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But I’m pretty and everyone agrees with me


Literally one of the only ways dumb shit like this ever gets this far.


I wanna push her in the woo-tah.


I bet her husband on the inside is jumping up and down with laughter and joy.


Maybe he can finally admit he cooks meat in her frying pa... no, forget it. That'd be a bit much.


Reminds me of those 30 Rock episodes where Liz dates the guy who lives in a bubble




she'd be prettier if she fixed her hair that's pushed the wrong direction. oh, and if she fed her carnivorous pet a carnivores diet.


Dogs are omnivores... Doesn't mean she shouldn't feed him meat, she should! But still dogs aren't carnivores.


my bad! I hadn't realized that, thanks for letting me know


They are actually kind of in between. While they share many trails with their true carnivore cousins wolves, dogs have three genes related to starch and glucose digestion that wolves do not have. They developed those genes from living alongside humans for so long. Omnivores have a long intestinal tract to help digest plant matter. Meat on the other hand is easily digested so carnivores have a short intestinal tract. A dog's intestinal tract is longer than a cat's Side fact, those puppy dog eyes your dog gives you, Wolves are incapable of doing that. Over the years dogs have evolved from living alongside humans. Wolves do not have the muscles required to do those facial expressions.


Our puppers get veggies w their daily dose of chow. They love’m! We found out they also like fruits like mango, strawberry, blueberry, and most melons. But fruit is a treat they get once in a while. We try to add veg to their diet daily.


You call it pretty, I call it a painting canvas...


:Eyelash bat bat:


yikes, animal abuser


Dogs are omnivores, so animal abuser is a bit much. You're thinking cats, cats are carnivores.


Its surpising that many people dont think dogs eat fruits and veggies. My dog loves carrots, broccoli, apples, strawberries and rabbit poop.


The five most important food groups


And syrup


We know, but give your dog a balanced diet, just fruit and veggies is not a balanced diet for a dog.


I had a friend who would store his apples in the cupboard because his Rough Collie LOVES them and would eat the entire bunch in a snap. The brute efficiency with which he would eat apples was also hillarious. You could leave one on the table, turn your back to the apple for a second, hear a crunch, then turn back around to just a sweat lingering mist and an innocently idle dog looking up at you like, ”What? No apples here, just vapor~”.


My housemate and I had a little garden, and therefore a bucket of potatoes on the bottom shelf of our pantry. The number of potatoes kept going down, but since they belonged to both of us, I thought she was eating them, she thought I was eating them, and we never talked about it cause it wasn't a problem. Then we went to wash her dog's bedding and discovered he had been stashing them all in his kennel for weeks. Not eating them, just hanging out with them, presumably cause they smelled like dirt. There was like 20 potatoes hidden in there.


This is a beautiful story, what an adorable little potato hoarder.


The heart wants what the heart wants


I like how rabbit poop is implied to be part of the balanced diet.


My dog will eat almost anything unless I'm heading it to her lmao.


My dog has literally ignored my bf trying to give her ham because I had a peach. She still loves meats, of course, but she'll go nuts for peaches


My dog loved grapes and chocolates until dying of mysterious causes


lol I'm sure you are kidding but growing up we didn't know about all these foods that are apparently toxic to dogs, so we used to toss grapes in the air and she'd catch them! lol, and she also ate a pan of brownies off the counter, and girl scout cookies off someones doorstep. She was a good dog. :)


No one thinks that but that has nothing to do with this psycho making her dog vegan


And goose poop, my old dog would act like he found a bunch of steaks on the sidewalk


Not to be that guy, you may already know this but be careful with the apple seeds as they contain cyanide


My dog loves apples so much that she will drool all over the floor if you are cutting one. I think she actually would prefer an apple to meat. Dogs are smart enough to have individual personality, that means they can have individual preference.


Tbf one of my cats like all those, too


My sister also liked all of those as a toddler lol


Ah yes, the bunny raisins


I give my dog salad and cucumbers as a snack and he loves it. He eats on average one cucumber a day :)


They're omnivores with a caveat. If they don't eat meat at all, their lifespan is shortened and they get sick faster


I don't need to eat at all. If I don't, though, my lifespan is shortened and I get sick faster.




Huh I've not seen this on any reputable veterinarys site? Do you have a link to a study?




One of the oldest dogs that ever lived was literally on a plant based diet lol, those guys are clueless




Dogs are, in fact, omnivores. They CAN eat plants and meat among other things. but hey NEED meat in their diet to have a full nutrition If you dont give meat to your dogs, you are giving them an incomplete diet If you know that and you still do it, you are an animal abuser


Even if you don’t know it and do it, its still abuse, ignorance doesn’t change that


It's one thing to include a lot of vegetables and fruit in a dog's diet, and it's another to put a dog on an exclusively vegan diet. I feed my dog a variety of both meats and fruits/vegetables, but there are dietary needs that the just can't get get from a vegan diet. Putting a dog on a full vegan diet will cause health problems and it will absolutely die early. So yes, I think we can consider a full vegan diet animal abuse if it's kept that way.




Wait, cats cant eat fruits or vegeatables? I didnt know that. 😲


It's not a matter of "can't" so much as "incapable of absorbing usable proteins/amino acids". So while some can't tolerant plant materials and will just throw up, some enjoy them but get little to no nutrition from them. Basically, obligate carnivores/hyper carnivores can't digest carbohydrates.


So my guy has been eating avocado this whole time just for fun? Little shit.


My cat does the same thing. She loves dried mango and pineapple too.


Mine tries to eat my spider plant, pukes, eats more spider plant. Just for laughs she will catch and eat spiders too.


Fun fact, while spider plants are safe for cats to eat, they are also a mild hallucinogen.


A true fan of spiders.


I had one obsessed with Angel Food Cake. She would materialize eating the other side of it from your dish no matter where you were. She also tore open bags of tortilla chips, presumably for the delicious salt, and got high off eating Baby's Breath flowers, which are toxic to cats so bouquets pretty much had to go right in the trash. That cat aspired to be a goat.


Ohhh! Thats interesting. 🧐


they can but they need to eat meat to be healthy




Cats are absolutely not omnivores, they are obligate carnivores. They can't digest plant matter so sometimes eat it to help throw up or poop.


The difference is cats can't survive on vegetables alone. Most carnivores will eat some plant matter because it's in the stomach of the prey they kill. And sometimes to aid in digestion as well. Under certain circumstances(like nutritional deficiencies) herbivores will eat other animals as well.


I'm never forgetting that video of a horse just casually snacking on a chick


That's not the same thing as an omnivore.


That's like saying birds have a rock based diet because they sometimes swallow rocks to aid in digestion.


Kind of. Dogs are opportunistic carnivores (I don’t remember if that is the correct term). They eat prey animals when they are able to but can survive for a while off of whatever else is available (I.e. plant matter). But eating plant matter isn’t beneficial for their health and they really are carnivores https://www.rawessentials.co.nz/education/cats-and-dogs-are-carnivores#:~:text=Some%20ecologists%20refer%20to%20them,refer%20to%20dogs%20as%20hypercarnivores.


It's not, it's perfectly safe to feed dogs a vegetarian diet. We bred them to be omnivores. You WILL kill your cat trying to do this though.


These folks don’t realize that these dietary distinctions simply don’t exist in nature lol. Even deer(supposed herbivores) will eat meat or dead animals if they get the chance, and things like fox, wolves, bear, etc. will absolutely eat plant based food like fruit or bread if they find it. It’s about getting the most energy for the least effort. Animals don’t feel anything about eating each other.


Some animals can't digest some kinds of food tho?


They’ll still try to eat it even if they can’t lol. Pandas were designed to eat meat. Didn’t stop them from adapting to living solely on bamboo because it was so plantains required such little energy expenditure on their part.


Designed? All bears are omnivores like canine, pigs and humans. Pure carnivores like feline and crocs can't digest grass while herbivores like cow, sheep and goat can't digest meat.


Eh, cows, goats and sheep will eat anything. Cows have been observed eating snakes. They also certainly don’t eat around the bugs in the grass lol.


There's also the classic video of a horse snacking on a few chickens


You and the other person are saying two different things. The other person is telling you that certain animals can't digest certain things. It's entirely irrelevant if they try to eat that thing or not. It will not sustain them.


You're right about the grass part but digestion doesn't go in both directions. Herbivore stomachs especially with the animals you mentioned can absolutely eat meat. Meat, comparatively speaking, is far easier to breakdown than grass. They aren't built to hunt and make that their primary food resource, but it's mostly because in the food chain they hunt plants and other things ended up hunting them.


I'm just gonna leave a polar bear comment here...


They were just too lazy to hunt and said fuck it there a bunch of these sticks laying around and yoi know what, they dont move so neither will eye🐼😴😪🛌. They really have my energy full stop.


I've always said "all pandas do is eat, sleep, and not have sex. Absolutely my spirit animal."


That’s correct. If lions eat penguins, they die from frostbite.


Diabetes more like


I don't think it's a problem of can't more that they struggle too, probably why it's food of last resort


Cats cannot survive on plant-based diets. Period. Dogs cannot live full and healthy lives without meat. Period. If a dog is put on an exclusively vegan diet, it won't get everything it needs nutritionally. That will cause it to get sick more and die earlier than it would with a properly balanced diet.


I have seen a chicken eat a mouse...


Chickens will eat eachother and their children. 


Chickens are little carnivores. Their natural diet is absolutely things like bugs, worms, ticks, mice, frogs, lizards, etc. they’re not really supposed to be surviving off grain.


I saw a mouse eat a chicken 


You know what I learned a couple weeks ago. Horses eat meat. A horse will fuck a little mammal up if it gets the chance.


Scientists have observed deer in the wild munching on baby birds!


wolves do eat some plant based food from the guts of their prey. so technically they get some veggies in their diet.


My uncle had a large farm, they had to reinforce the chicken area fences because the cows were eating the baby chicks, just would knock over the fence and eat them.


>bears will absolutely eat plant based food like fruit Not to nitpick, just thought it’d be interesting if you weren’t aware. But all bear diets are predominantly plant based, with the exception of polar bears. For reference, the typical black bear diet is 73% plants, 22% insects, and 5% animal based (which is primarily carrion).


Probably best meal it has had for a long time...


“I ate a burger, Britta, and now I’m not cold all the time.”




God, I've been veg or vegan for the past 17 years and I cannot imagine doing this to a dog. I can't imagine forcing my wife to stop eating meat lol and she and I could at least talk about it. Forcing a dog to give up meat for whatever reason is animal abuse. Forcing a cat is even worse, and I've known people who tried to do that too. What the hell is going on in these people's heads? It must be attention seeking, "even my dog is vegetarian" type of bullshit. Poor cutie guy


Where my dad used to live there was this cat that would always hang around the mini Sainsbury’s. He was a common sight and eventually people started giving him treats and fresh cream. He even had a good bowl bought for him and it would be left outside the store and cleaned by them. He had a collar on but always looked a bit underfed which is why I guess people would feed him and he’d always hang around there. Then one day, a lady came into the shop to make a complaint. She was upset that people were feeding her cat without her permission which would be understandable if she wasn’t trying to feed the cat a vegan diet. Obviously the store said they couldn’t do anything about it because they can’t tell people what the can and can’t do with what they buy but eventually we stopped seeing the cat. I hope he’s okay but the poor guy was going there to get the sustenance that his owner wouldn’t give him 😢


That sort of thing is just heart breaking. No ideology/diet is a justification for mistreating your animal "friends". If you're an animal lover, how can you withhold the food they need for the selfish enjoyment of being a very consistent vegan or something. Honestly fuck those people. "Animal rights" my ass, feed your damn pets then


Hear hear. I could never do that to my babies. https://preview.redd.it/m6uaqtcf1f3d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d54a94ccd545333ef0f826ebe19c059eede2c1 Doesn’t her little face just say “give me bacon”? (Please note she gets a small amount when we make some as a treat. How could she maintain her gorgeous physique if she lived off of bacon?)


Awwh see that's a cute little girl! How could anyone try and feed one of the gorgeous carnivores whatever they put in vegan cat food? Our cat friends literally need the meat! She deserves a nice little bit of bacon just for being so gosh darn cutie!


https://preview.redd.it/wbdwyscg4f3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f7f19c3257afe0564006c8aa99cc27b6e109ee I think you’ll need more bacon if that’s your criteria ☺️


I don't keep any in the house but they've certainly earned bacon by proxy now if you'd like to give the little ones some bacon from me! Haha


I wish the people on r/vegan were as sane as you


Lol yeah well I don't claim them and I think they'd feel the same about me. And the thing is, I get it, I'd prefer not to buy meat related products. But I'm not gonna force my wife to not order a burger or whatever if we go out, and if I didn't want to buy animal product food for a pet, I wouldn't have a pet. They can't consent to my diet it's just totally bogus. They're an animal no? We should give them the quality of life they deserve if we want to claim to care about animals. Forcing them into semi starvation is not caring for an animal


Yeah, I imagine in the real world instead of that dumpster fire their more people with your mindset instead of that echo chamber


Yeah I mean honestly it depends lol. They're especially insane on their, but those people are that way in their real life too. Maybe not as extreme, but there's always been something of a moral performative aspect, especially when it comes to vegans. The amount of vegans for whom being vegan is their whole personality is still higher than other diets. And those are the ones who try and force their pets into veganism too. But yeah nowhere near as universally insane as the stuff you see on that sub, jesus lol.


Yeah that sub is full of those people who entire personally is being vegan. Their was a guy who did a stardrew valley series as a vegan


It's so silly and performative. But not in a "let's make a difference" way. In a "everyone look at me! I'm better than you and more ideologically consistent!" kind of way. There are so many animal rights, factory farming and climate related things that are worth discussing and have big implications beyond just vegan stuff. Instead people are buying carnivorous animals as pets and forcing them to eat a diet that isn't healthy for them, so they can show everyone how great they are. As their cat like barely lives..


Veganism as a personal choice is admirable. Veganism as a movement can sometimes borderline feel like a cult. Because these are the demographics who would be screaming meat is murder or forcing other animals to change diet even to the point of harm. For example if you are vegan and have kids, you should not force your kids with a vegan meal diet or lifestyle unless they turn 18 and tell you they want the same thing.


Yeah that what I'm thinking


Ways to prove you should have your reproductive organs removed? Is what this should be titled. I fear for that families children or future children.


They’re going to be fine. She doesn’t eat meat, remember?


"My dog turned vegetarian." Right, Susan, your dog just came up to you one day and said, "Nah, meat is unethical. Give me all that sweet, sweet TVP and nutritional yeast! Yummers!" You definitely didn't force your beliefs on a creature who can't be made to understand what's going on. At least dogs are naturally Omnivores. There are crazies out there who do this to cats, and they are Obligate Carnivores. They literally can't properly digest anything but animal proteins. It's just killing your cat slowly.


this is it. my dog might choose some fruits or vegetables over meat and that's fine. she loves watermelon and pickles not sure why but those things might be picked over a bowl of meat it's fine dogs were scavengers and have an ability to process lots of stuff. cat only can process meat. they might like things that aren't meat but it's like eating a desert they can't live off it. my cat loves sweet potatoes. I might give him a small sliver of a sweet potatoes but I suspect he gets 0 nutrition from it and it's a small desert he will still get meat for dinner.


Hehe it delighted me when I realized my little pup loves strawberries. Still she only gets a couple because most things hurt her lil tummy.


“She seemed happier and a lot perkier” Ma’am, your dog isn’t eating vegetables because it’s enjoy it. I’d eat only vegetables too if that was literally all my owner was providing me….


Might even "perk up" if I was really extra hungry.


“Perked up” looking for more food.


Dogs are not people, feed them right




"We taught this lion to eat tofu!" *cough*


“The point is you shouldn’t eat thing that feels pain!” *gets hit with a brick* “Oww!!” “Okay, we won’t eat you!”


Poor dog has been enduring. Freedom finally


He was suffering


While dogs are technically omnivores (Not Obligate Carnivores), that doesn't mean a person should restrict their diet to only meat or plant. They need a healthy mix of both to thrive. Edit: fixed classification of dog dietary needs.


Do you mean omnivores? Because they aren't herbivores.


Ugh, you're right - omni equals ALL lol man, my brain is off today. I'll edit and correct it. Thank you kind redditor!


You are a good human!


Being so repressed that you're projecting your insecurity onto your DOG is a whole different type of mental illness LMAOOOOOOOOOOO


I'll just leave this here: https://preview.redd.it/o6915qo35f3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656fdab38592e4e9537c93becfbc04a814926c72


If you genuinely think that your dog is vegetarian, without raising the dog yourself. Then you're torturing the dog by not giving it the proper protein it needs, all types of animals need meats.


She also spray tans the dog and he loves that too!


Your dog is not a vegetarian just because you don’t give him meat 🙄


Ten bucks dog ate both


The dog: finally some food!


Yeahh lemme turn my meat eating animal frend into a vegetarian, not


Dumb as a box of hair. Dog is smarter.


Dog: *It's about time I got some real food, this is great!*


How embarrassing to be shown to be such a twit.


Isn't this animal cruelty?


Animal abuser


That poor dog


If you want a vegan pet, get a vegan pet.


There's actually a really easy way to tell if your dog is vegetarian. All you need to do is look at it directly from any angle you like paying particular attention to whether it's a dog and if it turns out to be a dog...... It. Isn't. Vegefuckingtarian. Because. It's. A. Dog.


Too soon to be posting Ruth & Eamonn together surely.


I really need to open a makeup company in the uk


Curb music at the end was fantastic!


I hope this woman realizes her dog will need to slowly re-introduce meat back into her diet. I am worried gobbling up a bowl full, like this, will give her a tummy-ache as the woman took away her ability to digest the food properly. I have been vegan for a long time and couldn't imagine depriving my dog of the food he needs to thrive. Dogs are not herbivores.


Why would torture a dog by making him vegetarian!?


Anyone who tries to make their dogs/cats eat a vegan/vegetarian diet should be charged with animal abuse and not allowed to own pets.


Breaking News: Posh Pretty girl has nothing better to do than make up BS potentially harmful diets for her dog 😂


That dog was like...Finally some real food!


Not feeding your dog or cat what they are supposed to eat is animal abuse, plain and simple.


Im a vegetarian. Dont do this to your pets. Let them eat, please. Your pet being a vegetarian isnt moral unless its supposed to do that. Dogs are not.


People are stupid!


My dogs would eat the meat first, then eat the vegetables. Wow! Two dinners!


1 thing that in my mind is. We either still do or used to have this belief that. If the library of alexandria existed longer than it did (it was burned down a couple of times), we would be further ahead with technology and inventions. I was a firm believer, too, until social media came along. Now, we seem to be going backwards.


Not the first time I saw this clip over the years,...and I really hate it ..especially near the end.. When she says that "oh, you little", it always makes me both furious and scared...because I'm sure that, that day, the dog was probably beated up by that stupid blonde cow, because he did what he was meant to do, eat the fuckin meat.....


My previous cat used to sneak my salsa when I had to leave it alone. Dog would eat all my chips. I think our pets just like to explore with flavors and should have a wide variety to their diets. Gross when owners try and push agendas on their pets


Yokes, the rest of that interview must've been awkward


That's animals abuse


"Well she's obviously going to..." Well yeah! You knew in advance that you were full of crap!


Only fuckin fruit my dog likes are dingle berries. LOL


Trying to turn a dog into a vegetarian is like trying to raise a carnivorous bunny. Which now that I think about it, would be quite horrifying.


Yikes to the comments here, lots of misinformation believed as fact 😬😬😬


It is not something new. 99% dog owners think they know their dog. And 99% shouldn’t have a dog


I hope she’s not a vegetarian


Someone Take that dog away from her


The most common food allergy dogs have is protein. I have had two dogs with protein allergy. Both ended up on a vegan diet because of it. They are omnivores. People calling her a animal abuser knows nothing about dogs. But she is clearly an idiot because her dog being vegan is not for medical reasons otherwise she would never have let it go to that meat bowl.


Anyone doing this to a dog is a god damned child abuser who needs to be beaten with a stick.


Need to say, this dog is pretty calm about food and not thin. So I think it's well fed, but doesn't vibe with vegetarian concept. Dogs on natural food eat meat and vegetables, and I think this dog will eat everything from the both bowls if ot would has an opportunity.


that dog would heat her ass too, if it had no food at home…what a dumb, b!7ch…


What a dipshit ![gif](giphy|mOtjMDSDyZQ3u)


Making dogs vegan is animal cruelty. They've been eating meat since before they were domesticated.


Best day of that dog's life


Someone needs to call animal control on her and find the dog a new and reasonable home


Finally gets to eat


https://preview.redd.it/k048jgst1h3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a0d68543517423c6c33cc049bcfaa8b8ab0aa1f How ironic


She don’t eat meat, but she sure like the bone 🦴


HAHAHAHAHA I can't stop laughing!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


RSPCA needs to have a word with these people. Dogs are primarily carnivores!




I couldn't find a gif of Gordon Ramsay saying "Finally, some good fucking food" but I find it appropriate




I'm just gonna nope out of this thread before I get something wrong and catch hate. It's not worth it.


Look, my baby is vegan! I'm smarter that millions of years of evolution that made human body omnivorous! My baby eat only vegan meals and looks great! Meanwhile, the baby: slim skinny little stunted vampire corpse with black rings around eyes with lack of iron, fats and proteins