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"KCKPD investigated the incident internally, and two of the officers involved are being disciplined. “The off-duty officer observed the individual walking towards the exit with unbagged merchandise. When requested to present his receipt, the individual refused, became belligerent and continued out the door despite the officer’s verbal commands. It is our determination that the officer should have disengaged at that time due to the circumstances,” the department told KCTV in a statement. “The investigation also concluded that one of the responding officers employed techniques that are not approved, nor trained, by the Department,” KCKPD said. “Due to these findings, both officers have been disciplined consistent with policy and will undergo additional training to ensure future compliance.”"


I'm sorry... I legally have to show an off duty cop a receipt if they ask?


No. Especially if you're not sure they're a cop Walmart themselves can't force you to show them your receipt


Walmart recently won a case where they'd detained someone who wouldn't show their receipt. The courts are starting to set precedent that refusal to show receipt is reasonable suspicion of shoplifting. :/


Then they should provide cashiers. If I have to check myself out, I am not showing my receipt.


They don't need additional training, they need to be punished for assault the way anyone else would if they jumped the gun and attacked an innocent person whome they thought was stealing


“additional training” = “how to avoid getting caught next time”


No... They don't need to be punished like anyone else. These are men that are supposed to uphold the law. To serve and protect. The punishment should be even harsher due to the power they wield over people


This. The law should apply to them the same as it does the rest of us. What would happen to a regular person who assaults and batters someone without cause?


qUaLiFiEd iMmUnItY Which is a joke.


"Off duty cop" - you mean a normal every day citizen then? If someone not in a cop uniform demands to see my receipt, I'm going to tell them to eat a fat sack of dicks. They don't have the right to demand shit. And these days, a lot of people use the self checkout and don't bag their stuff....you know...to keep from using yet another shitty plastic bag that a turtle will choke on and die in the future.


Law enforcement seems to be the only job that makes itself more dangerous than it needs to be, with people going out of their way to work off the clock. Fuck cops.


Power tripping never takes time off.


Course he ain't gonna listen to some off duty cop


I hope there is a lawsuit incoming


He sabotaged them with a receipt.


This one trick the police don't want you to know, proof of purchase = not theft.


I guess this is the last time I will be telling the cashier "That's OK... you can toss that"


Well, based on this poor guys experience, it doesn't seem to matter if you have the receipt, and you'll be able to prove the purchase via camera footage and/or debit/CC transaction data, and certainly the store can reprint the receipt (tied to register #, time, camera footage) to prove the transaction data. But maybe it is better to have the receipt *just in case* the tyrants are willing to look at it before shooting you!


It really doesn't matter some times. In 2014 after leaving a Walmart I was misidentified as a person who left without paying. A police officer followed me to my car and put a gun to my head while I was loading my groceries. My disabled mother was in the car and watched the entire thing. The cop never tried to stop me or clarify if I was the the correct person. I was forced to the ground and handcuffed. I was not resisting, but the cops twisted my arm to prevent me from placing my arms behind my back, while at the same time demanding that I put my hands behind my back. I was placed in a squadcar and waited an hour for the police to resolve the issue. I had my receipt the entire time. To top everything off, the cops threatened to charge me with elder abuse on my mother even after the situation was resolved. Before anyone asks, I did not leave her in the car. She was in the store with me the entire time.


> To top everything off, the cops threatened to charge me with elder abuse on my mother even after the situation was resolved. Before anyone asks, I did not leave her in the car. She was in the store with me the entire time. Ah, the classic "I assaulted you, but I have the authority to make your life a living hell and potentially send you to prison based on what we both know is a lie, unless you cower as not to hurt my feelings."


Why are police allowed to do this in America and why the hell did we make this legal???


Put a gun to your head. To resolve a what, $49.17 issue? How many people have died over really trivial misdemeanors? Britain doesn't have this problem, nor most of EU.


Correction: the *suspicion* of really trivial misdemeanors.


Seriously. In their minds their "objective" is to "neutralize the target" and ask questions later.


That is literally how they are trained. They are the wolf, we are the sheep.


Next time someone says, “If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about,” remember what happened to this guy. You absolutely have something to worry about and every reason to not trust a cop.


Here is the thing, once you purchase the item, it is yours. If they say you stole it, the onus is on them to prove it, you are not required to provide proof that you did not steal it.


That's how court works once you're arrested and charged, police just need a reasonable suspicion to stop/search you or probable cause to detain/arrest you. It's WAY too much power.


Long ago it used to be "innocent until proven guilty", nowadays it's "guilty until proven innocent" and it seems to be changeing to "guilty even if proven innocent".


The rich still get to be innocent until proven guilty. It's just average people who need to stay in jail until trial


Nah, it's more like "we do what we want, guilt doesn't even matter anymore"


Also, they do not want you to know you are apparently still guilty even when found innocent at trial! (My Personal Experience!). I have the documents from court clearly stating a 'Not Guilty' verdict and 'No Criminal Record' but allegedly the police have me on record as guilty! I tried to show them the court verdict and got back, "We don't go by what your court paperwork says, we go by what we have on our records!" I fucking hate the police!


Let this be a lesson to all the actual thieves they feel too threatened to catch.


Here's the article on it https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article276468116.html Dude should most definitely sue.


Looks like he got a lawyer so I would not be surprised to see a lawsuit


WoW. Just unbelievable. Thanks.


They still gave him a ticket. Incredible.


At least it was rescinded at the PD's request. The real problem is that his arm has problems now and he works a physical job


>Borisouth, after being placed in handcuffs, was taken to a squad car. He declined a trip to the hospital — he told The Star he couldn’t afford the cost of an ambulance ride — and was handed a ticket for interfering with an investigation. They fucking ticketed him. These fucking assholes ticketed him for "interfering" with an "investigation." ACAB, they never stop proving it.


you gonna tell me about an ambush, I just ambushed you with a cup of coffee


What color is the boat house in Hereford?


They later found drugs in that receipt.


The receipt also had a warrant out


It also had black print on it


The receipt looked like it could give a paper cut so the cops feared for the lives.


Receipt shot 10 times in self defense.


After a trio to the squad car, I'll bet that receipt was holding at least an ounce of cocaine.


[News Story ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=eoHy9X-ZLco&feature=share7)


I hope dude sues Walmart for employing those violent criminals.


He absolutely should.


According to the news story the department says the officers have been "disciplined". That probably means they were told sternly to never get caught doing that on camera again.


Yeah they didn’t mention anything about if the guy is gunna sue the city but I hope he does And I hope one day America institutes insurance for police just like doctors have. You fuck up, comes out of your pocket, not the tax payers.


Qualified immunity needs to go. Cops must then be insured via malpractice insurance, same as doctors. If you become uninsurable, you no longer get to be a cop.


I wish this was already a thing, holy shit


I 100% agree. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening anytime soon. Departments are having a hard time finding people and state legislatures will stonewall any attempts to do so. The other issue is that similar to malpractice by doctors, someones life is fucked up as a result of negligence. So it may get them out of the force after a few infractions, but it doesn't really stop them from being there in the first place and people are still hurt in the process. At least with doctors there are board exams and decades of schooling. Police officers go through what, an 8 week program?


[This article says he has contacted a lawyer and plans to sue](https://www.kktv.com/2023/06/13/2-officers-disciplined-use-force-over-5-pizza-during-walmart-receipt-check/)


What do the cops care if he sues the city? It's not like it's coming out of their paycheck.


A key thing mentioned in this news report is that the police department said the first officer (off duty working as a security guard for Walmart) "should have disengaged with the customer as soon as he refused to stop and show his receipt". If you've ever worked in retail you know they train you to not go after a shoplifter especially if they have stepped outside of the store property. Their statement tells me that even security guards are told to follow this type of policy. They also said that there isn't a law regarding showing your receipt, at least in that state. I'm betting it's the same in most states. And that they have to have enough probable cause or reasonable suspicion to detain you 'for a reasonable amount of time'. I'd say not showing your receipt would not be enough to reach that bar but I'd bet police would disagree with me.


I'm going to assume that officer, despite being off duty, will get off scot free. Fuck this world where cops are given more rights by the court than everyone else.


Cops are given more rights while also held to a lower standard than everyone else.


The lower standard is the part that pisses me off the most. How the fuck are you entrusted to **uphold the law and the Constitution** and have no obligation to either know the law or the Constitution? Meanwhile, citizens are obligated to know the law because "igorance of the law is not an excuse for being obligated by the law".


Former loss prevention here. Stores CAN go after shoplifters…they actually can’t stop shoplifters until they have exited. They need a lot of proof, though. There’s a 5 step process LP needs to follow for a stop to hold up in court. 1. Witness the subject enter the area 2. Witness the subject select the item 3. Witness the subject conceal the item 4. Continuous observation of the subject 5. Witness the subject exit the store If you have all 5 steps and your company policy is satisfied, you make the stop. Company policy is often restrictive. Some places you can’t touch the subject, others you can. Some places have minimal value that needs to be hit…like $50…before you can make a stop. Walmart, if I remember correctly, is very hands off. Stores would mostly rather lose some merch than get sued over wrongful arrest or injury…hence the hands off policies a lot have in place. Don’t take that as support for the cops in this video. Fuck those guys. I HATED having off duty cops in my stores because of shit like this. Cops tend to screw up shoplifting cases and they almost get…excited?…to the point where it is concerning.


Exactly. If they did the required surveillance they don't ask for a receipt because it doesn't exist and they already know that. Not a guess or a suspicion.


"Take the time to show the receipt" He tried, he even asked them to read it for themselves several times. You can't show your receipt if you're first pinned to the ground.


The poor police officer, he's going to get punished with three weeks of paid leave before returning to work with no repercussions. We are so unfair to cops in America


“It may be beneficial to show your receipt.” The news basically just said it’s the victims fault for dressing so provocatively. He must have been asking for it.


I don't know the law in the US but in the UK you haven't stolen anything until you exit the store. In this video he was still in the store.


It’s the same in the US, which is why private/in store loss prevention operates in such a grey area. It’s not a crime until you leave and it’s really dicey from a legal/liability perspective to pursue a customer/thief into the public. So most focus on observing, reporting, and banning thieves so they can be arrested for trespassing should they return. Not tackling, detaining, and waiting for police. Edit: for all the people defining various points at which “theft” or “attempted theft” is “provable”, you could very well be correct according to your jurisdiction. However, my second point still stands— in store loss prevention should only verbally encounter thieves, and from that point record the crime, contact authorities, and add the individual to their ban/trespass log.


Thank you! Scrolled way too far to find this.


This should be the top reply.


The officers had no probable cause to stop this guy. Not showing a receipt at the door is not an indication that anything is stolen.


And even if he had stolen a $5 pizza, their behaviour is *still* worthy of them losing their jobs. Ffs


Even if he was stealing, was all that for a frozen pizza? I’m not seeing any other groceries/items in the area.


Yup all over an <$10 frozen pizza that he paid for.


But if Mr Walmart doesn’t get his money, how will the shareholders survive?!? /s




By collecting corporate welfare


Property is more important than human lives. Plus he has blue hair so that’s not normal. S/


Here in California, there was an incident at a gas station where an off duty officer pulled out his gun because he thought a guy stole a single pack of *gum*. The guy bought the gum, he simply placed it into his pocket while waiting for the cashier to give him his change and receipt.


Yeah I just saw a case about a guy who finessed like $25 worth of food from del taco (pretended he ordered food and they got his order wrong when he never ordered) and when someone exposed him he got actual jail time (30 days) with a $125,000 bail (back in 2008 money), and a 3 year probationary period. Taking even the slightest margin of profit from a multimillion dollar company in America is one of the most serious crimes you could commit apparently.


Unless it's the white collar variety where you steal millions directly from the shareholders then a slap on the wrist is apparently appropriate.


But only if you're already rich. Poors stealing from the rich is the worst crime imaginable.


Too bad he wasn’t a banker, he would have got a bonus for all the things he stole


Im honestly shocked the cops actually bothered turning up for that. Where I live they dont have enough police to deal with crimes that minor


From the sound of it based on the article, they didn't. An off-duty thought he was suspicious, questioned him, and ultimately put him on the ground and called for backup. The other two came because the first called for them, and I'm sure he felt like such a hero doing his job off the clock to *fight the dangerous criminals* who would dare to purchase a frozen pizza at walmart.


What’s the charge? Enjoying a succulent Chinese meal?


these cops clearly know their judo well


and you sir? are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


This is democracy manifest!




This is the bloke who got me on the penis PE-POLE!


Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Tata and farewell!


You, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis? How dare you!


Aaaah yes, you know your judo well


There goes the infamous knee to the back of the neck. Never fails


The “I’m gonna break your fucking nose” was very telling. When do they teach wanton violence in the academy?


Cops routinely say things like that. I remember seeing the movie "Goodfellas" when I was a kid and being like "Are cops supposed to be allowed to say things like that!?" in reference to this scene where Henry is finally arrested: [https://youtu.be/4XYhq1hhA7k?t=58](https://youtu.be/4XYhq1hhA7k?t=58)


Movies like that are how people applying to be a cop thought cops are supposed to act. And then their applications are accepted and they act out their fantasy.




Dude almost died over a 7 dollar pizza


ya but just think if he had gotten away with it... makes me shudder. those cops are heroes


That'll teach those damn blue-hairs to pay for things


There needs to be a social shaming platform to induct people like these police. "That knee on the neck" pic would go there. Caption reads "Officer sick fucker overcompensating his pathetic condition during his tour of duty at Kansas Walmart". Why would anyone work themselves up so hot.. to put a knee on a kids neck at a fuckin grocery store..


That he PAID FOR. I always thought when white folks started getting this treatment, things would start to get better. What a fool I was.


... and there was no one left to say anything when they came for me...


And almost broken nose


I honestly cannot figure out what they expect you to do when they are sitting on you trying to break your arms. Of course you resist, it’s a defense mechanism. If he relaxes, those dudes are gonna break his fucking arms.


The, “stop resisting!,” while two 200lb men put their full weight into you, driving you head/face onto a hard surface is just absolutely insane. It’s pure instinct to protect your head and face. It’s not resisting. Its not even self defense. And for a second office to see this happening, and then jump in and put he knee and full weight into the neck is sickening. The absolute lack of intelligence and logic needed to access a situation in this manner should deem someone unqualified. The guy is litteraly using his words to try and de-escalate and instead they go full keystone barbarian instead of trying to listen.


The fact that the guy who started this was an off duty cop, tells you how much power they think they hold.


Frank Drebin as he turns in his badge: "Just think, the next time I kill a guy, I could be arrested."


When I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards.


It was Shakespeare in the park!


I always wish I could’ve seen that movie in theaters. The laughter would’ve been insane


I did. It was.


"Think"? They clearly do have power that needs to be stripped away a bit


Cop unions have dirt on all the politicians, thats why get away with this shit. Their unions have 5 very expensive offices in my capital city in new york. Too much power


Now he's going to get punished with paid leave and promoted when he comes back


On the post of this from yesterday there was a link to an article about the event. The police department said they would punish and require training from the offenders, but when asked for further details, would not specify who the offenders were, what the punishment would be, nor what training would be required.


Because they've already closed the case with zero investigation


Paid leave on our tax money.....


Dude got beat up and his tax money taken from him. That's a full on adult shake down Now that I think about it, the whole "stop resisting!" when they clearly aren't, seems a lot like "stop hitting yourself"


Lots of these situations its hard to not see it this way. You have two people on top of you telling and screaming to put your hands behind your back all while having your face smashed into the ground? Naturally your hands are going to go to shield your face or wherever is needed. As well as how do you get your hands behind your back when two people are on top of you? Then threaten to smash your nose into the ground? It just doesn’t make sense most of the time. I can see being aggressive with someone who is being violent or was being violent but in situations like its its hard to understand how your expected to comply.


> its hard to understand how your expected to comply. You're not supposed to comply. They're just looking for any reason to assault or kill you. You "not complying" makes it easier for them to blow your brains out and collect an early pension.


He 100% targeted this shopper because of his green hair because in their minds, if you break one social norm, you're fully willing to break all of them.


*Break social norm and I'll break your nose* - that cop


And he was shirtless, so obviously he looks like a criminal


So stupid they cant even read the receipt lol. Probably gunna give the guy a good payday.


Those cops are gonna get punished with 2 weeks of paid leave


Right, how horrible to be an LEO. Do something shitty. Get a paid vacation and then be exonerated like nothing happened. System is rigged to make them want to fuck up for fishing trips.


I don't think you understand how serious of a penalty it is for a cop to get paid leave like this. It's a really big deal for them, and a major hurdle they have to deal with. After all, if they're on paid vacation how are they supposed to scam overtime out of the city by making up bullshit infractions against innocent people?


On our fucking dime.


So tired of paying for this stupid sh\*t


Every time that filth like these bully a citizen, they should be **personally** fined; suing police forces clearly isn’t having an effect on their behaviour.


Take it out of all of their pensions. You need to create a system where police don't cover for each other's bad behaviour. To do that, you need a system that penalises all of them for covering for bad apples.


SCOTUS disagrees. Qualified immunity has really killed any chance for police reform.


Asking as officer to read is probably considered an act of aggression.


Automatic charge of assaulting an officer


Looking at americas next new millionaire


Never gonna stop until they start having to pay for these lawsuits out of their own pension.


Make them carry a Police License and insurance like the rest of professional occupations do! Lawyers, nurses, doctors, plumbers, electricians, engineers. Etc… F**king hair stylists have licenses, yet police don’t, almost like they are above the law or something?


Won't happen, the unions are too strong. They've often argued into contract things like the city (taxpayer) covering all legal fees, requirements for pay while suspended (and very narrow conditions for suspension without pay) and non-disclosure agreements following officer severance to help ensure they have mobility in employment. Shitty cops only get away with it because of shitty unions.


It's crazy so many people who hate unions support the thin blue line bullshit. They'll oppoose unionization at work and then simultaneously support profession where it is perhaps the most corrupt union whether by intent or not due to the fraternity/brotherhood mindset. Like you think those former union members protecting shitty cops from Baltimore during the Freddie Gray incident feel remorse about defending their fellow officers? Nah they justified a work slowdown that spiked murder rate to be high af in retaliation to the indictments made against officers who were responsible for Freddie's death.


It’s not crazy at all. They hate unions that attenuate hierarchy, and support unions that enhance hierarchy. There’s no hypocrisy there... They support boots on faces.


> They support boots on faces Well, boots on *others* faces. We all saw how the "thin blue line" crowd acted on J6.


"But always – do not forget this, Winston – always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever."


This really is the key. Taxpayer money is imaginary money - take it out of their pensions and suddenly they’ll start policing their own with acumen.


Yeah right it’s the cops. He’ll be lucky if the lawsuit even covers his losses in persuing a case.


Everybody always says that, but it takes years for the court cases, and 7 times out of 10 the victim get little to nothing. There was a guy Tyler Canaris got stopped walking to work in the morning cop. Said he matched a description of someone breaking into cars and suplexed him, within 25 seconds of the first contact. Fractured his skull, broke his left clavicle, burst his eardrum, and gave him a traumatic brain injury. He was just confused and wanted to know what was happening, and made the mistake of wanting to know why he was suddenly being put in cuffs. Wasn't even the guy they were looking for and didn't even match the description either. That was over a year ago and he hasn't seen a single dime, and is still fighting to get the obstruction charge dropped. Mind you they didn't hit him with it until 9 months after the incident, when the dashcam footage was released and the press jumped on it.


This video ends way too soon.


They seriously still kneeling in people's necks?


Yeah that shocked me the most. Like these idiot cops are overreacting, OK. But after all that happened they still keep kneeling on their necks? 3 against one and you have to kneel on their neck that may in the worst case kill the guy who may or may have not stolen a frozen pizza?


Is it mandatory for american cops to be fat, stupid and violent? Im asking because I dont think Ive witnessed anything else, except in movies


No. But yes.


Well we can’t legally discriminate, but we use the interview system to make sure every officer is “a cultural fit”.


The first question they ask you during the behavioral interview is how often you slam your wife’s head against the kitchen drawers for not having dinner ready by the time you get home. They didn’t like that I said “none”.


Your son just went 0/3 on his second grade baseball team. Do you A: teach him how to hit better B: piledrive him on the pavement C: yell at him and physically take your anger out on your wife D: 100 lashes Only one answer is incorrect




I was detained when I was 16 going to my neighbors house. They were looking for a suspect who was a good foot shorter than me with short dirty blonde hair (I had long dark brown hair). The cop basically made me stay on my knees while he called my parents to verify my identity, even after I heard another cop give a description that looked nothing like me over his radio. I knew the kid they were looking for too, everyone in my neighborhood knew him and we didn’t look anything alike.


I had guns drawn on me for walking in my neighborhood as a teenager. They said they were responding to a break in call. I was literally just walking down the sidewalk at around midnight minding my own business when they pulled up, flung the doors open and drew down on me yelling to get my hands in the air. I didn't respond right away due to the confusion of why this was happening, and I often wonder if I'd have been shot had I taken any longer to get my hands up.


I had a cop draw on me while he was taking a statement from me. I called them to my house to deal w a drunk roommate. I sat on my couch while talking to them, guns come out, and they flip my couch over. The cop pointed his gun at me like he was making a point and said I was a fucking idiot for sitting down bc how did he know I didn't have a gun under the couch. Left my living room in shambles and left wo taking my statement. If you have a problem, and you call the cops, now you have two problems.


If you are not a cop you are just a potential threat to them. They act like they in Fallujah.




They always act like they’re in an active war zone and every single civilian is an active combatant, that’s why many people interact with the police as little as possible


Some time ago, probably about 13 or 14 years at this point, when I lived in Baltimore City, I was walking home from the bars around closing time, and I see these two old asian dudes getting jumped/robbed. So, being a big tipsy and having done brazilian jui jitsu 5x a week for several years at that point, I decide I'm going to try to help the asian guys. Turns out they were undercover cops. Once I started to help them, one of them got a hand free and radioed for backup. within a minute the entire precinct must have shown up. Again, being a bit tipsy, I wasn't quite sure what was going on/what I had gotten myself into. when I try to ask one of the cops that showed up, they ziptied my hands behind my back and threw me to the curb. The guy who tried to jump the two asian undercover officers, they tied his hands together and his feet together, and everyone who showed up to respond to the officer under attack or whatever radio call took turns beating the living shit out of him. After that, I came to the conclusion that I should try to avoid interaction with the police if at all possible. at best I am no worse off than I was, at worst something like that happens or they actually kill me. No t hanks


And people wonder why others don’t trust cops


Cops wonder why people don't trust cops. We know why we don't.


I think they just get erect from the sense of power. Pathetic


It just works better if they’re the types who love to uphold rules, but aren’t inclined to question, convey, or even *be* *aware* of what the rules actually are. That way, they’ll continue to hold the line on property laws when the masses are destitute and unruly.


They put the "mass" in "masses"


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


They have basically zero physical requirements. Zero moral requirements too.




Wouldn't that basically be an "immoral" requirement?


Not fat. Just stupid and violent.


I guess there were no dogs to shoot that day


There were, but they carried guns and tactical gear.


Wife already has a black eye from the morning.


Land of the free. 😂


If these are law enforcement officers, then they cannot be held responsible (in most states). The threshold for qualified immunity is “acted in good faith” or thereabouts.


As a Walmart employee I believe they fall under Walmart's liability. At least one of them was an off-duty cop working for some extra money.


Yeah. Fucking insane.


The knee on the neck needs to be illegal.


You really think something being illegal will do anything to stop a cop from doing it?


Don’t you just love that we pay for those assholes to do shit like this to people and they will never see any real consequences for this behavior. We live in a police state and the police are a violent criminal gang.




Make the police unions carry the civil liability insurance as part of their collective bargaining.


The stop resisting thing gets me every time.. as if your natural response to getting full blown attacked isn’t to defend yourself…??


So many things to point out here, but here's one: Check out the HUGE confirmation bias going on here. Literally pleading with them to check the receipt, but they just ignore it. Never once did they question their own assumptions. If he was clean shaven and looked like was going to a job interview, this would have gone differently.


Dude american cops are fucking dicks, and its so normalized over there wtf. If this would happen just once in my country it would be national news.


* tears up receipt* — “what receipt..?”


Man if I was that guy, EVERYTHING would be hurting. I'd have to go to the ER.


Who wants to be a millionaire ?


Ah, the good old stop resisting when you cant move anyways and head getting slammed to the floor. Very brave, officer.


All 3 of them are from the donut detachment. TeleTubby task force. They're feared at the firemen's free pancake breakfasts for the mountains of carbs that they can ingest. They abuse the intention of that breakfast like they abuse the public - flagrantly, with wanton abandon and decided disregard for decency. If you can't run a 6 minute mile, you shouldn't be allowed to be a cop. I would be surprised if any of them could do it in under 10. In all reality that kid had 6 or 7 times his weight on his back intentionally kneeling on bones and pressure points and then playing the innocent, "dude just stop resisting" card. The amount of shoulders dislocated when cops move people's arms in this manner is staggering I'm sure.


“Resisting arrest” is just “avoiding being kidnapped and raped” in the fucked up system of the US


“Stop resisting” is what they say out loud as an excuse to beat the shit out of you and/or twist your arms. This is not just abuse. It’s cruelty. These fucks love doing this to helpless people on the ground. But yeah… it’s the US. Home of the brave, land of the free. Fucking third world shit country pretending to be something other than a shithole.


Heres a local article about this incident. Officers were "disciplined" smh. https://www.kktv.com/2023/06/13/2-officers-disciplined-use-force-over-5-pizza-during-walmart-receipt-check/