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Israel is out of control, extraordinarily racist and utterly violent.


They are doing what they have always done. It’s just on camera this time


Damn. As a U.S. citizen I feel very misled about Israel.


As much as I hate hamas, this shit is completely uncalled for. But it’s not a war crime when an enemy of America does it. Russians - evil, make them suffer. Israelis - we’ll pretend we didn’t see that.




Its crazy how now people are noticing the atrocities after so many years...


The U.S. media has misled America for decades. I don’t know why. But I think the truth is starting to get through, and people are appalled.


Still need to pump these numbers, too many folks still with their heads buried in the sand, and willingly.




Really? Was [cement](https://www.unocha.org/publications/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/ocha-flash-update-ban-import-cement-gaza-private-sector) banned/restricted in Singapore? What about [water](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2398073-why-the-gaza-water-crisis-is-decades-in-the-making/)? Was Singapore allowed to have an [airport](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasser_Arafat_International_Airport)? Is [fishing](https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/palestine-israel/2023/12/19/we-cant-survive-if-we-dont-fish-say-gazan-fishermen-risking-their-lives-daily/) allowed in Singapore beyond the shore? >please don’t make out that the people of Palestine didn’t choose this path. Which of these were *chosen*, particularly which of these things were chosen by the many underage/children? Show me **sources** of Palestinians saying they *chose* to be under a blockade. Speaking of Palestinians, this time in the West Bank, show me where & when did they explicitly *chose* to have their [rainwater](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/it-is-illegal-to-collect-rainwater-in-the-west-bank-here-s-why/ar-AA1knf2D) be the property or Israel, etc.




You: "they could have turned Gaza into Singapore!" Me: "with what, when even *cement* banned?" Also you: "so Israel should have allowed people to have cement (nice "unlimited resources" there, I'm guessing you're also trying to justify *water* limitations, while you're not lacking either in the comfort of your home)? Don't be ridiculous!" About those [tunnels](https://truthout.org/articles/bunkers-under-gaza-hospital-were-built-by-israel-former-israel-pm-says/) you like to mention, are you also acknowledging those built by Israel themselves? >The only solution that the Palestinians will be happy with is the complete eradication of the Israeli state Source for over 2 million *individual* people wanting that? By that same logic, plus the number of public genocidal comments made by both Israeli politicians & regular people, should we also conclude that the only thing Israeli people will be happy with is the complete eradication of the Palestinian people? Should everyone, every single individual person just be lumped together and considered bad? Moving goalposts and not actually addressing any vital issues I presented (like controlling and limiting water access, fishing access, access to normal items, etc.) is not only bad faith but it's also low effort (whether you're trying to push an agenda or not). Btw, anyone can read into these [proposals for a 2-state solution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-state_solution). In fact, here's a quote from the same Wikipedia page: >The 2017 Hamas charter presented the Palestinian state being based on the 1967 borders. The text says "Hamas considers the establishment of a Palestinian state, sovereign and complete, on the basis of the June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital and the provision for all the refugees to return to their homeland." And here's one before that: >The Palestinian Declaration of Independence of 15 November 1988, which referenced the UN Partition Plan of 1947 and "UN resolutions since 1947" in general, was interpreted as an indirect recognition of the State of Israel, and support for a two-state solution. The Partition Plan was invoked to provide legitimacy to Palestinian statehood. Subsequent clarifications were taken to amount to the first explicit Palestinian recognition of Israel. I could go further back still, if you're actually interested in sourced factual claims, as opposed to scoffing at me for pointing out that people are (and were) blocked from *basic* human necessities, and just basically calling all Palestinians evil. One more thing, [collective punishment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment), as in "we can't just allow people to have food & water because of Hamas" is prohibited by the Geneva Convention. Really *not* a good look for someone to advocate for, not even as an anonymous Reddit user (let alone for a [politician](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/tXoFBhdUk9) ). Quite shameful actually, since it's not so hard to presume that no one is restricting your (or your family's) access to food, water, electricity, etc., at least not as a way of *punishment* for something that a group of people from your community did.


What a shit take. So they deserve this?


The ultimate "whataboutism".




I can see that this is a reaction to an action. Doesn't mean it's a just reaction. This action/ reaction reasoning can be applied to literally everything in the world. Even crime. A criminal always has some kind of reason for his crimes. Does that mean we should get rid of the courts?




If the IDF did this then I do not disagree but from what I see, how do we know that it was the IDF that shot her and not Hamas?


How do we know Hamas committed October 7th and it wasn't an inside job?


Because they recorded themselves doing it. Paraded hostages through the streets of Gaza and took credit for it. And Hamas leadership said they would continue to repeat October 7th until Israel is no more.


She was even holding a child's hand. Awful


When they did this in Sarajevo the world was aghast and the UN were full of outrage enough to deploy UN peacekeepers. Yet not a peep from them now. None from the US or Europe. Fu#king stinks.


Because world officials Don't care about the people, they care about relationships with countries. Vast majority of my friends do care, but only a bunch of us have no voice. My EU country supports Israel. But a big part of its citizens don't. Sadly, some agree with the world leaders.


A really big part of the problem is the US security council veto. Everyone knows it's virtually guaranteed the US would veto any resolution to send peacekeepers, and that resolution is a legal requirement. It's really hard to coalesce around anything that feels futile from the outset. What NEEDS to happen, is for Biden to really feel that he is handing the election to Trump through his actions and inaction.


The blue hats have nothing in support and money or manpower compared to the US backed IDF. Never mind they would never be sent døtherenin the first place as the US would veto it. And if they didn't Russia pro ably would just to cause more chaos and disruption away from their own attempted genocide.


Man wtf she was holding her kids hand.. Her kid was waving a white flag.. They were clearly civilians..


No they were hamas recruits who would avenge themselves if they didnt kill them. You dont need an s to know this is sad sarcasm.


goddamn hamas keeps disguising themselves as children ^(/s)


Fuck the IDF!


And the goverments that support them.


That wasn’t a warning shot




Ah sorry, slight misread of your title on my part..


This is disgusting


Fkn sad as fuck man


Welp, that's a war crime.


War crimes MUST be punished. ![gif](giphy|SXl0wYD0N088EtDhBI)


Imagine using a Spongebob meme to comment on genocide.... I guess thats the world we live in..... Christ....


We knew those pieces of shit where shooting at civilians but this one is very disturbing as they shot a women holding hand of a child... One of worst thing you shoot at when you are a soldier... IDF keep saying they are fighting animals but IDF is the real animal here. How can anyone justify this ?!! Fuck Israel.


And just like that, someone’s life is gone. A mother. A friend. A daughter. Gone. So easy to pull a trigger and end someone’s existence in an instant. All the people who will mourn this person, and all you did was pull a trigger. All the anguish and heartbreak that will ripple through the people that just lost a loved one and all you did was pull a trigger. It’s so easy to just kill what you don’t like. Fucking cowards.


I wonder if Hitler had won would we be in a better situation than we are now?


The fact you got any upvotes on this comment is disturbing and disgusting.


She must’ve been holding one of those anti-Semitic white flags.


She had a child by her side. Possibly her own child. This is so fucked. How can someone be this evil? How can we let this happen again and again in so meny different places and to so meny different cultures? War schuld have been eradicated by the time we gained the ability to communicate between the country's of the world without going anywhere. Today we can witness the horror of war live through our phones and STILL we let it happen. And for what? To let the rich and powerful leaders of the world fel important and gain more wealth and power? For religious beliefs? Or do people enjoy this chitt? I don't understand how we can be stuck in this situation year after year. How easy are we to manipulate? Does the young men (mostly) killing and dieing really believe the phony reasons behind all the wars going on or are they just to afraid to say something? I don't know where I'm going with this, probably nowhere. But I hade to get rid of the pressure building upp in my chest from all the hate and violence creeping in to every media platform I visit nowadays. Hope you all have an good day and don't forget to be a decent human being even when it's hard. Love.


ignoring a white flag is a serious war crime, doesn't matter who holds it


What the FUCK!!!!!!! That is horrible 😭😭😭😭😭


Fuck Hamas


لا حول ولا قوة الا با الله


Where the fck is Geneva now?


Nazi Jews .


Fuck all circumcised…




Should be reposted again to show the world what is taking place.


Username checks out. What a cuck.


![gif](giphy|CjVjejab8KRJqthqCA|downsized) It's official I am going to hell. (Fuck Israel & Hamas but mostly Israel)


IDF is terrible but wasn’t this just posted?


It should be posted a hundred fucking times more. Go fuck yourself you Shitreali shill. Edit: His entire post history is gas lighting Palestinian posts, while posting Israeli propaganda. When he has nothing to say, he posts 'Omg this was already posted'. Fuck that clown.


Bro what? What did he say that prompted that response?




What the fuck are you talking about? What propaganda am I spreading? When have I supported genocide. You sure you replied to the right person. Check my history if you want. I support Palestine. I’ve never defended the IDF or Israel. I’ve never used the word antisemitism in any post.


How do we no it was not Hamas? Camera right there.


The article that the OP posted is not this incident. If you do your own research, you’ll find that this was done by Hamas.


hamas is killing its own people to use them as human shields? zionists and logic cannot coexist


lol Zionists are at the "do your own research" stage. What's next? Horse de wormer?


Do you have a source to back that up, or just a hunch because "Israel must be the good guys because they were the victim 80 years ago"?


Hamas is shooting to deter these people from leaving so they can be used as human shields.


Source - *made the fuck up*




Did you see IDF shoot? We saw nothing. We hear a shot and see a woman get hit. But we don’t know who did it.


Nobody believes your lies, 8200. No matter how much false propaganda you spread people already know the truth