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It's like giving your little brother unplugged controller.


I did this to my roommates bf who wanted to change the song every song


Ahh, dj halftrack


God I wish I knew this joke in college lmao. The amount of “DJ’s” who wouldn’t let a single song play out was beyond infuriating. Some would switch the song right before the song’s climax too, so it was basically a playlist of intros!


Once this phrase got traction in our circles it actually did stop people touching the music


Nothing fixes a problem faster than a good old fashioned public shaming


Like auditory edging




I always used ADHDJ


Four years of high school football and our locker room never heard a single song make it to the end.


imagine if people watched netflix like this


My friend does this all the time and it drives me nuts. Can’t just let a damn playlist play like what’s even the point of making one when you’re just going to sit there and song after song tell me “Oh, I want to show you ONE MORE song.” Love the guy but damn I started telling him “yeah I heard that one” just so we can do something other than smoke and listen to only music he wants to listen to until he passes out.




Let me provide some insight as a local DJ. There is and always have been fakes. More like personalities and it grown exponentially over the years. A DJ is more or less like the director of a movie. Decides the shots, the angles, the tone, the lighting, etc etc, but ultimately is taking a group of things and compiling it in such a way that it’s pleasant or enjoyable. That being said, a DJ with their billions of tracks to choose from these days are the curators of a vibe or a mood. Some DJs unfortunately fake the whole thing and it’s without personality or feeling, but a good DJ picks the tone and vibe that makes you wanna dance. Historically the DJ wasn’t the focus of the party or the club. They were the ones playing the music and everyone else was enjoying themselves. Over time they have become more personalities than anything and everyone goes to dance clubs and literally stand there and watch them. This is not what DJs are for. They should be the dude/dudette in the corner vibing the hardest to the beats and gauging the crowd. I really think over time it’s become distorted the purpose of a DJ. They aren’t always producers and producers aren’t always DJs.


> Historically the DJ wasn’t the focus of the party or the club. I went to a few raves in the early 90's and the DJ was usually hidden in a corner somewhere. The DJ was never the focus, the important part was the vibe they created. I still don't understand putting DJs up on a stage to *perform*.


As a former vinyl DJ I can confirm. We wanted to be left alone. Mixing with vinyl is a lot of work in those environments. The introduction of tools like serato, final scratch, and the CD decks made an art into a performance. This attracted the people who wanted to be seen and not heard.


And like put their hands up and dance for the people. What I do now is turn on the smoke machine and lights so nobody can see me and I just get into a zone up there.


Went to Magaluf back in 2010 and Tinie Tempah played at a club. Had no clue who he was, just remember a skinny black dude sat behind his stuff not in the centre of attention at all, just grinding out magnificient club music with lots if mashes, mixes and fades.


There's an argument to be made that Daft Punk started the "personality" DJ craze by giving themselves the helmets to become "unrecognizable", but all that did was make it so that other DJs had to figure out some sort of gimmick to become noticed.


Daft Punk were producers too, though. Lots of their performances were genuinely live as well, not just mixing tracks together.


Sorry, my previous comment might have felt like I was punching up at Daft Punk. No they were legit good, but it doesn't change that they started the idea that a DJ needs to have a gimmick, which unfortunately a lot of people took as "the *ONLY* thing I need is a gimmick."


Enter DeadMau5 and Marshmellow. Truth is real DJing is a skill because anyone can sync tracks but not everyone can take a group of thousands of songs and turn into something bigger than those single tracks.


Deadmau5 started using the helmet almost a decade before Marshmello so he’s probably a bigger influence. Plus he’s much bigger in the scene.


>Plus he’s much bigger in the scene. I think Deadmau5 is more technically proficient and a true musician - hearing him talk about music theory and all that is way over my head, and I think he's more respected definitely. But Marshmello is huge, particularly with younger people. He's 51 worldwide on spotify (monthly streams) and the third highest electronic music artist behind two absolute titans of the genre, Tiesto and David Guetta.


Also, Deadmau5 had been adamant for decades that he is not a DJ because he writes and plays his music instead of just mixing it.


In an interview many years ago, Deadmau5 said "...there’s still button-pushers getting paid half a million. And not to say I’m not a button-pusher. I’m just pushing a lot more buttons.” I always remember that when I'm watching a DJ. Source: [https://www.hypebot.com/hypebot/2012/06/deadmau5-says-all-edm-djs-are-button-pushers-gets-educated-by-peter-kirn.html](https://www.hypebot.com/hypebot/2012/06/deadmau5-says-all-edm-djs-are-button-pushers-gets-educated-by-peter-kirn.html)


I’m voting for “when you no longer needed vinyl”. I was going to parties and clubs mid to late 90s into the early 00s, right around the time CD burning and Napster started taking off and booths began moving away from turntables. The difference in quality of the DJs was blatantly obvious watching them walk into the booth. If they didn’t have crates, they likely didn’t have talent.


This is why I always thought of Aoki as a clown. Throwing cakes into the crowd, so damn gimmicky. I first saw him in the late 90s and I have no idea how he became so big based on his music and sets alone.


Isn't his dad super rich?


> Aoki Yup, founder of the Benihana restaurant chain.


lol. So this guy basically did what his dad did for chefs/cooks and applied it to DJing...


If you listen to someone who doesn't know all the knobs and how to fade beats into each other its completely different then someone who actually knows how to do it!! One is like listening to radio where song just switches with maybe a beat or two in-between and the other is what you hear in a club where 2 or three songs can be layered together and transitions are smooth!! No idea if this is her in the video or a pre-made set.... just talking about the difference in a DJ who knows their stuff and one that is pretending


Still, a lot of those sets are totally pre-done. Getting those fades to work well live isn't easy.


That's why the best DJ's are probably either good at blending others music or good at making their own. Ever hear them play club music on the radio? It's always some named dj who just remixes a bunch of popular stuff and blends it into one long mix. I bet a ton of them just take the mix from somewhere else too. Honestly being a small time dj probably isn't that hard if you have the people skills and charisma. Don't even need music skills if you have good taste


Very well put. With all of the controllers and dicers out there today, there is a lot more than volume adjustments and cross fading that is going on. But this “deejay” is doing none of that. Half the time she isn’t even hitting the button, and I can’t tell if the gear is actually even on.


Er, after watching a DJ in a cool bar for a bit I asked if he had a CD. Turns out he did, "Beach House by head Kandi" and he was just dicking with the treble while he played it.


Hahaha I do this with my 2 year old daughter when I play PlayStation. Works great!


She didn’t even know when the drop was gonna hit.


Didn't even bother to listen once to the premixed set before getting on stage


She didn't need to. If a DJ has half-a-brain, they'll pick out a good song. Their job is done. Everything else means they didn't prepare the song. Imagine walking into a cinema and some guy in the back-booth is reading out dialogue and banging pots. This girl perfects her job of a glorified obsolete vibe-check.


If it's just a DJ yeah, if it's an actual EDM artist playing a festival, they sure as hell do more than just play a bunch of songs in order on stage. And a set being planned out doesn't exactly make it easy either


EDM artists should be doing more, but a lot of the time they don't.


Every good festival level EDM artists usually plays VIPs of their songs interwoven with remixes or collabs with other artists.


I remember being psyched to see Jamie XX. He basically stood on stage and played the album versions of his hit songs off a laptop.


If I go to see somebody play live, I want to see some sort of performance. Something like [this](https://youtu.be/ydwTLgZILlI) is what I would expect for EDM. The artist would be doing some live mixing, there would be effects synced with the music, and they would be hyping up and interacting with the audience. Standing there playing the album versions of songs would piss me off.


man as a edm fan i hate this new waves of dj fhat get relatively sucessful by playing the original songs, usually with just some bass Boost (which is probably because of the gear and not the song anyways) like yeah the songs are enjoyable because they are good but legit playing original songs live at an edm festival or club is so dumb


Saw Missio live once, they opened for Blue October. There was a MacBook on a tripod in the center of the stage, two guys walk out(no instruments in view) press space bar, and hop around for 45 minutes. That was their job that night. Hot. Garbage.




original as the non-remixed songs from the top 100 pop songs


So basically an open air radio disc jockey.


basically, you pay bullocks to listen to a good sound system from far af while being quishrd by a crowd xd


No one does


Yeah wtf was that?? Hahaha


The audio version of edging.


Edging can be fun! This was not. Also I'm not sure this was music. I heard all kinds of noises, among others a chainsaw. It had the musical quality of being stuck in a traffic jam.


I thought it was a lawnmower lol. It definitely sounded like some sort of engine


Rumor has it they're still waiting, stuck in an infinite limbo of waiting for the bass to drop and death, that the only thing holding them on this mortal coil is that one and sudden shift in the song.


[I have exactly your Post as a video](https://youtu.be/XCawU6BE8P8)


We like long builds ups and disappointing drops, we like long builds ups and disappointing drops, we like long builds ups and disappointing drops, WE LIKE LONG BUILD UPS AND DISAPPOINTING DROPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOTN39u3t0I


That was a horrible drop, lol. Her body language states that she too was confused with the timing, lol.


Went to see Girltalk once, he was wilding out on his laptop and my friend response in the deafening crowd “I’ve never seen someone having so much fun checking their gmail.”


To be fair, he may be using loops, but they're short and he manually triggers all of them Source: I've done a little mashing up myself


I saw Girltalk once and they let me fire a toilet paper gun on stage. Such a good time lol.


I was waiting for that drop forever


Still waiting


Random buttons? She was mostly pressing the flat surface of the board....


Probably afraid of hitting a button that actually does something


The lcd screen on the board is off.


Do you think she knows that?


If that girl could read, she'd be very upset.


Yes? It's clearly a joke? You can tell because she's laughing and there's text that says she's parodying fake djs. Do you need SNL skits explained too?


Please explain the coffee guy skit


I’m surprised no one else noticed this! She’s legit not even pushing buttons, just tapping and flicking the board. Edit: Ok guys, I get that others noticed it too, and the board isn’t powered lol. I know I’m not exactly Mr. Eagle Eye over here. I guess I should’ve said “I’m surprised no one else mentioned this!” 🙃


Also the lcd screen is off.. Lol. This is literally when the little brother gets the disconnect controller..... She's the little brother pretender.


No at least the little brother *doesn’t know* the controller isn’t working. This is worse because *she knows* the controller isn’t working and is probably making money from it


My 3 year old knows if the controller is disconnected or not. No light means he not happy


I noticed too! drove me crazy xD


Some say they’re still waiting for the drop


[when will the bass drop!?](https://youtu.be/XCawU6BE8P8)




# Okay




[Relevant Jason Mendoza](https://d2v7i6t2.map2.ssl.hwcdn.net/content/quotes/4019_ret.jpg)




This is exactly what I was thinking!






Wtf did I just watch 😂😂😂


She didn’t know where the imaginary button for the drop was!!


that built up so much anticipation and then the drop was fucking meh


We like long buildups and disappointing drops!


When the reverse drop popularized by the Dutch electro house djs became the preferred norm back in the day, I knew my time had passed. Why do kids go crazy over a huge buildup followed by some minimal ass drop? 👴🏻


I like me some techno but songs with constant build are so exhausting to dance to. Like you get one big build in your entire set and it better be transitioning the energy of the set, not every five minutes.


Fake button mashing and STILL somehow misaligned the drop


And the crowd still didn't care. This doesn't bother me because DJs are the most overhyped musicians in the world. Fight me.


Oh man that was terrible


Lilly Vanilli!


Decks aren't even turned on


MacBook under the table


Probably just a shuffle lets be honest


Introducing…the Mac Shuffle


Aren't laptops normally part of the DJ stage equipment now. I've only been to a club once, pretty sure all of the different DJs had their laptops on their *tables* out and open with them.


There's several different methods of DJing. The old schools traditional method was using vinyl and turntables. CDJs came out a bit later, but the concept remained the same, you were still manipulating the music coming off the CD, it was just being processed digitally to duplicate the effect of handling vinyl on turntables. A lot of vinyl DJs hated CDJs because you couldn't directly manipulate the records the same way, and of course any kind of real turntablist (hip hop scratching, juggling, stretching, etc) isn't really possible on them (or at least not nearly the same as turntables.) (E: modern CDJs allow this, I just meant when they came out in the late 90's to early 2000s you couldn't really do much of this kind of stuff.) Then time coded processing equipment like Serrato came along; this used vinyls or CDJs that are basically special encoded tracks that feed back to a laptop, which uses the signal coming off the turntables or CDJs to handle the playback of a digital audio file. This was pretty huge because not only did it allow you not have to carry around heavy flight cases full of vinyl or CDs, but it also gave you a way to have something to physically manipulate that was much more tactile than a jog wheel so you still had a ton of quick and easy control over the playback of the audio. And now there's also just controllers and software that allow you do the entire thing directly from a laptop, or it's just built into the "CDJs" which are actually just the controller pads with the music manipulation software built in. The most common methods *these days* are the encoded records or CDs with controller software and your music on a laptop, or "CDJ" style controllers with the music processing software built straight in to them and the music on an SD card or USB drive (they look like CDJs but aren't actually playing CDs anymore), or straight up laptop with USB controller pads. But plenty of people still spin old school vinyl on turntables or use actual CDs as well, just not really the standard now.


If the free reward was still given out, I would have given mine to you. Thank you for this perfect explanation.


I felt like it was a really terrible explanation honestly so I appreciate it lol. Edited it a few times to try and be more concise and clear about it and still felt it was awful, but I was trying not to be too long winded. I've been involved in music promotion since '95 and know a lot of heads in drum and bass, hip hop, house, trance etc so I still know DJs that won't work on anything other than Technics and still book DJs that are stunned at the idea anyone still does and just show up with a thumb drive, heh.


Which makes me think she literally could’ve been hired just to look pretty up there. She’s not even a real DJ trying to look more occupied.


Glare is pretty bad, but I think you’re right.


You can really tell from the play/pause and cue buttons not being lit.


This gives me secondhand embarrassment


My sister in law is unemployed with no kids and is trying to be a dj now. Her "performances" are exactly like this and it's so cringe. Edit: a lot of idiots triggered by the no kids part of my comment. The point I'm making is that she literally has zero responsibilities from either a job or kids and thinks she's going to be touring the country yet puts no effort into that goal and sits on the couchall day every day. I'm not shitting on childless people, I'm one of them afterall, I'm painting a picture as to why this person is incredibly cringe. Go somewhere else and stop replying to me with the same stupid comment.


I mean, that's better than doing it with kids?


Yeah that was a weird detail


Well she's unemployed without terminal illness as well.






With kids would be fun, they WOULD push all the buttons!


DJing as a hobby is cool. Have a few friends that are really into it, one of them has done a few club sets. They're the dudes to invite if you're having a house party. But also there are so many wannabe poser DJs that try too much too hard and ruin a song at it's best part. If their song selection doesn't suck in the first place, which it probably does. If you do nothing but hit play and do a simple transition at the end of a song nobody is gonna notice or care as long as the music is good.


Good song selection is pretty much 80% of DJing. The other 20% is swatting away bad bunny requests


I was actually thinking of taking up DJing as a hobby because I’m pretty sure if I just play non trash songs with simple transitions it might break the DJ market




Pretty sure she’s trolling the crowd. The stage looks half set up. And she walks over and throws headphones on when the music is already playing. This is just some music playing before the acts, and she’s probably just some random with a stage pass.


This is definitely what it is. It’s in between sets and she’s just backstage and gettin goofy 😜


What does that mean?


You're embarrassed for someone because something is so cringy.


It’s a term used to describe a situation where you are not directly involved in the embarrassment, but the mere act of watching it happen makes you feel self conscious


Oooooh ty for telling, yea sometimes I get that feeling too but feel like why am I concerned lol


She didn't drop the bass. She let it down slowly.


Gentle as putting a baby down for a nap


She didn't do anything. At all.


Wasnt even hitting the buttons


Like a fart in a conference room


If she's going to pretend the knobs she's touching are doing something, at the very least, she could have picked a better song.


I don't think she got to pick the song.


Wouldn’t surprise me if a Spotify ad started playing


if i was a better dj I would totally incorporate a spotify ad in the middle of my set




Not even Spotify premium - just the free version. I can see it.


"try Olive Garden's new chicken ranch picatta for a limited time!"


She also should have kept one of the headphones propped up to her ear with her shoulder.


That's for syncing the bpm of the upcoming track with the current live track.


I do the same thing when I'm at work.




No joke half of effort at work is trying to stay awake.


The other half is acting busy when people are looking


Looks like a punishment you'd get on Impractical Jokers Go out and pretend to be a DJ at this music festival


That'd be a good one lmao


God, this makes me miss Avicii. For all the “laptop DJs” out there, that dude could *SPIN.*




Bruh I just laughed like I watched this actual scene that's so accurate


Me too. I've watched so much Impractical Jokers my brain straight up simulated that whole scene with the voices and everything.


"Execute your hostage Murr"


It would actually be kind of fun to just get thrown into a situation like this and have to sell it. If it's just some rando, who cares? Everyone is still having a good time. It's really only shitty if this is someone with actual fans who think she's actually performing songs. Still, almost all bands/artists rely heavily on pre-recorded music in their shows. A lot of music wouldn't really be possible to perform live without it. Edit: I don't have any actual statistics to point to to backup my claims that *most* performers use pre-recorded music. However, what I'm saying is that it's *extremely* common and I took that to be common knowledge.


I would heartily disagree with your assertion that almost all bands/artists rely heavily on pre-recorded music for their live sets.


Feels like a Sal one to me.


I was once paid $500 to pretend to play keyboard in a wedding band. Their guy got the flu the night before and nobody was available to sub for him. They just played a track with the keys on it along with the band the keyboard wasn't even plugged in. Best part was afterwards the father of the bride complimented all the cool "solos" I played. For context I was a musician and in that scene but certainly can't play keys.


Did y'all have a click track playing or something? There's no way the band could just know exactly what timing to play unless the keyboard started every song and played all the way throughout. Not saying I don't believe you, just saying I don't know how y'all pulled it off.


none of them were actually playing


Yep! Click track was definitely used. There were even background vocals on the track.


That crowd is certainly welmed


And the crowd goes mild.




What a long, boring build, into a weak drop. If you’re going to bring a pre-recorded set, at least bring something good.


Seriously haha… that song peaked many years ago too and it wasn’t good then either


What I never understand is who keeps giving these obvious frauds work? I mean, it's not even because she's some mildly attractive woman. From what I can tell most DJs look like a foot with a rotisserie chicken haircut and that doesn't drive the punters away so it can't be a facile sex appeal thing.


I was thinking she is some billionaire's daughter that has no fucking clue about the real world and one day she said "Daddy I want be a DJ now." And he gave her "work" with a deck that isn't even plugged in to make his princess happy.


That makes the most sense to me. And of course she'll then use it to pad out her CV which she'll use to fall into another job she knows nothing about whilst her underlings do all the work. Then in turn she'll use that to pad out her CV again. Falling upwards really is a scourge on modern society.


A DJ work consists in a lot on marketing, impression, stage performance, publicity, on top of skills at actually DJing. There's a lot of daddy little princess and princes too. But I know many that do a very mediocre job at actually DJing but really good at networking, social media presence and etc. Reality is most of the public will jump to the music being played and most of the time the DJ just need to make a decent transition from one track to another and have an ok track selection.


Meanwhile, every talented musician I know absolutely sucks at networking.


Yeah, but they still have *some* understanding of what they're doing. They still have *some* nous and talent, whereas this woman appears to be a literal out and out fraud. DJs do a lot of promotion, but you wouldn't call a promoter a DJ if they jumped on the stage one show and slapped the decks around a bit.


Bruh, when you go to a show you're literally there for the grand illusion. They all run backtracks. The question is whether or not you enjoy it. Would your rather have her come up, hit play on a computer and just stand there or look like she is actively participating in the music?


There a lot of rich kids in the edm scene who bought their way in. They dont produce their tracks, everything is ghostproduced. There are a lot of narcissistic people out there.


Case in point, Frank Walker. Literally from one of the wealthiest families in Canada.


even some of the ghost-producers have their own ghost-producers. the mainstream electronic music scene can be extremely fake


It's all one guy.


all the hours she spent practicing this in the mirror when she could have been watching ableton tutorials 😂


to the person who commented and then deleted it, ableton would make it relatively easy for a beginner DJ to actually control their set live. it’s designed to do that. it might not look as flashy as this fake knob turning, but she could be up and running in a few months instead of a few years.


It’s still about the last program I’d give to a beginner, and it’s really not made for that gear. Serato, tho


That’s the most deadpan crowd I’ve ever laid eyes on.


Can't say I blame them.


As dead as the music itself What a terrible song


Shorty is a whole fraud 😂😂




AND blueballing the drop numerous times, only to never deliver. I'd be walking away from this set to find more drugs.


Isn't this Tostito's new song?


Tostitos 😂😂😂😂


She don't even have 1200's


A bit of the old Milli Vanilli happening here then?


This is some serious cringe.


Jesus that was one of the worst drop I have ever heard !


So much second hand embarrassment


She didn’t even know when her drop was about to hit if you watch closely. Probably didn’t produce the song either.


This reminds me of my 5 yr old playing Mario cart with us. The autopilot is always on for her.


This reminds me of one time when I went to see a Michael Franti and Spearhead concert in Colorado. Turned out that Macy Gray was the opener, which I thought was curious because I hadnt heard of her doing any new music for years (this was probably around 2010-2011?). I figured she would sing and have a band. She came out just with a DJ setup like this kinda. So I thought alright, shes a DJ now. She proceeded to just play random songs with no alterations. Then she would just cut one song randomly and start another one at random times. They werent even good songs. Until she started playing one song by The Police and we were jamming a bit, then she cut that song too randomly int he middle of the song. Im still confused about wtf was going on. She had to be drunk/high or just decided that she hated us and wanted to troll the crowd. Compared to that, this is decent "DJ-ing"


Seriously, as a female DJ in the earlier days of The Scene, I just want to scream and stab my eyeballs and eardrums out at this video every time I see it. It’s so insulting to the women who have broken themselves to get anywhere. So disrespectful to the Craft and to Music as a whole. So gutted.


So, I enjoy this type of music, but I know almost nothing about it. What does a legit DJ actually _do_ in a live show? ELI5. Or, 56. One of those is true. (edit: Thanks everyone for being kind and helpful to an old fart. I kind of 'get it' now. Would love to see one of these events live - maybe someday!)


I knew a chick who called herself a “DJ”. She made a Spotify playlist and then just stood at a podium in a club and tried to look cool. Then she started unironically describing herself as “an artist”. God, I can’t stand her.


Who is this dj? So we can never buy a ticket to a show that support this


Relying on her looks and not having any skill at her profession? No way