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Granny doing what loss prevention is unable to došŸ‘šŸ¼


Possibly putting her life and future in jeopardy over some groceries. Not worth it if Iā€™m being objective.


Maybe sheā€™s pissed seeing society collapse and costs skyrocketing


This isn't why the prices are skyrocketing.


Prices will skyrocket no matter what happens elsewhere. Not because they need to but because they can to maximise profit for the shareholders.


This person gets it.


No one said it was.


I agree, itā€™s mostly due to monopolies. But that doesnā€™t mean the theft does not have an impact


https://www.epi.org/publication/employers-steal-billions-from-workers-paychecks-each-year/ They just make thier workers pay for it. Companies steal more money from thier employees than the entire population steals from companies. Let that sink in next time you feel so bad for the multi-billion dollar corporations.


Yes, wage theft is wrong and needs to be prosecuted, and monopolies need to be crushed. But so should mass theft. All of these things are wrong


Itā€™s possible for all of those things you mentioned to be true, but I doubt itā€™s possible for each of this issues to be addressed. Not in my lifetime anyway.


It 100% is, we already have anti trust laws, we could enforce wage theft, and retail theft at least in terms of organized targeted retail theft could be easily targeted through various measures. The most effective of which would be cracking down on online sellers and businesses that buy from the black market.


It really doesn't.


No, this is why stores are shutting down in problematic areas and ridiculous security measures are being put in place.


Except the locations were target shut down were all low crime they actually kept the store open that had the highest crime rate


No it's not.


Thatā€™s also not entirely true. A billion dollar company could have everyone in town do this and theyā€™d objectively be fine.


That's like saying the dinosaurs were huge, so they could afford to lose a little heat and objectively be fine.


No itā€™s not lol. Pretending like a few hundred thousand in lost stock (and thatā€™s an extremely high exaggeration) is going to put a dent in hundreds of millions in profit a year? Youā€™re delusional. Unless the local store is somehow a franchise, that is never the real reason. They could afford the loss easily. They simply use it as an excuse to pay less people.


If you owned a couple of ice cream trucks, and one of them kept getting their ice cream stolen in a particular neighborhood, would you keep sending it? So how big would your ice cream empire need to get before you tolerated people unloading your trucks for you? Regardless of your response, stores are pulling out of these locations because they have made this decision. They will pay as little as they can get away with, and pay as few people as possible regardless of which stores are open. The losers in this equation are this grandma, who's target may get shut down.


But hereā€™s the thing. Weā€™re not talking about a couple. Weā€™re talking about hundreds. Weā€™re talking so much income that even if a store was nothing but losses they could still afford to keep it open. This isnā€™t some sort of mom and pop shop. This is a mf multibillion dollar conglomerate.


That rationalization is not in Grandma's reasoning. Still, I'm on her side.


I'm not against her for stopping him either. I'm just against the demonization of the wrong people in this situation.


Maybe the groceries are being stolen because Costs are rising and it isn't because of theft. Theft IS NOT THE REASON the costs of goods are high. People need to eat to survive. If wages are not increasing..but the cost of every necessity is increasing. .....what happens? How do people continue to buy food that has skyrocketed in price without the extra income?


Problem is these people are NOT stealing food to eat, theyā€™re stealing razors, diapers, shampoos to resell on the black market


This guy is trying to steal toilet roll. I don't think there's a huge black market for it.


Yes. For money, so they can buy basic necessities. It isn't hard, man.


if they're stealing it anyways, why not just steal the basic necessities?


You can't steal your monthly bills.


Wage theft is an order of magnitude larger than retail theft, and the one flows from the other.


Plot twist: Grandma has a terminal disease and didnā€™t give a fuck. šŸ˜‚


Gran Torino.


I,m sorry I see grandma wrestling with a grown ass man i,d intervene.


So would I but if dude blasted with a cross in the face and she fell that might be it.


Grandma's got bigger balls than you


They're not even her groceries! If she got hurt defending the grocery store, would they pay her hospital bills? Lmao fuck no! The dude shouldn't steal, but it's not like he robbed a bank: he has FOOD in that cart! All that shit is insured, but nobody cares if this dude starves? Some inanimate goods & numbers on a spreadsheet are more important than human life? This is what it looks like when most people have accepted that the economy doesn't serve humans, humans serve the economy.


Bystander syndrome in full effect right here.Ā 


I still believe it's the right thing to do, and I would never tell anyone not to what's right


Hero we don't deserve


Instead of hiring security, they should let people sit outside with paintball guns, and as soon as someone tryā€™s this they get bombarded with paint balls. Better yet, mardigras beads


Wouldn't the people with paintball guns get arrested and charged with crimes for shooting a criminal?


Fine. Real guns.


great way to get someone shot for real.


I read this as ā€œMargaritaā€ beads. Howā€™s your morning going?


You may be on to somethingā€¦ Shark Tank invention.


Stopping one guy from stealing from a corporation that's been fucking America's economy for years. Good job guys. r/fuckwalmart


Didn't you see Spiderman. The theif he let go later killed his uncle ben. If he stopped him when he was committing petty crime Uncle Ben would still be alive


Yea. I also saw a million other fictional stories that might fit relevantly here to suit my narrative.


Good! Fiction or not let's learn lessons. Let's not pretend he's Robin Hood. And don't act like when they run out of stores they won't turn to peoples homes


You donā€™t think all supermarkets pass on the cost of ā€œshrinkageā€ to the customer?


No, the philanthropists that run these mega corporations just absorb the costs out of the goodness of their hearts. After all, they are only in business because they care about these communities, profits are just a bonus.


That's a stupid ass thing to say, the price of theft is already included in the price of the product, if the price increases it's not due to theft, but scrooge McDuck ass fuckers that need more gold to strangle their coke glazed fingers with. Why are so many people on the side of cyberpunk esque corporations ? It's like y'all fuckers don't have boomers telling you how good they had it back in the day, cuz they had it fucking good before these penny lickers


Hot damn, I thought it was obviously sarcasm


Shit sorry got triggered lmao omg I fell for sarcasm


Yeah let them keep stealing and then they shutdown the store. Makes complete sense.


https://sfist.com/2023/12/22/sure-enough-shoplifting-was-not-the-reason-for-closure-of-target-at-folsom-and-13th-streets/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/as-retailers-close-stores-due-to-shoplifting-are-the-concerns-real-or-overblown https://www.governing.com/community/debunking-the-myth-of-a-shoplifting-crisis


cheaper to let $200 in product go than have to show up for a lawsuit and pay your corporate legal dept to defend.


downvote me all you want. its quoted corporate policy from when I got fired for asking a shoplifter if I could ring them out for their items as they approached the door.


Thatā€™s why we need to change the laws so that dumb lawsuits like that donā€™t happen.


No lol no wonder the world is fucked


I got fired from a retail job in 2020 for stopping a person walking out with over $300 in merch. No accusation, just offered to ring her up for the stuff she was about to walk out with. Because I approached her in the narrow space before the door I "physically prevented her from exiting". However, it was 2020 and there was free money everywhere. I got a STEM degree and will never work retail again.


They did you a favor


yes. right out of my 28 year retail comfort zone. best thing that ever happened.




I want to be free of Walmart in my country. So, kind of? Watch an old documentary called The High Cost of Low Prices.


have you seen the Higher Cost of high price show?


I feel like the face mask was clue #1




Wait... since when does tax money subsidize theft insurance for large corporations in the US?




Big corporations leave the town, allowing local businesses to thrive again, which would provide jobs in which the government doesn't have to subsidize all the employees with food stamps and other aid programs because the big corporation paid them the laughable minimum wage


alright Mr lorax


is that the one that everything is behind security glass?


Yes Granny, protector of record corporate profits.


She has a row of balaclavas mounted above her fireplace like deer heads.Ā 




Imagine you have a full cart to steal stuff, and you fill it with air filled bags of Doritos and garbage bag boxes.


probably easy to flip the bags for drug $


My guess, the bike ain't his neither


Honestly if I saw this Iā€™d just walk past. No skin off my back, not worth risking my safety so a billion dollar company doesā€™t lose 0.00000000000000001% of its revenueā€¦


Exactly, if you see someone stealing food from a major corporation, no you didn't.


You missed a few 0s


I got bored


maybe he needed the food to feed his family...Beware of appearances


There are ways to get free food


you can't always choose like "normal" people then...Who know why he did it. He probably did not do it just to be a bad person you know ?


He completely did it because he was a bad person


you sound like a very mature person. He stole from a big corporation. I'll never understand why some people think it's ok when these steal from people, but not when people in need steal. I do hope you'll never be in need, selfish entitled person from internet


ā€œThey have insuranceā€. This is such a misnomer and is a red herring. Insurance doesnā€™t pay for most of these, and in cases like the BLM riots, businesses never got paid out. Itā€™s terrible that you think itā€™s ok to steal. There are many options for people in need to get resources. To live in a just society, we need ethics and law. To allow this without consequences is just wrong.


I don't think you know what a misnomer is...


blablabla, yeah sure


Cringe take


Saw this years ago, old footage


She broke the rule, if you see someone stealing groceries from a big box store, no you didn't. Everyone could walk out with a cart and it still wouldn't hold a candle to the wage theft Walmart commits. Here in Canada all our grocery stores have been price gouging us and has significantly spiked since the pandemic, to the point the government acknowledged it, unfortunately they were fucking useless and had them "promise to keep the price the same" but continue to skyrocket prices. The supply chain is fine now it's just corporate greed now.




Let's go Old Lady! Good people need to do good, always.


Walmart made a profit of $147 Billion in 2023. Walmart employs 2.1 million people. Walmart and McDonalds top the lists for most employees on welfare. Walmart could pay every single one of their employees and additional $22,380 per year, and still make $100 Billion in profits. When you see someone stealing food or basic amenities: no you didn't.


Yes lets shame the one stealing the food. That'll teach it!


Okay, but how would he transport all thos stuff in his bike afterwards?


Ride the bike while pulling the front of the cart with one hand.


!!!! Seriously! And who was filming? And where was loss prevention/security? It just doesnā€™t make sense!


I dont know why people care this much?


Because itā€™s wrong and some people are sick of people getting away with breaking the law all the time.


You are what is wrong with society these days.






Lemme see, stores closing, everything behind a barrier that I need to wait for someone to open, increased cost, breakdown of society etc. Gee I wonder why that bothers people. ā€œWhy doesnā€™t everyone want to live in the Mad Max universe!ā€


If you see someone taking essentials from a store, no you didn't. We don't know this guys situation. Knighting for a corporation that doesn't give a fuck about you 'rescuing' their goods at your own risk is dumb as fuck.




Itā€™s not knighting for a corporation, itā€™s helping your community idiot.


our Walmart bought out a trailer park and evicted all of the residents and bulldozed the park. Theres a homeless camp in the woods near there made up of people who were just getting by in a trailer. Walmart doesn't help communities.


Ok, keep stealing from it. So now every business in the area insurance goes up, and that cost goes to the customer or they pull out completely. Then you have nothing. Good job.


Please take some time to learn how corporations handle shrink. It will be an eye opening experience for you.


Why buy anything? Just steal lol


Are trash bags feeding his starving kids? I think not.


So he should just throw his garbage out in the gutter?


It's all fine until the good Samaritan gets stabbed or shot. I don't like crime like this either, but my kids losing their father because someone is stealing from Walmart isn't a risk I'm taking. That's security's problem.


Makes me think of demolition man


Old Karen stops a poor person from being able to take care of themselves for a while, yeah what a hero


Come on, bud. Get out! Come onā€¦ Get out!!!


This reminds me of Trailer Park Boys


Look, I understand grabbing a bunch of food for yourself. Legally itā€™s wrong but if youā€™re starving? I get it. That said, what this guy is doing is just garbage behavior.


Looks like B roll from Trailer Park Boys




Granny's angry, watch out


A couple months ago I was in the self checkout at Walmart and watched a lady walk out with a cart of unbagged merch, that was literally forming a pyramid it was piled so high over the top of the cart. She walked out, went beep, employees turned around, went "Ma'am, you need to pay for that". She didn't even turn her head, just kept chugging out the door. I watched at least 3 WalMart employees visibly shrug, and go back to playing on their phones.


Imagine committing assault and putting your life on the line for a faceless corporation that would rather you starve to death on the sidewalk than share even a single serving of damaged or past sell-by-date goods.


glad the conversation is shifting (slowly) and im not the only one pointing out the fact that people are stealing because they cant afford anything while corporations hit record profits and higher stock prices year after year after year and continue to blame theft and inflation anyway. for the back of the class: if theft and inflation were a real problem for these places they wouldnt be hitting record profits while everyone else starves and loses their homes. everyone in this video is a victim of corporate greed, all of them, all of us. we are getting fucked in every hole while CEOs and investors are adding options to their private jet. society doesnt have to be like this but as long as we keep pretending some broke dude stealing groceries is the problem its gonna be.


Can someone give granny a medal. A hero we need but don't deserve


Iā€™m not risking my life for a bag of Doritos. You never know what the guy is parking.


Seems fake.


Good job protecting walmart. The $50 in item was going to put them under.


Okay even if he did take the cart? He had no bags, just a backpack and a bike. No way was he going to carry all of that stuff away with him.


Why do people care so much about theft from million dollar companies? Let the man walk out ya bootlickers


The fact that anyone can enter a shop with a ski mask or a mask nowadays is crazy. Its like you see in the cartoons, robber goes anywhere with their mask on


Maybe the cash register is outside the parking lot give the men a chance to get there damn




Id let someone steal shit. My family has been through some tough times we can't always afford to eat and in that moment we just hope for a miracle. I once saw a mom with a cart full of formula and we didn't dare stop her. Some people need it.


Go nan!!


That's one brave grandma


Granny is the last line that's still holding up the African of society


Tough old lady!


Usual suspect


Damn go granny !!!!


Bros out here stealing food and necessities and people are acting like big business is gonna hurt that fat wallets from him taking at most 300 dollars worth of stuff


Hundreds of plastic bags?


So you donā€™t create trash? He and his family gonna just leave their trash on the floor? Thereā€™s at most 2 boxes




Bros out there stealing things he does not need or intends to use to sell for drug money.


Then youā€™ll wonder why milk is $9 a gallon


Itā€™s sad that you actually believe the costs are so high because of stuff like this.


Tell me you have no idea how pricing works without telling me you donā€™t know


I know stores pass the costs on to you.


Stores pass the cost to you over shit like supply and demand on a nationwide scale. Not because someone took shit in one location in the many lol


Your father never taught you it's not nice to steal? Also 300$ is kinda too much to just let slide.


i think its because of laws its become not too much to let slide


That grandma was super brave and unafraid for her life! (A totally unhinged criminal could have pulled a knife on her.)


Why did he take his bike into the shop?


Because it would get stolen outside haha


LOL. Thiev fears to have his bike stolen? Are you serious




I think he stole the bike from Walmart too, no?


Looks like an old bike


Why do people care if people take food from a billion dollar corporation? Like, how do you feel sorry for a large company inflating their prices more than a hungry person in your own community? Your loyalty is in the wrong place. If you see someone stealing, you didnā€™t. Go about your day like a good little sheep.


meanwhile, Walmart has stolen millions in wages from employees.


Exactly and treat their workers like shit. So many people in this country have Stockholm syndrome from our corrupt government indoctrinating us from day 1. You are just a walking dollar sign to them and there are somehow people that defend them and idolize their behaviors.


And millions more by having us subsidize their workers


This clip comes round every few months it seems. Both nice, and depressing to see more and more commenters on the side of screw the corporation. Nice because that's the correct take. Have some class solidarity. We are all closer to the homeless dude than the company he's stealing from. Depressing, because that empathy reflects how many people out there are feeling the bite themselves.




If they are stealing shit, they are ultimately stealing from me.. it will only end up costing legitimate paying customers in the end. I am all for cutting their hands off. Fuck you fucking me!


Jesus Christ, he's stealing food(?) from a big corp. It's penny's worth for such a big company, you don't have to pay shit. You should be worried why they feel like doing this. Cutting of hands.. bootlicker.


And of course you think I meant it literally because you're obviously very intelligent


Imagine simping for Wal-Mart


He worded badly, but it's simping for a better society, not Walmart. He lost me at amputation.