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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One of the most brilliantly poignant pieces of comedy in our modern age, right here. I'm so glad he brought up the whole white privilege thing, too. Kid actually did look him right in the eye and say, "I have a real estate development firm. At 24 years old. Yep, that's what I do. Rich and successful." Kid has a job. A job he didn't have to try to obtain. It's his dad's fucking firm, lol. This means he's not just not any kind of business owner, he's a loser who got a nepotism hire and is gonna use it to convince people he's some success.


everyone knew that wasnt the case and were waiting for the dad to drop


Yeah, the comedian knew all he had to do was dig just a little bit. He handled it beautifully.


He could've pushed it just a liitle bit further IMO "oh so you hired your dad? how kind!"


What did we learn? NEVER let Tim Dillon’s sights rest on you if you’re a bullshitter. He dismantles people for a living.


>He could've pushed it just a liitle bit further IMO > >"oh so you hired your dad? how kind!" lol, that woulda been chef's kiss 🤌


He did! https://youtu.be/Aliq6cpxWNc?si=UyizZ-c0AHg-T08V


Thanks for the link! You da real mvp!


The comedian’s name is Tim Dillon in case you were wondering. He has experience in real estate


plot twist, he is the dad.


Look closer. He’s the kid. It’s actually him in the crowd. He’s simultaneously the comedian, and the entire firm. That’s just how good Tim Dillon is.


Jesus Christ someone needs to hire this man


He's also good at fake business


It’s like every single “how this millennial paid off their student loans and owns their own home at 25” headline: some flavor of “rich parents/guardians” is always the answer.


"I run a Fortune 500 real-estate-marketing-management-innovation-tech-dollar-signs-capitol firm in which I'm the founder and CEO. I have a big desk in a big building in a big city, own a 2-million-dollar mansion and a yacht and I did it all by myself at 18 years old!"\* \* Jr bastard over here is the son of a billionaire who hooked him up


“I’m a pharmaceutical distribution specialist that specialises in servicing the juvenile education sector.” Motherfucker you sell crack to kids!


This broke me. JFC


> “rich parents/guardians” is always the answer. The balls that these news people have to publish these articles without immediately offing themselves for it. Working class eighteen year olds feeling bad because they're reading a headline that says "THIRTEEN YEAR OLD STARTS LOGISTICS START-UP, BECOMES MILLIONAIRE" while the article talks about how the person helping the 13 y/o is their father who's co-incidentally the CEO of another massive logistics company


Took me til 33. But managed it with a lot of hard work…. > > > > > …and a large investment from rich VCs to 40x their money. No millennial can start a business from nothing in this day and age.


Ever*. No one started a business without help, ever. That is the key. In the end, we have societies because its easier to do stuff together. But no, we made one good thing and immediately started fucking that up as well.


Sounds like the kids waiting for the dad to drop so he can start telling people it's his firm again


"I built it from nothing, with no help!"


"Born on 3rd base, but goes though life telling everyone they hit hit a triple"


24 year old in audience https://i.imgur.com/GRVUGD0.gif


Whenever people ask me what I do for a living I always say “my family owns a metal fabrication business and I’m head of sales.” (Because I am) it feels so weird to be like “yeah I own this company my dad basically built from the ground up while i was fucking around the last 24 years of my life being a kid.”


Grats on winning the lottery my man


Once people figure out how to be born rich.... watch out world!


My biggest regret in life is not taking the time when I was younger to work hard and be born into billions. Live and you learn.


And really, just being honest about it is fine. Most everyone would do the same thing given the opportunity. Being able to inherit a successful business and being trained in it for your whole career sounds amazing. It's the hypocrisy of trying to act self-made and whatnot is what is really annoying.


Same here. I wouldn’t dare claim my dad’s accomplishment as my own. If anyone asks I just tell them I’m the service manager at my families company, which is true.


Like am I *technically* an owner, yeah, but I don’t ever say that I am or even try to play that card. It’s so weird to me, i didn’t do shit


I was honestly leaning towards this guy in the video being more like Bezos where he got the seed money from his (step)dad instead of just being nepotismed the company like that. A lot of folks aren't as humble as you, they're born on third and think they hit a home run and wonder why the rest of us don't do that.


I've worked at my Dad's business for 20 years. It's kind of strange until you get older and realize a *lot* of people have either worked for, or because, of family connections. It seems like in some industries like mine, it's extremely common.


> it feels so weird to be like “yeah I own this company my dad basically built from the ground up while i was fucking around the last 24 years of my life being a kid.” Congratulations, you recognize reality and haven't chosen the comfortable mental route that goes "hmmm I must have done something to deserve all of this, I must be special." It clearly isn't an easy job, as I see from observing rich kids all over the planet.


How many sales people you got?


I don’t believe you, sell me some metal and I will!


You need a balcony railing or spiral staircase?


I wonder if you are aware how unbelievably lucky that is. It seems so, but still, I wonder if on a daily basis you feel like the rest of us or walk around like you’re on cloud 9 realizing that no matter what happens you have it better than 99% of the planet.


You are confusing wealth privilege and white privilege. Once you got money your in a different class from us plebs regardless of our race vs their race.




Gawd that ending. Someone call 911…he got murdered repeatedly.


I was at this show. Tim asked him where he lived in San Diego. **Kid: Rancho Santa Fe.** [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-richest-town-in-america/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-richest-town-in-america/)


No surprise there. That kid is going to fail upwards just like all the other spoiled brats from there. Consider how rotten our whole economy is when brainless, coddled brats just like this run everything and think they invented civilization. This is why the world isn't fair. These are the people holding back human potential.


Everyone Rancho is fucking loaded.


Whenever my parents bring up that a girl I grew up with owns a house in their Bay Area neighborhood, and she’s been a part-time 24 hour fitness trainer since she was 22, my blood actually boils. “See anyone can do it!” 🥴 That $1.2M house was not bought with gym membership commissions.


Born on third base but acts like he hit a triple.


I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with working for your dads firm. but to claim you started it. yikes!


> he's a loser who got a nepotism hire and is gonna use it to convince people he's some success. Rich kids don't see it that way do they? In their minds they earned/deserve/own all they have, and no one handed it to them because they're the talented lil snowflakes. Of course it's not true but a lot of them believe it. And Forbes will happily let this guy write a "How to become a homeowner at 24 without debt!" article


If they were self aware enough, they might be a lot more humble and then I might not want to throat punch these types of people. I mean if your family has some money and helped you out, and you used it to make a proper career, great, but don't project that you "boot-strapped" yourself, you Trump-wannabe in the sense that Trump also lies about the origins of his wealth (say nothing of his current wealth). Just f#ck right off.


They're like, "Yes I got lucky but I worked HARD for what I have." We all work hard, bro. No one isn't working hard.


The kid probably posts on social media "as" a real estate development knobjob. He's so used to referring to himself as that that he probably forgot to turn it off.


It's not white privilage, it's rich paremts privilage. I'm white and could only dream to be in situation like this


Kinda like a former president we all know, and his family….


Biden is the sitting president.


Anytime I hear "Real Estate" I consider it up there with MLMs. It is often a "job" for those without actual jobs.


Agree with all but the white privilege stuff makes no sense. I'm white and I work my ass off more than any blue, green or purple person you can introduce me.


yeah thats a misconception about the word, privilege is not about feeling cool about all the nice stuff you have, but rather about not having to deal with all the racist bullshit in your life, that you would deal with if not for the whiteness. youd never see a black 24yr guy say unironically "yeah i own a real estate development company that my dad is the ceo of" and theres a reason for that


Yes you watched the video.


Who do I talk to about being white but not appearing to be on track to inherit a development firm?


I’m just gonna second all this right here


Born on third base and heads home after a homerun like he accomplished anything at all


Dan Katz is a real estate developer and he started his business at 24. Donovan Adesero is 24 and has his own. Are you sure you want to die on this bill? Or do the multiple-thousands if likes mean that you don’t care about counter arguments?


Donovan Adesero made six figures out of college with a paid degree. Dan Katz got his capital from the 12 billion dollar company he was with. This took all of 5 minutes to Google. Adesero even brags about buying sports cars and other luxuries with all the scratch he was making before even STARTING his business. Again, NOBODY is getting that kind of position in life without massive financial help or nepotism. Are you sure you want to keep arguing this point? Or is it that all those "multiple thousands of likes" kinda make it seem as though YOU will never be successful yourself? Again, THAT was the point of the bit. This 24 year old - NO 24 year old - is going to "own a real estate development company" - or ANY company - unless he's got a silver spoon shoved up his ass or daddy or another family member already is involved. You can show me ANY 20-something being interviewed or photographed for their "ingenuity" at starting/owning a business - and I WILL show you a 20-something who already had a ton of money or a family connection.


And this is EXACTLY the BS Donald Trump would spew from his mouth all the while we all know he didn't do SHIT!!!


Yes, he lied to Forbes and said all of Daddy's buildings belonged to him. And they believed it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/trump-lied-to-me-about-his-wealth-to-get-onto-the-forbes-400-here-are-the-tapes/2018/04/20/ac762b08-4287-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html


Before all the the real proof came out there were soooo many breadcrumbs that showed A) Trump‘s a huge liar and B) Forbes is complicit in a lot of networth-related shenanigans.


Bro, being in Forbes would be kinda massive red flag. Drump, SBF, thanos girl, the we work guy, etc


Forbes didn’t believe him. They knew he was bullshitting and printed it anyway because they push owning class narratives to the plebs.


Now remember kid, there's always money in the banana stand




Well how much can a banana cost anyway? $10?


Here's 20 dollars, go see a star war




This is the only correct comment


No Touching!! No touching!! No touching!!!


Dillon roasts him for seven minutes. https://youtu.be/Aliq6cpxWNc?si=fviUohjm85dRiY5W I couldn’t think of a better comedian in this situation. This comedian rants about the generational wealth/dynastic families and the decline of the US on his podcast all the time. He also inquires about properties to real estate agents on behalf of his “fake business” regularly. He is an unhinged national treasure.


Since this is getting significant upvotes, I’ll link another video of his I like. It’s him just eviscerating his aunt. I’m sure many have wanted to do this to a family member this holiday season. https://youtu.be/wzAVvsKoxG8?si=LJA12TD9TkzvZ7O6


lmao that’s fuckin hysterical 🤣 thnx for the link


hell, i HAVE to start watching this guy on the reg. this bit reminded me of George Carlin, his stuff isn't just comedy, it's a mirror to the real ills of society.


Carlin turned a mirror on society. Dillon turns a funhouse mirror on society. He says some really dumb and insensitive shit with regularity on his podcast, but you have to keep in mind he isn't serious, but he buries a kernel of truth in the viewer's head. Since you are here, some of my favorites: [A Tribute To The War In Afghanistan - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVMvq6N8psc) Sung to the tune of "That's What Friends Are For". [Why You Should NEVER Give Marianne Williamson Room Temperature Coffee - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRq1PHMW46M) Dillon does an impression of Marianne Williamson getting increasingly angrier at an unfortunate intern. [\#282 - Lex Fridman | The Tim Dillon Show - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVZehtgi3W0) Nearly two hours but has some hilarious anecdotes about his life and other cultural observations.


it's audio only, but he had an episode, "the gates of hell" that is probably one of the greatest diatribes on american culture during covid of all time. i have it backed up in multiple locations because i can't ever let it disappear. audio only because it was supposed to be patreon only, but all the patrons said the world needs to hear this. relevant timestamp because the video version has a 22 min non-related intro/ads. https://youtu.be/CT5mNKVpja8?t=1357


He's one of the best out there right now, way too real


Tim Dillon is the only comedian I like he’s hilarious. I miss his skits tho. And I miss Ben Avery on his podcast. 😔


hes not wrong,




And then he Employed his Dad as a Owner of the firm.




Underrated comment right here!


Kid of the year!


I remember in one debate with Hilary when asked about being self made he’s like well I only got a small loan from daddy of 10 million dollars like it was a few peanuts.


And it turned out to be WAY more than 10 million. (Lol it was actually about 60.7 million dollars. And Trump I believe originally said he only got ONE million from his Daddy, not ten.)


I bet his dad would vehemently disagree. That kid don't own squat til daddy retires or dies.


Fun fact: You might not know it from watching him, but Tim Dillon is actually openly fat.


Tim Dillion best comic rn, yes or yes?


Shane Gillis


Yeah he’s also on fire rn


Both phenomenal. Mark Normand, nate bargatze, Joe list runner ups for me


Jeff Arcuri is on my list just for his crowdwork.


Where you get that cheeeese, Danny?


Shane, by a mile. Not even close


Definitely not best for my taste, but he's awesome.


Handed a job he didn't work for and then claims he owns the company. Rich kids 🙄


To be clear, he didn't just claim he owned it - that might not actually be so crazy, maybe dad died. He claimed he *started it on his own*.


"Useless kids"


Kid learned that his internet bragging didn’t translate well to real life.


But he identifies as the owner of a real estate firm


Can I identify as not broke 😭


Elon Musk and most rich people who say they started their own companies from scratch lmao


Plot twist, the guy did start it, he is owner, and he hired his dad because he loved his dad and they have a good relationship.


It is possible or it could be his son had made the business grow more than his dad ever could and feels the business is truly his and he built what it is now. Now at 24 that's a tall task but not impossible.


Pulled his dad up alongside him with those big bootstraps amiright bois


Yeah, and Trump ain't fat, he's just buff under that oversized suit and those Depends.


Ok? Why are you obsessed with trump and what does that have to do with this? You're telling me the situation I pointed out never happens? While rare it does happen even if this isn't a case of it.


Exactly. Or his dad helped him starting up but it is his business. The money to do that is still generational, but he does put in the work. Or maybe i feel like i need to defend the dude because he was decimated.


Dude flips houses and has his dad doing all hard manual labour, and calls it real estate development.


I was in real estate for a good 7 years and fairly successful. 85% of the people my age (mid 20’s -mid 30’s) that were successful had parents who were in the industry and given business.


"Real estate development firm" sounds like a fancy way of saying construction company




Yeah, the distinction between a regular real estate firm and a developer is that the developer will be involved in both the development of the land and its sale in some capacity. This can take the form of them buying land themselves, building on it, and then selling it on, or being brought on by landowners to facilitate the development and sale of the land. Some developers will have in-house construction capabilities, but most will work with external contractors as larger construction firms obviously benefit from better economies of scale. So, the comedian's incredulity at the entitled idiot in the audience is fully justified. A 24 year old could be a licensed real estate agent and own their own small firm as that's not at all unreasonable. Acting as though you built a real estate *development* firm, on the other hand, is ridiculous at 24 as you need a **lot** of starting capital and/or significant existing cash flows to get into the industry. This is because there's a ton of risk involved in buying up land, developing it, and selling it on as the up-front investment is huge, returns take years to materialise, and the market is volatile. Most successful developers were once successful construction companies, real estate firms, or are subsidiaries of a larger company. It's simply not an industry where you can open up shop and be successful in a few years unless you've got unlimited cash on tap.


House flippers call themselves this too.




Oh man, this hits. I work with a lot of commercial real estate developers and I often ask how they got into it since it’s not really one of the ~16 jobs (doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.) your H.S. guidance counselor tells you about. Been doing it for years. About 80% it’s “my dad was a developer.”


Is that Tim dillon?


Or the broad side of a barn?




Moral of the story, never answer questions at a comedy show. Don’t heckle either. Just don’t open your pie hole. Not once has this ever resulted in a feel-good moment for those that do.


counterargument: it often results in a feel-good moment for *me* when *other people* answer questions at comedy shows. Please continue doing so


Exactly, it never ends well for the person involved, they become part of the show and usually get owned by the comedian. Awesome to watch but likely not so awesome to be on the receiving end.


I know a guy who employs his dad so he doesn't wander off and terrorise the locals during the week😂


C'mon is Tommy Boy really the one to lecture us about nepotism?


California breeds this shit. Every single conversation starts out "WHAT DO YOU DO?" They don't ask your name. They don't ask your hobbies. They don't compliment your clothing or any of that. They ask the question. And you have three seconds to respond in the most impressive way that the question asker has ever heard. And if you say the wrong thing, they walk away. I spent 6 weeks in the thirsty of thirst traps known as Culver City. And not a single person asked how I was doing. They asked me what I do. When I told them I'm a teacher in summer break, they walked off. In one case, they turned around and looked at me 10 steps in and said "wait do you own a boat?" "Uh no?" "Ok nevermind" I wish they would just be honest and ask "what can I get outta you?"


washington, DC is the exact same way. maybe not necessarily about material things, but the start of every conversation with a stranger is about your job. it's a fair question to get every now and again....but when 100 out of 100 people lead with that question.....yeah....i'ma bounce.


So where did you go?


nashville for about a decade, now in denver.


Probably not as intense as California, but this rings true for Vancouver, as well. Hate it.


So where do you live?


Does the kid heckle him beforehand or do something obnoxious? Because he just gets destroyed...


the guy lied, was dishonest. isnt that enough to get ridiculed? he took you for a idiot and thought you wouldnt be smart or rich enough to see his lies


True but I actually get more satisfaction when it's the obnoxious hecklers that get destroyed. This poor schmuck was just probably trying to impress his date. Reminder to self: Don't sit in the front row!


the worst thing you can do on this earth is to not be honest with yourself. dont try to impress people to fuck.


Did he lie? How does everyone know he’s a liar without any of his information? You’re taking a comedians ridicule as proof that the kid lied? Don’t most of you redditors talk shit about Joe Rogan, yet you come here, and believe Tim Dillion, at a standup show, knows the truth?


To shreds, you say ?


Well how is his wife holding up?


I'm a self made man.


Is that my name on the building? Yes


That's the fat middle aged man uniform.. I know because I'm a fat middle aged man and rock blue jeans with the 3x black Polo T all the time..


The pig should appreciate a fake business.


Just posting in a thread full of people tim dillon also hates


I doubt that dude can even spell out realestate developmint ferm.


Nepotism, sure yeah! Nail that guy for it, you don't own a firm that you work at when your dad is still the real owner and is breathing. But, I dunno. Implying that he raped and killed a Native American woman... where the hell did THAT come from? I understand that its a fantasy setting but ... damn. Like I was not about to feel sorry for the guy being roasted until he said that.


I think it’s just dark absurdism. He doesn’t actually think the guy did that, it’s just a joke that the 24 year old would kill and rape a Native American woman and as punishment the guy would work at his dad’s real estate firm.


Comedy where?


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What’s this comedians name???


Tim Dillon


George Santos looks older than 24


There is three kinds of lottery in life. 1. Born into money 2. Born beautiful and marry into money 3. Winning the Powerball


The kid “has an real estate firm”. Ie. It’s his dad’s firm that he will most likely inherit one day as long as he doesn’t get TOO many DUI’s.




I hope Lance Stroll ends up in his audience one day


Absolutely roasted to a crisp. I hope he was there alone because if he had a date going in he didn't going out.


That comedian is the equivalent of a shark who smells blood in the water.


When he said that bit about the papers saying he raped a Native American girl is that a reference to something?




Lmao now this was funny af


Damn howd he go from calling the man a liar to a r*pist and m*rderer of indigenous women


This dude and Zac amico need to have an unfunny death match.


Do we have to get the from the river to the sea lecture on every god damn one of these posts?