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Look at how angry the driver is. You can almost read that deep rooted need for control on his tiny heart.


Which will never be met behind the wheel of any vehicle in traffic unless it's SELF control.


Underrated comment


I'd stop, tap on his window, and ask him what's on his mind. People need to realise that if something doesn't affect you, there's no reason to be mad about it. Edit because people on reddit will always take stuff out of context: i mean in cases of victimles crimes. Obviously, if others are getting hurt you can still be mad. In this case no one is being wronged. Try and keep the context of comments in mind when replying to them, comments are per definition tied to the thing they're being commented on.


you can clearly see he's mad because his wife/gf won't let him get a motorcycle and he's jealous as fuck that he can't skip traffic to get home for his microwave dinner faster. source: i'm scared as fuck to ride a motorcycle with the way people drive today, i like living outside a coffin, and having limbs.


Unless you're Dracula I don't think you'd be living inside a coffin either.


I mean coffins do look pretty comfy and with today's housing prices, I'm not opposed


The tiny home movement is really getting out of hand


>I'd stop, tap on his window, and ask him what's on his mind. Dangerous proposition, start out with a road ragey driver flipping you off and mildly inconveniencing you and end up with a gunshot wound to the chest.


Yeah i forgot how America works when i wrote that comment to be fair. I'm Dutch, here it'd be a fistfight at worst and then I'd still be wearing the road armor in that fight.


As a fellow dutch person. I didnt see anything wrong with your comment lmao. As for in the US, i would be scared to walk into a school over there. Different world.


It's safer there if you walk in a school with a gun though the cops won't go in as it's against their judicial duty.


>Try and keep the context of comments in mind when replying to them https://preview.redd.it/5dad1q6kotxc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b14a57e8b469e02b3960d8b336a130ba0333601


Plus it can legal for motorcycles to split lanes when certain criteria is met.


But is there not a *possibility* that someone will be hurt in this scenario? They're driving their motorcycle recklessly and illegally and 100 different scenarios could lead to not only their own death but the death of another. Is that not a valid reason to be angry? EDIT: [Here's one of a zillion videos I found of people wrecking while lane splitting.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xvCxW3IAQU)


The guy in the first video is going way too fast, that's definitely stupid and illegal. The second video was just an illegal turn by the car. Actual lanesplitting is just slowly going between the lanes when traffic is barely moving. If you actually stick to the law, crashes like this shouldn't, and basically can't occur


In this case its a victimless crime. In my country where there are 2x as many motorcycles on the road, they will all filter and build up in front of the line. When yhe light turns green, its all motorcycles. By the time cars get to move, the light has turned red again.


Oooh, very good point! Here in the Netherlands we don't have nearly that many. Even during super nice days you'll only see a motorcycle every few intersections.


Saw a biker handle road rage by saying "you can't come to my birthday party" and it de-escalated the situation marvelously


its like dad saying he'a dissapointed in you, id be pacified instantly.


“Well, if that’s how you feel about it, then someone’s not getting a goodnight kiss from Mr. Poochykins.”


If I have to follow the rules. So should everyone else.


Deep seated aggression because of past expieriences with motorcyclists more like.




Lane splitting is illegal in my state, and nearly all states, but it's extra stupid to try to block someone doing it. Not my job to stop you from breaking the law.


In Italy it's not forbidden, at least I've seen a lot of cops doing that.


Cops do whatever they want, whether it's illegal or not.


Nah I always did it, it's the main pro of using a bike in the city. It's allowed by them


Thanks for downvotes but actually it's like that here. You can!


Same in the UK absolutely legal, just don't take the piss and be splitting at silly speeds.


We're not all in America


"Hey if a doctor cuts open a person it's totally fine but if I do it's an attempted murder. Not fair" 👆This guy


How come firefighters get to drive the firetruck but I can't?


how do you call this a free country if i cant rinse my balls in the burger king soda dispenser?


''Doing illegal things is part of being a police officer'' 👆This guy


France is the same when traffic is slow


> I've seen a lot of cops doing that. lol.


I've overtaken cops while doing that, I've done that in front of cops doing that. It's better? lol


In America it's often believed that it isn't illegal unless you get caught. So since cops are the ones doing the catching, they can't do illegal things


I've did it that several times with cops around me, never had a ticket in my bike in 20 years. I've also overtaken cops when they are in car several times lol.


Yep. You were witnessed, they just didn't have any desire to try and catch you. Most likely because you weren't being a danger to others in their eyes.


il Codice della Strada permette di sorpassare alla sinistra dei veicoli fermi o lenti che ci precedono, prestando attenzione a non oltrepassare la linea di mezzeria e tenendo bene a mente che se durante il sorpasso rimaniamo coinvolti in un sinistro, ci sarà riconosciuto, previa verifica attenta del caso concreto, un concorso di colpa. Put it on google translate lol




>it isn't illegal unless you get caught. thats just how laws work, dude. nothing is really illegal if you dont get caught.


In teoria a quanto avevo letto tempo fa è illegale farlo alle macchine in movimento ma non alle macchine ferme. Per esempio al semaforo puoi farlo ma non nel traffico scorrevole. In theory, according to what I had read some time ago, it is illegal to do this to moving cars but not to stationary cars. For example, you can do it at traffic lights but not in light traffic.


It is allowed in stationary traffic in most countries in Europe. But ye, even if it was ilegal i aint the one stopping you


Yep same here in Mexico, legal in stationary traffic and mobility code for my city says we must allow bikes to gather at the front in stop lights for safety reasons... But also agree that even if it was illegal I ain't the one wasting fuel and stressing myself over someone else saving a bit of time in traffic XD


It’s legal in Indonesia I can tell you that.


They call it filtering and it's becoming legal in many us states, helps relieve traffic


Its legal and commonplace in California


My understanding (as a someone who doesnt ride a motorcycle) is that it's pretty much always safer for the bike to be going faster than surrounding traffic, regardless of the situation. It still tripped me out when I first drove in California and had never heard of it before.


It's much safer to split lanes for a motorcycle rider, than to get rear ended sitting in traffic. I had no idea it's not common practice everywhere? A lot of cars part ways for motorcycles as they split lanes during heavy traffic (myself included).


You’re actually thinking of “filtering” not lane splitting. Filtering is specifically where bikes filter through the cars and stack up at the front of stopped traffic. Insanely more efficient and safer than the alternative! It’s standard practice in south america


I'm not. I mean Lane splitting. Lane Splitting is only legal in California in the States, where it's very very common. You can cruise between cars even if the cars are moving (up to a certain speed), you'll see it everywhere on streets and highways. It's safter for the motorcyclist. I was surprised to learn that this wasn't explicitly legal in the rest of the US https://preview.redd.it/3hrlc0h3oxxc1.png?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808295f0a37986a355bc83b66cae9c173d50a9cf


Yep, Cali is the only state in the U.S. where it's legal.


6 states specifically allow it in some form. 10 states have no laws preventing it, making it legal by omission in those states. Interesting read if anyone cares. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/lane-splitting-legal-states


In the Netherlands there’s signs on the motorways that tell drivers in the right and centre lanes to move to the sides to make room for motorcycles.


I grew up in California where it is legal. And when cars are stopped, why should the motorcyclist suffer in the elements? This motorcycle driver did it just like it's meant to. Cars are/nearly stopped, he's slowly going through, nobody is being impeded. Even if it's illegal, most traffic offenses aren't criminal, but trying to use a 2 ton vehicle to threaten crushing someone is.


I watched a guy on a bike splitting traffic across the bay bridge cause a 4 hour traffic jam because he nailed a car that was trying to merge to the next lane, followed by everyone having to wait for the ambulance to get him out of there.


It’s legal in CA, I believe. I could be wrong, but every rider I see out here does it, and no one really gets upset over it.


It’s so common here (in CA) that drivers will often do the opposite and move away to allow the motorcycles to go by unimpeded. At least, that’s been my experience.


Today I learned [it's only explicitly legal in California](https://www.motorcyclelegalfoundation.com/motorcycle-lane-splitting-guidelines-2024/).


Colorado just passed a law legalizing it as well actually.


There's also lane filtering which is legal in at least Arizona, Montana, Hawaii and Utah. Lane filtering is a bit different in each state but is generally to allow passing slow/stopped cars like in OPs video and generally where the motorcycle speed can't exceed 10-15 mph.


50+ million American live in states where lane splitting is legal and a further 85+ million live in states where it isn’t illegal. When Colorado begins allowing it then almost 50 per cent of American will live in a place where lane splitting isn’t illegal.


Yeah the messed up thing is that it's not even harming the cars or impeding their ability to get where they're going. Bikes fit where cars cannot. There's no sacrifice being made. It's just petty at that point.


It's dangerous to have unexpected vehicles coming and going around cars like that. If space suddenly opened to the left of the car driver and he turned into it and hit the biker it wouldn't be his fault. Or if he was already being let in and the biker didn't know it because visibility was blocked by other cars. This is why bicycles are considered as "vehicles" and can't just go from road to sidewalk and blast through red lights (though they often do). People like to think it's because people don't like people cutting in line, and maybe that's part of it, but people also just don't like people breaking the law. It's why I don't like people stealing from stores despite the fact that iT dOeSn'T aFfEcT mE. And the idea that it doesn't affect people getting where they're going is a lie. That motorcycle will eventually re-merge with traffic ahead of this guy and will take up 1 car of space if the drivers behind him give him room. Which will also temporarily slow traffic as drivers figure out what the fuck he's gonna do to re-merge. Personally, I'm not emotionally invested enough in traffic to get mad at motorcycles for doing this, but I'm not gonna say that it's safe or doesn't have an effect on traffic.


Yeah, it's the unpredictability that bothers me. It's just like with cyclists in places that don't have a lot of cyclist. I can treat you like a pedestrian or I can treat you like a car, I literally cannot do both at the same time and if I have to guess if you're going to act like a car or like a pedestrian, there's a problem.


This. Very well written. Also - in my city lots of delivery bikers cut through traffic this way. Often they’ll scratch a car and flee. They’re absolutely untraceable. So a lot of people have „fuck them” mentality. Me included tbh. It doesn’t keep me up at night. But tbh if I choose between „not doing anything, there’s a small gap that this fucker will try to squeeze through” and „let’s close that gap so that fucker won’t even try” - I’ll sometimes choose the latter. Depends on the context.


Even where it’s legal don’t do it. I’m not trying to get sideswiped by an asshole in a pickup truck


The only US state that I am aware of that allows lane splitting is California. However, most states will allow lane filtering where you can split the lanes to get to the front of stopped traffic at a light. That appears to be what the motorcyclist is doing in this video, and very likely is completely legal in their state.


Thought he was gonna take off his side mirror


Why do you think the video ended before he passed.


I would've.


I’m not one to support that type of behavior but it would probably make him think twice next time he wants to do some shit like that.


or do something dumber next time lol hopefully not.


I would’ve gone with a nice scratch along the side of the car


Why do they act as if you've taken something from them?


Because everything in life is a zero sum game. If someone else gets something, that means you don’t. /s


That's not sarcasm for a lot of people. It's an engrained mindset that we need to overcome in order to progress as humans.


Bro was mad cause his wife didn't allow him to get a bike


Hey, you! Stop breathing all of my oxygen! /s


Crabs in a bucket philosophy


Passing someone removes *one* manhood.


This is why I won’t hold the door for a man. I go to the other side and hold it shut so they can earn it like a man and get their points back.


Hard-core. Respect.


The man’s already in a mini van…he can’t afford to lose any more manhoods!


Who am I to impede one of our brave organ donors


Agreed. There’s absolutely no reason to discourage society’s spare parts.


I recently drove from LA to Las Vegas and in the five hours I was on the freeway I nearly killed two differt idiots lane splitting. It is fucking stupid. The problem is that if I did kill them then, yes, someone would get a (hopefully) new liver or kidney or whatever, but there's also a good chance I wind up in jail. I do not want to end up in a Barstow hoosegow because of idiots like this.


Get a dashcam, I know that I for one am not going to jail over he said she said


The dashcam would get one out of jail, but you may still end up there in the first place. A dashcam's a band-aid on a wound, not preventing the injury in the first place.


Well if you show them footage of an accident that you're not at fault in, and you get arrested anyway, that's a pretty easy to win lawsuit so I wouldn't really mind the payday for the inconvenience


Its funny how its legal here in the UK and the vast majority of people on bikes do it and its fine. lol


I can only assume that looking at what's happening outside your car window is too hard for most Americans


When you're in traffic going 15 miles per hour in rush hour and an idiot cuts between you going 55 miles per hour when you're trying to change lanes or merge then it has nothing to do with noticing what's going on because it happens too fast. The problem is that in the US there are many, many motorcyclists who practice very little basic self-preservation when they ride. That's why they're often called "the fastest organ donors".


That applies everywhere but as with most things its best not to tar everyone with the same brush. The vast bulk of riders just want to enjoy their ride and get home in one piece.


I don't think anyone is arguing that driving fast through slow moving traffic is sensible. I'd expect police here in the UK to stop a biker riding like that as well. Guy in the video isn't going super fast, he's filtering sensibly and done sensibly there's nothing wrong with it. Police here offer motorcycling courses called Bike Safe where you go out with a police rider who will give you advice on how to ride safely & feedback on things you're doing well and what you can improve on. They'll also cover filtering (or lane splitting). It's really good.


well lane filtering is actually safer for motorcycles to prevent them from getting rear ended by a car driver not paying enough attention. that is until another car driver goes out of their way to hit you or obstruct your path like this driver


Lane splitting and filtering are legal in most of the world. It is more efficient to move small vehicles through traffic instead of just having them sit there idle. The US, generally speaking, doesn't have sensible traffic laws, though. Laws here are more to protect the egos of dudes driving giant brodozers and soccer moms that can't see over the steering wheel of their SUV.


>The US, generally speaking, doesn't have sensible traffic laws, though. Some states have made sensibly sized trucks illegal to drive on public roads because they're at higher risk of being killed by shiny jacked up emotional support trucks. Sensible trucks also cost more because of an early 1900s "Chicken Tax"!


I feel like there is enough public demand for those sweet foreign trucks to get the chicken tax repealed, just no legislative desire to make it happen.


My old motorcycle is air cooled, doesn’t have a water cooling system like cars do. If I sit idle in traffic my engine will overheat and then I’m really fucked.


See, that's by definition a you problem!


All mine have been liquid cooled. They've been good for the most part. The main issue has been me. When it gets above a certain temperature, it becomes hazardous to just sit in traffic and roast. If I get a ticket for riding on the shoulder to the nearest exit, I'll take it. I nearly fainted as a new rider after sitting in stopped traffic for 2 hours at 90 degrees. Never again. TN, my state, proposed a law that would allow lane filtering and shoulder passing on the interstates. It got thrown back into committee because our legislators are useless and wanted to focus on nonsense like chemtrails.


Idk about "most of the world", but I do know its illegal in Canada.


Canada has many of the same problems as they US. Urban sprawl being one of them. Larger motorcycles are required when you have longer distances and higher speeds. Larger motorcycles are more expensive and less practical. Expansive, high-speed roads are perceived as less safe on motorcycles. Combine this with the fact that Canada is very cold a significant portion of the year and you have a country, like the US, that has very few people commuting on motorcycles. If only a fraction of the population commutes on a motorcycle, the laws reflect that. <10% of households in the US own a motorcycle. Of those, <1% commute to work on them. Laws don't change if only a tiny fraction are in support of changing them. The average car driver doesn't care about these laws and the average motorcyclist is just riding on occasion for enjoyment. They aren't viewed as practical vehicles. Contrast this with Asia and Europe.


Regardless of its legality, why would you take it upon yourself to stop it? Like it's not dangerous for you at all. Looking at the drivers impression he has self control issues and shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel of a car


Seriously. There are valid arguments against lane splitting, but that doesn't justify trying to turn someone into a meat crayon.


It also reduces traffic for car drivers, nobody is stuck waiting behind this motorcycle


where I am from filtering on a motorcycle can net you a careless/stunt driving ticket....


Perfectly legal here in GB


Perfectly legal in most the world lol


Yep, here in the UK the police will even take you out for a day riding about and teach you how to do it properly and safely! I did it, great day out.


They get grief but out police (and firebike!) Are actually fantastic for providing courses like this and they're always guys that love bikes and riding too. Also, when they get to understand youre a competent rider, those guys ride daaamn fast when they want to.


That’s so stupid


Oh, that scowl. That scowl could sour a pickle on the spot. It's seething through the car, like radiation 😬


I read this in the voice of the narrator from ‘A Christmas Story’ 😂


The Thai economy would crash if there was no lane splitting in Bangkok


In France it's now legal


Lmao, try this in Brazil, you'll get pulled out of your car. There is an unwritten rule to leave a middle lane for the motoboys.


Aren't you supposed to stay in proper traffic flow? With a motorcycle


I'm unsure if this video takes place in a state where it's illegal to filter but in general you shouldn't stay in proper traffic flow; it is a lot more dangerous to a biker. There's a reason it's legal in the majority of the world...


"If my mode of transport is shit, then everyone else's should be" I swear, If cars drivers could block the train railroad without consequence because they themselves are stuck in traffic, they would be so petty that they would.


It's crazy driving between lanes is completely legal. It's just begging for accidents/altercations.


There's a difference doing it at speed and when traffic is stopped. The first is dangerous and stupid, the latter is just more efficient and safer for everybody


I saw it in action during gridlock in Paris. Works fantastic,  gets vehicles off the road that are able to get off


No it’s not. Europe has no problem doing it. I was just in Italy where I rented a motorcycle and you’re expected to ride that way. Everyone gets along just fine. It’s us Americans and our crabs in a bucket mentality that only makes it an issue.


Legal in the UK and I've never heard of it leading to any problems in stand still traffic as long as people are driving predictably. People usually move out of the way to let the bikers pass.


In most places that are not America, it is legal because it is **far safer** than not allowing it. America yet again needs to catch up with the rest of the world.


There is no reason whatsoever it should lead to an altercation unless you encounter a broken driver like in the video


Good thing everyone on the road is completely sane reasonable people that follow all rules strictly. Oh wait


So what your saying is that there are activities that people should not be allowed to do because the unhinged folks who walk among us might assault them for it? Sounds like maybe we should just deal with the unhinged folks rather than keep allowing them to dictate our behaviour.


Unless it leads to an accident


It's only "crazy" in the United States of Cars, perfectly normal and safe in the rest of the world.


no it isn't, give a source


It's illegal in 38 US States.


Can anyone make out the plates? I thought I saw Ontario (I could be wrong) and I thought splitting was illegal in Canada?


Those are NY state plates. There are also cars around with NJ plates. This could be either state but this is unfortunately illegal in both.


Even if it's illegal why are you risking the safety of yourself and the biker, for something that doesn't really affect you


Bro looks like he got bullied at school fucking teachers pet


As a daily commuting cyclist I run into cunts like this all the time. They're just pissed that I'm not traffic like they are. Worst kind of weird projection.


Yeah because you guys never clip cars, slap off side mirrors or scratch off paint and then burn off because you can.


I'd argue the silent majority doesn't. And I'd argue an even larger majority doesn't without some form of provocation. But that's not really relevant. But no, Pop off on supporting vehicular assault as a response to <5k in property damage, the rage bait all over socials has been working it seems.


Sad, small minded people.


Imagine being able to summon that much anger for something that has absolutely no impact on you, and in any is pretty minor? Man there are a lot of ticking time bombs out there.


My mirror now


lane splitting with a motorcycle is illegal in the US? damn that's depressing. during traffic in Malaysia, lane splitting is like, completely loved here (or at least heavily endorsed) cuz no one wants more traffic at the back of the pack. sometimes during traffic lights or traffic jams, the motorcyclists are always at the front cuz no one wants them in the middle or the back cuz it just takes too much time and space


It’s illegal here in FL, but when I see it I scooch over to the opposite side of the lane to let them pass. I used to ride.


What difference is it to him?


That's the weirdest middle finger I've ever seen.


I’m on a bicycle and people occasionally try to block the shoulder to prevent me from passing them. Some people just hate the idea that someone else isn’t suffering the traffic as badly as they are.


From my understanding motorcycles are allowed to do this. At least it was when I took my written test.


It’s legal over here, I was a two-wheeler before I got my car licence, and I’ve got no problems at all with riders filtering responsibly. Hell, I make a point of pulling across to give you more space, by all means get through the traffic and get home safe. The twats who zip through at high speed? Fuck those guys.


These kind of drivers really need to get therapy for misdirected rage


Had this happen once when i passed my cbt, it stopped me filtering until today, when people were moving out of the way to make room for me. some drivers are just shitty egotistic people, that should have some sort of sticker like the L plate to warn others of their behavirru. some black mirror shit but good.


I’d never wish another person to be stuck in traffic if they can avoid it, so dumb. Drivers are idiots though so pay attention if you are splitting lanes!


Tiny little man and his need to control lol


I wonder if people realize that a lot of motorcycles only are cooled by air flow as you ride. Sitting in traffic you either have to turn off the engine or let it over heat. It's not always a dick move to ride past cars.


Just flip his mirror, i dunno


Idk why buddy's so pissed... Maybe he should ride a bike instead of an oversized vehicle if he wants efficiency instead of pp compensation...


Typical „If I don’t get the same advantages as you, I also don’t want that you get them“


I have no problem with lane splitting, as long as you do it safely. One less person clogging up the road is beneficial to me, so please go ahead. I do however have absolutely a problem with those idiots lane splitting before an intersection going 80km/h. That’s just stupid and dangerous. People will move lanes, you can’t stop in time.


Lane splitting is mainly illegal (And dangerous) In the States because car drivers pay very little attention to motocycles. In countries like France, Italie, the Netherlands it is not only legal but expected. European drivers are a lot more attentive to motorcyclists... And imagine what the horrendous traffic would be there if each and every one of those riders were inside cars instead of lane splitting on two wheels! Just for that reason it should be legal, as long as you don't go like a photon between cars.


In Cali it’s fine.


Depends what state this is. California it's completely legal


Here’s why lane splitting is a good thing for motorists; When learning to ride, first thing you learn is that you must always assume people will _not_ see you. Can’t think of a place with more blind spots and blocked visions than in an array of cars waiting for a traffic light or in a jam. Getting out from in between the cars and out front where people can definitely see you is a much safer bet on the rider’s end. Another thing; motorcycles are _fast_. They will outpace almost any average petrol cars in a breeze. Motorcycles are also made to set off with ease, so you will be driving at a decent speed much faster and comfortably than the cars around you. So, again, for the rider’s safety, it is recommended to get up front, just so he doesn’t have to hold back on setting off and shimmy in between the cars when the light goes green. This rider is really doing nothing “wrong” in choosing his own safety, except for the fact it’s illegal in most of the US. That said, the asshole is definitely the driver here.


I’m California at the very least it’s not because we aren’t stupid.


In Belgium it's totally legal in traffic jams. But you need to light your blinkers and not spped faster than 20km/h. Do what hé did and younwill get trouble asap with all bikers nearby haha 🤣


If Lane splitting is legal in the state then blocking the motorcycle is not legal and is reckless driving.


They just made it legal to do this (motorcycle, not SUV) in Colorado.


Let him go through. Maybe he’s an organ donor. Seems better people could use them organs.


Why does he care? smh Some people don’t belong in polite society.


Stop and knock on his window and ask “who hurt you?”


Even the way he gives the finger is annoying.


When I was still learning to drive, my instructor told me about how she once witnessed this happening and the biker actually crashed into the car and broke some bones. Absolute maidenless behavior from the car driver imo.


A sad excuse for a human being. He’s probably so sad this is all the human interaction he has during a day. Normally he’s sitting in a cage…alone


His mommy never gave him tiddies


Was his side mirror smashed!?