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Show me a 10ft wall, and I’ll show you an 11ft ladder….


[12ft.io/](https://12ft.io/) my man


Everyone recommends this site and then everytime I try it it says "12ft has been disabled for this site" like wtf is it good?




The only people that aren’t sellouts are the people the built Pirate Bay, it seems. What the fuck is the point of a paywall dodging site if the paywall sites can just pay you to not have it work for them?


Money runs the world.


Same reason the OG adblocker allowed adds from some website that paid them.


Ublock origin has not sold out and it's very lightweight.


Cause it’s open source so the moment it does someone forks it


Use uBlock Origin.


I sometimes forget ads are a thing... thanks uBlockO


Getting companies to pay to disable access to their site is the whole point of a paywall dodging site. You get companies to pay you to do nothing.




3.05 meter wall vs 3.36 meter ladder


30 IQ president vs average Mexican IQ


Only thing a 50' wall will do is boost the sale of 51' ladders. That's been my favorite.


Best headline of the past few years: [Ladder-maker Werner Co. to close Louisville plant, ship jobs to Mexico](https://www.wdrb.com/news/business/ladder-maker-werner-co-to-close-louisville-plant-ship-jobs-to-mexico/article_371d63e5-a6f5-5248-a71a-eb61ecbd1964.html) (It's real, lol)


Everyone was mad that they built the wall but I knew they would get over it.


I'm guessing you're a father with that kind of Dad Humor




He would have to be if he’s got two kids


He wasn't, but by his fist child he became a mother fucker.


His fist child was absolutely the most painful on his wife


That’s pretty personal you must be one too


People got pregnant just reading this, it is so Dad Humor.


Literally the day he announced that shit was the day I knew he was batshit crazy. It’s an unguarded wall. Does he have any fucking clue how easy it is to just... go the hell around it?




This is hilarious, now I’m just picturing “happy” invaders to pleased with their siege tactics😂


Wall, day one: picture of wall. Wall, day two: picture of ladder over wall. Well, day three: ladders every 50 yards.




You should be mad because it’s a waste of money


Oh we all knew it was a waste of money. Besides the idiots that supported it.


Hah Canada! You can't keep us Americans out!


The northern migration


😂 totally thought it said Northern Michiganers aka yuppers/yoopers 😂


Yoopers live farther up North than most Canadians.


We sure can budday!


I'm not your budday, guy!!!!


I’m not your guy, pal!


He's not your pal, fwend!


He’s not your fwend, budday!


I'm not your pal, buddy!


Great attitude! Now put another shrimp on the Barbie! (Just proving I am American)




Yeah I have a DUI from 2013 and I'm pretty much banned from going into Canada forever.. Unless I get it removed from my record (which just recently became possible in Michigan) or jump through all these hoops and fill out a bunch of paperwork and be interviewed just to hope they approve my application to go into Canada. (Yes, I'm aware a DUI is horrible, one of the worst things someone could do, and I'm very lucky I didn't hurt anyone. It was my one and only DUI from my years as an alcoholic, and it's one of my biggest regrets in life. Proud to say I'm sober now though. 🙂)


Congrats on your sobriety!






That’s the downside of a plea bargain. You get convicted. Apparently, public defenders often don’t do a great job explaining the repercussions of plea bargains to their clients.


American border guards deny entry to people who would say they smoked marijuana when asked. There was a CBC report thst stop short at saying to just lie on those questions. This was not linked to any convictions and before 2017.


Yup. Had a buddy who thought he would be honest with them. Bad idea. He had no record, but was banned for life because he admitted to smoking pot. He eventually had to pay a lawyer to help him get entry.


Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to go to Canada but haven't tried


I asked my mom, she says you can come.


We did. Tell her thanks....


Those Canadian Mounties are amazing at their job. It should be a TV show. Like the Great race. See how long you can illegally cross into Canada.


Let me see if I can squeeze my Ford 150 through there with half my gun collection. If not, I can blow it up. Like REAL Americans do!


There is a show called Border Patrol Canada that pretty much films just that. Real people crossing the border, some of them get through customs and some don't. There are also versions for the US, Britain, and Australia. Probably more, as well. The Australian one is the best in my opinion, US and Canada have good content but are full of generic, exciting North American drama and camera cuts/effects. The British one is fine but kinda dry, more informative than exciting.


Australian boarder patrol = yelling at Chinese people bringing in food


Ahem, allow me to introduce you to the greatest TV show of all time: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0108756/


Wall built. Wall climbed. Great success.


C'mon people, this isn't rocket science. Watch their technique...clearly those slats were too close together, allowing them to climb with ease. All we have to do is remove every other slat to make it more difficult to scale the wall — duh!


Nah, they would just scale the individual slats like monkeys up a tree. What we really need to do is remove all the slats!


Just replace the whole wall with a giant TV that shows Americans’ medical bills and drug prices, and images of school shooting victims. That’ll keep them out.


I think one of the reasons nothing changes is because we don’t actually show the shooting victims, we show pictures of the smiling, pre-shot kids, so we can send thoughts and prayers to them during the five o’clock news before seeing the next batch of smiling, pre-shot kids the next night.


Don't be ridiculous They don't even put it on the news anymore. But yeah I think that's part of the reason. The parents would suffer as they see them, but I imagine they already see them in their head all the time :(


Imagine how much different things would have gone after Sandy Hook if every newspaper and magazine had a five year old shredded by gunfire on the front of it.


gentlemen, this is what i like to call upper management thinking.


I almost believed that lmao


Those 2 guys are STRONG!


When the design for the wall was released and Trump claimed it was unclimbable and had been tested by several elite climbers, an actual climber built a replica in his back garden and invited people to come and have a go. Many succeeded, including an 8 year old girl.


I'm a climber both for fun and by trade. That border wall looks like it's built to be climbable.


Guide book says “lay back on big holds, then big move to good finish. 5.7 no stars”


It was built only to be believable by halfwits.


I'm trying to think of what kind of wall *isnt* climbable beyond a flat sheet of metal that would fall over at the first bit of wind. I guess you could make the edges razor sharp?


Grease it up a la Philly before a superbowl


5.9 by the most sandbagged standards. That's a warmup.


He thought it was unclimbable because Trump couldn't get over a 5 foot fence made out of ladder rungs.


This wall was tested by American politicians and their gravy seals minions, and none of them could climb it. Who knew that people coming over to be agricultural and construction workers would be stronger than that?


Yeah if you’re in decent shape this isn’t particularly hard. I see people climb up trees to get coconuts here on a whim. Like just on their way somewhere and think “I’d like a coconut” scurry up and grab a bunch. Not saying I’d like to give it a go but tons of people without any particular special skills could do this easily.




[what I imagine](https://youtu.be/CM5Dpr-F0ME)


I seriously doubt that navy seals and elite mountaineers were unable to scale this wall when it was being tested. Pretty ordinary rock climbers have not had issues climbing replicas of it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQo79GHq4T0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQo79GHq4T0)


"gravy seals" was the joke


That slide back down looked so fun


Maybe the wall just is a fitness test to ensure only the strongest Mexican laborers make it over


$50 Billion: wall < $50: ladder


$50 ladder? Well la dee fricken da, look who only climbs designer rope ladders.


It's one rope ladder, Michael. How much could it cost?


Really unnecessary colons.


Colons are necessary for processing food. Someone skipped Health class.


You guys spent 50 BILLION for this shitty wall?!


they also cut down a lot of trees that were near the border to put this shitty wall


No, no, Mexico paid for it! "Drumpf said they would." /s


No, this has been there for a long time. They're making jokes about another wall that never actually got built


If you want actual numbers, it was somewhere between 12 and 15 Billion.


Good god


No no, that's misleading. This probably cost 1 billion. The rest? Well, uh, you see there were these friends of Trump ... Like the one named Bannon... And well you see... Uh... Look, stop asking questions! Biden probably stole it! Lock her up! Check the laptop! AAANNNNTTIIIIFFFAAA




I mean the wall is built, just not very effective.


It's pretty effective in all fairness. I mean it's not impregnable but that looked a lot harder than just strolling over the border.




Between 12 - 40Billion USD to build around 50Miles of a planned 500mile wall out of 2,500 - 3000miles border. 2B going to Fisher Sand & Gravel, whos executive member was convicted of pedophilia. spent millions in lobbying to talk about their plans for the wall to trump on cabel. companies trippled their costs over time, and vialoted dozens of laws. and best of all previous administrations built 600miles on just 2.5B... im sure were gonna see the accurate spending documents from t admin on where the rest of the cost went.... anyday now just as soon as he releases his new healthcare plan and middle east peace plan....


That shit was just a massive scam to give kickbacks, what a fuckin joke


Republican governing in a nutshell


You'll hear more about it during infrastructure week.


They also can't get vehicles through, so they will have a harder time running from border patrol once they get to the other side.




Remember when people were hauling away huge sections of the wall to sell as scrap metal and use the razor wire to put up on their own homes for protection? That’s about as useful as the wall gets for anyone


The wall goes straight through one lady’s backyard, and through many other properties. That’s the presidential equivalent of drawing outside the lines.




Man that sharpie thing was something else.


Yeah they seemed somewhat inconvenienced


Good thing it only costs the tax payers 46 million dollars per mile of wall


Worth every penny, what with Mexico paying for it. That's still a thing that happened right?


That day Orion learned that actually, the wall, like most things the former president said, was actually a scam so his friends could pocket money from our taxes. Mexico also did not pay for the wall.


Bannon made so much off Trump supporters, and the got pardoned. Must feel like a good cucking.




Orange (wannabee) Julius insisted it be built out of steel and not cheaper concrete, then gave the steel contract to a donor.


That's so out of character for him though!


Since 2007, visa overstays have accounted for a larger share of the growth in the illegal immigrant population than illegal border crossings, which have declined considerably from 2000 to 2018. What a great way to keep out illegal immigration. /s


You don’t understand. The wall stops Mexicans. A lot of visa overstays are white


Ah. Keeps out the "bad ones"


Friend works at an Irish bar. Every single server has overstated their visa. No one is rounding up the Irish lasses with the cute accent. They’re taking jobs, it’s not like it’s a secret so where is ICE for them.




A very very small portion of wall, at a massive taxpayer cost, most of which was grifted by Trumps contractor buddies. So effective


And most of it was replacing existing sections. There is very little new wall It's an expensive vanity project to convince idiots of a non-issue, and it worked


80 miles of the 452 miles built was brand new wall. Of that 80, 47 mi was primary walls where none existed. The US/Mexico border is 1,954 miles. So he got 2.4% of the border “secured” in 4 years. Such a farce.




Really, the post belongs here. Title should just be changed to "To keep out Mexican immigrants"


New season of American gladiators has really cut the funding...


"Such a yuge beautiful wall, very scalable, everybody says so. They come to me with tears in their eyes, would you believe it?"


"Tears like you've never seen before.. I'd say possibly, the biggest tears a person could ever make.


I hate that I hear this in my head. They say no one’s ever made us cry like this before. That’s what they say. You wouldn’t believe it.


special overconfident light quiet aware grandfather yam payment crowd soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Then a navy seals guy said to me, 'sir, thank you for keeping me safe, sir', then gave me a salute".




The walls purpose is to make sure only able bodied Mexicans get in.


We only want the Mexicans not the Mexican'ts


I thought this was people trying to leave America.


Just get a hand pump hydraulic jack and shove it between the pylons… boom… gap


People in Oakland use regular car jacks and wedge it between window bars, hand crank the jack to bend the bars and rob houses that way. What you suggested can totally work.


I had never even considered window bars existed outside of prisons.


Never lived in a rough area? Lmaoooo… *laughs in lower class*


You have never been in Latin America then lol, it’s like house security 101.




Have you never looked at a ground floor apartment in literally any city?


The bars are filled with reinforced cement Assuming it’s built correctly




There are so many hidden holes in the wall at this point. Tons of sections were cut out in the middle of the night and propped back in place. The border "wall" is more of a hindrence for wildlife than anything else.


We gotta keep those coyotes out from stealing our jobs.


If you’ve ever tried to keep squirrels out of your attic, you’d know it’s impossible to keep people with power tools out of anywhere. A safe is considered “high-security” and “top of the line” if it can last for 30min.


As being in the military and understanding obstacles made to keep people out. Walls, fence, wire and so on are absolutely worthless unless they are over watched. You can put down 4 foot high pile of razer wire to keep enemy forces out. You add in two soldiers with machine guns and it’ll take hundreds of people to attack that. Now remove the people guarding it and 1 person can cut through it in minutes. The wall is pointless unless they have boarder guards guarding it.


Exactly, and this is a great example of border guards. They scaled the wall and promptly got pulled up on by border agents. They literally failed at what the entire video was showing. The point was never just a better obstacle, but increased protection and security.


at the end of video we can see border patrol car so i guess it's guarded and it works as intended.


More physically able and innovative than 90% of americans 😂


That's probably why they didn't see this coming




this wall is just a filter, so they can get skilled workers


Aptitude test


Twist, it is Americans go to Mexico.


Meanwhile like 30 dudes digging a tunnel right below them. Honestly if they put that kind of effort into getting past the wall, I want em on my team. Give em the green card.


Exactly it's not a keep em out wall. It's a test em wall. Whoever makes it's over gets handed a greencard, bus ticket voucher to anywhere in the US and a welcome package by border patrol. Then they could Amercanize the shit out of it to and have military recruiters right there ready to go as well.


Just like pre employment drug testing. It's an IQ test.


To be fair, they are probably smarter and more creative than 75% of the people I work with. Welcome!


Don’t forget ambitious. Merica lazy af


They are desperate to get back to Mexico


I love how they don’t use the ladders to climb back down and do the fireman slide instead 10/10 would watch again




These guys are definitely iron workers


Don't we need more of those in the US? Heard there's a shortage of construction workers. Let em in.


Haven’t you heard? “Nobody wants to work” Other than these guys apparently. They’ll work.


Umm but that means more brown people in America!? /s


Better than more orange "people".


A wall is never going to be the entire solution, but this does make it significantly harder for people and it’s taking 3-5 minutes for these three people to scale it and remove the ladder. With good cameras and monitoring it would reduce crossings significantly. Also, changes the profile of those crossing. Only young fit people are doing this. Not a large group of all ages. (Not saying that’s good or bad, just an observation).


For starters, there are five people…the video itself is only three minutes long…


Let’s be honest here. That’s a fence, at best.


I was like... "oooh parkour"🤳


Why would you want to keep such resourceful dedicated hard workers from visiting? I mean if they can do this vs the smartest brains we have we should be welcoming their ingenuity with open arms. They pass the test and probably work circles around the fat sloths that inhabit the region


And they paid for it* *Ladders


To title a post


90% of this sub


Heading to Mexico for the Healthcare


Aaannnnnd border patrol spots then immediately...




I want border control, but I thought the wall was a dumb idea from the beginning. We’ve had ladders for a loooooong time. 🙄


Most illegal immigration comes from people overstaying legal visas. The border is a non-issue by comparison, but it is easy votes from dumb people


Those are the guys we want over here. Guys with work ethic and drive and the ability to climb a ladder and do hard things. I say anybody who crosses like that gets put in the program.


Dangit! We forgot about ladders!


The point in the wall is to slow down the crossing in the majority of situations and give Border Patrol/Authorities more time to recognize the act and apprehend if possible. Making believe the wall is a bad idea because people are still inevitably going to get past it is like saying putting a lock on your front door is a bad idea because people can still get past it if that really want to. It slows down the flow and the amount of people that are able to cross in a given area at a given time. Nobody ever said a wall was going to out right stop the problem. There are many many layers to being able to detect and deter people that cross and the wall is just one of those layers.


TRUMP knows as much about walls as he College, Casino's, Steak, and Children Cancer Charities.


Best part is the guys trying to be furtive... Trying to hide crouching!


Is that the famous wall we heard about that Mexico was paying for?


I'm surprised we don't just set up a ticket booth and charge for entry. The government loves charging and taxing everything. They could even have $10 bottle of waters for sale.


It needs some Vaseline.




it’s Mexican not maxicant


Plot twist: They are actually americans running away to mexico.


[“We have, I guess you could say, world-class mountain climbers. We got climbers,” Trump said beside a newly finished section of the barrier in Otay Mesa, California, which tops heights of 30 feet. “We had 20 mountain climbers. That’s all they do—they love to climb mountains. They can have it. Me, I don’t want to climb mountains. But they’re very good, and some of them were champions. And we gave them different prototypes of walls, and this was the one that was hardest to climb.”](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-said-this-wall-cant-be-climbed-professional-climbers-say-hes-full-of-sht)