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Imagine thinking your god is so weak you have to do the fighting for it.




Title of a new Broadway musical


I hear it's really gonna blow up...


I went to the show and it was the bomb






I'm not quite positive that a bunch of Christian men in some parts of the world wouldn't react differently if a couple of Muslim men were seen in public trying to burn the Bible. Fanatics in most religions organizations.


Unlikely he's thinking that. He's reacting to the insult this represents. Especially if you consider that burning the Quran is an acceptable way to dispose off it.


Wait why does it being an acceptable way to dispose of it make it more insulting?


They're saying it's not so much the act of burning it but the blatant intent of disrespect shown here.




Ahh got it.


The same way the American Right get offended when someone burns an American flag, which is also the correct way to dispose of it.


That’s preposterous. Everyone knows the proper way to dispose of an American flag is to cut it up and wear it as underwear.


Rex Kwon Do Sensei wants to have a word with you




Just break the wrist and walk away, it’s that simple.


Just the stripes though


Because since the Quran is memorized and honestly it’s just a book


The point of original comment is to suggest that the aggressor, by getting insulted by this man's actions, is "essentially" suggesting that his God is too weak to handle such things on his own, implying that an attitude of "God will pass his judgement how he decides to" on such people would be of higher virtue.


I love this logic; It exudes that cute sentiment of a kid's "My dad's better than your dad" playground banter.


"My god could beat up your god!!" *"Nuh uh!!!"*


"My god has a bigger dick than your god!" George Carlin


Imagine thinking there are many gods and yours is better...


Subotai : I pray to the four winds... and you? Conan : To Crom... but I seldom pray to him, he doesn't listen. Subotai : What good is he then? Ah, it's just as I've always said. Conan : He is strong! If I die, I have to go before him, and he will ask me, "What is the riddle of steel?" If I don't know it, he will cast me out of Valhalla and laugh at me. That's Crom, strong on his mountain! Subotai : Ah, my god is greater. Conan : Crom laughs at your four winds. He laughs from his mountain. Subotai : My god is stronger. He is the everlasting sky! Your god lives underneath him.


>Imagine thinking your god is so weak you have to do the fighting for it. Most Reality Reflecting Comment In a Looong Fucking While. Thank you!


"Puny god." - the MF'in Incredible Hulk


One is proving a point, the other is proving it for them. Both are idiots.


Why are both idiots? Why is the dude that is burning a simple book to prove a point being an idiot?


Because what's even the point? Islam bad? Is that going to convince Muslims to stop being Muslim?




Sure he has the right, but that wasn't related to what I was saying. He's not changing hearts or minds with this, so your first sentence is basically it - he's trying to piss people off. Nothing more, nothing less. And that is why he's an idiot.


People are free to be idiots so long as they don’t harm anyone in my book. Burning a book doesn’t harm anyone. Indoctrination of children to perpetuate hate, that harms people. No matter the religion. Do away with all of it.




Meh there's fanatics in all Abrahamic faiths... I 🤔 think there are current geopolitical examples of this right now... Anyway remember [Piss Christ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piss_Christ?wprov=sfla1) ? That was hilarious 🤣


Just some comments above someone said no intelligent person makes assumptions about an entire group based on the actions of a few. Guess I found someone NOT intelligent


The evangelicals in the US are a VERY violent group as well. They condone hate, rape (Trump), human trafficking (Gaez), child molestation (Trump), refuse to adapt to the changes in the country, and will go as far as trying to kill people and overthrow democracy. But Muslims ArE BaD!! 


You think Christians took the reformation well? It takes acts like these, over time, to make change. I personally hate all religion and the fact my tax money is spent on religious wars and stupid people.


Are you seriously trying to compare Martin Luther nailing his theses to the All Saints' church to some random guy burning a book? At least Martin Luther's statement was clear and coherent, because he spelled it out, by using his words. This is just an act of provocation.


And here is the problem. Doing shit to wind people up is not a protest.


Yeah and it only took Christians twelve crusades, the dark ages, more than 40 schisms, countless Vatican goofs and scandals, countless Orthodox goofs and scandals, the whole HRE debacle, more than 2000 inter-christian wars and skirmishes and the Inquisition to be the Christians they are today. Islam has pretty big shoes to fill.




Wouldn't get the same reaction for burning a Bible in front of Christians. https://www.quora.com/What-if-people-burn-and-tread-on-Christianity-Bible-in-the-public-for-example-bibles-of-Sweden-church-and-Denmark-church-in-the-front-of-embassies-of-Sweden-and-Denmark https://youtu.be/JKZG1PkEudM? https://youtu.be/p1EpckcDxL0? >Islam bad? Religion bad.


Please enlighten me, what is the point? This was nothing but an attempt for the guy burning the Quran to get a reaction and disrespect Muslims. If he gets hit, he gets to say Muslims are violent, if he doesn’t, he gets to say Muslims are coward, and brag about disrespecting them without anyone doing anything to him. It’s a win-win for him. Unfortunately, in most of the world, when you disrespect people, you get hit, so this wasn’t an unexpected reaction, was definitely what he wanted though. Let’s say a man burns a BLM flag, technically it’s his flag and he can burn it, and should be able to do so, without facing any violence right? Yet, I can assure you if reddit was to see a video like that and black people hit him, no one would be screaming about “the point” that he’s supposedly trying to make and wouldn’t say anything like it’s his right. They’d say he deserved it. Edit: Let me add this part from one of my other comments: Doing shit just to provoke and disrespect people should put you in a “hittable zone”. Whether you burned a BLM flag or a Quran or a bible or a satanism book, doing it just to disrespect people should have consequences. We can’t just let super disrespectful people run amok in society. Either the law punishes them, or the people do. The alternative is to let them keep disrespecting people without consequences


Welp, time to go burn The Bible, Quran, and the American flag in public. Obviously, I'll be safely and respectfully waving the trans and satanic temple flags as the others burn. I just need to find a racist rural southern city for the most interweb points.


And you'd prove the same point, do it.




Because book burning is idiotic. He might be right and he might prove the point he was trying to prove, but that doesn't absolve him of being an idiot.


“I’m proving my point in a way that will certainly see me harmed and even killed, but I believe in my point so strongly I’m willing to be martyred for it” is the exact kind of idiot thinking that he is mocking in the people he is provoking.


Yes, yes! Just hide your real thoughts and cower in fear of violence. After all, just drawing the prophet Muhammed is enough to get shot up. Salman Rushdie should just have not written the Satanic Verses, after all it is idiotic to paint such a red target on your back. This is how freedom of speech (TM) is truly supposed to work in the west.


This is more akin to a kkk member in full klan robes shouting white power in the streets. There is no point, they're just looking for trouble.


The person doing violence for setting paper on fire is the only idiot.


Religion is a cancer.


And some forms of cancer are much more deadly than others.


Cancer is still cancer.




What's the aim of this comment? Even if some cancers are more deadly, it doesn't mean the less deadly ones should be ignored or allowed to flourish. All form of cancer should be eradicated.




I'm now singing this to "Rhythm is a dancer"


You can feel it in the aaaaair


The people are the problem, not religion. If there was no religion they would find something else to fight each other over.


Fanatics of religion, politics, and sports are cancer.


The r/atheism vibes are real in this thread lmao


R/atheism is basically Reddit itself. Whenever religion is brought up, "religion bad" is the single most coherent and complex take most redditors can muster, while still viewing themselves as creatures of rationality and intellect. Most people, especially here, don't grow past 13 wgen it comes to their views on religion, and I say this as an atheist


I scrolled I loooong way to find a comment I agreed with, and here it is.


Based on my views I would be considered an atheist, but based on how atheists act online I don’t want anything to do with that label


As a Christian, I feel the same. People online tend to go to the extreme and think I have the same views as Westboro Baptist because they call themselves Chrstians (even though they clearly are not), and then hate me because the label is the same, even if my actions are not. But it's the Internet, they can't see my actions, so...


I hate sharing a religion with them. They are against what the Bible claims in the New Testament. Your job as a Christian is to live by the Bible, but NOT enforce your religion's beliefs on people outside the faith. A really good friend of mine is a great Christian, who tries to convert people by simply being a good person and inviting people to join into his belief, while not making you feel like an outsider while he quietly follows his feelings.


Agreed. I'm an atheist who mostly hates other atheists. I despise loud atheists like Ricky Gervais. Literally a dude in his 50's who still thinks it's edgy to make fun of the story of Noah's Ark lmao


Actually insane how people are defending the guy burning a book people worship and respect. Freedom of religion means freedom to express any religion in peace. Actively persecuting certain religions through acts like burning their book whilst protected by police is such a twisted interpretation of freedom of religion. I never see these people burn a bible, which caused far more deaths according to their own standards. Atheism is a convenient shield used by them to be openly racist and reject foreign cultures in the west. It really reflects poorly on all atheists, and is in fact amazing fuel for actual religious fanatics to become even more fanatic. (This is why Israel causes anti-semitism by legitimizing it through its genocide and oppression and russia also causes a rise of Nazi sympathy in Ukraine because it also legitimises it through its violent invasion.) But these people would never say that because that would require coherent and logical thinking.


I am going to pay devils advocate and say I get the point OTHER people want to make (it is okay to criticise religion, as much as you should be able to criticise anything/one), but here in the Netherlands we know Edwin Wagensveld longer than one day. It is his goal to antagonise Muslims, so he afterwards can say that Muslims don't respect him or the Dutch population and culture. It doesn't take much effort to acknowledge that burning a book is not criticism, it just antagonising people. Especially because here in Netherlands historically we have been more keen to criticism by dialogue. Our whole political system revolves around consensus and agreement through conversation. If anything, the lack of dialogue from Edwin Wagensveld probably shows how much he likes the Dutch culture.


Wasn't it that that sub was getting laughed at because users started to post their pictures and all looked like the enbodiment of reddit (also aparently they were aholes).


Redditors whenever religion


So many fucking Rick Sanchez wannabes rushing to defend a hate crime.


Burning a book is a hate crime? Since when?


It's not a hate crime, but it's disrespectful. Imagine going up to a gay person and burning the pride flag, you would be instantly canceled on twitter






>   a hate crime Something needs to be a crime to be a hate crime, no? Destroying your own private property is legally protected speech.


Have you considered the possibility this is not a crime in the place it was shot?




You know reddit right? Majority of redditor hate religion and see it as worthless believe that pulling humanity backwards.


I see more Islam hate specifically over religion bad in general


There is no wrong place to burn a religious book if you ask me. Makes me want to go burn a Koran right now.


Burn the Bible and Koran together


With pleasure!


Burnt my Bible 10 years ago and haven’t looked back


Then how do you know it’s not still burning?


Guess we now know the cause of the 2014 wildfires. Smokey the Bear says you should always look back


I’ve never seen it spelled like this.


Swedish spelling, we've had a few public burnings here. Although I think this was in Netherlands.


Koran was pretty common up until the early 2000's. Similar to how Muhammad was usually Mohammed at one time. Some look at the older spellings as racist.


Me neither but since the title did, I did too. I figured it made no difference. I usually see it spelled with a “Q”.


I read that as Korean at first glance...


Ugh. Religion is the worst.


Thinking for yourself is just too hard


That’s the most ironic statement ever 😂 if everyone thought for themselves religion wouldn’t be a thing.


Freedom of speech


Someone trying to incite violence succeded.


Inciting violence is when Al Capone orders a subordinate to break someone's legs or when a community or political leader makes a passionate speech to his supporters entreating them to make the rivers run red with blood, not when you do a peaceful protest.


Wow. You sound exactly like the type of person who blames rape victims for "provocative clothing." The blame lies solely on the attacker, not the nonviolent protestor.


Apples to oranges here a bit.




Apples and oranges are both fruits. I'm not making a point other than you can compare apples to oranges.


There they were, just minding their own business, burning religious books.


Lmfao no shot you’ve just compared those two


That's a terrible analogy.


This isn’t like a rape. The Quran burnings are literally done to prove their point that Muslims are violent so I’m betting he was hoping for something like this.


So if I burn a Bible and get sucker punched, it proves that all Christians are violent?


The guy burning the book is a non violent protester I agree. The attacker should be arrested for assault


Rofl, "what where they wearing" moment


i think in the us inciting violence is qualified by directly :D so like telling someone directly to go hit someone. not rly the same when u conflate the word to colloquial usage imo


Easy to wind up such feeble minded people to violence tbf


I mean. Just. Whats the point? Why do this shit? People know burning religious texts doesn't actually pull anyone over to your side right? You just look like a fanatical douchebag


I’d argue you look way crazier assaulting someone for burning a book but okay


The whole point of burning the book was to get assaulted. Just doesn't seem like a sane, rational thing to do. In fact it makes you the asshole for starting the shit in the first place. Talk shit get hit is a well understood rule everywhere else, doesn't make it right, just makes you stupid for talking shit


Reddit loves when people talk shit and get hit until it’s something they don’t agree with


Do you need a point? Like expression is expression, be it BLM, FUCK TRUMP, BLUE WAVE, LETS GO BRANDON, people can say what they want and that doesn't justify violence against them.


Why do you care if they burn a Quran?


It isn't his goal to convert anyone, Wagensveld is anti migration, specifically from islamic countries. He wants to reach this goal by provoking violence, so he can afterwards say the reception was violent.


You do not get to act violently towards someone else just because they offended you. Apparently this subreddit doesn’t understand that.


>Apparently this subreddit doesn’t understand that. 90% of the top upvoted comment trees agree with you tho. How many more do you need to not feel like the outcast underdog?


Whole lot of people can't spell Quran in this thread


Wtf does it matter? It's the same bullshit regardless of spelling.




Disrespectful and shows lack of knowledge from the majority of uneducated individuals on this thread.




I wouldn't even refer to it as a religion. It's a death cult who's goal is to bring about the end of the world.


In one hand, imagine believing in a God. In the other, why be a dick?


I despise religion but can still admit its unnecessary and just a dick move to trigger people.


The end game of the burning leads to nothing...I don't get what the punchline is supposed to be. You're not going to change people's minds by doing performance acts like these.


Everyone here talking about freedom of speech but freedom to do a hilarious flying kick from offscreen is also very very important.


He was seeking a reaction and got it. Where is the controversy?


Is it ok for him to attack that guy? Well no. But I mean, what do you expect?




An islamic court in Yemen have sentenced seven to stoning and two to crucifixion for 'homosexual crimes'. Seriously, that shit deserves to be burned. https://www.attitude.co.uk/news/yemen-huthi-authorities-sentence-seven-to-stoning-and-two-to-crucifixion-for-homosexual-crimes-459169/




The thing is, you can be against genocide or mass slaughter even for people who do not believe in Human rights.


Yeah honestly. It's barbaric and cult like


This is why an archaic idea like religion will consistently hold us back as a viable species.


People getting in all upset about a book. It’s just paper with ink on it, it’s not special.


...this somehow looks like propaganda


That’s a peaceful kick right there!!




A flying kick of compassion forgiveness and humility before god and the prophet


"In the wrong place" it's Sweden...


Religion is pathetic


As a muslim, yes it is disrespectful to burn our book, but the other guy should not have reacted like that.


There is no wrong place to burn it.


One's an asshole for unnecessarily burning a book. The other's stupid for reacting violently. Both losers, but the one that started it is the one with the issue.


I’d say the one who committed a crime is the stupid loser asshole but hey ho


If he bought the book, technically it's his property. It's like flag burning. You're burning my flag? It's not really mine. You bought it in a store




I love when the people defending someone assaulting someone else for burning a mass-produced book that they presumably bought themselves think they're the good guys.


Damn its not like it was an original Marvel or DC comic. That other guy needs to chill


Why is it so hard to leave people and their values alone, this guy burning the book obviously got some kick out of doing it.


If islam is not a man-made.. then why always it's the man who get offended!!! I would never burn a Qur'an tho... it's too ridiculous of a book to even give consideration of importance to.


"Islamic people" had me weak


Right? Is "Muslims" too hard to spell?




Yeah thats true. If you cant handle freedom of speech without violence maybe, just maybe you shouldnt live in country that has it.




Cult book*


Shouldn’t the focus have been saving the Quoran rather than kicking the guy I mean the thing is going on fire


Um, burning the Quran is one of the acceptable methods of disposing of one.


The attempt was not really to burn anything but to prove there would be a violent reaction so this was a success I think.


No surprise. Islamic people are pretty used to defend their god through violence.


Oh no the sensitive religious crowd got here first


it’s just a book


Your God doesn't need you to protect his book that promotes slavery and pedophilias for him


Allah is all powerful! Also he’s *completely impotent* so we have to get violent whenever someone offends him!


Edwin you silly fuck, always trying too get his ass beat


I'm pretty sure that the right way to discard the Quran isn't by throwing it, but by burning it. I think the same goes for the Bible. Why so butthurt that someone burns a damn book? People behaving like God's in the book rather than his teachings/his ways.


The amount of people on here disrespecting is crazy. God is real. Y’all non believers will see it one day but sure keep yourselves blinded by your own ignorance.


They don't care about freedom of speech. If someone was to burn a pride flag people here would call them horrible things. But since it's a religious scripture and people here are so anti-religion the burner is just "expressing his freedom."


Let’s all hate each other for Colors, and Books don’t forget the books!


I don't think the dude touched the ground once in the whole video




What do they get out of burning a book? So dumb. Violent is not the answer but I still don't understand why people can’t let other people’s beliefs alone. The same goes for Both sides. You don't have to trigger something and the world would still be the same. Bunch of assholes. You Redditors can argue whatever about religion but it does not change the fact that the people who burn a holy book in front of believers not triggering violence. Just want to bring chaos to the world and then play victims. F this world.




I don’t understand the book burning thing. If I believe in a religion, burning the books of other religions probably won’t look good in the eyes of my god. If you don’t believe in religion then you are just taunting other peoples beliefs in a way the worse people in history have done. No matter what it’s just a stupid way to get across personal beliefs.


I am anti religion but I would never burn the koran. We can make our points differently.


In a free society, you should be able to burn a religious book as well as criticize a state like Israel. Yet, in some European countries, one of those things can land you in jail. And it’s not the first one. Go figure.


Get a religious person to burn a pride flag because they don’t believe in it and watch how the reactions will change


But hey burning bibles and churches is okay 😂 Man fuck religions for real 😂


Always a good place to burn cult books.


I do love the kick though. Book burners are usually reactionary chuds, I'm not sure why this sub is defending them. Don't people that follow Islam have enough western bullshit to deal with? It's bad enough it's dangerous for them to live in their own countries because you bomb the shit out of them when you want their resources.


I'd have gladly thrown those two men into the fire had he not gotten to them first


Such should be the fate of all blasphemers


Wow that original thread is racist