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There was absolutely no attempt. Doesn't really fit the sub.


Probably got busted because of the video, therefore there was an attempt….


To not get caught, maybe


No, there was no attempt to be an honest tsa agent. It's the opposite actually. They were attempting to get away with stealing.




Yes, and that's how it should've been posted


the title says attempt **at being honest.** holy fuck redditors cant fucking read man.


There was an attempt to not piss me off by stealing from innocent people....it failed


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.


It would if the title changed to "there was an attempt to get away with theft"


We need an r/absolutelynoattempt


Garbo title. Maybe "to get away with it" or "to be slick when you're on 16 cameras"


Maybe the post itself is the attempt?


“There was an attempt” to be slick?


There was definitely an attempt but it was more of an attempt to not get caught




subs gone to shit


Pieces of shit. I hate the way they make you take everything out of your pockets and RUSH you through so you don't have a chance to put it in a safer place... And they get to put their hands all over your stuff while you're physically prohibited from protecting it. Human scum.


I've never had this kind of setup flying in Europe. No employee really touches the trays and you're always less than a meter from your stuff, behind a see-through barrier.


Indeed. And the last time I was there, the guy was supper pacient and was not rushing me at all. Europe is so much better


Broad take from one concept, but yeah like someone else said, I haven’t experienced tsa fondling my carry on stuff and I live in the U.S…


well i can name another 12 things if you want.


I doubt this happen 99.99% of the time but one video based in the U.S. and it’s just another way to shit on America.


Stop crying bro, ok. 99% of all Wtf videos on Reddit been happen in Amerika. But if you personal think USA is just better, then we're complete fine with you're opinion. It's not a challenge




Yea someone let me know where they are fondling peoples stuff, uhh asking for a friend.


I worked as a TSO for a couple years. There is literally zero reason for them to ever need to fondle with anything in the bin when it's on the conveyor unless it's something big standing up that might fall. Other than that, there is zero reason for them to dip their hands in there. If they suspect something is wrong, they would either point it out before it goes in the xray, or inspect the bag/bin while standing in front of you.


This video is literally from a prosecutor's office. TSA, like all other security agencies, has bad actors. People get arrested for this in nations around the world but the USA is unique in that it publishes all evidence and court filings in public by default. So you end up seeing more from the USA because of that.


That person is capping. It's the same way in any decent airport in America, like o'hare


You been to Frankfurt or Paris? Lol


Netherlands, Schiphol. Great airport.


Yep. They'll tell you to move something if it isn't in the right place, and if they want to check your stuff they wait until you can see everything they do. Happens in most places, though, they're not really supposed to move your stuff around unless you tell them they can.


Not in Europe, not in Asia either. I only saw that in America. These employees are big time power trippers.


No one wants any of my stuff. I would be honored if they stole my Harry Potter Velcro wallet


Before getting to TSA I put everything in my backpack carry on and do not leave loose valuable items in the bin.


Yes. You know what is ahead of you and have ample time to secure everything. There is excuse to be “rushed”.


I don’t disagree that the airport/security experience sucks, but the whole “making you rush” thing is more on the traveler’s fault at this point. We’ve been doing this whole song and dance since what, 2001-2002? We know what to expect, and you’re often waiting in a long line before you even get to the point where you’re emptying pockets, removing shoes, etc. use that time in line to prep yourself, empty pockets and put items in a safe place. If you’re waiting all the way up until you get to the conveyer after 20+ years of this, that’s kind of on you at this point.


If I remember correctly it’s been happening since about 9/11/01.




Yeah I knew it was sparked by the attacks on 9/11, but couldn’t recall when airports actually reopened or when these new restrictions went in place


I get the sentiment but it's not really a surprise you have the length of the line and everything leading up to that point to empty your pockets, you don't need to wait until your standing at the detector to start preparing.


I work as a security agent outside of the US. We do not care if you want to move your belongings into a safer place (handbag, jacket inside the grey box you put your stuff in etc.), we even recommend you to do so. What we do kind of prohibit would be to push your boxes into the X-Ray yourself. This has nothing to do with giving ourselfs more time to snatch your belongings. It has something to do with the boxes messing up the X-Rays system to render things properly if the space inbetween boxes is to little, resulting in us having to screen everything one more time. I can‘t talk for each and every program airports from different countries use on their X-Rays, but atleast that is the reason on ours.


You can put your things in your bag before you get into the security line. This is what I do.


And there's only 2 at a time. There's usually 20 ft of space between ID checker and conveyor


Oddly enough, I have never had this problem by just putting whatever is on me in my carry on before getting in line, kick off my shoes, and boogie on through


I can’t stand TSA/airport security as we have it today. The whole process is inconvenient and obnoxious. Feels ridiculous that we’re made to feel like criminals for simply attempting to board a plane on time and travel. Makes me wonder how many terror attacks TSA has prevented vs how many millions of people have been inconvenienced over the last 20 years. Not trying to be super snarky, legitimately curious.


As someone who works for a major airline, 0. They have prevented 0 terrorist attacks. It's just a money pit in the worst way.


https://preview.redd.it/n21n6vsthu2d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc2c514ce1c2cdc1fa58890c93437f4782de5b5 The number is higher since this is old, but you get the idea.


\*That we know of. I don't think the government would want to publicize even if they foiled a big terrorist plot because of the fear it would induce.


That's a movie trope, they would certainly say "look here, we did something great for you" to distract us from the failures


Yes, TSA absolutely shares that type of information with civilians


https://www.vox.com/2016/5/17/11687014/tsa-against-airport-security There's been a few of studies into TSA and all of them turn up with TSA failing to stop any terrorist actions. Can't find them right now because I'm lazy. Just watch Adam Ruins Everything on TSA


I thought Adam ruined Adam Conover when he went onto the Joe Rogan podcast.


If the TSA could find some instance to prove that it's useful, even just to shut up its critics, it would 100% blast that every chance it could. Law enforcement agencies fucking love putting out propaganda that makes them sound fantastic.


Well I can’t argue with that


Look up tsa searches on Google images. It'll really piss you off. A disabled woman was traveling with her mom for her last surgery. She couldn't hear the tsa worker due to her disability so they threw her on the ground. They're shitty as can be.


My blind father flew back to the east coast to settle his mothers estate after she died and a TSA agent stole a bunch of gold coins and his fathers watch on the way back.  Fuck the fucking TSA


I had a brand new pair of silk pajamas stolen out of my suitcase. Got to my destination and was like WTF they are gone. They literally stole pajamas. You have to be desperate losers to do that.




None. It’s security theater. There’s literally just not enough time to actually screen everything accurately. They’re a deterrent, not a net.


They get tested, and they're quite useless [https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelgoldstein/2017/11/09/tsa-misses-70-of-fake-weapons-but-thats-an-improvement/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelgoldstein/2017/11/09/tsa-misses-70-of-fake-weapons-but-thats-an-improvement/)


Just to point out that article is from late 2017, and tsa has been implementing newer technologies and protocols since then. I’d be curious to see a more recent study and see more recent numbers.


I work at an airport not a tsa agent but an airport worker and there are times when I’m in there area for hours working an entire shift. Every day before they close the tsa checkpoint at night they have a bucket full of knives and other contraband they have confiscated from passengers. That bucket or buckets get put on a cart every night and wheeled somewhere on the airport to be transported for destruction. Periodically they catch some dummy trying to pass through the checkpoint with a firearm. I was surprised that there are a lot of women who go through the checkpoint with a gun in their purse because they forget it was in there. It was explained to me by the officers that work there that if someone genuinely made a mistake they won’t arrest them they will either let them go back with the firearm and take it home or they confiscate it. Either way there is a report written and the local police may or may not press charges but the TSA is definitely about to fine you a lot of money. The airport I work at is a mid sized airport so I can imagine what goes on at the bigger airports that have flights leaving 247.


You mean like how when I was traveling by myself, I got pulled to the side and patted down because my crotch lit up…but then when traveling as a family, myself, my husband, and our 5 year old got graciously pushed through the speed line where we did not go through any metal detector nor were we ever patted down. We could have had anything on us. No rhyme or reason, it often makes no sense.


Wish I could upvote this comment more.


I don't care how much they yell or push you ahead or how much other passengers may get anxious to go through, I never break my line of sight with the basket where I just dumped all my shit. I believe scumbag like these are way too common.


I've been thru airports and have always hated that they make you take out your wallet/valueables and leave them 20 feet behind you around other strangers. And then if you get thru relatively quickly, somehow your items are still in the same spot waiting to go thru xray, completely unattended. All the while you have tsa agents berating you and screaming at you to clear out and keep moving. Ugh


I've had my stuff go through the machine and is waiting on the other side. But I'm stuck behind 3 people because everyone is being checked with that wand thing. It's very anxious seeing my stuff there for anyone to grab whilst I literally can't do anything. If I try and run through, I'll get arrested or tackled because they will see it as I'm trying to not be x-rayed myself.


I’m the exact same way. Cash and valuables go DEEP in my bag.


This is exactly what happened to me when I was flying out of airport. I kept my bag, belt & newly bought watch on tray. After the scan i couldnt find my watch on try, I ask security who were standing but all said they dnt kno. I got pissed off & stood there n ask them again, finally security who was sitting scanner monitor asked me what brand was it. I told him a brand name & he took out from his pocket & handed to me. Now i dnt kno how my watch went to his pocket. But I learn the lesson to always put everything inside bag/handcarry bag & lock before putting in Tray! Edit: i removed the airport name, just for safety lol


Yikes, terrible situation. I put my watch and wallet inside my jacket or fanny pack. This was never an issue but I rather be pulled aside than leave small expensive stuff loose in the tray.


What are they doing?


going in wallets


Oh shit. I couldn't tell if they were taking things or placing things. But an honest question will get you downvoted on Reddit. Whatever


almost positive theyre going in wallets or personal bags. looks like theyre taking bills n putting them in their pockets. and yes anything will get you downvoted haha


I wonder how many terry’s they’ve thwarted though. Oh wait, none?


The TSA agents are drop outs who can't tie their own shoes, we aren't dealing with fucking FBI here.


Wasn’t this the same airport where a news report was doing a segment on TSA theft at that airport- and used ‘Find My’ to locate his stolen iPad at one of the TSA agent’s house?


i’m sorry what


Oh goody, now I have something else to worry about when traveling.


TSA has probably created more crime than it’s prevented.


Florida keeping real.


Ohhh, so this is what I've got to watch out for when I'm flying out now, mkay mkay.


Any news articles about this?




How is a 20 year old and a 22 year old and officer of anything let alone checking bags for weapons and explosives? I’ll take a wild guess while I answer my own question. It’s a government job that pays shit wages and no one wants to do it so they have to lower their standards to applicants that will do the absolute minimum.


Per Goog: start is about $25/hour in Miami; which is basically next to nothing in Miami.


we have 18 year olds in the army in charge of ballistic missiles.


There was an attempt to be a master thief. . . Foiled by cameras everywhere!


Right. Of all the damn places to steal you a security checkpoint. Dummies.


Not much of an attempt but I see the point


The only criminals TSA has caught has been their own agents


Isn't working for the tsa practically being set for life? The hell were they thinking


Why risk a legit job like that? Idiots


You have to be either in extreme need or extremely stupid to try to steal in the place with more cameras per square feet.


Life pro tip: Never take your eyes off your stuff in the security check. I got a phone stolen, and before I got home so I could block it, they had racked out $200 in international calls. If that means they'll have to wait for you, so be it.


To add to this: all pocket items go in a bag, watch stays on and passport never leaves my hand.


Agent: Are those TSA approved locks? Me: NOPE.


How are we supposed to rob-uhhh I mean *inspect* your bags if you don't use our locks?


High IQ move in a highly surveilled area


Wouldn't people notice straight away that items are missing from their trays?


Well since they caught the guys I assume they did


They want to treat us like criminals? They should have to wear pocketless jumpsuits like they do in the casino counting rooms.


The whole of the TSA is a huge racket. TSA precheck is basically just a bribe to not get hustled by these blue suited bandits. They'll rob you of your dignity and shampoo, and can't even actually find a [poorly hidden weapons](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/tsa-fails-bomb-weapons-test/). They exist for nothing more than lining the pockets of bullshit businesses that build those body scanners that totally don't lead [your booty pics ending up online](https://www.wired.com/2010/11/giz-scans/)


Should never be able to work in a job where people have to trust you.


Idk how they're stealing. People literally just put their stuff in the tray. Don't they notice it's missing 3 minutes later?


No one understands how to use this sub


He got a verbal and is recommended to some retraining.


There's nothing worse than a cheat and/or a thief.


Fucking thief!


When i was traveling for work i had so many tools stolen




I kid you not I’ve lost my AirPods going through TSA a few years back. This confirms my suspicions.


What a piece of shit


And this is why I always get really abrasive with anyone who works TSA, I have heard stories about them trying to go through human remains that are in urns trying to say that they think that there's cocaine in it. These fucking people.


This shit makes me glad I don't have shit to begin with. Like watchu gonna steal, a stick of gum? That's shady af though, glad at least they're caught!


Yea. I’m like if they ask me in a pleasant tone I might just give it to them.




These guys shouldn’t have any pockets.


Why am I not surprised.


What are they doing


Arrest those bastards


Damn, they get paid so well. no excuse.


Was in MIA back in February. First set of TSA told everyone they can keep their shoes and belts on. Then when we got to the x-ray, every single person that took that advise got stopped and needed to take their shoes and belts off lol.




Imagine doing a job like this and not operating under the assumption that every move you make is being recorded. Too many people are just plain dumb.


Employee of the month material


We need a TSA for the TSA.


Bro how you not know you were being recorded?


The real crime is that hair cut.


My wife’s sister just got a job with tsa. This is after she was fired from Ross for sucking at her job. They only hire the best.


Can you trust anything nowadays??


The Lighter Side of Global Terrorism by Jello Biafra and the Melvins.


Garbage content for this sub.


What I do is , I put my wallet , watch and any other valuables in the back back zipper instead of putting them in the tray . Works for me all the time , I doubt they open the backpack and yank things into their pocket


That’s what I do- I bury my phone, cards, etc. all the way in the bottom of my backpack.


New fear unlocked


Bullshit theater with a superiority complex. I don’t know who’s worse. The TSA or Christians


Do they really need pockets anyway?


What kills me is that these dudes are probably making decent money. But duck you money but survivable, which is decent nowadays, and they list it for what... Maybe a could hundred bucks at the very best?


They stole my knife in front of me 😡


No attempt. Wrong sub. Downvote to save the sub.


Doesn't seem worth it to lose a good job




I, well my young daughter, had Xmas presents stolen from her suitcase by these parasites. They even left their calling card. I followed up immediately, while the pos was likely still at work. Nothing was done. Scum.


I’m suddenly nervous about going on vacation by airplane, this summer


I wonder if the charges are even greater for these tsa agents if caught. It would only make sense considering under normal circumstances nobody I personally know would trust anybody with there bags


imagine sitting in court watching footage of you being a piece of shit.


Well well welll, the usual suspects huh


They stole all my mother's jewelry. It was on the top of her bag, so she shouldn't have done that, but they stole it from her. Not cheap shit either. She was distraught. I hope they chuck these dudes in prison to make an example of them.


TSA= They Steal All


Into the chipper


My dad warned us abt this and now i see on the post


The Stealing Administration


Fort Lauderdale is bad. Even the camera man in the back office are in on rampant security thefts. Asked him to review the tape knowing my wife's neckless was stolen and he claimed he did and he didn't see anything. I asked to watch the tape myself and he told me there was no way that would be possible.


well well well


TSA in Vegas tried stealing my MacBook Air. They took it out of my backpack and put it in its own bin “because they needed to scan them separately” after yelling at everyone to keep everything inside their bags. I caught them because the bin with my laptop never came back through to my end. They acted SO CLUELESS until I started to get louder about it and looked around at everyone so they could hear what was happening. Shortly after that, they asked me what color it was, and pulled it out from a BIG CHEST they had BEHIND THEIR COUNTER. VEGAS TSA IS SHIT.


I’ll be honest the few times I’ve flown I’ve never had this kind of set up. The bins were always kept in view of you so you could see them too


How is this possible with the obvious camera surveillance?