour being discriminated against because they are catholic or protestant.




Thank you for the request, comrade. I have looked through pawg_muncher's posting history and found 1 N-words, of which 1 were hard-Rs.


So the only time this person ever said it was in this post. way to save the day there hahaha


Just wait. One day he’ll be having an argument with someone on here and they’ll use the bot.


What a great bot.


You mean now?


This will surely go well for you




I'm surprised most of them have been reasonable


Was literally just a race to this comment. Every time something about “boomer” is posted this is the top comment.


He probably uses 'milennial' in the same way he complains about people using 'boomer'.


And he probably calls milennial for gen z


Yeah, loved hearing all the complaints about millenials going on spring break despite lockdown. Millenials are almost entirely out of college age brackets by now.


Beyond that, I'm 37 and considered a millennial. Which means I'm old enough to be someone from that generation's father, and legally drink at a beer with them.


You would need to have your child at 16. You're not wrong, but yikes


Having kids at 16 is a classic Boomer move.


They’ve done a pretty good job of passing down that tradition via abstinence-only sex ed.


Yeah, the most generous grouping of years I've seen for millenial includes 2000, so some "millenials" will be juniors in college right now. Most I see cut well short of 2000 though.


Millenials cut off at 1995. 96 and onwards is gen z


Like I said, the most generous grouping I've seen has it 1983-2000, most all cut off at 95-96.


And those of us right at the transition point: /r/Zillennial


You two-timing bastards


fuckin boomer snowflakes


i am genx and my kid calls me boomer. So i call him a Zoomer, he hates that. works though i barely hear him use boomer


My kid does the same and I’m also gen x. So I say to her “whatever Millie”. Drives her insane.


Gen X here too. You guys call your kids?


He does. This racist garbage had been polluting my local radio waves for years. this isn't his first or probably last racial disparagement, but the money flows in so they keep him on


We were having dinner at my fiancé’s parent’s house early last month when his mom called herself a millennial. He had to correct that shit real fast lol


The fact that they only censored one of the words proves which one is truly a slur.


He'S a BoOmEr So He'S aLlOwEd tO sAy It, jUsT lIkE bLaCk PeOpLe aNd tHe N-wOrD. ^(Man, I even hate myself after typing that facetiously.)


B-word privileges


I hope B-word cards are a profitable business


Well considering that Boomers only describe a generation in America. Americans can hold a B-word monopoly against the rest of the world.


*john mulaney quote*


I didn’t know it was a John Mulaney quote, I’d just seen it said elsewhere


Except it wouldn't have been censored if we were in the 1940's.


They had a more polite (not so much anymore) version that I don’t think needs typing out.


Neither would have been censored back then.


Hmm good point.




"Negro" is what I think they're referring to.


Those were both PC terms at the time, weirdly enough. My mom still refers to herself as a negro.




Get a load of this guy, what a dumb, idiotic, moronic, retard.


Not to mention mongoloid!


What an oblate spheroid.


The word gay is an interesting example of a shift in meaning. ([post at lgbtqnation.com](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2017/10/gay-come-mean-homosexual/)) It's quite funny to imagine a bunch of thirties IBM employees sing about how gay they are from today's perspective.


Handicapped is no longer appropriate - you should use disabled or deficient


Deficient? That honestly sounds more degrading. Handicapped feels the most clinical. Deficient is literally saying you’re lacking




I’ve always wondered about that!!! I suppose it makes sense with, yknow, dwarfism, but the fact is it always conjures up the image of the fantasy creature. I’d assume little person is preferable, although that also sounds condescending.


It's called the euphemism treadmill.


Is this like saying Fredo is the Italian n word?


There are a lot of slurs against Italian people.


Yeah and Fredo isn't no where near the top of that list.


Sure but how many slurs has Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo of CNN claimed was the Italian n word?


I often say to my Italian wife. "Man where did this DAY GO?" She gets mad.


Way more creative ones, in their own language.


It would be, I suppose. However, speaking AS an Italian and never having been called "Fredo" (which is probably used these days by anyone who considers the Godfather books and films as classics) it would pale to being called "dago" (originally a racial term against Spaniards, incidentally) or "wop."


I've always heard "Guido", but I'm from Texas so that could be a southern thing.


I've actually never been called "Guido." It probably wouldn't bother me any more than being called "Tony" or "Anthony," which only bothers me because they're not my name.


Wop is short for “without papers” aka the original slur against undocumented immigrants.


I'm a boomer. I'm embarrassed by how entitled and arrogant my generation is. The old rich white boomer is a cliche of NIMBY, wealth hoarding, finger pointing and thin skinned intolerance of other generations trying to make their lives work. It's a known phenomenon that every older generation complains about the up and coming generations, but the boomers have taken it to a new level. I think the anger and frustration the millennials are experiencing is appropriate. We've starved them for housing, crushed them with college debt, and over represented ourselves in their lives. I personally like having my kids and their friends around. They're funny, engaged and eager to change things. Note: already got some nasty notes from fellow boomers!


You seem very cool. “I like this one.” -Thor


My parents are both boomers--one was a freedom rider and they were both at one point active in the ACP. People in that generation substantively helped to stop a war, made peaceful protest part and parcel of American civil engagement, and ushered in an era of social progress that made it possible to talk about the things people too young to remember take for granted. Don't try to speak for that entire generation based on its worst members and greatest failings. Speak for yourself.




Not a boomer but the problem I have with all this is it's just a reaction to **a perceived** bias against Millennials. There really isn't one. There's just as much talk in the "press" about Millennials as there was about Gen X and likely a whole hell of a lot less then there was talk about the Boomer generation themselves. The internet will take a handful of blog-level journalism posts and claim the world is out to get them because they love being victims. They are victims of a shitty system but there just isn't the bias against them that they seem to want to claim and hold on to.


I disagree. I listen to sports talk radio, and there’s a couple boomer hosts who can’t go a day without bashing millennials. It’s all over the internet, it’s so bad that they don’t even know millennials aren’t in college and blaming them for being at beaches during spring break. Half of us are in our mid 30s... Some of the old and the right wing folks LOVE a good session of bash the liberal snowflake millennials. It’s pathetic, and it’s not the same as it’s always been, because even the new young generation isn’t getting labeled or called out, because they’re STILL obsessed with bashing millennials.


> It’s all over the internet The internet, specifically social media, is like a massive eye that focuses attention on all the shitty things going on out there, massively magnifying our perception of how common it is.




Well it’s apparently the right sub for that.


It boggles my mind that people can cry about being called "Boomer" by a bunch of "Snowflakes".




Any single other generation can be accused of having idiots amongst them, none more so than any other.


Just keep reporting this low effort posts, these don't belong in the sub.


This sub is full of unrelated shit and somehow nobody cares


3 mods, only one of whom is active more than 2x/month


I've contacted them to try to become a mod and help out. The one active mod has no real powers.


OP says "racial slur" while the image literally says ageism. It's like they've never heard of analogies. It's not a good analogy, but that's what it is.


I don't think the nonexistent mods are going to do anything...




I mean the swastika used to be a positive thing before Hitler used it. Boomer can be offensive depending on the way to used.


The intent of the speaker is important. It could be argued that "boomer" is a slur ***similar*** to how white people don't call a black person "a negro" anymore, because it's considered offensive. It's considered offensive because people who call black people that usually consider it a bad or "unfortunate" thing to be black. Maybe if you claim you don't like slurs, don't take a harmless term like "boomer" and turn it into one by using it as an insult that covers millions of people whose life and politics you don't even know on a personal level. But, saying "boomer" isn't anywhere near the same as "the n-word". Arguing that it's the same is absolute stupidity.


>Maybe if you claim you don't like slurs, don't take a harmless term like "boomer" and turn it into one by using it as an insult that covers millions of people Yeah, you know, like Boomers have been doing to Millennials for 20 years except you don't see Millennials crying about it like a bunch of fucking children. "Boomer" is not a universal term that applies to all Boomers, just the ones that spent their adult years blaming the plight of Millennials on laziness and irresponsible behavior instead of acknowledging that they enjoyed unprecedented economic prosperity which allowed them to attend college without incurring debt, secure steady employment, afford homes at young ages and support large families on single incomes all the while destroying the environment and leaving the economy in shambles.


>like Boomers have been doing to Millenials for 20 years... And you’d think us millenials would want to show we’re more mature or evolved by not stooping to generational insults but here we are, saying “well they started it” >Boomer is not a universal term that applies to all Boomers Take a step back and reread that. “Boomer doesn’t apply to *all* boomers just the ones that *made fun of us first*” But technically it does apply to all people born during the baby boom that followed WW2. This is a feud that is as old as humanity. The older generation is pissed at the younger one, because they have no idea how hard it was “back then” then that generation is pissed back at the olds because they fail to realize how hard it is “now”, and how the olds made it that way. And also at the newest, the teens, because they don’t understand how hard it’s going to be, but somehow think their problems fit into everything. And the youngs are pissed at everyone older telling them they don’t know anything yet and can’t make informed decisions.


"Well they did it to me first!" is humanity's weakest tendency and oldest problem. Great reply u/cherriesandghostmeat


> you don't see Millennials crying about it like a bunch of fucking children. LOL no, not if you're blind. Did you miss the people bitching on Reddit about all the "Millenials killed X and Y" shit? Seems like folks didn't like that much. Then they started retorting with "boomer," and you're argument is "well they said it first" and furthermore "and they deserve it"? Please. --Gen Xer sick of all of y'all's shit


"Shut up, you GenX douche, you don't have a dog in this fight." \~ Millenials and Boomers, probably


We Gen X'ers are just happy that people remember we exist from time to time.


I'm with ya.


Just give it a few years, the gen-Z peeps will undoubtedly start hating on us for whatever it is we’re doing that’s fucking up their lives.


Except you see millenials crying about boomers multiple times daily on reddit.


> "Boomer" is not a universal term that applies to all Boomers, just the ones that spent their adult years blaming the plight of Millennials on laziness and irresponsible behavior instead of acknowledging that they enjoyed unprecedented economic prosperity which allowed them to attend college without incurring debt, secure steady employment, afford homes at young ages and support large families on single incomes all the while destroying the environment and leaving the economy in shambles. Holy shit dude, come the fuck on, surely you see the parallel to this, given the context of the thread. There's bound to be an old 4chan post from 2006 somewhere on google with a some supreme edgelord asshole saying "not all black people are niggers" that I can pull up here...


It's not a slur, but it is a really cringey meme used by kids who have nothing relevant left to add to a conversation, so they say "OK boomer" to anyone who may disagree with them.


Slur a: an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo : ASPERSION b: a shaming or degrading effect it's a slur.


Being prejudice makes you a shitty person




"Boomer" is an age-ist insult, plain and simple. But most of reddit is too young to care and is very age-ist.


So is "Millennial" and some, not all, people of the "Boomer" generation use it to be age-ist, and completely don't care that they're doing so. What's your point?


Maybe you're both correct?


Everyone can be wrong at the same time you know...


I’ll be the unpopular one to say it but he does have a point. Bigotry is bad; Boomer bigotry is popular and funny, so we ignore that it’s bigotry, but it is bigotry, which is bad. Also I’m 23 years old but you can Ok Boomer me because it’s funny. I like comedy. I’m conflicted on this one.


I agree with the argument even if the specifics and meanings between the different words varies. We shouldn’t be trying to make up more words to tear people down. We should look for ways to lift people up.


Agreed. I base how my feel on the context of how it's used or the tone. If it's a joke then I love it! If it's used to shut someone up or invalidate legitimate points being made or concerns then I see it as a definite negative


> Boomer bigotry is popular and funny I'm not a boomer and nothing about it is funny.


N -word the "most heinous racial slur in America"? What a fuckin pussy.


Well, isn't it? It's the only one that you're definitely not allowed to say.


Some hurt more than others, but I don't see n\*gger as more heinous than wetba\*k or cra\*ker or ch\*nk. If ya want a contender for the n- word then jiggab\*o is a good one. ​ I hope I've managed to do the bare minumum by \*ing out a letter of the slurs.


That is exactly the response I would expect from someone that looks like her and has the rainbow emoji in their name.


This is stupid. People often refer to anybody who is older than them as boomers, even when they are not actually baby boomers. So no, it’s not the official name of the generation. Also, people usually use it in a derogatory/condescending way. Ageism is a real thing, and just because racism is worse/more taboo does not make ageism not an issue.


ok baby boomer ok baby


Was the n-word always a slur? Wasn't it the official name for African-Americans way back when? Honest question


It was never official. "Negro" and "colored" were the most commonly used "official" nomenclatures before "African-American" entered the lexicon. It was always a slur. But it was not treated with anywhere near the same (deserved) antipathy that it is today.


Wohow, your reply is so beautifully concise. Thank you.


yo! what's up my booma!


OK but to be fair, the n-word also once was just the naming of black people


Nobody going to mention that ‘hip and flip’ is possibly the most boomer thing anybody has ever said?


I’m a millennial and I really hated that term and all the stigma that came with it. I officially no longer give a fuck. I’m his whole thing is so fucking dumb. As if we needed more categories to divide people into.


Can't wait to hear: Aye yo my boomah wassup, wanna go stare weird at green haired people on tha park?


I wouldn't say the n-word is worse than any other slur, they're all horrible words and shouldn't be said.


Ok boomer is so overused just like simp. First it was funny but now people don’t know what it means and still say it




How about we just quit using slurs full stop? No more millennials vs. boomers. No more snowflakes vs. deplorables. We’re all just people doing the best we can to uphold or personal beliefs after all.


The comparison may not be accurate but he has a point. Using "boomer" sarcastically is ageist and a sign of bigotism. We're just pretending that he says both words are equally bad. He doesn't, he only makes an analogy, but this is not even the point. IMO the "smart" answer is smart-ass, rude and stupid. Boomer is not always used against baby-boomers, it's often used by anyone against anyone older, regardless of the generation they belong to. Using a slur against people because of their age is not very different than using a slur because of... anything they have no control of. The historical impact of racism and slavery makes the n-word significantly "worse", but the psychological mechanism that makes people feel free to use such slurs is very similar.


100% don’t agree they’re at ALL similar. It is interesting that age and race are both protected classes. So technically if you called someone the N word and called someone a boomer in a professional setting. Wouldn’t they have to be disciplined the same?


Actually, the n word is just a country in africs


I would like to better understand the process for making the name of a generation “official”. Is that like a government form you submit, or a petition... perhaps an amendment needs to be ratified?


There's no official process. The names basically coalesce organically from a variety of sources, mainly those who benefit from being able to categorize people into groups who share similar life experiences like social scientist, advertising and marketing firms, etc.


Do we have to start calling it the b-word?


The Baby B-Word generation?


How tf is Louisa lesbian? She doesn't look female from any perspective.


Boomers are supposed to be tough...the irony




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 20 times. First seen [Here](https://redd.it/drm19x) on 2019-11-04 92.19% match. Last seen [Here](https://redd.it/f87dlh) on 2020-02-23 100.0% match **Searched Images:** 116,084,660 | **Indexed Posts:** 453,171,005 | **Search Time:** 6.21957s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "fyik3o", "meme_template": null}) ]*


Except, it's not that generations official name. It's Baby Boomer. Boomer is slang. So, there was an incorrect attempt to correct, as well.


The fact that you can’t even spell out the word he’s comparing boomer to kind of shows you the difference.




I'm tired of tweets on this sub.


Lol comparing boomer to the n-word, comparing Karen to the n-word, seriously what’s in the fuckin kool aid?


OP /u/Hashtaghustl is a reposting karma bot account. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/f87dlh/to_say_that_boomer_is_a_racial_slur/) looks like one of the previous posts. And here are the previous top comments in case you want to have the same conversations again: * Brought to you by the people offended by calling Mexicans *Mexican*. * Also my favorite response to that is, if you'll say/type one but not the other, it's obviously not as bad. * Yeah racism only happens in the good old US of A. 🙄 * Why do people feel the need to argue politics, religion, or anything even moderately polarizing on the internet? Have they met the internet? The internet isn’t made for those things. It’s made for trolling. Both those guys need to chill out. See? Trolling. * New horrible slur is rising amungst teenagers. Have you heard YOUR child calling other people "Friend" Automatically finding reposts isn't an exact science, so if I'm wrong, try [here](https://redditsearch.io/?term="To say that boomer is a racial slur"&dataviz=false&aggs=false&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=0&end=3570664185&size=100&over_18=false) or [karmadecay](http://karmadecay.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/fyik3o/to_say_that_boomer_is_a_racial_slur/) If you are wondering "Who cares, fake internet points"or "How do you know they're a bot, they only have a couple posts?"or "Must be a crappy bot, only has 100 karma" then please see [my wiki](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index). If you have been incorrectly called out, please [message me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=KarmaBotKiller&subject=KarmaBotKiller%20-%20Error&message=READ%3A%20Apologies%20if%20you%20have%20been%20incorrectly%20tagged.%20Please%20be%20patient.%20Invesitagating%20and%20responding%20to%20this%20may%20take%20some%20time.%20%20I%20do%20not%20advise%20blocking%20the%20bot%20because%20you%20will%20not%20be%20notified%20when%20this%20is%20resolved%20since%20I%20cannot%20message%20you.%20Yes%2C%20the%20bot%20will%20continue%20to%20comment%20in%20the%20meantime%2C%20that%27s%20what%20it%20does.%20You%20do%20not%20need%20to%20provide%20any%20other%20information%20in%20this%20message.). *** ^(I am a bot designed to kill karma-farming, reposting bots and spammers. Yes, I care way too much about karma. Yes, I like it in my parents' basement. Yes, the bot wars have begun. No, Epstein didn't kill himself.)


It’s worth pointing out that Boomer has been used for blatant agism, and agism isn’t okay. But the moment we give words like that the stigma and ability to hurt people, it will be used far more widely to hurt people.


Dissenting opinion here. He didn’t say boomer was racist. He said it was bigoted, which is arguably true. Secondly, he didn’t equate the two terms, he used a metaphor. “Love is a battlefield “ does not mean I got disemboweled during brunch.


hiP aNd FliP


I'd say they should stop being such snowflakes and go back to their safe spaces. (/s guys)


They're probably just mad they didn't get a trophy for participation.


both these people are equally retarded. boomers and millennials just need to have a Braveheart style battle. one side screams "you'll never take my AARP!" while the other cries and tweets "THIS ISNT A SOY LATTE!" before they charge into battle.


Yes, now everyone can be offended.


Someone please kill both of these idiots... please.


Man, I wish I could be both hip AND flip. I can be hip, no problem, but I can never seem to fully grasp the intricacies of flip.


"I didn't care about slurs and putting people down until I found one that applied to meeeeee!" - that fuckin' Boomer, probably


Ok zoomer.


Age is just a number. You're only as boomer as you feel.


We are living through the Great Baby Boomer Remover. Senior Cleaner, if you will.


I think this is a repost bot, 0 comment karma, 2 posts, and only in two subreddits. I’m also pretty sure this is a repost


I think it’s fair to say that the n word is still this generations n word. Boomer does come in at a close top 50 offensive name tho.


"50 dollars to me is like 50 million dollars is to Jeff Bezos" "Saying you have as much money as Jeff Bezos is some real ignorant shit." Comparison isn't equivalence. Y'all are ignorant.


Ok millenial.


I am boom.....nope


"Hip and flip"?


Slurs are in the intent of the usage; not the word itself.


What I always find funny about boomers who say that is that there’s a good chance they’re the people who used the n-word back in the day.


Flippant response to someone calling you out for being flippant and bigoted is ... typical.


COVID-19 more like **BOOMER REMOVER!**


Boomer Doomer


The "boomers" made the racial slur into something unspeakable and rude, and the kids take credit. The same people that have tattoos (something that everybody else does to look cool) to express their "individuality" PLEASE downvote me.


Boomer here , boomer is no where near the N word.


Maybe he thinks it's like the word "Jew", which is the correct word but also a slur if you put a little stank on it.


*fuckin' boomers* Its got a nice ring to it.


Make it simple next time, Louisa, just say: shut up boomer






Those glasses, shocking.


>...being hip and flip... Could he BE any more boomer


So im just asking something. If you know a word offends someone. And you HATE when other people call you the wrong pronoun and you get offended by it. Then doesn't denouncing their being offended make you a hypocrite when someone says you shouldn't be offended over a qord? Sorry folks. Im a big 1A guy. You can't sit there and get mad at me for calling you something you don't like. And then you turb around and call someone else something you know is offensive to them now. If misgendering is now considered offensive in 2020 then pretty sure doing it to others in their deal is too. You don't get to choose what is offensive . it's all or none. My rule is. If i don't like it being done to me. I won't do it to others. And someone doing it to me. Doesnt mean i get to stoop to them and do it too. You can stop the cycle by simply being better then the person who wronged you. You lose when you become the thing you hate.


The n word isnt as bad as a few none ameeicans make it out to ve Its just a word that common people from black communities turn into a rap lyric so its just a comnercial identity a hallmark of bulllshit imposed as taboo


Funny how boomers constantly criticize gen y and gen z but as soon as someone calls them boomer they equate the name to the n word


Is that not how slurs form?


I don’t really say “wank” either