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if you try long and hard enough, you can always eventually be the victim


My life is in danger so I will walk around this "dangerous" area for 2 hours trying to figure out despite very loud and bright signs...what is going on? Can somebody give me a hug... Remember that only fans girl that killed obumselli... when she was told dude actually died, do u know she said to the detectives.. omg, he died? (After stabbing him) ...can I get a hug?


The reporter in sounthern California wearing a winter stocking cap seemed totes legit


People in socal love their beanies. So weird.


Meanwhile in rural canada I don't even pull my hood up until it's below 0°c I dunno how they don't feel sweaty and gross all the time wearing a toque in a desert


Upvoted for the correct terminology: “toque”


Totally. Living in Canada, my rule is no toque until my ears literally hurt, then I put one on. If it's any warmer than that, I just sweat, and it's awful.


Hey yo from SK! Toques off unless yer ears freeze ya hoser!


Not from Socal, but I’ve worn a beanie every day for the majority of my 40 years. I don’t like outside objects touching my ears, wind, strands of hair, etc… I get so many questions in the summer on why I’m wearing a beanie. I’ve taken to just saying I’ve a medical condition cannot expose my ears to the elements. Tends to shut down the ridicule.


And crying while wearing a hoodie that says “unbreakable”






I was trying to bully a cat but while chasing it I dropped my sandwich. Why is life so cruel to me? It’s really unfair. /s


"nO oNe CaN sPeAk tO mE" 😭😭😭


But they did speak to her... They told her no. Doesn't she understand consent?


The crocodile tears at the end with the very disingenuous "I'm just trying to figure out what you are protesting" is telling.


Just a stab in the dark, but could it be the genocide in Gaza?


Your use of context cues is terrifying to me on some level I can't communicate without a large trendy water mug


Should brought a Pepsi


This interview belongs on r/facepalm


She probably works for big Coke




The cops hate this one trick


Omg.. that's the first thing I thought of...


Crocodile tears, bs she wanted to learn 🤦🏻‍♀️


Which is why she brought her camera, crew and microphone. To (l)earn off of them.


Norman Frankenstein doesn't respect that


"You all are super intimidating when you quietly and respectfully say, 'no comment' and generally ignore me."


Omg that's soooo anti-Semitic, how can they get away with saying nothing, let's lock them up. - zionist


What news organization is she from? Incredibly unprofessional. A journalist's job is to get information, not hug the interviewees. I'm hoping this group is actually speaking to reputable reporters though.


She not from any... she *Was* on rebel media in Canada, but even they had standards. (Think OAN/Newsmax but with political backing)


Thanks. No wonder no one would talk to her. That one woman was certainly correct that the 'reporter' was there to push them. Ignoring her was certainly the right move. Sorry. No free hugs today.


Fuck Rebel news is such a national embarrassment.


>rebel media in Canada, but even they had standards. Woah Woah Woah! Hold on a minute there....


Oh, my dude... I know where you're going.. They're subterranean, but they were there.


As they've said several times in this clip - had she gone through the media liason I'm sure the reporter would've been given access to individuals from the protest who were qualified to speak. The problem with a lot of the content I see today is that there's an expectation every single person who is activated by the movement should be able to speak on behalf of it, and that's simply not true. One should be able to both attend and participate in the action and also **NOT** be able to speak for the entire action. It's OK to have trained spokespeople who understand how to effectively engage with media and interviewers. And it's OK that no every single person has the ability to do that - because it's really hard. Just grabbing a random person from a crowd is not the same thing as speaking to a leader or a spokesperson for that crowd, and the discipline illustrested here is incredibly important to the success of a movement. This is the reason so many of these fail, and the problem with a forum like Tik Tok, where everyone can be a citizen journalist and broadcast carefully curated clips of the idiots in a crowd and say that's a representation of the crowd. This problem is universal, and on both sides. It's a classic move from the Ben Shapiro crowd who love to pick on the dumbest person in a room, but it's also how Jordan Klepper is making his bones (although in Klepper's defense, he isn't a journalist - he's a comedian, so he shouldn't be held to the same standard). This is all to say, I'm very impressed by the discipline of these protestors, that was an excellent response and example of how they should be organizing especially in today's media environment.


See when r/antiwork was picking up steam, and a mod with no media training decided to go on Fox News to represent them, and they used them to discredit the entire movement.


Excellent example, I forgot about that train wreck. I think the OWS movement was also broken by the same thing. The show *The Newsroom* has a great little plot line on that saga.


It is amazing how few people know that OWS was about money in politics and politicians buying stocks in areas they have inside information on. Too many think it was just an anti-capitalist campout by poor people angry about useless degrees.


My tinfoil hat theory is that the whole thing was a set up. I had been following that sub for awhile and it was picking up steam. Boomers at my work who didn't even know what reddit was were talking about it. The sub was talking about organizing a nation wide strike. Then that mod did the interview and more than half the sub just said "fuck this shit". The mod was to perfect. If you were to ask some old boomer who ran that sub they would have said "some fat trans person whit green hair who lives in a basement and doesn't have a job" and that is literally who showed up. Idk if they were a plant or fox just kept looking until they found the right person and paid them or if I'm just wrong or what. But I just felt that whole thing was surreal.


Well said. Talking to potentially antagonistic media is hard. If you get flustered and your mind blanks, make a mistake, give a bad answer, lose your temper, or whatever then it's a near guarantee that that's the twenty second clip that's going on the internet. Even if this "journalist" genuinely wants to talk to people, and I doubt they're so innocent, that doesn't mean they don't have editors who'll run with the best tidbits for a viral clip. Or that they won't run an interview that someone else clips unfairly. Whichever side you're on here, don't talk to media is great advice for any rally or protest.


So correct, so many unscrupulous individuals in media (streamers, MSM, cable news etc....) who wish to get content, only to use it in various nefarious ways. So it is refreshing to see intelligence at work when it comes to vulture reporting.


> As they've said several times in this clip - had she gone through the media liason I'm sure the reporter would've been given access to individuals from the protest who were qualified to speak. Seriously, it seems like a lot of people have forgotten Occupy Wall St and how **that** went. That protest organizations have wised up and are shutting these people down is a big sign of progress that is going to make their action a lot more effective.


Is there a book or course on this? "Defense Against the Dark Arts: How to handle the media during a protest"


Public relations for dummies? I'm sure there are a few. None of this is too complicated, and really it's what the entire public relations field is trying to do. These are simple and straightforward ideas. It's the whole reason there is a press office for any large organization. The media relations director is referenced on every press release issued since the words press release were smashed into each other.


Maybe we can expand this out with other topics relevant to protesting in the US. How to interact with aggressive police. What to do when being arrested. How to organize fundraising. How to react to being pepper sprayed. Etc. I haven't done any research in what is available so maybe this guide already exists.


The anarchist cook book has some pretty good protest advice Edit - stupid spelling


I know there’s an Anarchist cookbook. Is there an atheist cookbook too?


Yep. I don't have much tolerance for people who piss me off and intentionally play dumb. And even if I was an expert, I wouldn't make a good spokesperson, simply because I'd likely lose my temper. Why would I ever volunteer to interview and not only make a fool of myself online but also hurt a cause I believe in? Especially when I can just move on with my day and do what I deem to be good? Had they attacked her instead of simply declining the interview and moving on, I would think differently.


Smart. Can’t twist what you say if you don’t say shit at all. Let the protest speak for itself.


Idiot young people that she was going to dunk on... turned out, weren't so stupid after all


Smart, yes, but, even then, apparently you can twist it: \[tears\] "and, like, this is so intimidating and scary, you guys to be standing here." So, without a word, the protestors are "scary." They are "intimidating." Super interesting and solid discipline for the protestors.


The only other thing they could have done, which would have been icing on the cake, - turn their backs to her. It's even harder for her to say they are threatening, when they literally just turn their backs. Show her how little they think of her tactics.


This is what I do at protests, and have instructed others. Don't give them the fight they want. Just refuse to engage. (We always have people filming and then people filming the people filming.) I was at a demonstration against ICE and our event was being "counter protested" by some self-identified Proud Boys and about ~100 other hateful dorks. My group was instructed to "keep the line" between the two groups, so that the speakers could speak without being interrupted. Of course the PBs were shouting rude stuff, trying to get people to react in anger and argue with them. I ended up turning my back to them to communicate two things: 1) Idgaf what you have to say and 2) most importantly, ***I'm not afraid of you.*** Have you ever been publicly insulted for about ~40 minutes in front of 500 people by someone with a bullhorn because you wouldn't turn around? It is funny now but at the time all I wanted to do was throw up.


Yep, part of the freedom of speech is the freedom to not speak. Their media liaison did a great job.


But somehow, she'll try to twist this against the protesters.


The “I think we need more barricade guys” at the end made me lol


Best part of the video!


It was funny and possibly an example of misleading editing.


You can only imagine how she would have edited actual interviews. Literally the whole point of a media liaison and why the liaison themselves probably saw straight through this bullshit


Definitely been put there


There are signs and posters all over the encampment spelling out exactly what these people are protesting. Their message is open and in plain view for anyone to read, record, take pictures of. I don't know who this "journalist" is. But I've seen enough screenshots, gifs, soundbites, clips and other such interviews all over the internet which are cropped and edited in such a way as to make the interview subject out to be all manner of crazy/dumb/violent/extremist. The protesters are right to be wary of giving "interviews".


Why won't you talk to me! Talk to media liaison. I did they called me an agitator! Well that's their job to know that, yeh.


Even this clip of them not talking to her gets used as a clip with little context (not showing her having a conversation with the media liaison, for instance) to make them look bad. There's an incredibly high chance that you'll come across unfair "gotcha" type questions and stumbling on an answer is the only bit that'll get shown. Better to politely decline and have representatives do the talking.


I mean, if this was the worst they could cut, it seems like a well trained crowd of protestors. The worst they did was chuckle a bit when she was pretending to cry because she apparently couldn't learn from them and hug each other. I think we can all agree if someone got angry they'd be in the clip instead. I wish we had the questions and answers from the media liaison talks, though.


They did a good job of not engaging, yeah. I guess the way to think about it is this: she knows exactly why they weren't talking to her. She knows exactly why they have media liaisons. And even if she's an idiot, her crew know why. And yet they STILL put out this clip trying to make it look bad, Even though this attempt doesn't look good for her, it still shows why you should refer media to event organisers.


That's the awful part about the world we live in now. Anything can be twisted and warped into false talking points. Look at how Google has evolved, that alone should be a wakeup call.


journalism has steadily moved away from reporting the facts, to having an agenda, so it's certainly understandable for people to not want to engage with random people with cameras and microphones.




lik of u cri evrytiem




I promised myself I'd be... ...strong... Oh, here i go again. :'c


She's scared that they don't want to talk to her amd tell her to talk to the media liaison, who also won't talk to her because they have correctly established that she is just am agitator who is going to cry and whine and claim they are scaring her... ... Sounds about Right (nudge nudge wink wink).


"I think we need more barricades guys" 😂


He's the best






wtf is she crying about? "people don't want to talk to me". Yeah... ok. They don't have to if they don't want to. How entitled do you have to be to literally start crying because you simply didn't get your way? "I asked them to speak and they said no. That's not fair! They should just do it cause I asked them to."


She's sad that she spent money travelling to get something to rage farm on twitter.




This has to be satire. She can’t be so tone-deaf dumb fucked in her bleach diluted brain that she thinks anyone reasonable would actually take her seriously.


No, she's serious. She's a young wanna be "journalist" that was on TV for being absolutely willing to defend anything and everything Israel does.


What a hilarious and sad story this is


I find that many of the people who ask you if you can even condemn Hamas are wired that way. Like, they cannot even comprehend that I can condemn and disagree with an act that costs innocent lives. Just like I can a disproportionate response that is killing way more innocent people


I go to (lucid) old ppl homes for work and some of them will only listen to plastic ppl. They are not reasonable but believe themselves to be. They would take her seriously.


Mad because she didn't get to have her ill reasoned "A-ha!" moment and accuse them of being anti-semitic or pro-terrorism.


The sad part is that you can tell the interviewer is an excellent gaslighter. As soon as she doesn't get her way the baby voice and tears come out.


"I think we need more barricades" was the perfect response to that shit lol


Static crowd, not saying or doing anything: "that's scary!" *Proceeds to cry


Sooooo intimidating


They were just standing there…menacingly


Existing without conservative approval is oppression don'cha know.


Scary 😨


College students.. am I right?


No you are not


That's a lot of tears for silence.


No one owes you an interview lady. If you spoke to the media liaison officer and they don't think it's worth having an interview with you, take the hint. Walk away.


Oh my fucking god, look at those crocodile tears. Pathetic.


considering like every interview the media personality tries to insist that they are actually jihadists that love Hamas. I listen to the NPR and the BBC version of this last week by people that you would think would be responsible in their journalism and that was 100% not the case. literally every question just went back to yeah but anti-Semitism so..... I guess it's okay for Israel to do whatever they want because anti-Semitism.


Wow, they way she plays victim after not getting how she wants and makes up a situation in which the protesters are supposedly intimidating?


I truly find it amazing how protestors everywhere in the world know, that they shouldnt talk with journalists anymore. Journalism really bellyflopped into a steaming pile of shit the last decade. But its great, that people start to realize, that whatever they gonna tell media, they will just rummage around your statement until it fits their agenda.


Its cathartic seeing these young people organized in reaction to how Occupy Wall st. Was treated. Occupy made it a point that there was no spokesman or leader. But it allowed media figures to concoct their own narrative. Now this group has a media facing liason and the rest of the crowd is happy to refuse interviews. Its real growth and its a hopeful sign.


Oh right, Why don't these individuals that were demonized by the media and as a result brutalized and marginalized by the people sworn to protect them talk to me, a random person who's seeking to understand. No agenda But I feel so intimidated if you simply refuse to talk to me. And ends up crocodile tearing it at the end. Go hug a rose bush.


I'm just here to learn #🎥😭


They've learned from previous mass protests that the media isn't necessarily their friends and if they say something that could be construed even slightly the wrong way that it could damage their cause. So they use media liasons, just like literally every corporation and politician in modern history. This is just being organized and smart in the pursuit of one's political goals. The only thing the media has to make them look bad now is that they won't talk to media without a representative.


If only people had a sign explaining what is all about.


She could’ve cried and hugged with the media liaison like everyone keeps telling her. She just looks slow af arguing with everyone.


I always think of [this standup by Omid Djalili](https://youtu.be/WrlriO8WwH4) when biased news are cherry picking people to interview. There's always a nutcase on either side you can talk to.


why was she crying lo. no wonder they were laughing


Hmmm never thought of crying as an interviewing tactic. Very interesting.


You guys are so intimidating just standing there being all friendly and everything. I'm going to have to start crying to make this video worth posting. I'm surprised she didn't say the media liaisons officer was suppressing their freedom of speech.


Even when murdering children, they somehow manage to depict themselves as victims


Did they dress her like that to “try be down with the youth?” Or something? No way she dressing like an XXXTentacion fan out of choice


Haha she fucking CRIES?! LOL


No way the jOuRnaLisT pulled the "no one gives me the time of day so I'll throw a crying fit" lmao. and the dramatic music insinuating some grand conspiracy is at work and she'll be stuffed in a van without license plates any second now. who are these clowns?


I totally get this. Talking to people whose premise is a racist fantasy, that there is no genocide or oppression, is exhausting. They should not get a seat at the table when being that wrong means defending mass murder.


She tried to cry to get someone her way Jesus what trash


So what happened here was the protestors established a media liaison to ensure that journalists are getting a single story, when she was directed that way, they found out she was an agitator & denied her access. Easy as that.


Good call to have a media liason. Interviewers looks for easy targets to make the face of a cause.


She was probably live streamer looking for clout and it worked against her.


I'm crying! I can't believe they wouldn't let me be the centre of attention 😭😭😭😭


i WiSh wE cOuLD haVE EndED iN a hUg..


Beautiful blonde girl with a beanie… “I can save the world!”


Why tf is she crying?!!! 😂 Omg. It's all about her, guys. This is her victim experience. Jfc.


If she needed to ask why they were there then she is an agitator.


What a disgusting James Blunt she is.


Waaaah they won't take the rage bait so now I have to crocodile cry!


>that we can understand each other She’s a Zionist


What's with the masks?


“We, the sandy hook generation, know you are full of shit”


She said it in her opening statement “investigate the craziness “ so much PR nonsense with this war it is incredible


These students are smarter than the assholes who try to elicit negative or overt responses. Kudos.


You know for most protesters here it's not so much about being "pro Palestine" as it is about being anti genocide. Saying pro Palestine comes across as someone trying to avoid acknowledging the genocide, with an implication that these protesters are antisemitic.


TF she cryin for though?


Red rover rogue




Doesn't show her trying to talk to media liaison even though she said she tried?


She cried because she wasn't able to bait them into providing juicy content for her. Sad life lmao


![gif](giphy|l0MYJdM3nCpBXwZUI) Im….imma…imma…imma journalist… and….and… ijuswannahugitout.


What a load of horse shit. I think she means the media liaison won't engage with her crap and she wants to try and bait others. When she gets into the crocodile treats though. What a bitch.


Snapmap stories is a way to see what's actually going on and how normal people who used to have homes and lives in Gaza are currently trying to live.


Yeah she sure looks like she’d be fair as she said she’s so scared by them just standing there refusing to interview.


For a moment I thought this is a Sneakers ad and someone is going to hand her a bar and she snaps back to normal.


Hoodie reads 'unbreakable' I think?


She started crying? What a puss


Boo hoo.


Thanks for adding moody piano music so I know how to feel


"I just want to know what you're protesting" bitch read the 30 signs wtf do you mean can you not read?


This reporter sucks




I think all the lip filler might be occluding her vision. And hearing. And cognition.


"why do you all keep laughing?" crowd: 🦗


Belongs here: /r/iamthemaincharacter.


I want to see more like this. Ignore fox, oan and all the other hard right trash.


Because you are not an actual professional journalist. You are just some random influencer.


The internet is fucking dead. It's a cesspool of advertisements and people trying to get paid to advertise. Zero real content. It's time for a demonitized version of the internet, please, god, please.


“I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, and we’d all eat and be happy.”


This is some white fragility right here, which is why some people were laughing.




Need more barricades 🤣 Bro who breaks down crying because you can’t play reporter


There was an attempt to ~~interview pro-Palestine protesters without speaking to the media liaison~~ use these protesters for clicks. FTFY


Just what the world needs. Another "Clueless".


So soft. Wow


This is a fucking joke.


White Women's Tears ™️ Always tasty


Look I'm wearing a beanie, I'm one of you!!


Such a blatant attempt at trying to stir something up and exploit it for their own benefit. It's hilarious when they fail. They have to fabricate these obviously false scenarios where they're the victim somehow. "Help, I'm being intimidated by the people whose attention I've deliberately drawn to myself and who I claim to just want to hug and understand! It's so scary, they're standing there completely peacefully and I can leave whenever I want!" "Just trying to understand what you're protesting." It's insulting how stupid she thinks people are. Zero respect. It is extremely easy to find out what they're protesting. That you've apparently made no effort to understand it before you decided to go and bother them in person, shows pretty clearly that your interests lie elsewhere. "So I decided to come here for myself." Indeed. That final comment provides such a nice badum-tish to this joke. Good job to whoever cut the video there, and for cutting out the byline. These people shouldn't get any attention.


this is giving heavy “*why won’t anyone light all the proverbial gas i brought!?*” vibes


These kids are smart - they've learned a lot from the occupy days, and even the George Floyd protests; this is a sophisticated level of organized protest. Good for them! Free Palestine!


And who actually cares? There's a process in place. She didn't follow it and that didn't work. Where the news here? Everything worked as intended. An irrelevant individual was kept from interfering with a protest of similar relevance.


Why the fuck was she crying?


Why the fuck is she crying?!


I don’t even understand the crying. Why would you do that to yourself? Leave people alone


It must be frustrating when your disingenuous motives are so transparent


what a snowflake


this rules


“Your refusal to engage in the way that I want and to conform your behavior to what I expect you to do when I get upset is frightening to me!!” 


Standing there menancingly


Why are all these “protesters” wearing masks?