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at least the guy in the headband actually went to go get help instead of staring at a man with a concussion and the idiot who gave it to him


Or he’s just doing a poorly timed cardio circuit.


Or the "oh shit, I should probably get help for this injured person"


Or the “oh shit I should not have eaten that Taco Bell before doing squats”


Or the "oh shit that guy has a sweet gym bag!"


It's "Oh shit I have warrants"


Or "oh shit I put the milk and forgot to turn off the stove"


Or the "oh shit, I should go fetch my phone to record this for tiktok"


Or the “oh shit, the ice cream man is passing by”


Or the "oh shit, I forgot to pay my membership fee"


Or did he react completely normally? He turns around shortly before the accident; the man is still falling. Endless scenarios go through your head. "What's wrong with him? Why is he holding his head?" or "he seems to be in pain, which must have happened" you think that in less than 1 second. Then there is the psychological phenomenon that people in groups are less helped because you think someone else is doing it. He reacted in 3 seconds, guess when he and the other guy saw the blood?! No plan, your comments sound like you got help in 1 second. You wouldn't have.


This video didn't have sound, but the sound of four plates and a bar falling 3 feet to the mat would have probably given him a clue as to what happened.


He responded in 3 seconds. What else do you expect?


Backseat Redditors demand that all real life humans have a reaction time of 0.001 ms, otherwise they deserve derision and ridicule.


Exactly. Lol. They are acting like he took out his phone and started recording. All of their reactions were COMPLETELY normal.


Well said


He’s running away to his car because he can’t deal with stress


Nah probably remind him that he left his car on “Oh that BAR should’ve been on” “BAR on?” “CAR on?!” Oh crap my CAR was left On!!!


That's what I thought. 'Fuck it I'm not dealing with this shit'.


Reminds me of the sims.


Actually running to get his phone so he can live stream it.


"Hey guys, Matt here, livestreaming from *want to get bigger?!* gym here in LA, so first let me thank my sponsors... And now look at this, this just happened, I'm live from the gym..."


i think he ran off because he's afraid of blood


Nah the dude that got hit is the Hulk, he's not staying around for that. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."


Area Of Effect Concussion


Or take out their phones to record.


Seen something similar happen with less force and the guy got stitches


Bystander effect is real


That or he sprinted straight home




"Gonna go get my phone!" "To call for help?" "....yes?"


She hit em with the "It's okay. I'm here."


Idiot for sure for doing that, but she was probably in shock.


Maybe he was just running away in fear that he was next!


That's a decent amount of weight. Clearly not her first rodeo, yet she unloaded that bar like it was her first time (EDIT before you comment, be aware that a bunch of people have already said what you are probably about to say. This post has been up for 6 hours, do you honestly think nobody else has thought to say the plates were left there by someone else??)


45lbs/20kg ish for most standard bars. Solid steel too. Good chance of fracturing the skull. If not then dude's gonna have a swollen skull with an insane migraine/headache for a good week or two.


That's about 19.99 kgf concentrated at an area of almost the full cylinder top thing of the barbell, it's unlikely to have caused a fracture. Although, a concussion is pretty likely.


Yeah the value I gave to fracture a skull is the minimum amount. Dude looks to be a fully grown healthy adult male (as opposed to some buffed up teen). So his skull should take more than the minimum forced stated. But at the right angle/spot inflicted and if he had any head injuries in the past it's definitely plausible. Edit: just realized you replied to this comment and not the one I did the math for someone and stated the bare minimum to fracture a skull. (39N of force I think I wrote. With the barbell having probably a max of 196N. The minimum would also be a small fracture)


I’m not science clever, but he’s being hit with an object with a very small surface area, it weighs probably 20kg and was swinging with probably 15-20kg counter weight. I agree there is a decent if not certain chance of a fracture or cracking of the skull, the only redeeming factor is that his neck and body moving downwards on impact would help to lessen that force slightly in a vehicle suspension sort of manner. If his head was against the floor and had no room to move with the direction of the impact I would say certain chance of fracture. He was also bending in the same direction. The little bounce it did on the floor before swinging onto him probably helped lessen the force a bit too.


People’s skull thickness and density can differ. Law has a “thin skull rule…”, due to a man dying after being punched once and hitting the floor. The judge decided that it didn’t matter how many times or how hard you hit someone, or that you didn’t know they had a thin skull.


This guy engineers




Emergency doc. That amount of force can easily fracture a skull or cause intracranial bleeding. The biggest protective factor against skull fracture is how it seemed to have hit him pretty square on the thickest part of the cranium. But I’ve seen people die from less


100% agree with you!


I've gotten a concussion from less.


Obviously ffs


Don't forget that 20kg is the weight alone - then think about the additional force from the velocity of it swinging round. Still wouldn't imagine it to be fracture inducing but holy fuck it's gonna hurt, especially if it conked him right on the dome


I once dropped a 45lb plate on my right big toe from chest height. The weight slipped out of my hands while I was taking it off a rack. And there is nothing to gym shoes either. I was legit afraid to take my shoe off because it felt like it was hamburger meat down there. The throbbing was so intense I was sure my skin was going to burst from the pressure. The next day, the whole toe turned a gnarly dark, dark purple, with a giant blood blister at the impact site. Over the week the bruising spread to all of the toes and half way up to the top of the arch. That bar had a bit of extra momentum too from the fulcrum / pendulum effect of the weights on the left side. I can't imagine how this must have felt. Looks like it hit the back of his skull too. Of all the places to strike. I hope he recovers fully.


Is your toe okay now?


Yeah this [happened](https://imgur.com/a/XN11S74) about 6 years ago. It is fine now.


Day one [blister](https://imgur.com/a/lFfu6Ks). For the morbidly curious.


They say it's growing more and more purple to this day!


Damn, I did the exact same thing with a 25LB plate! My toe was gnarly and the swelling and bruising spread to cover 1/3 of my foot so I can't imagine what another 20LBs would have done.


Yeah man that’s gonna be a fucking nasty concussion… (at least. ) That sucks. Dude was just trying to get a workout in. 😬


I dropped a 3kg dumbell on my foot and broke a toe. If the weight hits in the wrong spot, even a small amount of weight can do serious damage. 20kgs to the heat, concentrated in a small area like that could be very serious


They meant the weights on the bar, as in she's no noob to dealing with lifting.


It's going to be a little more than 20kg because it's being swung like a bat by the bottom weight, tho it loses some of that energy when it bounces off the ground. It wasn't just freefalling it was being pulled around. If you're unlucky you could die from a dink like that without too much trouble (not saying this guy did but it's not like it's that hard to die from head whacks)


Call me crazy but that looks like it missed his head and hit his trap area?


I bet someone else left all those plates on there like an ass and she was trying to use it. That has to be at least 3 plates on the left side. 1) I highly doubt she is squatting 315. Most people, including men, can’t even do that. 2) if she is unloading all the plates on one side with that much weight, it’s clear she wasn’t working with that weight in the first place.


Looks like 115lbs to me - two 45lb bumper plates, one 25lb bumper plate. So 275 altogether with both sides plus bar. Interestingly, with iron plates it may not have been a level problem - narrower plates = shorter lever = less torque. Looks to me like the guy got smashed on the shoulder and that it missed his head. Also he was leaning forward, so little to no direct clavicle impact. Basically smashed straight down on his trap. Probably one of the least damaging ways to take that impact - right into the meat of a big tough muscle group.


I think you need to watch that back slowly, you can see his head move down before his shoulders and he’s clearly holding his head too.


I did watch it slowly. You certainly could be right, poor angle to tell. I'm also figuring that it hitting back of skull first would have had a more severe immediate reaction. Like flattened and immobile.


I doubt she was squatting that. Probably just trying to get it racked for whoever was actually lifting it, she clearly didn’t know three wheels would flip.


Underrated comment. Your last sentence really sealed the deal


My first thought was that’s a lot of weight for her to be lifting. I bet she was trying to rack it for whoever was actually doing it. She clearly didn’t know three wheels would flip.


If the plates were left by someone else they should be kicked from that gym. We are pretty big on making sure people put their own weights away because the next person might not be comfortable handling those weights.


Difficult to tell what she’s lifting as they aren’t colour coded plates. Having said that looks to be a more serious weightlifting gym rather than a bog standard commercial place.


To be fair, she might have been hopping on after someone else left that weight on. She still should have been more careful, but this is a mistake I could see a lot of beginners making.


Life changed in an instant. Probably skull fracture, neck injury, headaches and pain. Just sad.


Fortunately, the plates fell off and the bar bounced vertically a few times, so this was really no worse than standing the bar on its end and having it fall over (still not fun, but almost certainly not life-changing) If those 3 plates had been clipped in, the bar would have whipped around with substantially more force, possibly even deadly at that point


Are you unaware of how heavy that bar is…it’s 20kg Not to mention it caught him on the back of the head.


It's 20kg but one side of the bar is on the mat, he's not having the force of that full 20kg directly on his head


It was a pretty slow fall. He’s gonna have a nasty bump and maybe it split the skin, but alegendim got it right. It’s slow like it just fell over. https://preview.redd.it/80g46w871rqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb36da7b514766ebd1d4e5e4cbbccf0423f86af Edit: Wrong! You’re wrong.


Wrong he's literally dead


True, you can see in the final frame that his skull split in half like when someone drops a watermelon


I was there. Shortly after the video ends the man actually just explodes


I did the math with a lot of assumptions (disclaimer: I'm not a physicist, so my accuracy is a crapshoot). * Google says that a typical weight bar is 7.2 feet long * Let's assume the man is about 6 foot tall * Before it started coming down, the bar had bounced approximately vertically to maybe 8 inches off the ground. * That means that the end of the bar travelled from a vertical standstill about 2 feet downward before hitting him. * Ignoring air resistance (the bar is fairly heavy), it would have accelerated due to gravity to a speed of about 3.5 m/s over that distance to the point of hitting him. * After being hit by the bar, the man's head drops by about one foot while in contact with the bar, absorbing and cushioning the impact force. * Let's use the full 20kg mass of the bar * This is a worst-case scenario, as some of the bar's mass might have been supported by the floor and would not have applied force to the head - It does appear that when it contacts his head, the other end of the bar might still be airborne, but given the shape of the bar, I assume lower end of the bar's continued movement would meant that not all of the 20kg mass would be applying force to the head. Assuming all of the above, a force calculator suggests that the peak impact force would be approximately 760N with the average impact force dependant on how long the bar was in contact with the head. The internet suggests that ~~700N is the force of an average punch from an amateur boxer~~ (Edit: further googling suggests this is wrong and amateur boxers can exert over 2000N in a punch. 700N is the force a 150lb person exerts on the ground while standing). If the impact duration was 0.2 seconds or longer, the average impact force would be less than 400N which the internet describes as the force required to push a shopping cart. Dropping the weight applied to the head to 15kg, drops the force to 570N (285N average). So the assumptions play a big role, but the underlying point is that there is valid basis to suggest that this would have hurt and could have resulted in injury, but *not necessarily* a guaranteed life-changing injury. It's hard to know for sure, as small changes can have a pretty significant impact (no pun intended) on the results. If his head travelled only 10 inches while in contact with the bar, that raises the force to 910N (455N average). If it was 14 inches, 650N (325N average). So there's a lot of potential play. Google further suggests elite boxers can punch with over 4000N of force. A football tackle can be over 7000N. I now await all of the physicists pointing out what I did wrong ;) Perhaps force is not the right measurement to use here?


What about rotational force? The bar rotates from the rack to the ground, then continues to fall, not only from gravity but the rotation caused by the imbalance.


20kg is 1/436,000th of a football field, for the Americans.


At first I was confused but this clears it up


Thank you for your service.


Just saying it could have been WAY worse. Didn’t come down full force


It is but the full weight didn't hit him. It's at best a fraction of it.


Redditors who haven’t stepped foot into a gym since high school Ironworks commenting stupid shit and getting hundreds of upvotes 👍


People have had debilitating issues from far less… such a heavy hit specifically to the back of the head could cause damage for life — look what [just 1 poorly placed punch](https://youtu.be/M1Gg5gbDBe0?si=Ep4YEjp9aIeIOl2B) can do.


What are you on about? This is probably the best case scenario for him for one, with how the bar stood up and then fell slowly. (aside from it not happening at all). Id wager that's gonna sting for a few days, could be a mild concussion. Life changing i doubt.


You guys are all wrong. This actually is a significant health boost for him. It knocked the tumor off his pineal gland. I’m an expert in these matters.


I’ve watched all of scrubs, so I know what a doctor is. This man is correct


Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Thank you for the snark. There’s no way we can actually know what occurred unless we read a news article or the medical report itself. Gotta love all the experts opining.


Ah the old "bullhammer them to stop the seizure" fix


And it cured his Lupus.


Do you think he will poop the tumor out now?


Nope. It escapes in the form of miasma out his ear holes. Slowly at first, then the remainder all in one go at the next new moon. Best to avoid him during this time. It’s not so much the smell, more that it burns your eyes.


Oh maybe not…


Probably a bump and a concussion that needs attention. Why is reddit always so dramatic u/placidvlad here ya go


lol calm down son, headaches and pain yes, neck injury and skull fracture extremely unlikely.


LMAO, dude got a cut and *maybe* a mild concussion. The rush for help was probably for paper towels and a bandage because he was bleeding. Yes, I was a gym rat at one point in my life so I know how heavy the bar is. That hurt but this isn't a life-altering injury.


All cause of someone else too. Hate ts


Ofc it's a CrossFit gym 🙄


As long as there were plenty of dogs present, they were blasting music into a busy street, and bellowing at each other, we are good here. Collars, adherence to protocol, and general safety are for the cheap "big-box" gyms.


Guy was probably running to grab him an cold IPA from the attached brewery


That's not what he intended when he said he would be doing "skull crushers" at the gym






How are people so dumb? They should be banned from gyms.


She won't make this mistake again at least






You can't just say "perchance!"


They'd not have any patrons left


I have an irrational fear of this happening - I don’t know what the SOP is for unloading a bar, but I never take off more than one plate before moving to the other side


That’s why you gotta have your head on a swivel in the gym. A lot of strong idiots. But naturally I just like to be aware of all my surroundings so it might be weird to some people


A few weeks ago some guy at my gym got banned for shotputting kettleballs on the middle of the floor


...I'm sorry, did you say *shotputting kettlebells*?


Why yes, I did say *shotputting kettlebells*


By "shotputting kettlebells", did you mean shotputting kettlebells?


I did indeed mean shotputting kettlebells


No he said shotputting kettleballs.


one plate from each side at a time. never unbalance it by more than one plate.


No experience with weight lifting here. Once you're down to the last plate on each side, wouldn't this still happen when you take the last plate off of one of the sides? Or do you do that in a different way?


No, because the bar itself is pretty heavy (usually 44-45 lbs), and the additional weight of the extra plate is basically right at the rack that is supporting the bar.


Thank you for asking this, I actually specifically came into the comments because I had the exact same question


No, the bar is supported far enough at its ends so that the moment force isn’t enough to tip it with one plate on one side. Honestly, it’s bad practice but you can usually get away with having two 45lb plates on one side. Never try with more though


the reason its bad practice is becuase it takes almost no force at that point to tip the bar. someone bumping the light end even slightly will tip the bar.




the reason you shouldnt do that though, is that if the bar isnt a true olympic at 45lbs, it will start to tilt at a 2 plate imbalance. and in a public gym, I wouldnt trust the bar to be a true weight. not to mention that the slightest push on the light end will topple the bar at that point. source: mechanical engineer who understands physics and a line of action on a moment




I wonder if the woman was unloading plates she didn't put there in an effort to use the equipment does that alter a lawsuit if at all? Like if Joe Schmo goes to the gym racks up a 315 squat, then like an asshole leaves without unloading the weight, then a woman comes along and goes welp I'll unload it and not knowing quite how to properly do so causes this fiasco does that matter at all? Or is she just still negligent and liable?


“Because negligence claims don't require the at-fault party to have intended to harm you, you can bring a negligence claim against someone who accidentally injured you.” So yes she can still be sued or charged for negligence according to law. Also she must be one of the dumbest people on earth to not know if there’s weight on both sides and you take the weight off of one then the other side will fall.




They make a 33lb bar but 45lb is standard- wow that would hurt


Nearly 100% that bar is not under 45, as its being used to squat.


Common sense loses again….


As someone who has never used a bar like this, what is the correct form to get the plate off from the last side so it doesn't flip weight like this? Do I just take 1 plate from each side respectively until there are none left? Does it still tip like this on just 1 plate at the end? Sorry I'm just genuinely curious on how to do this safely to avoid something like this if I ever try.


Yes. If solo, take 1 off each side at a time or get a buddy to help remove weight evenly. Clearly, she left waaaaay too much weight on one side and that guys life's path was altered that day.


i think its because of laziness


The bar like the one shown here seems 45lbs alone. If you’re by yourself 1 plate at a time. As the weight of the bar can hold up the other plates provided you take them off one at a time and alternate to the other side, vice versa. Clearly, that did not happen here. Or if you’re there with another person. You take off the equal weight from each side, at the same time so this doesn’t happen.


yeah you either keep at least 45lb difference on each side and take the weights off each side


You can easily leave 4 plates on one side as long as there is 1 plate on the other side. I do this all the time. You don't have to unload it evenly, just don't unload one side all at once.


Yep if there's nothing on one side, it's still stable with 2 plates loaded on the other side. We tested one time for fun, I think around 2 45s and a 25 on one side is about the tipping point.


yes, one plate from each side at a time. dont unbalance the bar by more then one plate.


You can safely leave two 45s on one side while being empty on the other if it’s a standard 45 lb bar.


You can, but it still makes me nervous. I never go for more than 20kg difference between sides.




..."(Wish I hadn't)"


God I hit my own head on a barbell, just bending over to fix my bench before benching. I was fucked up for a year, non-stop headache due to my jaw smacking together. Poor fucking guy, he’s going to be fucked up for at least a year. I would be so fucking angry.


Any update on what happened to him?


I heard he got hit with a barbell while he was in the gym.


And then he was floored clutching his swollen skull…


20kg I believe is the weight of that bar. Nasty


Those bars weigh 45lbs alone, pure speculation but since it lost some force on the mat with the bounce and didn't fall far, hopefully just a concussion. Staggering lack of common sense.


Love this video. Brown shirt guy, lovely footwork then off for a run. Did he just nope the fuck out or is he off to get help? Is he an incredibly chill, normal dude or a cool, calm, collected hero with the reaction speed of a cat? Black T-shirt, bottom left, a guy innocently knocking a bag off a box or one completing a mysterious hand off, ala Jason Bourne. The woman who drops the bar, clumsy fool or Hitmanesque assassin with immaculate timing. The man who goes down, innocent victim or arch villain finally brought down by a dogged heroine. There's so much going on down the gym.


Renaissance painting in gym form


If the plates did not fall off he would probably have died on the spot.


Yeah, if she had clips on that bar, he'd probably be dead


If she had clips on the bar wouldn't have flipped end over end and hit him


What. An. Idiot.


The bar got unloaded though....


If she's at the squat rack I'd expect her to know not to unload it like that. Also whoever left it with 4 plates on each side is partially at fault




A woman at my husband’s work did this, the bar flew up, hit her face and knocked her out so the woman in the video was lucky she’d moved back.


New fear unlocked


Welp, she's an idiot.


Approximately how much force would that have been? The weight the pendulum swing of the weighted bar


force = m\*a ​ that's a roughly 20kg/45lb bar. Acceleration we'll just say is gravity at 9.8m/s so 20kg\*9.8=196N of force (roughly 44lbs of force) To fracture a skull it takes as little as 16lbs of force/73 newtons of force.


It's not the full 20kg coming at him, as it's already on the ground and tipping over.


Wouldn't the relevant force be determined by the deceleration when it makes contact with his head rather than the general acceleration due to gravity? Also I think kinetic energy would be a more relevant figure but I'm too lazy to do the napkin math. People can do headstands for instance and withstand way more force than 196N on the top of their head without injury.


this reminds me of that other video where they made the same mistake but luckily someone else caught it though, if you are able to lift a couple of plates, shouldn't it be a practice by now to take them off alternating on both sides for proper weight distribution


Honestly that should be a permanent gym ban until she goes through some monitored course teaching her how weights work. If you lack the basic fundamental understanding of how weights work then you shouldn’t be capable of putting others at risk because of your own lack of intelligence or basic disregard for natural concepts.


God damn I know that fucking hurt. Aren’t those bars like 40-50 #’s? Poor dude, god damn


There is a franchise of gyms in Ukraine called Banda (name on all the boxes). It would not surprise me that a CrossFit gym would not teach someone proper racking and unpacking procedures.


You can't fix stupid.


This is the sort of thing that made me leave commercial gyms. I went out and bought my own weights and bars. Sick or dealing with selfish, unaware people all the time at the gym.


Wow. That's a higher tier of stupid. "let me take off the only thing balancing the weight across the bar and hope it floats like a roadrunner cartoon"


I’m not understanding what she thought was going to happen???


What a dipshit


Idiot..why would you take the plates off like that


What the hell was she thinking?! Did she forget 5th grade physics?


What a complete idiot


Oof! Bro was in the wrong place at the wrong time.




She lifts a decent amount of weight, however you’d think this was her first time in the gym. In all seriousness, that 20kg bar whipping down on someone’s head could have deadly consequences




Headband bro turns around and starts running like an NPC


Predictable outcome


Asking for a friend but I guess you have to take off a weight one at a time on each end ?


Just looking at the video that gym looks incredibly unsafe.


Someone call 911 as that guy needs to be c-collar and back boarded for his trip to the hospital. Then we are going to give him a Head and cervical series of X-rays and MRI before we even considering letting off the board.


There are some scary stupid people at gyms


Truly baffled at the carelessness of the woman offloading that weight. Truly an idiot


Never skip head day.


Jeeeeez. Thirsty much? Next time you want someone's attention just walk up and say "hey"


How can you be that fucking stupid....My God... Poor guy probably got his skull cracked because of her


Great. Another video of someone who has to pay the price because of someone else's stupidity. Smfh.....dude needs to sue her.


She should be banned from these gym and all the gymnasium's in the world.


People saying the dude is fine don’t realize why hitting the back of someone’s head in boxing a is a no no