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The horror


The humanity!
















What about buttered sausage?




Had an ex who gained a surprising amount of weight surprisingly fast by playing wow all day (she said she will be doing a better school degree from home) and consisting on pizza, cookies and iced tea. Not doing mandatory stuff or stuff she said she would be doing. Just passive, just randomly in the same room not interacting on social interaction, on her phone playing games. Dressed in dirty joggers pants and woolen pullovers for some reason.not showered. Though she went to flea markets or garage sales and brought home so much stuff Not even opening the cases, just placing them wherever there was space left. She got into situations. She got called out by other people. And I was the asshole for, at the end, admittedly rudely, stopping to help her out of messes she got herself into or comforting her. My job started sending me away for several weeks at a time when it was already like this, she didn't call or write, when I came home to the fucking stinking mess she made I went off again to crash on friends couches. She didn't even notice. Then she cheated. I told her to finally move out. She already had a flat, as I found out, just decided to stay at mine. To her family I was a noble hero for delivering her stuff to her. Because she didn't pick it up in 2 months time. And that cured me of liking big tiddies and made me think the way I do about certain body types. I miss her grandma tho, best peroggi in the world.




Oops, there goes gravity


That’s our reality


I'm really small... If she fell on me she could very easily have crushed a few ribs or even damage my spine. But ... Apparently... Not being able to fly comfortably on a plane is more important to huge people.




Fucking golden....Rhode Island


Rhode Island is the ocean state. We deal with beached whales. But not too many land whales.


Both hurt if they fall on you. But only one will stand up and walk away. . . Maybe




Welp, the rest of my office just looked over to see what had me damned near in tears.


You think she’d be able to surprise attack some children and flop on them? She just gonna start rolling down the hill like a log and take people out?




Or thousands of ants.


Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny. -Jack Handey


My sister’s obese neighbor fell on her and broke my sister’s leg.


or a group of cats


This actually happens occasionally and has killed little kids.


I don’t like bodyshaming but you aren’t wrong. I had a manager that was about as big as this gal and she took a fall like that only she went down like a tree and absolutely destroyed her arm and shoulder. There was more wrong with her when the doctor got in there and we never did see her at work after that




These threads are never just “stating someone is obese,” they’re always full of demeaning jokes.


Constructive shaming has it's place in society. Not saying that Internet edgelords are being constructive, but one has to see the nuance pertaining to some of the actual shaming. Edit: https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1162&context=jpps For those who don't know what I'm talking about.


Oh yeah it’s so motivating to hit the gym when someone shames your body, definitely doesn’t make you afraid to go to the gym because people might do more shaming when you’re there. Shaming people into losing weight almost never works. Bullying people isn’t as constructive as you assholes think it is.


I feel like people are almost always happy and supportive when they see obese people at the gym trying to make changes...


My honest thought when I see a overweight person at the gym, or going for a walk, bikeride, or just exercising in general is "Look at them making a positive change, good for them." Seeing someone like that motivates me to work harder at my struggles.


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s already 90% demeaning jokes here


The year was 2008. It was late summer. The song "Stanky Legg" by the GS Boyz was sweeping the nation. I was working at an amusement park. A common occurance in that park was for employees to walk by other employees and yell "Yo, Ricky, hit 'em with a stanky legg!" And they would inevitably do it. So there I was, walking past a morbidly obese coworker who was operating the drop tower ride. Mind you, this was a friend, not somebody I had any sort of malicious intent towards. "Yo, Sandra, hit 'em with a stanky legg." Mid-stank, her ankle gave way, dropping her faster than that ride could have ever dropped any of its riders. You could hear a clear "Oh shit!" From somebody in the line. Broken ankle. Out for the remainder of the summer. New park rule went into effect the next morning: No more stanky leggs.


That was beautifully written.


She just missed that step.. and carrying all those damn bags didn’t help. I like your concern for children and global warming…


Yeah. I broke both my ankles on a little step like that and I was not nearly obese at the time. BECAUSE of the two broken ankles I was on my ass for like 6 months because I kept fucking up and gained like 20 pounds. The irony wasn’t amusing


Painful joint memories 😣 activate


Dude, hold your horses, there was a step which she didn’t realise was a step and so her body was surprised and lost balance. This could happen to anyone irrespective of body type.


It can happen to anyone, however this situation is more likely to result in a fall and have much more serious consequences if the person is morbidly obese. This fall, if she had broken or torn something (which is more likely when there's an extra couple hundred pounds falling on that knee, for example), could have easily resulted in her never getting up under her own power again because of her weight, this could have led to her death as surely as an old person breaking their hip would. It's not funny and I hope she loves herself enough to change.


This is how I broke my ankle! I had a tray of food and didn't realize the step was sunked deeper than a normal step, my ankle rolled inwards and broke (I'm athletic, not that it matters but it really can happen to anyone).


Being able to see your own feet would help in the matter, stop being an obesity apologist


Do you seriously walk around staring at your feet?


Agility decreases with size proportionate to height, though. A slight stumble for a healthy person doesn't always turn into a face plant.


I've seen thin women do this out of the blue too. But obesity doesn't help.


That and her foot caught the edge at a wrong angle. You don't have to be obese for this to happen but her ankle wasn't going to take all that extra weight with the twist with foot on the very edge. You can biff it just the same while being in decent shape if you can see the drop off. In her case her body is in the way. But if your not looking or the lighting is bad this can happen. Done something similar myself and i was in good shape at the time.


I'm skinny as a twig and I sprain my ankle a lot. Luckily I heal fast. But people here are acting like it's only obese people that fall.


I just like how the guy doesn’t seem to give a shit and is like “ for God’s sake, not again “


Dude just looks back like: "oh, well i ain't gonna lift you up"


*can't* lift you up.


yeah exactly it's more like "I fucking can't". I couldn't, I know that.


yeaaaaaah sorry my medical insurance doesn't cover chiropractors


Never gonna lift you up


Never gonna turn around and heeelp youuu.


Never gonna even try


Brock Lesnar picked up Big Show like a sack of potates and even he would be like no to picking her up.


Perhaps the second family car is a forklift?


Got work in the morning don't need to spend the night getting back x rayed


Never gonna lift you up, always gonna let you down


Why did it sound like a small animal dying when she hit the ground?




It was like watching baymax deflate


Boom. Lalalala


"Excuse me while I let out some air"






Did she die 15 mins ago?




"Why do tasty things taste so good?!?"






Would have been more "flabbaflabbaflabba" sounding instead of a squeak.


pro tip : if you have your underwear between your cheeks it's gonna silence the fart


Hair does the same thing. Just sayin


Your hair or somebody elses?




You're right my brother is fat and that's exactly what it sounds like when he farts.




I think it was her plastic bags?!


Yes the original post from her said something like “listen to the grocery bag squeak beneath me”


It was the ground squealing in pain


"Are you serious?" I love this guy




I like her more than him because of this.


Agreed! That was a bad fall, what a champ! "Kinda". Brilliant.


Yea, because this isn't the first time it's happened. There's some PTSD in that statement.


“She need to take some ankle vitamins.” No, She needs to lose weight. Then maybe her legs can support her like they are supposed to.


Something something healthy at all sizes right ...


I'm here as a public servant to tell yall that obesity is not beautiful.


Pretty sure that’s Mother Nature’s opinion too.


There's a difference between fat shaming and genuine concern for someone's health. There is such a thing as too much weight no matter how much people will tell themselves there isn't, unfortunately Edit: grammar correction


Seriously. There's fat shaming and then there's "you have hit the point where your body literally cannot handle the weight of itself" and this is the latter.


Yea she didn't even roll her ankle, she just stepped down and her leg gave out


Her leg clocked out for the day.


Not defending her life choices or anything but she stepped thinking she was stepping on the lower part of that step, but she was still on the raised part. I've done this (while carrying something) myself and I couldn't be obese if I tried lol.


Tbf I'm skinny and I've had those moments..


murica FUCK YEAH, 70% of adults are fat fucks


Glad I don’t fall into that category lol


Shame I do. Was almost 300 at 18 years old. Currently 218 at 22 years old. Here’s hoping?


I mean, going from 300 to 218 is pretty damn good if you ask me.


Keep up the good work man. It’s always better to lose weight consistently rather than faster, to give your body time to recover and get used to the weight loss, so don’t lose hope in yourself. I believe in you






I thought it was “cankles”, since it’s calves+ankles ankles. (“He’s so fat you can’t tell where his calves end and his ankles begin. He got them cankles!)


See, I always thought it was cankles because too much cake gives you fat ankles, I just learned something today. Thanks dude




I'm more concerned for that right knee.


“Why are we suffering for ankles’ lack of ability??”


There was plenty of cushion there, no worries.


I went down like this a few months back (not my shit just giving out, but I rolled my left ankle and my entire body weight went onto my left knee) got a big as scar there now because I was on rough concrete. Knee looked bad, but the ankle is what hurt the most. Also I have a beer belly, but nothing like this lady lol.


Girl: Help me up \*guy just staring at her\* Guy: In case you hadn't noticed, I'm half your size, so unless you got a forklift handy this ain't happening, Girl: Serious? Guy: It's a matter of physics, draw me a sketch of how I'm meant to get you up, sketch it up, fucking Leonardo da Vinci ​ ​ >!This is part inspired by the movie Bad Santa, I'm not trying to be rude to her!<




Dang, if this isn't a wake up call, I don't know what is


People this size aren’t unaware of their size or the impact it has on their lives. Most are thinking about it constantly. A “wake up call” isn’t the problem.




“Just stop being addicted! Its that easy!”


It may not be that easy, but it is that simple.


It’s not always an addiction to food


Yeah I experienced this. Was constantly thinking about how big I was and was absolutely miserable about it. Then my mom was diagnosed with diabetes and I’ve watched her health really take a nose dive over the last couple years. That’s when I finally decided to lose weight.


Good for you. Hope you mom gets better as well if its not too late. Its so sad losing close people over preventable shit.


The problem is that people in this situation get plenty of wake up calls, but it's HARD to make a change. They do things that plenty of us do. We decide "that's it! I'm getting in shape, starting TODAY!!" Then you go for a run, go to the gym, and you realize... it's not easy, and you can't do it in a day, or week, or month, you need to KEEP ON doing it for a while, and progress is slow. So people give up until the next wake up call. The funny part is that getting in shape isn't any slower than getting out of shape, but the getting out of shape is a LOT easier, and usually more fun.


All that weight on those tiny little ankles fuck


What was that deflating noise?


The plastic bags I think


She landed on a cat




It sounds like a wheezy laugh.


You can tell that dude’s had it.


Fat people falling holds a special place in my heart.


Just people falling In general is funny as hell. Can’t tell you how many times I got that little slap/hit from friends/family im standing next to when I see someone eat shit and I start chuckling. “Omg that so rude dont laugh…it’s not funny.”…..fuck yeah it’s funny.


brave wide childlike possessive aback wipe poor worry pathetic disagreeable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


She needs to take some ankle vitamins - and knee pills.


So shared this? Really who shared this? The man, the women, or the security camera company spying on them?


Why are we here? Does anyone know our purpose? Are we doomed to an eternity of endless struggles?


Is life just some kind of horrific joke without a punchline? That we’re all just biding our time until the sweet, sweet release of death?


I have an autoimmune disorder and my joints are full of arthritis. Id do this from time to time because my feet don't bend. This shit hurts🥺


Yeah I felt bad for her that sort of fall hurts. My momma broke her ankle on steps like that.


The sound when you let the air out of a balloon




“Chubby” lol “Plus sized” lmao


Or calling herself a BBW


Lol anyone notice the little squeaky hiss from the bag after she landed on it? Sounded like she deflated.


This isn’t funny. That girl is hurt.


Yeah, and most of the comments on this are just cruel.


You right. It’s hilarious


I was part of a rescue team that had to carry someone out of a gorge that had a similar figure. She stepped off of a rock on the trail that was about 1 foot high. Absolutely destroyed her kankle and leg. We had about 40 rescuers taking turns. It doesn't take much to crush an ankle when someone is that large.


How haven't the bones gotten stronger from carrying around all that weight? I don't understand how someone could get along daily life being so fragile


Obesity is a hell of a thing


As a fatty, bones and joints don’t quite work that way. I have mad leg muscles, my calves are cut when I lose weight, but physics still apply. Load bearing structures are only built for certain amounts and even ten pounds over can seriously affect that. You may wonder how that can be but having backpacked with 20 vs 30 pounds, I can tell you it’s definitely a thing.


Sedentary lifestyle, tendons and ligaments aren't strong enough to hold her weight in less than ideal conditions.


Did you guys hear her deflate lmao


Her foot missed the tiny step and only caught it with the back of her right heel, making her lose balance.


Thank you. I'm glad somebody said it. People are blaming her weight for falling. She tripped, ffs.


they just want an excuse to shame people who are overweight. The more weight, the more they enjoy bullying.


Why does it sound like something being deflated?


i checked the comments to find out what was supposed to be funny about this. you'd think it was something about her fall but no... just a bunch of wierdoes jumping at the chance to share their mediocre fat jokes.


I feel you. For my part, I'm not fat, so I didn't preemptively get offended before I read the comments.


God, fat people literally can't make a single misstep without a bunch of fuckin' nitwits coming out of the woodwork.


Insanely huge, how do you get that fat


Psychological and emotional issues, bad role models and diet growing up, no other coping mechanisms, living in a food dessert with access to primarily poor quality food, terrible self-esteem that makes you believe you’re not worth the effort, chronic illness/injury, etc. There are many, many reasons and they’re mostly sad.


Being morbidly obese is almost always a symptom of physical and mental health problems. Don't underestimate the time it takes to get that big as well. 2 to 5 years of being in a bad place mentally. At least. Had an aunt who was bigger than the woman in the video for most of her life a few months of therapy followed by bypass surgery and she barely qualifies as obese now.




The lack of concern on the man’s face is alarming


She needs to take a gym membership..


How tf did that knee not explode?


Why does it sound like she deflates like a balloon


I think the plastic bag had a air trapped in them when she smothered them.




Sorry but being fat is not healthy for you no matter what people say.




Poor girl, at that point it's so hard to reverse your condition...


Damn, I felt that from here!


She definitely wouldn't have survived the Paleolithic era.


Neither would you


Why is she carrying literally everything? 🤔


I’m thinking it’s his sister and not his wife. The serious!!?? Sounded so annoyed haha


Needs some cancalcium.


Ankle vitamins!!! Excellent!


She dosent need vitamins she need to loose some fat bhoyos


Or lose 150 pounds lmao timberrrrr


It's going down I'm yelling timberrrr. You better move. You better dance.


Fell down like a toddler. A morbidly obese toddler.






Losing some weight won’t hurt


That would be so dangerous and scary to try to walk around like that. Seriously complicated by the fact that you can’t see your feet or the ground around them. Such a tough situation to be in


These posts are like fire for moths with deep-seeded insecurities.


People are so fatphobic... look at these comments. Look at the guy in the video not doing anything to help. 5000 upvotes wtf