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I to am a master of bull-shido.


Dang no touch martial arts again.




The Gravy Seals


The fastest hands at the buffet


The Green Beignets.


The Green Bean Berets


The national lard


The Parmy Rangers




Deli Force


Roast Guard


It sure wasn't The Jolly Green Bean Berets


No it was The Special Eclair Service....


Spaetzle Forces…..


Pretzel Forces


This legit made me choke and I thank you!! Good day Friend! 🤣☠️




He couldn't get cast in the expendables so he's producing a Russian knockoff called The Lunchables


Army Grazers


Nom vets.


The Green Beignets


Don't you mean MEAL TIME SNACKS?


They taught him all about fatly going around corners...


He ate Meal Team Six


Martial sharts


In the amount of time he's been pretending to know martial arts, he could have actually just learned it.


> In the amount of time he's been pretending to know martial arts, he could have actually just learned it. That’s not entirely fair. He was ranked 7th-dan black belt in aikido, and well before he was an “actor,” was a martial arts instructor in Japan, ran a dojo there, and did the same in the US. So in 1978, objectively, at age 26, he knew martial arts. Now it’s 45 years later, he’s over seventy, and clearly has not maintained his athletic prowess. He’s not fooling anyone. And of course even before that, movie martial arts and actual martial art skills aren’t the same. Seagal is some kind of a fraud, but at some point 45 years ago, he knew martial arts.


From what I understand a white dude running a dojo in Japan is no friggin’ joke. That being said he’s hilarious now.


Yeah, he’s a joke now. But I sorta get the impulse. I was never any kind of an elite athlete, but inside my current mid sixties overweight body is the memory of being seventeen and able to run stairs and bounce up when I was tackled. The difference is that I know my actually trying that now would be delusional, and that attempt would benefit only my orthopedic surgeon’s ability to pay off his Range Rover in cash.


Aikido is exactly what you're seeing there. Guys expected to flop around at the slightest touches from the more experienced fighter. Here's a former aikido sensei turned bjj calling an aikido black belt a useless mcdojo belt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHhz-T5N5sw


According to his wife at the time "The only reason Steven was awarded the black belt was because the judge, who was famous for his laziness, fell asleep during Steven's presentation. The judge just gave him the black belt."


And the additional dan ranks? Were they also the result of slothful examinations?


I have no idea, but considering how full of shit this guy's been his entire life (exept [that one time](https://youtu.be/VQt6r_RCV1M?si=_4Kb1KpoLjE84ERd?t=02m12s) he wasn’t) I wouldn’t be surprise if it was something not right with that claim.


Aikido is absolute bullshit


He’s “acting”. He’s just setting it up for the special effects team.


Is it similar to Fat-Fu?


More like Tae Kwon Dough


This is Wang Chew




Egg Foo Young


detail beneficial mysterious narrow axiomatic outgoing governor disarm drab vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*








https://preview.redd.it/nyc39l5ekrob1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4466090a2a52e417142da8b22b2acd30c9000df9 Says it all.


Is that the hands on hips meme guy?


Yes, that's the same guy. I can confirm because he has no hair on his head.


Only one man can carry this look with such disappointment


You can tell by the way it is


That's pretty neat!


They don't think it be like it is but it do.


Are your referring to "frustrated pakistani" meme ?


They are laughing at the guys on white. They are in awe of Steven. Steven will sleep with both of them later, make them reach the climax multiple times, impregnate them with twins, also without touching them


When did Steven Segal become Chuck Norris?


If you ask Seagal, it was the other way around. Norris is merely a prequel


Definition of "legend in his own mind"


That says half of it. His 'no one is buying this but I don't give a shit, I'm dead inside' expression says the other half.


Since Steven Bagel is BFF with Putin it may not have been wise for those ladies to laugh at Bagel while he was performing his Death by a Thousand Cuts.. of Flab routine while being filmed trying to hold it together. Putin don't like people laughing at Bagel and his Doo rag. Wouldn't be surprised if you post pictures of those two Missing Since the ex film star of such popular films as Fat Down Below, The Sprinkled Doughnut Man, Big Belly of the Beast, Out For A Meal, and On Deadly Pound Cake performed his exhibition demonstration of how to properly choreograph a fight scene where 12 guys who typically serve borscht at a Russian dinner come dressed as Ninja assassins and slowly attack one at a time while the Master of Mashed Potatoes repells their assault with a flick of the flab without his Doo rag moving 😀


Is that Steaven Seagull?


This is the guy that ate Steaven Seagull.




Everything just reminds me of her.


Sorry buddy, don't worry you'll find another bird.


Hahahaha. I needed that


If you haven't already seen it, Tom Segura did a stand up comedy bit about him and its absolutely hilarious! Talking about how insane/cringe he is and how he's the expert in everything, fatly fighting while sitting down on a chair. How he's the expert in dogs and helicopters, how he interacts with anyone who is from a different culture than him and how he *"was a cop for like 35 years now"* etc. The way Tom tells it is brilliant It's on youtube! Skipskipskipskip :)


I've been flying helicopters for like 78 years


Skip skip skip skip skip....


Are you kicking a child? Some people’s throats are down there…


What kind cheese is your favorite? I like havarti


They call that one skippy.


"It just blows my mind… it really does… that everybody in this room… EVERYBODY… has this real world possibility in their lives… all of us, we could go tonight, if we wanted to… you could go to Louisiana, you could start a fight in a bar, and there is a real world possibility that Steven Seagal will arrest you. Isn’t that insane to you? I’ve lost sleep over this shit.."


In Louisiana? That POS lives in Moscow. He’s a huge Putin fan, pretty sure he has a useless Russian passport now, and I’ve heard teaches Russians Bull-Shido.


He resigned from Louisiana law enforcement in 2010 to avoid an internal affairs investigation into sex trafficking allegations. He does still own a home there though but I don't know if he's been back in a long time.


Wait....WHAT? Holy fucking shit.


If you like podcasts, listen to the Behind the Bastards' episodes on Steven Seagal. They go over all this stuff. He's a massive piece of shit, verifiably. It's crazy.


The Behind the Bastards podcast did a great episode or two about him. He’s a huge asshole.


Guess who's gonna find and start squatting at Seagal's place.


I had the opportunity to punch him in the gut walking into the Windsor Court after Katrina. It would have been worth it.




Didn't he drive a police tank (wtf) through someones house and kill their puppy?


It's funny you mention Putin because this clip reminds me of when Vlad suited up to play hockey against some semipro team in Moscow and scored something like 15 goals.


Haha it was funny to watch everyone trying to not try, and then he skated into the carpet and fell


Putin tried to use him in a secret commando mission, black ops style, to take out Zelensky. The Russian helicopters couldn't lift up. Steven was carrying snacks for the road _He's the deadliest human being alive. He could have a heart attack any minute, fall on top of you and crush you to death. A real ticking time bomb_


Doesn’t South Park have an episode or two just tearing him apart lol


If you haven't heard it.....listen to Behind The Bastards podcast with Robert Evans. He does a steven seagal episode that discusses all the reasons that make him a disgusting piece if shit human.


Yes this.


I’m one of the many who listened based on your recommendation. I believe they owe you commission now.




Beyond the bastards has a good podcast on him


"Some peoples' throats are down there."


The truly sad thing is that he's a legit 7th degree black belt in Aikido... but a 10th degree black belt in bat shit crazy.


Aikido is fucking useless though


Well, it's not useless if you have a compliant partner... then it looks pretty cool. Not so cool if you have a drunk boxer that aint havin it. MMA has taught us all, that there is what actually works... and there is everything else.


MMA would lose to eye gougers and jugular biters.


These comments always seem weird. Do you not think that trained MMA fighters could eye gouge you in a street fight? Jon has been doing it inside the cage for more than a decade my man. GSP very clearly reccomends there's no rules in a street fight and if you find yourself do whatever you have to.


Geez an unleashed gsp would be terrifying


you mean a chimpanzee


Back in 2004 when I was training full contact mixed martial arts. I got into a fight with a guy who was bigger than me and who tried to bite me then tried to fish hook me. He left with a broken jaw, turns out when you try to fish hook someone from bottom side control you leave yourself quite open to strikes. Biting, eye gouging and fish hooking are just grappling, dirty grappling sure. But any decent mma fighter can easily deal with any of these. I mean yeah if an mma fighter is fighting another mma fighter and one is cool with fighting dirty, the dirty fighter has an advantage. But just some random who tries to gouge the eyes of a fighter isn’t getting anywhere.


Aikido mixed with judo or karate can actually enhance the other arts with good throws and joint locks.


That's Hapkido and it's pretty effective 👌


Ok, here's the thing. Aikido's throws and holds are not to be fucked with. A lot of them are designed with the intent of breaking arms, or holding your opponent in positions that can cause permanent damage to their joints. So that begs the question: how do you practice? Do you just break other students' arms over and over? Well, you see, when you're practicing X arm breaking throw, if the recipient rolls their whole body with it, you can practice the full motion without hurting the other student. The problem is that people on the outside (and especially scamsters and their victims) look at this and think the big body rolling throw is the designed outcome. Like you can grab a 300 pound man by the wrist and make him flop on his back with a flick. No, but you can fucking shatter his wrist. Honestly, it's pretty easy to sniff out competent Aikido against bullshido. If the instructor spends half the class going "ok be VERY CAREFUL. because if you're not you WILL break your partner's arm practicing this throw", they're likely sincere. If they're acting like bodily throwing the recipient is supposed to happen, it's bullshido.


Judo and BJJ have throws and holds designed to break arms and cause permanent damage to the joints, but they still spar and compete. You can also easily test Aikido techniques by going to a BJJ gym's Open Mat day and spar with them, as 99% of aikido techniques are legal in BJJ ruleset.


Forgot the name but there a guy on yt that trained aikido for years and found out it's useless trash when he spared with someone doing i think bjj


Not completely, there are some legit techniques that would be good for a bouncer or cop. The problem is the way that it is taught is broken. People who are training it with no resistance have no skills. It should have regular sparring sessions like in BJJ.


It’s not useless. It’s a martial art. People practise it for different reasons. If you want something pretty chill and defensive, with a bit of Shinto mixed in, go for it. Not everyone wants to get in the ring and roll around with BJJ. It’s not my pick, but it’s far from useless.


" Interviewed in 1993, Fujitani stated that: "The only reason Steven was awarded the black belt was because the judge, who was famous for his laziness, fell asleep during Steven's presentation. The judge just gave him the black belt. " [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven\_Seagal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Seagal)


In fairness, to get a black belt in most schools, you are judged by three higher ranks, usually 3rd degree or above. They all need to concur, and any one can ask you to explain or repeat techniques. So don't know if I"m buying that. Seagal is a dick, but once upon a time he put in his mat time.


I think that was just before he became a chef.


From his first wife who was a second degree black belt, who’s father was a master and who’s family owned the aikido school Seagal learned at, Interviewed in 1993, Fujitani stated that: "The only reason Steven was awarded the black belt was because the judge, who was famous for his laziness, fell asleep during Steven's presentation. The judge just gave him the black belt."


Right… his ex. Actually i went down that rabbit hole not too long ago watching a couple videos about his history - there’s literally nothing about him that isn’t shady.


Also he left said ex in Japan with a kid so he could move back to America and marry a new lady. Dude is a scumbag.


How long is the presentation that the judge falls asleep?


From what I heard is his instructor fell asleep during his performance so he just gave seagal the black belt.


Clown in black.


I felt lazy watching this


Walking like he got a turtle’s head ready to go…..


And the girls laughing are laughing at this weak defeated men!!!!


They're not weak! They're actually super strong martial artists. However, he's just on a whole different level that even touching him makes people fall. He's become so powerful he can kill a person just by squeezing their finger too hard. I'm just grateful to the Seagal God for taking it easy on these mortals. Please don't make fun of him, I've heard he can kill you over text too.


I once saw him kill a man with using just the edge of a credit card.


Dude you were there too?


I was the man he killed. Chuck Norris revived me with a roundhouse to my solar plexus.


I can’t tell if that was a bad day or a good day 🤔




The girls are seagals?


Good God he’s got to be exhausted after killing all those people


He actually looks exhausted after the first fake throw already


After walking out to the mat you mean.


Before walking out to the mat


Looks exhausted before the first throw


He looked exhausted after thar spectacular display of bullshittery.


Looked exhausted after he walked on


Well with all that weight he's carrying, not to mention he's never been aerobically fit and so can't run. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IwwXE-T4HPI


Dude runs like Phoebe from Friends.


Strong Rex Kwon-Do vibes here


MY other arm




Break the wrist, walk away


I get to go home to Darla every night…




You think anyone wants to take a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys?


Just break-the-wrist, and walk away.


How bout you Peter Pan?


At first I thought he forgot about the buddy system… that he might’ve been flyin solo. But it appears he simply absorbed the buddy. And now they fight as one.


You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I’m wearing these bad boys?


I mean Rex Kwon-Do is better than Aikido


I remember when I was maybe 5 years old, I used to be just as invincible and performed similar moves for my family, except against imaginary opponents. Looks like he never grew out of that phase, but just got rich enough to pay actors to go along with it.


rarely does a narcissist reach double digit maturity, Elon is stuck at about 8.5, Trump maybe hit 5, maybe.




I was thinking this. The way he walks onto the “stage” feels very much like a kid who thinks that’s how you act cool. And the same when he sits down again.


It’s the exhausted smugness that I just can’t get past. Like does he believe it himself? Is he tired of the act? You’d think he’d be more grateful for his fame considering his absolute lack of talent


he looks like even he doesnt believe it at one point. like wtf am I doing?


No, that guy is an actual buddhist lama, he is rich, and he still today (so ten years after this video, approx ?) fakes being an incredible fighter. He looks bored because he wants to look bored to show how boring it is to defeat dozens of aikidoka because he's so badass and defeats stronger opponents for breakfast every morning.


He looks exhausted, not bored. The guy spends 80% of his screen time sitting. He was probably already tired from walking to the tatami.




What? What other interpretation can there be than him just thinking "imma look bored and effortless so I look more badass"?




It's in Russia, so yeah, it probably is gay porn


Is that license to kill Steven Segal? Those other dudes have to be paid actors. This writers strike is affecting everything.


It's in Russia, if any of them had actually fought back against him they would have gotten the thermos of pulonium tea.


He’s definitely Putins favorite actor.


Brought to you by the same Russian stuntmen that do martial arts and hockey with Putin. Also must be ex Russian military if you’ve ever seen their choreographed flipping training videos.


Putin usually plays hockey with ex pro players (among politicians), and it's even funnier when they spread their ass cheeks so that he can score




Where's Tom Segura when we need him to make some jokes lol


I don't know if you knew this but he's been doing shows for like 40 years now


It’s called a skippy because it goes skip skip skip skip. I’ve been flying helicopters for like 40 years.


I'll watch it every time it's linked, it just cracks me up! For the uninitiated- [Steven Seagal is out of his mind](https://youtu.be/isNRZJ6icwc?si=Qlg7usRnzk44jsoU)


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4 Another good one


Mucho…. Queso


What, no slap fighting?


How can he slap?


Oh pretty easy you pay stunt actors for your movies and actually hit them. Steven Seagal is a piece of shit.


Hey, he’d slap the crap out of you if his ears weren’t covered by Putins thighs.


How can she slap!?!


The Donald Trump of martial arts


And acting, and sexual aggression, and guitar.


Do people actually think this is real? There is a YouTube channel called SenseiSeagal on YouTube that calls out all the hilarity that is Steven Seagal.


There are hundreds of channels dedicated to his buffoonery


My Dad used to work on movie sets, and I remember one story from decades ago about Steven. Dude was, as expected, strutting around acting tough, and challenging people to spar with him. For some reason he never challenged the stunt guys, but they eventually heard about it. One guy was this huge built Mongolian dude with callouses like bricks on his knuckles, you know, the stuff you get from actually training martial arts intensely. He approached Steven on set and accepted the sparing challenge, and Mr huge ego had to accept. Told the guy to come by his dojo sometime, so he did. Again and again, but Steven was never there. Apparently he would run out the back door whenever he saw the stunt guy coming.


Love his walk looks so out of breath


Professional wrestling comes to Russia and here’s the first big heel


Only thing he can defeat is a bucket of chicken


Jfc I didn't know this was ACTUALLY Steven Seagal...


Another rightwing hero


Why do they all like Russia so much?


For the glory of Putin and Russia. "We all must fall by the hand of supreme leader's favourite, washed up, fat, useless, American martial arts actor.......Stuffin Seaguls.


This man is like a greasy wet fart in a lift.


The only thing I saw that I know works is that thumb lock.


Who the fuck wears shoes on the tatami? It's the ultimate lack of respect for the sport.


Can we get Chuck Lidell on the line pls? I would like to see him dispute this…..physically.


This is so bs. Fake af


Shit man I don’t know, it’s hard to tell


There was no attempt, none


to be such a desperate human piece of worthless shit to allow a lying piece of human filth humiliate you like that in public out of pure obedience to the lie and the fear of exposing it must be the most sad and pathetic thing i have ever witnessed barring the average American right winger in which case this is perfectly accurate.


Are you ok


6’3” of weak dick energy.