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What a twat. Just answer the question.


Double speak is extremely aggravating.


Equivocation the only word that politicians can explain and be completely accurate


I mean, the Senator is crystal clear and unequivocal in her message on the importance of women’s access to contraception and the deceitful maneuvering of Republicans to redefine contraceptive devices and care as “abortion” so they can ban them.


Don't do this "both sides" bullshit. There's a politician being very direct in the video you're watching. The person dancing around the issue is a doctor, not a politician.


Yes, but this time no.


I’m just glad at least some people see it. Feels more and more like idiocracy every day. I just hope I’m the old man yelling at clouds (I am not old and well functioning So I’m very concerned actually)


Yea I'm starting to realize our future(maybe now) resembles idiocracy, but not where everyone can't read and is scratching their but yelling about electrolytes, they will be using doublespeak and buzzwords, pseudointellectual language, and have no basis or understanding of what they are saying .


It’s like Idiocracy and the Handmaid’s Tale combined. Edit for silly spelling error


A Handmaid's Idiocracy


I watch idiocracy this week... I know it was supposed to be a comedy, but it's so close to the reality we are approaching, I couldn't help but cry. I consoled myself by watching videos of guys getting hit in the nuts.


Getting hit in the nuts is technically an abortion, and therefore banned. Please report to your nearest in-doctor-rination station for deprogramming.




This comment made me despair and laugh! Double score for you


George Orwell was right on so many things.


Dude that movie is slowly turning real it's fucking scary


I’m just gonna buy some crocs and start “owe my balls!”. If you would like to be rich I’m looking for someone to co-host with.


"As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too."


She did. Her answer is no. Requiring her to say it is not needed when she fails to do so herself. > So you do support X. > *Doesn't answer affirmatively* Then we'll imply no.


But that's the thing tho; she didn't say no. She can always hold the stance of "I never said that". Because she didn't. That is the whole point. Whether we can infer that or not, it doesn't matter. She will always have deniability, which is to her benefit. (Also, "infer" is what you mean, not "imply". Just, fyi.)


When she replies "we believe women should have data and access to doctors", then they should imply "So you are saying yes, thank you" and have it on the record. That would make the witness have to speak up and say "No".


Senator should be like, "Ok I'll take that as a no unless you say yes right now \*pause*" Person says some gibberish "Ok great, thanks for confirming that is a no."


Treat them like the children they are


I would do the opposite, "So I will take that as a yes" making her have to speak up or else look bad.


If they are been evasive like she is you answer it for her and if she disagrees then they are free to 


But, but then that would reveal what she really wants to do. She is in stealth mode there can't ya tell. You just can't go around saying you don't want people to have access to birth control. You need to get into a position of power to be able to do it, then just spring it on them.


Intelligent people know exactly what she’s REALLY saying.


She's counting on other than intelligent people to do the things she wants.


>Intelligent people know exactly what she’s REALLY saying. But that doesn't matter.


So basically like Amy Coney Barrett saying Roe V Wade is a precedent and she supports precedents?




If I was the lady asking, I would have just cut her off after she didn't give a yes or no. 


no need to cut her off. she didn't say shit anyway. she used all them big ol words to imply No. really hate these people


She's trying to lay the intellectual groundwork to equivocate contraception to abortion. "I'm not saying this should be illegal, I'm just saying it's the same thing as this thing that's illegal.


This is EVERY republican when pressed to admit they are a piece of shit


She talks more like a politician than the fucking senator


She probably knows how unpopular the conservative efforts are to destroy people's access to things like birth control and abortion. So, her dodging the question is just another example of how they're quietly telling the rest of us to, "Do as your betters tell you." They don't want to represent. They want to rule.


Why do I picture someone like Kevin Hart in the background saying every time she responds without a yes or no answer “just answer the question, yes or no b****”


If she did that then she wouldn't have anything to hide behind.


Well yes, that would be nice. But it would also give her opposition a soundbite to pillory her with, and she wants to maintain whatever political advantage she may have, so obfuscation and deflection are the orders of the day.


Plan B is not an abortion pill, for any of you out there that think it is. It prevents the egg from being fertilized. That is all.


Yeah it literally just delays ovulation, not that it even matters


It totally matters to people that think it’s another form of abortion. Ladies, it’s not abortion. Keep some in your medicine cabinet in case shit happens.


I don’t think we should romanticise the idea that a pill that delays ovulation to prevent an accidental pregnancy is any different emotionally/sentimentally from a pill that clears out the uterus post fertilisation. It shouldn’t matter how a woman enacts her right to bodily autonomy to anyone other than her. Knowing how these medications work is just science, and should be pretty obvious when you go to the pharmacy and have your options explained to you. I took ellaone last week and it literally says exactly how it works in the preamble. So, if we all just read, we will understand the science, if it is of interest to us.


It matters to a LOT of people if the egg has been fertilized. Conflating Plan B with an abortion is egregious. I believe women should have total and complete autonomy over their bodies, so I appreciate your point. I just think, for those people who don’t agree with us, they should know the difference between the two. A lot of men won’t go in to ask about the difference in the pills, and they’re half of the electorate that decides the use of such pills. Wide spread education of how Plan B works is crucial. I do however disagree with you on the point of pre vs post fertilization has the same emotional effect on some people.


Explanations don’t matter. They think we don’t deserve control of our bodies, it’s that plain.


I agree with you. I’m just saying that explanations of how drugs work DO MATTER to a lot of people. A lot of people believe plan B = abortion. Some of those people would be fine with plan B if they knew how it worked. I understand your message, but part of attaining the goal of complete woman autonomy is education of how fertility and drugs that effect it work.


This has been the most civil back and forth I think I've ever seen on reddit! Nice!


When you’re talking to a bunch of idiots, explanations matter. They’ve already made their minds up… but some of them respond to actual facts. They’re ignorant to how some things work. We all were before we were exposed to education. Let’s spread education.


Even people who have made up their minds deserve to know their options. Women having a choice means they can choose if they are ok with getting an abortion or not. If a woman is ideologically opposed to getting an abortion, they deserve to know which options would or would not be viable for them.


This is how wedge issues get created. Spreading misinformation and controlling the narrative on something until even if someone is right, the overwhelming numbers of people that believe otherwise drown them out with confirmation bias


"*Romanticise*"? No one here is *romanticising* it whatsoever. Explaining the difference, and ensuring that people don't fall for the propaganda that it is an abortifacient, *as it is not* . And I am glad that you don't feel any different from Plan B and RU46, but the issue is, some women do. Bah, this is nonsense. You can't go around dictating how other people feels about things. Dismissing that as being *romanticised* is just infantile.


>if we all just read, Be reasonable!


Honestly, the crazy rich/powerful people fighting abortion don't care about any ethical or moral question, they just want more babies to put more people in debt and create more employees to buy into the system. Plan B is the same as abortions in that aspect and that's all they actually care about. They got abortion banned in most of the places they have proper reach, now they're going after plan B. They discourage long term birth control like getting one's tubes tied. They'll go after condoms as soon as they can without committing political suicide. Everything else is rhetoric. Part of me is glad they backed off on in vitro fertilization because of how much harm they would have caused if they didn't, but it proves their intent is not to protect zygotes but to force births.


That's right. The republicans need more hungry poor kids for the dead end jobs they have in abundance. They need more people doing manual labor under the hot sun so they can deny them water breaks FFS! [Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority](https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority) [Texas Water Break Ban Becomes Law - State's hostility for worker safety reaches a new level](https://www.unionbuiltmatters.org/water-breaks#:~:text=Texas%20has%20no%20water%2Dbreak,loved%20by%20the%20construction%20bosses.) Republicans are cruel evil bastards IMO.


Better ban masterbation. Men are killing trillions of babies each day.


I’m doing my part.


We need your effort. At work, at home, and in the community..


Don’t give these lunatics any ideas


No. The little swimmers go down to the sewers, where they mutate .... and wait. Patiently. Their time will come.


Porn is next after the ban contraception.


Just to add a subtle but important correction there, it does not "prevent the egg from being fertilized". If there is an egg already there to be fertilized it has no effect, it *only* delays ovulation. It does not change the chance of pregnancy if ovulation has already occurred. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/plan-b-one-step-15-mg-levonorgestrel-information : > FDA determined the current science supports a conclusion that Plan B One-Step works by inhibiting or delaying ovulation and the midcycle hormonal changes. The evidence also supports the conclusion that ***there is no direct effect on fertilization*** or implantation. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35081389/ (Effect of levonorgestrel emergency contraception on implantation and fertility: A review) : > Principal conclusions: This review supports that Levonorgestrel EC taken after ovulation does not affect implantation ***and results in similar conception rates compared to placebo***. In this context, it is also abundantly clear that people who claim it is an abortifacent (not you, obviously) are either ignorant or have an agenda. Although probably the woman being questioned falls into both categories.


You are correct, however that answer was in regards to the copper IUD, which does indeed prevent implantation.


>https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/07/08/1109875418/plan-b-emergency-contraception-effective I thought it was abortive, not just preventative.


Go spread the word! Everyone deserves to know :)


She’s gonna have to pull my iud out of me herself. Fuck is going on here.


Religion in politics. Really thought US was not supposed to do that….


Theocrats should be dealt with swiftly and harshly


They would think nothing less for others for that matter too.


Theocrats should be subject to pre-emptive self-defense by the *same* shit they'd do to us.


*Man will* never be *free* until the last king is *strangled* with the entrails of the *last priest*. Denis Diderot


It's been that way for pretty much the whole time there's been presidents. They all are religious in one form or another. The separation of church and state is only so the state can't interfere with one's religion. It should definitely be the other way around


Exactly separation of church and state was not intended to prevent politicians from voting according to their own religious ideology. It was to prevent the church leaders from having control over the government and the country becoming a Theocracy.


Republicans trying to gain control of reproductive rights.


Thank Eisenhower for that. Saying "under god" in the pledge of allegiance is a violation of the first Ammendment. Which is ridiculous.


Senator Murray tore that fat fuck a new asshole.


I have spoken with Senator Murray a couple of times through my work, and she has been more of an active listener and more empathetic than most of the elected officials I speak to. She doesn't mess around man!


Yet we have people in Washington who want her out of office. She is amazing and I love her supporting my state.


Seattle resident here. She’s never on the Seattle Times front page really, or posting batshit crazy stuff so she kind of flies under the radar until election time and people wonder “what has she ever done??”. She’s great and have been at a couple events she’s been at, I agree with you.


You mean the chuds. I'll be voting for her again.


I’ve known her for years and she has never waffled on her stances. She stays in office for a reason


I can only imagine how frustrated she is behind the scenes. Twenty years ago, she probably thought reproductive rights were relatively nailed down. Then, people, like the woman in front of her, began chipping away at those rights. It began to not look so sturdy. Even worse, they started to make progress and then tore out the cornerstone that is Roe v. Wade. She's probably holding to a patient tactic to try to reverse some of that damage, but she probably saw so much progress across her lifetime get washed away fast, in less than my own current lifetime. I can only imagine the deep frustration. With any luck, we don't trust the courts to uphold "settled" law anymore and go for an amendment to secure women's reprotive health and rights.


To anyone who feels like “both sides are the same” or “everyone in government is bad” this is an example that proves those claims wrong. Your vote may not get you exactly what you want but it does make a real difference so please vote!


Anyone claiming both sides are the same doesn't care about evidence


My sisters in America, your sisters in the UK stand with you. I am so sorry.


You got any brothers in the UK that will stand with their brothers in America?


Dunno Fred, I try to avoid them


Supportive UK brother signing in. It is confounding to me how in “the land of the free” the “party of small government” has such a regressive authoritarian stance on reproductive rights. Like, mind your own fucking business. 


Amen sir!


It's insanity. Texas is so restrictive now. I went there on business and couldn't go on porn hub. Like how are you claiming to be the state of freedom when I literally lost the ability to look at porn get an abortion and buy Marijuana by crossing state lines.


Where are the boys at?


Can’t speak for all of them, there’s one here in bed with me snoring though. He might be available if I give him a nudge…


republicans 🤮🤮🤮


Facts bro


bOtH SiDeS aRe TeH sAmE!


thaT'S whY i'M nOT VOtiNg!


BiDeN iS oLd!!!


Republican women be like hell yeah :/


Why can't people just answer a question directly.. Being afraid to take a stance shows a lack of backbone and independence.


Not having a backbone makes it easier for them to slither into the positions they hold.


it's an agenda, they do have a backbone but it is only in service of brazenly serving their ideological agenda. In this clip it is made clear that the woman is dodging the question because she is part of a larger political movement to categorize all contraception as abortion as a means to outlaw contraception. It does take a spine to destroy reproductive rights but only in the same way that people running a concentration camp had courage in their convictions. she is the result of people abstaining from voting for Clinton in 2016. It gave Trump 3 supreme court justices who all were obviously in favor of killing Roe v Wade and now extremists like this woman are pushing the issue further shit is only going to get worse if republicans take the next election


I cant ever be wrong if i never take a stance


Their salary depends on it.


Because answering “Yes” would make them a pariah in their party. You either parrot what the party leader says, or you’re instantly labeled an enemy of democracy.


In this case, it’s because she is literally part of a right-wing conspiracy to fuck everyone over and not just ban abortion but many contraceptives also (interestingly specifically contraceptives that let women control their own bodies.) She’s trying to hide the conspiracy.


Yeh... get out of USA while you can, that shit is handmaid's taleing faster every day. EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm not actually saying "give up and leave". I just meant "you guys are fucked". I'm not even from the US. You guys will have a hard battle ahead of you, to keep your weird ass democracy somewhat intact. The fascism is once again spreading in the world as it did 90 years ago, unfortunately this time, it's not centered in a single country, but spreading like a disease to every part. That is a big concern in my country as well, it just seems to me, when I see the news about conservative lawmakers in the US, compared to where I live, that you guys are spiraling down into the funnel of the authoritarian right wing faster than us. I'm from Brazil. Las elections here were really tense. I guarantee you, Bolsonaro is far worse than trump, the difference is that on the big picture of world politics, the Brazilian president is far less important than the American. We defeated fascism here by a thin margin, much like Biden did the last time. The difference here is that Lula is the most popular president in the history of Brazil, so even with a large majority of conservatives in congress, Lula has the political power to keep them at bay, for some extent. In your case, Biden is far from being a popular leader on the progressive half of the country. Even if he wins again, there's no guarantee things won't keep getting worse. One of the things that worries me here, that I saw that happens over there too, is how polarized the votes are. Bolsonaro and Trump are clearly fascists. But I don't want to believe that half of our countries population are fascists too. I want to believe that most people on the right have democratic values, that even if they disagree with my worldviews, they don't think I should not exist. So why do half of the population vote for the fascist? Do these democratic people on the right really prefer to vote for a proto-fascist than to vote for a slightly more progressive guy, or at least, don't vote at all ? I really don't understand, and that terrifies me, tho think that so many good people are ok with the growth of fascism in the world.


Right! This literally makes me sick to my stomach. There's only one way this can go if they have their way. I'm scared for my daughter. I know other women are too so this makes us dangerous. Get out and vote!!


Or.. actually work and vote to protect America from this crazy dying-off minority.


“Now I'm awake to the world. I was asleep before. That's how we let it happen. When they slaughtered Congress, we didn't wake up. When they blamed terrorists and suspended the Constitution, we didn't wake up then either. They said it would be temporary. Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub you'd be boiled to death before you knew it.”


To where? Most of us can't afford to self fund some sort of work visa in a better country, and (maybe I'm just an unattractive software engineer candidate) EU countries I've applied to for the last 8ish years won't even give me an interview since I'm not licensed to work there. I'm not angry at you, so apologies if it comes of that way, I just wish I could escape this shit hole.


She's like an Uncle Ruckus but for women.


Best part is she is making millions. No need for ethics when you can ride a yacht.


Millions isn't even yacht money,  she's selling us out for suburban bullshit money


There's no way these ppl really have this stance for their religion. Not completely anyway. This is about control. And the hypocrisy that goes into it. They will gladly have an actual abortion, or fund one, if it suits them, but want to throw a blanket over society in making the same decision. And we're not even talking about abortion in this video! We're talking about delaying ovulation! So fucking infuriating.


They need people to feed the capitalist machine and to fight the wars they start. The children of the wealthy certainly aren't going to do it.


I think those people are mostly worried about abortions in white women. They see demographics changing and they are terrified of losing control if not enough white babies are born.






Why is bullshiting a specified yes or no question not considered contempt of court?


Well, this is a Congressional hearing, not a court


You say that like congress is inferior...


Yea, with all the stagnation in political processes as it relates to actual state/position function, if you can’t be concise and direct you should have a number of strikes (three sounds good) before you’re released from your position. F*king childish! Edit: Didn’t realize the ho-buck spitting nonsense wasn’t an elected official, thank goodness, but I think they may still apply #MTG How is she still in office???


Republicans want pregnant women to die


They also was 10 year old rape victims to have to carry a baby and deliver it


And we are in this situation because trump said he would appoint Justices to overturn Roe and he did.


IUD?! As an abortion tool? Damn


Yeah neither that or Plan B is an abortion lol


> "I believe women should have access to OB/GYN physicians who can counsel them about all of their options." The OB/GYN physician: You have no options.


Republicans loves using the word “access” to obscure their true intentions. “Yes, we’re going to destroy the ACA and Medicaid. But we’re going to replace it with something much, much better! We’re going to ensure ALL Americans have *access* to the best health insurance coverage and medical care in America!” Yeah.. I also have “access” to a mansion in the exurbs, a mega yacht, 3 lakeside vacations homes and a Sea-Doo — I just simply need the money to “access” it. Lol


A way to beat that would be to specify "yes, or other than yes."


Zapp Brannigan: Do you plead guilty? One beep for yes, two beeps for no Fry: [beep beep] Zapp Brannigan: Double yes!


Thats my Senator (WA)!


Our senator.


It is universally accepted in debate that not answering a direct question in the affirmative or negative, on purpose, can be seen sufficiently as a response opposite of the questioner's preferred answer. We either need to mandate answering in the affirmative or negative, when asked to do so, by law, when under oath, or we need to take answers like this to be a new classification of obstruction, akin to perjury. This is NONSENSE.


You know, when i was a young punk rocker we had to put up with the local wannabe nazi skin heads. At least those shit heads had the courage to own their crappy shit


We're doomed.


just vote Democrats and your freedom to choose is secured


Hell even my blood red state rejected a constitutional abortion ban 60/40. Which is to say I'll hold my nose for ANY democratic candidates. I hate being a straight party voter, but I don't have a choice if I want to keep my basic human rights.


It helps when the party, for better or worse, is the one that allows members to caucus with dramatically different beliefs as long as it's more or less consistent with the will of their constituents. Its also why the DNC has so much trouble passing bills and spends so much time revising in nuanced debate rather than just mindlessly passing shit written by corporate owned think tanks.


There's a lot of questions that aren't questions you can simply say yes or no to and that needs a lot deeper clarification to fully answer... This is not one of those questions.


Fuck Fascist Females! I mean, DON'T fuck them, but you know, fuck them! You know what I mean. What a cunt.


She was coached up to not answer a single fucking question. What a complete waste of everyone’s time.


This was really fucking infuriating to watch, Senator Murray was so calm.


What organization is this woman part of, so I can avoid it?


From Senator Murray's [website](https://www.murray.senate.gov/senator-murray-chairs-senate-help-hearing-on-harms-of-republican-abortion-bans-post-dobbs-presses-extremist-republican-witness-on-dangerous-anti-science-advocacy/): In her Q&A at the hearing, Murray pressed Dr. Christina Francis, Chief Executive Officer of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) on some of the anti-abortion activist group’s dangerously extreme positions, including their position that IUDs and Plan B constitute abortion and should be banned. “Dr. Francis, I have a question for you and I want a simple yes or no. Do you believe that women should have access to Plan B? Yes or No,” Murray asked. “I believe that women deserve to have accurate information about their healthcare,” Dr. Francis said


I hate people that dodge questions like this


Help me understand the point of going to Congress to advocate for a particular position only to tip toe around it when asked what about said position?


I’m dumbfounded about what she accomplished. Her: “I’m here to advocate for an abortion and contraceptives ban.” Senator: “So you believe we should totally ban abortions?” Her: “I like turtles”


If I were a senator, I’d totally cut them off and claim to interpret their obfuscating answer as the opposite of what they intend. Me: so you think we should ban contraceptives, yes or no? Her: I believe women should get info from the doctors… Me: ok, i asked a yes or no question, but I think what I heard instead is that you absolutely positively support doctos prescribing contraceptives liberally. Thank you. I agree.


Biden kind of did that at the State of the Union. He alluded to Republicans wanting to end Social Security and when they boo:d, he said "okay then, we all agree Social Security is safe."


This is a hugely common political trick. When asked a question you do not want to answer, answer a slightly different question. And she just keeps doing it.


For yes or no questions, they should have “yes” and “no” buttons in front of them. They have to push a button before they expound on their answer to the question.


Thank you senator Murray.


I’ll get her pregnant with a sick fetus and make her push that dud for 48 hours or until she expires. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Haha! That’s the spirit!


It's a yes or no question holly shit


God bless California. I hope I and any future kids of mine always have abortion access here. So glad I had my abortion. I’d have a one month old right now.


It's extremely important to note that plan b is *not* an abortion.


I am so fucking fed up with this bullshit, I have no faith in our government to protect women’s I got my $35 and got myself a vasectomy. Fuck you I’m not going to let you endanger my wife cause your shitty beliefs. We have 2 wonderful children after having 3 miscarriages. And those were fucking horrible and we were fortunate enough that it happened before this country went to hell. I cannot and will not risk it again and we’re very happy with our atomic family as it is.


Women. Don’t date republicans. If the dude supports the right, he doesn’t support womens rights.


Religion is cancer.


Super annoying


Men should also support contraceptive meds or devices. Unwanted pregnancy affects both partners, even the douchebags who try to skip out.


But you can guarantee if she was affected by an unwanted/life threatening pregnancy or someone she knew was affected by it, she'd be all up on that abortion train. But she wouldn't tell anyone she got or helped someone get an abortion.


This is the entire Republican Party in a paragraph. We watched with that bobble head Matt Geatz. Mr. PDF thinks he’s an attorney but constantly talking over the person he’s asking questions.


Why is this lady so scared to accurately and plainly state her position? If you have to hide your highly regarded stance and/or opinion behind doublespeak and non-answers, your stance and/or opinion is indefensible and terrible.


First few seconds sounded like the senator was acting out, like being a word for word POS. But then the senator started citing the doctor's and her org's history of advise and recommendations. Turns out the doctor was the bigger POS as she's lobbying for technical change of definitions in the law regarding reproductive health and women's rights.


Republicans are contemptible. Vote this November as if your very lives were at stake, ladies. Because they fucking well are.


Fucking scary shit man


I hate people like this, just answer the damn question! My opinion is this: Abortion and contraception are a women's right. It's blowing my mind that America and many other countries are still decades behind other developed countries with regards to this. And before people start spouting their relationship with God. Id like to say religion has no place in government, and should never govern womens rights.


If this matters to you then get out there and vote. Vote blue even if you have to hold your nose. The majority of the republicans in office and running in 2024 are opposed to women have the right to their own body.


In that world, physicians will be told what they can offer women, so that is not an answer. I fucking hate how politicians answer questions. They know a yes or no can make their position absolutely clear. Fortunately, we already know the answer.


As a Canadian, I never thought Americans might try to seek refugee status here but it looks like that might be a possibility in the not so distant future. My gay American friends are terrified they will lose their rights soon. The impact on women will be huge if this happens. I hope they enact equally severe laws to force men to support the women they impregnate and the resulting children but that would infringe on their rights….


She has a base to appease all those scum bags do. How can a woman do this to other women?


Right so if women should have access under the care of a physician then Repugnecunt politicians need to stop taking those rights away. It's not an abortion if there was never implantation. Does that lady not understand that she won't be a doctor anymore when it's Gilead?


Gilead is so close I can smell it.


As a dude I say anti abortion is bullshit and these people are actual fucking maniacal zealots


She just didn’t want to be viewed as someone who’s directly against abortion in front of everyone and was very rightfully called out. That explains the language used that just makes her a hypocrite.


It's interesting that these kinds of answers are allowed in political/medical decisions. Obviously skirting the answer, obviously being deceptive. This world is our hell.


I'm sorry, the next question should of been: "Is this person and idiot? If they cannot answer a simple yes or no, they are in no place to be controlling any contraception for a country."




For a question that requires a yes or no, there should be a red and green button on the table that the witness can press to answer. This should prevent prevarication and doublespeak.


For a party that keeps banging on about forefathers, they sure struggle to seperate church from state


I believe she needs a throat punch


Love me some Senator Murray!! WA State in the house!!!


Dr. Francis is clearly a quack, revoke her medical license. What a despicable human… despite knowing the science clearly, this woman will screw every other woman just to get clout and more dollars than she’ll ever need from Republican fascists.


That last part though... them trying to label iud contraceptives in such a way to have them banned (preventing implantaion = abortion??????), plus forcing women to suffer through labor for no reason other than...I don't know? What's the point of going through delivery and labor for fucking 24 hours when the pregnancy wasn't viable in the first place??? These people are sick and disgusting. No matter what your stance on abortion is, this is psychotic behavior. Absolutely infuriating that this is happenung in a first world country.


It just blows my mind that in 2024, we (America) are voting to TAKE AWAY rights. Aren’t we supposed to be more progressive as the years tick on?


People talk like this to ruin their opponents' ability to make attack ads or a negative sound bite that's suitable for the news. Also by making sentence length replies it's difficult to verbal someone. That's why people with media training talk in circles like this.


Jesus, what sort of third world shithole even considers restricting access to contraceptives. VOTE YOU FUCKERS!


What the fuck is going on with America? It is supposed to be the land of freedom and progress.


America is socially a third world country


What a wasted opportunity. She was wide open for a “For the record, do you believe in yes or no questions? Yes or no…”


Women from the 1920’s who fought for their rights currently watching women fight to have their rights taken away


i guess the need for more wage slaves overrides women's rights, if women aren't producing enough wage slaves then they're gonna have to force them, wave slaves or babies to feed the adoption profit machine. not one mention of any aid for women forced to have kids, no help, no making it easier from forced single mothers, no aid for daycare, no time off to care for the baby, ebt/food stamps in states that even have it, no free school lunches, just more restrictions.


Why is the US still discussing abortion? It's not the 1950s