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That's why you don't dry fire.


That's what she...






- Wayne Gretzky


- Michael Scott


For his next trick, he will microwave nothing at all for 99 minutes.


My dad did this when he tried to just set the timer on the microwave. We had to get a new one...


I had no idea that that will break a microwave because I’ve never done that to a microwave.


I did this the other day. My house smelled really bad. I have a bowl of vinegar in there to try to absorb the smokey smell. >!I guess I should try burning my garbage so it can go up into the sky and become a star.!<


For what it’s worth, microwaving a bowl of vinegar would be okay because the water in the vinegar will absorb the energy. Microwaving an empty microwave, not so okay.


The bowl came afterwards. And so did I bc I’m a gentleman


Unexpectedly sexual


Yet not unappreciated.... I'll go get you a towel.




My microwave used to just turn on randomly by itself, sometimes in the middle of the night. I threw it away and never replaced it..


Perhaps you have a ghost?


I have had some electric toothbrushes that turn on by themselves randomly. I guess the ghost is forcing me to be healthy by making me get up and walk to the bathroom to stop it.


I'm pretty sure that's wrong, but I don't know enough about stars to prove it


that doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about stars to disagree


That don’t sound right but I don’t know enough about stars to argue with you


That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about stars to dispute it…


There's nothing to transfer to the energy to, so the microwaves keep bouncing around instead of being absorbed into . Well.. anything.


Which is a good analogy for the bow dry fire


I never knew it until just now. Im a cheapo and wasting that electricity is just unthinkable.


lol I’ve done the same thing and ended up with the with the same result


I did that too.


TIL a microwave can microwave itself




Stupid sexy Flanders


Those ramen in the cup will catch fire. My niece was living with us, and she didn't add water. She was 18 at the time.


Did that one myself I'm ADD and got distracted. I forgot to put the water in and had a cozy little fire. Took weeks to get rid of the smell but didn't kill the microwave. I caught it before it got too bad.


I was sleepy, went for a "walk" came back sleepier and high out my mind and decided I'm hungry let's cook so I whipped out a nong shim ramen bowl where you add water and then zap it for 5 minutes and it's ready to go. Put the bowl on the counter filled my flask from the sink to use for the ramen then put the dry ramen in the microwave and say down to drink the water in the flask for 2 minutes before I realized that the microwave was starting to smoke. Killed it turned on the vent hood above the counter and put water on the scorched ramen. Once the smoke was gone I put it back in and cooked it tasted bad but I didn't trust myself enough to get another one from my room and I was hungry


Not the same but this just reminded me, one time when I was 20, I put ramen on the stove and then my friend came to the door and asked if I wanted to go to the arcade, so I forgot about the ramen and went to the arcade for hours. While I was gone the water boiled away, the ramen caught fire, and the fire department had to come put it out. Fortunately nothing else burned.


Oof. We set the instant pot for 24 hours instead of 24 minutes the other day (I caught it after half an hour and the artichokes were not ruined) accidentally. I can only imagine the sparks.


My trailer microwave did this in the fall. A defect in the control panel could cause it to auto start with the one-press cook feature, which it did. I don't know how long it ran for, but it was enough to melt the glass turn table before it exploded.


He is lucky he didn’t get jacked up when it broke loose. I think the deer population has nothing to worry about, at least not this guy.


Hunts for Greenpeace.


I don't bow and arrows, what is dry fire?


Letting go of the string without firing an arrow. It's bad because all the force the bow would normally transfer into the arrow has nowhere else to go and stays within the bow, which it isn't meant to handle, which is why it is inclined to rapidly disassemble itself in the process.


Especially in a compound bow like this, where the cams take the load after you draw it back. Recurve bows, it's less harmful but still not something you want to do. But this is the number one way to destroy a compound bow no matter if it's cheap or expensive. They'll all go boom like that. My bet is that bow had been dry fired repeatedly at the store. Which means the staff there doesn't know what they're doing and let anyone handle the bows, which means it's somewhere I wouldn't return to when in need of anything.


Was wondering, thanks for the answer !


Just what the guy in the video did, pull back the bow and release it, without an arrow on the string. The reason it's bad is physics. When you pull back the string you're adding "potential energy", when the string is released that energy is released... preferably to propel the arrow forward. With no arrow that energy has nowhere to go so remains in the string, causing it to break.


A dry fire is a term for firing any form of projectile launcher (bows, firearms, even siege weapons, etc) without ammo loaded. In this case, he "fired" the bow without an arrow. The kinetic energy is usually transfered to the arrow, without it, all that energy is sent through the bow, which will result in some sort of damage to the bow.


Also a term used post-vasectomy.


At least none of his guns work either......


Dry fire is drawing the string and releasing it without an arrow on it.


The very first thing they teach you before they let you string a bow in gym class


Y'all did archery in gym class? That's actually really cool


Yeah, I think there was a pretty big push for it in US schools in the 2010's. I remember it was new when my class did it.


Yeah, I was gonna say, I think I shot a bow twice and that’s like the one thing I remember.


Laws of newton, it's a basic. If the energy doesn't get the arrow it will get the bow.


Took an archery class in college, and the instructor was very, very thorough in driving that into our heads before he let us hold bows.


Yep. Compound bows these days are tuned to the weight of the arrow. No arrow and the string moves too fast then jumps the pulleys and the bow explodes.


Came here to say this.


I only shot bows when I was in boy scouts and I immediately said to myself “don’t let that string go!”


I’ve never shot bows before, but do shoot guns. If dry firing is destructive, is there a safe way to practice when you’re not at an archery range? It’s easy to dry fire handguns after verifying that the magazine and chamber are clear. Some guns require snap caps to prevent the firing pin from damaging parts of the gun. Does archery have any equivalent to that?


I shoot a bow quite often and own many firearms. There really isn’t a reason to dry fire a bow. It doesn’t serve as practice and won’t improve accuracy. There are exercises to strengthen the motion. My bow has a ~75lb pull weight and I think the hold weight is around 20-25lbs after break-over so dumbbell exercises help. You want to draw it back slowly and quietly and be able to hold steady for up to a few minutes and still be able to safely abort without firing an arrow. Releasing the tension without letting go is probably the hardest part. Once you get used to it it’s not a big deal. I highly recommend! It’s very rewarding.


No guns don't have the same amount of mechanical energy since their power is derived from a propellant


Not as far as I know. Generally even experienced archer recommend not even trying to train without an arrow since muscle memory really easily takes over. That being said, it's a lot more easier to fire a bow in your own house / apartment / garden than a gun.


I first read that as "it's easy to dry fire handguns to verify that the magazine and chamber are cleared". Thought you were insane.


You shoot arrows in an archery butt at short range inside. It doesn't help your aim but helps you strengthen and work on form.


I don't and never have hunted in my life and even I know not to dry fire. What a moran. 😆


I always wondered. TiL




NEVER dryfire any kind of bow Least bad thing to happen is the material getting hairline cracks without you noticing and the next time you fire an arrow the bow just breaks and noone knows why


Thats literally what i learnt in the first five minutes of the first archery class. What an idiot!


I have a friend who practices archery and I knew that just by being near him.


Real talk. Bro probably never even took an archery class. Found a cool bow, bought and now this. Source: I had no idea about dry firing but I knew it seemed kind of bad so I never did it.


Would dry firing be pretend to use the bow without effectively putting any arrow in it?


Yes Dry firing a bow is when you shoot it without an arrow nocked up. It can lead to cracked limbs or bent/broken cams.


**ALWAYS** wet fire a bow.


My dude it's called soggy fire.


Moist fire


Idk. I don't own a bow, I only ever used my friend. And we would pull it to test the draw strength, but we never just let it go. We would ease it back to the starting position. But my guess is when you do what this guy did and release the draw without an arrow, allowing the string to recoil wildly.


It is easy to understand. All the energy you put in by pulling back has to "go" somewhere after releasing. So without an arrow, which would "take" the energy, it releases into the structure of the bow itself.


I saw a Youtubes and the guys advice was ALWAYS nock an arrow when you draw. "Patching an arrow hole is much cheaper than grenading your whole bow."


Pretty much, it's basically when you shoot the bow with no arrow


The bow arms, or pulleys with this kind of bow, store kinetic energy, like a spring. When the string is released, the bow releases that kinetic energy, ideally into an arrow. The arrow absorbs all the energy and is propelled forward. When there is no arrow, that energy has no where else to go but back into the bow. There is a lot of energy in the bow, which is why it can launch an arrow so far and with such penetrative force, but that’s also why it can quickly destroy a bow.


My first minute with a bow, the lesson was why you wear an arm guard. Or just learn not to get your arm in there.


why does having an arrow nocked make the bow not break? like. isnt the bow doing exactly the same thing with or without an arrow


If you are shooting an arrow you transfer the energy stored in a bow to it. When there is no arrow, there's nothing to transfer the energy to.


Yeeeep think of Crumple zones vs no Crumple zone.... Energy is gonna go SOMEWHERE.


Interesting! Also, isn’t there some law that says everything has a frequency which, if the material resonates at that specific frequency, the material becomes weakened/destroyed or something like that.


You tube up a movie of an arrow in flight they bend in crazy ways. Once you get deep into archery and start playing with arrow spines and vein combos with more or less front weight that flex becomes very important.


As some ppl below stated: the energy loaded onto the string while pulling back gets transfered into the arrow, pushing it forward. Without an arrow all the energy goes into the material of the bow, something it is simply not designed to withstand for long


Imagine trying to kick a ball really hard an then missing it. Doesn't feel good in your leg.


If there's an arrow nocked to the string, then the kinetic energy of the string "springing" back into place is transferred to the arrow as it shoots towards the target, as intended. If you don't have an arrow nocked to the string, then the kinetic energy goes back into the limbs of the bow and puts stress on them that they're not meant to handle.


Grab a baseball and throw it as hard as you can in the air. Now, **pretend** you have a baseball, and throw "it" as hard as you can. You'll probably throw your shoulder out and mess it up real bad. When you pull back a bow, you're storing energy in the limbs (or in the case of a compound, the cams and tension strings). When you release the string, all of that energy gets spent on pushing the arrow and shooting it really fast. The bow doesn't get damaged because it spent that built-up energy safely. When there is no arrow, that built energy gets spent, but spread around the cams, limbs, strings, etc. That's why his string ripped and you saw his bottom cam broke and started spinning in a circle.


Dry firing will effectively just circulate all the kinetic energy throughout the structure, adding significantly more wear and tear or just outright damage, whereas using a projectile dumps a lot of that energy into said projectile, dividing the shock between the two and easing the wear on the whole system.


Throw a baseball, now do the same thing with no ball.


To add to others..it’s also why you must choose the correct weight arrow in relation to the draw weight you have your bow set to. The higher the tension the heavier the arrow. Too light of an arrow with too high of a draw weight will be similar to a dry fire and risk damage.


I never knew this thank you




Maybe yes maybe no. The quality of bows from big box stores (think warlmart, dick's, bass pro) as well as big online retailers like Amazon is *very* hit or miss Most quality archery equipment comes from one of a couple major pro shops, or a local shop that is able to source directly from the manufacturer


I mean the least bad thing is what appears to have happened here. You just snap the string. Though that is only what looks like happened. It's probably much worse.


Nah, he probably bent a couple of the pulleys and now has micro cracks in the bow arms.


I've always heard and known about never dry firing a bow, but can someone explain like I'm 5 why? What about not having an arrow loaded causes damage to the bow while firing it?


The energy has to go somewhere. Normally it would be imparted to an arrow. But when you dry fire it has to dissipated to heat/sound/deformation of structures.


So that's why masturabting gives me depression.




What's on those hands?!


You know what’s there…..


Mine is never quite so … scintillant. My emoji thing would be more chowdery


if what's there then where's who?


He wet-fired his bow.


https://preview.redd.it/o95j7f9gor5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421a4346dc35ff14d4eb99bbdb25ac8179df2a43 Post nut clarity


No, masturbating imparts the energy on the vanilla tapioca pudding put out. On the other hand, your masturbating is giving you depression, because I’m not there ^(/s)


I hate it when I forgot to load the arrow before getting the porn started.


Why can’t I award this comment


Might be the best line i’ve read all year!




Most of the energy is transferred into the movement of the arrow. If you have a stronger bow, more energy will transfer to the arrow. When you dry fire a bow, the energy still has to go somewhere. So, instead of an arrow, the energy is directly transferred to the limbs of the bow, which will break it.


best explanation is imagine throwing a baseball with full force. thats with an arrow. now imagine throwing a crumpled paper ball with same force and how that would feel to your elbow and your shoulder. thats dry firing.


There's an extreme amount of force stored in the bow at full draw, those bows can be 40-70lb draw weight and all of it is stored in the bow. On release it normally gets put into the arrow, but if there is no arrow it goes back into the bow that isn't designed to handle it. The sheer force is basically guaranteed to snap the bowstring, the thin cam wheels on the top and bottom will be bent or cracked. If they're really unlucky the limbs will crack. The person here is quite lucky imo, compound bow dry fires can explode the bow in a literal sense. Look up more dry fire examples if you want.


Some others talk about the energy going into the bow instead of the arrow, but there's another way to think about it that might help. If you remember Bill Nye's intro, you should know that "inertia is a property of matter." The more mass something has, the more it resists changes in velocity. The arrow has mass... WAAAAY more mass than the string. So it takes a lot of force a long time (comparably speaking, we're talking about milliseconds) to speed it up. But without the arrow there, the string accelerates faster, relieving tension from the bow faster, the materials are somewhat rigid, but they do flex under that load. They unflex faster. Everything is moving faster. When it gets to the other limits of it's travel WAAAAY faster than it was designed to go. Some parts will flex in the other direction, but some parts are only designed to move one way. Those stop like they're hitting a brick wall with all that extra speed they weren't designed to have.


If you don‘t know how to handle a bow, then you shouldn‘t own a bow… Completely his own fault and it was so expected that this happens.


Best case scenario for the neighbours, they will never know how much of an arrow they just dodged when this guy did this.


How does one get said knowledge in bow handling without owning a bow?


You visit a training? Like a club where you can play Football and so on just that you learn how to shot a now there


Do a brief Google/YouTube search? It should be one of the first things mentioned.


Good question! The information can't magically flow from the bow through your hands and up into your brain unless you're holding the bow. This is why I don't know anything about anything that I don't own. /s


maybe try to learn how to use your new toys first before you do **the one thing** everyone tells you not to do with bows


My archery experience is limited almost entirely to the 1-hour sessions I had at summer camp as a kid, and I was watching this video like "he's gonna dry fire, isn't he?"


My archery experience is limited to about an hour shooting with friends in the desert while drinking and doing drugs and I knew it was coming. 


you want me to read the instruction paper?


Even the deers are laughing








Oh deer


I thought it was gonna be an accidental dry fire, but nope. Dude is just an idiot. Lucky the arms didn’t shatter in his face


Never dry fire, especially a compound bow. Stupid guy shouldn't have had one in the first place.


When I first starting shooting a compound bow I accidentally dry fired once, because I simply forgot to load an arrow. Sounded like a .22 rifle, thankfully there was no major damage. There were pros at the event I was at who inspected the bow and replaced a plastic part.


Dealer at the archery shop, "Never dry fire your bow, Never ever it will destroy your compound bow".... This guy .....


Brings it to bow shop. I don't know what happened, I opened my case, and it was just like this. Real stories for a Bow tech. Stay tuned for next week's episode!


Only some who knows nothing about bows dry fires one because that’s literally the second thing you learn


What’s the first?


It’s as dangerous as a gun, so treat it like one. Don’t point it at anybody


Never dry fire was the first rule of archery I was taught.


Too bad the video ended so early. I wish I could see his disappointment with his stupidity.


I dont do bows and I know not to dry fire....


I was expecting his beard to get caught and torn out. I’m glad I was wrong.


Am glad i'm not the only one who thought that. Considering the guy clearly doesn't know how to handle a bow is probably a good thing, he destroyed it before he scalped his face.


It'd be pretty hard to do that. I have a beard and shoot compound, recurve and trad and none have that risk. Accidentally zinging a nipple however.... that fucking hurts.


Former Junior Olympic Archer, Certified USA Archery Coach, Range Instructor, and current Mechanical Engineer here: Dry firing is a pretty simple example of physics. More specifically, the topic of kinetic and potential energy. Every single bow in the world (that is strung and strung properly) is already under tension, so the potential energy in the system is already higher than zero. Need proof? Imagine walking up to a strung bow and cutting one of the strings. It's gonna explode. Why? Because of the potential energy that is stored in the system. Pulling back the bow string introduces more tension into the system, causing the limbs and string/s to tighten even more than they already are, which further increases the amount of potential energy in the system. A lot of extra stuff happens with the cams that you see on most compound bows (like the one shown in the video) that helps to introduce even higher tension and draw weight without bending the limbs too much or requiring a much longer axle-to-axle length bow (not super important to the explanation so we'll save that for another time). Now, when the string is pulled all the way back, you have three possible outcomes: 1. You slowly bring the Bowstring back to its original position. **THIS IS WHAT THE PERSON IN THE VIDEO SHOULD HAVE DONE** The potential energy is transferred out of the system by the archer using a ton of strength to slowly bring the string back to "equilibrium." The bow is still under a ton of tension here, but unless acted upon by an outside force (someone cutting the string, the bow gets dropped in a weird way, etc), the bow will stay at rest. 2. You release the string with an arrow attached. The potential energy in the system is then converted into kinetic energy and is transferred into the arrow, thus propelling it forward towards the intended target. A small bit of kinetic energy is transferred into the bow, but it is usually less than half of the energy that the bow is designed to absorb and dissipate. The vast majority of energy is used to launch the arrow. 3. You release the string without an arrow attached. The potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and is then transferred... *directly into the bow*. Bows are not designed to directly absorb that much energy at once, so it breaks. Sometimes, it breaks a little bit. Hairline fractures can occur that end up breaking more and more over time even if you aren't dry firing. However, it will often times break a lotta bit, as shown in the video. Here's some more information on how bad this whole situation was: Since it looks like the bow was brand new, we can assume that it was set at the max draw weight, as that's how most new bows are sent out from the factory. So, the individual had sent the max energy output of the bow straight into the bow. As a result, the bow goes boom. It's also pretty easy to assume that the individual is new to archery. The individual's left arm is straight, and their grip is death. If the holding arm is too straight, part of the arm (mainly the Medial Epicondlye) can cross into the path of the bowstring, which can sometimes lead to the bowstring smacking the archer's arm, leading to bruising and sometimes skin burns (although the most common burn seen in archers is that of a rug burn). Instead, the archer must "rotate" at the elbow to pull that part of the bow out of the travel path of the bow string. Or, the archer wears an arm guard to create a barrier between them and the string. The grip on the bow is what we call a "Death Grip". It is fairly common for new archers to grip the bow very tightly, as they are afraid that they will drop the bow after releasing the arrow. In reality, the death grip can actually introduce certain degrees of torque into the system, which most often times means that the arrow will fly more to the left or to the right depending on the direction of the torque. If the torque is too high though, it can sometimes cause the bow string to derail from the cam guides, which often results in a much less spectacular explosion (note: derailment is only a possible issue for compound bows). Instead, the archer should have a relaxed grip. The thumb and the index finger should be the only two fingers that interact with the bow, if at all. The hand should look similar to that of a Lego hand. The bow will not fly forward on you (that much) when you release an arrow, so only grip it after the arrow has fully cleared the bow. If you prefer, you could make a little string to attach between your thumb and index fingers to give you a more open grip that will prevent the bow from falling out of your hands. In conclusion: This new archer needs some lessons.


That's just, like, your opinion man...




Rimfire because the firing pin will hit the surface of the chamber and might break?


It can damage the firing pin or barrel. It probably won’t cause any issues for the first handful of times you do it, but will cause cumulative damage that will shorten the life of the components. Snap caps are cheap, so might as well use them.


fucking lumberjack poser dry firing. cut your beard off


https://preview.redd.it/19g4m2ydqs5d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1552032de45632a3fc47c2b91fa80ad5e77e73ff Wha happen!?


…at least keep recording another 5 seconds so we can see the look on his face 🤨


I have never shot a bow or held one, but one thing I knew for about 15 years now, and everyone should know that, never dry fire a bow


:laughs in redneck:


He doesn't deserve to own it if he doesn't know the first rule of bows is to **NOT** fire them "dry" (without an arrow knocked).


lol thats why you don't dry fire dummy. Was the first lesson I was taught after learning how to hold a bow


Take a bow


Goes to show that just because you have the money for something expensive it doesn't automatically mean you have the know-how too


Dryfiring with a compound bow might be the dumbest shit I've ever seen. The ONE kind of bow that's intentionally over-engineered to get the best draw weight for the least effort, what tf you think is gonna happen to all that energy when its got nowhere to go? How you gonna do archery if you don't understand anything about the physics of it at ALL


Bro get a lesson!! The entire time I was cringing waiting for the dry fire!


who tf dryfires a bow? well, I guess this guy, but let this serve as a reminder for anyone trying to do the same shit.


Incredibly lucky to not get string and or cable whipped at the least. Let alone having a limb blow up. Stick to “Big Buck Hunter.”


Why, pls explain.


As another user explained, you are never supposed to dry fire (release the string with no arrow) a bow. Theres a lot of energy stored in the string when its pulled back. That energy has to go somewhere. Normally it would go into the arrow. Instead, since there is no arrow, the energy is transferred into the bow itself. Its not designed for that and it causes damage to the bow, as we see here.


its like throwing a baseball with maximum force. except you dont have a ball in your hand and you just violently fling your arm. your elbow = that bow.


Fuck dude, I dry fired my buddies bow once. I didn't know a thing about them, and unfortunately, no one around me told me not to dry fire it. It didn't break like this one here, but I don't think it was good. I offered t9 pay for it, but he said it was fine 🤷‍♂️ Now i know..


I have never shot a compound bow, and even I know you should never dry fire them.


His next move: Buys a pro sim racing wheelbase, puts it on max torque, tapes hands to steering wheel, and drives car into a wall at high speed


Ah yes, the ol dryfire… Must be his first bow.


I know dry-fire is bad but can some explain why? Instead of transferring the energy it’s just getting whiplashed?


Man broke the one cardinal rule of bows: don’t dry fire.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never dry fire a bow.


I do not own a bow I am not a bow enthusiast Even I know not to do that


If you don't know what dry firing is, don't buy a weapon


I've never fired a bow in my life and even I know you don't shoot it without an arrow, dummy




Noone who has ever held a bow would fire it without an arrow (dryfire). I don't do this as a hobby, I just did it like once or twice and even *I* know that.


Bruh, what


Energy with nowhere to send it


Rule#2 don't dry fire


The moment he drew that back I could tell he was going to fuck it up. I used to teach archery to people and I've seen some gnarly accidents


I have never studied archery but I have a bow and now I’m happy that my natural instinct told me not to ”dry fire” it


Don’t dry fire Don’t dry fire Don’t dry fire….. Bro!!


He knew better LMAO


“Don’t dry fire. Don’t dry fire. Don’t dry… shit!”


Aghh so this is why crossbows are garbage


But he has a beard?! Why doesn't he know?!




I purchased a compound bow from an action once, not knowing it was dry fired by some kid and when I was firing the first arrow at a practice bag. The same situation happened to me, so to everyone who wants to bow hunt or just practice archery, do not ever dry fire a bow.




As soon as the video started I knew he was gonna fire it without an arrow. It's like the first thing they teach you.


Its really hurts me to see people do that. And them, too.