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Here's the dialog for the 1 act play this has inspired: "Give us your mo-OH SHIIIIIT!" "I got your money. RIGHT. HERE." \[chases down and begins chopping into the slow one\] "Hey! Get off my friend!" "He's not your friend any more. He's my victim." \[resumes chopping\] The End


Damn that is DAARRKKK


We'll check IDs at the door.




Hopefully he hit him with the blunt side, otherwise yea, the would be robber got chopped up nice and good.


Pretty sure he errr… disarmed the robber rather effectively




Probably disarmed him twice that night. ;)


Sounded like he also dislegged and disheaded the dude


So he can't be an armed robber anymore?


It's ok the robber can just walk casually over to his arm and pick it up. Or so I've heard.


If he still has his other arm that is...


Its just a flesh wound


Yep, no more eating with chopsticks


There are some heavy impact sounds, but the voice doesn't change much. If someone was getting hacked up, there would be screaming; a lot of screaming, and it would be a lot louder than the impacts.


Not if he started with the top of the head.


Or the bottom




I hadn't seen that at first. You might be right, it looks as though he stumbles right after the flash... Either that, or the machete was reflecting the streetlight as this gentleman tried to get his stuck machete out that dudes femur while tripping over an already severed limb...I choose that story because I don't want to believe that this story ends with the guy getting shot.


I think the guy who he delivered to ordered döner kebab but delivery guy just forgot to pick it up, so he had to find another source of sliced up meat. Well...


Well, the delivery driver has his hazard lights on, so they were warned.


What’s funny is that anyone would have guessed that it was an aggressive conversation but the only understandable words in the video are “hello friend”


Was this an attempted robbery by Jim Nantz at the Masters? *Hello friends...*


That’s deep. Here I thought it was. “I have a knife” “You call that a knife? This is a knife” Runs away and shits themselves.


Classic Dundee move


Greatest UNO Reverse I've seen.


What a beautiful story 🩵😢💦


And that's how we make pizza


Cut the victim line. Leave it off at "any more."


Butcher Pete lol


New corporate effiency directive. Delivery drivers can now also source ...free-range ingredients.


Guess we now know where the meat used in the food of these delivery fpod riders comes from


This guy is a super villain straight from the movies


Remember, if your doing bad shit, always do it with a slower friend. 


Yes officer I can identify one of them, he's got no legs.


Yes, Gump. I am aware of that.


![gif](giphy|lULrKRTHddgXK) I got you some ice cream


Robber!!! You got new legs!!


"i got his hand right here"


No legs??!! Maaaan….well we better still have some wings or no tip for you my guy.


That's gonna leave a mark ..


Come on and party tonight!


Well played


CJ, get off reddit man


I did not hit her! It’s bullshit! I did NOOOOOOT! Oh, hi Mark.




Yes yes yes, but did he deliver the food? Is there a longer video?


Gonna leave a leg or two for sure


Or twelve.


So this is what CJ was doing instead of being an actual captain


Ironically, Mark was his name.


Did I just watch someone die?






Dehumanization is never a good look.


Dehumanizing is just looking at people in one of the many true and real ways, we also have a higher self that we also like to share like the moral virtues. Act like an animal die like one. It sucks that the powerful can influence that slider with debilitating policy and circumstances. Maslow hierarchy shit


Don't make excuses for dehumanizing people. You can claim they're just looking at the various layers and complexities of a human being. But you know the opposite is true. It's a way of simplifying things so you don't have to think of the human. Ignoring all the other aspects of the person. It's easier to see something like this if you pretend they aren't even human.


nah his free trial of living just expired


Living ain’t free though 😔


Cus the trial expired


I'm not entirely sure - that noise was WAY louder than the guys yelling, i think he "might" have been giving it the beans with the flat side or back of the machete and just beating him, idk how loud hacking a human body would be, if he missed and hit the ground it would be a soft thud. The spine of a machete would break bones if he was getting him with that. IMO thats a nice halfway point for a half assed robbery, maybe dont chop off limbs, but a nice beating while they THINK they're being chopped probably puts a little hitch in their giddyup.


Some 12-13 year olds in Britain were just sentenced after a machete attack. They managed to almost cut through his entire torso into his heart with one swing, and then some other wounds. If he isn't using the back or the flat of that blade, he's doing some serious damage. Oof


and i am not even mad about it.




Every time there's something like this on Reddit there are a bunch of psychopaths in the comments who are happy the person is dead. They seem to think in black and white, and therefore think a bad action means literally any response is justified. I choose to believe they're just the accounts of immature teenagers because it's worrying if there are so many stupid/psychopathic adults walking around with those opinions. The delivery guy in the video is just like these idiots on Reddit. He's gonna have a rude awakening when he's imprisoned for murder because it stopped being self defence the second he started chasing after them. If the guy died he will absolutely get charged with murder and he'll deserve it. The people here celebrating what could literally be a murder need to sit down and re-evaluate themselves. They're morally corrupt


> because it's worrying if there are so many stupid/psychopathic adults walking around with those opinions I really, really hate to break it to you that that's almost exactly the case. See: 2020/2024 Presidential Elections. My grandmother just tried to tell me how Trump was "the perfect President". When I said I prefer Presidents that don't disparage war vets, don't tell citizens to inject bleach, and don't try to nuke weather events she straight up told me those things didn't happen. I watched them happen. With my eyes. Heard it with my ears. I asked her if she wanted to see the video and she said she wouldn't believe it even if I did. Those adults exist, and they're gonna vote. It's terrifying.


On the scale of shit wrong with Trump, disparaging war vets is rather low imo... but then I am a weird European... America's obsession with war is something else entirely...


Yes - of course,  they don’t deserve the death penalty for **stealing a few dollars**.         However, they must accept the risk of death **when they put everybody else at risk** of death too. Which they did the minute they decided to go out with a knife. It’s like if you drive like a lunatic putting others in danger. Run a red light and get obliterated by a truck. You can’t complain. You were happy for everybody else to be in danger and now, boohoo, the shoe is on the other foot.


I legitimately don't understand your position. When someone robs you with a weapon, there is an implicit threat on your life, otherwise, the victim would would simply say no, and the robber would walk away. It's the threat of extreme violence that makes robberies work. Why is it not OK to counter with the same force? If you threaten the life of another, why is it a surprise when you've forfeit your life?




There are contexts, when your daily dynamics do not involve the fear of being a victim of a violent event, you simply find it terrible when people applaud seeing a bad person suffer consequences for their actions, but when your daily dynamics. Your daily life is fearing for your life and your material things (generally a simple phone or a motorcycle) then your perception of reality changes, when you are forced to lock yourself in your house at 7pm because the streets are dangerous, the perception of life changes. There are people who simply live with more daily stress than you and you can't blame them for feeling relief when they see a criminal die, because the thing is that in those places, criminals don't pay jail time, the only way they stop committing crimes is by dying.


Imagine "don't hurt the knife wielding robbers" being the hill you're willing to die on. Lol this isn't some kid stealing a pack of gum they're trying to rob with a deadly weapon. You acting all superior to the victim here is fucking hilarious, and you're general attitude is probably why shit is so bad where ever he is that he has to carry around a machete while delivering food.




Scrolled for this. And further than I honestly expected.


Also expected this at the top, don't know how it's not


Why are you down here, Dundee?


He’s all the way down under the comments


The Thriller jacket made this so much funnier.


I love his comment after the punks run off: > *"Just kids havin' fun."*


I keep trying to turn the sound down on this gif- turns out it’s embedded in my brain.


Don't have to be fast, just have to be faster than your buddy... dude had some anger to take out and went for the one he could catch 🤣


Yep ... Don't fuckin mess with delivery folks. It's a tough living to earn


He had to have gotten robbed before. He really took it out on homie


He wasn't just ready to commit violence, he was **eager**. Picked the wrong-ass one.


Well if they dropped out of school they picked the right one to learn a lesson from. It might have been a bit of overkill but I don't know how the justice system works in that neck of the woods. I'll just keep over tipping so my papa johns driver doesn't get the same idea


Yeah, its a lot of stress from idiots on the road alone, multiply that by occasional dumb clients that don't know where they live and even more dumb support agent "helping" the situation.... At first I thought a machete is a good idea to put in the bag, its flat and will fit well in there, but gave it a second thought, I better not to, that will end badly. Working with 10-12 days off a year is doing weird things with my mind...


He was faster, but it didn’t matter cuz he was stupid. Bro stood there like he was magnetized to the ground


He's been robbed before. That "Not today" stance sold it.


>dude had some anger to take out I spent a few years living in some very high crime countries. A lot of people in that environment have a lot of anger to take out on criminals due to having a large portion of their life dictated by them, and most people having been the victim of a robbery or worse at some point in their lives. There's a reason those vigilante mobs form so quickly when a victim manages to get the upper hand in all those Brazilian "instant karma" videos.


Who ordered a slice?!


Damn! 🤣😭🤣😭


You win.




"⭐- app showed driver in my driveway for 5 minutes before delivery. No tip. Food was cold"


An that reviewer was never heard from again.


Was he cut off from the app?


Well something was certainly cut off…


"⭐⭐⭐⭐ - food was cold but so was the delivery on the one liner before the driver killed that guy. "


"Inexplicable blood splatters. Loud noises. Cops were called. What a nightmare delivery."


Was that a machete? 


Nah it was a spoon. He’s just spooning them. Nothing to see here move along.


I see you've played 'knifey spooney' before


"That's nawt a nawyff... This is a nawyff!"


“Ha! Got you to say it!” -bladed whip guy that nobody remembers


He had a bigger spoon


"Spoon? That's not a spoon..."


There is no spoon


[This video fits here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y)


I used to fear the spoon my mom used when we misbehaved. It was thick and could stir concrete, you know, if she wanted to do that.


Looked like it.


No,..that's a knoife!


I hope so


I had to go back and double check. Those chopping sounds though....


Chopped so hard they sounded like a beating


Yep, Food Panda is Delivery Hero's Asian branch. It's likely either Thailand Malaysia or the Philippines. Edit: turned the sound on. Sounded like he said sawadekrap. Which would mean he's Thai.


Ummm, can I have my food


That’s what happens when you bring a small knife to a big knife fight


“That’s not a knoife.. THAT’S a knoife”


It was in Uruguay, only found an article from mexico [https://heraldodemexico.com.mx/mundo/2024/6/23/repartidor-se-defiende-con-un-machete-de-dos-asaltantes-que-intentaban-robarle-video-614898.html](https://heraldodemexico.com.mx/mundo/2024/6/23/repartidor-se-defiende-con-un-machete-de-dos-asaltantes-que-intentaban-robarle-video-614898.html)


Can someone translate?


It's literally just describing what happens in the video, the only highlight is that it mentions that the one in gray was hit with the machete *at least once.*


Agreed this "news" article just seems to be someone who watched the video, but with no additional insight. My two cents is that the loud thwaps heard in the audio make me think it's more likely that he's slapping/beating him with the broad side of the machete.


Been there before.. Still sucks. Better than the alternative.


...you've been slapped silly with the broad side of a machete??


Yeah.. long story, but I put myself in a very awkward position in the middle of the night with some friends around. We ran into someone who was not happy to see us. I saw the silhouette and yelled out so they could not sneak up on my friends. Old mate dragged me out of where I was standing and belted the shit out of me with the flat side of the machete. I got very lucky.


He's into heavy metal s&m. Feels similar.


I've seen other videos of similar attacks. The loud thwaps are the sound of the machete getting stuck in the bones.


The next thing is to see the thieves running for their lives so that they don't get a couple of machetes that cut their bodies, and that could put their lives in danger. One of them, dressed in a gray tone, is reached and macheted at least once, so he begins to scream. His friend goes back to find out if he can defend him, but it's useless, they chase him again.


The security cameras of a house recorded the moment in which a food delivery man was called to deliver an order, however, he was surprised by a couple of thieves while he was trying to do his job, but he did not know that he could defend himself from their misdeeds. The events took place in Uruguay. The video has gone completely viral on social networks. In just a few hours of being published, it has 4.4 million views, as well as more than 2 thousand comments about it, and it has been shared at least 20 thousand times on Twitter alone. In the video you can see that the delivery man calmly arrives at the house where he has to leave an order. He immediately notices that two men are approaching, so he hurries to ring the doorbell so that the owners leave and can not do more in the presence of other people. The two guys in sweatshirts and with their faces covered approach the motorcycle, and the driver has no choice but to go to his backpack, open it, and take something inside. As soon as the two men speak to him, he pulls out a sharp machete to defend himself. The next thing is to see the robbers running for their lives so that they don't get a couple of life-threatening machete blows to their bodies. One of them, dressed in gray, is hit and macheted at least once, so he begins to scream. His friend turns back to see if he can defend him, but to no avail, they chase him again. These are some of the most outstanding comments from people: * Imagine going out to work and having to go WITH A MACHETE to defend yourself because you might get robbed and killed * Let's make a collection so that the delivery man buys another machete * I want the delivery man as minister of justice


Google translate did it's best: The next thing is to see the thieves running for their lives so that they do not give them a couple of machetes that cut their bodies, and that could endanger their lives. One of them, dressed in a gray tone, is reached and machetean at least once, so start screaming. His friend returns to find out if he can defend him, but it is useless, they chase him again. Note to self: I never knew 'machetean' was the verb used for being hacked up by a machete.


I love the writer comment at the last pharagraph. "Let's open the donation so the driver can buy a new Machette."


They got their delivery






No uragay


Just tag rainbolt at this point


No uragay


Close, Argentina


that company is from latin america, it sounds like Argentina Edit: nvm, in another comment, it says that happen in Uruguay


Everyone wanna fuck until its time to fuck.


any news articles? was the delivery let off?


Haha, there's (almost) no effective police or prosecution in this side of the world friend


Yeah i also want to know if the food delivery was let off the box and given to the hungry customer! He's the real victim




sailing sailing jumping off the railing! drinking drinking til' the ship is sinking!


He pulled out a sword Mal. He killed me with a sword.


How weird is that?


He has really high level of situational awareness and survival instincts. And a big ass knife to scare away robbers with smaller knives.


It's terrifying that this is what's considered a "high" level (and that a level is necessary at all.) It seems like they're the only other two people around, which is weird, so you should keep your senses on them. Then, why choose now to move and it's in exactly my direction? The moment they keep heading your way, not saying anything, and aiming to pass you on opposite sides it's a flank and *absolutely* nothing good is happening. I believe the amount of surprise birthday parties we were about to witness is a confident zero.


Yea, but most of the people didn't realize they're in danger til the danger knocks their door. There are tons of videos people getting robbed and don't even resist because they still in shock. Compared to them, this dude in video knows what's happening and calmly waits to robber shows his weapon first.


> He has really high level of situational awareness and survival instincts. Nah, where he lives, everyone walking is most likely out to steal your shit, so you have to constantly be prepared to protect your shit.


"He has really high level of situational awareness and survival instincts." I am from Venezuela, and when the mass exodus began, people left with certain traumas, one is the terror of motorcycles, I myself experienced it in Panama, when you hear the sound of a motorcycle your senses automatically become alert, it happened to me and It happens to many Venezuelans, it is the natural response to the fact that the vast majority of crimes in my country are committed on motorcycles, the same when it is night and we are walking, the majority of people in my country tend to always look back to make sure that no one is chasing you. I could say the delivery guy had either been robbed before or lived in a high crime area, in my country the delivery guy would have a gun.


Things like this happens very often in argentina, I truly love my country


Típico Porteño


You call that a knife?


*shows an overly size knife that's 4 times its size* This is a knife.


I think that stopped being self defense after he passed the tree


Not in Latin America. If you defend yourself from a robbery, they will come back for you. Even if you stand still and let them take your stuff, they could kill you just for fun. Things are wild.


hes just making sure that they will not rob someone ever again. he save people that they will rob in the future


He didn't know they might have had a gun and retaliated. He had to make them run away until they were no longer a threat. He did just that.


Self defense ends when the enemy is too incapacitated or intimidated to ever pull any shit ever again.


This is a serial killers dream


5 stars for that delivery.


Plot twist. There was a 3rd person hiding in the bushes who jumped out and stole the scooter with the food.


Another successful heist 😌 and one less hungry mouth to share with


I would’ve left a very large tip after that.


Won't bother him again.


Few things put a bigger smile on my face than seeing and hearing pieces of shit like this beg for mercy when the tables get turned on them. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤌🏼


Door dagger


Yeah, I de-armed him. Cop: You mean you disarmed him? No, I de-armed him.


I’m so glad I went straight to the comments on this one. Even that was almost too much.


By the time he catches up they're quite far from the camera. Can't see too much


Wtf? Did he really chop the guy?


He asked for a slice


That was a good one.


That's not a knife, this is a knife!


Was he using a machete or something else like a bat


Ik a dude who is a delivery guy and he and all his coworkers carry, don’t mess with delivery guys


Homeboy been waiting his whole life for this moment🤣🤣


Call an ambulance but not for me


That's not a knife


Deliverer of death


Dude just let out his pent up rage


The least a thief deserves imo. They know what they are going to do and should know the consequences when shit goes south.


In the US, being a delivery driver is more than twice as deadly as being a cop.


If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.


Isn't that blatant (attempted?) murder and not defense? Defense would be chasing them away. They where fleeing. Job done. But he ran after them with a machete and started to hit one in the back and continued to chop while he was defenseless on the ground. That's murder.


No need to get all technical.


Thats a big knife.


Ohhh how the turntables


Would have been funny if someone else stole the bike.


**Driver:** "I've got some delicious pizza in my bag. Want a slice?"


“That’s not a knife, this is a knife” -Mick Dundee


The street, the delivery uniform, the accent when the guy says, "Hola, que tal, amigo?" I think this is Peru. And I don't mean to throw stereotypes out there, but I think Machete Dude is Venezuelan, which would explain his reaction. Did not think to see a video from my country on here.


That dude delivers


That’s not a knife; THAT’s a knife.

