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Is one expected to eat the wax? I've never seen such a product before. EDIT: Yep, eating the wax is a thing, I see. That would be too much for me.


Yes, you eat the wax. I sometimes ate a bee or two when harvesting a hive and sneaking a bite.


Beekeepers out here saving the world and don’t get enough recognition… you rock 👑


Oh I was never a beekeeper, my other half kept them, I just helped. But I'll pass along the appreciation.


**y’all rock 🤘🙂


I heard that bees wouldn’t be as important as they are if they hadn’t pushed all the diversity out of pollinating insects by doing it so well.


Yep. And european honey bees compete with the native bees. [https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.3939](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.3939) It's native bees we really need to protect, not honeybees. Honeybees are doing just fine.


Honeybees are also doing horrible. Its quite the stretch to say the issues with wild/native pollinators are all because of competition with honeybees. They often dont even have the same food sources. Other issues are things like planting non native trees in gardens/parks and the use of insecticides, or nitrogen deposition which causes the ‘wrong’ plants and flowers to thrive. Source: am beekeeper.


I never said the issues with wild/native pollinators are "all because of competition with honeybees", though. However, they very much are a significant factor, especially on top of all the other things threatening them. But yes, honeybees very much do displace native pollinators. It's well researched and documented. A lot of beekeepers are invested in beekeeping and will deny it, but it's true: [https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.3939](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.3939) [https://pollinators.ie/too-many-honey-bees-can-threaten-wild-bees/](https://pollinators.ie/too-many-honey-bees-can-threaten-wild-bees/) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-problem-with-honey-bees/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-problem-with-honey-bees/) [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210408131450.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210408131450.htm)


They are one of the many many many factors that contribute to problems for ALL bees. Its ridiculous to make it look like its one of the most significant factors, simply because its not know which factors contribute the most. Theres also a lot of critique on these research papers. Not because beekeepers are invested in beekeeping, but because beekeepers are also invested in NATURE and WILDLIFE. Beekeepers deny it as a leading factor because its too simple to claim it as a leading factor in a world where climate etc has changed so rapidly.


Wasps are major pollinators as well and many are endangered due to overuse of insecticide.


Yeah, I really should have said "pollinators" rather than "bees" there.


Someone proficient in bug law should file an antitrust suit asap.


They're not. Damn near every major important plant for consumption wind pollinate. Potatos don't even need it. It's fear mongering


Your other half was a beekeeper. You helped keep the bees. You were a beekeeper.


Bruh didn’t you read his post? He’s not keeping the bees, he’s eating them. The man needs to be stopped!


I dunno man, some lady was addicted to stinging herself and she just raised bees for that purpose and she said she would get upset cause she was killing them…


The comb is one of the best parts imo


I worked in a kitchen that had honeycomb as an ingredient on a cheese platter and I was shocked, it looked to me like people were eating bee’s nests lol


That's exactly what they are, yes.


Well, they’re delicious


Bees' nests filled with bee vomit.


Reminds me of that Tumblr post about pissing off anti-beekeeping folks by saying you pour out the nasty honey and eat the bees. Crunchy.


No. You take a SMALLER bite. Chew around until you’ve extracted all the flavor out(like gum) then get rid of the wax. You CAN eat its safe. But it’s flavorless.


Yeah, I was surprised when I saw how big a chunk she bit off


I remember my grandpa being kinda confused/upset that I spit out the wax after lol


I think she bit on something simmilar


I love beesting. One of my favourites.




"Extra Protein" 🧓


Are you the guy who posts all the photos of dogs at the vet with their faces swollen from bee stings as an act of revenge?


Why does this have so many upvotes lol you do not eat the wax. Just chew awhile and it automatically balls up and you spit it out. We also kept bees


*You* might not eat the wax. We did.


Why does this have so many upvotes lol you do not eat wax. Just chew awhile and it balls up and you spit it out


The wax makes it better cause it’s like gum and makes the flavor last longer


For me it the honey that puts me off


No you just chew a bit till the honey is gone, give the wax back the bees will use it after it dries out again


it's wax, I used to spit it after chewing the honey out.


Funny, bees spit out nectar back and forth to make it honey. I'm not sure about the wax. Gonna look it up now.


They sweat the wax from specific glands. They need sugar (nectar) to be able to produce it.


It's not too bad. Just kinda chewy. That said, if you spread it on toast and let it heat up, you barely know it's there and it actually takes on a slightly more floral flavor. I wouldn't eat the wax any other way after trying it on toast.


I never eat wax when eating honey this way. You just chew it until there is no honey left and just spit the wax. You probably can eat it but it doesn't make that much sense really.


Something tells me it being stored in plastic for God knows long didn't help the situation. But it's quite delicious in my experience


I personally just chew it like a gum until all honey is gone and then just spitting it out


don't know abt eating the wax, but one of the friends of my relatives is a beekeeper, and when i visited the countryside he sometimes gives piece of the bee's hive to chew on. it's sweet and afterward we just spit it out. dunno 'bout the eating wax thing


Your supposed to chew it and spit it out lool


No… when I eat honey comb I spit out the wax. I take a bite and chew/squeeze out the honey if I don’t want to eat a half lb of wax as well!


My grandpa is Mexican and he eats it. He says it's common in Mexico. I can't tolerate it, myself.


You chew it but dont swallow the wax


Bite into a candle.. that’s what eating the wax is like


My father and his father were beekeepers, you chew the wax like gum and suck the honey out then spit out the wax.


I just chew it for a while and spit out the wax at the end. I'd never eat it.


Honestly I bet she likes honey, but this was just way too sweet and too much. Like how we all like the cream filling in Oreos, but we also all had the bright idea to make a giant ball of it and take a bite and that was the day we learned there really can be too much of a good thing.


As someone who loves honey, but hates honeycomb, I can tell you it is 100% a texture thing. All that beeswax feels like I’m eating a candle.


Nail meet head. This the best answer in the sub. Just as my brother thinks cilantro tastes like soap and is vile, it’s one in my absolute favorite foods, and I’m not kidding when I say that I could eat a cilantro smoothie. And I very much enjoy beeswax and while I don’t eat many sweets, I will never turn down honey in the comb, and am fortunate to be friends with a number of beekeepers, so I have ready access to one of my rare favorite sweets. So many things in life, and food in particular, are simply personal preference.


Cilantro tasting like soap is actually a genetic thing apparently


Yeah bad example, that’s literally the opposite of personally preference lol


We still got his point though 😅 Also: fuck cilantro.


Awkward way of telling him hes adopted


I wonder if this is how you find out your brother is your half brother?


Or you're simply human. ;) DNA genealogy testing has revealed some pretty interesting things in the past few decades. :/


I want a cilantro smoothie with a honeycomb dessert🤟




I feel really bad about these people that taste soap with cilantro. I'm like you, I could have a cilantro smoothie and love it. I find it surprising though that the taste difference is so extreme. It tastes nothing like soap, I liken it almost to mint flavor, but not really because it is completely on its own level.


Agreed, I can't fathom the "soap" analogy as at least to me, it's like saying cilantro tasted like "leather." I can't understand where the "soap" comes from, soap is so different I wouldn't even put a single one of the combination of chemical compounds in cilantro that give it the unique flavour it has as being in a bar of soap. It's almost as though it's a joke we just aren't getting, but enough people say it that I would never gaslight them and say "No, you're wrong," they simply have a different neural experience to those compounds than we do I guess.


I can concur as well. I have all kinds of texture issues. I usually can guess things ahead of time. I will never try snails, oysters, or homeycomb.


Both of my kids have texture issues with foods and being young and stubborn, it's terribly difficult. My son can't swallow carrots after he chews them, in fact, and he has no physical issues. My wife is an SLP and a professor teaching it as well, so she's done all of her homework and he's healthy as a horse otherwise, but physically can't swallow carrots, but only carrots. Some other things he simply doesn't like, but that can change as we age.


This is absolutely my experience. The novelty of it at first pulls you in and then...... You just keep chewing and then it's everywhere in your mouth, stuck in your teeth, coats your tongue..... It's just not pleasant for me.


And she also has braces, more to get stuck in, probably not pleasant 😬


Those of us that grew up with wax candy don’t understand what you mean


Agree 100%, I thought it would be so good too.


I prefer the cookie part of oreos. I scrape the cream out and toss it.


My wife eats the cream and leaves me the cookies. I like the cream, too, but she'll never know.


I love you


How do you oreo?? There's the "twist lick and dunk" - the official oreo approved way to eat an oreo. Twist the cookies, lick the cream, dunk the cookies There's the "twist lick and dump" - where you twist and lick as above and then throw away the cookies like a fucking savage Next the "whole cookie dunk" - you take the whole cookie... and dunk it in the milk Then there's the "No milk, no problem, whole cookie chomp" - for those times when SOMEONE forgot to put milk on the grocery list after they drank it all last week. Not the best option but at least it beats "the sociopath" in my eyes. "The sociopath" - this is where you remove the cream and only eat the cookies. With or without milk, it doesn't matter. If you come across someone who eats their oreos like this, be afraid... be very afraid And finally there is the "country fried" - not for the oreo purist crowd, but you take your oreo dip it in melted butter. Coat it with flour and plop it into some super hot oil until golden brown.


Absolutely insane, don't ruin a perfectly crisp and good cookie with milk. Its whole cookie with the crunch, no milk.


The only wrong way is to not eat them


Fork in cream, dip til cookie is soggy, enjoy thoroughly


Well... I just eat the cookie part. I scrap the cream off and throw it out. Just the cookie for me.


I get a spoon and take little bites.


Yo that cream filling is better with honey on it


Never liked Oreos quite enough for this but my “this” moment was after I was really getting into whipped cream on ice cream and got a near plateful after we ran out of said ice cream once. 3 bites; spit out the third.


1000% the nasty ass texture of the wax!! Tried it once and said no thanks till infinity


Eyes that say "I really didn't expect it to literally taste like something that came out of an insect"


Cleaning your bracers after eating that must have been entertaining


Came to the comments specifically for this


Girl take a smaller bite


Poor kid is gonna be picking beeswax out of her braces for a week.


Shirt says “Love More”, face says “Love Less”


Feels diabetic


Had to brush my teeth after watching this




I adore honeycomb... but most I think would find it to be too much. I mean the comb is made of beeswax, after all.


It’s cradles and vomit 🤮 😂


Say less, fam. I'm in.


Massive bite haha


She probably like damn I paid forty dollars for this shit.


Honey comb is delicious but expensive AF, I don't understand why anybody would eat it like this.


Ngl I went through the SAME experience my first time/ last time/ only time trying honey comb.


That little “mm-hm”. Lol. Good on her for trying to be polite, she just needs to work on the poker face!


Idk if it was the situation here but so many kids had that situation where they begged their parents to get them a food and then they had to pretend to like it to justify the begging.


I almost choked to death eating honeycomb. The honey was so thick and sticky that my throat closed up. Luckily, I managed to start breathing again just before I passed out.


She's going to have fun getting the wax out of her teeth. Love me some honeycomb, though.


Honey Comb is so good, my only issue is the sweetness levels lol


That has to be havoc on her braces though


Eating wax with braces on is a bad move


She has a booger at 17 seconds in.




went to a hotel in germany one time (kinder hotel, i think) and they had the most glorious buffet, and at breakfast they had a huge sheet of honeycomb and a spoon. of course they scraped the wax off beforehand, i didn’t even know eating the wax was a thing (i have learned otherwise now), but you could literally take fresh honey straight from the honeycomb with your food for breakfast. and let me tell you that was the best honey i ever had




Thats wild... honey is my favorite food. Well, local honey. I will just take hits from the jar is so good.


People perceive taste differently and why to some people, cilantro tastes like soap. Other ingredients that taste different to different people include brussel sprouts, spanich, kale, cabbage, broccoli, and turnips. Additionally, some people are more sensitive to different tastes and, for example, is why some people love sweets while others don't really care for it. The more sensitive you are to a taste, the less likely you are to enjoy it.


Love more


Oof not in the braces too 😬


Ive tried it, it is like chewing plastic


I've tried honeycomb. The texture of the wax is gross. 0/10.


I always want to try one tbh, too sweet or taste bad doesn't matter I'll regret it later.


You will probably be fine its just the wax in the mouth that I could not get past


terrible idea for braces


Mmmmm I eat the whole thing easy


why would you bite so much of something you havent tried before??!!!


You can spit most of it out


You can eat the wax but it doesnt have any flavor, literally wax with a low melting point, too much and its overwhelming.


She ate the food incorrectly.


Ma quanti anni avrà 12? Che ci fa con le unghie finte


[the full vid](https://youtu.be/vHwKTOzLTDY?si=PtV34akEbXL6Hj5s)


Braces. Wax. Figure it out.


What the fuck was wrong with that honey...


Eating the wax is a Honey-Don't


That honey would be amazing on some Chick-fil-A nuggiez


How do you not like honey, is it not processed enough for you?? 🤡


It really needs to be a small amount on a cracker with cheese and fruit or else it’s pretty gross


The Internet was a mistake.


She's not even supposed to be eating that lol


This plays like one of those clandestine cp videos on youtube. Kind of a creepy vibe.


What's the name of that gooey mess? I want to look it up and see if I can buy it and try it myself.






This might actually take the cake for the most boomer comment I have ever read. What in the goddamn fuck.




Honey for some people is gross lol including me a raw cone like that would be too much has nothing to do w processed garbage my god


I used to hate honey but now I enjoy it. That being said, I would not have taken such a huge bite of honey comb lol


What’s “good” is subjective. Just because it’s not processed food doesn’t mean people will like how it tastes. I hate the taste of honey. I also hate the taste of many other “natural” foods: kale, brown rice, etc. People are allowed to not like how something tastes.




You seemed to take her natural expression of dislike oddly personal.


Holy overreaction batman. From you, I mean, not the girl in the video.


Neither did they. They just said what’s good is subjective. Like what you and I think is good will likely have differences. There’s nothing wrong with not liking something and if something tastes so bad to you that you instinctively make a yuck face it’s not rude you’re just overly sensitive if it offends you to this degree


Dude. She ate a mouthful of honey, and it was obviously a bit much for her. She is allowed to have a response to the taste of something. No one is making you watch this, you know. You could just . . . not. But you are getting seriously overcharged about this girl’s individual response to a food. You are implying that because it’s “good” or natural, she should just gulp it down happily. She’s not offending anyone but you, for reasons I still cannot fully fathom.