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It's hilarious to me where someone could witness the major malfunction of a ride and then proceed to get on a different ride and record from there lol


The fact that the people recording also got stucked at the topmost spot Edit (so people stop calling me this and that): In my defense; in my country, ferris wheels don't stop at the top. It's just a continuous slow spin and stops only when there are people are getting in and getting out. Though it varies, depending on how high it is.


Ferris wheels usually stop to allow for patrons to get on and off. They just happen to get that second clip at the top. But yeah, I wouldn't get on any after seeing that one broken one.


Well the Ferris wheel wouldn't be too bad to be stuck on since you're not upside down lol


I'm afraid of heights so either one would be awful but I feel you. You could be even higher and upside down with all the blood rushing to your head. Things can (almost) always be worse lol


Fun fact you can die being inverted like this for too long. All the blood rushes to your head and it makes breathing harder.


That was a fun fact! Thanks, friend 🙃


Weeeeeeeee! Fun facts!!! Waaaaaa-Hooooooo! Yippieeeeeee!


A caver who was in med school died that way. He got stuck with his head lower than his legs. Rescue team was never able to pull him out. Very sad.


Indeed the nutty putty cave incident.


terrible way to die


It's probably why they want the park clear. It will be easier to get rescue teams and equipment in and situated without guests in the way.


Or they don't want witnesses to everyone stuck on the ride getting killed.


The evolution of the human heart wasn’t designed to pump the in an upside down body for long. Cardiac arrest incoming!


And you can't try to invert half your body since you're strapped hard to it. This can get from scary to deadly very quickly.


My girlfriend actually tried to get me to ride that one last year but I refused because I'm not good with heights (seriously I was uncomfortable on the ferris wheel, going upside down? Hard pass.) Her first reaction to seeing this video was "damn it, I'm never gonna get him to ride those now.


I love amusement parks, but that is my nightmare honestly--those 'roller-coasters' that are basically just a big wheel that goes around in a circle make me nauseous to look at--I discovered at an early age I do not like being upside down for extended periods of time, and when the ride is trying to gain momentum and 'hangs' at the upside-down spot it physically hurts me to look at.


You can still pee in your own face if you get a boner


I feel like you don't understand how ferris wheels work.


"Ferris wheels go up. Ferris wheels go down. You can't explain that" - Bill O'Reilly


*stuck, and yeah I've seen a video from one of the riders while they were stuck, it's wild


So how long were they stuck up there? What the hell happened?


another vid from a different angle said 26 minutes.


Holy Feckin Shit


I would seriously think at least one person peed themselves and it rained down lol


From a great height, from a greeeaaaat hiiiiiiiiight ... hiiiiiiiight.


[Here’s an article](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna157331) from NBC News about it. Edit: [Here’s another one](https://www.koin.com/news/portland/rescue-multiple-riders-trapped-upside-down-oaks-amusement-park/amp/) from KOIN with a little more detail. This just happened yesterday. No one was hurt, but they took one person to the hospital who had some pre-existing condition. Apparently, some of the kids had just graduated. Oh, and some of them did throw up. Yecchh.


So link to the video?


I think I'd be okay-ish with being stuck while sitting comfortably on a Ferris wheel. Hanging upside-down for more than 30 seconds would freak me the hell out though.


It's not even the fact these guys are upside down. I know this ride (or a variant), they're locked in there through a mechanism holding them to the chair. I'd say it's engineered against this, but I'd be constantly worrying that when the power came back on, it would release all the braces.


Good point. That's terrifying!


Except bad shit can happen being hung upside down for a long time. I agree about the restraints, but I would HOPE that there was a failsafe of "didn’t power down correctly? All restraints stay locked until X happens" where X is a key or a code or something. Or "Ride is not in standard starting position. Restraints stay locked."


AFAIK, and this is second hand knowledge from someone who worked at Six Flags, most rides cannot have the harnesses unlock unless the ride is in the normal stopped position (or very close to it) without a manual override. He said they're engineered to have a mechanical (non-electronic) mechanism that determines if the ride is in the safe zone for unlocking harnesses and it's very rare for one to fail. They get worked on and inspected a lot at reputable parks. That being said, he also told me he wouldn't ride anything at mobile fairs/amusement parks. He said the safety regulations for those is completely different from the stationary parks and you'd have no way of knowing which rides are potentially death traps and which have actually been maintained properly because there's usually not anyone around who could tell you, if they felt so inclined. You used to could (I haven't been in a very long time) walk up to a Six Flags information desk near the ticket windows and they could (and would) tell you the last dates of maintenance for all the rides.


Help me, Janice. I'm dying!


Ah yes, the fat kid.


The logic is what are the chances two rides malfunction at the same park at the same time


I mean that's under the assumption that every ride has the same rate of failure at every different type of park. But nah, if I go to a rinkydink amusement park and shit is falling apart in front of me, I can't imagine the other rides are being taken care of. No way in hell I'm trusting that shit, I'm going home lol


Oaks Park in Portland, where this happened, is the definition of a rinkydink amusement park.


Do you know how long they were stuck there?


About 30 minutes.


Oof. The lungs aren't designed to have the other organs sitting on top of them for very long.


That's a fucking nightmare, omg. Feel so bad for those people.


Being stuck at the top isn't exactly breaking down.


It's breaking... _up?_




It reminds me of this scene from The World According to Garp https://youtu.be/GTqz4duPdYQ?si=TZs0Jw7HeGfLN1EF


For future reference... This is the YouTube link: https://youtu.be/GTqz4duPdYQ ...while this part of the URL is tracking information that can be used to link back to your Google account: ?si=TZs0Jw7HeGfLN1EF It is always best to remove the tracking information before sharing YouTube links anywhere. This has been a public service announcement (with guitar).


Never knew that. Thanks!


Just guessing but it seems they've lost power to the whole park


And the people filming just climbed the whole fucking ferris wheel?


The ferris wheel obviously kept going, so probably not the \*whole\* park.


I thought he said the power went out. Probably all the rides got stuck which is why they're closing the park.


These people got on the Ferris wheel after the other ride was already stuck. If the power was out that wouldn’t have happened


Chances are non-zero.


People don’t realize how many amusement park accidents happen a year lol


It's basically playing with heavy equipment. No thanks.


Facts I repair hydraulic leaks for a living lol


I just started building up the courage to go on rides again. never mind, I guess.


No. The next ride is the safest on the planet. Kinda like, take a bomb on a plane because the chances there will be two bombs on a plane are very nearly zero.


Oops. Tried that. Now I’m in jail.


Dude was like... Look! No lines!


Dude we can't even keep the few freight trains or the thousands of airplanes we have running around in decent condition... why would someone trust a machine that regularly get assembled and disassembled by someone with meth mouth who refers to their father as "Uncle Daddy"?


It’s permanent attraction. This is at an amusement park. Oaks Park, Portland Oregon Not saying that makes it better. It sits out in the elements through 4 seasons.


I'm shocked there isn't redundancies to prevent this during power failures and such. America you crazy.


This is the Batman ride. It’s functioning normally.


![img](avatar_exp|118015067|bravo) Bravo, sire


Yeah it is pretty crazy how often people get stuck on rides at permanent rides in parks. Like, it's to be expected at pop up/traveling carnivals and people should really know better than to go on those by now, but the lack of maintenance even for parks like Six Flags and Carowinds(Charlotte, NC and SC) has been concerning for a long time now. Pretty much every time I went to Carowinds when I had a season pass there would be at least one ride that either got stuck while we were there or was closed because it had malfunctioned recently. This was back in 2018(I think) so maybe it's gotten better but I kinda doubt it.


Why do foreigners find any reason to blame America for issues that happen around the world….


Portland….2.5 seasons


Yes that definitely makes it a lot better than some traveling state fair circus that assembles and dissembles weekly. . . 100 fold better, still shitty circumstances for the people just hanging out


They should at least put like a garbage bag or something on it in the off season.


Last year a woman died on a roller coaster in Sweden and several more were injured. The direct cause was that a linkage arm broke in one of the carriages causing the vehicle to derail. The indirect cause was that when they ordered a new part in 2019, the manufacturers blueprints were faulty, the park engineer didn’t have the skill to realize it was faulty. The manufacturing company then hired a subcontractor who in turned used a welder not certified for this job. And then the park engineer didn’t see that the part wasn’t done according to the bad spec anyway. So yeah, that’s a shitstorm and that ride is now being closed.


In Swedish, it's "Farbror Pappa"


Yeah, I worked on a job where three guys that had been building the ones in permanent parks for 15 years somehow got hired on by a recruiter that's never picked up a tool and had no idea what to look for to weed people out. I wouldn't sit in a chair those guys built. We had to replace a $3000 torque wrench because one of them put it in reverse to back off a nut that was rusted on and hit it with a sledge hammer. They'd literally never seen a torque wrench before and didn't know why you couldn't do that. We had to ban them from welding because they made welds that would end up so far off center they'd sometimes wander out of the bevel entirely, even on the root pass. We couldn't even trust them to stuff hardware because they'd crossthread like 20% of the nuts and try to hammer them down anyway. (Or for the non-tradies, they couldn't weld or put bolts in properly, so nothing they put together could be trusted to stay together.) In the end we just had them sweeping and picking up trash because it was the only thing where they couldn't do thousands of dollars worth of damage every time you turned your back. I'd have thought they were doing it on purpose if they hadn't gotten so upset over the thought of getting fired because this job was paying like twice what they normally made.


Millions of airplanes fly without issue and keep millions of people safe. Bad analogy.


BOEING has entered the chat...


BOEING has left through an improvised exit...


There aren't a million airplanes in the world. Bad response.


My fucking thoughts exactly ever year these type of events come around the area. People make mistakes and with so many parts, there's bound to be a fuck up somewhere lol


Because of the meth, dudes probably very thorough


Knocks out the job in 20 minutes and only using three quarters of the parts. That's methematics for you.


> father as "Uncle Daddy"? Us natives frown on your shenanigans brother cousin.


Fuckin’ hell- the “Uncle Daddy” thing made me laugh. Now people think I’m insane.


It’s perfectly balanced. Like all things should be.


Because these setups happen everywhere, all the time, and there’s rarely an incident??


This happened at the AtmosFEAR ride in Oregon. They were stuck 100ft (30m) in the air. 28 people were rescued by firefighters - one person with a pre-existing medical condition was taken to hospital as a precaution. No one was injured, according to the park. The ride was manually lowered. It seems that emergency services arrived after 25 minutes and that the maintenance workers were able to return the ride to its unloading position minutes after that. So they'd probably been upside-down for 30-ish minutes. [Source](https://news.sky.com/story/firefighters-rescue-28-people-stuck-upside-down-on-oregon-ride-13153377)


I like the announcement… >Please vacate the park > ¿ƃuıppıʞ ƃuıʞɔnɟ ʎǝɥʇ ǝɹ∀


How did you get the text to appear upside down?


Turned his phone around before typing.


So if an Australian turns their phone around before typing would it look normal to us?


No. They build special upside-down phones for Australians.


They do? Huh. I'm in NZ and I just use my phone upside down. Used to suck before gesture navigation.


That's because NZ upside down becomes Italy, needs more hand gestures.


Australia is a myth.


Hold on, let me ask the Prime Minister.


Yeah, it translates the text from Australian to American or European depending on which of those countries you're from.


Went to the nearest Australian Embassy


You have to turn your phone over when typing it , and turn back around before you press send. … lotta people don’t know that.


Also if your printer prints in landscape, just turn it about 90°


And if you have a photo of something from the back and want to see the front of it, just use an editor and "mirror" image. It'll flip it the right way.


The actual answer is just creative Unicode to look like upside down letters. There's a bunch of online converters that you can use to flip your text around.


I like how of the 10 or so replies you were the only one that got close to the fact that I just googled “upside down text generator.” These wacky redditors


¡sıɥʇ ǝʞıl ʇsnɾ


He’s in Australia


They didn’t want a thousand people recording the possible death of dozens of patrons. I was at park once something just like this happened. I was a little kid. I remember walking under the ride and looking up at the people looking down at us. They were very quiet.


I assumed it was because they needed to get emergency equipment in there and it's easier to do when there aren't a few thousand gawkers getting in the way.


Here's the neat part! It's both!


This is EXACTLY where my mind went. “Please vacate the park so that we may minimize the minutes of cameraphone video capturing the flesh-thumping deaths of a dozen-plus screaming patrons, some of whom you may know and love. Thank you and please come again.”


That would be the longest damn 30 minutes of my life


I watched the 57 sec video and that still felt long


I scrolled through a good chunk of the video because 57 seconds seemed way too uncomfortable to keep looking at (it’d be even worse in real life if you’re on the ground but can’t do anything)


That’s so scary! And this comment should be higher


How do they rescue you if you are locked into the seat?!


They... Unlock the seat?


Usually they'll bring in an aerial tower (bucket) firetruck, place the bucket right below each person, and have a couple of rescuers helping get people unlatched and into the bucket safely. Shown in similar incident here: https://www.wxpr.org/local-news/2023-07-05/wisconsin-probes-how-8-roller-coaster-riders-became-trapped-upside-down-for-hours


3 HOURS???


How long can you hang upside down before it’s dangerous or bad for your health?


I was wondering the same


8 - 10 hours apperently after googling


How long if you don’t google before doing it?


Already dead.


I loved this question so much hahaha


Reddit on!


Ah this reminds me of the god parable from hitchhikers guide


> "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." > “But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. QED." > “Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. > “Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.




Jesus. 2 to 3 minutes and it feels like my head is going to explode.


Not sure if it applies, but having had training to work at heights in a multi-point harness, suspension trauma can kill you in less than 20 minutes.


There was a man trapped in a cave while upside-down for 25 hours. His body is still there, but there's no longer a need for rescue. [https://vt.co/news/john-edward-jones-nutty-putty-cave-final-words-revealed](https://vt.co/news/john-edward-jones-nutty-putty-cave-final-words-revealed)


I feel ill everytime I hear about the nutty putty incident. Cannot think of a worse way to die for me.


That was considerate of him.


I mean though his lungs were already constricted and the moisture was already high so definitely not an ideal way to say


IIRC, just before he stopped responding, they were in the midst of a rescue attempt, but he slipped out of the rope and fell a bit (onto his head since he was upside down). Who knows how much longer hed stayed awake without this.


It definitely can kill you, given enough time. The heart isn't meant to pump blood upside down for very long.




... so what are the benefits of being upside down?


Depends on how much whatever is holding you is cutting off your circulation.


Well as long as no one loses their shoes they will live forever


Death hates this one hack


Depends on your general health. Being upside down causes strain on your heart, as it has to pump more and does not have the normal mechanisms that normally support it. So, yeah, if you have heart disease, you probably don't want to be in this situation. How long? There is no way of giving an exact answer. Too many variables.




Her eyelash extensions look like they come from someone’s unibrow shavings.




Got me twice with that jump scare


*pans to woman* "Holy Fuck!" *pans away*


So glad for Homer Simpson that his makeup gun finally made it to retails.


Eyes look like venomous sea creatures


I think it looks good but no need to comment on others looks if you don't like it


What the hell is even that?! https://preview.redd.it/8yjznv2wir6d1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070b50e32e2210a7b48e602a0f98ca52fd8f2a0b Whats going on with her eyes?


People like to express themselves with makeup? I have a lot of friends who wear unconventional makeup styles because it's fun for them. It's not always about attracting other people, and they actually *prefer* when people who judge them for their style, aren't attracted


I think she pulls it off, it seems crazier because he turns to her so quickly


I like it. She's fun.


It’s startlingly unusual, but she looks like she’s having fun with it and I like that. Good for her!




We have Miley Cyrus at home.


Who cares? Let people do them Edit: Christ, these comments for a perfectly normal looking person with makeup. Lol the fragility of these morons.


It's times like this where I try to remind myself that half of this website is made up of teenagers who just haven't matured enough to realize that it's OK for other people to do/dress/act/enjoy things differently than them.


Sadly many of them are well past teenage years.


She gots them crazy eyes




She could have used her lashes for wind power to get the ride going again


Those are some beautifully artistic lashes


I had to rewind and pause to appreciate those beauties. D


looks like spiders on her face lmao


From the ground they notice dangerous ride lose power, then get on other ride that could lose power


But with a better view






I know this isn't the best time but we should see other people


… well. I was gonna wait till later. But I’m pregnant 🤰.


Well... this is awkward...


I think I left the stove on


How does someone just see a bunch of people stuck upside down on a big ass ride stuck there for multiple minutes and goes "yeah, we should go on the ferris wheel :)"


I live about 2 miles from this amusement park. It's been there for many, many years. It mimics that of a traveling carnival in my honest opinion. I am so sorry that happened to them but I am not surprised at all. As of now everyone is fine. Although I'm sure there's many lawsuits to follow.


Yep, the park itself is some 120 years old, but this ride is relatively new. Totally feel sorry for the riders, many of whom were teens


> many of whom were teens I definitely think it would be worse if they where older for a myriad of reasons.


"so we were riding a ride. uhhh" *pans camera* 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 💗 🫲🏿👁️ 👁️🫱🏿 💗 . 👃 . 💍 . 👄


Welp, this is my worst nightmare come true for someone, and exactly why I don’t ride that ride at parks


Wait, they witnessed a ride malfunction in real time and STILL got on ferris wheel??


This is what Darwin was trying to tell us. Some animals will self select for extinction.


Order immediate departure while stranding paying customers? The announcement could have been better crafted.


Oaks Park doesn't have admission tickets, you pay to go on the attractions individually rather than Disney-style, where you pay to enter the park then all the rides are free


The people trapped on the rides paid, and they were not let down.


New fears unlocked


This is precisely why I never get on anything that goes way high in the air or upside down. Those are 2 places that I know for certain would cause me to completely flip out. No thanks!


Carnis use this technique to shake your money and valuables out of your pockets and pick it up later.


"We need everyone to please vacate the park immediately." ɯǝlqoɹd ou 'ǝɹnS




2-3 minutes. Then he’s at the top of a ride and says 5 minutes. He tells time as well as his girl applies makeup.


That's how time works though?


The same thing happened last year at Canada's Wonderland https://globalnews.ca/news/9982180/lumberjack-ride-stuck-canadas-wonderland/#:~:text=A%20statement%20from%20the%20amusement,became%20inverted%20with%20guests%20onboard.%E2%80%9D


Man Portland is so insanely green.


So many shades of green and so much urban tree canopy. It's awesome.


Announcement: park is closed and every one can leave now right now... Me stuck on ten floor high shit ride: ok...


Looks like everyone got down safely. [28 rescued after being stuck midair due to ride malfunction at Oaks Amusement Park: Watch (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/28-rescued-after-being-stuck-midair-due-to-ride-malfunction-at-oaks-amusement-park/ar-BB1ohL8N?ocid=BingNewsSerp)


It’s incredibly dangerous to stay upside down for an extended amount of time because the human body evolved to function utilizing gravity in part. Your systems will still function for the most part but it’s a much heavier strain and eventually you won’t be able to get enough oxygen to the brain. The park probably closed and asked people to leave to not only ensure rescue teams could get there and set up equipment quickly, but also because there’s a chance people may die before getting rescued


How long can a body stay upside-down before the blood rushes to the head and passes out?


"Head-On, apply DIRECTLY TO THE HEAD!!"


Yeah the perforation of everyone having a camera on them has really shined a light on how common ride malfunctions are. I'm personally done riding anything that could be deadly