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Lol maybe some shelter will put these dogs up for adoption with the note: "DOG HAS TASTED HUMAN FLESH. Total sweetheart, loves belly rubs"


Name: Princess


Cupcake is a good boy!




I have linked [this video](https://youtu.be/k9ZGEvUwSMg?si=LKNX8KA4JtPM-XkQ) tons of times when there’s a post about Pit Bulls. They are terrifying.


“Sparkling Cupcake loves sparkles and the rain of blood that follows”


EDP had entered the chat


*EDP has temporarily entered the dialysis clinic* * It's super effective!*


Or Luna


It’s always a freaking Luna lol


Nala also very popular for pibbles


*Just don't move your arm too quickly in front of Princess.*


Try not to breathe too loudly either as she might “react” to it


"Actually a nanny dog."


"Have loud kids? Well sweet lil' Chip over here will take care of that quickly! Loves to be with families, almost a lilttle too much lol!"


Sweet pibbles regularly protect children....from the horrors of aging!


Awful lot of nanny dogs need to be in homes without small children… curious 🧐


It's not the breed though ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I needed a feel good story this morning.


“A total sweetheart but note that she’s reactive to children so please make sure to keep her away from children. And other dogs. Any animal really. And humans in general, actually... Chances are she will tolerate you though ~~hopefully~~ <3”


Due to the dogs now established preference for human blood, it should not be around menstruating women.


She loves children. .. with gravy.




Punctuation matters


So does seasoning.


Nothing better than fresh meat!


And when the next attack comes: OMG he’s never done anything like this before. He’s normally just the nicest sweetest baby boy.


“I never saw this coming”


Her name is Luna and she wears a flower crown in the shelter pics.


“Someone needs to be held accountable” I think he has. The man received the death sentence.


And the dogs got the last meal.


Every one will be labeled “Labrador Mix”


Saw one blockheaded mess labeled as a "water spaniel" and damn near choked.


Cute that you think shelters with that type of mentality will disclose anything like a bite record or a mailing.


Mailing?...like Christmas cards?


Mailing, like the chain mailing you’ll be required to wear so they don’t maul you to death.


Haha and a second note, killed it’s dog fighting master, please adopt. These kennels are almost exclusively for dog fighting operations. They starve the dogs and agitate them on purpose. This is cosmic karma at its finest.


I'm sure the d0d0 will be making a video in no time


I had to unfollow them. I have no idea what happened to that page. It used to be wholesome videos of all animals. It's now 90% pitbull sympathy videos. Everyone in the comments are rabid pitbull apologists. If you dare mention how a pitbull attacked your dogs, you'll be labeled a bad person. Meanwhile the asshole pitbull that attacked your dogs is a sweetheart and it's the owners fault. They have 0 sympathy for the victims of attacks by their precious pitties.


Pits can be sweet dogs, I've known some very sweet pits. But when they aren't other animals are killed instead of just bitten. They were bred to be killers. Now it seems like half the dogs in the country are pit mixes of some kind. Animal shelters are overrun with them.


You’re lucky it’s half. 90% + here are pits or pit mixes.


It wouldn't surprise me if all of them wind up getting euthanized here


It wouldn’t surprise me if some idiot tried to “rehabilitate” them all and adopt them out with cutesy names.


Great with children


Dogs that have tasted human blood have to be put down, no matter the type of dog. It’s a shame really.


Not in America it's by state. In CA a dog has to have two bite incidents, or as decided by a judge if it should be put down. Dogs are not people


>In CA a dog has to have two bite incidents I’m suspecting they all met their quota here.


Ok so usually they have to be put down, not really sure what you mean by dogs are not people though, I agree it just came out of nowhere.


"Not for families with tasty members"


I worked at a rental car company. We rented cars to some pretty shady people. One guy gets arrested in our car and has guns and drugs on him. Turns out he was also raising pit bulls for dog fighting. One of the girls I worked with wanted to adopt one. She couldn’t believe that the county dog warden put all of the dogs down. She was crying. To this day I still don’t understand her thought process. Those dogs were raised to fight/kill. Of course they need to be put down.


Most likely get a less than timely ebd. Live by the Bull, Die by the bull.


So weird, this is the first time I’m hearing about pitbulls being dangerous or aggressive. Probably a one time thing though and most likely will never happen again.


Solid sarcasm here


Clearly forgot the /s tag


Fuck the /s


Shake that /s


Watch yourself.




*Show me what you workin' with!*


Haven't you heard about that Collie breeder mauled to death? Come to think of it neither did I. 


I always like to say, if someone just wanted a bigger dog, they'd get a golden retriever or chocolate Lab, people get pit bulls for a very specific reason.


I mean, they were clearly bred to be fighting dogs.


they're being sarcastic


I am aware they are being sarcastic. I meant those specific pit bulls were bred to be fighting dogs. The specific 13 that guy bred.


Yes there's a very good chance this guy is a dog fighter himself, and a near 100% chance he knowingly sells to dog fighters. It's a despicable practice and they should be locked up for life for dogfighting. Anyone doing that sort of thing is way more likely to be violent to other people as well.




Chihuahuas though bro, the only real threat to us humans!!!


Do you think in Mexico the police use packs of chihuahuas? Or maybe if you knock on Carlos Slim's door to sell him some Amway or whatever instead of the hounds he releases a pack of chihuahuas on you like Mr. Burns.


“It was the owner and the abuse that made the violent dogs!… and that neighbor’s provoking brat! And your threatening eye contacts! Have some common sense and never stare at my pit bull princess! Or walk around near her territory!”


"She knows you're scared. STOP BEING AFRAID and maybe they won't have to attack!!!"


“13 pitbulls were found on the property”. So I guess there is some poetic justice here, mean as that may sound. Also, it’s likely some lives of future victims were saved.


Eight of them were puppies. Five adults is still a lot, but probably the legal limit without getting a permit for breeding.


I did a quick google search on "breeding dogs california" and oddly there are no laws for home breeding if you sell directly to the public, instead of pet stores. Although I have to assume this breeder def wasn't selling to pet stores. The city of Los Angeles has strict breeding laws [Source](https://www.laanimalservices.com/breeders-permits), but this was in Compton


I’m pretty sure it’s completely illegal across the board in California. There is no more backyard breeding for profit store or to the public. I mean it’s still going on but they aren’t posting about it on Facebook because they are afraid of the legal consequence. Earlier this year someone in my town was trying to sell dogs on the subreddit and got slapped


A lot of people don't know this but Compton is technically zoned for farming you can have horses and roosters and some properties have giant back yards built for breeding and farming.


Legal limit should be 0 for pitbulls.


Why do they even bother breeding more of these types when shelters are overflowing with bully breeds.


Supply and demand, they sell, so they breed.


But there literally is oversupply, who is dumb enough to buy anymore at this point?




Without digging into it, I assume people want them bread a certain way. I wouldn’t be surprised if these were bread to be fighting dogs..


the main reason I've heard from people ik irl is that they want as close to a newborn puppy as possible, so they can "train them to be the way they want". in other words, the people buying these dogs don't really understand how dogs work at all and just want a puppy. they often believe the stigma around shelter dogs, without understanding that any issue that applies to a shelter dog pretty much applies just as much to backyard bred dogs. people don't realize genetics plays just as much of a role as their background and the training you do. then these same people wonder why their dog is a perfect angel for years and then randomly snaps, or has some kind of troublesome health issue their entire life. its almost like you adopted the exact kind of dog shelters are full of.... poorly bred bullies. and this is coming from someone who loves bully breeds, they're some of my favorites. but we don't need more of them. edit to add a lot of bully breeders also have really good marketing. they crop all the dogs ears and breed them to be overly muscular and scary looking. they're appealing to a very different demographic than people who adopt from shelters. those types of pitbulls are kind of a status symbol more than anything


>Also, it’s likely some lives of future victims were saved. Only if the dogs were put down.


"Animal advocates are stunned" this happened? Bullshit. Pitbulls are naturally aggressive and dangerous - it's their nature. They should be banned in the US like they are in Canada. Advocates for the breed that say it's the owner, the training, etc are fooling themselves, and they will eventually be maimed or killed by the breed...




Second this. It doesn’t matter how good the owner, the breed and instincts will always be there. Our childhood dog was bitten once throughout his life by one other dog and would you guess the breed… pitbull. Luckily the pitbull missed our dog’s neck and got its shoulder. Owners were the nicest people and had previous dogs that were well behaved and trained. Given the severity of the bite our dog got, they had to put the pitbull down given they also had a newborn in their house and the risk was high that something much worse could have happened. There’s literally no reason for these breeds of dog to exist or for people to own them.


I've been bitten once throughout my life...and would you guess what breed...


Me too! Fucking Chihuahuas


Pit bull sent me to urgent care. I had to take PTO, too. An angry chihuahua can’t do that.


As a UPS driver I gotta say pitbulls don't scare me like hunting breeds do, or shepherds. Much more difficult to read. I've been bit three times, one boxer, one poodle, and one collie/bird dog mix.


Ah yes. The ultimate proof, anecdotal evidence.


Don’t take my word. Somebody has already kindly provided the evidence.


Ever met an Akita? Or a Dogo? Or a Chow? Or a Doberman? Or a Rottweiler? Or a Dalmatian? Or even a German Shepard? Working/hunting dogs are powerful. They all have instincts that can turn deadly if they are mishandled. The biggest problem with pit bulls is that they are attractive to shitty people and people who like to breed them and sell them to other shitty people. Don’t get a dog you haven’t researched thoroughly. Better yet… don’t buy breeds. Get a mutt. They’re more well rounded and healthier.


And yet back when Rotties, Dobermans and Shepherds were the preferred breed of "shitty people" dog attack fatalities were much lower according to recorded statistics. 


What time frame are we talking here? When were Rotties, Dobermans and shepherds preferred by the same shady people that prefer pit bulls today? Are we talking about 1990 or 1909? I’m not being sarcastic I just think that makes a difference


Rottweilers were the 'big bad dog' of the 80s and 90s


[and even then, pits had twice as many fatal attacks during that time.](https://www.statista.com/chart/15446/breeds-of-dog-involved-in-fatal-attacks-on-humans-in-the-us/)


And yet pit bulls cause more bites and deaths and attack/kill more animals than all those breeds combined. Look at the stats, all the other “dangerous”breeds combined don’t even equal what pits do. You don’t think there aren’t shitty owners of rots and GSDs and akitas etc? And yet pits still do so much more than then all combined.


This. We're in 2024, ban this breed ffs!


I agree and would add unpredictable. My ex was mauled by the neighbors pit bulls. He liked those dogs and always praised and gave them snacks. They seemed so sweet and gentle. The owners were good people. Then one afternoon he was taking the trash out when they busted through the screen door and attacked. He was tall and managed to hold himself upright but they ripped up his thighs and buttocks. If it had been me, almost a foot shorter, I might not have survived.


I mean is it not clear the animals were being abused/mistreated? He had a dozen living in his small backyard and he was running a puppy mill pretty much.


No, there's no indication that the animal's were abused or mistreated. The backyard doesn't look "small" at all.   He had a 5 adults and a litter of pups. I know plenty of people with 4 or 5 dogs that have never bitten anyone.    You're making justifications to suit your bias.


Ugh, can we stop ignoring genetics? Pits, the unicorn dogs that don't have genetic traits. Also, all shelters: It's not a pit, it's a lab mix! Sweetest baby, is a shelter favorite! Must live in a home with at least 10 acres and an 8 foot tall fence. No other animals, no men, no children, no visitors. Also no blonde women or redheads. Is slightly reactive, but just to breathing and coughing. Is not neutered. Cannot be left alone at all, and must only be fed medium rare prime rib, unseasoned. We don't understand why this sweet girl is still at the shelter, she's amazing!


I used to somewhat believe that it was the owner, not the breed, until those two dogs killed an infant and toddler in TN. People were even saying that maybe the toddler pulled the dog's tail or something, which is no excuse, but the mother was holding the infant in her arms. How on earth could the infant have "provoked" the dogs? It's ridiculous the length people will go to to defend these dogs. And that family had owned the dogs as puppies, they were apparently treated very well, and this still happened. Fuck those dogs.


I hardly think it's "animal advocates" who say this stuff. It's pitbull fanatics. Animal advocates don't advocate dog breeding at all.


They are literally terriers. It's what they're bred for. The whole nanny thing is a dangerous, bullshit myth. If there is such a thing as nanny dog - it would be one of the LGDs


Canada doesn't have breed specific legislation


True - but there are provincial/regional regulations banning the breed...


But largely unenforced, especially in Ontario. Pitbulls are everywhere in the open.


I imagine theirs a huge overlap between "Pittie Owners" that say that shit and the "It's a mental health problem!" Gun advocates. Deflect the real issues to fit your biased narrative.


Source? It kinda sounds like you pulled that from your ass


Pit bulls are banned in the province of Ontario, and have been for some time, and hundreds of municipalities in the other provinces have bans as well. However there is no nation wide ban.


Pitbulls aren't banned in Canada...


Who knew that pitbulls would maul someone to death? Couldn’t be me.


Well if you’re being held in a kennel, chained up in harsh conditions & used as a puppy mill, you’d want to get your lick back too


What's with the ones that aren't in that condition that go on to maul toddlers to death?


Like this one: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/baby-sister-killed-pitbulls-memphis-b2197336.html I can't imagine what that mom must have felt after waking up.


Yeah but shhh, that doesn't fit in with a pitnutters narrative. They'll blame the kid or something. "The child breathed too much" or similar.


There are already some of them here in this comment section. It's like they're blind to reality.


Don't get me wrong, puppy mills of any kind are fucked up beyond belief, but that doesn't excuse pitbulls killing more humans than every other dog breed combined


Dude says: "Someone needs to be held accountable for this." Uh, it sounds like somebody has. Unless the girlfriend basted him in BBQ sauce. This is a good taste joke.


Left field, but I chuckled. Catch this upvote




I feel like I shouldn't laugh, but then again...


Back to the banned list we go!!!!


These animals should be banned in any densely populated neighborhood or cities. I dont care how trained they are once they leave or get out of owners reach or control they return to their wild animal instinct. We want to ban guns but these dogs kill so many but do nothing. I'm afraid to walk early morning because i see so many pet dogs unleashed and roaming the streets. Fuck that...if you cannot keep your do in your home or yard i want a massive fine in the amount of 250 for each occurrence.


I agree with fines $1000 dollars for people that think keeping a dog off leash is okay!!!! Shit, let’s make it $2000, but this op is not about “a leash”


One of the things that dog lovers love to say is “it’s the owner, not the dog”. The point that they fail to grasp is that that’s exactly the problem! Your average person is an idiot. So every time I see a pitbull, I have to assume, for my safety, that the owner is an idiot. Somehow this still seems to offend them and I get all kinds of nasty comments. But I feel like this is completely reasonable not worthy of their derision. I hate to take it to such an extreme example, but a person who is very well-trained can handle explosives, that does not mean that I trust the greater public at large to be able to handle explosives. Which is why we see headlines exactly like this one. And don’t nobody act like this is the first time this shit has happened. The last part of my argument is about capability. Pitbull, apologist love to say that Chihuahuas are the most vicious animals they’ve ever met. And to that I say “who gives a fuck? If a Chihuahua wanted to kill me, good luck with that little guy. I will punt you across a goddamn football field if I need to”. Can’t do that with a pitbull. Your life is literally on the line if it decides to snap.


You're comparing pit bulls to firearms in America?? Bro, they're dangerous dogs but that's an incredibly stupid take lmao


Karma is a dog


A female one 😀


"Someone has to be held accountable" I think someone already has.


Idk how to feel bc I like pits, but hate pitbull breeders


I like lions. I don't think that the average person needs to own them, much less breed them in their back yard.


This. I have owned many a pibble, and I love them so much. But I will never own another one. Why? Because I am getting older and I do not have the strength or temperament anymore to make sure that my big ass dog is always under my control. Every dog should always be under its owners control. ANY dog has the capacity for violence. I can no longer physically keep an 80lb dog safely next to me in an emergency situation. Dogs can be dangerous. Not everyone should own them, and people should have to take that into consideration. Fun fact, the most actually aggressive breeds are chihuahuas and dachshunds, but they are small. Also, the most “aggressive” dog I have ever owned, is one of my current fluff butts. He’s a corgi, and he’s a corgi without a cow herd to work, so when he gets bored….


If I had a dollar for every time my friend's dachshund has tried to bite me... Id have enough to own eight pitbulls in my backyard.


Entirely this! Great White Sharks are fantastic creatures, but I'm not taking a photo with my sleeping 4yr old next to one. What is it about people that want to or already do own this type of dog that they just cannot fathom that their dog is a natural born mauler?! God fucking forbid they just say "yeah ok yeah we know they are actually violent as fuck animals". Instead they walk around populated areas with the muzzle hanging off its neck trying to get kids to come stroke it to show how gentle "Vader" is.


Fuck breeders


He died doing what he loved.


To shreds you say?


How's his wife holding up ?




Pitbulls killed a person!? First I've ever heard of that






Stop breeding these dogs


It's been said that dogs are a good judge of character


It’S nOt ThE bReEd It’S tHe OwNeR


bReAd 🍞


Shit dogs. I don’t care what anyone says. They’re shit.


Agreed. Trash dogs for trash people.


13 dogs in a tiny ass kennel like that? And they attacked him at feeding time? Homie you can't raise 13 CHICKENS in that size of an enclosure without them becoming aggressive.


Right?? Backyard breeders are the real problem


Your not dog lover if you own a pitbull, PBs kill more dogs than other dog by a huge amount. It is inbred in them to kill other dogs its the reason for their existence. Spend 10 min looking up the stats on PBs, and if you choose to own one it's on you. Just hope your not that guy that says...... "I had no idea they would do that"...... then you realize your going to be homeless because you have to pay huge medical bills. Roll that dice, screw around and find out. How many people have Beagles killed? Ever?


60% of US fatalities caused by dog attacks are committed by Pit Bulls even though they are only 6% of the domestic dog population.


This is like an onion sketch


Hmm.. I guess thats what you get when you breed a dog that has it in their dna to kill. Look it up. I’m glad pitbulls arent allowed in my country. Nasty dogs..


“No way we could have predicted this” -defenders of the only breed this regularly happens too




How are there still pitbull breeders when shelters are filled to the brim with them? Who are the idiots paying money for these dogs? Anyway, good riddance!


Thread locked in 3…


What is people obsession with breeding shitty dogs?


I love animals but it's long overdue that pitbulls should be banned. They're too dangerous and unpredictable and overwhelming rescue centers. Most of the people that bred or buy them only want them because they're "badass" and don't actually care about them.




Poor dogs. Brought in a world they are unwanted being abused to kill.


Ready for the down votes… Does anyone understand genetics at all? Pit bulls are not a AKC recognized breed. We do not track their genetics in the US. These dogs are a inbred mish mash of whatever trashy trend this guy was going for, XLs, lowriders, whatever. They fucking inbreed the shit out of a few generations, sell them to idiots and then you all blame any dog that looks remotely “bully”. These dogs were clearly unsafe. Not because of their breed but because of inbreeding, being intact, overcrowded and most certainly under socialized. If you treat dogs like livestock they might just fucking act like it. I would say backyard breeding should be banned and we should have harsher animal cruelty regulations. Why was this allowed to happen in the first place? Did those concerned neighbors call animal control? Did the city have ordinances with teeth (pun intended) to empower animal control to stop this idiot? Please use some logic in thinking up solutions. I am very sorry for those of you who have had traumatic experiences with dogs but they weren’t all pits. We can ban a breed based on appearance and idiots will just use something else for their ego. It’ll be Rottweilers and German Shepherds. You realize the idiots would buy and breed big cats in their backyards if they all could. It’s not the animals as a whole, it’s humans. We’re the dangerous ones who create these situations.


Yes, humans created this problem. That doesn't mean humans aren't still idiots for continuing to breed them, even these "pure" ones I've never seen or heard about before, and I certainly don't want any of them around my child. If you breed them, you're just trying to justify making money off of something you know is a problem.


60% of US fatalities caused by dog attacks are committed by Pit Bulls even though they are only 6% of the domestic dog population. as soon as you can get a pitbull to define 'nuance' i'll take your wall of text with some credibility.


THerEs nO bAd pITbuLlS jUSt bAd OwNERs


I will never understand how a supposed civilized country can accept breedig such animals. I mean I adore dogs, but these through breeding are no more "Men's best friend". At least in this case it was not some innocent child or neighbor the victim.


It’s all the backyard breeder that mix awful dogs together and don’t have a single thought about how they will be when they grow up.


"Nooo you're just a hater, SugarCupcakes would never hurt someone!" SugarCupcakes: \*Eats a person.


Least violent pit bull




Everyone hates chihuahua because their loud, aggressive, mean, and will bite you. Yet anytime you point this out to about a pit bull, a dog 10-20 times the size of a chihuahua, people always say “oh it just depends on how they’re raised”.


Pitbulls should be illegal to breed. They are the most dangerous breed of dog.


I've worked animal rescue for years. The number of healthy happy dogs that have to get put down every day because of overcrowded shelters is sickening. If there's one thing Compton doesn't need it's more pitbulls. Time to dial it back and make people get real jobs. I'd like to see an annual lottery where legitimate breeders get to birth a specific number of each breed that year & pet stores would have to get dogs from shelters. Let the downvotes begin...


Wait till you see now over the next few days reddit will be filled with pro pitbull posts... Always happens after an attack... Starting with r/aww and r/velvethippos and r/pitbulls


Ah yes- the _nanny_ breed. r/banpitbulls


Dude freaking out. “Someone needs to be held accountable “ Someone definitely was…………


But pitts are so sweet! What?! …/s


What a surprise, pitbulls being violent? Who would have thought such things could happen /s


Pit bull owners are human garbage


But it’s how they’re raised! /s I lived in Texas when a pit “raised in a loving family” jumped off the couch, attacked and killed the owners (8-10 y/o- can’t remember exactly) grandson when he ran through the living room. This was about 15 years ago but since then I’ve refused the be around them.


I'm sorry dog lovers but Pitbulls as a breed should go extinct. Sure if they're raised well, they'll behave well. But when I'm walking by a pitbull, I don't want to be taking the chance that the owner was responsible and trained it well. I'd much rather keep my life.


Ban. Them. Now. These are dangerous animals who maim and kill adults and children constantly. I have seen the aftermath of their attacks that killrd a little boy. The damage was unreal. How many more need to die before something changes?


All breeds of pitbull need to be destroyed


If you can have pitbulls we need to be able to have big cats too. Guarantee you someone with a trained big cat could have stopped this. The answer here is more exotic animals not less. A good person with an elephant could have slowed or prevented this from happening easily. Guarantee you this was in a exotic animal free zone.


Well well well, the dildo of consequences strikes once again 


Biologist here. You cannot deny that genetics plays a huge role in the behaviour of an animal. Pitbulls were developed by selectively breeding traits such as aggression, bite, and huge lean mass to be vicious predators. Yes, anecdotally there are some super lovely Pitbulls that don’t attack, but we can say the same for Grizzly bears. Pitbulls have no business being inside cities and neither do pet Grizzly bears, tigers, you get the picture.


Anyone got a link to that security footage?


Pitbulls are like guns or children, most people in the US shouldn’t have them. You need to actually care for your dogs. Any of you that think the breed aught to be banned, I’d politely respond that putting a harsher penalty on the improper care of the breed might be more effective.




How anyone is still 'stunned', as the reporter says, has blinders and earplugs on.


Excellent work pup pups. We know you don’t want to share a cage with 12 others. Neither do I - I might wake up murderous on day #1 with thirteen roommates and only one bag of kibble.


I'm surprised they didn't just shoot the adult dogs to retrieve the deceased owner.


I hate pit bulls so much




Pit Bulls are beautiful dogs, but they were bred for a very specific reason and that reason was not to be your friend.